Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1893, p. 8

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, ' - < c v " ; r - 3. r * " * * >*- v\ _ resolution WM pwart- the board and on motion is a prospect. on ac­ cost of the World's Fair being held in ClhiBigO that the McHenrv ./(Jounty Agrt I Society will not hold an exposi-' tiotttte comiDH; season; therefore. lixmolrt'L That said Agricultural Hockey shall relinquish none of their rigbtol to lease of grounds belonging to McHeary County should they decide to hold no exposition the coming fall of 1883. L.T. HOY. Sap. Beck moved that vouchers, county orders and jury certificates that have been checked up and cancelled by the committee to settle with the treasure? be barned in the presnoe of the Boards Motion carried. . Sop. Hoy moved that the chairman of, the board and the clerk be authorized to mil the board together as soon as noti«, lied by the bridge committee that they , are ready to report on the bridge being built at or near Barreville acroril Fox River, Motion carried. Sup. Thompson moved that the special committees, members of the Board of Supervisors and clerk be allowed their vsnal per diem and mileage. Motion carried. • Sup. Granger moved that the Board do BOW adjourn to meet at the call of the clerk. Motion carried. - Alii DEALitk IN The beat brands pf Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos always on hand. V GEO. B. RIC HARDS, Chairman. ATTEST--WM. AVERT, Clerk. * W. C. T: U. DEPARTWirWT L > -THE C. T. U., will meet with Mrs. Colby, Jan. 12th at 2:80 o'clock. ;.-.v Mas. L. E. BENNETT, Pres. . W. COLBY, Secy. Oaretnlly compounded. West McHenry, 01., 189S. Marrying' to Reform Him llev. Bam Jones tells a story of some 70ung girls down in a Georgia village who married all the dissipated young men, "just to reform them." The girls are now, says Mr. Jones, wippoorwill . widows, and their husbands fill drank* ards' graves. "Marrying men to reform them," says the Sun, "has never bee# a successful enterprise on the part of women. Girls are worth too much un­ married to sacrifice their lives to beat sense into the head of any man on God's footstool. Such a man does not wean as easily as a calf. He will go home only to •aber up, and then not till the other , places are closed. A girl will marry such a man, hoping that the next year he will be better; but the next year; he will be worse. There are sober boys enough for ifl the girls; and there is no need for marrying a drunkard, and the girl who does so will deserve all the unhappiness she marries." ;.j mm Great Price Reductions will be made on all warm winter goods, consisting in part «f Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Underwear, Hoods, Mittens, Robes, Horse Blankets, etc., as we are fully determine to sell the bulk of above goods daring December. SIMON STOFFKL. v BOOKS! BOOKS 1 ; • Only 5 cents. Good standard works for «ale at J. A. Story's, for 5 cents a book, •f Among them will be found works br iHckens, Collins, Mrs. Henry iGeorge Eliot and many others. r ' ' . ,, WANTED.--Salesmen, Local andTrav • Idling, to represent our well known house. v I f ^ou need no capital to represent a firm < ' - that warrants nursery stock first-class ' ' and true to name. Work all the year. $100 per month to the right man. Ap- £ ,v ply Qaick, state age. L. L. May & Co- Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. • Paul, Minn. * This house is responsible. 9-8w jr Drags. Medicines. Oils, Varnishes TOILET ARTICLES. THE PINEST LINK OF USPS West McHenry, lit. wm . as prices trom cents £# ^ Pure Wines and Liquors, and ^find Purler for Medical Uin^ a BEST FBEST - Physicians's Give toe a call' GEO. W. BESLEY IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ALbABOUT THE WORLD'S FAIR And to be KEPT POSTED in regard to the same from now until next December you ahould subscribe for THE WORLD'S FAIR for the NEXT TWELTE MONTHS will toe of absorbing interest to everybody, and TF.E INTER OCEAN intends making A SPECIAL FEATURE OF IT. A corps of STAFF REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and the readers of The "Weekly Inter Ocean will in each issue have a synopsis of all happenings and features of interest on the grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations. m .MIBS' DEPARTMENT, WOMAN'S KINGDOM. CURIOSITY SHOP, THE HOSE. FARM AND FARMERS, and all - LITERARY FEATURES WILL BE MAINTAINED AND I1PB0VM. Owing to the fact of the change in the political character of the National Administration, NEWS FROM THE POLITICAL WORLD will be of unusual interest. THIS WILL BE FOUND COMPLETE IN THE INTER OCEAN. In fact, it is the intention to keep The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the Home, And make it such a •visitor as will be enjoyed by EVERY MEMBER OP THE 3PAMILT, young and old. To make THE FAPEJI BETTER THAN EVER Shall bo our endeavor. - He Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is - $1.00 Per Year The Price of The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is 12.00 Per fear Tba Weekly la published EVERT TUESDAY. The Semi-Weekly EVERT MONDAY and THURSDAY. Sand tor sample copy and see tor yourself. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago* •tECONOMT IS if ftm want to saye money and have good Bread use Pillibaxyfs| and Washburn's Beat XXXX Flour. ^"Nothing beats the Best. The abovo brands are never oat of season, and always in stock, at I THE ROLLER MILLS. Try a sack and yon will make ao, mfe-j take. Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the rest, f Bran and Middlings for Salt* * UH SAYj^i bring out son* that ar3ArTA CIMS SOAP We've ofiTuVf? ri^bt sraartaod tbeW^infolks sayjistas low as I kip frt itfurtry . wont pesfcr njtatak tfittiq a .t QU«^e@. 1 u * • i •*r . . • K.K -4 J COLD WAVE ^ ttW - ' r*ii Has come, and we have the seasonable gooda that we are bound to sell if low priccs will have anything to do with moving them« i OVERCOAT STOCK • • • lis vet reasonably complete, so you can suit and fit yourself right, and the price is "way dawn. In suits we can show you the best assortment to select from in town. ;:V'- and JttubberaK *Vv5 I We promise you for the year II We have the most complete line, as well as Boots and Shoes oi [every description, at correct prices, when in want of a pair uil|. Gloves and Mittens, Warm Caps, Coats* Lap Robes, Horse Blanketsf Ad •:4 Mi :\X • •Mr.:' w., r ̂ - ^ .'r'.ii A full stock of Groceries. Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Cdfrli Meal. As ever yours for business. The best selected stock ever offered by us. Our preeent trade I JOHN J. MILLER. will admit of our buying in large quantities, and our experience in' I- business will enable us to serve you better than ever before. fra "P* F°r instance, Mrs. Chaa. Rogers, of Iff " % i Bay City, Mich., aecidently spilled scald- iib ^ Ing water over her little boy. She r**'» « * I promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel r; i fealve, giving instant relief. It's a won- iderfolly good salve for burns, braises, f 4 I sores* ana a sure care for piles. Julia A. r' Story. k,r . is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia the oldest, largest and best- known factory in the world-- 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. Its products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated J as. Boss Filled Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can­ not be pulled off the case--the BOOTS'1 ̂SHOES. Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Mode in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEECO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer forthem, if he does not keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. For Sal® by SIMON STOFFEL, West HcHesry* CAN YOU ANSWER THE FOLLOWING In the affirmative: Have we used you well the past year? Have you bought your | goods as low as your neighbors that traded with us or elsewhera? IF SO i Can't you give us an increase of patronage this year. • • *=% tf • 0 . 1 ing is Believing. And a good lamp most be Ifmplef %fcen it jfe not simple it is 1 not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good--these' words mean much, but to see *f The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made-iri three pieces only,\ it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful kmp," for its mar­ velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for this stamp--THE ROCHESTER. IF the lamp dealer hasn't the genuine Rochester, and the stvle you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, Mid we will send you a lamt> safely by express--your choice of over a«000 I varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in ike world. ROCHESTER LinP CO., 43 Park Place, Raw Tack City. ̂"The Rochester." Ask your jeweler for pamphlet far tha Owl and Moan brand. v- ILLETHPS MAGIC PATENTS \, C»ve«ts, and Trade-Marks obtained, and *11 Pat~ i ient business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OFFICE1 [ and we can secure patent in lest time than thoaa remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or phot©., with descrip-1' tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free oi{ ^ charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.I OFF. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, O. C. J. R. SAYLOR & SONS, J. W. CBISTY <to SON. Eingwood, 111. • •' • • • JTUlilA A. 8TOBT, It wilt maka BETTER BREAD than you hava avar mada bafara. HOU BREAD generally mnns POOR YEAST fOOR YEAST always means POOR BREAD imH tar Hm Owl --a M I--, JU «»«r 8rwir» ' ITT'S VTondttM iksk Liiimini CURES iote Shoaldetn, Cut*, Kick*. Sore Backs, «cratcbe«, Barlicd Wire Cnt*, Bums and ttope Burns, (Juarlur ( ratk», Oroaso Uoel, Juittor, XliriiHli, and Canker. Tron BALK BY CU8 CARLSON, --DEALER Ml-- Harneit Suppl ies of all kinds ir' ;> MtWBMWx* , §tm DEALER IN;- •BKSBOBSS OV- Morgan:: Horses, Embrscing tbe «el«braled Geoeral Giflord, Qreeo Mountalii and Morrill | blood. STOCK FOR 8ALB. Stallloni and Fllllea. 6eod(or pcdl-1 grees. ESMX and Registered Poland China | ~SWINE.i= jlee Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkei OMB DOOR WEST OF ftlYKBSIDB HOUBK, EoBmrj,Hl, Drugs i Medicines! A FULL LINE OF Onus, Cheiicals. %e Slii, Paiiti, Oils &Cobn I ^ * Ndvcr paj in the long run, aud seldom in the ahort rna ,4-> -a.. * "•'* -'>k! 'm ' / MPETIT . "W Usiuaiy mat tore, and it is who is tbe m6st aggressive and rf ' er in " Wept McQenry, HL, 1S08. DKALCft ni FINE Fin I ALL Constkolly OU B&DD." Also I Patent Medicines. T< ge Use of )t Articles. With two stores, one on the West side and one cm the Em side, (MoHenry), they present to the buying pttblic Of all kinds of Furniture than ever before which offering at greatly KED0CE1D PXiJi MOW JS THE TIME raj IGulFe aluo kepp In strck' _ sample* of CARPETS, and yon anytittag from tb® ehetpaal 10 Ute finaH Brusseia fcarear prii other hooaa in thaSoouoiy. AMD A OOMPLBTB STOCK 09 ^TATIONEBY AND DBUGQIST3' SUND1 F hyiriclan* Preacrlpttona Choice Merino Sheep. lammoth Bronze Turkeys*. High Grade Jersey Cattle* I Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Phinna- .r'iL"™; Com'*,ld Tour patronage Is respectfully solicited. J.B. BAYLORS SONSI .^v West M»lieacy Ul« ~ 'fMsixi We bava taken gret.1 pallia tu selecting oar mmiusm SUPPLBS, CofBns Caskcu and Trimmings of ibe lat­ est designs. EvairjrthtQir new and gaol, We keap nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and aee us when In wact of anjtlUag la oar line, A Splendid Kew in oonnpNstlon. whlcb will be furaltlied at Reaaoaoble Rates. iiiJUSTEN B

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