Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1893, p. 1

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. ,1 :, My#!. • ' V&f'";'- I*? & t'- '•?'•*' % " V'y' ','f --' • ? V * ' / • * > - : " ' •f. "f/v\ i M Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law) No Favors Win u» and no '•« Shall VOL. 18, M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1893. NO. 27. g<g«rj fUMv. 9 'I: rt PimUIUD ITI1T WIDVUDIT n pf.VAN mjuYicjbr AIO Offloo inPekovaky'sBloek* / f , -|M doar South of UM -its e» rtz ""*w.w>fn <** nTTBS<i»»,I**SO«. ftit Year (In Acivaaee) IFKot Paid within 'f hreaMonths BaMeripttows JNwalvad tar tttM : iwtki i» the note proportto*. 100 ( Rateaot Advertising- We anaeimee Hb«r»l rates for advertlsta# « the Pi,AtRDKM.»R, Rttd ««d«»TO* tO State kern BO plainly that they will be readily un- §fBbOOu» XuOj «TS "S fcHo**! 1 Inch one year .v. - 500 {Inches one year Inches one year • fOolnmn one year Oolunm one year--. Oolnmi*. on« year / One Inch means the aMinncnt of one tHofa down the column, stasia oolnmn width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rate*. have •fee privilege of oh»n|riag as eften as they ehoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaningthose *••&§ Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f looal notloes at the rate of 5 cents per line nch week. All others will be charged 10 j^nts per 1 ine the first weekend 6 cents per . Transient advertisements will be charged it the rate of 10 oents P« uoe, (nonpareM type, same as this is set In) the first Issue, ana S cents perline for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost • 1.00 for week, 11.50 for two weeks. •*.<» «« « weeks, and so on. . The PLAIKDHALB* will l*llb?'JLUS1^1 editorial notices, but, as a business rule, » will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the UM of lie columns for peenewj gain. three BUSINESS OABDS. F. O. OOLBY, D. D. A. kETO't Woodstock. III. 8 ,1 atten. VDUM0V paid'to regulating chll^ren'steeth Kriim coming from a distance would do wei (n give thu«ly notice by mail. Offloe. Kendal, biook, corner Mam street and Public iquare1 O J.|HO W ABD, M. D. HY*iOIAN AND BURGEO . McHenry. 111. Office at resWence, one door weet of , A. Story's Drug Store 4 'A, MM. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler H odMdTw^Bty-rive State St Otai- tag . 11 . Special attention given to re. fairing use watches and Chronometers. STi T 11 aesortmeat of floodsli hlnHn AGENTS, local and trav. eting »i once, to sell Orna- neatai Shitu-o. Rosea, Trees and fruits- Experience unnecessary. Salary and "expenses pntd weekly. Perma­ nent positions. No security required, Must furnish references »s to good eharseter. OHAS U chase, ftocbasta.-.*. x» (Msntioa this paper.) » A7T£RTiuM : and Dairy It will pay thtt* looking for OKOICK COWS v!~' milkers or springers, to premises before purchasing. I can saeh by the ear load or single cow. POHTJEE H. WOLFP-UM, _ OHBMUJTO farm about tour miles northwest of Harvard tlllnois. * McHENRY (Med States War Cluii kim --or-- WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstock * - Illinois. FroeeeutesallelaasM#Ml "kinds of claims apataft the United States tor ex-Soldiers, sfieir wiuovm, Uoiaswvoa on' noire. A specialty is made In prosecuung ol£ and " eted ofalmt, 1 communications promptly answarod If Iosed foi Postage Stamps are end for reply. WM, 2L COWL1A Office Baslleaaa, Madison St., Vfoodstoca, Illinois, V, f, Barbian. J. J. Barbiaa TOIAK \ Excess Oo.'a iagtoa St. hh 1FMLST. LAW, ttuft A CASKY, AT LAW, Woodstock will receive prompt a*t O. r. TH| Sc Jeweler akshes and J«w- lal attention Give and traveling w Ton a««d warrants Milk TEEM BSALTMY sr ifMdll ary, 111. % rnumnmt. J4hmbat&. fit 0BI9TY * SON Rlagwopd, III, JS& ttv Ill f enry House, HENEY, ILL. IliiltlnV ka of tn BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DUUM XH FINE CIGARS, MbHENRY ILLINOIS, Being low pleasantly looated in our n»w •tore, foiiner y occupied by Althoff Bros , we are now prepared to offer to the smoking pub lie a fine line >>f Cirars of our own manutac. ture, together with Smoking and Chewing eco cf the best brands, Pipes « Specialty. i haMavai pattern • 0ALX»AKD SEE US. 9AMMU9 not r, XH.^, June M. 18M. NEAR THE DEPOT, ̂ 9TI»T BCoHEN BY, ILL Keep* opon for the acoommodatioa of Ma FuMio a rirst-Olass Sdjon and Eestanra&t, tflMpa be will at all times keep the boat •raadfl of Wines, Liquors and Cigars {to be found in the market. Also Agent For iIniAIfZ FALK* Bur. Ltgtt . la Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- Mjrtw b#iid, cheaper than any other, quail. ijreMttldersd, by mail promptly attended to. oooDiaTABLJifcrroR Ho&am. MrOURM^ee us. Robert Sohleeele. Waat XeBearr. ill. ' A. Bnglen's )AL005 IHUJKSIiDSiNT. MoMBNRY, ILLINOIS. Pine Kentucky liquors, Trench Bitten ̂ E^Heary Lager Beer, ft Snits -AND- J. SsUit! lilfaekee Bottle Beer, In mj quantity frenn Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as efeeap as the cheapest. W« buy none but the best an aell at Reasonable Prioea. mil and see me and I will well. ANTONY ENGL 1888* H. Miller & So: _ • ; _ -^•ALCKS IK- UARBLE 1 GRANITE, Bfovnme ata( Headstones X,a.i>lets» Etc, Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. Satis&etlra Guaranteed. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times can be tound a good assortment of finished work. -- Respectfully, Henry Miller A Son. FREE.-- Land in CaHftrnh Frss, p8""That can grow, if irrigated. Oranges, Grapes, or any fiuit in California that will grow by ir­ rigation. This land has no mar­ ket value without irrigation. « We will Plant the Trees Free. Take care and cultivate them for 5 years for balf the profit, pay the taxes, labor and other charges, will pav you back the first year after irrigation one-third qf your investment if you will help get irri­ gation. Price f 35 for* 5 month till $25 is paid. FREE DEED' to the land, no charges to you for taxes or labor or trees. Address California Land and Wat- r Exchange. 288 Mala St., Dayton, 0. y®ars,^ava blej|5per Wauconda Anti-Horee Thief , Associations OFVIOKKS. ABTHCS Ooos, Pres. EDOJLH GHKBV, See'y. J AS. MCRRAT, V. •* E E GILBBKT, Treae D1KSOTOB8. J F loser. Sdgar Green. rranalTtaornks. BIDBBS. Henry Werdea, B F Hnghes, Morris Ford, A J Raymond, JPrank Thomas. ° MBMBFRB. AOook. Mirtlr Morse AO Baogi...... Plutarch Houghton .. BE Gilbert Geo Dirrell ... E"' Hill 1 T Harris U r Hughes 8 H Harris ....... ..... J F Ronev E<1\% in Oook rrtnk Thomas :.Seth Turner W M Uiongb .. ..Slebbma Kord I A Nimsfcey K F Johnston . ...Warren Poweia ...... ...Geo Bates Bd^ar Green A J ttaymond .. Geo Pratt Moses Beach. . James Hurray J O MeOabe a, Ira Smith. Delos Amae Geo Jones .. T Bacon .... Rl Paddock. MO Smith.. Mot Ford. Henry Werden J»s Monaghan, Jt J E Glvnoh Robert Ha r soa ... John Hpencer. ... O W Dunklee .. .. Charles I»avlin...., ... ...Michael biaven ... Gus Staxon Gelding Bros i.* V Sloftum WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage In a permanent, most healthy and pleasunt OUM. ness, that returns a profit for every «iav s work. Such is the business we offer the working class. Wc teach them how to make money rapidly, and Sarantee everv one who follows our instructions^ thfully the making of 8300.00 a month. Every one who takes hold now and works will sorely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no question about it; others now at work are doing it, and you, reader, can do the same. This is the best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a frave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. ( you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous Irasisess, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, -- do as we tell you, and suc­ cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who wore for us are rewarded. Why not write to day for fnU particulars, free ? E. c. ALLKM * CO . Box Ms. 490, Augusta, Ma. / MISS MYRTLE BRILL. Teacher ot Piano and Organs Visits Mc Henry every week, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and Is prepared to tahe scholars at any time Terms reasonable and satisfaction gnaranteed Can be seen at Parker House on any of above named PENSIONS! The Disability Bllllls a Law. Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled* Dependent widows and pare«te tnr de" pendent whote sons died from t^e eflests of army rerrices are included If yon wish your claim speedily and successfully prose­ cuted, addre«s TANNBR.^-1:;" •• vv v . • • ^ WASHINGTON . Lft'R'VlnitiinlMslAner of Pensioi.s. lies call and look over new goods pfflhinliig your Holiday Pres- Joan I. STOBY. Horsemen, took Here. 1 have a fine stock of H rses, among which are •'Young Green Moui. tain Morran," "Mor­ rill Charier." and ottiors. OalI and see these Horse* before making arrangements else, where. N. S COLBY. MeHenry. Itl.. May 10. lf»2. Uf A MTCfl Wide awake workers every. ' EU where for "Stepp'j Photo, sraph® of the World," the gren»e*t book oa uTIPBu'G "G-t!!!!. S!«X\00<>, rctai! for iSH HtI r i\ *'5 25- °*f>h or in«!aliments; mam uuul * M moth illus rated circulars and terms free; daily output over 1500 volume*. Agents wild wit success. Sir, Thomas L. &HPHOTOGRAPflSH!«» Wooster, O.. in 40 minutes; Uev, J. How­ ard adixon, I>yon« N, V., #10i 7 hours: a ^"srio*„;,,™,rm°Br«l.0F THE wftRi.Tl on credit Freight paid Address " *» "11*1 ULOBU BIBLB PDBI.TSHINO O , 723 nheetnut St, Phila,, Pa, or a <8 oearborn St„ Chicago. 16*36. ACME BLACKING is cfaaffcr at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A UTTLE GOES A LONG WAYS bemuse shoes once blackened with It can be kept dean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because what they spend for Biacking they save io shoe leather. It is the cheapest blacking considering its quality, and*yet wt want to sell it cheaper if it can be done. We will pay $10,00.0 Rewanl for a recipe that will enable ns to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a pricc that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. This ofler iaopen until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOJuFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia Old furniture painted with PI K-RON (this is the name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. One coat will do it A child can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to yow fancies. All j^Mfiisijell it. V i T H E C H A N C E OF YOUR LIFE! S P G O I A I ^ SALE JOHN P. SMITH. At the " Little Store Around the Corner,"- Hae a fine line oi Gold and Silver Watches now in stock, and ieing desirous of turning them into cash in the shortest possible time, in order to fill in with hia Holi­ day tftock, will Bell you a • Gold or Silver Watch Cheaper than the Cheapest. GOLD FILLED CASES Al&oit Dim Awty. If you -want a VV atch do not fail to call, as I can suit you both in style atid price, and warrant theia to be just as represented. Call a,nd See Me, i Also a fine stock of Clocks, Jewelry! And in fact everything usually kept in a first class jewelry store, which will be sold cheap for cash P SMITH. McHenry, Sept. 37,1892. GENTS. Call in and see the sample Clothes from the Royal Tailors of Chicago, first class in every respect. Good goods, lowest prices. A fit warranted or no sale. Ed 1 Lawlus, in front oi ftivenid* Hotel, ty»- ' Bmrj» Ul» BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Proceeding* of the Special December . Vesting, 1802. The honorable Board o! Supervisors of McHenry County met in the special ses­ sion in the court house in Woodstock on Monday, Dec. 5th, 1«W2. Meeting called to order by the clerk. The chairman being absent, Sap. Hoy was elected as chairman pro tem, Tne following members answered to tbeir names at roll call:--Sups, Araory Barber, C. P. Wright, S. K. Bartholomew, R. J. Seek, F. P. Axtell, W. H Groesbeck, Wm. Desmond, G. B. Richards, F. E. Stephens, John Weltzen, L T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, Geo. McCOEESII, P. K. Grasgsr, J. H. Grwv, W, P. Thompson, B. Stephens, G. W. Conn. The serai-annual report of the circuit clerk, sheriff and county clerk were read and referred to the Committee on Fees and Salaries. The report of the treasurer was read to the Committee on Finance. The quarterly report of the county superintendent of schools was referred to the Committee on Education. The bond of J. B. Perry as county col­ lector and treasurer was referred .to the Committee on Finance. Report of the grand jury was read to the board and on motion was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, to-wit. WOODSTOCK, III., Sept. 30,1892. We, the grand jury of McHenry County for the September term of 1892, submit the following report: We found the rooms all in good shape as regards cli nnlinpnn nnrt vMitiUWon Prisoners in jail admit that they have plenty to eat aud that is good, also that the sheriff is kind to them. We, the grand jury, would emphatically recommend the following improvements or changes to be made: That an iron grate door be placed at the south end of the entrance of the hall in addition to the wooden door already there, also with transom oyer same door with grates, this change to be made for better security of prisoner?; also that the southwest window of the dining room be taken out and a sash door with transom over same be put in its^place for convenience of sheriff and family and to prevent the necessity of passing in jail hall and in sight of prison­ ers, as it is not a fit place tor ladies to pass when we have a lot ot toughs in there. Just take this home for your wife or daughter to pass there and see how you would like it. Also with the hall fixed as it is now parties can go ia with bar, saw or revolver and hand to prisoners. Also that a soft steel par­ tition be placed in addition to the hard steel enclosure or partition already there for the better security of prisoners confined within, prisoners kaving broken through the hard steel enclosure.. ......D.M.WILLIAMS,) T. P. MARSHALL, [Committee. G. H. ST. JOHN, J * - Fb&nk ROWE, Foreman. CLAYTON GOODSKLL, Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS! McHenry County, / I, W. P. Morse, clerk of the circuit oonrtand ex-office recorder in and for Maid county, in th* aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing instruments to which this certficate is attrched is a full, true, complete and perfect copy of the report of the graud jury for the September term, A D., 1892, as appears from the original on file in my office In witness wherof 1 have here­ unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court at Woodstock, this 28th day of October, A. D., 1892. : i W. I\ MOUSE, Clerk. jsEAL.: By W. C. Elchelberger. Dept Sup. Granger moved that the Board xdjnarn until to-morrow at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. •- TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 6. Board met pursuant to adjournment Members all present except Sup. Bar­ tholomew. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. The cOiBOiittes on elections presented the following report which was read to the Board and motion made to adopt the same, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Super vino re: Your committee to whom was referred expense of election in the different precincts of Mcllenr> »Jounty, beg leave to submit the follow­ ing report on matters before theui: We have carefully examined and compared the bills of expense as received from each precinct and would recommend that the same be allowed, as follows: Ei ley $61 80 Greenwood..$fi0 20 Marengo, 1... 60 70 Hebron 60 70 Marengo, 2... 60 70 McHenry, 1.. 60 70 Dunham 61 00 McHenry, 2.. 60 70 Chemung, 1.. 60 7o Nunda, 1 60 70 Chemung,2... 60 70 Nunda, 2:... 60 30 Alden 60 70 Burton 60 20 Hartlaod 60 20 Richmond ... 61 10 Seneca..., 60 10 Algonquin 1 61 10 Coral 60 70 Algonquin 2. 60 50 Grafton 6'> 70 Dorr, 1 54 60 ------ Dorr, 2 64 60 Total....fl,444.10 All of which is respectfully submitted. S. K. BARTHOLOMEW, Chairman. Sup. Granger moved as an amendment that fifteen dollars be allowed and add ed to the 2d election district of McHenry for the reason that the large vote cast t >ok the officers a longer time than the smaller precincts, thereby taking three days' time to get through with the count The ayes and nayes being called for re­ sulted as follows: Ayes--Sups. Desmond, Hoy, Clark, Granger, Gracy and Thomp­ son--6; nays--Sups. Barber. Beck, Ax­ tell, Groeet<eck, F. E. Stevens, Weltzien, Conn, McConnell, A. B. Stevens--9. Amendment lost. Original motion car­ ried. The Committee on Finance presented their report as follow*, which was read and on motion was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlmen of _ the Board of Superviors: Your committee to whom was referred the collector's bond filed by the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the following re­ port on matters before them: That we have examined said bond and the names of the persons signed thereto, that we find the bond to be good, regular and safe bond for the amount therein set forth, and we would recommend that said bond be accepted and approved by the Board. ^ . . All of which is respectfully submitted. F. E. STEVENS, Chairman. The Commintee on Poor Farm present­ ed the following report which was adopt­ ed. to-wit: WOODSTOCK, III., Dec 5,1892 To the boacarabbBoardofSaperriaors: Yoar committee would beg leave taaafer mit the following report: Committee met at poor farm Dec. 1, 1892, for the purpose of invoicing stock. The follow­ ing is the result of the meeting: I span ni at mare. 100 00 13 « FARM STOCKS 7 B-yrold holfersti50 oo I 3 yr old celt.. 3S-;rotd bulla.. >o0o is Ahoats » cows 37S 00 1 6 y r oM mars... 75 00 I sticking o.*lt.... 95 00 I span ntulos .... 900 00 75 00 ....... 104 Wj 9 ftt hojrs 10! 4 fat bog* 4 fni. bogs «5 55' 0 70 0C Total... U.M5 95 FAKM PRODUCTS. 940 ba potatoes.|I8000(60 bu corn d * u turnip*. ... 180|Corn fo<l<lar •3 bu beets ilk) 1»»", pork 40 lb* lard 40 lbs batter..... 4auba Ourn...... 75|St*p.k sunw... M0(i 45 tons Bay .... 4W>1550 mi oats..... 19 oc S3Ovi Total........ VAKIL IHFLXMIIM, 2setdhl harueas.tlo tOi-ipade............. 1 OG Pair bobs W 00 5 corn koivaa..... J ec DM shoval plow. 210 Brace and blt..>. 1 Oti single ehvl plow 2 00iBucksaw 5c 8 stirring plows.. 13iW,Axe....... ..... 5b &<l>ags 800 I'oet «attl....,.wA*..: 75 Scorn plows. 98 00 .uger 75 Self binder lOOOif Urub hoa......... 5t Mower WOuiron bar ........ 1 io tiay raHca.. 50u i^og ob^in 1 u0 noru piantar .... 9S«uj»quar«, loo Buy knife 1 SJ0 iioes ICv Hey th an<! snath. ltt>:i forks leti *00 PniTerli*r: fGOo SlW'f.i cutie., power 110 bu iuu|"pnug wagon.... 50to 15 Luinoer »ngoa.. SvuO tttMl.Truck w tgon.... 25 0U We recommend thatthe circuit cha* pay the enm of f18 87 to the count All of which is reepectfullj W. B. (T ROESBECK, R GEO. MrroxNELL BA&FTTFFENT F F AXTELL, R J BECK. Committee on education made the fotv lowing report, which was read to the Board and on < to-wit: Mr. Chairman trad Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of BUp- erintendtent of schools would b«g leave to on motion was adopted ' «r* i tioree blankets.. W ire stretcher.. Peek measura... 3et of scales Hammer 18 grain bags 6 pt-rk barrels,... UriQi. alone 8 scoop shove's.. 2 bamRhova'S...., ftu SOU «Mu 175 I0L. as 2 ti^y racks '$ manure fo~ks,.. tlay tork, rope... 2cpadlng iorks.. SOU 75 10 150 Total (538 1U OROOBBIKS. 300lbs toon 91000,0* bbls •alt.w,... ltt lbs oorn meal. 132|ID lbs craokeri... 95 5i>].!0 KAI syrup. I 7 £ ^ O ;I : v:i;ogar.... bs lea • *••• 39lbs saler&tus... IU OOXED LUNCHES 3 lbs smok'g tob.. ID lbs chew'g tob. 40 Iba rice 35 iba ouckw't llr U Ibt sugar. 236 1 0 67 400 400 76 75 to g»i k«roa^aa. t6 or H)iii4 15 pails .... 53 tons coal ; 3 oorus wood... . Total..... nouasBou) ruBKiTtnui 150 too 60, 8 Gv 4 40 3 tJ SMI «5«« WWI M52 51 bedsteads 5 beutioks... coratorters .. 41 bUnaets 43 paiows s< piiiow oases.. tit •lieets ctiantbera ri mirrors.. .... llBittlUlS 3 ourcnus 4 uoiieoS tiucuatr*. uffiue desk - tabie " cnalrs..... tracking obatra t*i tin cups. ^4 lib p»as. •i aish yans...... jiilk u*a mrainer pall i milk sets, 1 ,i ilk tank, ..$900 00 .. 40 0b .. 54 25 .. 5U .. 83 76 .. 8 71 .. 995o .. 7du .. 10 .. 8 .. M 95 M ft) 9 MS « t" Floor matting... 8 U buttar piaKM. t inuru ft i »ugir oows..v S - mi k pitchers.. S 19 bow s It J4«oup plates... 9 u " uinnes... S i •' tureens, 1 Bread plate .... S t buttvr uiahes.. i 4 syrup cups.... i y wasu bo wis A pitchers it i lanterns, ? 4 I »ru cans It 7 haiiKiuit lamps S " bi'MoEet lamps 1 Han>l Uuip ... .' ] Mutcuer knife.. 1 &> teaopOOOa .... 1 45 tauiecpuons... If 4 aiuuer tables.. 3 Uango & ltxiure 115 16 b^eins 3i caiiiienjplates cups, s'ra. t pia.ters .... ia deep dishes.,. 44 pie plates...,. 23 sauce plates.. i pauiooas atep ladder Wash'g in*chlne anives, forks. 9 ball 180 S3f 9 1 S S 19a 60 1 10 2SU 450 i ueatiug a(oV4M ^ uuiiur etuves.. I'air UanpcuC*.. Muir luutt rubber hose er ua<r clippers 1 cuopuloroa. ... 4 waah tubd... . J " iMMttdS... 3 jars Towels, towelfe Total BBOAF1T ULATlOM. Farm prodoou. #tii2 urocories .... 4a0 tlouseboidgoods *st eirand tutai. a: arm dtook ...1184525 arm ucpiem'o 536 iu #4107 Oi Your committee would recommend that i\. 8. ItoOD be reappointed aeriapur- iiitendent for the couiiug year, comuien- ciug January 1,18U3, a,t the salary oi $1,050 per year, lie to furnish his own adp same ae last year. We would fur­ ther recommend that Dr. E, V. Anderson oe retained at* medical attendant at the poor larni and auyium at $2.50 per ?isit aud he bo furnish medicine. All of which is respectfully submitted. (I. W. VJo«N, Chairman. The committee on fees and salaries presented the following report, which was road and on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on fees and salaries, to whom was refer­ red the report oi the sheriff, would beg leave to submit the following report on Che matters belore them: Sheriff's fees, suits in court, sched­ ule "A" #225 55 .Miscellaneous ear. schedule "Jtt".. 888 58 Total r#559 13 Receipt® for services for half yr...f122 8b Sheriffs salary for half yr 6oo 00 Less amount ree'd lor services.... 122 83 Balancc due sheriff. ..$477 17 We recommend that an order be drawn on the treasurer tor $477 17 in favor of the sheriff. Your committee to whom was referred the accounts of the county clerk and the records of his office would beg le*ve to submit the following report: We have examined the same and find them cor­ rect. We find the amount of fees received irom June 1,1892, to Dec. 5, 1892, a* per fee book register, exhibit' A," $754,- 55; amount of fees earned, due and un­ paid from June 1, 1892, to Dec. 5,1892, $340.58; amount of earnings as per ex- tiibit "B," from June 1, 1892 to Dec. 5, 1892, $2,313 85; total, $3,414 98; lese amount of previous earnings included, $143 30; earnings for half year, $3,271.- (>8; salary for half year, $750; clerk hire $700; total, $1,450; fees received for hall year, $751 55; balance due clerk, $695.45. We recommend that an order oe drawn on the treasurer for $695.45 in favor of the county clerk. Your committee to whom was referred the records and accounts of the circuit clerk would beg leave to report as fol­ lows: Earned Rec'd For recording.'. ......$813 45 $813 45 Clerk's fees,suitsine'rt 515 90 Totalearningshalfyr$3053 80 ^ , Receipts during current half yr . for services performed »n pre- ; v ^ ' vious half years heretofore reported not received." 3™ Total receipts ..$1205 98 Clerk hire 500 00 Miscellaneous «... 13 70 Clerk's salary for half year 750 00 Total $1263 70 For the year ending Dec 5,1892. Earned Rec'd Arat for recording 1814 35 1814 35 Amt for clerks tees 1239 45 551 20 Aint previously earned ^ Total $8053 8ft * Total expense lor yr.... 28 45* j Total clerk hire for yr.. 1000 0€| , *s| /? 4? "H Total clerk's salary 15001 Total expenses $2528 4t Balance due county 18 81 Ma*! Total. .....2S47aa 2647 aa mm: v\V<r."! -;'v: •" t A submit the following report on the tors before them: We have ext the said report, find it correct and omTIPcn>rl paid in full, viz: • For 60 days visitation at $4 $240 00 For 13 days office work at 4.;.... 6S (K/ For 5 days examination at 4... SifrQO1? For 60 daja expense schcwdrk'% 60 Total $37200" ^All of which fs respectfully sobmittedLr W. P. THOMPSON, Chairman, f W. H. GROESSECS, G. W, toN*, -•> JOHN WELT^EIS, A HAUBUU , The committee to settle with the treijt^ urer presented the following repor^«MU|>,< was read and on motion^t: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of Board of Supervisors: Your committer to settle with the county treasurer1 beg leave to submit the following 1 on the matters before them. That,'^jNf have examined the various books ac ­ counts and vouchers and find the samaf&->* correct, showintr as follows: Total receipts all eonreefe. .$65,501 0#^ uisbursmenis 54,«GG ^ ^ % fi4kr. Balance on hand We also submit the treasurer'* aearii cuiuual teporc showing official fM5 iw- oeived and ilitibursmente made dunng cne last half year: •• Total earaings ....'.......^93 37 ulerk nirv 50 0C| -; t'obtagt; aud express................... 5 00 i'reasui-er s salary lor yesM"- 750 0!| Total expenses............. .$805 50% We would further reeomaiend that the treasurer tt salary of $750, clerk hire of *50 aud postage aud wxprees $5.50 b* • tMUd. •. J"""- All of which is respectfully submitted^ J. II. UKACY, Chut. ti. A. diEVEMsI" JOHN W £l.TZIUN, ti. E. CLAMK. The comuiictee1 on claims prooented Uie loilowiug report, wlucU was mud and on uiuuou adopted, to,wit: Mr. Cualiuiau aud Gentlemen of the. Board ot Supervisors: Your committee ou claims would Oog leave to report Waft . they nave examiued all aec« »uute preuMBt- od to tnem, aud recommend sue went of Uiu loilowiug aud t&attbe ctarfc ' be directed to isaue orders on the oounty treasurer to the claimants lor the aeiveeat : amounts allowed, as loltowa: rtf. E. Wire, ottice expenses M.$14 80 <Vm. Avery, postage, telegraph.... 23 8$-' F. E. Arnold, wk iu co cleras ottiw 45 00 «V alsU &, VV nitUetou cir courteum 3 00 insane aajiu ui 5i. Xt| _ Asad Udell, jailer aud jauitor and deliveriug prisoner .300 00 WoodstocK oeutiuei Co. printing ballots, blanks, etc........ 224 30 Asad Udell, dieting Dill...... ...237 OO' Asylum lor leeble minded children 15 00 : J ¥au 81y Re, prm ting for cir clerk 4 50 •>toue & llart, uidse to (sheriff 12 oO J. A. Dutield, put) official ballot.... IO Ot| U. F. Uenich pub proceed's & bal.. 35 A. F. Field, coal aud oil 24 _ li. 8. Auetin, mdse 30 80 £>taiford & Zoia, letteiing ct house 14 50 Ira J ayue witleeo people vs ivabon 2 50 Bert bteiieck, same 2 50 i\ J. Kelahau, same A. J. Doig, same lieo. tthuieidt, same. A, Nixbouer, same....................... C. E. Ehlert, same. A. Kelahau, same...... .............. John Lroeger, wit lese peo|»h» »» Litchwaik & lldlti Laie tteuthuseu, same... U. T. Eldredgt;, wit lees Wpls vm Jas. CouiisKy 11. F. Fuller, name J ohu Dermout, same. d, tiilbert, J. P. costs same. E. Rector, fees people Vf Jlufiauy.. N. A. Clark, saute .1, L. iSeuger, same Al, D. Roach, same VV. Desmond, committee lees L. Beutbusen, wit fees people vs Smith D.Skiuner witleespeoplevsUiowa ti. Shuleldt, some t*. F. I'etutMMt^otfice supphett«.... TotaL J.-- fil«# l&> BILLS PAID. R. J. Beck 1 day com wk 4 miL....$ 8 70^ u. 1\ Hoy, same 8 001 ; Fettibohe & Co. blauks, etc 118 50 Sentinel Oo. ptg blauks <&.uottces« 4 95 W Desuioud 2 days work & mile... 5 70 R. J. Beck, 3 days same 12 00 F. K4 Urauger. 4 days same. 14 80 L. T Hoy, 3 days same tlosp'l Criui?l lusaue J. Leonard. 3 42 , John J. Donuelly 6.1 days F. F. Petty boue & Co bill sua#?. , J. A. Dulieid bill {taper for po«tr farm (f 7.50) aud publishing protttediugs P. F. Petty bone & Co suntiries.... A. F. Field, coal L. Benthusen, bailiff................. vVm. Koach, bailiff...» John Hibbard, bailiff... D. W. Hewitt, bailiff.... A. Diggins, bailiff Ueo. A. Ogle, county map J. Donnelly, Sr.,street labor....... Total 92 All of which is respectfully submitted. •. K. J. Beck, Chairman. f. E STEVBNS. F. K. GBANOBS. , P. W KltlHT. GKO. MCuONMW^. Sup. Desmond moved as an amend-- ment that the McHenry Oountf i emt and Des Volksbkitt be aUowed tia sum of til'teen dollars each tot print the official ballot, instead of |en as allowed by the claim conimitta»v beiug taken, resulted in tM^apgatirei,*' Origiual motiou to adopted OMRBil. The following resolutions were pmnfe> ed and read to the board and on > adopted, to-wit: Jieisolvmi, That each of - ere that published the fall „ t _ . voted at the last election be allowed tfc» sum of ten dollars lor no doing, aad that the clerk be dim'ted to draw on the county treasurer for At when said facts of publication al established by the affidavit of the entitled to the same. : 'VV^^PMKANIMI m &ast Ana) 6181 #7 50 28 95 419 28 12 50 12 00

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