Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1893, p. 5

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- •"kv'i&'Zii '• STM. MAMSP-- tp Rii^wood, at ffa home erf the bride's parents, on the evening of Kuuda Department. January 4th, by iter: H Slade, VnHird ith and Carrie C. Ladd WEDNESDAY 11, 1898. *BsklBff effect on *unday, NOT, 6th, Trains pass this station aa follows: WIN KOBTH. •William# Bay Freight paaaea. *| »k« PaaMBgar " .. •Lake tinneva Paaaaagsr " .. •Lake Geneva Expreaa H . . •Lake Geneva Faaaenger •• .. 001*0 BOUTS. 638 P.M. X ' • Passenger Depart -like Geneva Express " Villiams Bay freight «• •ake Geneva Passenger " UTUHATKW. * Daily except SunJay. . T U A .1L .....S-M •• ifloiMswi MeHewrr. Ill Li MASON 10. McftBmtT LODGK, NO. 168 A F. and A. E- tegular Oommiftaicatlina the aeoond ud fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. ORISTT. W. M. Mc H E N R Y~0 H A P T BeIjTd. "* ©R!>PS Or XHB EASTERN STAB. Begular Meetings the First and Third Wed. wewjay evenings of each month, at Maeoale JULIA A. f> TORT, Worthy Matron, VAST I WENT WORTH. Secretary. CIRCUIT COURT is in session at Wood- k this week, Judge Kellum presiding, W. OWEN was looking 'round the Other morning for the fool killer. We wonder what he wanted of him? • V:F LET'S all take a sleigh ride" Friday wining out to Amos Whiting's to the Uttiversaltlt Sociftl. Happy and content is a home with "The Ro­ chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. Cataiogues,write RochecterLampCo^NewYork. As we go to press we are being treated an old fashioned snow storm. Where Is that fellow who predicted an open iter? • THE Universalis! Society wilt have an evening social at Amos Whiting's, on Friday eyening of this week. Both old young are invited, . F. BOLEY, of the McHenry Brewery, filling his Ice Hoases this week with the finest Ice ever pot ap in this village. It is from 18 to 20 inches thick. E learn that there will 1M a grand Masquerade Ball, at Heimer's New Hall, McHenry House, on the evening of Feb 13th. Tickets and bills be issued in a . dt*«- ; •„ . THE French Coach hofoe, company here, which we noticed last week as being sick with lock-jav, died at t&e stable of E% Wheeler ok^lSriday morning last. * FOUND, near R. Bishop;* Mill, in this tillage, a Horse Blanket, Which the owner can have bj calling at the Mill, proving property and paying for thin notice. SEE the new advertisement of yi|y just received at J. A. Story'fc &tr Stock in that line is always most com­ plete and much larger than is generally found in small towns. NEW advertisements can be found to our paper this week for Simon Stoffel ant! John Evarmon & Co., West Me Henry and Heman Bros., McHenry. Bead them 11. inwiftirii, ^ e.dfy the early part of this HARRY HOLMES made a visit to Chi­ cago the first of the A. FISCHER, of Kenosha* is visiting with friends here this week. Miss KATIE BRADY, of Chicago, was the guest of Miss Ella Erwin last week. WILLIE ERWIN, of Chicago, sprat last week with his parents south of this vil­ lage. Q. L. HUBBARD aad wile, of Nunda, were visiting with friends here on Sunday last. * « MRS, DR. FEGERS, returned from Har­ vard on Monday, where she has been the past week taking care of a sick brother. DR. 0. J. HOWARD and wife returned on Saturday from a two weeks visit with friends in Elgin, Chicago and Waukegan. P. SMITH, the Jeweler, had the mis- rtune to drop a heavy stick of wood n his foot one day last week, and walks h a cane in consequence F. E. HOLMES, the genial editor of the Richmond Gazette, was a pleasant, caller on Saturday. He reports everything looking tip in that lively little burg. MISS0ORA BESLEY returned to Genoa, HL, where she is teaching, on Saturday last. She has been enjoying a two week* vacation with friends here and at Wau- kegan. ^FRANK PARKER, of the National Honse, Elgin, is the Happiest matt in that city, ft- a boy, weigh® eight pounds and was born on the 5th. Frank says: "Only * pounds, but Ob my!" B ELLA , KITTLE, Teacher of the Side School, has been detained at home, in Moreland, 111., the past two ;B, by sickness. Her pupils and many ds h@re"hopetosee her at her poet again soon. THE Chautauqua Circle will meet witbj Miss Florence Searlss, Thursday evening. Jan. 12, at 8 o'clock. A good program will be prepared, and an interesting time is anticipated. Let there be a large attendance. Miss JULIA A. STOUT, President, Miss AMYU OWKK. secretary. IK response to an invitation given by ' the Columbian Club, of Woodstock, Miss Julia A. Story attended their last meeting and read her ̂ paper upon "Italian Art and the Old Masters." She reports a ry pleasant and cordial reception. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pileber, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Saturd ay of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Chi ids and Norton, opposite the aid Parker ^ House place. t L;» IN another column can be fosnd the ^ .Prospectus oi the Chicago Inter , the best newspaper, without question, in -I Chicago. Its departments are varied, ; its market reports the latest and best, | and it is sound on all the public questions of the day. It is the Daily paper of the *w*at. SAID a most socceesfui business man to us the other day, "when business is in­ clined to be slack just after the holidays, I always double my advertising. W hile the other fellows are laying low, I work off my stock and make room for spring goods. I have practical this method tor years and always with euecess." f J. E. BASSETT, an old and highly re­ spected citizen of this town died at his ' lenee, on the Woodstock road, on day morning last. He has been out of health for the past year, and con­ sequently his death was not unexpected. Hie funeral was held on Tuesday after­ noon, and was attanOp ! by a large oon- Sbrse oi neighbors and friends. _ arrangements for the grand Mas- de Ball, to be held at Columbia .... Algonquin, on the 27th insf., are •' favorably, and those who *^ti&Bd can rest assured of a good time. This bail is one of the finest in t he county ; and with Slocom's Orchestra to furnish HMIsie this is sure to be the party of aiiison. «m:- ---- -- . . fiiB new Columbus stamps are negin- t'g to appear, though our local offices £ not be supplied with them for some They show Columbus as he is ipi osed to have appeared when discov- Hog land. The principal objection to thaw ia that they are larger than tht old gpnes and require at lea*t a third more 5<$va to moisten ti»m, n<^*o spssk of ' ear an# tear of tongue. I gifatest game being flayed on farm L, is the telegt- m racket. A manjdrives o a farmer < in grt at haute and gives \i n a telegraJQi announcing the serious • j # ot SOSM? relative. On the face of Vav ops the charges are marked |3 ? • «r charges are paid and the i-r train tor tbe boroa Slhe ldl Md I-"** o» ta *ntni "GEORcr- 0." 2:21%, is now registered under both the trotting and pacing roles, he being the only horse in Illinois or Wisconsin known to us with two numbers. His owner George W. Owen, of this place, should feel proud of him, he being a greet producer, having sired 5 colts to get records below 2:30 and 2 below 2:20% and 3 below 2:23, from marcs of no known blood. Who can best ijfc ? THE Richmond G&rMt# «&ys: "The Richmond Driving Park Association will give the horsemen of t.h»* ipity ail the sport tUey want this iwtnmer. It is pla nned to have one matin'5? «c;ch month, and if sufficient support is received others may be sand witched ill1 between. It is also proposed to open several colt stakes. Watch these columns for further particulars." THE year 1893 comes in on Sunday; Lent begins Feb. 15th and ends with Easter tSunday, April 2d; Washington's birthday, Feb. 22, is on Wednesday; 8t.- P&triek's day, March lfth, on Friday; 4th of Jnly on Tuesday; labor day, Monday Sept. 4 th: Christinas, Dec. 25, on Monday. Tl>«re will be eclipses of the sun, one April 10th, and the other Oct. 9th, neithsr visabte to tills portion of the earth. A PRETTY girl asked a yoang doctor the other day why women was made from the rib of man in preiorence to any other bone, and this is. what that wise young man answered: "She was not taken from the uead, least sh< should rule him; nor ffom bis feet, least he abonld trample on her, but. the was taken from bis side, that she rjight be his equal; from under his arm that he might protect her, and from near his heart, that he might cherish and love _ y. Saw* SitoPPSL, the #tdA-awakd Gen­ era J Merchant, on the west side, has con­ tracted for two fall columns in the PLAIDDEALER for 1893, in which he will tell his many customer! of the bargains he will offer from week to week in the different departments of his store. He recognizee the fact that liberal advertis­ ing pays, and his large and constantly increasing trade is fall evidence that his ccofids$ce in the PLAIUDEALER as an ad­ vertising medium is not misplaced. Bead his new advertisement this week and be sure and watch his space every week during the year. SO Per C#* Discount Sale. Wewttlgi ve ix fiscoutit of 20 per cent frowowr low «'"ish price, on our entire linajot Cnderwf, r, Caps and Blankets. . ' JOHN 1. STORY, Riverside Block. AN exchange thus Dascribes the work of a cyclone: "It turned a well wrong side ont in the state of Mississippi; turn­ ed a cellar upside down in Wisconsin; moved a township line in Nebraska; blew all the staves out of a whiskey bar­ rel in Iowa and left nothing but the bung bole; changed the day of the week in Ohio; killed an honest Indian agent in the far west; blew the hair of a baldhead- ed road in Texas; killed a truthful lawyer in Illinois; blew the mortgage off a farm ia Minnesota; scared a red-headed woman in Michigan; blew the cracks out of a fence in Dakota, and took all the wind out of & political orator in Maine. THE real power of a newspaper to draw trade to it own town, or direct the trade in c aer channels can hardly be estimated; *nd what is more, it is a matter that k hnxdly ever even consider­ ed as an important factor in the town's prosperity, for the simple reason that it is not thought of by business men. He who will give the matter a moment of un­ biassed thought will be the last man to pot h! pooh! the idea. The local paper that is receiving a good living patronage from the town in which it is published, will guard well the interests of that town with jealous care, just the name as the intsrasts of his It seldom falls to our lot to attend a pleasanter party than that which joined the above mentioned bans in happy wedlock. It was made a very enjoyable occasion to all who were present (mostly family relations,) and abundance oi hearty cheer was had, aad many expres­ sions of good-will, and congratulations of tender regard greeted the happy pair who were now starting out to make their entrance upon life in their new re­ lations. Mr. Ladd and wife were seem­ ing at their best. Among the pleasant rememberances in a more substantial way, were the numerous gifts of a gener­ ous character of which the rarties were made recipients. Refreshments were bountifully provided, and every one seemed willing to do their part in making way with calre and coffee, and other di­ gestible fixings. Time passed rapidly, and long before the little wee hours, the friends were ready to disperse with their earnest "good-bye" and cordial wishes for the couple that the occasion might prove one of the most precious mile-stones upon the whole journey of their lives. The brid/>grooiri was( pleased to show us the plans of a house which he proposes to build in the early spring, when the chosen bride will succeed to the "Manor born," as Queen of the Manse. It seems that he waited to first catch the bird ere ha should procure the cage. H. S. / As will be seen by a dissolution notice to be found in another colutrmj the firm of Story & McOmber, in tfie hardware business, on the west side, has been dis­ solved, F. L. McOmber having purchased <r.he interest of his partner, and will here­ after run the business at the old stand. Mr. McOmber is one of our brightest young business men, straightforward <*uu reliable in every particular, and with a push and energy that will be sure to keep the business up to its present high standard. He has a large stock of goods with a trade established that is second to none in this section, and with hosts of friends, no young man' has a brighter business prospect before him. Look out for his new advertisement in these col-, urnns next week. scrutiny of the ne# Columbian half dollar reveals on the collar sur­ rounding the head of the famous discov­ erer, a small but well defined letter "B." Ry the aid of a microscope, or even a small magnifying glass it is easily distin­ guishable, and after it has been once lo­ cated by the aid of the glass can be plain­ ly discerned by the naked eye. The letter is very small and is located on the extreme edge of the collar, almost over and slightly to the left of the letter "B" in the word "Columbian." It is exactly similar in size and design to the letters placed on silver dollars to designate the mint at which they are .coined. Jnst what the "B" on the Columbus coin is intended for is not known. MCHENRY POST, G. A. R., at their regular meeting, Thursday evening, Jan 5th, installed the following officers for the^muintc year, John I. Story acting as mustering officer: H. C. Mead, Com­ mander; Antone Weber, S. V. Command­ er; Geo. Rothermel, J. V. Commander; L. E. Bennett, Adjutant; C. S. Howard, Quarter Master; Chas. Fegers, M. D., Surgeon; David Parker, Chaplain; Jerry Smith, Officer of the day; Wm. Schreiner, Officer of the Guard; W. H. Harrison, Sergeant Major; R. Thompson, Q. M. Sergeant. After the installation services Oysters were served and a very enjoyable time was hg>t by all. THE annual meeting of the McHenry County Trotting Horse Breeders Asso­ ciation was held at Richmond last Sat­ urday, the attendance of members and horsemen being large and much interest being shown. The officers of 1892 were re-elected aafol owe: President ......^«..„..E. S. Johonnott Secretary R. W. Overton Treasurer G. W. Eldredge . It was voted to open eight stakes as follows: For foals of 1893. For foals of 1892. For foals of 1891. For foals of 1890. For foals of 1889. For 2:40 class. For 3 minute class. Futurity stake. Entry blanks will be issued in a few days, when the PLAINDEALER will be able to give further particulars. G. W. Owen, E. W. Howe and Geo. Harness, of McHenry attended the meeting. No. 1, No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. IO Per Cent Discount On onr entire stock of Gents', Ladies' and Children's Boors and Shoes. Also oar entire line of Rubber Goods. JOHN I. STORY, Riverside Block. THE McHenry County Teachers' meet­ ing will be held at Harvard, 111., Jan. 13 and 14,1893: PROGRAM--FRIDAY EVENING. Lecture--The Silent asters Prof. J. H. Brownlee SATURDAY MORNING. Music Expression in Reading and Speaking Prof. J. fi. Brownlee Language in Primary Grades Miss Belle Kimball Discussion AFTERNOON. Music Literature iu our Schools J. R. Kellegg Involution and Evolution, T. Huntington Poor Results in our School Room and some of their Remedies....C. Hart W. E. WIRE, County Supt. Dr the past few years Hood's Sarsapa- rilla Calendar has beeomesnch a favorite that the people anticipate its annual ap­ pearance with pleasure. The Calendar for '93, which is now before us, will fully satisfy every inspection as to beauty and utility. It is a little larger than ever before and bears a beautiful picture of the "Young Discoverers" with a pad below in plain figures, all printed in harmonious and pleasing colors. Get a copy of yonr druggist or send 6 cents in stamps to C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Cold weather still continues. Sleighing poor, but more snow*oomfng. Too late in the season for a good cutter trade. Ice cutting is* in progress at Crystal Lake. About 140 hands are employed at the present time. Ice 16 inches thick. L. Benthusen moved into bis house on Williams street last week. A T. Wingate has moved into the Benthusen cottage. Dr. Ballou was reported very little better Saturday evening. TVm. Johr.stGu. of tuns city, is serving as juror in U. S. District court, Northern District of Illinois. Miss Annie Andrus visited the World's Fair city on Saturday last. L. H. Rice, of Aurora, formerly clerk in T. H. Rowland's drug store, made his friends her» a short visit JFriday night. Miss Mary St. Clair, who has been vis­ iting her sinter at, Irving Park, returned home on Saturday evening. A few of our young people spent Satur­ day eyening at H, Bryant's pleasant home in tMfe country. Bert Wamsley spent a few days last week in the city. There will)» o WofQat>'s Relief Corps organised soon at'Woodsock. J. J. Miller and wife are visiting friends in Revenswood. R. Philp spent last Wednesday la Chi­ cago. C. W. Seeley wait in Wauconda the first of the week. F. Wtnecoupe, of Elgiti, visited L. A. Werden the first of the week. The new officers of Post 226, and W. R. C. 22, were installed Tuesday eveuing. S. C. Paul returned to his home in Texas on Monday last. Z. H. Osmun has improved his store and now has one of the finest in town. Clara and Nettie Grimes, of Elgin, spent Sunday with their cousin, Suoie Bryant. Three carloads of cattle were shipped from this station Monday, January 9. W. I. O. O. What does it mean? The W. I. 0. 0. Club, of Nunda. will itivea banquet to the young ladies of Nunda, Saturday evening, Jan 21. Cold weather continues. It was 14 degrees below zezo Tuesday morning. ALGONQUIN. Fred Diricks bad a fine team, harness and milk wagon stolen from his farm, 2 miles east of town, on Monday night of last week, and the have got no track of thein at this writing. Wm. Morton and wife, of (!lgin, visited with friends here last weqlk ' Mrs. E. Bignlow, of Chlbago, was the guest of H. Phillips last week. Mrs. S A. B'reuch, of Chicago, was the guest of Mrs. H. Phillips last week. Mrs. D. W. Thomas visited with friends at Nunda on Monday of this week. The Sternard Musical Comedy Co. gave entertaiuirients at Columbia Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings last to fair houses, and their entertainments gave good satisfaction. The bills and tickets are ont for the grand masquerade ball, to be given at Columbia Hall, on Friday eve,, Jan. 27. W. P.Thompson and Henry Zange filled their ice houses last week. Dr. Nason has been attending Mr. Wenholz: of Carpentersville, lately. Rev. Steffan, who has been seriously pick for a few weeks, is now fast recover­ ing and hopes to be able to resume his duties in another week. G- L. BeckJey, $f Nunda, was calling on comrades here on Saturday last. Geo. Pyott has rented E. Van der ane's photograph gallery here and is now ready for business. Died, January 4, 1893, Naomia G. wife of the late Robert Phillips. Mrs. Phillips was born in New Jersey in 1806. They came to Algonquin in 1847. Th« funeral services were held at the Congregational church on Thursday of last week, con­ ducted by M Hull, of Chicago. The re­ mains were interred in our cemetery. Mrs. Phillips leaves three sons and one daughter. Willet and Howard of Algon­ quin, Dr. Phillips, of Cape May, N. J., aud Mrs. A B 3ears, of Dexter, Mich. The family have the sympathy of their many friends. The Illinois Condencery CO. are exca­ vating foundation for the extra 80 feet to be added to their first plan. The ground is frozen so hard that they have to use blasting powder to break it. The areholdi 'g protracted meetings ut the Free Methodist aburch, F. Fish. Pastor. v The Kother'a Nursery Gtaide. The January number of the Mother'a Nursery Guide contains an article on the care of the child's scalp and hair, by Dr. G. T. Jackson, in which great Stress is laid on the importance of giving early attention to this matter. "Some Com­ mon Speech Depots in Children" are treated bv Dr. J. Collins, and Dr. E. S. Brown discusses the question whether we can forcast the mental and bodily facul­ ties of a child. Equally instructive are the other departments of the Nursery Guide--t%Baby's Wardrobe," the "Kiu- dergarten-at-Home Stories" and the ' Nursery Problems" in which the medi­ cal editor stives advice as to "Possible Causes of Rash," "Dancing Lessons," "A Dietary Dilemma," etc. The mothers themselves contribute entertaining let­ ters to the "Parliament." $2.00 a year single copies free on application to the BABYHOOD PUBLISHING CO., 5 Beekman St., New York. VAXXSi TA3CBS1 / 'The undersigned, Collector ot Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 23d, 1893, be at at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Mondays--At the store of Lay A Ad­ ams, in the village of Johnsbnrg. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy &, Son, in the village of Ringwood, Thursdays--At the store of John J. Miller, West McHenry. = . - . Saturdays--At the store of Berry & Owen, McHenry, Aii peiwuB imviug Taxes to pay should call at one of the above named places at as early a day as possible. JOHN H. FRKUND, Collector. stylish garments, for and Childrens' wear. Ovsr 200 new, Ladies, Misses am Consisting of Jackets, Saques, Cape coats, Newmarkets, etc., just received and now on sale. See our elegant styles, colors and trimmings. Prices way down to satisfy calamity howlers. Only at SIMON STOFFEL'S. PRICES OF FLOUR. Wikave jupt receieved another car of Chicks Famous Uockford Flour, which we fully warrant and delivered free any where in the village at the following prices: Chick's best Patent $120 Chick's Ultimatium Patent- 1 20 rhick's half patent 1 15 Chick's roller straight 1 15 Chick's new process 95 Chick's honest Abe 90 Chick's rival*. 90 Corn Meal, Rye flour, Buckwheat, Gra­ ham, Oil meal, erc. Our $1.20 flour is warranted superior to Pillsbury's. Give jfpjftorder to Simon Stoffel. <3 INVITATIONS 1 If you desire to send any call at J. A. Story's aad get some of the beautiful in­ vitation cards. Latest styles and de­ signs. Men's Felt Slippers, lined with red flan­ nel, 60 cents. Ladies' heavy grain shoes a few pairs 6, 7, 8, $ 1 per pair. It is a regular f 2 shoe. ^ JOHN EVANSON & Co. Evanson's announcement in this weeks "ad" should insoire buyers to invest. The largest stock of Overcoats in town at J. J. Miller's. Piles ol peopl ̂have piles, butDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. J alia A.Story. __________ ONLY TEN CENTS A BOX. A quire of fine paper and a package of envelopes for only 10 cents a box at J; A. Story's Drag Store. Please note Evanson's haif price sale, Saturday* and Monday, Jan. 14, and 16. FOR SALE, My house and seven acres of Ian*, sit­ uated near the corporation line, in the village of McHenry. Good house, a small barn, good well of water, and a de­ sirable location. For further particu­ lars inquire on the premises. NICK WINKELS. McHenry, Jan. 2,1893. 26m3. DO YOU KNOW That J nil a A. Story-has just rsoelved the most, complete and beautiful assort­ ment of Box Paper ever brought to the town ? Call and examine. Don't look to us for cut throat baits, but buy them, and them only where you are positive von find them, and come to us for fair honest dealing. J. W. CRISTY & SON., Ringwood.. Mr. Wm. T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at Richland, Neb., was confined to his bed last winter with a severe attack of lumbago; but athorou»rh application of Chamberlains Pain Bairn enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. Price says: "The Remedy cannot be recom­ mended too highly." Let anyone troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia or !ame back give it a trial and they will be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles For sale by G. W. Besley, W McHenry; I. A. Barms, Volo; L. M. Fenne, Wau­ conda. Ladie's Felt lined shoes Plain Felt or Foxed, 75 cents, at son's. I' van- Tablets! New assortment just received at J. k. Story's Drug Store. DON'T BE A CLAM. Give praise to the town you live in and also to the paper you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you buy. Men's Cassimere suits only $4 50 Men's pants $1 25 to 5 00 Geuts nobby check suits.... 6 00 to 8 0o Fine dress shirts 50 to 1 25 Boys suits 100 to 4 00 -Knee pants 20 to 100 Roys % wool waists 25 Boys school shoes 1 35 Mens shoes 1 00 to 3 00 Lots of new goods every week at Bed Rock Prices. En. LAWLUS. In front of the Riverside Hotel. Headache is the direct result ofindfges- tion and stomach disorders. Remedy this by using De Witt's Little Earl.v Risers, and your headache disappears. The favorite little pills everywhere. Jnliu \. Story. The wind from the North blows sharp and keen, and bad effects of colds are seen. One Minute Cough Cure so safe and sure, will quickly perform a wonderous cure. Julia A. Stow. FARM FOR RENT. A good Dairy Farm, within one mile of Depot and Butter Factory, for Rent. With or without stock and machinery, to suit parties. For further particulars inquire of H. C. MEAD, West McHenry, IU., Dep. 19,1892. *24 tf Chamberlin & Co., Des Moines, Ion a, desire to inform the public that they are manufacturers of the most successful preparation that has yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loos­ en and relieve a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. The anicle referred to is Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy. It is a medicine that has won fame and popularity on its merits and one that can always be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be aporeciat- ed. It is put up in 2^cent, 50 cent and $1 bottles.' For sa» by G. W. Besley, West Mc Henry. I. A. Barrus, Volo. L. N. Fenne, Wauconda. Great Price Reductions will be made on all warm winter goods, consisting in part of Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns Hosiery, Underwear, Hoods, Mittens, Robes, Horse. Blankets, etc., as we are fully determine to sell the bulk of above goods during December. SIMON STOFFEL. BOOKS! BOOKS! « Only 5 cents Good standard works for sale at J. A. Story's,for 5 cents a book. Among them ^ will be found works by Dickens, Collins, Mrs. Henry Wood, George Eliot and many others. WANTED.--Salesmen, Local and Trav­ eling, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock first-class and true to name. Work all the year. $100 per month to the right man. Ap­ ply quick, state age. L. L. May & Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paui, Mian. Thk house is responsible. 9-8w For instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bay City, Mich., accidently spilled scald­ ing water over her little boy. She promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, giving instant relief. It's a won­ derfully good salve for bnrns, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. Julia A. Story. WANTED! Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and orna­ mentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and seeure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. Business Notices. Buy a stove of Story & McOmber and get a % life size crayon portrait of your­ self FREE. The largest and best assortment of Men's and Boy's Suits in town at J. J: MUler,s. One hundred and fifteen pairs of Bed Blankets, from 90 cents to per pair at John I. Story's. GENTS. If you want yonr clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do yon a splendid ioh. Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet temper, all result*from the use of De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous ittle pills. Julia A. S tory. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Our Shoe Stock was never more com- {>lete. Ladies' and Children's Shoes rom 35 cents to $3. Men's and Boy's from $1 to $4.50 at John 1. Story's. Hrve you seen the line of Overcoats at J. J. Miller's? He will give yon the best goods for the least money. One half dozen Silver Plated Teaspoons given away with every pound can of the Yale Baking Powder, at John I. Story's. PIANOS TO'RENT. Six Upright Pianos to Rent from now Until Jane 1st, at half price. Inquire of 0. W. OWEN. * r - ? • WE WILL GIVE • SOOTont Corn Wanted! At the Highest Market Price. W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry, IU. . We will offer you every inducement to trade with us as we are in position to increase our trade and are bound to do it if honest methods will do it. J. W. CftisTR & SON., Ringwood. Small in size, great in result: De Witt's Little early Risers. Best Pills for Con­ stipation, beet for Sick Headache, best for Soar Stomach. They never gripe. Julia A. Story. Success is every thing depends largely upon good health, ue Witt's Li trie Early Risers are little health producing pills. See the point? Then take an "Early Riser." Julia A; Story. Nothing so distressing as a hacking Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al­ lowed to continue. One Minute Cough gives immediate relief. Julia A. Story. 1893 is to be our banner year. Can't I»ou help us to make it so? We have some Wiuter goods that you can buy of us cheaper than you ever thought of. J. W. CRISTY & SON., Ringwood. «. FOR SALE. Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale. 1 breed none but the best. Inquire of FRANK COLE, 20-3m Spring Grove, 1U. FOR SALE. House'and one acre of land, in this vil­ lage. House contains teu rooms. There is a good barn, an abundance of small fruit. Is pleasautly located and will be sold cheap. Inquire of. O. W. OWEN. Mc Henry, Nov. 22d, 1892. PRICES THAT WILL CL038 Out at once our entire large stock of itylish aud reliable ladies', misses' and children's Cloaks and Jackets, regardless of first cost or future profits. Come early as we mean business. SIMON STOFFEL. Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr. 0. D. Cone, a prominent attorney ofbar­ ker, Dakota, who says: "I never leave home witnout taking a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhwa Remedy with me, and on many occasions have ran with it to the relief of some suf­ ferer and have never known it to fail. For sale by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry; 1. A. Barrus, Volo; L. M. Fenne, Wau­ conda, druggists. WARM GOODS TALK. Before you take cold walk right into the undersigneds place of business aud look over those stacks of new, stylish ladies' misses' and children's Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Saques, Newmarkets, in nil sizes. The mosr< fashionable colors and cuts, at the most agreeable prices, Our stock of Overco-its, Clothing, Flan; nels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, Shawls, Footwear, etc., is first class in both style and assortment. Those in need of good Uuderwear should give us a timely call and save money and a bad cold. Don't be backward in com­ ing forward to trade with SIMON STOFFEL. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED* PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who iB agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks 1 his books all the time. iSSp-s • I -m <p • • - - * SiH 1 ' * FARMS bOH RENT; One hundred and twenty acres, a mile and a half east of Richmoud. Good house and barn. Stanchions for 22 head of cattle. Also 255 acres quarter mUe south of Richmond. First class buildings, and 42 milch cows left on the place. Farms will be rented on shares or for cash, to suit tenants. Splendid water supply on each place. For further par­ ticulars apply to or address 16tt MICHAEL GREELEY. Richmond, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT. A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also house containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once.' Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, Oct. 17.1892. « D'PRICES MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Perry & G6norai mercnanis. McHENMY, ILL. ' 1 * si ' vA" ' ' 7 -% - t • Dr. Price's Contains No Ammonia, No Alum, Or any other Adulterant. The only Pure Cremm ot Tartar Baking PowdCR Its Purity Has never fagn Questioned. Years the Standard. HoflH PKRRYAOWKN, Bankara. MCHENRY, - - SILLINOIS. This Bank rawfea yptpQ*it*> bmm and sellt lbreign cmd Domsstfr Jfe* chanffe, and doea a General Banking Basinets, We endeavor to do otf «*» trusted to our care tn a manner tmd upon te.fns entirety *ati*factory to ©ur customer* and rmpectfaUty solicit* public patronage MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other ptrtt 40otfrt(y Special attention given i to tot * ' Jn JNrU Class LouMMt Bates. Ttart t if 4s5- «r«ftTA«Y

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