Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1893, p. 8

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v" ; m mA .. tllMiMM «Md«T tiM ftfcOT* h«*<l (fished by tb« Lftdles of th# W.C T. U Ktltor «i«lm6 BO part or credit for UM n*OhftrmofLlft. ^ Hiwewea thousand things In the loriito afflict and sadden, bnt how I'QHHHf that are beautiful and good. The WWld teems with beauty, with object* 4l»t gladden the eye and warm the heart. .. Ifb Might be happy if we would. There •t# Bis we cannot escape--the approach ot dfaMMw and death, or misfortune, the Sundering o! earthly ties, and the canker- worm of grief--but a vast majority of tAweriis that beset ns tnfght be avoided. \lfco curse of intemperance, interwoven Wis with all ligament* of society, is one Which never strikes but to destroy. **There is not one bright page on the tfecord of its progress, nothing to shield It from the heartiest execration of the Ktoe. It should not exist--it must not. Do away with all this; let wars come to •n end, and let friendship, purity and kindness mark the intercourse between man and man. We are too selfish, as if the world was made for us alone. How Miuch happier should we be, were we to ;.. tebor more earnestly to promote each Other's good 1 God has blessed us with borne that is not dark. There is SOB* 4hine everywhere--in the sky, upon the ? earth; there would be in most hearts il would look arosfid as. DOWN THEY GO! the line. iiiij^minn|priii If! NOTHING SPECI41 IN THIS ̂ NNOUIVCEMBOT EXCEPT THE FACf That we have made a Sweeping Reduction In our prices on all kinds of D*rGdftas; t makes more Bread* It makes better Bread. It makes whiter Bread Than any other Flour. Also Groceries, Hllsbury's Best at lowest market price. * ashburn's best $1.10. A choice Fancy Patent at $1 05. Trj a sack of any of the grades mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the best results your money will be cheerfully refunded; DR. And ask the people of McHenry and vicinity to call and stock, which is always complete, and get ©ur prices* r ; . . Yours, ; •••••&* JOHN I. MoHenry, 111. 1893! --WILL BE AT- RIVERSIDE HOUSE, MCHENRY SaturdF^ lirch 11, 1393. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURiM* 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT --IVY DIRECT fl THIS $65 FACTURERS* FOR $35 M' ntRIOKT MID WITHIN BOO MILES OF CHICAGO. Frames In S*1td Oafe, or WalsoS covered in Mohair Crntktd P1b.Ii (any color). banded with Slife Plash to match; all b\x pieces have spring edge (soft edge) and are well made throughout Consists of I, sofa, 1 patent rocker, 1. easy chair, I divan and 2 parlor chairs. We manufacture all Soods in this line and foarantee ttwm. We pack and pay the freight within 600 miles of Chicago" lot tor sale by furniture dealers as price is too low. Established twenty years. liefer to any Ulitii' United 8tatea. Send six cents for sample of plush. •cnMrmn-Bi BX3DSTSAB OO.f jjAPlSOH AND CENTER AVE., CHICAGO. ILU To CLOSE ©uf PRESENT - - STOCK - - "Seeing Is Believing. FRUTH, C: hate Smrffeon in the Provident Medical JtijW ... 9ary of New York now President of the : fYuth Medical Institute, chartered tia long experience in the largest hospitals the world enables him to treat all CHKOWTC BBVOUS, SKIK AND BLOOD diseases upon the test scientific principles. V DB FBIJTH has no superior in diagnosing . ^ jand treating diseases and deformities. He Trill glva |60 for any case he cannot tell the • ^disease and where located! in five minutes, V Medical and surgical diseases, acu.e and chronic Oatarrah, diseases of the Eye, Ear, ' Noee, Th*nat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Bright's disease. Diabetes, Kidney', Liver. Bladder, lOhronlc Female and Sexual Diseases ereediiy cored by treatment that hie never 1 ailed in tboaniHii of cases that ha<t been pronounced ; beyond hope. Many people meet death every fear who might have been restored to perfeot ealth bad they placed their cases in the ' hands of experts. OB, FBDTH has attained the most wonder- Kl success in the treatment of rases to which devotes special attention, and after years • of experience, has perfected the most infalli ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner- voas DeWllty, Premature Decline of the Man- v |y Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair* ; <ea Memory. Mental Anxiety. Absence of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney '*>ns if consulted before Idiocy, Insanity Falling Fits or Total Impotency result from /- •TOOTHFUL ERBORH, theawfui effect which blight the most radiant hopes, untl' ing pati-. enttor basinet , study, society or marriage, W annually sweeping to an untimely grave !.«thousands of young men rf exilfd talent and brilliant lutellect. PILES CUBED with- ont pain, knife eatery, EPILEPSY positive, tf ly cured by our new and never failing hospi­ tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of theb'ine. cbetticalund microscopical, in all cases of Kidney Diseases, Brigbt's Disease, Diabetes and Sperinatorrhae. Bring epoei- sens, • WOXDEBF0L CUBES perfected in 'all cases that have been neglected or unsklll- • fully treated. No experiments or failures ite-t--'^ We undertake no incurable cases, but care r thousands given up to die Remember the 1 date and eome early as his rooms are always crowded Cases and conrespondence csnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direct, ions tor use, bat personal consultation pre­ferred. DR. D. O. FRUTH. •31132 Liko Aven^a, Chl&aeo. And a good lamp most be simple; when it is not simple it is • not good. Simple, BeautifulGood--these \ words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only,* it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar­ velous light is purer and brighter than gas lights softer than electric light and more cheerful thaiTeither. IX»k for this stamp--THE ROCHESTER. If the lamp dealer hasn't the genlM Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue. Land we will send you a larno safely bv express--your eC over jLOOO I-varieties from the Largest Lamp Store tit the IVorld. ttOCIIESTER LAS? CO., 42 Park Place, R«» Toik Otty. ̂"The Rochester#" We a.x*e now ottering ALL low Felt Rubbers, 60c. WM. BACON. NATIONAL TRTRFNI; to now sntorlng 1st 11 year of plienonjpnal success. So oih«r bimly weekly in the country h lirawMi, and nminUiiiieil 11 no itatdllT. It etH-s into every County fn the United Statas, aa4 tuut clulia of •ub*cribers at nearly every PostofBc*. It line sained ibl* proud position solely on Its msrtli 3iA»,SS'i»!w make Successor to E. M. Owen ft Bon, DEALKR IM Dg purchased the busincoa and good will of the firm of E M "b 8on in the Asrrietiltarftl fiasiness, 1 am sow prepared to farmers and others with machinery of ail kind*, of the best and at prices to suit the times ."teS" i proud posi ; -' as » bicUly-lnterestiuc family uewipcpe: f»r tljeUwr 189): be made much better and mors attnMM Uuua ever. While reunning all of Its present popUM, Jkaturee, ft will constantly add u«w ooas. ITS RpnMy •WWW, by Tbos. Vsat, tkm Alt PIC artist. "W W &n HMfORT, by men wko actually ssmC HI>d inuitht in the etruggla. S UOUT ST«»KIK* of Romaitoe, Travel, pn<* and A'I venture, by leading writ*™. WASHIXOTOM HEWS. Full acooiiola at what is taking- place at the seat of Govennosni Careful reports of all important matters in ConffreV and tl>* Kxecutlve nepartments; gossip about pobUs H«V«KBOL9 BEPiKTMMT. UM to a Irnly of National reputation. O. A. W. B. AMD a. OP •. NBWB-more full and complete than published by any .atkM paper. AHBH L'LTrMAI. DKPABTHHT, «M fully editwl by practical men. QKXBBAL HEWS, oarsfluiy aamUM. Ts* WATIOHAT. TRTsmrc Is strfeajr «sa paiSlssa. 4MMl tborongljly Ainerlcan. It bellevsa In tbe (restart ~ to tbtt gr@Ki«uit number of our people, and u>* Do You want a Carriage? n ̂ ̂i ft •A ' - i f < t-4i J5o you want a Road Cart ? r Do You want a Wagori P* ̂ 5 W." -i" DoTou w»n« and I will make it for yotjr tetoiiilff develiipnient of our Institutions--In National SUtlty and exalted loyaltjr. It rtalms to flye mors and bettor mattar (br the anas mto a week than any other publlnaUon. Ms e« . ' Hne that appear 1.1 u i» written for It, aud has -- f* tn •yadiwM •* ••««r-,laU asaticr. address-- ^ THE NATIQUAJU. TRIBUNE, v Vaffc Asm* ? WASHIIMTON, A. & I l^iall keep none bat the best go ids that tooiiejr tan can turely save jon money on anything ia my line**? .^ J, j ana By strict attention to bnsineM I shall hope to merit and reoeive a skar^f^blic r»|tronay». McHenry,11L. Feb. 14,188a. • f ! . m mim w All Competitors Acknowledge it as the Standa rd. For Sale by all the Leadino Merchants in town, and at The Roller Mills. ve your order at the Mill, we will do the rest. • CP Bran and Middlings for Safe. BXSfiCOP. Jim- ALL One Buckle Fell Rubbers, $1.00. ALL Two Buckle Felt Rubbers, $1.25. ;r«^: Should you. need any oft he above goods V°u will find these extremely low prices. 3 . CRISTY & SON. Eingwood, 111. GEO. W. BESLEY. DEALER nr DrugSi Medicines; Paintsf ' Oils, Varoishet, TOILET ARTICLES, FINEST LINE 01 LAMPS j| the county, as prices trom McHenry, III. 4 atk , , 60c^ftt« up. PUM.Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. WASH THEIR CLOTHES WITH pt:i- SOAR I - »S»« ~T J MADE ONLY BY CAGO. U:" "- ^^7 .V \ ^ \ - U - « - : '» 4' - i "?" ' • ri*' ,/ • & • > , •1 VrT ? > * '.Si 6 «• " - !• ~t- > rv . • S -k 15vt'4' •-- --Hir.1 , f * v- f l r -4 , ? ± f Having succeeded the firm of Story & McOmber 1 solicit a con- ; ' T ti nuance of your patronage, and assure you that the same fair deal- | ing that has won your trade will be continued, .and a constant y endeavor made to make it pleasant and profitable to deal with us. ^ •y/Z.r Blowing is not my forte. It doubtless often effects a Sale «>f goods, but I prefer to submit faots v^er than blu&ter, to the . people whose trade I seek. ^ Here are a few Coal and Wood Heating Stoves at Gost ' lor 30 days. ' -$' Coal Stoves and ranges at a reasonable profit for 365 dayfl - , <- , % ' "••iS * V. w| Building Hardware, Shelf Hardware/: Tinware, Agate and Granite Iron Walt. CUTLB&T AND SPORTING GOODS as cheap as can be sold. I shall make a specialty of jobbing in Tin and Shi Milk Cans, Eave Spouting ana all kinds of Dairy Suppli Repairing promptly attended to. F . L . M c O M B E R , West MoliiuT-, IU. www? Is not making leaders of some staple goods and selling them at cost or below, expecting to make it up on goods that you don't know the price of. I have marked my goods down the Very Lowest Cash Price, And will «ell y 1 • v > • GOOD GOODS AT A VERY 8MALE Margin above Wholesale Prices. '. .c . 4 I IWMSIIININIII 4". \ With my fast increasing trade I can afford to do this, a* the . ^ more goods I can sell the cheaper I can handle lliem* When ia ^ wantjr f good] in myl ta . ^ " fm Gall and get Prices. Thanking you for your past favors, and hoping for a continuance of your patronage I remain, Yours respectfully, West McHenry, 111., 1808. A.P: JULIA A. 8TOBT, DEALBB II Drugs I Medicines •-mm' The best bran always on hand. * of Cigars and Smoking and Clwwmg Tobaccos - Physicians's Prescriptions - Oarefnl^r compounded. €Kve me a caH* ,* %5 -GEO. W. BESLEY. ONK DOOR WE8T OF BlVKBglDK HOUSE,' VeHni7,lll, iDrims, Chemicaii D>e Stuffi, Faats, Oil!! &Colsn • .JwiwMlfev .* rJbJ&s *• Constantly on hand. Also a large line of * Putent Medicines. Toilet Articles* JUID • OOVPJLKTS STOCK O* ^TATIONEKY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhyisioian* Presoriptiona Carefully and accuratey i&npounded by a oist-, Xour patronage is respectfully solicited*

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