Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1893, p. 8

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PS 'v- •• - ^ ^177 vf ?••*?' ^ : f - .7#? t'SJ'- >-•s- & 3? 4 1 fr ', 1 ?' . •' " • n V. -V InucnnUM TRxtrnvrngtmem. foaugnrstioii extravaganoe to of. "We i>a.i<l $80 a day for our two rooms,H said one woman yesterday, "and oonld barely get enough to eat." "Why, my dear," answered her com­ panion, "we paid $100 a day and starved V --IlleraUy starved."--New York Time®. fA Question of Fanhion In London. „*<;« The great question of "to be or not to * be" in relation to turning up the trou­ sers, whether the weather is good or otherwise, will be decided before many weaks are past. When the London eea- V; son has well begun, tiiere will l>e no lack of decisive indications on this important point. It will probably be found that this curious little fashion has been oui* / lived.--London News. The southern strawberry crop is going to be very large this year, Louisiana ex­ perts say. The first crates of berries have already been sold. The acreage in strawberries in Louisiana this year is al­ most double that of 1892. For the first time in the history of Belgium, it is said, the principle of a monetary compensation for breach of promise of marriage has just been estab- - "hed* - •• When the rising generation gets hard pressed for instances of early fame thrust upon the contemporary young man it al­ ways has the governor of Massachusetts to fall back upon. p. ^JPMi THERE ISOTHING SPEOIAJ^ I> THIS ANNOUNOKMElVr EXCEPT THE FACT . Utat wrTtamriRaite a gwfeepWig Reduction In-eur j prices on all kinds of I Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries, And ask the people ot McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect oar stock, which is always complete, and get our prices* OUR STOCK To say that "his wife can't make as good bread as his Mother did. CILLETT'S Will give you the great advantage which his mother had, and besides, bread made with this yeast will help bring back his boyhood's digestion, ensuring his enjoyment * of the rest of your cooking also. 'ItH Magic Yeast at your Grocer's. It is always GOOD and always READY. Yours, MoHenry, til. 1803! JOHN l mm ygjifrA*?.y\ Is now complete, and prices on the ' same are VERT )10KVfMJMW«n (*» • 0: - "1^ King of McHenry and Lake Counties. Ha« the fastest record of any Ht&llion Jn Northern IUinoi* Has won more race* than any Stallion in McHenry •r Lake Co. Ant! ran jo a Jf, X, a mile or a race 3 in 5 faster than any oilier stallion in the two «oun»i«s He h"»s won 33 rices in 3 seasons. Started against and «taid in race with »torm, \lmont Bashaw, 2:1 K; won two races front Ethel B. 2:18J£; started 12 times in 1S92, won li races Below you will find a few that •rerecorded in year b ok As an individual BO horse can outshow him. As fine and as game a head as ever wore a b'idle Kind in aadont of harness; is no jumping jack when ipeedine. in fact never makes bdj- mistakes, *eis a natural pacer, and a race horse that soman can find fault with; good bone, and the !wst muscle'! horse I ever aaw O'Mor black; stands 15% hands high; weighs 1075 I vs. He was never hitched to a byke, and always hail a uriver that weighed 210 lbs. Micntght paced an exhibition mile at Mason city, Iowa list fall, in v!;U; last halt in 1;04; last quarter in 31 se onds. Match him against any paring or trotting stallion, mare or geUling In McHenry Connty. I also have in my barn a two-year old pacing fllv aired by Midnight, out of a common mare, skat I will show against any two-year old for points o speed, AH a proof that t e public like him, thirty dfiys trom the day I got him Dome 1 hooked 33 mares, I think Midnight's service fees 'ess than any h rse in the ~tate , .With * record of 2;l7?i, or any belter than 2;20 FEE. - - »20. t.T'00^ ,for 8J>«cil where speed has been fon Hi1 night will start th s fall to lower his rec- «rd, and those who have seen him in his races •ay that he will take a mark belter than 2;12 Bhkrimnq of Midnight, 2:17?^. -- Black borae, 15J£ hands high; fnaleo 1886; bred by R. B. Fooler, Sernia, III. Rtred by Nigger IJoy be by Plymouth Rock, 2:34, be bv Hill's Black Hawk, ludam Starlight, could pare in2;27,bv McKay horse, dam ot Midnight 2;l73£;2i dam nicer, by Pharaoh, paccr; sire Kic-hbail 2;12M, Sddam by Ethan Allen PMidnight will mike the seaion of 1893 at the ablesof the undersigned, at Nunda. ; H. B. THROOP; Nuoda, III, April, 18M. Jill ISdmpetit^rs Acknowledge it as the Standard. & it makes more Bread. | For Sale by all the Leading It .mains better Bread. I Merchartg in tow„ at It makes whiter Bread I Than any other Flour. | The Roller,Mills. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. ashburn'u best $1.10 A choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Try a sack of any of the gra ies mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the best results your'money will be cheerfully refunded. Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the rest. Bran and Middlings for Sale. S1SBOP. LOW. S H SHOES E S The Bascom Folder. The above ia a cat of oar new Folding Machines which can | now be seen at work in the PlaindealfrJM&ee. Our patrons, and those needing aufh a machine are invited to| call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily bandied, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The ma-hine was put in by the Bascom Folder f-o., of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five \ ears. If you need such a machine please] write the above company tor prices, discounts and terms, as they eell the machine on^themost favorable terms. Or write their Agenis| Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F. Garret, Syracuse, N, Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa ; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St. Paul; (xeoct&in& Son, Toronto, Canada, Men's and Boys', Ladies' and Children's SHOES \ •0«M0IH5 HDH0N3 iaoS i.HVp • SAWS Is - : And c gocd j mnSt" be sffinple; when it is not simple it is w^not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good--these words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough end seamless, and made in three pieccs it is absolutely zcfeand unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar­ velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, ofter than eke trie iirrht and more cheerful than either. * I.ook for tins stamp--The Rochester. If the lamp dealer hasn't the gcnnllMi Rochester, nad tue stvle you van:, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue! and v.-c vi!l 5etni you a laran safely bv express--your choice of over 2.000 vazietic? fiom the Largest Lant{> Store in ike World. EOCiJESIIB LA3HP CO., 42 Park Place, New Yovfc Oitrl ̂"The Rochester.** BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS^ 6 PIECE PARLOR Sl|li "Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop­ ping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pull- . V out bow ana die new ., ^ *1 if*?,1 will exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago! ** Itcan't be twisted off thecase. Can only be had with J as. Boss Filled and other cases stamped with this trade mark- Ask your jeweler for Keystone Watch Ca»e Ga>, Philadelphia. "'.ifr'v'i JQtt,,FB.UTJ0J BE AT-- 'V 4'^ McHenry, Saturday, June 3rd* At Riverside House. Office hoars, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. AND AT WOODSTOQ}^ Friday, «lun« 9, 1803. Hours from 9 A. u. to 3'-*,.Ijr. AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK -- FRUTH, PREIQHT PAID WITHIN 500 MILE8 OP CHICAGO. FrnTOTfn Wmlinnt eftrewt! In Mofealf with »iik Fii&Nh to mutcli; all six pieces have spring edge (soft edge) and are well made throughout Consists of I sofa, I patent rocker, 1 easy chair, 1 divan and 2 parlor chairs. We manufacture all Soods in this line and guarantee them. We pack and pay the freight within fcOOmiles of Chicago* lot tor sale by furniture dealers as price is too low. Established twenty years. Eefto muf bans la Dotted States. fc?eud six cents for sample of plush. MADISON AMD CENTER AVE., CHICAGO, ILL* JULIA A. STORY, iMtofc ii DEALER IN OMK DOORWK8TOF RIVERSIDE HOUSE. Drugs J Medicines A PULL LINE OF- PlV 5 V . ' » • • A. Bnglen's MM AND BESTAOROT. MeHENRY, ILLINOIS. GEO. W. BESLEY. • 'hP DEALER Qt In endless variety and prices lower than ever. Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. Fine Zentncky Liquors, ? French Bitters, HcHenry Lager Beer, --AND- J. ScUitz Illiate Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to ICO barrels. AT WHOLESALE on RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. all and see me and I will use you well. ANTONT ENGLEN ^ McB nry, ID. 1888. West PReHemry* TEE FINEST LINK OF LAIPS In the county, as prices trom « 60 cents up. mm Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale| and Porter for Medical Use. We will do all in our power to merit your trade. Respectfully, The best brands oi Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco*] always on hand. f 1 - Physicians' Prescriptions - Carefully compounded. Give me a call* B West McHenry, HI, 1893. GEO. W. BSELEY.I KINOWOOD, ILL. Drsos, Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, Pamts, Oils &Colors Constantly on hard. Also « large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND A COMPLETE 8TOCK OF STATIONERY* ASD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES --- Physielaitfli Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- Tour patooaage is respectfully solicited, JUIJA A, STORY: LatfBurgeon in the Provident Medical Ditpen- tary of New York now President of the Fruth Mt d'eal Institute, chartered Hia long experience In the largest hnspUM. in the wnrM epabiee him to tr<>at all Chkonio Nkkvoub, skin and Blo >d diaensesupon til. latest scientuln principle". DR FHLTH has no superior in diagnosing and treatir g dlseaees and deformities. He Will give 450 for any case he cannot tell the disease and where located in live minutes Medical anil surgical diseases, sou e and chronic Catarrah, diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose, Th-«at and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Brisrht'a Disease, Diabe'es, Kidney, Liver. Bladder, Obronic Female and Sexual Diseases e^eerti'y c red by treatment that his never 'niled in thousands ot' ca«es that had been prohAunced beyond hope. Many people meet death every ye*r who might have been restored to perfect health had they placed their cases in the hands of experts. DR, FRUTH has attained the most wonder­ ful success in the treatment ot'cases to which he devotes special attenti n, and after y^ar* of exoerience, fas perfected the most infalli ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner­ vous Debility, Premature Declineof the Mail- iy Power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair­ ed Memory Mental Anxiety. Ahsenceof Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney etfections if consulted before Idiocy, Insan ity Callinit Fits or Total Imp^trncy result from YOUTHB U L ERROU1*, the awfiil effect which blight the most radiant hopes, unfiling pati­ ent tor business study, society or marriage, annnallv sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men • f ex»ltrd talent and brilliant lutellect. PILES OlfRED with­ out pain, knifecutery, EPII.EPsT positive­ ly cured by our new and never failing ho^pl. tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the urine, cheitical and microscopical, in all oasts of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and dpermatorrhie. Bring epeci- ir ens, WONDERFUL CURES perfected in all ca«es that have been neglected or unsklll- fully treated. No experiments or failures: We undertake no incurable cases, but cure thousands given up to die Remember the date an l tome early as his rooms are always crowded Cases and oonrespondetace csnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direst, ions for use, but personal consultation pfe- ferred. DR. D. O. FRUTH. 3B32 Lake Avenus.'Chlcaeo. Vheu you are spending your good round dollars for anything in the HAHBWAIiM Line it may interest vou to know that I can save you a good per cent on your purchases. If you contemplate buying a . VAVOK STOVE This spring, come and see what we htve to show. HiVI YOUR OLD YAPOR STOYES CL1ANID & RIPAIRID By one who understands them, before starting them again pay you. It will If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything belonging to the Hardware business, yon will do well to get my prices Your* Respectfully; P . L . t f c Q M B E R , Weat McIIenrj, IB. MeHENRY H. Miller & Son, -DEALERS IN-- UARBLE & GRANITE, Monnmentei, Headstone* Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at t$|r Lowest Prices. Satisfaction Boaraatwd. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can be found a good assortment of finished work. Hdnry Miller & Soli. PATENTS. FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNANEF'T. tfrite DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent AtLrzeyv Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. x Book Pre*. Mention this paper V, ;"c. A vl*; is!

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