... A Stacfitlou of Fha|kXt>n In London r;|< Thajpea* q«prti0B of "to be or not to -f W uTTelatlottfb ttcrninj? up the trou- mm, whether '*Gbe weather is good or lift -v otherwise, will be decided before many vresks are past; When the London sea- ^ j . Eon has well begun, there will be no lack of decisive indications on this important ~'f \ point. It will probably be found that route from Cincinnati to Chicago. It consisted of a party of five young men in a covered wagon. Underneath the vehicle tramped five dogs. On the wagon was inscribed: "In God we trust. Chi cago or bust!" The excursionists seemed happy and expect to sell the dogs for enough to pay . A » A # f l t A T i f t --4 11 T«^tanAt\Al«a Journal. *> "•£ m. . . .v'%\ t i IS im&i '•Jsi jifWPr 1 #£' *'v 3NOTHINO SPECIA.I SA metf tha K* THIS ANNOUNCEMENT •=;v EXCEPT THE trintf out sonje d ttotdr CLMS SO ridbt stparr.aiwtbcW... say jistaslor^ail kiptJih s fcr the oldest Case facto aoooW One of J t m w o n t D t s f c r . i v t ^ _ washin rnajb«o.Ail ofuoufdlkrs Iwp r:crfo»>.|f youobijt J kfipsfrjcT b have* made a Sweeping Reduction In our prices on all kinds of Filled which are c Sold by for Non send to the kuau That we OAP The Bascom •2 >*». AT WOODST Friday.Auff. «.!>> Ot&oe Hours from Iracmz, FRUTH D. O. Steve Brodie Going on the Stage; Steve Brodie, pugilist, bridge jumper, saloon keeper and philanthropist, is go- .* ing to try his wings on the histrionic at- V; mosphere. R. V. Stevens has written a J play for him called "On the Bowery," *<;, »ad the redoubtable Brodie is making "• preparations for a starring tour. H® will begin active operations early in the autumn. Eis New York debut will be , made in a Bowery theater. " OkMUniKratiMkrPHiiit ftfy TOe Home and School puts a cheek on •;V impulsive state pride by a curt catalogue of "things the Kexituckian can learn at d\l. the World's fair." Among these are: * w "That Kentucky is not the only coun- |p|f try on earth, g: : "That a horse is not the noblest work of God. "That if our legislature ia the worst in the Union it has competition. "That there is some beauty and a good deal of brains outside his own state. "That there is much in a name, and ours might be improved.« "That the earth will not worship him because he is from Kentucky. « "That there are many other people as hospitable as he, and a few more polite. "That a man is not necessarily a fool because he doesn't 'talk horse.'" Quickest and Best. NONC BUT MAGIC WILL ""MAKE BREAD THAT ^ PREVENTS DYSPE^p^. NO OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES!^ IT IN LEAVENING^ STRENGTH, PURITY, AMD WHOLES'J-VSENESS. GEORGE 0 2:211-2 And ask the people of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect our ato<&, whichis always complete, andget our prices t •" *: ' ' • <' >-• *\ V \rV ' * S?V- YouW| McHenry, 111. 18031 JOHN t STORY Five hundred and forty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-five books have been borrowed during the year at the four libraries in Camberwell. This is the highest London record. A statement issued by the Japanese customs bureau shows that the trade of Japan with the United States is increas ing more rapidly than it is with England, France and Germany. Mrs. Roxy Foss, an elderly resident of Willimantic, Conn., is superintending the digging of her grave. She is at pres ent in good health, but fears she will die a* any time. i Monona Lake Assembly On account of the Monona Lake As sembly the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell Excursion tickets to Madison, Wis., and return at very low rates for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 17th to 28th, inclusive, good for return passage until and including July 29,1893. For tickets and further information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. ________ 2w2 The most complete assortment of Wen's shirts can ba found at Evan son's. From a 50 cent cotton to a 4.50 silk shirt. DON'T BREED TO GEORGE O, 2:21} Unlets yon want to raise a frtt Pacer or Trotteras all bis colts are fast; never has sired one but what can be put in the liet. It don't seem to make any difference what the dams are. He sired the following colts with records the first year out bandied by professional horssnien» ETHEL B (p) 2:18} at 5 years, HENRY O (p) 2:20$ at 6 years, MAR? LEE 2:22$ at 6 years, PRINCE T 2:29$ ALGONQUIN 2#9f. Two below 2:20% from dams of no known blood, also sire of Bisry Lu,*-yr. o'd, record Of 2:49 In a Ace, and several more below 2:40, GEORGE O is standard 'under both the Trotting and Pacing rules and will soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern \V isconsin can boast of it. Service Fee, *50. For circulars Bend to CEO. w. OWEN. MCHENRY* ILL. AN ISLAXro. Mini III >l Will s WIS II--t Tree & Co. inatmeted ao4 StatMd m«n workadstsadily and made money fatter than I expected to. IbecaeesbWtobaran ialandandbnild ••mall aammer bout. If I doo'tancceed at that, I will go te work acain at the timlnaaa 1b which I made my tnonsy. True jfe Co.: Shall we taatnet and atart yon. reader? If we do, aad if yon work Indaetrionsly. yon will in dae Sime be able u» boy an island and bnild a bo tel. if yon wish PATENTS Cmate, Trada-marks, Design Patents, Copjrrfgfe And all Patent business conducted tor MODERATE FEES. jMomation and advice given to lares ton wttboot QjHTgn Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN,;; Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D/& K^TMa Company Is managed by a combination oi the largest and most influential newspapers in the United States, for the express purpose of protect* fas* tbetr aubacrlbera against unscrupulous and incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the reaponsl* UUty and Ugbstanding of tbe Press Claims Compsny. ey caa be earned at crar new line of work, rap. " r those " • • itiaa. wherever they , can do the work. Easy to learn. WsftarnisneTerytbing. Mo idly and honorably, by t and la their own localities, whire?ec the; •f either sex, young or old, live. Anyone 'H V; risk. Ton can devoteyonr spare nomeuts, or all yonrtime to tbe work. This entirely new lead bring# wonderful eue-«aaaiee»ery wnrkw. BepnnanaraaaniiBgfroinMiSta pnr wnekandmwMta, *B«I n«on» aftara littleente-&B5S; £an fnrni,k yortheemploytnent--wetaachyoa r*EE, Tiiisisaaajeefmarreloet things, and here is eoother (real, asefal, weallfc-jlTincwonder. Great gains will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yon are, and whatever yon are doing, yon want to know about this wonderfcl work at once. Delay means roach noney lost to *o space to explain here, bet if yon will write to us. ants Address a letter or postal card to THE PKESS cuinis COMPAKT, I0HN WEDDERBURN, - . Managing AttorMfc WASUINGX0N. V, c. ,rly wreiy PoatofBee. sfi>. v -- K-oud position solely m Us *M WShlghly-lntereating flunliy new^apec WASHINGTON, D. C. Twn If AnowiL Ttntns Is • ISth year of phenomenal success. Kootber family weekly in theeounHy >si badsaelt ft rrowth. and malntAlntd tt so itudfly. it goes into ©very County In thl uottttf L m cluhg of ^uliscrtben at DMrly#i It baa gained ibis proud ; It wfll be made much batter and nor* aUwBn than ever. While rctalnlnc all of its present popola |bg|»nie It will oonstautlT add m*r «««, Its yfAunm*mm, WAS HUTOjiT, by mm wfee aetoallr asmt fought in the struggle. !«rr WOBIES Of Romance, Trarel, iee and Adrvnture, by leading writers. 4M»iaiH«IT©W WKWS. Foil aeoontrts «C " what Is taklnc place at tha seat of OoveniDienti fei IWPOTtB of alt Important matteis in Congre« (be XaeeaUre Departments; goaaip about pobUs TTOITRHMB, »•»*****•*„ wiu« by IJL a lady at National reputation. ffKsl' % CL- w.«.A* m. ww. mink, - • IT more tali and complete than puUktog ky any §^w ether paper. A «»«c*nwir*A*. »« J A. rally edtwd by practical i : V ^ /^.KXSKAX. WKWM, enrsAUiy \ k ? , U mw: i Tw» ttktxamss. Trnmrmm k ®Wetly Bw^parilsan, American. It believes to the greauaa iaU relopme •ally sad exalted loyalty. •sod to the greatest cumber of our people, and the highest development ef oar ' fhop.^l#YeniC IF no wtwT mmmtm Mm P.O. Box 483. ^ _ PENSIONS PBOCDBBB FO'k SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, „ CHILDREN, PARENTS. . Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled in the line of outy ln the rernlar Army or Navy eliiMthe war, 8urviyors of the Indian wars of 1832 to 184 their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected THIS WEEK f D 1 L 0 ¥ P R I C E S I pmHM> Our - > /• We offer Bargains in this line that will niterest you. Ringwood, HI. The above is a cut of our new Folding Machine, wl now be seen at work in the Plaindeaier Office. Our patrons* and those needing each a machine are invited to coll and see^r at work, tt $s simple,* easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f-o., of Sidney, O , who have been boild- ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five) ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y ; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. t hies go; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & St ill well, St. Paul; Qeoctkin & Son, Toronto. Canada. < ieM,-: •« ?• •%£' i *. * JULIA A. ONE DOOB WEST OF R1VEB8IDK HOCSS, lhiBmxjJH, to 1842, ami ^ dected claims specialty. Thousands entitled to JDigher rates. Susrosee5uLWa* Ko tor ,Mlylce• 1111""" 'A. Biaglen's mm AND RESTAURANT. McHENRV, ILLINOIS. Fine Eenta&y Liquns, French Bitters, ItcHenry Lager Beer, J. Mliti ffilvalee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from , a Suits JJMnMWSSfSmm/ in in tt iswrttMa tar u. U asMassv nysuUflwha . jMitosaa-- • NATIONAL TIUSUNE, any q Glass to 1< uantity from .CO barrels. AT WHOLESALE oa 6lf AIL .Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but the best and sell at Beasonable Prices. all and see me and I will use you well. , AKTOKT SKGIEN * 'Kc£«cp Wl- lets. : :v- ? '• It., mate# more Breads £ It makes better Broad. It makes whiter Bread , Than any other Flours All Competitors Acknowledge It as the Standard . ^ For Sale Ivy all the Leading Merphante in towa, and a The Roller Mills. I i A Pillsbury's Best at lowest market firide. ^'a®hbiirn'8 A cljoice Fancy Patfcht at $1.05. Trj a sack of any of the grajee mentioned here, and Ufm do iiofc 0bt%in..tl|a^1 .^'j^esults jenr money will cbeerfufty refunded, kve four order at tjic Mill* we 111 drir thej w $Y<. 'jsiv'xji"' IN:- Late Surgeon tn the Provident Medical Di'ptnf tary of New York now President of the * - > , Frvth Mtdical Institute, chartered ; His long experience in tbe largest hospIUljr in the world enables him to treat all CHBOHW NERVOUS, SKIN AND BLOOD diseases upon th» , latest scientific principles. 1 DR. FBIJTH has no superior in diagnosing .JS and treating diseases and deformities. H® ;i will give |50 for any case he cannot telMftj* -fi disease ami where located in five minnteSj •:% Medical and surgical«<1 iseaees, sen e chronic. Catarrab, "diseases of the Eye, Si '_«? " " BS enred by treatment that has never la'iled Nose, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases Brli Bladdf P* beyond hope. Many people meet dea^b er«*y «, year who mlfrht have been restored to piraM ^ health had they placed their oases In WP,1^ hands of experts. DR, FRUTH ban attained tlie most wond'er- % fnl success in th« treatment of eases to whictt- be devotes speoial attention, and After yeaj® of exiteriencc, has perfected the most inf ble method of curing Organic Weakness, m i Medicines ; I ftJLL LINBCW1-^ Drius, ChenicalL Die Staffs, Faints, Oils Motors Goosttnlly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AHD A OOMPL*T« STOCK OF \ BTATIOSEBT AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES vous Deuiiity, Premature Decline of tbe Htt< ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses. Impair^ v. ed Memory. Mental Anxiety. AbsedVeof Power, Melancholy, Weak Back -and lcidnff tjj' effectlons if consulted before Idiocy, Innnlffi Pallini/ Fits or Total Impntency result vfrai -Q YOUT1IKU I, EERORH, the awful effect wbiffi s blight the most radiant hopes, unfitljig enttor business study, society of marnCjH^l^ annually sweeping to an untimely gr£»#*.: J thousands of young men r{ ex%it"ft talQBt 4r and brilliant Intellect. Pir.ES OUKJID #lfh> out pain, knife cutery, EI'II-EP8r^o.itiTfl. Jf! ly cured bv our new and never faltlng bosnf*' FRKK EXAMINATIONS l»f in *11 Ml utl treatment, the urine, chemical and microscopic* oases of Kidney Diseases, BrigbtV ' Diabetes ^nd iipermatorrhte. Brinj mens,' *• "• • . .. -je WOKDERFUL CURKS perfected in »U Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Blistered Pharma cist Tour patronage is respectfully solicited* JULIA AJ, STORtl ?*W . . • When you are spending your good round dollars for anything m the HABBWABB ' Line it may interest you to know that I can save you a good per cent on your purchases. If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOY: ,„v;^ This spring, come, and see wbat we have to \ show. ME YOUR OLD UM STOVES CLEAN •• % • By one who understands them, before starting t pay you.. .• - xv'.; • * ^"'v ' It wil •#, <•* * will,,*©-get m| Yours BespectftiHy TT Ull AS C<nr U U uuihpviawvvv. iu w»» ... cases that have been neglected or unskill* * fully treated. No experiments .or failure*. We undertake no Incurable cases, but cure ̂ thousands given up to die Remember tbe j-.' date and eome early a. bis rooms ark always n crowded , - Cases and oonre.pondence csnfldentlai, ana ' treatment sent by express with full direct- *<£ ions for use, but personal consultation! pre- . j ferred. DR. D. 8. ̂ Ki 3032 Lak* AvMus/Chleago. McHENRV r H. Miller & Son, -DKALEBS IN- .» MAHBLE I GRANITE^ Mm MouumeDts, Headato Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every d©*- sorption neatly executed at "^rices. .. . Ari v*% Is*. \ L v-S