afwCx ter. <" J" ** ?. 4 ^ nr?f * *• •* * » V^ "V / *S ^"r'!'J' * 1^ >Jt , <t . ^L »" ' ' ' ' '""** "* *"' '* »v" f -1* * '*' ^-*4* h * ##£, * ^ ^r> ^ * "Pledged but to Truthf to Liberty and Law; No Favors Wlnut and no Fear Shall Awe," M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1893 F. E. PILOHER Swrareoiiu * with Dr. Auringer, We* McHenry, Ml. IT _ Denta.1 ste.aMfl Bridge Work art'stlcally niAible prices. Special uttn I **' /^hilffMn'a TAAth .Crown, Plate anted at nuu_. «------ _ i given to th^iwre of Childress Teeth. OOHttiLTATiON FREE, SUBSORIPTIOB. A. M. CHURCH, tohniaker and «Jeweler .On < HundredTwenty-Five State StOhi- «iot ill. Special attention given to re- jUHgr tu watches and Chronometers. . rail Assortment of Goods In hie line W. P. ST. GUIfil, ice of the Peace, Insurance tind Collecting Agency. t-* m- v*v%* « one WMib, |£j# , leak advertisement* will M charged rate of 10 cent# M line, (nonpareil type, tame a* thii la set In) the first Issue. and * Mate per line for subsequent issue*. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one w«ek3 91.50 for two weeks, 91.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PUAINDCALBK will be liberal In GIVING editorial notices, but, M a huilness rale, it will require a snitahle fee from everybody seeking the aae of lts oohtmns ferpeeaalary gain. w ki BUSINESS CARDS. * * F. O.OOLBY, D, D.ft. DSKTI^T. Woodstock. III. 8peoial attention paid to regulating children'! teitli Parties coming from a distance would no wel to give timely notice by mall. Office, Kendal block, corner Mam street aid PuOlicsquare A J. HOWARD, H. D. PSTS10I4N AND SURGEON the ersldence of E. A, Howard, McHenry, 111. at West Ik a H. FBOERS, M. D- fiHTSlOlAN AND SURGBOJf, MeHenry 1. Ilik Office at Residence. * DR. A. *. AURISGKR, PHYSICIAN A \d SURGEON. Officei a Dr Ohllds building, West McHenry, HI. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All profesaiwiai ealla promptly at- tended to, H. V. SHBPABP. 1>. T, IHITA1D 8HEPARD ASHEPARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. suite sis, North-ern OfficS Building, U LaSalle Street Chicago, III. KNIGHT & BROWN, YS AT LAW. U. 8.1 S, 87 and 88 Washlnc CHICAGO, ILL. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. EXPRESS oo.-s Building, 87 and 88 Washington St. V. 3. LUMLBY. A TTORNBY AT LAW, Mid Solicitor in A <""'"1fbomTmK, IllL. OAoe ia Park Hou 'fit floor, ,, ---- -^y, hatred, malice, J03L1' Jjency, and a host • A TTORNBYS; * - ->v lurk around tbe A Allbasinetswillree*. , . . v i - i i o n . UQIP, but ON KAILBOAD ST., KILLF.O. 1 • - K UM OA. Ill* . ' 7. A ."4' H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In- eurance Agent Including Accident and Life Jnmrance. ' OttlDB WITH B. GILBRRT, MBAB DWPOX, • J WSST MCHENRY, III. MoHenry House, & ̂ I McHENRY. ILL. *JO& BXlUBtL Proprietor, Being situated on the banks of the Fox Blver, To the VtIHge of McHenry, special at t. ;.:k -will fca glvon to the OBtartaiameat of Hunters, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers generally. Sportsman Supplied with Com plate Outfits B ^ NEAR THE DEPOf* W1SST MoHENRY, ELL Keeps open for the aooommodation of the Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Vfhere he will at all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. f ;:,v: lOlilii. Lag#r ftlM, At Wholesale and Retail* Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, eheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. QOOD STABLING FOR HOB8FB ' ; O Oall aad see as. Robert Sohlessle. West McHenry, Ilk J. R. SAYLOR & SONS, ' O. P. BARNBS, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, andl Counselor, Oolleot^onsia specialty. v WOODSTOCK, lLLIMOIfc taken JOHN P. SMITH, Sc J ewclsr , MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- A. elry always on hand. Special attention given ta repairing fine watohos. Give me * °*U* JOHN P. SMITH. Horsemen, Look Here. I have a fine stock of Horses, among which are "Young Green Mountain Morgan," "Mor rill Oharles," and others. Call and see these Hones before making arrangements else- Wher#* Jf. 8. COLBY. McHenry. 111.. May 10.18W. Ugei States Vat Olnin kimi I J •--»OF * WM- H- COWLIN, Woudstook • - Illinois. Prosecutes all clat>b»6 and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in .prosecuting old And rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for reply. If* Jtt COWLM Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstock, nilaois. uipn. '.y|'" M BBBBDBR8 OF- Morgan:: Horses, Embracing the celebrated General G-ifiord, Green Mountain and Motrlll blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fillies, riendfor pedi grees. Xssez and Registered Poland China --SWINE.i^ Choice Merino Sheefo Mann moth -Bronze Tufkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come'and loapeot stock or address. J. R. SAYIjOK & SONS West McHenry HI. R I P A N S jlPlABULES | REGULATE THE | STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWEIS j AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. Z ' UPAHS TABULE8 are tkc beat Medl- | slae Unswm fbr IidlfMllon, f licabcke, CoMtlpatlon, Uripfpdt, Ckr»«l. t 'Liver Trmkln, DlulBeMt, Bad lunrlfilon, nyaciteiT, Offeulte Breath, ni all 41*. | «rden af the ttoaatk, Liver awd Bowelk # Ripans TUnles contain nothing lnjorkma to • the moat delicate constitution. Are mauant to take. aaSUMkcnul, and Kin toineda3ST»Uei. l<rUU), 7S«entS4Pack»«e (tboxe.), &!*•<> > fcwWJ ind Wl ,o._%£S« FINE CIGARS, MeHJBNRY ZLLINOMs -» Beinsc now pleasantly located 1B our n«»w store, formerly occupied by Althoff Bros , we are now prepared to offer to the smoking pub lie a fine line of Cigars of our own manufac- ture, together with Smoking and Chewtag Tobacco of the best brands, Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment aad some Ttsty handsome patterns. CALL AND SSS US. BABBUSfeSOS McHenrr. IlL*. JuneW, MM. W. J. BARBF AN, J JT. BASBIAV BARBIAN BROS. Whah and Betafi ' Dsaxjna nr Think Deeply ^' .When you a purchate of anything In tbe line Of Fewolry, DO matter BOW greall • ma? be tbe attouBiiayoifSti. Act Wisely Bj coming to look over oar large and well aeeorted stock of all that is n ew and seasonable. Decide Quickly ^ buy of ftrlcee andexamlnlng the quality : :j|f onr goods vou can't resist •hem. It is impowiUs to do better elsewhere. No Better Values Clan be found. We ft«t none but the choicest o| tbe best goods on the market. r.; Prices Wonderfully Lo«i£ We are always ready to see you and ebow you our astontahiog bargains. Repairing of all kinds Promptly Attended to. * MOW IS THB TIME TO BUT A Sewing Machine! Only $5 a month until paid. HEAMAN BROS. CO u u <u O w 0 ire pat sshingtoa. drawing or ph King of McBenry knd Lake Counties Has tbe fastest record of any Stallion in Northern Illinois. Has won more races than any Stallion In McHenry or Lake Co. And can go a X, X, X, a mile or a races In 5 faster than any other stallion in tbe two counties. He his Won 35 races in 3 seasons. Started against an4 staid in race with Storm, S .OSii ; &lmont Bashaw, 2:PJtf; won two races from Ethel B. 2:18^; started 12 limes in 189L won II races Below you will find a few that are recorded in year bnok As an Individual no horse can outshow him. As fine and as game a head as ever wore a bridle. Kind in and out of harness; is no jumping jack wteea speeding, in fact never makes any mistakes. He is a natural pacer, and a race horse that no man can find fault with; good bone, and Ihe best muscled horse I ever saw. Color bUrk; stands I5>; hands high; weighs 1075 IDS, He wae never hitched to a byke, and always had aoriver that weighed 210 lbs. Midnight paced an exhibition mile at Masoa city, Iowa fast fail, in 2;14; last half ia l;0i; last quarter in 31 seconds. J will Match him against any paring or trotting stallion, mare or gelding In McHenry County. I also have in my barn a two-. Sllv sired by Midnight. oatOtai that 1 wl|l show against any tw ' ' tsof SMML AS a proof tl hlmrrapw dayn from the, "18 mares, I tk J*s» any h.i HS^oraBy ight wQi l&rt ̂ hes*K9^| ord, and thotffc wU)Aave seen r say that be wiMUHT* mark ftp*'1 b* .. . Here to Stay We have Is oar possessioa Dr. Weinberg's method aad medteiae. the Only Ones in the County Holding the same, end are now able to de all deatal work. Wl %•Hour PAIN ! Ws haue sot raised on onr prices, but will continue, as heretofore, warranting all work that leaves our office. On tbe receipts Dr, Weinberg left his patients we allow twcDth-five cents on the dollar, at the completion of his unfinished work, as he will no longer visit this county. ThanklBR the people for their liberal wit. roeage and hoping for a continuance of the same, with the assurance that, we are the oaly ones In this county using the wonderful painless mediclae, I am " p* Youas supMnaiirt |-; F.C.COIBY l» O.t, WILL VISIT McHENRY Tuesday, Aug. 8th, At the Riverside House. P I O N E E R HEROES A WO THEIR D A R I N G 0EEDS! The thrilliag exnlolts of American border heroes and heroines, with Indians, outlaws +nd wild besets. Irfm the earliest times to now. Lives and fa nous d^eds of DcHoto, Standlsh, Boon®, Kenton. Brady, Crockett, Carson, Custer, Oomstock, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, (Jens. Crook and Miles, Geronimo, git- tin* Bull, and other great Indian Chiefs, etc Historv of the War with Ihe Ghost-Dancer?, and ill. 250 Eugrav.ugs. Young boys not answered. lowed agents short of Agents Wanted funds PLANET PUBLISHING TO. Box 8001, at. Louis, Mo. JOHN HAUPBI8H'*- MoHenry, III. Hiring just'put' in a new Ii%l4l(tg and Polishing Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work la tbe Laundry line on sborfe notice, and guarantee •atisiactlon. All work left wltb me will be promptly the new machinery put In enables me to do my work much faster and better tbau heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and delivered wben done, If word is sent me. JOHN MAUPRISH; WE TELL TOO nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi ness, that returns a profit for every day's work. Bach is the business we offer the working class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and Earantee every one who follows our instructions thfully the making of S3UO.OI) a month. Every one wlfo takes hold now and works will sarely and speedily increase their earnings; there can be no Question about it; others now at work arp doing it, and you, reader, can do the same, litis is the best paying business that vou have ever hud the chance to secure. Yon will make a grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If von grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous beoiuess, at which you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours* work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or voting, man or woman, it makes no difference, -- ao as we tell you, and sue- cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experieuce or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for tall particulars, free ? E. C. ALLEN & CO., BMKMo. Angus**, Me. G.L.HUBBARD, Harness - Maker A WD DKALKR TIT HARNESS. SADDLERY, Brides, Blankets, WMp% %UTTEBS, Jkc* (1 won't move a peg until you get nte one of tViAoa flnA aitiola HsiT>nAee at Hllhf SBDIH<8< o* MIWIIGHT, • diJ raia. id paeej lghtS;17S raflih, peecr; sire mclliS m oy Sthau Jjlien. Midnight will m<ike theseatonoflflSSslthe stablesof tbe undersigned, at Muaqfc • "H. B. , Kaad^, HI., April, Htt 80LDBBS' "7b care for htm who hat borne the battle, and for hit Widow and Orphan*." --LIKOOLJC. "JMendehip, Charity. Lou- oKy-- ITortAy MM of Patriot fbUherM." Along the Skirmish Line. Reunion 112th 111. postponed to Oct. 11, on account o( inability of Gen. Hen derson to be present before that time. Reunion Yatee Phalanx (39th HI.,) at Chicago, Oct. 4th. The 13th Ind., 62d and 67th Ohio and 85th Pa. are cor dially invited to meet with them. Their old commander, Gen. Thoe. O. Osborne, will be present. * The Pennsylvania Commander of the Order of the Loyal Legion is to put up a flagstaff at Gen. Mead's Headquarters at Gettysburg, and fly the Stare and Stripes from it every day in the year from sun rise to sunset. The Ohio encampment has instructed its delegates to support Comrade S. H. Hursh for commander-in-chief. Comrade John Taylor, of Philadelphia, for many years quartermaster general of the Grand Army, is also a candidate. Information wanted of comrades at Boar Creek in the fall of 1862 ^ho re member going to a house with th< writer to get something to eat; R. J. I ullock, 105th 111., York, Neb.---Ol Henr' Glee- son, Co. C, 72d 111.; by Wm. Floyd, Bridgewater, S. D. 1 Plundering old soldiers under t e plea of "national economy" may hi very plausible and very touching to a multi tude of pockets, but it is all th same mean and contemptible. The vei p men now in power and with well lined ] ockets would have been outcasts witho t any United States to rule over and no Jnited States Congress to serve in had it not been for the very men they now deride and defraud of the pittance grantc 1 them by a loyal people. It needs no arj nment to prove that the Hoke Smiths li ve no sympathy or love for the old vetc ans of the Union army. In 1861 Henry Brocker was on of the patriotic young German who he >ed to save Missouri for the Union. He it first enlisted in Co. G, 1st Mo. Cav., i Id was discharged at the end of six : onths, wben he re-enlisted in Co. F, 1st lo., in which he served three years and i -enlist ed as a veteran, serving until J >v. 17 1865--four years and five mont 3. His health was broken down by hit service and he removed to Gladbrook, I era and took up a piece of land. Subs {uently his brother furnished him with i pans to start a small store, by which he made a good living. But his sight had »n fail ing ever 6in3e the war, and Snal' got so defective that he, was compelled to give up business. He applied for a pension under act of June 27, 1890, an was al lowed $8 a month, but has ecaived notice that this has been suspeqed. Two Pictures. Last week Joseph King, a Bodon Vet eran,jvas led up to the pension office to receive the pension that woul be be tween him and his faithful help iatt on would answer every purpose, and this can be done in a few hours by the present clerical force of the pension bureau. Now, we believe it to be the immediate and pressing duty of the comrades every where to demand in unmistakable terms that this investigation be made, and at once. Let them pass resolutions in favor of it at their Poet meetings and other soldier gatherings; let them secure the adoption of resolutions In favor of it at political gatherings; 1st them use their influence with their Senators and Repre sentatives to see that it is done, and let them petition the ilommissicner of Pen- sions to do it. > They have nothing to fear, bat every thing to hope from such an investigation for it will set them right before the country. Our enemies have been talking very vociferously about investigating. Now let us demand an investigation that will be an investigation. They are afraid of such an investigation, because they fear to have the actual facts made known. We have nothing to fear from it- Comrades awake to the importance of doing this, and act promptly and to gether.--National Tribune, on the aarihed as not Mped the one hand and starvatioi other. The blind hero who had bravely to face the rebel shells {feseated his sightless eyes at the wicki; oi the pension agent. The money there. The government he ha< save had deserted him. GrovA- Cleve land's secretary of the interior hat or dered the blind soldier's pensio^ t| be suspended. f': ' • Let us turn for a inopent froujthe picture of want and anguish in the find soldier's home to a far different epectcle. Grover Cleveland, who sent a substrate to the war, while Joseph King was fitt ing the Confederates, was yachtii: on Buzzard's bay. Hoke Smith, bis «pre- tary of the interior, who had ordere<the old soldier's pension suspended, wa en joying a trip to Yellowstone Park, Job- ably free of expense. Other official of the administration that hate the sobers of the Union were taking their e§l In various ways at the expense of th#fov- ernment which men like Josephf^ing preserved from destruction.--i\j«r Press. «s once Let an Investigation be Speaking in the name of surviving veterans whom it the National Tribune has dam an investigation of the peqsi will Hatisfy the public, and sil< the villainous obloquy ^of the {iision- haters. We have pointed out a *tmp| easy way in which this can tye done »a few hours, and which will "pe more fective than any other way can possibly] or old pacing mon mare, ready All ready plete,....f2S 00 e or rub- 42 Sets Double Ha a Sots 8lr>sle H UpiJBLK BARM! BWGLK BAR and tUl the them be made strenuous w&at on|y fair sam stre if ; 7 8 id.^ . .4 1^.4. jr. u Wtf% PPBEA BRE MA APS.. Two H*APS.. . HARKKSS *1 r. .• .i: Civil SGFVICO Bofbm Civil service reform is moving on sn~> |y. It would be expedited if those who "believe in it would live up to it. As we lave said before, one trouble is that peo ple are good natured, and when their friends want places under a new admin istration--that is, places not vacant Mid >nly to be made vacant by the demands >f the office seekers--these good natured people allow themselves to become part »f the pressure for the places by their recommendations and solicitations. It must sometimes look to the appointing powers as if the whole country rose up ind demanded not civil service reform, out positions in the civil service. There is such a thing as rushing a re form ahead of public opinion and thus injuring the reform, and there are many positions which are political in the true sense and should be taken possession of by the party of the majority after every election. But it is the duty of every citi- ten to do his share in eliminating not jnly the spoils system, "but the spoils idea, from politics; to press upon the au thorities the necessity of continually ex tending the merit system, and of acting tccording to its spirit outside of the :lassified service. For it is no exaggera tion to say that the evils of the spoils sys tem are illustrated in every sinister ca reer in the history of modern American politics; every disgraceful "success" is to be laid at its doors; eyery corrupt ring has here its origin. It, is the menace and enemy of honest administration in every community in the country; it de grades our legislatures, state and na tional, and the cause of good govern ment triumphs only when pernicious lystem is thwarted or overcome.--Cen tury. To Blow Up Cyclones. Or. C. R. Carpenter has evolved apian by which approaching cyclones can be bombarded and many lives and thou sands of dollars' worth of property laved. Dr. Carpenter Bays that the great Mississippi and Missouri valleys com pose the cyclone centers of the conti nent. His plan is to have stations where men can be trained to watch for a com- tng twister and then destroy it before it reaches the city by exploding it with torpedoes. He said:' "I would have a itation sufficiently high to permit the watchmen to see a cyclone when it is coming. The torpedoes would have to be sent into the cloud scientifically, of ourse, and therefore men should be trained to the service. I would have the itation attached to the weather bureau, which would aid in 'getting advance in formation of cyclones. - Strong msrin* glasses could be used at night by watoh» cuen, aad an alarm could be given plenty of time. My method would sourse be of no use in hurricanes, am fully convinced th^t my' good one for cyclones and well triaL"--Oor. Pittsburg Dispatch.- ° Changes In the Cknrah. ,. The New Jersey st̂ i».ttp^w l̂oegae convention, at its seestpMfm Ifjirifrark, de nounced the race ti*efê legi|fBtion, pro tested against thn qpirmmgiini Sunday of the World's fadr aad declared unani mously that tC îscouMligea the use of tobacco. The Rev. H. S. Springer of Arlington, speakj&g for the Newark district* back the amen corner and the iers' Jbenches, and let us not oon- tM© present formal way. Take the advertisement of the under-' 'that is on the. front of our jhufches and put in its place the ,ont 41 am the resurrection and Takeaway the little sign witk:'M. EL Church* on it and place one 20 £sf$ long across th© front of the cdi£ce lav ing tjhe words 'Central Methodist Epis copal Church' in big lettefs, every word spelled out. Let's.haw«(»ne sensation alism to cope with thfl̂ devil's plans of work." • ̂ Became Cnuy Fran QnittlsfTo^ficu., There was a lively time on aJ r̂iilmaa car on the Southern road last vffht while en route from New Orleans to this city. William C. Blackburn afrjgrter on one of the cars, ly. He ran through, BTBOMUiHill and nearly sawed out of,their wits. At one took all and tkrew it out L^iaMiA'^aA * tochatnhiinl L~1»i§Aakeisi aw&cl* to wari oeo^hctwi Nearly Drowned try El C. Stanley Hurlbut, the weH: knows J oarsman, had a thrilling etfjplartence <nk the Schuylkill river during the terriiSo Btorm on Wednesday night and had to swim for his life. Mr. Hurlbut is a member of tholjMilJ Boat club, and after office boonf oik Wednesday started up the river in ii sjM gle shell to the race course. Hare storm overtook him, and the perforated the covering of hiashdL craft began to fill with water aaiS Settlei It was only by skillful hnilfty i Mr. Hurlbut kept right side up, a$| fifl| - j while the hail pelting Mm in a fudEBMR' *" At one time he was in iwifnlw*^ ^gflr' ^ ger of losing his life by being rundoum '*•% by the four oared shell of the Fumaairl- ram& Barge club, which bore down ^ ^ updn him, appearing suddenly tfaomgh >? theV veil caused by the storm, no# }0 '"j yards away. A blow from the sltaarp A prow of the shell would have bean fatal * to the oarsman, and Mr. Hurlbot, iwlis* , ing his peril succeeded by a powerful r \ \ left hand stroke in throwing nis strait cut of the line. k The boat shot by like a flash and lefl the oarsman fighting with the waves, which rolled over hia boat, ifeio , 15 settle at least one foot. He succeeded in ' ̂ getting to the shelter of a pier at Co- lumbia bridge, when the shell tamed, ̂ leaving him in the water. With th* . craft, in tow Mr. Hurlbut started to vl^l swim to Belmont landing, where he was assisted by several young men who had ' ̂ •witaassed his exciting siisgglo* shell Is a wreck.--Philadelphia Ledger. . X: Prosperity In Kevada. We-would advis^the chronic kicker who thinks Nevada ̂ fit only for homed toads and rattlesnakes to take a trip through the country add try to find better,place. The farmers on the Truo - ,f ^ kee meadows live and dress better than - \« in any other section of the country, have more of the pleasures and comforts of ^4; life than any of the farmers in any part r' of California; they live ih better hosn^< get better prices for their produoe and are in every way better off. We hear ; glowing accounts of the country abau£ -•. "H Los Angeles, the beautiful orangegrow» k . the immense yield of the landdetoledtg-' .j the cultivation of prunes, bat dtsfaHMfefJ, I lends enchantment to the view. is just now undergoing a business de* S ' pression, owing no doubt to the unsettled * \; condition of the financial qxtestitm, beA f we are better off here and have leas '"•»•§ growl about than the people inSanl^a#* , ' cisco. Let those who think they hite 1 ̂ . hard row to hoe dig up their sack and take a trip to other sections of the rftant. and we venture the assertion that tibey. will return home better satisfied with themselves and this portion of the world , 3^ at large.--Reno (Nev.) Gazette. "4*: A Pitiful Scene at a Railroad Accideat. * In the recent railroad accident at Hew*- burg, N. Y., one woman---to*. * son of Setaukei, N. Y.--who waa-flhreifo--' ly injured, was taken from ^ hysterically crying for her IN had been traveling with 1m? who was also injured, ai^[ 8-year-old child. For a few] one could tell her what the little girl. Then ti body was found in the1 closely in her arms was *1 berson heard his child cautioned the men not Mrs. Elberson, jured, refused to go ) she found the men, counting aaM tion, placed inkers been found brace. Mrs.: ^ went to ti^sJppm^ beli&viRc' hadheri'"' m rlew at 1 iys bewi by oommctf>; jht, and when the %ith the latter 1 atuta thO" latter. Seals 'are fenSi United States argumeBt by cont habitat is the open 1 they betake themi territory in order tO 1 into existence. If slut way, they would be few years. NO one wants this,] killed in undue numbers territory of the United SI termination would equally be Common sense therefore says tfcfe&l ought to be protected while f as Well as protected from struction while on land.- " LookOatrortke Tfo fix«t'electric organ country has arrived at thi 'torn home from England^ built for St. Thamas* draiĉ Another curious importatiaa if a wagon," which has arrived BOW. It is an elaborate affair, fashioned and bright with gilding. It ia equipped with rack* and a high pulpit, whldr stand is mounted on a swivel "aim$d" in any direction. ter. • Sturgeon Weighing Over » Long T«a> Some fisherfolk the other day captared i in Yerik bay, on the Don, a weighingTSpooda, orabput 8,fl English. l%efWh wag't ' enough,inĵ Dt damage to w.f 1»W •iJ J. " S.-&-1 •..