Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1893, p. 5

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on 8' > gtsti r<5oi?ftj mtita jfKSC'."3 *•••••• * I f * } Ne, .».•.* * imgvr ».**». wm? M»a so era. - ' liner t^iitofc:... rG«neT*vbQM*M " _ "S |̂M rer " *. ..1:10 A. IK. • » » ;. t:«! P. M. . *:« « , . 1:SI •* ••'• . 6.-98 « f«r inger SSU^uajsat IO?T. i weepl Simla jji:' ysealjr. \* Monday* ©aly. B BIJ8S, ..7:28 A. II. .. J3J « ';,. .. dSrt» P. II, : t ^ MJBOWXO. r liOBdIE, HO. 158 A. F> MA Oc-mmaaicatloBs the seee&t * s»a ioaday e is afcoh month. W, A. OEISl'Ti'W- St, IfcfUIMRY OHAPTSK No. 282. OR»8R 0* THE KA8TERK STAB. : Meeting* til® First awl TWwt Wed- tatoc* ®* month, ei k. « TOST, Worthy Matron, & ViwriwoaTH, Secretary. PLAINDEALER will, for a short i only, give, absolutely free, to any ling (1.50) to pay their subscrip- |4p this paper one year in advance, a gnbucritlon to THE YOUTH'S 3ATOR, a large 16 page Monthly ine for Young People and the fVmiij. price 50 cents per year. Re­ member we give, absolutely free, a years sebecription to one of the finest maga- : Aw In the world, a gem of the printer's itomple copies can be seen at this Office. This is a remarkable and costly .Offsr and cannot last long. This offer i to old as well as new subscribers./ XI F O. F. BOLEY has been pitting newjj Principal the Teachers are the same as fcofson the ioe houses at the brewery. -/ * REMBMBER the Base Bal/Garae, at the 'feriviiag Park, this afternoon. •?. - THE microscopists say that a mosquito has twenty-two teeth, and we believe it. MEN will never be satisfied in summer Until they can wear Mother Hubbards \ and go barefooted. / WORK on the new residence of John USyanson is rapidly progressing. When " I Completed it will be one of the finest In . l4^jrillage. IF you want a good smoke go to Bar- tit an Bros, and call for a "Monogram" Qr an "Empire Cuban," two of the best wands in town. WU&jllBhT:- BLAKX, of Chicago,is visit- here this week, of Chicago, was on our mday. TH was a Chicago visitor ouStmday MAT has friends from Pitts­ burg, Pa., Visiting him this week. ' Miss EFTF||A FAY, of Denver, Col., ia ||»- it'nog friends in this village. . JOHN FAI, of Chicago, Sundayed with friendshere* * r,'„ JOHN M. SMITH, of Osborne, Kansas, is visituig old friends here this week. TU;>S.! ,. PRISSY went to the city Sat­ urday and will visit the World's* Fair. MM MOQEE, of Woodstock, was visit­ ing be nister, Mrs. Dr. Fegers, last week. 'HE v. F^HBB FEGEKS, of Sterling, 111., was the gifast of bis brother, Dr. Fegers, one day list week. JACOB'SIMMBB, of the Woodstock Brewing Company, was on our streets onS&tupfay. 'Jtfres AIJCE BBHNBTT attended the Dee. plaines f|unp Meeting on Sunday and Monday.1 •; Miss NBLWK FRHJBT' started Tuesday morning tor Park Ridge, whore she will reraaj»$ptil September 1st. MAS.;^K MCOMBEK is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Mead, at E^i^this week. t .. . I*. B. Si HTH and wife, former residents here, now of Nebraska, wore calling on friends here the first of the week. Mna JACINDA MILLS, of Richfield Sprigs, and John K. Mills, of Macomb, N. Y a^s visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Van Slyket in this village. PROF. J. A. BASSETT, wife and eon, of Richfield Springs. N. Y., are the guests of J. Tan Slyke and wife, in this village and are visiting the Fair a few days each week. Tw*?. f??hool Board have engaged th /following corps of Teachers for the en HuiiUf y^r: Principal, W. H. Strayer. intermediate Department, Mrs. Mary Cobb. Primary Department. Miss Mary Wentworth. West side Division, Miss Etta Kittle. With the exception of b' / THE Steamer "Lucille," which was run tween this place and the lakes last ^vear, has been sold to Chicago parties^ :• *. ^MDid lraa loaded on flat cars and shipped * , tcom here on Saturday last. , •K-v-K' i -- u,; REMEMBER that Dr. F. C. Colby, of ; ^Woodstock, the Painless Dentist, will be I the Riverside House on Tuesday next, jgc,August 8th. Read his advertisement in knother column. ' A BUNQ from a beer barrel in Harris- vlSr burg. Pa., blew out and killed a bystand- : :C*vc. Another sacrifice to the terrible drink habit. L«ook not on the bung when ? It is uneasy. • - DB, F. C. COLBY, the Painless Dentist^ . *ill make his second visit to McHenry on '^Tuesday next,* August 8, and can be (ound at his rooms at the Riverside wfiouse. Do not fail to see him. ^ THE races at Richmond on Saturday fcst, out a £GGu crowd and ware of tile most interesting character, every : Jbe?t being closely contested. Quite a fjaumber ware in attendance from this tillage. ?! ECSE ROYAL Base Ball Club, of Wash ington, vs. McHenry Base Ball Club, of McHenry, at the Driving Park this Wednesday afternoon, August 2d. The irst game of the mason. Do not fail W aee it. The Qiant Oxine Nerve Food, and also the Oxine electric Porous Plaster, sold in McHenry by John Evanson & Co. and J. P. Smith, Local Agents, appointed by J. Snyder. This is the greatest Nerve Rem- edynowinuse. Try it. CHICKEN thieves have commenced thetf\ ilepredations in this village. On Friday jbight last they visited the premises of [John Frisby, on the east side of the river, Wnd took about $20 worth of chickens The beet law for these individuals is a dQi^of buckshot carefully administered* A VERY pleasant gathering was held at the residence of Geo. 6. Smith! on Thursday evening last, it being a/ sur­ prise to Mr. Smith'on his birthday. The /McHenry Band was present and dis- 1 coursed some excellent music. Ice cream was served and all present enjoyed thenar 1 selves in the, best of manner. ^ jMtyear. cTiange puts it this way: "When yon tee a youth that will do any sort of work, no matter how menial it may be ' up your mind that that fellow amounts to something. The young man who would starve before he would do anything be­ neath what he conceives to be his dignity is not made of the right stuff to cut much of a figure in this world. Don't be afraid of any sort of work so long as it is hon­ orable. AFTEB the value of turpentine has once been learned, no woman who keeps house will ever be without a liberal supply of it. It is good for burns and corns; it heals sore throat; it is an excellent specific for rheumatism, a sure preventive ol moths, and will drive away ants, bugs and other insects. A little poured in a bucket of warm water will clean paint better than soap, and a few drops added to the water will help to clean the clothes on wash day. DiCD. -At tlko residence of John Rale, ton, near this village, on Saturday, l«|f 22, .1893, Miss AURILLA BBESEE, aged 78 years, 9 months and 12 days. Miss BBESEE was born in Rutland County, Vermont,, October 10, 1814, came West in the spring of 1854, and lived with her brother Edson Breeee up to the day of her death. In her early days she joined the Disciples Church, and although for many years deprived of the privilege of attending their meetings, there being no society of that faith in this section, yet she ever remained a consistent believer in the faith, and died, as she had lived, a true, christian woman. She leaves one brother and one sister, Edson Bresee and Mrs. John Ralston, both of this town, to mourn her IOBS. HOT funeral waa held from the residence of Mr. Ralston, on Monday afternoon, and her remains were followed to Wood­ land Cemetery by a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing friends. PRETTY nearly everybody in America can now get low rates to the World's Fair except those living in Illinois, In­ diana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa. This looks very much like a pun­ ishment inflicted on the states named for flocklag to the Fair in such large numbers, while the low rates to people farther east and Vest are given as an in­ ducement to them to take some interest in the big show. Here's a new idea of rewards and punishments which puts *alty at a discount. But we are under aT)emocratic administration. TALK about your remarkable fish stories and snake stories all you please but a citizen of thiB town--whose reputa­ tion for truth and veracity has seldom or never been questioned--comes up smiling with one that deserve? to go on record. He waB in to the World's Fair last week and tells among the other won­ derful things he saw there, of an electric incubator, in which a man put an egg, when almost instantly the shell commen­ ced to burst and five miuutes after the egg was put in there stood in its stead a I full fledged rooster that flapped his Wings and crowed--and gentle zephyrs irom off the lake played "After the Fair" >n the jeweler's whiskers.' i IN another column can be found the new advertisement of Fred M. Ryder, House, Sign and Carriage Painter, who has located in the shop of P. Hauprish where he is prepared to do all work in this line on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. He is a first-class work nan and if you entrust your carriages to him you will be sure of a good job Read bis advertisement in another place la this paper* THE village of Hvntlau^inadddition to furnishing 600 cans of milk to local lusts tutions to work up, ships an average of jggariiy 900 cans to Chicago, or 1,500 i daily. In addition the Columbian Co., a new oondmsed milk factory istaitiil last fall and is constantly > tts business is shipping 35 daily milk as A PERSON should always endeavor to make things plain in letter writing. Some queer ideas often arise from care­ less statements. The following is going the rounds: A young lady of Galesburg who has been married a little over a year wrote to her father in Macomb, saying: We have the dearest little cottage in the world' ornamented with the most inter­ esting little creepers you ever saw.' The old man read the letter, and exclaimed, 'Twins, by thunder!' But the old lady, who had a good deal of experience, said nothing but sent her daughter directions to treat all the cracks in the bedstead with corrosive sublimate." WHAT are called the dog days, with the reign of the dog star Sirius, began on Monday, July 10, and will end on Mon­ day, August 28, a period when it is pop­ ularly believed the blood of animals, especially the dog, breeds rabies, sending them forth in a raging condition of feroc­ ity. It is also a belief that during the dog days care must be taken how men and boys bathe, as the heat of the season produces boils, ulcers, etc., on the hu­ man body. For this reason the reign of Sirius is a period much dreaded by super stitious people. THE souvenir Columbian quarters are now issued to tbe'number of forty thous­ and. The sou venirs are said to be beau tifal. On one side is a picture of Queen Isabella, wearing the crown with all the dignity becoming her station. Around her are the words "United States of America," while back of her bead iB the date, "1893." On the reverse side is the picture of a lady kneeling on one knee, with staff and distaff in her hands, while the words, "Board of Lady Managers, Columbian Quar. Dol." form the margin' of the circle. They have been selling at a premium in Chicago. ACCORDING to an old story a preacher told a little girl, in answer to a query, that every thing was in heaven as it is upon earth, except there were no news­ papers there, because they couldn't get enough printers through the pearly gates to set the type. But the preachers theory is now exploded says an exchange. A newspaper foreman has been heard from through a spiritualistic medium, and he says heaven is full of printers, re­ porters and editors, but it would be im­ possible to run a newspaper there, as elsewhere, without a "devil." Thus another slander upon the "art preserva­ tive of arts" is refuted. y Wanted, business man to meet credi­ tors. Permanent address, JOHN G. MOGREOOB. 1130-334 Dearborn 8k, Chicago, 111. THERE IS no class of men who cause more misery to mankind and woman­ kind than the peddlers, especially the itinerent ones. Their wares are almost invariably of an inferior character. They venture into our neighborhood with their creaking wagons and plug horses, if they don't come on foot. They are generally oily-tongued fellows who have insinuat­ ing ways. Thsy sell shoddy goods and imitation wares and the buyers fancy they are getting great bargains. It is the matter of tracking a man or woman into the house and laying siege to him or her by an unscrupulous and self-pos- P sessed stranger who is after money and has no delicate scruples about the man­ ner in which he gets it, that has made the peddler a dread in our countries and vinajgss. There seems to be a growing ; 'bg mm pedawra moatjfo. 800 00 838 00 835 00 400 00 I 00 1 00 175 00 SSOO 00 Beal Eatate Recorded up to and including July 22. Mary J Madden to Delta £ Madden §H It 8 blk 11 Harvard..... $800 00 Bridaett Scott and htisto Ann* Kinney und M neM nwfc sec 19 Hnrtland Maria N Robinson etal to E E Ba?!ev It 8 s it H It 7 and n 10 ft It 18 blk S Woodstock WOO 00 A B Coon and w to Elizabeth Johnson It lo of sub div Its 4 ond S blk S Saf- ford's adn Marengo Same to W French It 11 of same A VV Hart and w et al to E D Beard slay 4a in nwX swjtf *ee 36 Chemung... .. J Murphy amt w toff Murphy njf nwjtf sec 13 Marengo Same to J T Mnrphv S)£ sjtfnwjf MO 18 and ne^ ttec 14 Marengo W 1) Gates and w at al to £ Noise It 2 blk 7 Nunda ... ... J L Hibb&rd and wtoEO Jewett 82a In swjj' nejf (s of hy) sec 8 Dorr. U W Onihank to C L Kmgsley It 1 blk8 Hart's adn Harvard 2280 00 J Leadie and w to G Batchlot neltf -oj* se 11 Alfien 1500 00 BS wickham and w to J Leadls same 1300 00 J H Hubka and w to Mary Uubka Its 8 and 4 blk 10 Plnmleighe adn Algon'n 9000 00 "HARRY D" owned by Harry Dunn ill of Fox Lake, and driven by C. H. Heck, of Richmond, made a good showing at Waukesha, Wis., July 27th. where he trotted in the 2:30 class, trotting a seven heat race, getting first place twice and second five times, and getting a mark of 2:30 flat. He took the fifth and sixth heats in 2:30 and 2:31^ and every im­ partial man who was on the ground says he should have had the fourth, which he trotted in 2:26, but the judges gave it to another horse, thus cheating him out of his rightful and hard earned laurels. He was obliged to fight the full seven heats, first with one horse and then another, and then they only beat him in the last iieat by a nose. This makes the sixth George 01 colt to enter the list. The fol­ lowing is/tiie summary of heats: Joe Fifer, \ - 1 1 4 4 3 2 1 H a r r y D , . - 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 S i r J o e , J - » 4 8 3 1 2 8 . 8 Moarefield, - 5 5 dis B l a c k F r a n k , - 8 4 1 3 4 4 4 Time--2-29V 2:2% 2:27& 2:28& 2:30, 2:31%, 2:29%. '. Hor»« Uellt. IJndet the head of and Stable," in the Richmond Gfozetft; we find the following: Heck has a new stepper in his string. He is a six year old by George O and is owned by Heimer, of McHenry. A quar­ ter in 40 seconds to in road cart is ti>e clip he shows. Midnight, 2:17X. owned by the well known horseman and starting judge, H. B. Throop, of Nunda* gave an exhibition over the new track at Dundee, on Satur­ day afternoon. He made the mile 2:25; last half in 1:11 and the last eighth in 15 seconds a two minute clip. Five two year olds will face the starter on the Richmond track at the August matinee. Here they are; can you pick the winner? Maggie E, by Osprey; Yam- moose, by George O; Ben T, by Ballast; Sun Spot, by Interior; Oh No. by Swi- gert. If the above colts don't make a good race we are no prophet. The sports are looking forward with pleasure to the three year old stake race to be trotted on the Richmond track the second week in August. If you can pick the winner of the first heat you will draw a small fortune out olthe pool box. Some of the boys are Danking on Kin > ney's California filley, Monicha; others are anxious to place their stuff tin El dredge's Mischief; another brigade is of the opinion that Deitmeyer has a snap with Ida Chief. There are rumors float­ ing around that Frank Ayers, of Burling­ ton, has a whirlwind in Dan Swigert and Juniata and Elsie S each have friends in­ sisting that they have speed enough to carry them to the front. They are good ones each and every one, apd you must be a yankee if you can pick the winner. The McHenry County Breeders Asso­ ciation will hold a two days race meeting at Woodstock, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 1 and 2. The association opened five stakes which dosed April 15 with 33 nominations. They have also secured Solon goat stake, with 13 nominations. A free for all mixed race for a purse of |200 has been opened and the fastest horses in this section will start. A grand meeting is assured and the executive committee, Messrs. Johonnott, Eldredge and Overton, have reason to be proud of the reeult promised. Remember the date Sept. 1 and 2. The program: First day, Friday, Sept. 1: 3 year old stake, yearling stake, goat stake, 2:40 stake. Second day, Saturday, Sept. 2: Free for » g, nil 10* mm mm** djfc* --.. I WW OkUU ywr old stake: three mihute stake. y- NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR McHENRY. For the benefit of those opposed to other means Dr. Pilcher has procured the agency for Dr. Jessup's renowned local anesthetic, for the painless extraction of teeth, and also for Dr. Barr's pain ob- tundant, especially adapted for use with children in that it is not hyperdermati- cally injected, but applied externally np- on the guuia, producing a very desirable effect. Laughing Gas administered to those who wish it. No charge for ex­ tracting when plates are made. NOTICE. Mrs. Barton itishd&o thank the ladies of McH ronage. her eyste Ladies, cut advant West Mc $100 sh bills 2 on BABLBB, for their kindness and pat- having lift the agency for Mrs.fa|^>Jtfr"""Mackman. ing aJJ*erfmig,b knowledge of ' fitting wil lad it to their call on h^f at her residence, mrv. Genuine Confederate $ 50 and and 50c $1 and |2 securely sealed CHAS. D. Atlanta, Ga. cents 10 cen W.' Of the beat horses, in work team, flank nets of pads, whips, I very. low ait,' or small buggy or white boayand Dusters, sweat large and prices 1's, Ghreat Beliffioua Exhibition. The only purely religious exhibition in the World's Fair city is the new and beautiful cydorama of Jerusalem upon the occasion of the Crucifixion of the Saviour, on the corner of Wabash Ave. and Hubbard Court. This is not the same scene that was on exhibition there a few years ago, but a new and very elaborate one, embodying many novel features and effects. Indeed it is claimed to be next to the great panorama of the Chicago Fire, the most expensive work of the kind in the world. In connection with this superb scene, and without extra charge, is shown the celebrated painting, "Christ'Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem," yalued at #50,000. To those wishing to get a tx'tter idea of Andent Jerusalem and surrounding country, the architecture, customs and habits of the people of those days, to­ gether with perhaps the finest modern conception of the scene of the Crucifixion will here find abundant opportunity for profitable entertainment, and the young men attending the Moody Bible Institute are visiting this great Exhibition from time to time as a part of their religious training. , FOB IUJ)IBS ONLT™ |250 in gold will be given tq/the lady making the largest list of Words from letters contained in the word "BEAUTI­ FUL," #100 in gold for the second larg­ est list, #50 in gold for each of the third and fourth largest lists, diamond ring for fifth largest list fine lady's gold watch for sixth largest list, solid gold necklace for seventh largest list, hand­ some Swiss music box for eighth largest list, banquet lamp of elegant design for ninth largest list, lady's toilet case, com­ plete, ornamented in silver, for tenth largest list. We shall give away more than one hundred other prizes in order of merit, if there shall be that number of successful contestants, If two or more lists tie the one bearing earliest post­ mark will receive reward. The competi­ tion is open to ladies only, and is given for the purpose of introducing in the United States Madame Le Fontaine's Parasian Beautifier, endorsed by leading singers, actresses and society belles. It is a standard preparation of exceptional purity and wonderful qualities. Every contestant must order the Parisian Beautifier, which will be sent prepaid to any address in the United States upon receipt of fifty cents (introduction price.) Enclose postal note or stamps with list of words aud address at once, The Paris­ ian Toilet Co., Nc>tre Dame St., Mon­ treal. Quebec. , , == m l - - ' . HAY FOR SALE. The uadersigned bm about 76 acres of" good standing hay for sale, situated two miles and a naif northwest from Ring- wood. Is irst class hay, prindpally Timothy and liedUTop, and will average from 1% to 2 tons to the acre. Will be sold on.the ground or let out to be cut on shares and have it stacked on the ground. For farther particulars as to price, etc., inquire ol WESLEY LADD, 4ml • Ringwood, ML A carpenter by the name of M. S. Powers fell from the roof of a hquse in East Dee Moines, Iowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of Hie wrist which he cured with one bottle Cham beriain's Pain Balm. He says it is worth #5 a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenzy. L. A. Bar- rus, Yolo. L. M. Feui^aooonda. Id's Pan­ tile finest nPftri* Say Of Vl. The McHenry FLAIKDXAL&B closed volume 18 last week. This week it o volume 19 under aosptaaa j&at besj prosperity.--Gene r*«era/<? Yolume XIX, Nd*l, of the McHenry PLAINDEALEB is Wore us. A clean, newsy paper, keeping 4>ace with modern journalism, a credit to its town aud pub­ lisher. Brother Van Slyke has our best wishes for the future.--Hebron Tribune. Last week brother Van Slyke begem "unfolding the pages of volume nine* teen" of the McHenry PLAINDEALER. He speaks in a cheerful manner, acknowl­ edges subserviency to no "boss," and says that "everything is lovely and the goose hangs high." We admire Van's rosy-hued disposition and hope he will always keep on feeling so.-- Woodstock Sentinel. The McHenry PLAIJIDEALBR closed vol­ ume 18 last week. This week it opens volume 19 under auspices that bespeak prosperity. We wish it continued suc­ cess.--Harvard Independent. The'McHenry PLAINDEALEB has sue* cessfully mounted to the 19th rung of their annual ladder, having published No. 52 of Vol. 18 last week. The PLAIN­ DEALEB is one of our beet exchanges. We are pleased to know that they are pushing ahead satisfactorily.--Marengo News. The McHenry PLAINDEAIJEB is eighteen years ©M and ' just m lively as ever. Bro. Van SSyke's journal is recogftized as one of the leading Republican papers in our county and is known as a power in politics. Long may the PLAINDEALEB wave and may it ever be, as its name suggests, a plain dealers--Richmond Gaz­ ette, Oar excellent contemporary, the Mc­ Henry PLAINDEALER, was eighteen years old last week, and is as lively and frisky as ever. We remember when the first number was issued--we wished it success, and success it has had. Thatit may still continue and be the means of showering shekels into Van's pocket, is our sincere wish. The PLAINDEALER is well conduct­ ed and a reliable Republican newspaper. Marengo Republican. The McHenry, III., PLAINDEALEB,enter­ ed upon volume nineteen last week. Bro. Van Slyke, the publisher, knows how to get out a paper that will "take" with the people and may at all times be found on the side oi right, and is a twtwmeh friend of the Grand Army of the Repub­ lic. Success to the PLAINDEALEB.--White- wood, Dakota, Plaindealer. The McHenry PLAINDEALBB turned down Volume XVIII last week and starts out on the new volume with bright pros­ pects for the future. Bro Van Slyke is a veteran in McHenry county journalism, who publishes a clean, bright and newsy paper, which is a welcome visitor each week at this office, and the Democrat ex­ tends its best wishes for the future pros­ perity of the PLAINDEALER.--Woodstock Democrat. i iff!-- ; ALGONQUIN. At A. W. Vaughan's auction sale of a car load of milch cows on Wednesday last, cows sold on an average of #32.50 per head. Prof. Baldwin, of Brantford, Ont., was the guest of Prof. J. M. Edsall a part of last week. They were old class mates and had not met in eight years. Mrs. Helm, of Braceville, 111.,is visiting here with her children, Mrs. J. Peter and John Helm. Business Notices. Ignorance ol the merits of DeWittsLit- tleEarly Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver, cure head­ ache, dyspepsia, bad breath, constipa­ tion and biliousness. Julia A. Story. Do HOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can flat dates for yon at this office. If you need a Jacket or wrap for spring you will find Evanson's assortment very; complete and prices absolutely correct. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. DeWitts Witch Haiel Salve is the best salve that exper­ ience can produce or that money can BBING along your Key Wind Watches aud get them put in good running order for 50 cents. € ^ JOHN P. SMITH, the Jewder, ONLY 25 CENTS.? . Choice selections of books bound in cloth, for 25 cents each. Call and ex­ amine the assortment. One word describes it--"perfection We refer to DeWitts Witch Haiel^ Salve, cures obstinate sores, burns, skin dis­ eases and is a well known cure for pilee. Julia A. Story. All 'the talk in tho ^orld ^11 not con­ vince you so quickly as one trial of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. Julia A. Story, Seed potatoes and seed corn. A choice early rose potatoes, also a fine lot of Corbet field seed corn, and evergreen sweiteocn, at J. J. MILLER'S, West McHenry,' PASTURAGE. We will pasture a limited nnmber of Cows and Horses on the E. M. Owen Farm in this village. Apply to G. W. Owen or O. N. Owen, at the Bank of Mo- Henry. INVITATIONS! If yon desire to send any call at J. A. Stoixs and get some of the beautiful in- vitation cards. Latest styles and de­ signs. NOW IS THE TIME. To boy summer goods very eheap for next 30 days, as we will and must unload at once, to make room for winter goods. All dress goods, suiting, wash fabrics, capes, shawls, hats and clothing will be greatly reduced in price at Simon Stoffd's. Happy and content is a home with "The Ro­ chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. Catalogues,write Rochester LaiqpCo^NewYofk. The most intelligent people of our community recognize in DeWitt's Little Early Risers pills oi unequaled merit for dyspepsia, headache and constipation. Very small, perfect in action. Julia A. Story. "Bargains," "Bargains" is an old chesnut, bat yon will not after see­ ing the prices put upon our remnants after July 3. J. W. CBIBTY & SON, Ringwood. CeneralMferch aoo NEW, STYLISH, Well made and cheap suits of Clothes for Men, Boys and Children just received. All sizes and at prices to suit all. Odd 1 silk mixed pants. Spring overcoats. Call Miss Annie Kee spent the past weekXoA.^^fl, ifK in PVtinonn • " ... --I a with friends in Chicago. ftn Eugene Brink, of Grand Forks, N. D.r is visiting with old friends here. ^ There was quite an excitement on Satftg nrday evening last, caused by Miss Dortg. Dodd accidently falling from a boat int<j|y the river just above the dam. But foijj. the gallant bravery of S. Seeber an^-. Willie Jaynes, who were near at hand^f she would have surely lost her life. gg' Geo. W. Chapell, of Owopo City, Sh^fd _ and Mea's Flo# the new atj les. Anything? deairod An Slr-aw Hats, from lOo ttp* > ' - We are "howfog a great nriiifof fhe newest things la F®)* fin nl pus, end our prices are correot. only just srrlred. itt-Vhn* cries, black, white and i-ream laces pur, assortment is cosstjsto^ re are turning Ml. We have a maok tiirav/i - - vaav- rctttntii tho undent Greeks became acquainted with the northwestern part of India! , , , , Among other things they heard thattarfi>®r 8i'£>cK ihao usual, bought ex- the • seas about Ceylon were peopled]f®v *ow for cash, and is we handle with mermaids. Ih® best the trade always kMjr fhere to go to get vtloe received. |§ seldom we ever miss a fit. i In this case, as in th,e case of so many o,ther wonderful tales, there was a cer­ tain amount of truth underlying the fiction, for these seas are peopled by creatures as big or bigger than human beings, which have a habit of raising themselves up vertically Out* of 'the awapee county, Mich., has been visiting J water, w hop tkey piese n&ja,ve#yJ8tar here with his cousin, S. S. Chapell. ' " Harry Morton returned to his home in Elgin on Sunday last, after spending a pleasant week's vacation with his many friends here. r't,, € Are fot#' the largest stock to select fron.and prices a little under the others. Trade Is Immense, Our tans, broiras, nsvys and black henrlettas are all good sellers, with trlnnlngs and Bat- ton* to mateh. It la surprising to see the nnmber & :4; BOOTS AND 8HOK8 * ' - r\ - • H Art. Chapell, of Chicago, was a caller in town on Sunday last. J. W. Kee, of Chicago, spent Sunday in Algonquin. G. E. Chapell, of Chicago, was a caller in town on Monday of this week. The Thomas family held a picnic up the river on Saturday last. Our Condensing Factory has commen­ ced condensing milk, arid in a few days will be able to work up all of their milk here instead of shipping it to Carpenters- ville as they have been doing. W. H. Ogbin succeeded in getting afine flowing well at his residence on Main St. Mi s. Joe Kutchera and children, of Chicago, are visiting here with her deter, Mrs. Panba, E. A, Ford and wife and N. W. Wanzer and wife attend a family picnic in Chi­ cago on Saturday, returning home on Sunday evening. B$>ARD OF HEAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given to all persons within the corporate limits, to at once examine the out-buildings, hog-pens, stables, water closets, etc., and to remove all offal, manure piles and generally ren­ ovate their premises, and by the use of disinfectants, which can be obtained at either of the drug stores, effectually guard the health of our citizens. The Board will, in a few days, make a tour of the village and thev hope to find thattheee suggestions have been com­ plied with, that they may be saved the disagreeable duty of enforcing the law. The Board will consider it a favor if persons knowing of'a nuisance within the Corpora**"* limits will report the same to any member of the Board when it will be attended to at once. JIB. 0. J. HOWABD, , '|jlT0lf Wbbehi^.' E. Bennet1^,; f . Board of Health. McHenry, 111., Jnly 10,1893. Do not miss at J Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig, Mo.* Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale Iowa, and asked the physician in attend­ ance to give him a dose of something for cholera, morbus and looseness, Of the bowels. He says: "I felt so much bet­ ter the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get fejpn to fix Jneup a supply of the medtehie. I was surprised when he handed me a, bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ehad Diar­ rhoea Remedy. He said he pres&pbed it regularly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. I can tes­ tify to its efficiency in my case at all events." For sale by. G. W. Besley, West McHenry. £ A. Bar* nUbVolo, L. ljC Ferine, Waucoad*- <Pfc"-'-a. _'_1 a- < Wwtj Honest FLOUR? FLOUR! Chick's Best, #1.10; Half #1.05; New Proems, 95 cents i Abe, 90 cents, at Simon M IS Monona Lake Aaaembly* 't On account of the Monona Lake A» sembly the Chicago & North-Wester^ R'y Co. will sell Excursion tickets tjcr Madison, Wis., and return at very low rates for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 17th to 28th, inclusive, good for return passage until and including July 29,1893. For tickets and further information apply to agents C. ft N. W. R'y. . 2w2 Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy When that remedy is used and the treat­ ment as directed with each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W Walters, a prominent merchant at Wal tersburg, III., says: "It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any med­ icine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I. A. B&rrus, Volo, L, M. Fenne, Wauconda. DeWit's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures burns DeWitt's Witch H&zol Salve cures sores DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers. Julia A. Story. Our remnants will never be worth more than now and are worth only what they will bring, and knowing this we shall pnt a price on them that will sell them. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Piles of people have piles, bat DeWitt'8 Witch Hazel Salve wm cor* them. Julia A. Story. "There is a salve for every wound." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve, cures burns, bruses. cuts, indolent sores as a local application in the nostrils it cures catarrah, and always cures piles. Julia A. Story. Old stock will accumulate, but w< shall put a price that will make them go We have a great variety of goods and yea can find something that you c use at a price that cannot be duplicated. J. W. CBIBTY & SON, Ringwood ife fez men 03K! MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr.Price'sCream Baking'Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Prke'a Contain* No Ammonia, No Alum, • •' ' ' Or any other ' Adulteraafc The only Pore. Cream of Tartar Bakinf Powder* Its Purity Ha* never beea Questioned. *§:• 4Q~ Vears the Standard. Canned Goods I Osr cellar is stacked with goods bought before the big rise, lead. m line „ Freeh Groceries Goods always on hand. Pillsburv't Best sad lower Floor at our usual low prloes. Gall and teens. . -»\ imj' V- ri* ' "I - tjmw- i>&- L • & i General Merchants. MtHJCNBY, BaM of McHein m % • SSSS4W '£ . JSssfi PKHY.40WII, Bankora. MoHBNRY, • • •(.UNOM. TiWt Bern* and 980$ Mrefgm ttkcwyVf end d009 41 general Banking Batistes We swdsawr *»?*> ail Lb*sfasss s ̂ trusted to our ears fci a matm*r mm upon tern* entirety mtUfaetmw ̂ft customer*, and mpectfufy 8 pmbUo patronage SSONEY TO LOAM{. :4 INbUBANOB Jk JHrtt dent JCesies t Malm. To** »aOTARY

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