Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1893, p. 8

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V. *i '£! fiV_ , Lawtf Bll W< CIMML- Thli pis L<UD. ,< '%« cent MFTF o' winter, 'peared lik| and I was skceredlitt FIS^UARY. M*6C tne madder . TO Stomp in. lay in ;;Y **& O N F T V L T M F O N A T I R K . ^ A Y I N , W , - - R :V "TTNOALUG'S ottt and seed his RIFAHMMI*: 3 --James Wbitcomb Rikj. ^ That la Nofcr Valuable. ) A generation ago there VM hardly a imiH of any kind that was not troubled Witfea heap of rubbish or waste material JgiiiSil did not know What to do with. j> * 8Dk manufacturers saw the rise of this beap with annoyance, and they took it as afavor if any one would cart it away and y, nm it as a fertilizer. An English in- Jj£,.. vendor guessed at the possibilities in 'fr this pile of refuse and set about invent- vjr ing machinery to utilize it. Today, a> a |t »„•&>< jresult of his foresight and genius, 5,000 )%. persons are employed in making the • •>• • >' j- * finest silk plushes, ribbons and tsItMi ^ from the refuse piles of silk mills, and ^ ' / ? : the inventor has grown rich. ^7 . 1 The cottonseed oil industry is a bet- k ,V' . ter known illustration of economizing t,<v" wa8*e> but the dimensions to which the industry has grown are not so generally known. The annual product in oil, cake, lint and hulls from cotton need, ' v' Vrhich a generation ago was allowed to rot, is $37,000,000, and it could be made greater if there was a market for . the product.--Philadelphia Press. NN» V , • WM Eyeiy Man whosewatdi 3 (rin 1 iiai> !WfW mm • <-> i •« vJ$ L rvn©!* V ^ \ ' 'iillb * THERE: IN>- _! &»- **,/ a ^ jki NOTHING SPECIAL V' ft. & ^ -i^V N.*i M *THE Arab's Donkey. One sees Arabs coming into Constan­ tinople with a donkey load of wood, which they sell for 3 francs. They hav,e come 25 miles with it, sell it, and nexj A ^ay ride the donkey back. As a meal <,7' *;'£ costs them but 2 cents, the wood Nothing, and the donkey does all the $' *<" Work, what seems a small profit is really |$> >n;Ha good one. And who is it that earns it? 1 All saddle beasts in the east go what trar Anglomaniacs call "artificial" gaits; ' in fact, three-fourths of all the animals the world do so. Mules which are i" i j ridden always "sidle" or amble, all don- g>v ' keys running-walk, rack or amble. But (\ > nowhere except in our southern states || » H have these gaits been studied as an art, ft v 1*2. improved on and bred from,--Colonel 11^ ~ ' T. A. Dodge in Harper's. ' ^ ^ ' •* 1 nit > " '« *"; 4 Marrying Tor PTL)^ ' ' YjJ ' < ' A fair maiden who had weathered the ^ ̂ l>lasts of some 85 summers was in- [!'/•; fi Y formed by a booby that unless she mar- t V.f ^ tfed him he would blow the top of his •' liead off. It's a pity she didn't let him W." r jko it. Heads of that kind ought to be rjblown o2 every time. That is what Sthey are for. But Desdemona pitied ' Othello, and this fair maiden pitied her ' :, lover and went to the parson's ̂ 4fll Uka. '• ; ' 'That was only a month ago, asl mm if B'V""" 'i. wants to kill himself she mil present with the best silver mounted pistol Y* - to the market. P!YY:'JIYY- Marriage a solemn contract, and it iy T 'lb better to think twice b^Q|« sypiwg it. *" --New YorkTelegram. *J "'•*"i"A';,v i:: The ONLY VI rnzJvog aod Cures Dyspepsia GEORGE 0 2:211-2 i> THIS A^NOUWCEMEN' ' f • i, ' PXCEPT THE FACT? That we have made a 8weepinir Reffluction in our ^ t ifc prices on all kinds of Notions, Also Groceries, An<3'a»k tfcfe peo^le of McHenry and vicinity to ffflty&i&otur stock f which is always complete, and get our prices* £ KrMl has been damaged by dro|^ iping out of t&e ww, and Y Every Man of sense who res the old pull*, le new " - Lis?" • merely compare out bow and the • Visit, iffs W, your atterjtior) to il & 4 MANUFACTURED ONLY»aY will exclaim: "Ought to haipe^ l>een made long ago!" Itcan't lae twisted off the case. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filled and other casjss stamped with this trade mark Ask your jeweler tor puaplitat. Keystone Watch CaM Co., fhiladelpbUu ..Si: BfoHenry, 111. 1893! JOHN t STORYi 3$-y lit* , m i?s r' s.r IVf"' iH 5^1 JtllBiffllt. * * ' S ' / : T w o m e n b e c a m e e n g a g e d i n a f i g b t }'4 In the street. Instantly their hate went £* , j. , off and rolled in the dust. One of the' 19 . 1 «aen was entirely bald, and the other p fcad a thick head of hair. The bald man ^'#•4 ' • .Miced the other by the hair and -be&an X', to drag him about. [2;:,« . "Stop him!" cried a bystander. "Why should you stop him?" asked another. "He's only practicing the gold- * 7r * en rule." "The golden rule? What do you mean?" M ^ "Why, he's doing to the other man ft j T- what he wishes to goodnees the other > tnan might be able to do to himf*-- Isl-rD' &SP'Youth's Companion. DOiT T BREED TO GEORGE 0,2:21* .TTnlees you want to rftUe a fast Pacer or Trotterae all his colta are faet; never has s i red one but what can be pnt in the H» t , I t don't, seem to make any difference what th» dams are. He sired the following colts with records the first year out handled by professional horsemen: ETHEL B (p) 2:18J at 5 years, HENRY O (p) 2:20J at 6 year*. MARY LEE 2 r22J at 6 years, PBINOE T 2:29J m ALGONQUIN 2:29f. "v Two below 2:20M from dama of no known blood, also sire of Mary Lu,2-yr. old," record of 2:49 In a race, and several-more below 2:40, GEORGE O is standard r.nder both the Trotting and PACING rnlesand will soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern \Visconsin can boast of it. Service Fee, *50. For elreulars send to CSEO. W. OWEN. McHEMtYf ILL. IF 100 WANT INFORMATION ABOUT . J iku/v. •« - Managing Attorney WASHINGTON, D. C. $ V >• yon to be idling your time away? il" Anticipatory. Lady of the House--Aren't you asham­ ed of yourself--a great, strong man like Transient Individual--Ah, mum, bat ^ . you forget the business depression. ,f Lady of the House--Bother the bufli- •'5-'" - nees depression! Te'my knowledge you ". mm Iharen't done a stroke of work for years. Transient Individual--Of course. I . was merely anticipating the panic, yon a.- know- getting used to loafing so I •J- ahonldn't mind it when there was so v.. / -l work to be had.--Boston Transcript, v Good Ecotigfa For a Beast. /' - "A droll little stoiy is told of Mr. W. S. Gilbert. He put up his horse one day 'if, j:-:at a small country inn, on the signboard | <• of which was painted conspicuously the r notice, "Entertainment for man and i|5 ^ beast." When his lunch was brought, - • he looked dissatisfied, and surprised the ^ .waiterby saying, "This is all very well i'f so far, but where is the entertainment | for the man?"--London Tit-Bits. His Way of BetMlng Debts. |jv - While I was reading the London pa- M; % . pers in a comfortable ^ at the Colo- ||| I f nial club not leng since two studions looking visitors went by. One said to 'm. the other: "Yes, he's a good fellow, but m eternally mysterious, though syste- - Hiaije, yet unreliable. Take the way he ; settles his bills, for instance, just like 'P*' clockwork--tick, tick, tick."--Club. \ # The sun and the earth are both prac- V spherical in shape, and the earth jv is evidently only a small, cooled off or frozen sun. The sun has a shell nf glow- ing metallic clouds; the earth has a shell _ of )K>lid opaque rocks and metaUk Address a letter or postal card to THE PRESS CLAIMS COSPAIT7, JOHN WEODERBURN, P.O. Box 4*3. _______ PF1TSIOS3 PBOCCEED FOR SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers MD Sailors disabled In the line of ontyln the recnlar Army or Navy alnre the war. Bnrvivors of the Indian wars of 1&82 to 1842, and fneir WIDOWS, NOW entitled. Old and rejected claims • apeclaWv, Thousanda entitled to nisher ratea. Bend fornewiswa. HIT loir aiviee, £»!<• A. mm AND RESTAURANT. McHENRV, ILLINOIS. Fine Zentncky Liauors, ' ^French Bitters, HcHenry Lager Beer, -AND- J. ScMitz Rilwankee Bottle Beer & Snitz J?* '••"w* Georgia's Fame and Fortmite" ' J,f . Qeorgia's melon crop this year is «tt- L4,<' V mated to be worth nearly $250,•©• *» Ike farmers, and perhaps $100,000 te the railroads in the state, The state's crops ^ 'i1 will rnSi "p to 8,000 carloads, it is said, O ^ and at $80 a car the farmers will get al- It' \V, M • ; IV" '4%- • v f J / ; J.'.Y - -< fri; t;4. most $350,000.-»-Atlanta Constitution. [n any quaatity from Glass to ICO barrels. AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as Cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but the beat ami sell at Reasonable Prices. at! and see me and I. will use yew well. ANTONY ENGLES T . ) * ) . K 1 H - 8 . THIS WEEK .UIUIJL ' mm RUIMNN. I'LI.IIR IIIUT-'IIIIIIIRIIIJ FJ NILJM I I.I; We offer Bargains in this >.'*] * M The above is a out of Our tew Folding Machine* now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. i V If ^ * r 1 * J. " M 'r 1 ' 'j rV;Tfi ' i ; - Wt,, . * * 'V/ ," ' • •--WILL BIC*-* 1r W0OI58TOCIC, ILL., Friday, Sept. 29, 1803. Office Hours from 9 a. m. %} 5 p.. H,. :$:* ,C5: 7 ^ • : • ^ "' r 4j$]fIOTBL WOODSTOCK* , • i •«, 4 0811 Our patrons, and those needing actrb s machine are invited to coll and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f tot, of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eighi years, and every machine is fully warranted for five ) ears. If you need such a machine please write the abeve company lor prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. <& F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y.; Mather Manfg * Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. C biopgoj Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright. Barret & StiUwell, St. Paul; Gtaoctfcin & Son, Toronto. Canada. DOOBwas OF BXTXBaXDS HO 8S. VoBnij,!!!, g Medicines :> Constantly on hand. Alio a large line of l; Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles* AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF STAtlOKBEY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES WV' / ...r^ ; j. y, ' .-•••Zj-v-"-' • - > •• '••n.-.-r-: i DR. D. O. FRUTH, Late Surgeon *« the Provident Medical Di^pm- taryof Few York now President of the } •- : jfrulh Mtdical Institute, chartered *< Hie long experience In the .largest hospitals in the wnfid enables him to treat all CHKOBIO NBKVOUS, SKIN AMD BLOOD D iMase s u pOB the LATEST scientiflo principles. DR. FRIJTH hae no superior in diagnoeiptf and treating diseases and deformitiea. RE. will give (50 for any ease be cannot tell the disease AND where loeated in AVE minote'. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and chronic Catarrah, diseases of (he Bye, Bar, Nose, TTI?oat and Lungs, Pyspepvia, Bright'* Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Obronic Female and Sexual Diseases speedily cured by treatment that has never tailed In thousands of caves that had been pronounced beyond hope. Many people MEET death every year who might have been restored to perfect health had they placed their eases In THE hands of experts. DB, FRUTH has attained tlic most wonder­ ful success in the treatment of cases to which he devotes special attention, and after year* of experience, has perfected the most infalli­ ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner­ vous Debility, Premature Declineof the Man­ ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair, ed Memory . Mental Anxiety , Absence of will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effeetiona if consulted before Idiooy, lasanlty Falling Fits or Total Impotency result from YOUTHFUL ERROR*, the awful effect which blight the most radiant hopes, unfiling pati­ ent tor buainc.?", study, society or marriage, rtnnnallv sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men < F EXMTFD talent and brilliant lutellect. PILES OUKED with­ out pain, knife cutery, EPILEPSY positive, LY cured BY our new aad never falling hospi­ tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the urine, chemical and microscopical, in all oases of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and dDerinatorrha. Bring cpeel- mens, WONDERFUL CURES perfected in all cases that have been neglected or unskill­ ful ly treated. No experiments or failures. We undertake no Incurable esses, but cure thousands given up to die Remember the date and eome early a* his room* are always crowded CASES and eonrespondence csnfldential, and treatment seat by EXPRESS with full direct­ ions for use, but pergonal eonsnltation pre­ ferred. DR. D. O. FRUTIb_ 3639 Ute AvMU^OhlMgo. " MA JGI /'"-i Preacriptiona McHENI ... cist Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. y w B A L D H E A D S ! What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Dpes it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance? Does it fail out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? is it dry or in a heated condition ? if these are some of your symptoms be warned in tim& oryou wilt become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower I need. Its production Is not an accident, but the result of *c!entlfle Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discov. to treat tEem. "Skookum" contains neither minerals nor oils. It Cbnt a delightfully co.iUug and refreshing Tonic. "By stimulating M. it atop* falling hair, cures dandruff ami @rotes hair on bald cleiin, heaithy, and tree teem Irritating eruptions, by It destroys paraetHo itumctt, which feed on cmnot sojp ot price. Grower, ( direct to vs, and we will forward Boap.soc. SKOOKUN ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., IT IsMli Slfitk Am«e« New Tork, H. Y. All Competitors Arcknowlede;e it as the Standard. & it makes more Bread. |For Sate by all the Leadino Vma?..bwh,rte!rB^1| I . "erchants in town, wd at Th&narty ether Flcur. | The RollfiP Mills. Pillsliiiry'a TV'Ht at lowest market pride. ^ Itehbiirn's best $1.10. \ < hoir« Kanny Pntont at $1.05. Tr> If Back of any of tbe £ a -'I- m- ntinn^l hern, and if you do not obtain the best reti liH your money will be cheerfully refunded. Far Leave your order at the M V, we will do the rest. id Middlings to' 8a!ei JTJSTEN JBRO&, With two stores, one on the West side and one on the side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public A. Larger Stock oi all kinds of ,L * ~,K Than ever before, wblob we. ^ ere offering at greatly -sfc; • REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT* lfgS|,We also keep In atock a full line of iioplei of CARPETS, and we eaa give yoh in.Tthlot; from the cheapest to the finest BruMels at lower prices than any other house In the county. I 1 1 ':,n I i ' lb-.#*? we 1iA"e taken great pains In selecting U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S , jj&is. - is ^ '•* m tr.m ' h 'i. >'• Cofflns. Ceskets and Trlmmlnge ot the latest designs. Everything new and eWant. We keen noUilne but the beet. Do not fall to call andiee u# wlen lo elegant. We keep nothing buf the beet. Do not fall to call at want of anything in our line. J" A SPLENDIB NEW HEABSSl !B connection. which will le forrlshcdat Reasonable Rates. JTJSTBN JMoHdftni III.. 189*. Miller & Son, -DBALEBS IN- UARBLE i GRANITE. Moniimentf» Headatonee Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed ait the Lowest Prices. , Satisfaction GuruiUit Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can fce lound a good assortment of finished work. Henry Miller 4k Hon. Il ,'L •PVI# FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOH C.1NJME»T. trite DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent f ttomapk InjMDtlVe Age Building. IGTON, D. C. Mention thia Aa'. -Jit*.

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