Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1894, p. 7

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mm , your «tom- •eh, or yonr bowels are ootwf <mler. If jott«n troubled "4". ' in HM dgB|. jddinea or dte- [slmpTyoall And flfctle rtoDete tost wfcat jw ma»t--tinr fat ate, ngaiKnsbd, r«^"* to tain iol pleasant in the w&y ItarMt. They ton* up and itarengthen the lining mambranea of toe stomach and bow- --' J~ tnf good. •*; esd ettrs BffiouimeHi, i, Sour Stomach, Sick and Indigestion, take Pierce's Pellets. If they're not *7> in every way and in ha*® your money back. _Tbe"old reliable"--Dr. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy has been sold for thirty years. Has cared thrnisanrts, will cure you. 0MW »Vi ' -i f £ . . Brings comfort and improvement and nds to Dersonal enjoyment when •«ghtly used. The many, who live bet­ ter than others end enjoy life mon\ with less expenditure, by more promptly % i'* J, , r CLAIML P, \ - 7 • i v y V tfce value to health of the pure liquid j^xativo principles embraced in the jjfemedy, Syrup of Figs. ^ Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and »et with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- jjftets in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. v <. > $ - • - Slro . ' IjlHv'.H* V f , j \ ^ % ' . " * ' . ^ ' » i /' . pie. greatest Medical DUcoyefy - '* of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never faiied except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war­ ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat Se best you can get, and enough of it. ose, one water at bed­ time. Sold by all Druggists. rB s - "" "v In the Early Days lal cod-liver oil its use was limited to easing- those far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption. Scott's Emulsioo pi cod-liver oil with Hypo- phosphites of lime and soda nas rendered the oil more effective, easy of digestion and pleasant to the taste. twwwd by Scott * Bowne, W. T. All draggista. Tie Best Waterproof Coal. In the WORLD! [SUCKER The FISH BRAND SLICKER- Is warranted water- proof. Hid will keep you dry ir the liardeititorm, The Mw POMMEIj SLICKER is n t riding coat, mid ~ n't £1 •ever* the entire saddle. Bewereof Imitations. Bon bay a coat If the " FUh Brand" Is not on It. Illuatra tel Catalogue free. A. J. TQWEK, Boston, Man fly's CreamBalm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain end Inflammation, • -Jfcrstores the Sense of JTaste and Smell. Meals the Sores. ,•» Washington, D.O.' • 3Tr«lalactwar, ISadJiwHnatlngclaiina, atty almrn jmmoK not wa --• i <• i .Iv Balm into each nostril. ; BHDS., 56 Warren St., N.I. iNSION-2---- i# i- No. lO--94 I$k^ ' P I S O ' S C U R E T O R CminaptlTti and people who baTS weak lungs or Asth­ ma. should use Ptso'u Cure for Consumption. It bas eared tkoasmada. It has not injur­ ed one. It Is not bad to take. It 1* the beat oougta syrup, gold eTerrwhere. We. C O N S U M P T I O N . l»ty arch ***** Jaylemf whan ant of ertaascm i alio sunrise pours its glory, Horn after morn repeating well fif Aaror&'a cbeerfal atory f TMMlesaf when nlfbt with noluiMs fsM> From fltlils of hvbi and flowers. Sweet odors in ber mantle dark Bears tp this cot of ours? Uko faintest soondii of distant Ponndicg some castle hoary. We hear the great world's ronr A&d trace her change!al story, As far away nbltt gleaming sail, Turning a bend of river, ?y . A BoIiI> deed with radipnt fla«h x,.-,. ' Makes every te&rtstring qaivo^V. V' ? So, thankful were tho kindly staM- ~ Spang e the blue with beauty, Vi look, i-ml breathe th.i fervent "Vdill' That all may do their duty. -Boston Transcript, , STOLEN DIAMONDS. Ab, Damon, old boy! Glad you dropped in. I've got something that 1 think will interest you. seeing you are a newspaper man. What do you think of this?" and Mr. Wardswortb, of the llrni of Wardswortb & Blank, manufacturing jeweiers of Boston, placed a paper in the hand of the young journalist. "Ah ha! a goodly find for some one," replied the reporter as he wad: "JE5.000 EEWAKD. For the apprehension of the criminals or thereeovery of the diamonds taken from the safe of Jaspar, Sturgis & Juapar, Lon­ don. on or about December 1st. It is thought that the gems have been smuggled to America, as no attempts have been made to (Mspose of them either in Great Britain or upon the Continent. Dealers and officers of the law are cautioned to be on the alert. The jewels stolen are of the llrst water, large stones, and the whole amount valued at £3O.0UO. (signed) JASPAS, STUBOIS & JASAPK. London." ••It would be like looking for a needle in tbe hay-mow, 1 should say," commented Damon, as he finished the perusal of the notifica­ tion. "Very much," replied Mr. Wads- worth as he refolded the pa^er and replaced it in his pocket. "Yet it would be a difficult matter for any one to dispose of such a quantity of diamonds even though they succeed In getting them into tbe country. Nevertheless, it behooves us in the business to keep a sharp lookout, and to inju re closely where a stone comes from, that is brought us to mount. If the rogues attempt to place their plunder on the market within six months or a year, they will stand a very good chance of be­ ing apprehended; but if they can af­ ford to wait, and have nerve enough to retain 'the diamonds in their pos­ session until the excitement has died away, the thieves may be enabled to get rid of tbe gems in small lots without causing suspicion." "Well, I hope it may be your good fortune to run across some of the sparklers, for I would like to see you capture the reward," replied the re­ porter, with a smile. "Who knows but what it may come your way," returned the jewel­ er, laughingly. "You board most of the incoming vessels, and I should think might stand a pretty fair chance to bear of any smuggling game, and bv working up your in­ formation be able to claim some of the Englishman's £5.000." * "Not so much of a chance as you might imagine, my friend," replied Damon. "True, I have to report the arrival ot vessels, and of course visit many of them, but it there was any smuggling detected, it would only be my duty to write the story for the paper, and I could not expect to re­ ceive any credit from the authorities for the apprehension of the guilty parties. But it was not to' 'talk shop' with you that brought me in Do you see this?" and Damon held up a package, neatly wrapped in paper, yet not so disguised but what any one could see that it was a quart bottle. "This is some rare, old Bur­ gundy. At least the Stewart of a British steamer affirms that it is. Now, I want you to come to my ai artments to-night and take a hand at a game of whist, and you will have an opportunity to sample the wine. What say you?" * "1 would be Only too pleased to make one of the party, nofSvholly on account of the contents of the bottle, for vou know I am somewhat ab­ stemious. but to en>y a quiet game of whist" w "Very well, X will look for you at 8 o'clock sharp. Good-by,^ and with little ceremony the hustling journal­ ist turned On his heel and left his friend's place of business to complete the arduous labors of the day. At the hour of 8 two reporters and two jewelers, all old acquaintances, were seated about a table in Damon's room, enjoying themselves hugely as they laughed and chatted over the topics of tbe day. At length the host arose and said: ••Now, boys, supposing we try the quality of the steward's present. 1 don't suppose that any of us are con­ noisseurs - of wines, although we might be able to know what would make a good newspaper story when we ran against it, or tell the quality of a piece of gold when taking it in hand. ' However, we all have tastes, and in this free country, are at liberty to express our opinions. So, Mr. Wardsworth, yours, first," and the the reporter essayed to Oil the glass of his friend. Although Mr. Damon had carefully removed the cork, yet to his surprise only a feeble stream ot liquid issued forth. "Ah," be remarked, '^something has fouled up the neck of the bottle. Never mind, we'll soon fix it," and taking a long lead pencil from the breast pocket of bis vest, he wiped it and thrust it into the aperture. With a gurgle the wine bubbled forth,then a hard substance struck the bottom of the goblet. "Why, if the villains who put up this Burgundy have not left broken glass in the bottle," exclaimed Da­ mon, . with ill-concealed disgust "They must want to murder their customera" Stepping to his bachelor cupboard the reporter took therefrom a silver spoon, with which he fished out the foreign substance and dropped it upon the table, exclaiming: "There's the thing which might hare been the cause of some one's untimely death, and the subject of a good article for the morning Jour­ nals." A cry of surprise escaped the lips Wf the jeweler-guests as each timul- ? •* **f) IV Hi W'J*- £*» tb*M*U oltfaet whtcb bad been the »#a»s of so disturbing the equa­ nimity of their host. "Why, Damon, it's a diamond I" cried Mr. Wardsworth. excitedly. "A diamond !" reiterated the re­ porters, aghast with astonishment, "If it is not a valuable gem, I never saw one," continued Wards- worth. "What say you, Richard­ son?" turning to his companion In the trade. "It is a stone of the first water," conclusively replied the experienced dealer in precious metals. "How came It in tbe bottle, do you sup­ pose?" "Can it be one of she stolen jew­ els, think you?" asked Damon, his newspaper instinct leading him with lightniug-like rapidity to trace their "find" to the steward who had given the wine, back across the Atlantic even to the vaults of its original owner. "Perhaps." answered Wardsworth, his voice husky with excitement. "But, quick, Damon, bring us a basin, and we will examine the con­ tents of the ilask." If the throats of the quartet had been parchea with thirst, tney would not for an instant thought to moisten their lips with a drop of the liquid. His hands tremblinsr, Mr. Wards- worth struck off the neck of tbe bot­ tle by a single blow of a fruit-knife which he took from the table, then allowed the Bur mndy to flow freely out into the china bowl. With bated breaths, the men watched theglitter- ing spray as it fell from the jagged edge of the shattered glass! Diamond after diamond mingled with the ruddy wine, and sparkled with scintillations which dazzled the eyesjQl the beholders! For a moment the occupants of the room stood about the table, speech­ less! Then the jeweler grasped the hand of his host, and exclaimed : "Damon, your fortune is made! There are undoubtedly the jewels which were taken from the safe of Jaspar, Sturgis & Jaspar, London, and the reward of $25,000 is yours. A small fortune, uiv boy, a small for­ tune!" "Then if tie Englishmen's gold comes this way, it shall be divided into four parts, and you, my friends, shall share with me," returned the reporter, promptly. "But what is to be done? I know a column exclusive for the morning paper," and the young man sprang towards his desk, with the intention of writing out a startling story of the wonderful re­ covery of the stolen diamonds, valued at $150,000. He was restrained, however, by his friends, who assured him that to pub­ lish the matter now would be to serve as a warning to the thieves and thwart the ends of justice. "We will take that diamonds down to my store and lock them up," said Mr. Wardsworth. "Then notify the police, who will probably arrest the steward, and then cable across the news." "I am sorry that I have been the means of causing trouble to the man, for we are old friends," observed Mr. Damon. "The steward may be innocent," urged Damond's companions. '-Do you think if he knew the contents of the bottle he would be likely to give it away? No, 6ir," added Mr. Wards- worth, "you may rest assured that some of the principals in tbe affair have blundered, and blundered badly. Nevertheless, it was a brilliant scheme to smuggle the diamonds into America by this means." The jeweler's argument proved cor rect. The arrest and trial of tbe steward of tbe ocean steamer elicited the fact that be had been intrusted with a bottle of wine by an acquain­ tance in England, which be was asked to deliver to a gentleman, who would call for it in Boston. There was no name attached to the package, and be supposed it was of no more value than others of a simi­ lar brand which he had in his charge, belonging to the ship's stores. He put it in his room, and never gave it a second thought, until on reaching port he was presented with an order for the delivery of the wine. Being in a hurry at tbe time, he handed the caller what he thought was the rizht bottle. Then, a little, later when Damon came on board, he made the reporter a present of the one contain­ ing tl.e eems. Tne steward was consequently ac­ quitted by the authorities, but re­ ceived his discharge from the steam­ ship company for his indiscretion. Damon, the reporter, was given the reward, but could not prevail upon his friends to share it with him. they urging that it belonged to him, and him only. Once a year, however, up to the present time, the quartet sit down to a little dinner together, and as may be supposed, the principal topic of conversation is that wonderful bottle of Burgundy, whose contents were never drank, though a portion of them serves to enhance much of the feminine beauty both in America and England, although few of the wearers realize that their glittering gems were once eagerly sought for when they were "STOLEN DIAMONDS.*' --Yankee Blale. LIVE ON THEIR HOPES. .What She Missed. Walter French has> curious relic of the war. It is a watch with a bul­ let firmly imbedded in one side of tbe cas& Tbe watch belongs to Captain McGunnigle, who was a member of the Ninth Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers, and now lives in East Boston. In 1864, at the battle of Laurel Hill, dufing the battles of the Wilderness, Captain McGunnigle was carrying the watch in his breast pocket, when he was struck by a bul­ let. The bullet could not penetrate the watch and his life was saved. When tbe watch was shown to Gov­ ernor O'Farrell of Virginia, he be­ came interested at once, and told how, during the war, be was carrying an old-fashioned daguerreotype of his sweetheart in his pocket, and a bullet struck it and glanced off, saving his life. It was the picture of a Balti­ more girl, but the end of the romance was out of the ordinary run. When the war ended and O'Farrell looked her up he found her married to an­ other man, and thus she lost the chance of becoming tbe wife of the Governor of Virginia.--Boston Ad­ vertiser. , No MAN who whistles where people are at work has a right to complain of a crying baby in churcfc v' f - Tbe OKI. and Forlorn Who Haant the National Capital. The pathetic side of Washington-- with ite place-hunters, with its starv­ ing beggars, with its trembling and its I aged, who, day by day, come and go in vain at the doors of the departments, for the audience that never is to come-- is something to touch a heart of stone. You sets old men going about the streets, mumbling to themselves, and fumbling packages of papers in their overcoat pockets; you see feeble, de­ crepit women, who ought to be in some sheltering heme, dragging themselves aimlesjly here and there, waiting the pleasure of those busy men, who will see their callers-- some day. There is another clais of waiters and watchers in Washington who never give up hope. Year after year for ten, twenty -- yes, fifty --yearj the.v have been turning up, in expectation of the settlement of claims by C ongress--and there is as small a chance of ever see­ ing them disposed of tc-day as there was years ago, when they wore first tiled! Some of these men are to be found in the adjacent towns, whither they have been driven in search of cheaper lodgings. Others live in Wash­ ington, under thj> very shadow at the dome of the great building when^rthey one day expect victory. The First Meerschaum Pipe. A shoemaker, Kavol Kowates, who, in 1823, lived at Pesth, the capital of Hungary, smoked the first meerschaum pipe. Besides bains? a shoemaker, how­ ever, he was one of nature s handi­ craftsmen, being gifted with an in­ tuitive genius for carving in wood and other material. This brought him in contact with Count Andrassy, with whom he became a groat favorite. The Count on his return from a mis­ sion to Turkey brought with him a piece of whitish clay, which had been presented to him as a curiosity on ac­ count of its extraordinarily light spe­ cific gravity. It struck the shoemaker that, being porous, it must b3 well adapted for pipe*, as it would aborb the nicotine. The experiment was tried, and H^vol cut a pipe for the Count and one for himself. The first meerschaum pipe made and smoked by Kavol Kowates has been preserved in the museum at Pesth. V , Life or DnttT It 1b of vital importance that it should be understood by persons whose kidneys are in­ active, that this condition of things is finally indnctlve ot a state ot the organs where life hangs in the balance. Brlght's disease, dia­ betes. albuminuria are all diseases of a very obst inate character in their mature stage, and all have a fatal tendency. They often baffle the most practiced medical skill and the most approved, remedies of materia medica. But opposed at the outset--that is to say, when the kidneys begin to discharge their functions inactively--with Hostetter's Stomach Bittere, the dangerous tendency is checked. Very use­ ful, also, is this household medicine for those ailments of common occurrence--constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia and nervousness. It is a safeeuard against malaria and averts chronic rheumatism. Then and Now. The following verses recently ap- peared in the Scottish Farmer: FIFTY YEARS AGO. Man to the plough, Wife to the cow. Son to the mow. Girl to the son, and The rent was netted. NOW. Man tally-ho. Girl piano, , Son Greek and Latin, Wife silk and satin. And tbe farmer jrazetted. THFUE is more Catarrh in this section of the country thau all other diseases put together, and until the last few veara wan supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro­ nounced it a loaal disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu­ tional disease, and therefore requires constitu­ tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu­ factured by K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cor.sUtulional cure on the market. It iB taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon th<> blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Bend tov circulars and testimonials. Ad­ dress. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. AS*Sold by Druggists, 75o. It Ought to Satisfy Her. Mr. Wickwire--I don't know whether I ought to tell you, but I won $^00 from Briggs last night playing poker. Mrs. Wickwire--Oh, how nice. Now you can afford to get me that new dl688. Mr. Wickwire--What an unreason­ able woman you are. I shall do noth­ ing of the kind. It ought to be satis­ faction enough to you to know that Mrs. Briggs won't lie able to have a new dress.--Indianapolis Journal. $4 to California. This Is our sleeping car rate on the Phil­ lips-Iiock Island Tourist Excursions from Chicago to Los Angeles or San Francisco, via the scenic route and Ogden. You can go with Phillips, the best of all excursion managers, for he hat each party accom­ panied by a special agent who goes the en« tire trip with patrons. These personally conducted excursions leave Chicago twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. We have also a dally tourist car 'service, via our Southern route, through the beau­ tiful Indian Territory and Fort Worth to Los Angeles and San Francisca 'I he tour­ ist car rate via this route, the same. Ap­ ply at Bock Island ticket office, 104 Clark •treet. John Seb&atian, Q. P. A., Q, B. 1 ft P. By., Chicago. r Wcndf rfblJy Pine Wire. Platinum and silver can each be drawn into wire many times finer than human hair. The lormer has been drawn into wires so fine that ten of them could be twisted together into a hollow of a hair. Which Will Yon Be? A farm renter or a farm owner? It rests with your-elf. Stay where you are and you will be a renter all your llfa Move to Nebraska, where good land Is cheap and cheap land Is good, and you can easily be­ come an owner. Write to J. Francis. G. P; and t. A.. Burlington Boute. Omaha, Neb., for descriptive pamphlet It's fre«t aad » postal will bring it to you. A Charitable Sngtestica. Miss Swiftly--I guess Edwin is being congratulated. Do you see all the man ru-*h up to him now it is known we are engaged? Miss Severly -- Perhaps they are comparing notes.---Puck. The Puzzle Solved. Perhaps no local disease has puecled and baffled the medical profession more thaa nasal catarrh. While not Immediately fatal it is among tbe most nauseous and disgusting ills the flesh is heir to^ and the records show very few or no cases of radi­ cal cure of chronic catarrh by anv of the many modes of treatment until the intro­ duction of Ely's Cream Balm a few years ag<\ The success of this preparation has been most gratifying and surprising. A WIDOWERS' association has been formed in Dresden. , No man can join unless hi^r wife is dead, and if he mar­ ries again he» becomes an honorary member merely. One of the chief pur- j p o - e s o f t h e a s s o c i a t i o n i s t o h e l p ! newly made widowers by looking after their wives1 funerals and caring for their children. j \ ~v V. * *^1 1,T? t ?VshO { JV J, J t* - • -- >• ...ftt ,1 ,,1 - % { S $ ^ j/^JROCERS recommend thfe ROYAL BAKING "* POWDER because they de* lire to please their custoni* ers, and customers are most ^ J pleased when they get the be||/ and the most for their mone ROYAL BAKING PO DER is absolutely pure, goes further, and mak^s better fodi§ than any other leavening agent ihgtar la tfc* l«iiW mm T$»w*t flbtat! MMfvJt ihiihlrtiH MTNI Niiimm fwism mrnwrn ft •« M DM UAMCI < Thm 1 tehieg »*d Mbilt «i» ttftiM Mptte with ft WtlW frw« Iv m UML «rv iM4 M tel •rtfcli ruard m mteirdm fft# mfw m» f* mater ft hurlrMpMrni af imjm+Bmm i* 6* f w bm nmakiUm Ths swing whirh OT.*? the to fee flMMt Mil wkif.h stilMMftSeal!]' returns to it* place ha* sJ99flt'#Min| kwps frMath# flywhwl and y*t do** n«t p?^9Til very much of on angle to s*w» Th»aat«C* Vkineh flvwhMl31 tack mriMica klui It i» therefor*, * very IniraUt Pole fce, «akinf fitavjrfvOTft up toy loa| aiUnal |uckly and Mftljr ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALi ST. ri NEW YORK* Kicked Into a Lady's Arms. A chappie stood in front of the Tre- mont House, yesterday afternoon, smok­ ing a cigarette, and gazing admiringly at the pretty girls that passed. Beside him cowered a Small terrier, shivering with the cold. The dog had evidently lost its mas­ ter, for it kept watching the crowd with an expectant look, eager to catch 6iglit of the It st. one. Two or three times it followed pedestrians, but every time it was sent back with a kick oi* a gruff "go home." It seemed to get no sympatny from any one. Finally it went up* to the chappie, and with a doleful air placed its little paw on his lordship's leg and whined. Alas, there was no sympathy for it from this source. Chappie did not stoop down and pat the dog gently. Oh, no! He would not stoop so low as to pat a terrier on the street. He sav- agely ffave the poor animal-a kick into tne middle of the sidewalk, for the terrier had made a mark with its paws on his nicely creased trowsers. His brutal act did not escape un­ noticed, however, for a fashionably dressed lady had seen it, and approach­ ing him ahe said, "You're a contempt­ ible coward to kick an unprotected d >g lik that. If I saw a policeman I would have you arrested." She picked up the little terrier in her arms and patted it gently. The animal appreciated the kindness very much. It wagged its tail and tried to lick the lady's face. She carried it. way in tier arms.--Boston Herald. Somebody's Good* To make our own troubles the means ot helping the troubles of others Is a noble effort for good. A well-Illustrated Instance of this kindly sympathy Is shown in a let­ ter from Mr. Enoch L Hanscoro. School Agent, Marshfield, Ma, an old Union sol­ dier. He says: "It may do somebody some good to state, 1 am a man of 63 an£ when 40 bad a bad knee and rheumatism set In. I was lame three years and very bad*most of the time. I got St Jacobs Oil and put it on three times and it mado u cur- 1 am now In good health." SIX TONS OF HAY PKK ACRE. That is seldom reached, but when Salter's Extra Grass Mixtures are sown this is possible. Over fifty kinds of grass and clover s^rts. Largest grow­ ers of farm seeds in the world. Alsike Clover is the hardiest: Crimson Clover is the quickest growing: Alfalfa Clover is the best fertilizing clover, while Salter's Extra Grass Mixtures make the bast meadows in the world. If You Will Cut ThUOni and Send It With 14c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will re­ ceive eleven packages grass and clover sorts ard his mamm oth farm seed cata­ logue: full of good things for the farm­ er, the gardener and the citizen. C ELECTRIC ambulances aie to be in­ troduced by the city authorities of St. Louis, the various street railways of the city having consented to allow them the free use oi their tracks. FBILOH'S CONSCMFTIOJT CCRE is sold on a guarantee It cures Incipient Consump­ tion. It is. the best Cough Cure. 25 cents, 80 cents atyi $1.00. IN the ..United States, 1,795 families belonging to the operative class spend on an average $14.01 per annum for egg* Amis of snowy Whiteness; neck pure as alabaster; complexion like the blush of a rose. She patronized G-enn'% Sulphur Soup. DIVINES and dying men may tilk of hell, but in my heart her several tor- mentadwell.--Siiakspeare. FITS.--All FitsPtop'tVrt five by Dr. Kline's «-• it Nervo ifestoi er. No Fitu utter first ilay'R use. Mar­ velous cures. Treatise uml jy.(Xl trial bottle free to Fit ca«es. Send to l>r. Kltue, U3l Arch St.. Phils. Ps. tiralty, all tfeit we are daily luu «• offtar (Mi wy superior n« fram« irifttllft WpftMi ww • ai«di M price tban any cheap i«| * <x>den frame can be boufht for, we are sure tktt the f of the AermotoT will appreciate the fact that we have „ been doinj the public a jrreat service and ba*e i' r n, li'lUll •TtrseWesin redesigning an old article and patting it infinitely improved shape. For a sav7 of similar »ire and quality, end ordinary 1 frame, vou vouM be charged $60. T?> mai# Ai* fr.rm* an* jmprrtor taw *t $4<J, ASD GIVE TOtf * | TO GET IT AT $ti, for th* brntft of cur J We have «old an enormeus number ef Power • oti*fits with which saws are «s9d. and a poor saw that r detracts from their u>efclness and their rcpatatiee. if we I nish a very nipenor »aw at a very low prtc*. many feared oat-* fits will be bought to drive them. Whenever oa» Geared motor poet, others are sure to follow. > When we take a welt known article. resign it, as* prt* in a shape tery superior to anything that widens and enlarge* our reputation for doing welly to which we put our bands, and thi* is the thing the p«*t brought so much business to our factory, tm the future, we have no doubt, will bring, practically, fcusinets in our line. It is this reputation thai we arc working for. „ We brieve that this Aennotor Steal Saw Frame a&d flMf will confirm and enhance the fame which we hare xn the manufacture of Steel Wiadcuita and Steel hence, for the purpose cf scattering them so that nujhajf mav kinw !hatagoo \ thing can be had for a jrmallBriee, wB OFt'EK THIS KTKF.I. SAW HUSH FOR 911 CAW lA FIVE COPIES OF ADVERTISEBVJIT KP. 3 ©f this »fw* a* MF eondition* stated in No. 2. In our ftext advertisement. we ?hall talk of galvanising, and make an offer that will h*ff mmvenal interact. DU« it #a. i AERMOTOR CO, ORTHERN PACIFIC . xi. and LANDS N rnrr 60VERR1EAT met Xilikws of ACHES In Minnesota, North Dakota. -Mon­ tana. Idaho, Washington ami Orego TIONSt with Maps, describing lln< hi'l>. uniiing and timber lands P. B. GROAT, When writing mention thi «j«n<-rai Ea^tnttn Ami R. Ot PkA JNUm. r>»pfr N'\ WANTED fresh; patent deed t< AfiKXXS tor a qnick-eptlius patent-Mi noveltv,wanted )M used by everybody; lOO to _ ISO per rent, profit; territory for one county with ftrst order; fortune tor the hustler; particulars for staintv: d* not answer unless yon MEAN Btiaiirsas. Add? S> A I. R « DKVARTMKNT ' Reichelt & Oltsch, SolU'lt'rsof I'nitod Status and l oreign South fiend. Ind. PRETTIEST n0flKCp({g£ liVICK I'KIM'KI*. it'faeapudirt I bras, and ft. lOneCentapkg. ' ITP. If nm. pur*, heft, 1,000.000ntnii Baaotifn! Il!U«r\ted"IHA1O«O«FRE«. K. II. IBCMWAV, Uwkfrr*, Ilk SEED i MEWS * H £ U » t n KetiilsSo cts. a to « «ol<l in* house. Sample pott paid,fivecento.FORSHEE£MAillN ilnilnnattlft JOSEPH ISRAEL, the celebrated Hol­ land painter, calibrated the jubilee year of his life a few weeks ago. He was born Jan. 27, 1824, of poor Jewish parents. For years he has been recog­ nized as one of the leading artists of tbe world. Farms on Terms to Suit. Will aell my wheat and fruit laad of 4,800 acres at a bargain. In tract* to suit. Three thousand acres In wheat, srood houses iind barns and well watered. Splen­ did climate Near the town of Harring­ ton. In the Bljt Bend country of Washing­ ton, on Great Northern Railway. Average wheat yield last ye»r 25 bushels per acra Address JAY P. GRAVIES, Spokane, Wash. SECRETARY MORTON is authority for the statement that the Weather Bu­ reau has saved to agriculture, manu­ facture, and commerce during the last few months more than its entire ap­ propriation for the next fiscal year." Abraham Lincoln's Stories. An illustrated book, unmarred by advertising, containing stories and an­ ecdotes told by Abraham Lincoln, many heretofore unpublished, will ba sent free to every person sending his or her address to the Linooln Tea Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. DEPENDENCE is a perpetual call up­ on humanity, and a greater incitement to tenderness and pity than any other motive whatever.--Thackeray. THE THROAT. -- "Brown's Bronchial Troche*" act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect In all disorders of the throat. WOMEN have abandoned spoon col­ lecting for silver hat pins. Spading Boot ad. in SEB "Colchester" other column. Hood's Sarsaparilla PURIFIE8 The Blood 7r>v«" y^D Lessens Pain ] Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child My wite, after using 4 MOTHER'S FRIEND/ passed through the ordeal with little pain, was stronger In one hour than m a week after the birth of her former child --J. J. MCGOLDRICK, Bean Station, Tenn. MOTHERS FRIEND " robbed pain of its terror and shortened labor I bave the healthiest child I ever saw.--MRS. L. M. AHERN, Cochran, Ga. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price. $1.50 per bottle. Book " To MOTHERS " mailed free. B8ADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Mm* §8. J#M k> All DractMi. ill! .1 ;V ,'Vj kC*'#! ARE the BEST Especially for Farmers, Miners, R. R. Hands and others. Double Sole extending down to the h«el. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY. Thousands of Rubber Boot rearers testify th i • is the best they ever had. Ask nour dealer for them, and don't be persuaded into an inferior article. GET THERE CALZER'5 N;ORTHERN GR.OWN 5FLD: EL I . RA riiH -• !'r -. IP * ' f," ' '•SS s)6m A 5AL2ER SEED & La£R°55E W15 nmt\ /VOX 711 cu. Jgaeakle; L%ri 'K W. L. DOUGLAS S3 STIOK equals custom work, cosling from $4 to $6, best value for the money m the world. Name and price stamped on the bottom. Every warranted. Take no substi- te. See local papers for full description of our complete lines for ladies and gen. " men or send for II- A CONSTANT Cor OH. WITH FAIUVO STREXGTII. and Wasting OF Flesh, are symp­ toms denoting Pulmooajr organs more or less seriously affected. You will find a safe remedy for all Lung or Throat-aila in Sr. D. Jayne's Expectorant. Miss Blanche Clark Salt Rheum Broke out on onr little girl's face. Her hand* •welled and blisters formed and later broke open. Tbe itching and burning sensation waa terrible. Hood's Sarsaparilla cared ber. It la Hood's5^13 Cures like a miracle. Her blood lias become purified and ber flesh soft and smooth." Has. ANNA L. CLARK, 401 East 4th Street, Duluth, Minnesota. lustraitd Cataiogut giving in- -- s t r u c t i o n * - &nLLJ. how to or. derhvmail. free. Vou enn get the best bargains of dealers who push our shoes. ACRES OP LAND for sale by theSAnrrPAUl DU L C T H RA I L B O A D 1,000 ,000 I JL _I * COMPANY iu Minuesota. Scud for Haps tad Qm> They will be sent to you Mdn» HOPEWELL CLARKS, land CxmuBiaaioner. St. Faal, Mion. TO TH* 1 matincr nuaal words from the totters concalDea in theIMI CITY HI SI >" K>S (-OLLEOK," wttl ! two Life tx-bolarshliw, eQaal to 4'"" lUi,siii«<<s Course, and one in either!-. Norma! nm*!ishi[i IVpartmentS ef ttdk i tion. as be mar chootse. A m Life Soil " eav department of th# institution, will the ono niikmg the next h'gheat fiat A zuoutiiH' ii- inrvjup wilt be awarded tke IkM hitihetit list. and#;, cash tor tbe toartb M«* AU «»• BM-ers must be in bv Mav 1st, ISM. Addiewe : D. I- MC^ELMAN. RRWTDMFC "IX'-II Oem City BusUi<>s>> CuIU>k«>. <M | HC*. lib WALLPAPER Wo will you net i | b*tl ' ASTHMA mm. mm CURED P0PHAJT8 ASTBMA SPKClTIt) Gire» Belief In Fi»e Miaatn. Trial Package m&i FREE, gold bv Drag- gistg. On A Sox sent post-p^id oa re­ ceipt-of41.00. 8b Boxee.fijo, Add. Thos. Popham.Phila.Pa 3 our 1 tW2u | wsraudt lOxl5f for «l.«5 !Sxl4 for •l!aZT" 14x111 for 1.75 for U.OO »iisi to maU-h SV u itv Sffui ^ iWr SMMD -.utd ftii? rVr^vLioiis tor 1 SftlVlLLE PAPEK HTG. CO.. "SO to 'J.14 S. Clinton St.. ChlMtrv- CURE YOURSELF: FRENCH SPECIFIC never f»U« to all s lit** I FRENCH SPECIFIC never felt* %»«*** 1 of the uriimry orsaus, eithfrsea. _ 1 t'oiulition. Full il.rvttiinis witli tKitUs?; prt<9* iSI.OO. ilold b.v E. I.. ST Alt 1. IJnitfKis*. 1W Vm Jjurei! Street, corner Fifth Avenue.Cltteaga. Uttnotft i?ent by exjjresc; oa reoen t oi price. sto will pay for a 5-1.IN K tdvertlm- .; four weeks in lOO high grade illtiu is uewKpapeiw--IOO.OCO clrcuUfion per week guaranteed. Send for oata'ogue. Staai-oard-1' nivn, 93 8. Jefferson St.. Chicago. Si-r A I'aok of Plaj (tin furaii>hed by tbe fturiiotfton |L\. B. A Q K. K.), WD soli tf tSici "• Hjilway iron to all ; Umuhwesl. ited IS for a lull deck to F. . <ur*i ttwmu Agent C Q K. KI.WDH-H M t!IC 1 imm CBWASO KAIL «FT. U unts Northwest. Www ^ itCucMawE ' THE oldest collection of poetry is the ] y|ook of PesUaa. \ Hood's Pills care liver ilia, blUomneas. WMtipitlffB, {umitiff, glulf htndarit _____ ^ • nil For acres; well improved; 4 L II UH uiitexfroiu Poutsuiel'.e. town: ruuuiug r* I r AKm [.MzZiiJlt'rikikt-d" ft 8. N. U. ' v * > ; 4 s< r \ , •

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