Id Hotte* *W»»* tCTatova heart by ihe lAdies rt th« W, C, T. tl alma no pArt or credit for tbe ore H Only a aian In the Morainar Youth Is the forming time of habitaand these, anle^ carefully watched, will grow until they bind like ropes and handcuffs. There are few young men who are awak ened to the evils of a bad habit in time to conquer aa did a certain young man who had thoughtlessly formed the habit of taking a glass of liquor every morning before breakfast. All older friend advise^ him to quit More the habit should grow too strong. "Oh, there's no danger. It's a mere notion. I can quit any time," replied tbedrinber. "Suppose yon try it to-morrow morn ing," suggested the friend. "Very well. To please you Fll do 80, but I assure you there's no cause tor alarm." A week later the young man met his friend again. "You are not looking well," observed the latter. "Have you been ill? " "Hardly," replied the other. "But I am trying to escape a dreadful danger, and I fear that it will be long before I have conquered. My eyes were opened to an eminent peril when I gave yon that promise a week ago. I thank yoa for your timely suggestion." "How did it affect you? " **The first trial utterly deprived ice of appetite for food. I could eat no break- ast and was nervous and trembling al day. I was alarmed when I realized how insidiously the habit had fastened on me and resolved to turn square about and never touch another drop. The squaring 08 haa pulled me down severely, but I am gaining, and I mean to keep the upper hand after this. Strong drink will never catch me in its net again." -1 A : IP YOU ARB IN NEED 8" Y*- % V ^ - " -,'W: - -i' Our new Spring stock is larger, more carefully selected, and oheapef bought than ever before, and we earnestly invite inspection and comparison p4 ^ jt * DRY GOODS & G90CEKfflS New Dim •'V'Cv> HATS AND CAPS, i f .-V 4^ • • • -v - Wt-Jv Boots, Shoes, Gloves, ens, mingS, A complete stock of dress linings! Prints, P^;: EVANGELIST D. T. BLACK. Writes as follows: , PEORIA, III.., Feb. 26,1864. GENTLEMEN For several years past I have been suffering with indigestion, constipation and very severe stomach troubles, So severe was my trouble that I felt my usefulness in the ministry was near to the close. I tried different reme dies without getting relief. Providen tiaily for me a friend placed in my hands a sample bottle of Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. A trial told me that I had found just what I needed. After taking it two or three weeks I was a new man, and I cannot say too much for Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. If any one desires to cor respond with me I will take pleasure in giving them all the facts in regard to my experience. D. T. BLACK, 1005 State St., Peoria, 111. To be fully convinced buy a 10c bottle (1© doses 10 cents) of J. A. Story. DMtfutiwt flttt i carry a larger stock tbaa **«r We are making sweeping reductions on all our goods, and it will pay you to make us an earlycall. , ^ , JOHN I. •iisolir JUSTEN BROS., sfeff UEALEBS IN • FINE FUBNITUBi! OF ALL KINDS, rith two stores, one on the West side and one on side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public ,sfe^4. Larger Stock of all kinds of Standard Bred Stallions. Than ever before, which we are oflerlng at greatly Reduced Prices. Now is the time to Bujr« also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we can give yoh an\ thing from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house in the county. TRUNKS AT COST. We ha^e taken great pains In selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call aqjd see us when In want of anything in our line. SPLEND D HEARSE in connection, will te furnished at Reasonable Rates i%%*f The (wo jollmving Registered Stal Sons will make the season of 1894 at my barn, opposite the Park, in Crystal Hake , McHenry Cb, III . JUDGE MELVIN 13206 Bay Stallion HS3f.h«ndi high and weighs 1300 * lb*., foaled 1880. by Saltan 1513; record?" Tbe sire of RiMiv, record of 2;C52£; Slam boo I, record 2 :C7>i. and thirty others in tbe standard H*C. Dam Sophia ( lam of Geo, Gould, record 2:25) lqr6eo Wilkes 519. M dam M&ttie WiHer (damof A.bbie, record SrS6) by American Clav 34. Sd dam ranning bred * TERMS.--#15.00 to Ins a re a Mare i> VoaL PERIOD 17146. , fOwn brother to Phil Gordon, record 2:33.) " ' «E£e?,tnui 15Jtf hands high, weighs 1J)00 lbs., foaled 1889. Sired by Gordon 3127; ,f l*ii of Onwtw 1411, record 2.1&X- , |>«m Colon (dam of Semicolon, 2:13V; Patch- : " Pl3n Gor«l..n, 2;33; Silver Bell, SstlSO, by Strathmore 406. 'V"••••>•. OOMI) dam of Coralloid, 2;13X), by ; / dark Ofcief MJ, * / *IAIN 9ASEIA (DAM of Caliban, 9:84), by CM- % v/ Mus M. Clay 22, * £• ' 4th dam running bred. • ;,f v TEBM8.--$10. to Insure a Mare in Foal. if-1- • • =%= .',i* -^.ppo locking over the breeding of these f-Btaliions It •will be seen 'hat they are not only ; extremely fashionably bred, bnt their Imme diate anceators, on Ijotb sides, are individual frodBRers of phenomenal fast spee i. Estfflded breeding and description farnish- c j J. #0 on application. •AMUEt S. GRANGER. Manager, 4 , •' GHYSTAL j. O. W, COOK, (iwner, sW" i;' . L£OTTAWA, Kam. % King of HcHenry & Late C onaties Pacipg Stallion.^ Becord, 2:17} IW01. 2:21^. GEORGE O, •tandard aoder both trotting and pacing rales, , O i« too well known tnr his perform- m<-e and what bis colts bare done lor me to into any details fcere. * u He is a chestnut in color, star, tad white yf^pot on left shoulder. . In regnrd to speed George O Is tbe fastest Malhon. mare or gelding ever bred ie We *e*ry or Lake Counties, driven to hi® record by his breeder and owner. He is aired by a Son of Bambletooian 10, his dam is by a eon of „ Oeo. M. Patchen 30. Georjje O, with limited advantages, never having had a mare with • record of three minutes or one that ever produced a fast colt from any other stallion. ilie l« the «ire of , Ethel B, 2:18J<- p. Mary Lee, 8:^(. Prince T, 2:8»i ni^'^uin:12;2BX- Harry D. 2UK). Ohicadee (8) 2:34%. Volnev Q. Don. S;9DJf, And several more below 2:4a i *?n^M°tnV winfceA!rr bi-3 tblfl»««« «•«» ^ V Xnd^rthem^ia(1lJeU,an »wful fast horse TERMS. W - X V E X T " V K S I X McHenry, m, jam, ' *• OWEN. Baa the fastest rccord of any stallion in Northern Illinois. oy Mn>ifiOHT, 2:17?^. - Blftct horse, 15?a hands hl«h ; foaled 188K; bred bv R. H. Pooler, Sernia, 111 9ircd l>y Nigger Bov. he by Plymnnth l ock, 2:34, be by Hill's Black Hawk, let dam Starlight, could p»c« In 2-27 by McKay br rse, dam of Midnight 2:17^; 2d dam, pacer, by Pharaoh, pacer; sire Bichball 2:12^; 3d dam by Ethan Allen. In presenting Midnight to the pub'le I think I show one of th« best lndividuaif ever offe ed in Northern Illinois Midnight is a srrind good borse. He if> a blank, standmir 15% h*«nds high, will weigh 1075 pounds and of stately carriage His heart and neck ore handsomely lined, his shoulders deep and well laid, his witherscarr>ed well back, tbe barrel "lei- eellent depth and splendidlv ribbed home; his loins remarkably good, and at this verv point we see too ir.any horses very net'ctive. A weak loin and coupling is a more serious de feet than anv otk'er point. We like to see a horse ma.-e there as if he cruld carry a ton. His li-srs and te*t ?iod. p ints strong, and bone clean. He has <]ualitv, beauty and high finish. He has a world r.f speed. As a race t^reenone 'an outla i him Considering all these qualifications, no Resumed, but demon strated; h e inheritance, his campaigning qualities, and his great cpeed producing pow ers, I am fully justified in ttunsing that Mid night's prospects when bred to good mares, are not exceeded by any horse of his age. Midnight came to McHenry Co., Feb, 18, 1893. unknown to horsemen ard breeders, but as a proof that the public was pleased with him I bred 78 mares, before Aug 10, and re fused 25 more, I started him but five times in public, first at Dundee over a new half mile track, and drove him an easy mile in 2;2fi, last eighth in 15 sec. Second, at Mc Henry, to beat 2;28: he paced In «;23, Third, at Woodstock, by request of those at the race Id rove-him one-half mile in 1:09. iourth time, at hisfim race in '93 at Libertyville, be won second money, over a heavy track, and was beaten by only a ueck bv Proctor IT HIS i BV race wasat waukegan where hew n the free-for all pace and paced the last quar ter in three heats in 31.% teconds, a 2:08 "lip Midnight's record, 2:17^, is no mark'of his speed, he never bad a leason's work, always started in races after making a big season and with no preparation. T E R M S i I will etand him at a fee of fio,oo; tKUWdue when mare is safe m foal, and $l600dne when mare foals Pariies trading marea a<ter being bred will be held for full fee, 92U.C0. when mare is safe in foaL • TP?, Henry O. 2:20^r,l CAUTION.--if a dealer offers W. 1+ Douglas Shoes at a. redu<wd price, or eajra he has them without name stamped on bottom, put Mm down aa a fraud. Nnnda, 111,, 1B»L H. B.THROOP. --«<g>##^«eoeeoooeeoee----< <&1 R - I P A N S A B U L E S ! REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. MPANS TABI I.E8 are the best Moll, elme knowa for Ia<t%efltton, BIUOIHICM, Headache* CoMtlpatloa^ Dyspepsia, Ckrooie l^lver Troable*, DUctaeM) Bad Complexion? UyMBtorr, Offeulve Breath and BU dl*> orders of the Btesnaelt* Liver and BowcU. Kipans Tabules contain nothing Injurious to tb& moat delicate eoustitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. I rice--Box <*i yialK), 75eentH; Package(4 boxes). M.ay be ordered throuKh Bearert anuodiL by niil. Samnle free by mail. Addrew THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO., 0 10 BPRTXE STKKET, NEW "EORK CITY. «»eeeeeeeeee>»o»e»oee»eeeeeeeee>( .and Trade-Marks obtained, >MflMUuienconducted for MODERATE FEES. Omce IA OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT orriecl •--fan aagure patent in leas time than those j from Washington. J , Sand model, drawing or photo., with descrip-1 tfe*. Wb adtriae. If patentable or not, free of j Our fee n<< oue till patent is secured. J «w to Obtain Patents," with I U. & and foreign countries j A.8NOW&CO, PATENT OmCt, WASMINOTON, 0.«. ,rt. mm H&F Don't send your Work away, bnt patronize Home Industry THE MCHENRY Steam Laundry I « W!" do youFlret Class Work n *" ®raoch«>s. Give us a trial. DOHN HAUPRISGH, Proprietor. 'v ^ v \ ' V' *- ti'..." • *'*>'* UDTES IF °o BOYS *is! W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THVWORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit ting, and give better satisfaction at the priccs ad vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, whi .h guarantee: their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of \V. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers which helps to increase the sales on their full lin of goods They can afford to sell at a Ic ;s prodt, end we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address. W* IJ. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas*. Sold-** SIMON STOFFEL, WeBt McHenry M * St v lis* i Suitines. in black and the mostfMhionableoolprs, itt prices froto 22c to |l, 23 per yard. " f; IN DBE3S TRIMMINGS, To match. Surahs, silks, satins, velvets, and band trim- ' .** ' i BKM OVR SBW AHD LAROK STOCK OJ? . ' W Mbst simple and inexpetiEiye l^arm in use. It can be used with or without an opener. Is Cheap, Substantial and Easily Handled And one of the best features is it can be made at a PRICE WITHIN mE REACH OF ALL. / • ' ,j; 4 . No former who uses one or marejgates wilt be without one after he has seen it once in use. Do not use an old, shaky and clumsy r gate when you can secure one that will almost handle itself at m?'] amaU cost, Read what those say who have used them, We, the undersigned, having used one of J. G. Sherman's Gates, with -th«| ̂ :^ opener attachment, take pleasure in recommending It as one of the best Fara^ - Gates now in u»e. It is easily bandied, ^substantial, and at tbe price at whlcit*:/ they are offered is within the reach of all. No one who uses one or more gates" •o their premises can afford to be without one. . \ Suits. WILL ARD SMITH, A. M. BBOWK, F, K, GKAKQERt JOHN EVANSON, H. C..MKAD, B* A HOWARD, C SMITH, SAUL. 8 HER At 1H, B. BARKISON. ' WILLARD K, SMITH, B. A. SMITH. , N, D. STEVENS, In square and round cuts, Prince Alberts, cutaways. Odd pants, knee pants, wedding and confirmation suits, also, fL • . - .T-^ * < ** %?% v 5^ Hiring overcoats, , M • - _ _ $ > / " GENTS' FUEMISHlltG (5(00BS. 'ancy colored dress sbiris, aew neckwear, collars and ciifti : -:m oveJties in soft, crush and stiit hats. Latest shades and black Badger State shirts, pants, jackets, overalls. Full stock, all war ranted, Prices reduced, all sizes, from 50c to $2.75 • j 7 - - - , ' ^ .mi • r j, V; '< DURABLE SHOES, C. H. Fargo & Go's and W. L. Douglas', tboee goods is complete, and we carry all sizes and widths. Prices Irom $125 to $5. in kangaroo, dongola, enameled, russet, calf, cork solas. • ' ' • ,r* . ' - ' -#• Carpets, Wall ..M*. k* , - a. .«•">.. I •" i "5 'aper, Our stock of ahove goods is the best in town, with" prices the lowest. Wall Paper, with ceilings and border to match. Alb goods full measure, clean, and trimmed free. Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valise*. ^ Crockery, Glassware, Wooden ware. Garden and Field Seeds, Choice Groceries and FlouMIII Remember our place and goods. NSUBAFC'l' XfUSINESS be continued with renewed vigor, and our usual careful at tention in all matters of this most im portant business. It is cus tomary belief that insurance agents lie desperately. We leave tliis for you to decide--but assure you that we never llo still if there is a chance for business. A superb mammoth tlntogr&ph In 12 colon tar the distinguished artist, Maud Humphrey. It M 2 feet long and 14 Inches wide and will be sent free if yon (ell your friends. It Is called "Oi-T V isirisa," and shows a beautiful, dimpled darling clad In a warm, rich, fur-llued cloak, basket ami umbrella in hand; Bhe pulls the •now covered latch, while her golden hair shim mers in the sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vi^or and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Sure to delight yon. A copy will be sent free, postoaM, if you promise to tell your friendH and send H cents in stamps or silver for ft three months' trial subscription to THE WHOLE FAMILY, an Illustrated monthly magazine with stories, anecdotes, fashions and all articles of interest bjr best authors and cash question contests monthly. Bcv-n i I'tu. Co. iwit>iuaa»ur St* JSoctoa, Msss, Win 'mil toc t fof /He, ' fii; m0<t DBA.LBRIM .. % ;i ; 'C IOPPOSITB BISHOP'S MILL MCHENRY, ILL. *• IRDTIKLJA..MUTLII. .L,, BODRBOHa: FDHE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, tig and infirm. II you cannot procure it of your _ _ liquor dealers, upon receipt of $1.60 * express prepaid to any address a full •ample bottle of Old Elk Rye or Bowbo STOLL, VMMTT11 CO, BISTIL1 lOTlniton, Ky. k- mm. HT0VES. TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPUti, ETC| BUT T H WON D® ijL RELIABLE B. A. SMITH, J. C. T. RLDHKDGW, P. COLBY, i Can and see one oi the ,tes and leave your orders with West Mcfienry,Hh, April 2d, 1884. v.a H" SPOT CASH THE PEOPLE Will Have It. »• m 0m. THE BABIES cr* for It. . ; , - i f fieimmtiber. that Fillsbury's Best if price of 31.05 per sacli^ ^i: aU the leadipg Tfiercbaiitf, at the Holler Mills* m A>W Jk «•» 1 f'ift "S®J Washburn's Besl. $1 per Sack, or $3 80 per Just received, a fresh supply, Leave your orders at the mill and we will do the nwit. ^ . Y - /" - & ll ' r i vim. McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. K mm mroum I Start in by giving you an all solid plow shoe throughout ior $1V , Men's Blutcher cut tan color fine shoes. Ladies' fine low shoes M large variety. A new invoice of children's and misses' foot wear. - • Our clothing stock is very large, bought lor cash, and will give. ,you the benefit of the discount. It will pay ygu to look our lino Over before Outing. * > <7 . - TP* ^ Large line of men's Shirts Hosiery of fcvery desctiptioi^-^ , ' Fresh Groceries and Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. 4 ^imn for 'busines^,^ .. ~«;>f trOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. , y*4"?4' I : OKJL.LKB JfL HAHDWAHE. GH» >CERIES, Soots and Shoes, $*pm My stock is always complete in every department, and prices a* low as the same goods can bo* / bought anywhere in the county* 2 We have ladies' shoes in ait Manuiiwtured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged bg all to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the markets / BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Iii tlifi ttnB oar eloek Is complete, «ad oaifprioes uknr »• >f goods can bought eltewbere, J ' w V l ^ f T A B L E A H 0 P O C K E T C U T L E R Y , i ; Of 111* best makes, and warranted. In short. In our store can be found aoy article usually kept In a first c'a«s Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us when In want of anything in our line. and Barb Wire as low as the lowest. Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prices, Jobbing and Repalrlnm^wtly Attended tos-*--- ' JACOB BON , McHenry. Boots and in all sizes. We keep a for geutlemau, «|d ohildren's sheas •.i General Spck of Hardware 4k»l«jl»y|Ml.fdl »P .uj«n our pri<w,b»^ >i. * .. 4 % L *:. i.. hf -H-0 -1 *- •/: ^ -A tr ~ ~ ~ tl CHOICE F/|'MI n* 5 •> v «(' $ i *» ^ . V LINK OR N HAND, North of the Biverside Ho McHeniy, ULA9 Feb, 10,18|4. >. •'. I.-' -It •• -a s" •