Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1894, p. 8

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For Olrl». in one of onr long ago: «I weddings since I Bid in all castes, save one, I i^bride was runnine au awful ; men of bad habits and fast |f#ever marry girls of their own l^ttlMnand a wife above suspicion. IffOeet woman kept from the through the years of their 1, give themselves, with all the joter of womanhood, into the [ Of men who, in base associations to undervalue all that be- ifc» them, and th«n find no repent- lift the sad after years. There is but illlay oat of this that I can see, and Jls for you--the young women of the Igtifcry--to require an association and jfetttlfrimge, purity for purity, sobriety for • *Wfclfety, and honor for honor. There is ionason why the yoong men of this' ^ J Christian land should not be as virtuous k* m its young women, and if the loss of jr&or society cuiu love be the price they ar» forced to pay for vioe, they will not , ,• Aloohol and the Heart. The nerve fibers are especial! deterior­ ated by alcohol, and show by the dis­ turbed action On the brain the severe efforts they have made to maintain their normal condition; the enfeebled, dis- ordered liver, also indicates the costly tn that has been made on its energies toexpe) the intruder; but the result of each encounter with the poison of alcohol Is especially manifested in an irregular throbbing and increased activity of the great museular organ of life, the heart. Nature here summons all her reserve force to over come the acrid poison and repair the loss occasioned by the severe tax and tension put upon it in trying to resist the baneful effects of alcohol. *r yv* . i . ***m! . i.'-i *-..., *? • '*• -w**1 M. •t •mitt •„.\i 1 ... » v-V" Xw" * "1) '.V 1 • IfS'l ' Hi,//' A > to.* sf.* i-i ' • < ?>v Ji-t ys i/ /'t?,,.;,;, "vf /V->; V " • A ' f t ' ' . 4 •C- 'tfifM m rotm sbqm f & r ' »•* V Cik ^ ^ t-Vi Hi ?, f,r ' V • fm»si 4,"' DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, r -f: :*-v£i' Start in by giving you an all solid plow shoe throughout lor It". Men's Blutcher cut tan color fine shoes. Ladies' fine low shoes ill arge variety. £ BOW iuvoice children's and miases' foot<woigC£ "<*t^-;vr: ^4. jf r, - irmsus&K. '4% 1b making itcett fel^ That's just why we are here in business. §| you want a *£&i * $ »S"!V v< ' J " r ;; out stock over. consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Gaps. ^ ^ * Boots and Shoes, Tinware, Crockery, Glassware, and a iolHine v < v ot bnih'. Oroee^iMt^lljM'to^' ^ •iAMi 'if/,, . OMAmaXMlJ. ' t-Vi'l. \i|Xt T-V*« CiaTHIWQ -*•̂ 4 t-J 1' / « " i¥V " IVORY Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mitteni, Don't Forget that I carry a larger stock than ever before. f ? a / 1 'V«•» 'V .'-p *r- '" .... ^ -1A. . We are making sweeping reductions on ftU our goods, and it will pay you to make us an early call. Our clothing stock is very large, bought fflir cash, and will give you. the benefit of the d^couat..HXt wiUi i«!y yon, to look our line over before Muyiog. :' ' I 5 Our neW Hat stock jitet in. CVtl in ud fit jooteelf Vint withtbe right styles, at the right prices, ||Large line of men's Shirts Hosiery of every descriptioo9 ^resh Groceries and Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. Z ? i ' : \ .-i yA' he Sleepy Eye Flour, Is g'ving such good satisfaction that Commenting on it Is unnecessary. mm 1 \ ̂ ^ r J E * • fei*.*,™ " f " ^ ' Wf"" ' "" " JOHN I. STORY. " « • • Yours tor business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry; We have a good Dongola Patent Tip Shoe for ladies at $126 per pair :^.-Vo « e * £ ̂ ̂ Q , i I > n •:s®- ioiil. MeHenry, ill. 1804! 1 r > - r 7 i 'f'v OOAP PURE & \ / McMenry F. L. McOmbers. •^rP^^W0LENE •:• STOVE ? If not why not, v.-hen you can buy one of the cele­ brated *'QIMCK IMEAL" Stoves for even lees' money than other stoves are sold for, and it is as far ^ ahead of the average vapor stove as can be imagined. '* ' • *?}**. ' J?ir- ' ' * - 'v"s r a ,|VV?• v .. ^ 4 As a household friend it is renowned; ' 'lio finer stove on earth is fonnd||^sM^Ki.; ' £*.* si, , it'Twill that tired feeling heal, ' " The Quick Meal." " = m, wonderful Ml. of Uuft Sto^e i# »;t«stio«>»y otits superiority over others. ; j t ; j 1: , It is most certainly to your interest to see this stove in operation, and to thoroughly understsnd our liber­ ality in disposing ot thei$u "l^ %; V: '» To do this call upon <\ F . L . U c O M B E B TOR CLOTHEj. Dealer in General Hardware, 9701. ' 2:21 X. GEORGE O. Standard under both trotting and pacing rales. West MeHenry, III -ff" -f a< f/' "ASlv' »u<? m Pam ^ , -,-JW p&*wit r #CASH. 'tmvi , • . -;C will Have It. i "ijlt f'.!: '.-7^3 '-i hr'V "t-'lfip1 *' V: ' -t'A BEST •V' • * r- #, ^> ^ - 1* *• •> hs ' /l *' .»-• ;>< ** 1 ,'*£•£*1 &<<>•' *.i pfe Cry for It. % er. IV i - 1*>: - »< 1? -'f/. ' f l' , ,f: ' "~V« sri >; ip-*,* ^UlBbnn'a Best Is i6r'iate ~ai {fcirid# ! /! f '^a- *h & y y i %'r%' Ttfr'Tv iff? at thg Ito^t lUlls. TRY IX,- :Spi " I 5 , 1 ^ '! J 'rf\i %i a a <v -J.« % 4-s :> ' >4j gWashhurn's Beei. $1 per Sack, or $3 80 per barrel! >'Vi -mi f*' j." •/' * '/> t "i\|f A*' Just received, a fresh supply. Leave your orders at the mill an< we will do the rest, « - • / lr\ •' i ,> < .ty i *• 1 , 'L'* / jy * ri, • McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. ^ j »\?Vj mammoth tSntograpb in 12 colon 1 ifshed artist, Maud Humphrey. It and 14 Inches wide and will be sent a tell your friends. It Is called a," and shows a beautiful, dimpled In » warm, rich, fur-lined cloak, umbrella in hand; ehe pulls the MOW «WW<K1 latcb, while ber golden hair shtm- . M tbe sunshine, her cheeks blush with " * Tlgor and her roguish eyes sparkle ire T* deliciit TOU. A coj.y will be sent nMt'fwatpald. if you promise to tell your Meads sua send 14 cents in stamps or cilvernv * Ikree months' trial subscription to ^ ' f THE WHOLE FAMILY, •11 m.llu i '1 monthly magazine with stories, MMOdotM, fashions and all articles of interest by tMt'MItbarB and cash question contests monthly. MMU. ftrii. Co, 196 Suntmer St., Boston. Mm. Georse O is too well known by bis perform­ ance and what bis colts hare done tot DM to go Into any details here. He is a chestnut in eolor, star. and wliite spot on left shoulder. ' a-' In regard to speed George O la the fastest stallion, mare or gelding ever bred m Mc Henry or Lake Counties, driven to his record by hie breeder and owner. He is sired by a son of Hambletorian 10, his das la by a son of Geo. M. Patchen 30. Georjje O, with limited advantages, never having had a mare with a record of three minutes or one that ever produced a last colt from any other stallion. He is the sire of E thel B, 2:I83£, V. Henry O. P. Mary Lee, 2:22Jtf. Prircc T,! 2#X. Algo quin, 2;2»%. Harry D. 2;30. Obicadee (3)2:34%. Volnev G.Son, 2.30X, And several more below 2:40. George O if trained to a bike tbis season can win races in 2;15, as he is an awful fast bone and gets them all £ast. ^ TERMS. On aocountof thft depressiew lR all bnsiness Iwill put his services for 1«U atC2S. cash or note at time of service Do .'t ask It lower. &t my barns. GKOj WtOWEN. MeHenry, 111, XSMft J -h ? |8tf -,!C0 i: ' ALBION SPRING TOOTH.CULT1VATOR, five machines in one. The only Cultivator that cuts all the ground .< <' :v$m . ^W8>seuptothehill# and is the represcintatiwlto^ of level cultivation. ~„->u [Trsde-Marksobtained, and all Pat-5 coadacted for MODCRATC FEES. I . W OPfOtiTt (J. 8. PATENT OFFICE F secure patent in lees time than those f a Washington. model, drawing or photo., with descrip- ' [tie*. We advise, if paten table or not, free of < >d**M. Onr fee not due till patent is secured. < f i fismiiT. "How to Obtain Patents," with Be la the U. S. and foreign couatries Address, O.A.8NOW&CO ! L^r. FaTnrr Omct, WA8HINGTON, D. C. 1 MM «B®yal BuftyTort Wine. Ifyott are reduced in vitality or strength bvi&M or any other cause, we recoro- ueHwe use of this Old Port Wine, the very fciood cf tibe gz^e. A graad tonic l«r nnralng mother^ and those reduced tywariias dlaeaae. It creates strength; improves the appetite; nature's own rem- edj^ mtich preferable to drugs; guaraQ- pure and over five vears „ wine ordinarily sold 16 Young wine ordinarily sold fe not Insist on having this standard nraadittcoatanoiuore. $lmquart bottles, ViHitOcta. R(^al Wine Co... Wasjato ly. •*. B«8U5*^, r ' " ' THE PAGE #dVen Wire FenCe. frrt't |U W. (SHFLDON, 5:.' >, or MASBNGO, ILL. p - lag the above Fence in the KMt'balf titrf County AH correspondence it answered. Write to bitn. £Srirc,«r.ABent8.$78f • TMk. Eielusive territory, fh* Ma^lMlWubtr. WuhualltlM SIMM* tor thmiljr taw miuuU. WwkM, rinse, ml trie, Uua vIOMt vrttinf Uut hult. Toa Bttikthe batuw, themaeMstitoM i rat. Mskt, palUhed dUbca, . - - W|TM_ j,0 llu>iurolMUii|. T DLAM,DO mwu. C11U9, ^nmmt.CtnaIin(M. H E;* BURLIN WAWFACTURERI OP • •AMD • • '"N)eM£M WRITE PRICES A CAT&L iMnffi l f? i Will : ' -Qt-:' BSBS Ou.1- ]>o. lO Cultivator, •OUOIlIT- Pa0C0MD ^IOM^ k CNILOfkCM. Bb sore iuid see our No, 1C rider in the field, a* it thoroughly un­ locks the fertility a Ad leaves the ground in thr- best ot condition to stand he drouth W ith no deep open fur- rov8 to fill with water and wash away the best soil or still worse allow it to stand and drv, which causes the ground to look white and cake up and absorb the moisture thai the crop peeds so much at that titoe, Stop and notice the difference between the way you work your field? with the shovel machines and the way we do it with the No 10 Albion. There is making of bushels of rcrn in that way of culti­ vating over the 4old style' half- way plan--cultivat­ ing a little in the centra of the row* leaving the corn uncultivated and then get off and throw a lot of dirt at and around it to bu*y up large weedsto take up tthe moisture that the crop needs so much at that stage. . Drop u% a card to meet you in the field and we will satisfy that we are right, or let yon have your own way until you learn by experience (same as we have), and then we can have a chance to turn in and sell you your choice out of five or six kinds ot Two Seated Surrics for the family, or a Fine lop Carriage tor the young man. Better be raising corn qr coming to W^pgcmfotc> see what Stocum or the boys can make you happy withj that kicking about the hard times* Come Saturday. or Sunday, for" T Bargains 1 as 1 am always there then, We are on our fourth full car of carriages, and can plainly see that we will have a lot of over one hundred cultivators to pay for; a full car of •* Stoughton wag­ ons" at Lake Zur­ ich ; and look out tor the forty l)» 1- tivators and a car of Carriages at MeHenry. See posters and come to the sale or >ou will feel bo unwell afterwards yoa will have to DEALER IN IOPPOSITK BISHOP'S MCHENRY, ILP STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. WONnjCBFtWlr 1 jh' ' v- * - < tfAS&Xlftf I a nr stov% * Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by to be the Best Gasolene §tove in the market. "ft f£' fi* dW-i* -*»y / p j t!f-.{ BUILDERS' HARDWARE. In this line our stoek Is complete, and oor|prices a« lo% aa ^h# mib« qualttj or goodA can bought eleewhere. Alto, a floe line of ^ TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY; Of the beat makes, and warranted. In short. In our atore^^ can be found «ofe' article usually kept In a ftrs* c'a«s Hardware store, and we will always 'tnakjfr' o u r p r i c e a r i g h t . C a l l a n d s e e u a W b e n I n w a n t o f a n y t h i n g I n o u r l i n e * f ¥ \ H A Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, T , Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom '<3? '"%!<• • ' JACOB BONSLETT, MeHenry; * J /V it.iWT4t<4 •»' ipfw S5£:,ltei y r%'~ ?*,*%.*: v'.'fV-'-v . 1 i <t:W With two stores, one on the West side and on© on the East side, t^jprcscat to the buying public "f On.i" No. 44 Surrey^ -- mcmm. L.... ' ..?.: e the doctor. Oet a hump on you and get there, as this is the season to crowd things and not let4hings crowd yous , Yours for Fun and Business, j? r £**> M _ __ MeHenry, H|. t y._ • i • T. V. JUSTEN BROS */9 DEALERS IN FINE! F l.i KHITUBBf f "H'J ^ ' vj OF ALL KINDS, mUki tall kinds of Than ever before, which ® are oflerlog at greatly Reduced Prices. Nowb| the time to Buy. l^We also keep In atock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we calfg give yob anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices tba# - = V ^ uj otlwr boM. I. Mi. county. ' I, TRUNKS AT C08T. Vi- rV: U N D E R T A K I N G 8 U P P L I E 8 | Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot the latent designs. Even thing new an# elegant. We keep nothing b it the best. Do not fail to call and see ua wfa< want of anything in our line. ffiPLSMD(DHEA&SiE la connects cm. will bo furniabed at ? when \0\ K,, >>i; .•V v1?'- <A-1

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