Mrseolom COMM. DSL4KSON, JSL Y.--Engines* O. N. B*te« rtefHied off Enffim; im 47 with* long oiler la one handand a bunch of bkat wast* in the other. Not a by- :¥atahdar there oould help Kmarkinf his youthful* healthy look and active, vigorous noranento, and contrasting ; : . his appearance with his condition of .twomonthaago. J£t' ,A Colonel, how w^ll you look'" "Ye-. I am well; better than I have w been for jears." "What have you been doing?" "Oh, not muoh. No-to-bac cured 4"\ „ me 01 the tobacco habit and braced me mentally and physically. In fact, made " me a new man in more ways than one. W>„-I hud 110 appetite; couldn t sleep; now 1 bleep like a baby and eat three times $Ss^a day with a relish, for the first lime 'C" in years. My heart action is regular and no longer a bar to increased life .insurance. You know throttle pulling C y requires a pretty steady nerve, and, my /it 'nerves are O. K. now. One box and *?•' «,»a quarter of No-to-bac cured completely in ten days, after using tobacco forty years. i>o-to-bac * 7 , - is eold by all druggists and made by \the Sterling Remedy Company of New v York and Chicago. You ought to get is., , one of their litte books called 4Dont i?' ' Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life ^ t Away,' and pose yourself. They send 1^7 H them frea to any one that writes. It cost me $2.50 to get cured, and I spent •f - three or four dollars & week for ta> * bacco. If I had failed to get cured I would have gotten my money back, as the makers guarantee three" boxes to " cure any case. I have recommended the use of No-to-bac to fifteen of the bays on the line, and every one ol ^*. ; them,so far as I know, has been cured." |S|SPI The cab bell rang, the engineer climbed up quickly on the footboard, SffS and the big train rolled away. . Saves Tim?. A tfew York wood dealer, who han- many cargoes of cord wood an* ; < * nually, finding that the time consumed = in unloading carts at the yard amount s' ed to a considerable item of expense. ' f has invented a cart by which this :'~i' item is eliminated entirely. The cart §£,4 bas a horizontal platform hung low be- J*';r4 tween a pair of wheels on a crank axle. The platform is held in place by a but ton shutting into a slot in the forward part of the frame of the cart. The driver backs up to the string piece on the wharf and his cart is loaded. Then he drives to the yard and when he is at the spot where it is desired to un load the wood he simply tarns the but ton and releases the platform and the platform tips backward, and thus the cart unloads itself. The dri* er never stop* at all--he just keeps right on to the wharf again. The operation is so extremely simple and'soobviously econ omical that it is a delight to the eye of even the most casual observer. Bismarck's Income. Prince Bismarck, according to the book recently published by Hans Blum, "The German Empire at the Time 01 Bismarck," is not a wealthy man in the American sense. The mortgage on his estate* lequires him to pay about $30,00j every year. The income from his Friedrichsruhe property has been as much as $6J,00J » year, but it has averaged only about half that sum. Bis entire income is not far from *100,000. Young America*. "Which are you going to buy?" asked Jack of his companions, Tom and Jce, as they gazed on the wonderful display offlrew<rke in a window on Park place. "Dunno. Guess I'd better git one of •aeh of 'em, then the ones I find makes the most noise Til 'member and git more of," replied Tom, dipping bath hands down deep into his pockets and jingling the pennies hidden there. "JI got sixty-two cents," remarked Joe, sticking his tongue in the side of his cheek tod winking one eye at Tom. "Bet you the two cents agin ten that you can't raise as much." Three ncses pressed flat against the windows of that fire cracker shop, three hearts were beating with glad, joy over the prospect of possessing I. With welcome about now t. In day* of yore, out S. Tlien bere'k a health to ' " **.ryr iff s arouud. «»CT TOO TWO CBHTB AOIS TSftl» Iv-,; Verdict for Hood's JiX- was In the army four years, wa Wounded and contracted sciatica and rheumatism. Have suffered ever since and lost the use of my left leg and side. I must say that of all the medicines I have ever tried Hood's B&rsaparlUa Is the best. It has done me the most good. I do not say ures c lotn the ebo-rua; Let yoar vofoes fcifb rssoapd; stare and atripsssrs wavinco'er us: Freedom echoes all honored graodairea Hurried Apua thelr peaceful bnw, To re • pal a bttod of aotUiers, Who from Foreign shore had cooe. ' <M«r great astioal On hsr soil glad bwrts reaida; And whether <m tfas tmJ ur ocean, Ws will hail her a* on? pride. crackers. '"I say, Jack," cried Tom. giving his nose a rest, "Uncle Sam must bs a jolly good fellow to have such a big party every year of his life." "Go 'way wid ye'1. He's no real man; don't you know nothing?" "My mother 6avs that he is one hun dred and seventeen years old, anyway, and how could he be old if he wasn't livin"? Come along, I'm going in to buy out the store. We've got to find something that will make more noise 'an Charlie's cannon." "We can holler and yell when you shoot off the torpedo, and I guess that'll 'sprise him," remarked Joe, as they di-appeared inside. Jaqf: had a commonplace appearance, and to look at his homely face and bristling hair no one at any other time of the year would have suspected that a patriotic heart beat in his sturdy little breast. Joe, his bosom friend, was not so tall, though of about the same age. He was a bewitching speci men of the American boy with his light, fluffy hair and solemn gray eyes. A boy who would be kinu to little girls, and would play all day as doctor for sick dogs and cats. Tom seemingly lived to whistle. True, he piped but one melody, but that was much better than to be continually puckering and grimacing without being able to make a peep. "I guess this store was just made for j boys," remarked Joe, as the three' passsed in. They prowled together through the lower floors, then ascended the stairs. "My:" cried Tom, under breath, and for a wonder he forgot to whistle; "aren't those pinwheels whoppers; they look like windmills." "They're stunning, and will go bully with the prismatic whirlwinds; let us get a lot of them," said enthusiastic jack. "Jack, Jack," eried Joe, almost be side himself with joy, "just look at the wall with the crackers nailed on it: there is one of every, kind for us to choose from: I wish we could take' a dozen of each." "Huh! we couldn't carry them. We'll ask the fire-cracker man which makes the most noise," replied Jack. "The prettiest things to my notion are sparkling bombs, cause they com- mer.cj just like a soda fountain and then go off like a gun. They have sticks to hold and " "Putdown in your mind rub 7 torches," CHORUS. / TEWOR Itus-sa I bmaa in ff ALIO. I Brightest d^y of all the ysar.-Wetnatia God.tiwt hell defend m»shielding ua when (laager's 1 Huzza! hosss far Iafcpeadsaoe {Brightest day stall the year :VfVtrual»a Gad.that hell defend as; shielding ua when dangers n«*r. // TSEBLB. * i WM-Aad Report- •4 11. "Pagliaod" was to, he given on one occasion, but no' one knew of Leo near tallo's arrival. "He* went to the door and bought his ticket. The house was full and no one recognized him. He listened, but naturally did not join in the loud applause which greeted the presentation. Next to him sat a pret ty young woman with lively dark eyes, who beat her little hands as though she was to be rewarded for it. " 'Signor,' she said, turning to Leon cavallo, Svhy 06 yoi not applaud? Does the opera not please you?' " 'Not at * csne the answer of the eompoeor, who enjoyed the possibility of some fun at his own expense; 'it displeases me. It to,the work of a be ginner, to say nothing worse.' " 'Then you undei%tand nothing about- music,' replied the young woman. *" 'Oh, yes I do.' And the composer then began to talk of the counterpoint and other technical characteristics of the piece with his fair neighbor. 'And as to originality,' he continued, 'there is none. Se6 this motive was taken from and h© whistled a tune to correspond. That air was stolen from Bizet, and that from Beethoven,' he added, as bkr after bar was chanted. He declined to admit that the opera had a single merit. * "After the curtain natt taiien and the young woman was about to leave the theater, she turned again to her .^discontented neighbor and asked if the opinion expressed of his opera was a genuine one, and received an affirm ative reply. With a merry and mar lic'ous look she bade him good-by. " 'On the following morning'--the composer may be allowed to tell the ending of the story himself--'I was still in bed when the waiter brought me my coffee and one of the morning papers. 1 hurriedly glanced through the journal, when my eye fell on the headline, "Leoneayallo's Opinion of His 'Pagliacci'" I read it--and--well, yon may imagine my feelings at seeing, word for word, wnat I had told my Hu* za 1 tunas for ladependsaM? Brightest dsy of all the year :We,troat iu God.tbat he'll >lefeud ua ;«hieldin? 11* when dmigsr'e near. JLtST--».-- Huz-za! hnsss for Independence! Brightest day of *11 the year :We tru»t in God.that he'll defend ue t ahieldiug ua when danger's near. An early use of the < curs in the London Chi In the September of Hist jWlf'i merous references to a sion of labor i 1 the Ne and the colliers are st "struck out" for a higher fore entering into their usual "bond." In confirmation of ton-Blenkinsopp's stat ~mentatl reference, it may be added t| strike is twice called a "stick.' don Chronicle, Oct. P, 10. One of Harriet Martineau's earltestiM pamphlets was a trait entitled, Tendency of Strikes and Sticks to Pfejftp 'J , duce Low Wa?es." published at ' ham in 183-J. The time-hos«>r6« tration of profitless libor, *cai coals to Newcastle," probably re< its first slap in the face during1; strike of 1(65. A paragraph Newcastle, Sept. 28, in the Chronicle, eays: "'TIS very _ able that on Y\ ednesday several p(dBMl' of coal were brought from Durham & this town by one of the commai riers, and sold on the sandhill for 9d a poke, by which he cleared fid a poke." Notes and Queries. 1 Save Money on Lnmber. Of coerse. when yon build yon waat itts cost as little as possible your local dealer a comaalastoB wtMN VM ^ can buy better lumber direct frosa tie FH« ' ae& Lumber Company, corner of LatiB aa4t t2d atneta, Chicago. 111. at wholesale prices? Write them for tsrma No Iionger Secret. One of the features of the projected printing exhibition in Paris will be » model of the secret printing offlteea which flourished in the cataMM»b« ing the last century, and which ber of artists went to visit the other, day for the purpose of reproducing them from nature. pretty neighbor ooncerning the wor on tlie night before. She was a re porter of the paper and bad taken her revenge. I vowed then that 1 should never again say an unfavorable word about my operas, especially to --St. Louis Republic. "Twenty-five cents," replied the clerk, "and you can get all the caps you can use for 20 cents." "Oh. look at the cannon! We can buy one for Jimmy Benton, who got run over by the car, can't we boysV" exclaimed Whistling Tom, taking out his pennies and counting them. "Yes, and firecrackers, too, 'cause he is poor and won't have any fun just listening to us; will he, Jack?" "Your sister Minnie has always wanted a flag, Jack, so I'll s'prise her with this one," said Joe, commencing to load his arms. "And this Mexican jet looks as if it could thunder, but I can't carry it very well. I want a dozen sky rockets and this big bundle of Roman candles, and--give me the fire crackers over there, Tom; I can carry tbem, too -- and torpedoes--oh, you take those, Jack. Now we are most ready, aren't we?" "Don't you want to take a package that it will raise a fel low from the dead; bat it will come the nearest to doisg It of any medicine I have ever known or used." T. H. SAUNDERS, Osceola, Nebraska Hood's Fills cure indigestion, blUonsness. m 4 Lydla E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound CURES Irregularity, j or Painful Menstruations, Weak. nesa of the Stomach .Indigestion jBloatin jr, Flooding, Nervons Prostration, Headache, General Debility, Kidney Complaints in either sex. Every time it will relieve Baokachef Faintnees, fatreme Lassitude, "don't care" and "waat to he left alone " feeling, excitability, irrita bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melaneholy. or the "blues," These »r« sure indications of Female Weakness, sows derangement of the Uterus, or t Womb TroubSot. Every woman, married 0# single, s!tctM ewn and read " Woman's Beauty, Peril, Duty," an illustrated book of 80 pages, con taining important information that every woman should know about heraelf. We •end it free to any reader of this paper. Lydla E. PInkttam's Liver Pllla, 25 oanta. JELVS CREAM BALM CURES ' i f-*Oi r LOADED DOWN. CATARRH PRICE 50CENTS. ALL DRUCGISTSl a Hi. 17. No. *6-94 i O S c u n t F O R interrupted Tom," 'cause when we have the prooession it will take a lot of them." "I'm holding on to some nigger chas ers that I found near the steps," whis pered Joe in Tom's ear, but overheard Dy a clerk who called out: "I'm ke ep ing an eye on you fel owe, and if you don't look out there will ba some boy chasers a-hold of you." That greatly pleased the trio, and Jack said, turning his bright face to* ward the clerk, "We'reall right: we've got money to buy everything we want, and if you don't mind we will just take a look about so as to pick out the best." "Go ahead; but be careful and not handle want you do not mean to buy." "Hello, they must make fire cracker; here," exclaimed Tom, as be stumbled into a room that looked like a work shop "Most everybody has gone to e it his lunch; thaVs the rea on we are not kicked out. Say ̂mister, do you make torpedoes here?" _ ' Some of the work is done here, but the most is done in Jersey, where the factory is. Wo make millions and millions of fireworks just for such lit tle boys as you to shoot." "Yes, I know how they v are made, exclaimed Jack. "A boy told me once. You put in charcoal, sulphur, nitre, powder, steel filings, potash and I guess that's all, and when you get them all mixed up you put the stul in different kinds of wrappers and that makes the big and little crackers." "You are a pretty smart boy; when you want to go td work ccme here," said the man us he laughingly chafed them out o» the shop. "Now, let us pick out whatwe're go ing to buy," suggested Joe. "I want a gun for my little brother, with hun dreds and hundreds of caps. He is sick and cp.n t get out of bed. I heard him say he wanted a raager. Ulster, how much does a ranker cost?" * of baby crackers, too?" suggested the clerk who was attending them. "Yes; our little sisters would like them. Put in two packages, please. What you got, Tom?* "I'm carrying the cannon and the gun and some colored torches. Hello! There goes my Liliputlan rockets. Hand 'em to me, Jack." -Cant do it If I move I'll drop what I got, and they might bust ana blow the store up. Hadn't we better go now?" "You have not paid for them yet," said the clerk, good-humoredly. A blank look passed over the faoes of the three. "Gewhittiker! Do you know, I ior- aoVSTima BIB MOXMY about it," exclaimed Tom, his face turning crimson. "'And so did I--and I," cried Jack and Joe, dropping their loads and div ing into pockets for the mqaey. "Here's all of mine. Please, sir, how much do I get back?" asked Joe^ "I haven t got as much as Joe, but I guess it is enough," said Tom. "I've got ten cents more in the bank," added Jack, handing over all ha had, . , Three anxious faoes watchad the clerk as he counted the money.' "Sixty- two cents" "That's mine," said Joe, "And 39 cents and 55 cents, making $1.55 in all. Now, let us see what you have got. What you have selected comes to $10.39." Three sadder faces were never seen than those of the three young Ameri cans at that moment. "What do you want most, boys? You had batter take that and come back for the remainder when you get more money," suggested the proprietor. "I surely want the gun for my broth er." f-aid Joe, mournfully. "Have I enough to buy the flag for sister Jennie? ̂anxiously questioned Jack. "I could have lots of fun helping Jimmy fire off the (cannon--'bout as much as he, I guess--so I'll take the cannon, please," said Tom. "Yes; there is money enough for all of those, and caps and baby crackers besides," replied the clerk, doing up the articles in three bundles, J . The boys' faces brightened. «i Thayi were pret y gtod-sized bundles, after, all, they thought, when they attempted to carry them home. "Did* you do as I said?" questioned the proprietor, when the three boys fina'ly disappeared from sight. J "Yes, f-ir," replied the clerk. "I put in everything the little fellows had picked out to take home with them, Here are the items, amounting tai $10.3U."--New York Recorder. ^ ANCIENT LANDMARKS. Bdkt that Take l'» Back to tha Days of «be Revelation. One of the most interesting of the old historic houses of New York is the Van Cortland rcanor house north ot Spuyten Duyvel Creek. ft was erect ed in 1748 by Frederick Van Cortland and has been inhabited by his defend ants ever since. The old house car- Bum ries the visitor back to the days when barrel. Hessian officers made themselves at home in the rooms of its pat i >t owner and tore up the floors and embrasure# windows during their s-each ior impor«r tant documents which he hai hidden': in the family vault on the hill that overlooked his home. Nov. 24, 17?3»< Washington slept at the manor house, and the next day made his triumphal entry into the city that was to look foi? the -ast time in its history pn tae back of a loreign foe. ; Another historic landmark is the old sugar houi-e at Rose and William •streets, which, if not in existence now, was standing two years a?o. It was erected in 1769. In it hundreds of cap tured Americans were confined during the revolution, and in ihe hot days of summer every window space was filled with the white, wan faces of men who Wfciv stiiliug and t-tar vine to death. Another relic is the Provost prison of the revolution, now the Hall of Rec ords in City Hall Park. Here many American officers were imprisoned and starved by the British. A pallcws stood at a convenient distance, and many ot the Americans were taken out and 'hanged in the darkness of night without triaL Origin of the Declaration. Some trace the origin of the Do'lara*^ tion to the charter of Runny meadejl some to the Mayflower compact, some even to the Mecklenburg resolve; others more deeply and truly to that inborn love of ee f ownership and self government which is pre-eminently characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race^ The entire tenor and trend of ou#~ colonial life developed self-reliance, and Kelf-relianca is the mother oi inde pendence.--Judge Mills. S!»e Iloueht Some,' "I suppose I shall have to buv some firecrackers for Freddy," said Mrs, Bloobumper, as she entered the tire* works store. "Let me recommend oui? new noise ess variety," replied the clerk. "Just the thing for nervofts Eirents to buy for their children."-- rooklyn Life. -V i ' O'Jtlftlnc. *i" Miss Slimson: "I am so glttflyoufcgve come, Mr. Featherstone. The chil dren want you to help them tet off their fireworks, but don t keep them up later than 10." Featherstone: "No, I won't. And can I see you afterward. Miss Clara?" Miss Slimson: "Oh, yes. You can come around to-morrow night, if you like." Under Favorable Circumstances. Mrs. Brown--That poor woman was broken-hearted over the loss of her onlv son, who was blown up while firing: off his cannon. She said she hoped he was in Heaven. Mrs. Mala- prop--I guess he is, my dear. He got a good start.--Judge. t Go 3d ftor Polly. "My parrot is a patriotic bird," said Brekkus. -*AB to how?" asked Barlow. "30& the Fourth of July she alwavt says 'Polly wants a firecracker.' ~ a Barrel of Fn. Guess I II sleep in this yer Tommy--That's right, Jimm throw it in the barrel, report. WSTX § Bum--Somebody's bavin' a barrel d fun. Morn Out m II--issi In the {harness of every-day business work men and women wear out prematurely. For some of us It la not eaay. for others, again, it Is impossible to set oat of harness. It is the inflexible yoke, the atreaglT towed, unbreas- able shackle of imperative aemtude needful to ourselves uid those most dear to us. The weight of it often bowa many of us into the grave before our time, but it la undoubtedly true that t here is a means ot rendering tbe burthen less onerous, aad ot mitleatimr the ailments that unremitting toll--especially of a sedentary kind--ha* a tendency to prodnce. Overworked clerks In oountinK-houKw. mill operatives, bookkeepers, type-writers, and others testify to the revinnc, restorative effects of Hostetter's Btomaoh mttei», and its power of rene wine physical aad mental enenty when overtasked aad on the wane. Dyspepsia, failinff vigor, rheumatic, bowel ana kidney complaints yield to this beneficent medicine, which is a preventive of malaria and counter acts the effects of exposure in inclement weather. Must Masticate Hard Tack. IPn examining men desirous of joining the royal matinee of the English army recruiting offioers are directed to p»y special attention to the condition of the teeth of a candidate. Seven de fective teeth, or even less if they im pair the biting or grinding capacity, will render a candidate ineligible, and the examining medical officer is di rected to take into special considera tion the probability of the teeth last ing. . f/y"} NO Need of Clocks. , •" -. Liberia Is the only more or less civil ized country where clocks ara almost entirely dispensed with. The sun rises exactly at (> a. m. and seta at 6 p. m. throughout the year, and. is vertically over head at noor^ 1 FRECKLES, tau, blemishes Danish from Glenn's Sulphur Soap is used. and all beauty- marring «hfe fsce whea A PIECE of iron passage of ,the may have ^een found in an air pyramid, which ere since 3700 B. C. CLERGYMAN'S sore throat is wrong fully set down to the soor© of "arduous labors." A B AH WRECK --of tlie constitution may fallow In the trade of a disordered system. Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovwy nMMMs and CUKES all liver and kidney Disease* It rouses the liver to healthy action, purifies, the blood k ana Allays congestion dttbeludneyn. SWKXKBV, of fiawdCHtmm, "I was for ly able to tro suffered from liver and kidney troub le, rfx dMferentDoctors treated me during that ttnfte but could do me ao mod. 1 give your "Medical Discovery " the praise for my cure. TWB. too, my wife had a bad caae of Asth ma which was cured by the use of that wonderful blood-puri- •er." Gao. w. m 9.*r. PIERCE CURE OB mOJVEY BETCBNEO. The Greatest Medical Discovery of tlie Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL OISCOVERY. D0NAL1 KBIIOY, OF I8XBUBY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He nas now in his | possession over two hundred certificates of its value, att within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit fs always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect ciire is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs am affected it causes shooting pains. Hke needles passing through them; the same with the Liver * Hall's Catarrh Car® h%iitiM«M8l earn Price 73 Large Decrease in PopulattO*. The population of Melbourne*, tha metropolis of Australia, has decreased 4t>,064 since April, 1891. smion's COWSUMFTIOW CURB la MLDE* # jrnarantee. It curea Incipient Coammp* tion. It is the best Cough Coxa. 3t 0Ntl% B0 cants and $1. Oft MAKE life a ministry of love and i| will always be worth living. "iMM with the Liver or being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label If the stomach is foul or biUoos ft caus« squeamish fadings at first No change of diet ever the be; * Dose, time. Sold by all Druggists, «h Bowels. This is caused by the ducts bei lo change of dieiever necessary. Eat best you can get and enough of it se, ttpie tabfaspowmilin waty at bafr KNOWLEDGE comfort and i . tends to personal enjoyment wkaft lightly used. The many, who Ufa f ter than others and enjoy lifer"- " leas expenditure, by amis adapting the world's best thefeeeds of physical being the Taiue to health of the putt . laxative principles embraced la remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is doe to its _ in the form moat aeceptable «adl ant to the feasfee, the refreshing «adi _ beneficial properties of a petiwt a» alive; effectually cleansing the sfs*es% dispelling colds, headaches - ana permanently ct It has given satisfaction met with the approval of the me profession, because it acta on the neys, Liver and Bowels without weah» emng them and it is perfectly free uM | every objectionable substance. f Syrup of Figs is for sale by aD drag- » gists in 00c andtl bottles, butjt ie_ma»» ufactured by the California Fig Co. only, whose name is printed on r--"* package, also the name, Syrup of and being well informed, you will accept any substitute if BtasniBa, „ )M, Moth ran S3? crs ia tha tJ. S, CanadM aad SaMva. FER0. T. HOPKIItS. fra»,r.>7 Bnal IWM > FOR THE 4th OP JVLY1 CEtEBRATKl (Mt) MCt THE NEW AMERICAN il 'Hail.' Thou Land by Oouradi. which will b al h> mn. wiu be rang tral Music HatLCbtea copies. Airnfen postal crfier vARLSHALL. X KEMPER HALL A BOYS' BOARDHMI MNOOi. Bl SAFCTYBieTCU. CURE YOURS H SPECIFIC ami o^B^a. The German Formi l.OO. v'. :V ; waiifei. ILN.IL