Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1894, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, ISM. m&i * £ < ¥^- ̂;v ; ItaHwuy Ttma Tab'e. ^«N>mmeaelBg lit Koon StJartsy, Jnna w, i»i F iscetifter fmm* WM pMttl* elation M follow*: <?OIW« BOirt*. B LAKE PAWIEHSRE*.*,.. £ Vil'llmiBa; Expree* * *TIUian»8 Bay VralgHt K Williams Bay Psssenger... ;aoiire iroBTS. 7:2* A. M, M ... 1:H5 P. H. 4...S.2* P. M. ill I ,«* : -"'"V' V i5.' : 15 WlllUm* nf P»a»eper....... 9:56 A. W. E wril]ai!i» B*y Freight...... llua \.W. E WiUiara# Bay Kxprwi .4:55 p. if, E Lakatienava Passenger. 6:51 " Geneva Passenger ,6;U M U'*' «. n J*XFtAKATIO». f/';. "• < D Daily. ; K Daily except Snn lay. < 8 Sunday* only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111, MASONIC. MCHEKRT LOME, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- OommnnioatHns the second and irtt JMLsadajs ia sssl* moatfe. F,. L. McOKSKttdW. M. O&DXB. OF THE EASTERN STAB, r Regular Meetings the First and Third Wed. pesday evenings of each month, at Masonic : Ball Mas. BABBAKA VAHSLTKE, W. M. Mu. LdBA IIDRBDOI, Secretary. C MCAEKTRT LODGI NO. 77, K. O. T. M---BEG' ttlar meetings second and fourth Tuesdav fvenings of each month, at E. O. T, M. Ball. Geo. HAHLET, Com, N., R. K. UnW«na>lft Churoh Directory. O, N. Owen 8. T. Brown Olerk ............Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies organ (cation.) vlfrs. w. A, Orlsty .President aMrs. O. N. Owen Secretary Rev. J.7?tniub, D. O Pastor Preachinp services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7:80 f. m. A cordial invitttion to all. THE PLAINDEALBR and the weekly inter Oeean both one year tor $ 1.75. ,* ADVERTISING pays. The pocket book advertised as lost last week was found and returned to its owner. ' WHEN yon want neat job work, done Some to the PLAINDEALBR office.. Prices reasonable (or first class work. ^ Da. BAECHLEH, Dentist, makes Bridge And Crown work a specialty. Children's pth carefully treated. WE are experiencing some old fashion­ ed'Indian Summer weather in this sec­ tion now. May it continue for a month. • come. M PROP, WILLIAMS' entertainment, at 4 the City Hall, on Monday evening, drew Out but a small house. He went from tare to Algonquin. - THE Ladies' Aid Society, of Ringwood, • will meet with Mrs. Julia Bishop, Thurs- afternoon, - Dec. 6th. Five o'clock ten Cents. POSTMASTER SNOW was exhibiting a cabbage on Thursday last, obtained from John B. Frisby, that weighed 22% pounds. Do not forget and make your prepara­ tions to attend the Bazaar and Supper, at the City Hall, on the evening of De- eember 7th. •- ___________ .. 4 ; THANKSGIVING will be observed in the Bniversalist church next Sabbath, at e morning service, in placeof to­ morrow. THE remains of a daughter of Richard Kenaelly were brought here on the 9:45 ^ > A. M. train to day, and her funeral held from St. Patrick's church, in this village. | • BESLEY has the new style of Cabinet I' liases, that takes the place of Albums. if" . >. ^The nobbiest thing out. Call and see them. : THE PTIAINDEALIER and the weekly ater Ocean both one year for f 1.75. As ie time for this offer is limited send in »ur order at once. JULIA A. STORY has been purchasing a very large stock of Christmas Goods which will soon arrive, and she invites call and examine them early. NEW advertisements this week from Theo. F. Swan, E. Lawlus, 1. A. Barrus, F. L. McOmber, A. P. Baer and W. A. Cristy. Bead them. THE Thanksgiving Party, at the IfcHenry House, on Thursday, (to-mor- row) evening,.promisee to be one of the pleasantest of the season. Smith's OP- liestra will furnish the music. WE learn that a son, about four years old, of John Dwelly, who formerly lived Bear this village, but who now resides sear Woodstock, is very low with diph- i theria, and but little hopes are enter­ tained of his recovery. - BEN BUSS, JR. never does anything by halves. The boys say he "wet" his new fnit^ of clothes to perfection on Sunday. : The hole in the pond has not frozen over since. Good boys should aot go skating on Sunday. ^ R. H. OWEN, of Chicago, who was here Jftft week tuning Pianos, had more than lie could do in the limited time he could remain, and will be here again before the holidays to finish up what he has engag­ ed and attend to such others as may Wish his services. Any orders left with ©.W.Owen will receive prompt attention. WILLIE MCGEE, only brother of Eleanor and Lillie McGee, who are living with their aunt, Mrs. Fegers, in this village, died at his home in Harvard on Thurs­ day last, of diphtheria. He was a bright little fellow, aired about seven years. His relatives and friends have the deep­ est sympathy of all in their bereavement. 'SHARPERS are around again and plying ^ their tricks. If a smooth-tongued fellow t comes along and wants to lease you a pteam cooker, and asks you to sign a |)»p«r lOf iiuci'6 iGFIu'tj Sake, uOu'L parWJ With the scamp, but turn the dog looso. The fellows have been working this game fluite successfully, and the paper signed ' :,4urasout to be a good bankable note •*|or $375. They are now working near '.r^nincy, where it is gettinga little hot for ; them, and they seem to be tending this j way. Watch out for them. Stationery, a fine stock and fee* de­ nt Richmond C. H. STBWiiEB, of Elgin, was on our Streets on Saturday last. C. R. HEBER and wife attended to busi­ ness inChicago on Toesday. W. A. CRISTY was a Chicago viator Tuesday. V - ^ R. A. ftowABD atid wtie, were vi8itiBg friends in Chicago a few days last week. MRS. DR. FEGERS was a Harvard viat­ or on Friday last. R. WAITE was attending to business in Elgin on Thursday last. MRS. .1. VAN SLYER was a Chicago vis­ itor on Friday last. MRS. THOS. KNOX and son, Johnny, are visiting friends in Chicago this week. R. H. SHERBURNE and wife arespending Thanksgiving with friends in Chicago. WM. BUTTON, of Rochester, Minn., is visiting friends in this village this week PROF. W. H. STBAYER attended the teachers' meeting at Richmond last Saturday. , MISS FLORA SHERBURNE attended the GutGTtajuiu^t Xv*U£ tiuuu Saturday night. I Miss SARAH BROWNS returned to her class in music last Friday, after a vaca­ tion of two weeks. ALBERT COLBY and wife, of Nunda, were calling on friends here one day last week. C. A. WALSH and daughter, Buehta, of Elgin, were visiting friends here on urday last. ! FRED MCOMBER has accepted a si lion in Milwaukee, and left for that d Wlitaturday. MR. THOMPSON and wife, of Lake Ge­ neva, were the guests ot W. D. Went- worth and wife, in this village, one day last week. REV. FATHER FEGERS, of Sterling, lit, was the guest of his brother, Br. C. H. Fegers, in this village, a few days last week. MISS ALICE BENNETT, who lor the past nine months has been with her sister, at Racine, Wis., returned to her home in this village on Saturday last. IF you want the PLAINDEALER and the weekly Inter Ocean both one year for fl.75, send your order at once, as the time for this offerjs limited. THE dancing public should bear in mind the Thanksgiving Party, at' the Riverside House, to-morrow, Thursday evening. Slocum'sOrchestra will furnish the music. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. Jas. B. Perry, on Friday afternoon of this week. Let there be a general attendance. MRS. W. A. CRISTY, President. MRS. 0. N. OWEN, Secretary. PARTICULAR attention is called to the notices of Auction Sales, to be found in another place inthis paper. On Monday next, Smith Bros, will offer a car of choice Cows, at the Stock Yards, in this village, which Dairymen should make a nota of. And on Wednesday. Dec. 5, N. N. Wines, northeast of Volo, will sell a quantity of stock, grain, etc., at public auction. See notices elsewhere. THE Ladies of the Willing Workers So­ ciety are preparing for a Bazaar and Supper, to be given at the City Hall, on the evening of December 7th. Their tables will be spread with the choicest viands, while in their Bazaar will be many articles, both usetul and ornamen­ tal, and where you can buy a handsome Christmas present at a reasonable price. No one should fail to attend both this Supper and Bazaar. More particulars next week. AT a regular communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., held on Monday evening, it was decided to meet until further notice every Mon­ day evening except the first Monday ib the month, for the purpose of instruction and work. This is important and every member should make it a point to be present every evening possible. Remem ber every Monday evening except the first Monday of each month. AK exchange tells of a charming yonng bride who has been married but a couple of months, and was overheard complain­ ing to one other friends the past week, because her husband is such an inveter­ ate snorer. She painfully remarked, "I have had the measles, the chicken pox, cholera morbus, typhoid fever, and in- fiamatory rheumatism, but I never knew what real discomfort was till I married a burglar alarm." ONE of the encouragements of modern times is the advance in popular opinion concerning the securing of competent and able teachers in the primary department of our public schools. People are now understanding that the first steps in learning are as important as the last and that the influence exerted by an aspiring and enthusiastic teacher over very young children has a value which can hardly be estimated. IT is now given out that Col. W. I. P Breckenridge will mount the lecture plat­ form. When Miss Pollard announced that she proposed going upon the stage, there arose a howl of indignation from the members of the dramatic profession that has probably driven the idea out of the yonng woman's head. A ten times louder cry of protest should arise from the reputable men and women of the land who make their living by addressing the people from the lecture platform. WE regret to learn that E C, Hawley, of Dundee, has been compelled to make an assignment to Albert Miller for the benefit of uis creditors. His statement, filed in court at Geneva, shows his liabil­ ities to be f77,000 and his assets $93j» 000, It is altogether likely that f&v. Hawley will be able to adjust his affairs at aq early date and go on with his busi­ ness. He has been a great help to Dun­ dee, and t>»e pretty city with the Scotch name can ill afford to spare him from her ,!ia* tea- epooahrf nf laodaBam aatddifot* It with an equal amount of water. • Then thor­ oughly saturate a piece of absorbent cotton with this mixture, and holding the cotton to the nostrils draw in a deep braeth. The liquid will pass through the nostriis, down into the throat, and can then be discharged. WOODSTOCK, Mre. B. Muldoon visited Meade a£ Hartland Sunday. V. A. Wright, of Chicago was at tonne Sunday. . Dr. Cook, of Huntley, Was here on busi­ ness Friday. Misses Emma and Ida fVey visited rel­ atives and friends in Chicago last Sun­ day. A. W. Arnold spent Sunday with hie family here. ^ Mrs. Geo. Schmidt, of Cary, is visiting with relatives and friend here. F. R. Jackman transacted legal busi­ ness in Chicago the first of the week. F. Buell and daughter visited relatives in Chicago over Sunday. ~ Mrs. A. Still returned on Monday from a week's visit with her son at Fielding. uiio. i>tuuuu, III iuviiuiOUU, VUittti with Woodstock friends Sunday. Miss Alice Blakeslee visited relatives and friends in Chicago Saturday. W. P. Thompson was up from Algon­ quin the first of the week. Fred Bennett, of Barrington, spent Sunday with his brother here. A. W. Young, of Harvard was here on business Saturday. Rev. Baine, of Harvard, called on friends here Saturday. H. B. Begun, of the Hebron Tribune, was on our streets the first of the Week. V. E. Jones now occupies his new livery barn, near the freight depot. L. Freiberg, of Chicago, is the new drug clerk at A. S. Wright's. Wm. Kawson, of Richmond, visited with his grand-daughter, in this city, the latter part of last week. Misses Alice Spencer and Mary Brady, of Hartland, were guests of Woodstoek friends Sunday. Mies Annie Iverson returned last week from an extended visit with relatives at Elgin. Frank Guth. of Chicago, attended the funeral of Robt. Welsh, in this city, last Monday. ^ C. L. Hendricks and wife, of Chicago, were guests of L. Bennett and wife over Sunday. R. H. Austin, of Belvidere. visited with relatives! here the. latter part "of last week. • The penny social, at the M. E. church, last Friday evening, was largely attend­ ed and proved a grand success. The next lecture in the public library course will be given at the City Hall, Tuesday evening, Dec. 11. The fratnb for M. G. Eckert's house on Hutchins' street is up and enclosed, and the roof is nearly completed. Sheriff Udell is packing up his house hold goods preparatory to shipping them to Harvard, where the family will make their future home. The Young Men's Social Club gave a very enjoyable dancing party, at the City Hal!, last Friday evening. About forty couple were in attendance. The Apollo Orchestra furnished the music. The club will give a dance every two weeks during the winter. Robt. Welsh, one of the earliest settlers of Hartland, died very suddenly 1 astSat­ urday, at the residence of N. Grady, in this city. The funeral services were held from the Catholic church Monday morn­ ing and the remains were lai l at rest be­ side those of his daughter in Calvary cemetery. The remains of Miss Maggie Nugent, who died at the home of her parents, in Chicago, last Wednesday, were brousrht to this city on Friday for burial. The funeral services were held from the Catholic church, and interment took placs ia tfee family lot at Calvary owar etery. t ' • .: f. Diphtheria is quite bad in some lo­ calities. W. P. Thompson, of Algonquin, was on our streets the first of the week. D. T. Smiley, of Woodstock, wa Nunda visitor Monday. C. W. Seeley was a Chicago visitor Monday. Henry Keyes. county treasurer elect, roovei] to Woodwtock last Monday. Louis Ballard, of the town of Grafton, died last, Friday night, of diphtheria, after an illness of four days. A. Hill, the jeweler, is puttinsc in a fine stock of Holiday Goods. Call aud see them. Miss Georgia 8t. Clair spent ^laturday and Sunday with her sister at Irving Park. The Columbian keeps a fine stock of fresh frnits and candies. Lunches and oyster stews served on short notice. Miss May Thomas has been quite sick for a week past but is much better at prcscu v* W. P. St. Clair represents the Phoenix Assurance Co., of London, at Nnnda. The Phoenix is one of the old reliable companies, established in 1782. The stock of hardware owned fey D. L. Barnev was sold last Monday, as adver­ tised. by Sheriff Udell, Robt, Martin, of Woodstock, beinur the ourchaaer. Geo. Freye, of the firm of Freye Bros, hardware merchants, was married last Wednesday. May prosperity attend him is our wish. ? • • The poverty social held in G. A. R. hall Saturday night, by the W. R. C., was a success. A large crowd and a gen­ eral good time was had. The social given by F. E. Cox and wife t%4he members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C., at their home. Thursday night was well attended and all enjoyed th?m- RINGWOOD- v C. E. Fay's new house is being hurried to modern form by Geo. Spaulding. Mies Marion Carr, of Chicago, Sunday- ed with her sister, Mrs. Frank Fay. Ten lbs. sweet potatoes for 25c. at J. W. Cristy & Son's. A saving of 20 per cent to the buyer. A number of our teacher l-gsidents at­ tended teacher's meeting at Richmond st Saturday. The new steam mill is doing a good business, and it hardly begun as yet. Between 90 and 100 bags per day is the Elgin. U>est day's work so tar. iWt Mathews spent Monday li Bert is our bustling butcher, and was no doubt out in the interest of his custom- Johnny, O. A. Tabor's hired man, is aving a vacation and will soon leave or Germany on a visit. Johnny is a 'good, sensible young man, and has piled me of his earnings to take along. C. W. Randall and E. E. Carr arrived from Galesburg one day last week. The former made a short visit at Mrs. M A. Dodge's and returned on Satnrdav. The latter will remain here some time. Henry Stevenson and Luella Carr were arried by Judge Trowe at Genoa Juno- ion, Nov. 18, and have settled down 'among their friends as married residents. A long life and successful career is the ^jgst wish of alt for the young couple. Principals Collins, Thayer, Garrison and Bobbins, of the Richmond, Solon, Keystone and Greenwood schools were among those who attended the school entertainment on Saturday evening. A busy old woman in man's attire was at work one day last week spreading the news among creditors that we were going away. Such is the case. So isshe- he, so are we all. I want to serve notice on all my creditors that I will see them personally before going, that is, God willing None knows when he may die, bdt unless death calls me no creditor shall ever lose one cent by my absence. F. L. Carr, his name. Tbank him. vou, her- The entertainment given by the pupils and teachers of the school, assisted'by the male quartet of Richmond, was a success in every particular. The hall was crowded to its fullest seating capac­ ity and all agreed that the pupils and teachers conld not have done better. The receipts must have amounted to a neat sura and will be applied to the building up of a library withintheschool. A good set of enoyolnnpdinn oh.OTlld be found and then used in every school,and our people are aiding a good work when they encournge such projects as this. PARTICULAR NOTICE. The tftne having come when I MTRTFC close my books, all knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle the same on or before December 1. JOHN I. STORY. IfcHenry, Nor. ALGONQUIN. M. B. Weaver and wife, of Cary, were the guests of G. E. Dodd last week. L. H. Wenholz was 'doing business in Chicsgo last vveek.„ Geo. Morton was in Chicago a part of last week. Mrs. F. R. Dnensiog has been visiting her daughter in Chicago. J. L. Keyes, of Chicago, has been the guest of his brother, Henry, here. For dry goods and groceries call on Peter. He has a fine stock. Mrs. E. A. Bigelow, of Chicago, is visit­ ing relatives here. For choice raeatsgof all kinds, oysters, etc., call on D. W. Thomas. E. Kerns, of Gary was in towa the first of the week. C. E. Chapell is making some needed improvements on the Bonkoski farm which he recently purchased. The young folks surprised Thos. McKay on Thursday evening of last week and had a high old time. John Penny and wife, of Elgin, were the guests of E. A. Ford and Wife last Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bartells and daughter, of Chicago, were visiting relatives here a few days since. Henry Keves, treasurer-elect, moved his household goods to Woodstock on Monday. Ge and his family will be greatly missed here. A very enjoyable surprise Party was held at the residence of Henry Keyes last Thursday evening. About forty of the friends were present. Progressive euchre was the main amusement. Refreshments were served by the invading party. Died,on thel8th inst.,of consumption, Mrs. Dudley Ohewning, aged 23 years. The deceased was-highly respected by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and a little child about a year and a half old. The remains were taken to St. Charles for interment. The husband has the sincere sympathy of his many friends in his great bereavement. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion, at the Stock Yards, near the depot, West Mcfienry, on Monday, Dec. 3.1894, commencing at 10 o'clock,^a. m., one car of Choice Cows, new milch and springers. This is without question one of the finest, lot of cows ever offered for sale in this section. Now is the time to replenish your dairy. TERMS.--Six months time on approved notee at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. SMITH BROS. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. - , ; ' , AUCTION SALE. '*ft^Vlra*signed on account i^fiiif&lr- ed eyesight, being unable to work hie farm, will either sell or rent it, will sell at public auction, on the premises, % mil® north of Stanford's Corners and 2 miles northeast of Volo, in the town of Grant, Lake county, 111 , on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1894, commencing at 10 o'clock the fol­ lowing property: 9 milch cows, some new milch, others springerB, 2 heifers, 1 bull, 2 Comanche horses, one a mare 6 years old, the other a horse 8 years old, about 20 tons of bay, the larger part of. a straw stack, and other articles not mentioned. TERMS --Sums of f 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. N. N. WINES. •iP|BBTON GRANGER, Auctione^y ^ PUR! FUR t I will pay the highest market price, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinds. Call on or address roe at West McHenry, III. y , WM. C. HOWARB. West McHenry, Nov 27,1894. 21m4 THANKSGIVING BARGAINS AT EVANSON'S; Fine ralsens, 7c; fi&est currants, • 4%c; fine teas, 20c; fine apricots. 10c; best on record flour, 95c; mixed candies, Thanks­ giving price, 10c per pound; fresh mixed nuts, 15c per pound; 3 pounds fine figs, 25c; fresh corn meal, graham, rye and buckwheat flour. Fresh lemons, oranges, cranberries and bananas. Special sale of plush caps Saturday, Dec. 1. $150 to $2 quality, price for this sale $ 1. We are money savers to you on merchan­ dising. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Lew Bate Bzouraiona to tlie West On Decemberv 4 and 18, 1894, the Northwestern Line will sell Home-Seek­ ers' Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for the round trip; tickets good for return pas­ sage at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed infnrmatinn onply -fcO SgSHtS ChlCS^O & Northwestern R'y. 21w3 If you desire to.make any of the beau­ tiful tissue flowers so popular now, call and purchase material at Julia A. Story's. She has the largest assortment of crepe and plain tissue paper, leaves, centers, wire, etc., ever brought to town. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made* THE "Jim T," one of the best five cent cigars in town, at Besley * School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry A Owen's. A beautiful book for only 35c, to be found at J, A. Story's, just the thing for a dainty gift. Waltz this way for yonr winter Suits and Overcoats. Large stock at Simon Stoffei'e. 25 boxes new, large California raisin# $1 .25 per box at Perry & Owen's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. of WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years age. Apply to W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor. A beautiful etorv is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Bring in your feet to be locked up in a pair of our Fargo or Douglas Fine Shoes, or Candee Rubbers at S. Stoffel'e. Send your entire female alliance at once for elegant new Jackets or Capes. Um; cuooxe iroui ar. ». ft toners. PROTECTION THE CRY. " Ptfptect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair o! those "Best of Alf 'school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mod they are all tramping in. Come for ward jiow and select yonr win­ ter simply of llress Uoods, Flannels, Shawls, Yarns, Blankets, Robes, Mittens, Caps, Footwear, Horse Goods, etc., at jS. Stoffel's. * ' A second shipment of those fine St. Paul Fur Coats just received at S. Stoffel'e. Prices from' $10 to $35. All sizes. THANKSGIVING PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially in vited to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at McHenry House Hall, McHenry, 111., Thursday evening, Nov. 29,1894. FJoor managers. John J. Bishop, J. J. Bar- bian, S. Smith, Martin Smithy Music, Smith's Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. , - t Jos. HKIMER, Proprietor. •' BUCKLEN 'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley; STOMACH NOT JUST RIGfiT. Here's what will cure it: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--a palatable, certain rem­ edy for constipation, indigestion, Chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any trouble of the stomach or bowels. For sale in 10c bottles (10 doses 10c) and in 50c and $1 sizes by J. A. Story, McHenry 7 ml SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do you know that if you keep your sys­ tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc­ tors know this to be a fapt. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. l)r. Caldwell's byrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures constipa­ tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large size 50c and $-1. At J. A. Story's. 18ml FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekoveky Block, opposite the Rank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in necond story. Is situated in center of village and is a first claws lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea<- onable terms. I nquire of 4tl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. No merchant in the county can match our fine line of ladies' and gents,' boys' and mioses' fine shoes. Low prices in fall underwear at Perry & Owen's, and a monster stock to select from. _______ Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry ft Owen's. . Several dozens of the newest styles in {rents' ties came in this week at Perry & Owen's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf - H. C. MEAD.; I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD. E. Lawlus, tailor, has taken orders for some fine suits. Call in and save 25 cents on the dollar. Don't Tobaaeo Spit or Bmoke yonr Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free'. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. 9yl. ECONOMICAL. Mothers your attention is called to Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as the simplest, most pleasant to take, and at the same time most potent and economical remedy you can give the children to regulate the bovfels and relieve from all manner of stomach troubles. It regulates Try a 10c bottle 10 doses 10c. (For children 20 doses 10c) at J. A. Story's. 51ml Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the common ones, Jfound only at Perry & Owen's. y \ ^ * OiiisiAw -jrit&tfiSk " , To or from any part of Europe at lowe&t possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFSL. . BARBIAN BROS, have just pnt in a new line of the finest pipes* ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see' them. Buy your clothing at the "new sched» ule" prices at Perry & Owen's. $20 suits now $15. $18 suits now $14. All very low in price. Jos. Beifleld & Co. have just sent a third large lot those stylish ladies' and misses' Jackets and Capes,and children's Cloaks at a reduction eveit from former low prict'S. Our entire stock will and must be closed out in the next two weeks. Call early on S. Stoffel. SAVE 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Call in and be measured for a suit pants or vest, made of the very beet of cloths, first class in every respect. A fit warranted or no sale. E. LAWLUS. • Opposite Riverside House. %o«na Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. are overloaded with heavy winter goods, owing to the fall, and want to nntoad at therefore we will make low enough. Have all bizeg * the famous Mishawaka wool Boot, * J*1 • • . -J* WHEN TOO ABC OUT IN THE COLD ' AND WET yonr feet require flomSMMga* tectioo. There s la world as good as Mbkawaka JUMUf WOOL BOOTS. To THE LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VICIN­ ITY I would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. PERSONS desirous of purchasing a P|ano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is one of the beet pianos for the money on the market. O. W. OWEN, Agent. ST. PAUL FUR OVERCOATS Just received direct from the factory. All sizes and kinds, and prices to please all at S. Stoffel's. ' REGISTERED CATTLE FOR BALE. We offer for sale the following register­ ed Jersey Cattle: 1 Heifer 14 months old, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Bull 3 years old and 1 new iiiilch Jersey Heifer. Are aii fine animals and will be sold reasonable. Call on or address ! Thr~>- t imm n«s rtnwakhlo mm boot juacie--p(mUr«(# motH Watch for the Irarte-marfc Band lured. AllOt&eiS are imitations. Patented and made by *1 • •; MISHAWAKA WOOLEN MF&. Ce* We are also agents for the famous Snag Pr>«f Robber Bool? and Overs. They are the t»eet. Beware or others, such as Non Snsg. Anti Snag, Never Snag and many otters imitating the genuine Snag Proof. r "T SNAG PPOQF e have customers who bought "V' these overs of us in 1892 aud are , wearing the same ones to-day, ^1^1 without a bole or crack in them. ©!^p|| These same persons wore out ^ ^ two to four pairs of the best or- binary rubbers each season before " ^ getting the 'snag proof.' The •!,; J. best ordinary rubbers are not in V ^ 'f it with the 'snag proof.' ^ ISr-Tho Snag Proof robber boots can be bought at no * ^ ^ other place in town; we are the sole agents. We are selling <» shoes, German socks, shoes and arctics and rubbers; a!l sizes of the best makes, school A large line of ladies' and min­ es' Cloaks and Jackets, at rat prices. t Ringwood, .IU V. BUCK LAND, OR •"P. i , S. HARRISON, 13w4 FOR SALE. A 6 ft. Water Tank. 2% ft. staves. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. 17ft? ,F. A. HEBARD. THE GREAT NAPOLEON Was extremely careful about his personal habits, and no man ever possessed a keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are suffering with constipation, indigestion, or other forms of stomach or bowel trouble, at once take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin can give you more relief in this respect than any other rem­ edy. Ten doses 10 cents (large sizes 50 cents and $1). At J. A. Story's. 18ml t^*"Fur Coats, Overcoats and Clothing below the best cash price of any merchant in the county. Be sure and Clothing before buying. •oar * AV': '••'v. » -- Are na: ATTENTION SPORTSMEN. There will be a live bird and blue rock shoot in West McHenry, on Thurs­ day, Nov. 29, 1894. Plenty of birds, and lots of fun may be expected. There will also be a grand raffle on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 28 and 29, for poul­ try of all kinds, which will be furnished in abundance. Sportsmen turn out and have a good time. C. H. OSTRANOER, Proprietor. An immense stock of Morris mill and Albert Underwear and Hosiery at S. Stoffel's. ________ DRY WOOD FOR SALE. . The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. Will deliver in any part of the village in quantifies of one cord or m<?re. Orders may be left at the Ag­ ricultural Warehouse. WM. BACON. The following special bargains just re­ ceived at Evanson's: Imported French Broadcloth, worth $1.25 per yard, our price this week 69 cents. Extra heavy beaver and velvet Shawls regular $8 to $10 value, this week's price $6.50. New bright shades wool Henriettas, regular 40 cent quality, this week's price 25 cents. Fine patent leather Shoes, for the , • ^ ; V; JOHN EVANSON & Co. V * • ^MILLINERY. ' ;-;*F Mrs. J. H. Spaulding and daughter now have in a full line of winter millin­ ery, to which they wish to invite the at­ tention of the ladies of McHenry and vi­ cinity. Call and examine before pnrchsa- ing. We shall endeavor to keep a fall line of trimmed hats and bonnets on hand to select from, also many fancy goods and notions. We would say to those ladies wishing a perfect fitting and comfortable corset or corset waist that we have a full line of the finest fitting cornets to be found, in different styles to fit the different forms. Also, dress-mak­ ing the same as ever. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING A DAUGHTER. J&-t ft Insure your property with S. Stoffel and leel secure. ^ y NOTICE. Having secured the services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call All work warranted and done promptly. 41 R. BISHOP Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Aw«>4. MARVELOUS RESULTS. . From a letter written by Rev. J. fltMid- ertnan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per­ mitted to make this extract: " I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results werf almost marvelous in the case of my wifei While I was pastor of the Baptist churcfi at Rives Junction she was brought down: with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe,. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. aving gieat success m taking measures lor tailor made suits at about hall the usual prices for such work and we ' tf" |3f*Sse our immense stock ot stamped tidies, dresser scarfs, sideboard covers; table mats, etc. Have ten times the stock of any ot the other merchants. Silks, linen and cotton in all the differ­ ent shades. W"""1 ' -J A full line of Bed Blankets, Gloves and Mittens, and a great stock of all the grades and 3izes in men's, bojs'. ladies' and miss­ es' Underwear, Don't forget the coffee we. have said so much about, the flavor ig ahead of the common kinds. Pillebury's Best, Boss, Dandy and Polar Star Flour at bottom piieeS. _ *v, Perry & Owen, General Merchant*. >• i M Highest Honors-World's Fair. DR CREAM BAKING POWMB MOST PERFECT A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, riee from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant* YFIA&S TITF STAJSITI&IUIE Mia Banking FKKBY * 0WS*. Beakers. MoHENRY, - • ILUNOH, TM» Bank »< and $ell» 2 Vbretgn ami change, and dost a General We endeavor to do ail J trusted to our tare im an _ upon team mtiirety aaikfaetorjf to mm / ctutomera and reqpee#W% solMf|4M , MONEY TO LOAN; OH Beat Estate and other *eeur<<y. Spteitti artmft'as j tactions, IlVS»T7RAJWOJB v In JHrvt dm Omm^n ̂ Ltm«n JtAta*. ' • Tmtrt

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