Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1895, p. 4

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K ditto lots baa 1,115 more mile* oi Nfrfm «nv oflvpr state in the ITh- PenBHjlvniiia comes second, Texas I, Kansas fourth, Iowa fifth, Ohio •ixth and New York neventh with 8,088 miles to Illinois 10,409. i ^JW'Tho editor of the Chicago Tribune !• losing his temper and talks about'* "liars" in regular saloon style. He also wants as to name some elect ion when the Tribune, under the control of its present^ editor, went back on the Republican |Mirty. Well, what about 1872? Where 'Wan the Tribune in that year? V '» "i I..IM' % MipTalk about "the cost tot to lb® men who saved the Republic. Thi»4 administration in one year and nine months has cost the American people more than all the pensions from 1865 down to the date when the last soldier shaii die. Any man can take hie pencil and figure it up and prove the assertive bonr. ct.--/nf.«r Occan. "->• - geraoll sices tip "the markets of the world:" What are the markets of the world? We manufacture nothing that we can sell at a profltlu England, France Germany, Belgiuir.,or afiy other country in Europe. The market in Africa is worth nothing to usj we have very little inter­ est in Asia, very little in Japan and less in the islands o! the Pacific. America is th? best market for what Americans can manufacture, and we cannot afford to desert our market for what they call the markets of the world. I think we have toarned a lesson. I think the laboring Rian has found that he cannot injure his Employer without hurting himself, and thff people of this country are goinc to retrace their steps, ar.d are going back ^protection and prosperity. ;,.|Q.j^asua oblicanisra,.' ;£ J " H; •: Kf>ar •cem editor injure teresti Jerom of an Auu>rioi Article! •tor.v, the Joni I®" Another development in economy Qr the cheese paring process as to pen­ sions has come to light. Widows who have incomes, which together with the'r daily labor are sufficient for their sup­ port, are held not to be pensionable Congress did not so enact for the people and this additional restriction upon de­ fenceless widows will not restore this pension-hating administration to the least iota of favor with the people who so emphatically expressed their opinion About them in November last. HP" The country editor is evidently more of an "insect" than Mr. MedilP, dreamed of when he stirred up the meek: and lowly impecunious mortal. Thesakl "infinitesimal" being is so much of a thorn that the great editor rarely writes an editorial without giving his insignifi­ cant country brother of the quill a jab of his sharp pen dipped in the essence of disappointment. Mr. Medill is a great man, but he took the wrong course to make himself United States Senator.-- Sterling Standard. KiJr The House Committee on military Affairs has ordered favorably reported, and Mr. Outhwaite, of Ohio, will endeav­ or to have passed, the bill amending the act of March, 1888, for the relief of cer tain volunteer and regular soldiers of the Mexican and late war so as to remove the time limitation, fixed by that act, within which claims for removal of charges of desertion may be filed and acted upon by the War Department. The measure is considered of great im portance to this class of claimants, a^ it gives them indefinite time in qrbieti to file and prove their claims. The aggregate amount which the several state charitable institutions will the legislature to appropriate for them is f480,000. As approved by the state board of charities, the amounts are as follows: Northern hospital for the insans, 94,000;- Eastern hospital. #132,000; Central hospital, 42,300; Southern hospital, $47,200; asylum for Insane criminals, f6,700: institution for HEBE is some good advice an exchange gives for the commencement of the New Year, and which would look well at the top of the new leaf you will turn over: "If you would increase your happiness and prolong your life, forget your neigh­ bor's faults, forget the slander you have heard, !orget the temptations, forget the f&ult-fuadiitg, HU«1 give a little thought'to the causes that provoke it. Forget the peculiarities of your friends and only re­ member the good points that makes you fond Of them. Forget all personal quar­ rels that you may have heard by acci­ dent, and which, if repeated, would seem a thousand times worse than they are Blot out as far as possible all the disa­ greeables of life; they will come but they will only grow larger when you remember them; the constant thought of the acts of meanness^-worse still--malice--will only tend to make them more familiar. Obliterate every thing bad from yester­ day, startrout with a clean sheet for to­ day, and write upon it for sweet Mem­ ory's sake only those things that are lovgly lovable." Doctor's Charity» The following, taken from the Marshall county Democrat, would indicate that doctors have about as tough times get­ ting their pay as the newspaper men have: "I was talking with Dr. Reeder the other day on credit vs. cash system. The doctor is a man who 'pays as be goes' and gets his money the beet-he can. He has practiced medicine in Lacon for 35 years and he says he has enough mon­ ey on his books, if collected, to build a five story business block, and the com­ pound interest on the amount would endow a charitable institution and make it independent for all time. Few people realize the immense credit given patients by doctors, and fewer know how charita­ ble doctors are. 1 know of an incident in this town where a doctor was asked to contribute to the support of a poor citi­ zen. The doctor went to his books, made out a bill of 12 years standing, amount­ ing to $300 without interest, and pre sen ted it to the solicitors, receipted in full." ifi^oprul&r a'athor^ ^ Upon%by the me Journal to rs a particularly in- g 1895. Jerome K. le, will resume his role for the benefit, of id women in a series of :e will have a new love _ kit. Stockton has given it/not less than three of bis tpi.-iluti-s? ait(Tdrollffit short tales; Mrs. Burton Harrison will write on correct de- portm- at and usages of good society, w hile Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney is to write to giils ou marriage and dress; Madam Nordica and .lessie Bartlett Davis will toll of the care of the voice; Mr. Howells will continue his successful literary auto­ biography; Dr. Parkhnrst, the famous New York preacher, will write bis first series of articles for women on the ques­ tions of the day which women are think­ ing about; Edward Bellamy will add a chapter to his "Looking Backward"; Eugene Field, Bill Nye, John Iveiidrick Bangs, and Robt. J. Burdette will supply the lnimor; Conau Doyle will give hip views of "The Literary Side of America"; Frances .Hodgson Burnett, the late Jam Austin, Julia Mngruder and Elizbetb Bellamy will supply novelettes; Kat* Greenaway will draw her quaiut little tots of women for the first time for » magazine, whiloaPalmer Cox will supply some new "Brownies"; a unique article on Mrs. Shakesprare will preseut all that is known ofSjiakwpeaiys wife; Margaret Deland, Sarah Orne Jewett and Mrs. Harrison will discuss ' When Lady: wher woman,"--when tliose terms should b» used; E. S. Martin is going to tell ' Wherr was the Garden of Eden ?"; Reginald d« Koven has given his new song, while other famous composers will also be rep­ resented by songs, marches and waltzes. And in this representative manner The Ladies' Home Journal will really cover every interesting phase of contemporary life--especially that of women. The mag azine will indeed be worth having during the new'year. ECON O MIC A L7~ Mothers your attention is called tc> Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as the simplest, most pleasant to take, and at the sam< time most potent and economical remedy you can^ give the children to regulate tin bowels and relieve from all manfier of stomach troubles. It regulates. Try a 10c bottle10. doses 10c. (For children 20 doses 10c) at J. A. Story's. 51ml • - ^ ! 1 i - We wish our Custom ars, one and all, a Happy New Year. And think y m for past pitrmage, given ua thr >ugh the year V;-. ' ' ' just endtd. • We ask far a share of your valued trade for the coming year, in which we will try and serve you better / „ >> ! ->!> t > - ,Lv, / • j' * ' < ; than ever,.,/ v\ LELAND HOTEL, CHICAGO. Michigan Ave, RoulevHrd and Jackson St». Piontlng l.ake MioliiKan, Within two blocks of the Center of the City «S"Entlre new managi"nipnt an<l popnla> prires Over 11(10,000 ha« hecn expen<ieil i* r<> inoilelirft and re •'tirni^hing the Honae, tnakinar Hons of the wosi (om. lets an t com­ fortable hotels in Obicigo. S eam heat anrl electric liKh.t In every room Fifty-live bstii rooms. elevator auJ every modern con vecience. Rooms, with mealB. >2 00 per day apwar'ls. lirrn*. without meal*, from ti.00 pnrday upwards, Ail meals 75 cents each . Avery deMrsbls hotel to- lailie* vi'itinp t.h* <*lty unattecded, ar.<l special care wiii be given tbem. DABB & ILUCAN. CHA5*. W DABB, fourteen vcars proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Chicago. CWA8.'fT. MIUvlGAN, tiv« years proprietor of Hy^e Park H^UPB. Clt'-cago. h«l diera' orpt and sailors' home, |53,500. *aaon for Senator. Tfci Inter Ocean says there is one Cook v«ounty man who is a candidate for United States Senator. ThamanisHon. Wna. E. Kasoit. Mr. Mason made a •Splendid canvass of this State, and great­ ly aided to elect the present Republican Legislature. He took off bis coat and *?ent at it when such men as the editor of the Tribune said it was hopeless to con­ tend for a Republican Legislature But Mason fought in earnest for it and we have it. He made many friends through- Out theState by his course, and it is no eecret that many of those elected say they are going to vote for him for THK FUTUK.B OF DIFHTHEBZA The word diphtheria always strikes a chill to every heart, and daring recent years its seeming increasing fatality has made the disease more dreaded than ever. Thus it is that all eyes are turned anxiously toward the recent discovery, anti-toxine, a remedy which it is claimed will dispel the worst case of ̂ diphtheria in a few hours. The anti-toxine remedy is of especial value at the present time when epidemics of diphtheria are reported from many lo­ calities. Moreover, the value of the rem-1 edy in accomplishing what is claimed for it appears to be beyond dispute. Anti-toxine is the sero|n of immunized animals and serves its (Mrposs by difv- ing the diphtheritic poison out of the system of the patient. I t Judging by practical tests the New York Herald claims forjanti-toxine a re­ markable success. In raris the results oi, the serum treatment have been that th»\ weekly mortality froii diphtheria de-! creased from 69 deatbJto 29, and in the last week of September there were only two diphtheria cases in all Paris-- a rec­ ord which is unprecedented. # In Berlin, prior to tne introduction of the new remedy, the mortality of diph­ theria ranged from 3SK5 to 41.7 per cent. But by the use of anti-toxine, the Nfew York Medical Record pay e Baginiski has broken the record in 125 cases by reduc- l®-fl!&e famous aiff House, at Baa Francisco lately burned is to be rebuillt. An interesting phenomenon attending jthe conflagration was the desertion "of certain of their roosting rocks by the .aeals. The Cliff House did its greatest trashiess during the bonanza days, when ppectiiatorg who had made a thousand oreion a stidden turu-of the mining ®tock devoted a share of the day's profits |t: « spread on the Cliff's veranda, frob- t •S, ab,-v the mo8t ^tless waste of money ^ ever seen at this place was an opium g smuggler named Whitney. After an ex- 'unc^ insisted on a cham- $?' P*Sta« bath, and despite the protests of 3 hi8 comPani°n8 he had 300 bottles of the * best wine broken in a tub and disported - himself in the costly bath. iTt •*=SS==SttSB- <' I^^The issue of the late campaign was *»jB^>ublican protective tariff vs. the : j&iittocratic revenue tariff. Gov. McKin- liar «as clearly and almost universally WOpjfnized as embodying in his expressed Idew the convictions of the Republican J*rty. He drew greater crowds to bis meetings than any other campaign ora­ tor and was more enthusiastically cheer­ ed thim any other. The sentiment regarding him as a presidential candi­ date wai unmistakably shown at the Hopkins-Hanchett meeting held here in the late campaign. A reference to his same was vociferously cheered, while HMMra was little enthusiasm shown over Speaker Reed or ex-President Har- We honestly believe that a ballot i in this county to-day would show Bt $,000 of the 8,000 Republican to be in favor of McKinley for at. \4nd what is true in Kane stvie$ j»d state,-- ing the death rate tof-t per cent and this journal adds: "Mo|e recent statistics give in 63 cases a facility of 5.t» per cent. In France Prof. Hour lowered the death rate from 51.71 pel cent to 24.33 per cent. Dr. A. Campbell iVhite, the resident physician at Willari. Parker hospital, in New York city, has*1 wiblwhed the results of the new treatment In a series of dipb theria cases at tbat^nstitution. He finds that "we have one dieath is sixteen, or a mortality of 6.2 per cent in cases selected for their severity." This p >r centage of mortality is very small. Or. Augustus Caille, of the New York l ost-Graduate Medical School andHosp|t bl also reports in the Me iico-Surmeul Jh lletin" ieven out of nine cares of true di>h theria of a virulent type cured by anti toxine. The importance of the a iti-toxipe dis­ covery may be realized fr >m the state­ ment of Dr. Bebring thet the annual mortality from diphtherj t in Germany and Austria is 200,000. Fully 150,000 of these victims can be sated. In Paris newspaper si bscriptions fur furnishing the anti-toxin remedy to the poor of the capital and ti e small aggregate $60,000. FOUR BIG SlXtfESSES. Having the needed raeiit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. Kin^s Now Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaran­ teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver.stomach and kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guar­ anteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is at­ tached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. For sale at G. W. Besley'g drug si c^/E ATS .TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For* prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to JIUNS it CO., who have experience In the patent business! Communica­ tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In­ formation concerning Patents aid how to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a cttalofffie of mechan­ ical and scientific books sent Jree. | Patents taken through Munn ft Co. receive special notice in the Scientific Aniericnn. and thus are brought widely beforethfe pnhlie with­ out cost to the inventor. "Shis etfendid paper. Issued weekly, elecantly i!Just^ted!W by fur the largest circulation of any soieft<tai work in tbe worrd. S3 a year. Sample copiesisiit, free. monthlr. n?ir>av qitimIa Honest goods and right prices will beour motto. /c s Youra lor buainess for tbe y«^lr 1895. J. MILLER, West IcSenry. TORE Offers New Year Greetings to its patrons^ The store's activity during tlje year just closed is not questioned but ambition is restless and reaches out lor a high top. We have told you that the best selection of merchandise is here. It was a moderate statement. Intelligent comparison concedes that, as in completeness it measures well with the best stocks of bigger towns, but now we want to make it the very best, nothing short of that. *etiW6 We begin the new year withi ^ ^ •" - .||;pLEARf^a SAL . That must make the wool merohsn lifce move quick* It i^ our intention to close out every yard of flannel, every blanket, every overcoat: every under garment ot pure wool; will you help us? 200 men's overshirts at special sale pri e Saturday, Tanuary 5ch, Be sure and attend this sdf(et it will be a great mttny sarer to you. We wish you a prosperous new ye«yc. ELGIN, fi ic V"'" '• V i««s> ,• i >x mm:1,; If you e$e looking for jr., > v t ^ ;r} "v. yi s ^ tlus coluum iioxj) wYoi«| will find something- that will not M&ae JL '-S • *jrm >>«-•&^4 interest you many dollar^ on & THE INTER OCEATi -IS THE- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. copies, tliS cents. Kvery number oattiains beau­ tiful piates, in colors, and Photogifiphs of new bouses, with plans, enabling DuildenPo show the latest deslens and secure contracts. Vddresa MUNN & CO., NEW YOKK, 3til FIJOADWAT. DAILY (without Stindiy).., DAILY (with Sunday).. $6.00 per ym $8.00 per year Buckwheat STEUBEN 'i New Vorkf t " TERMS | BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean [ «t .00 V PER YEAR )H'M====£ AS A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THB NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITLRATURE. e The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY AN|i | W - Guaranteed Pure Ceo or no sale, at UNCLE BEN BILBEET'S CACTI OS.--if dealer offers W. L, A °®' AT A price, or savfl B* n»« thom without name Htainped on BOTTOM, put BIIO down as A fraud. Af M u 4 it has something of interest to each member of the family. I RS YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. ITS LI1ERARY FEATURES are unequaled. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives then THE NEWS OP THE WORLD. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COffrtERClAL CENTER OF ALL WEST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, AND IS BETTER ADAP1ED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. It is in accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price ot The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE LAR PER YEAR. Address IWTER W. L* DOUGLAS 83 SHOE THVWORLD. L. DOUGLAS Sliri-s are stylisii, easy fii. nd GIVE better sati.;i\cti<$n at the prices ad- W. £. tin); veriistd than any other make. Try oucpair and be convinced. The stampiijr of W. X.. Dou mMi prices i OIK. pa' , , - x- uglss' name and price on the botuAn, wlii h guarantees their value, saves thousandalol dollars annually to those who wear them. Dialers who push t!/' sale of W. L. Douglas ShoVs gnin customer-" which helps to increase the s;les on their full lir ' of goods They can afford toVll at a |c ,s pror.» and we believe you can save ntfnev by buvinpali your footwear of the dealer advertised he! my. Cataloarue free upon applicalikn. Address" w. L. DOUGLAS, Brocktv^ Mass, So&O# ELECTRIC TEL Bold otitritfht, no retit» noro to (Hty, ViltapH or <3o«ntry. ] home, phoj», store and office. < ienc*1 and seller on earth rntilio from 05 (o (,)ne in n renidonro means •< neighbor*. I ' ine instrument'- iiWf!. any Cor use when t-hipi < d. Ca never of r* time, \\ W. ?. Kanison t* HOLIDAYS ARE ALMOST HEBE, AND ITH, THE JEWELER, to meet you half way yth'Dg you may need in his fe 1 It he has it not in «tock he rder it. and at 25 per cent an you can get it of other Call in and see us,« we can do you good. . P. SMITH. MoBeur L Oct. 30. 1894. Excursions to th* Wait. r 4 and 18, 1894, the Low Ba On Dece Northweeterfc Line will sell Home-Seek­ ers' Excursion tickets from stations in Illinois and iWa to points in Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota at very low rates for th® round trip; tickets good for return pas- sag*; at any time within twenty days of date of sale. For tickets and detailed information apply to agents Chicago & -TH®- 'BIG FOUR3 WlSHjjj YOU Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year } AD In accordance WITH in QLD TIME CUSTOM " AKNOUICll Very Low FOB THE HOLIDAYS v ^ ' Between all Statloifti. Tickets will be on sale Decembar 24. 25 and 31, '9C AND January 1,1895. M Retnrninc until Jan, 11. E. ING ALLS, PreaMenU ~.w E. O, MeOORMICK D. B. MARTTK, Paaaonger Traffic M'gr. uen, FM. T'K'l Aft CLKOIMMAT! O, • save you - kSii'i, (III, , V THMO. Air DEPARTMENT ELGI1> -TP?" r^: THE FARMERS STORE polioiting a continuance of your valued patronage for 1895 wefp do so with a knowledge and feeling that we will embark upon ther business of next year with «/"V* v u. The Best and most carefully selected Stock ever offered liy us to the trade. 5 - Kindiy accept our thanks and rest assured that we mos* grate­ fully appreciate the favors at your hands which have come Our way , in the past It is t ur hope that we may largely increase the volume t, of businees with you the coming year. " J Trusting you may share in the general prosperity which must » come, and with compliments of the season, we arf^ Yours very We«t Mo Henry. IHluoia. : -•» i North wes r*.m 21w8 We H Adnpt«d (led in ever/ ntest couven. C'tlit, On Farm o ty in anv seet'oi of b«s a rf> ed rriai ket or mmertiate oana is Brood, So commit tkma. Biftuku iur- I»«*r day roita-fray, New Tork i-iA E-T J *ertb-W#«t-Wlater Toarlata Bate* en th* ant line. The North-Western Line Is now Willis* excursion tickets, at greatly reducea rates, to the health and pleasure resorts of California, Florida, Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mismtwippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama.. For tickets and full infor Agents Chicago & No way. 29w < PAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS West MoHenry, 11^ Bottled feyrhe best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing To^w always on hand. v , . Phygicians' Prescriptions Give mo a call, - Mc Henry, Jan FOR MEDICAL USI, k . .^5

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