Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1895, p. 7

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$fv jw; v'tvA •-* ^ Z&L A^%wI\fVn>* At Every Twinge - *< * • • * < • ' " H" ;• Of Rheumatism you should remember that - v- . , re'*e' is at hand in Ilood's Sarsaparilla. ""X * { Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood, which nettles in tlie joints. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood' and re-1 { " ' * ->V' ;v^v,- ©£• * * r h • ?• ? ' IJJood^s Sarsa­ parilla C'ures moves this taint. Therefore Hood's Sar­saparilla cures rheu- /hatjfem when all other lemedies have failed. Give. it a fnir t,ral. "I suffered intensely with rheumatism, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has perfect'-v cured me." HAKRY F. PixTAiti>,WintOTVille, Ga. Hood's Pills are tli« best family cathartic. ff, .. , t H? . ' '.V, 1. ' ' Magnificent Art Prodn-jtl j»i. "Raphael Madonnas and Other Great j, Pictures" is the name of a work wlilqh ft I 4 t is now in preparation in London. This is tlie first. attempt to give reproduc­ tions of the whole series of Madonnas by Raphael, and it will be elaborately gotten up, and should make a most in­ teresting volume. »' S"'-* - J: 4 fJ'. i.flv -%^--rlty** Like soldiers on the watch, put the soul's armor on, alike prepared for all a soldier's warfare brings.--Joanna Bai­ lie. A plusical instrument, the pyrophone, has been invented which extracts all the tones of the scale from gas flames. There are over 2,000 miles of gas pipes underlying the streets of London. It is better to Suffer than to sin. for her own suffering, Ailing Women, Why Do You Hesitate? " All I have to say is, any woman who. continues to suffer with any of those trying diseases peculiar to our sex is" largely responsible ~ ng, for if she . . will only ap­ ply to Mrs. Pinkham, re­ lief will fol­ low at once. " This I know abso­ lutely from my own per­ sonal expe­ rience. Her Vegetable Compound is a miracle. I have seen it cure womb troubles when all the wisest doctors failed. "My sisters, don't hesitate. Write at once; relief is waiting for you."---Mrs. Jennie Street, San Francisco, Cal. Get Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege­ table Compound from your drug­ gist. It will save you. Twenty years of unparalleled success. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S ss DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXDURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every1 kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a "common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his v possession over two hundred certificates | of its value, all within twenty miles of .Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war­ ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will £ause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one water at bed­ time. Sold by all. Druggists. One of my children had a very bad discharge from the nose. Physi­ cians prescribed with­ out benefit. After using Ely's Cream Balm a short time the disease was cured.--A.O. Vary, Corning, N. Y. J5LVS" PSSi '•JAY-FEVER ! ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and e'eanses tlio Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Protects tha Membrane lroni Coids, Kohtores the SPIIURS of Taste and Smell. The Balm is Quick.y absorbed and give* relief at once. A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is i able. Price ft# cents, at droiiKUts or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, Mi Warren Street. New York. SHOEMAKER'S POULTRY ALMANAC Contains80 nugeA; over70 illustrations in colors. Sure remedies and recipes for all known diseases in poultry; also valuable hints 011 pool* try raising. Full Information and p«-icrfl ona]J leading varieties. Finest descriptive Poultry Bonk ever issued. Sent postpaid for li>cts. to any address <'.f SHOK3IAKBB+ rr*ep»rt»111.V.H.A+ m,r CUBED An absolute and positive cure guaranteed in 2 to 6 day-, FREE, if, when cured, you will act as Agent or recommend it to your a ill u-tod utiulibow. Unclose 20 cents to prepay mail etisri/es.) Add ess KITSH CHEMICAL CO.. 71 Hush St., Chicago PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. ; Examination and Advice a* to Patentability <I In- .'sJMS vention. Send for Inventors' Guide, or How to Get a Patent. PATBICK O'FABBXLL. Washington. I>. A nainifrnn Send 10 • in or to the NMIIKp IIS t.AKAVEITK <'l t»AIt fc'AC- UlHUVU.iltJ TORY. No. Bleerhci- St.. N e w Y o r k C i t y , a n d w e w i l l M ( A A p Q f mail you a Sample uox oi nne sns> 9 • curls the hair withoiHJrona or jther implements atTM for months; neither wind nor rain will afreet J send stamp for descriptive circular. THK N A- ; TIONAI. CHEMWAL CO., Park Hill, M. Anti-Smoke Inhaler and Life- iJreaerYerR. The most eftVccaal . and simple preventive aeain^t suiiocntlon in case of Are. Post t-ee, 81. Address ALKXANWER CO., 1*0 Cedar St.. N. Y. City. CURLINE FIREPROOF: •.T;'1* Mrs. Winslow'd SOOTHING HIAUR for CHILDNA *f, . > teething: eoitena the sums, reauees inflammattoa, v i ' allays pain, cures wind colic. ® cents a bottle. ' i '* millTITIl Trawling Salesman for Liquor Trade. MfAN I Lli c.K. HI1CHOOCK ftOO.Ev.nKTille lnd: f t l ' IC': ^ ^ f ^ I ' * v fi- i N. U, No. 3--OB FOR DURABILITYrECOW^Y AND FOR GENERAL BLACKING IS UNEOUALLEDl HAS AN ANNUAL SALE OF 3.000 TONS. - i nuou mrtnwrAu I unt I nc- i- "*i? FOR ANAFTERDll TOUCH UP SPOTS INE.0RT0 WITH A CLOTH MAKES NO OUST, IN 5&I0 CENT TIN BOXES. ME ONLY PERFECT PASTE. Morse Bros,PROR& CANTON,MAS ̂ WHEN WOMEN VOTE. Whm women vote the air Trill ring With arguments on everything-^5 They'll rack their proud, progressive souls To plunge us into men tail holes, And spank their babies at the When women vote. When women vote each will find A duplicate in womankind-- Theis- woakcr sisters they will And with hiMrpiiu* and powder p The ballot boxes they will stuff, When women vote. When, women vote, this life will seem One large nightmarish, fearful dream-- Our modest wives will all grow rash. Their politics with ours will clash, jAnd God knows who will cook the li» When women vote. 4 ^ be When women vote, we men will But specters of humanity; Like ghosts we'll flit from place to place, A hungry, thirsty, desperate race-- For we'll have nothing left but space, When women vote. --New York World. LOVER'S LETTER BOX. I had had a duel the preceding au­ tumn in consequence oi a little adven­ ture which has uotliing to do with the present story, and I was in a fair way to get into another, for I Was paying court in furious fashion to affair Ital­ ian, whom we shall call,, -if you like, Princess Milleiiorc." " The princess was a very beautiful woman, dark as night; but it was not a Btarless uight, for she had eyes about rwhich oue could write volumes. She [ was about 30, and had a.ferocious hus- ifoand. - , He could not abide me. She, on the contrary, deigned to evince toward nie! an a fl ection that was scarcely ma­ ternal, though she was my senior by some seven or eight, summers. After having ventured, without sustaining serious injury, to tell her that I thought her very beautiful, and that her smile was simply maddening, I had come to the stage where one repeats such avow­ als in writing. The difficulty lay, not In writing, but in delivering the letters under the very nose of her husband, a bearded ruffian who never left her side. Well, on a Certain winter night, while all Paris was sksitlng in the most august company, I took advantage of a mo­ ment when the princess had laid her maguificeut blue foxskin muff down on fa being found, let us have mpper. am dying of hunger." If you will believe me, this strange woman ate with a hearty appetite. She was more beautiful and gay^r than .ever, fairly sparkling with wit and the life of the party. To tell the truth, I had no appetite. The Princess even had the audacity to rally me about it "Come, -M..-de Clomat," she called out--I was at tfie farther end of the table--" you are solemn as an owl to­ night Have you left your wits at the lake with my muff?" My ivita. They certainly deserted me. How could I have failed to think of the one thing to do? Fortunately, the Princess' ingenious phrase had put toe in mind of it. ' "The fact is, madame," I replied-, "I tttn not very well. I feel quite chilly"-- in truth, I had not a dry stitch on me-- "and I am afraid I was imprudent in not going home directly. With y6or permission, and that of these ladies, I shall do so at once." Two minutes later I was in a cab on toy way to the lake In the Bois. Heav- ens! how far it. is from the Cafe Anglais to the Skating Club, at 2 o'clock in the morning, with the thermometer 20 de­ grees below freezing point when one is in a cab, and his head full of awful "ideas! / "Evidently," said^I to Myself, "the husband suspects something. To-mor­ row, that Othello will move heaven and earth to find his wife's muff--and my note. And a fool note it is, now that 1. think it over in cold blood. But one needn't write like Voltaire to get a woman into a horrible hole. I must find that muff. The Princess' gayety was only feigned--I could see that, in the look she gave me just now. Not only my life depends on it, but hers, too. Oh, the devil fly away with love;" At the lake the last torches were be­ ing extinguished. The glittering arena was almost empty. At the buffet, in the dressing-room, on the ice, everywhere, my search was useless. I had offered 100 frans reward for the muff, but in vain. Many things had been lostffhat night; handkerchiefs, gloves, jlwels and even--pardotf my fidelity to dJtail-- three or four circlets of silk elastic of various hues. That was all. There was no more sign of a muff than there was of the Venus de Milo, who had no need of a muff, and for an excellent reason. ) Perhaps it had be^n stolen. Perhaps whoever had found it intended to de- (i' * t Mv" Rise of r * bench beside her to slip my epistle 1X)s!t lt with the police next morning. into it. The princess saw Miy maneuver plain­ ly, and the glance she gave me made it apparent to me that I need not fear she would denounce me to the police. Then we separated, for I saw the prince's jeyes fixed on me with so queer an ex­ pression that I wondered seriously if he did not suspect something. Mine, de, a tall, supple woman--a little slender, perhaps--was an unequalled horsewoman and an in­ defatigable dancer; but like a true Ital­ ian, she did not shine on the ice. She even had a fall once that made me shudder; but she was on her feet again at once, safe and sound. She had not struck her head. However, though the victim of an apparentlj| ordinary acci­ dent she disappeared " for a moment into the ladies' dressing room. Was she badly hurt? No. Five minutes later she glided out on the icy mirror again, more intrepid than ever. During the evening I managed to get near her for a moment, and murmured to her in a voice tremulous with emo­ tion: "Take care I If you. should fall again >» She looked at me With eyes full of mischief. "Have no fear," she replied, "I have taken precautions," and she was swal­ lowed up again in the throng. A,n hour later a supper party was made up. The fair Italian was of the ^number, and, as you may imagine, I had arranged to be one, too. Presently we were ensconced in a salon of the Cafe Anglais. In our salon, which was lighted up as bright as day, everybody was in the jolliest humor possible, the princess above all. I remember that as she stood at the grate warming her adorable little foot at the blaze, some one nudg«d me and murmured: "I say, old man, Mme. de Millefiore is not so thin, after all." And to tell the truth, I was surprised and charmed at a certain opuiehee of figure which I had never observed be­ fore. But I was torn from my dreams by the prince's voice. "My dear," he suddenly called out to her, "where have you left your muff?" That animal was theory incarnation of order. Now that was a simple question, and perfectly legitimate in the mouth of him who asked it. But the princess blushed to her ears, while I felt my almost beardless face grow pale. I was even so imprudent as to glance at my accom­ plice, and I thought I read in her eyes an anguish easy to explain. The muff was a trifle--but the note! After a seconds hesitation she replied with a certain embarrassment: "I--I do not know. PerliapS It is still in^ie carriage." Without a word the Prince went downstairs. Tt would have given a bale of fox-skins, of no matter what color, to have had the accursed note in my pocket. As to the Princess, even at the moment of peril she smiled. Oh, these women! what nerve they have in the very face of death! I was already re­ hearsing in my mind's eye the episode Francesca and Paolo, and I confess tlife role of Paolo had few attractions for me. Just then the Prince returned with an ominously impassive face. "The muff is not in the carriage," he announced in a solemn tone. I breathed again. It meant a few minutes' respite, j' "Then." said Mme. de Millefiore, ap­ proaching t! less air th< at the lak< in the he exceed edj "M waste the nlglit ble with a more care- mtist have left It cantime, while lt one I had that day of belief. Id, sniffing like the th, "I have passed g for it or, at least preventing your husband from finding foundered, the driver and I--I fear, am not Id. All that the mo&t ht could--cou " A .clysm that made the the princess* piano ort Astonished, the I said, with the calm storms. "I gneexedi*1 yotfc" responded the is pro devo dance that pret Perhaps it had already been left with some officer of the police. In any event, I must be before the Princo. Without losing another minute, I jumpeij, into my cab again. The driver, half dead w ith the cold ahd more than half drunk with the brandy he had taken to warm himself up, stared at me with a bewil­ dered air when I ordered him to drive me to the nearest police station. There, after having aroused the unhappy man In charge, I charged him to deliver the famous muff only to iue if it should be brought to him, promising him a good­ ly sum if he returned it to me. At three other stations I did the same. If I had had time, I would, have visited all the twenty-four stations in the city. I' minded neither fatigue nor cold. I must save a woman--an adored wom­ an, but not too clever. The idea of for­ getting her muff in such weather! She would have forgotten her umbrella on Mount Ararat In the deluge! One last precaution, and the most es­ sential, remained to be taken. I abso­ lutely must go to the prefecture of po­ lice. The first difficulty was that the Siberian cold--it was now 3 in the morning--had been too much for my driver. The unhappy man was dead drunk on his seat. I had to climb up beside him, gather up the reins, and drive his old nag with one hand, with the other passed around my Jehu, who was snoring away like a steam engine, emitting fumes that I feared would in­ toxicate me myself, by simple odor alone. At the prefecture I had a relative, an uncle whom I never went to see, be­ cause he always read me lectures. The good man certainly did not suspect that he was going to receive his nephew that night. His functions being such that he might be called on at any hour, he lived in the same building. I had no scruples in having him aroused, so, after having set my driver near the stove to thaw, I irrupted into my uncle's apartment in such a disheveled state that the old man--who really loved me--seized me in his arms. "My God, boy!" he cried. "What ter­ rible business is this?" "There has been no murder done yet my dear uncle," I stammered, for I was so cold my tongue refused to do Its work. "I have come to beg your aid to prevent the killing of two persons, in at least one of them you are strongly interested." : Thereupon, my teeth chattering like the clatter of a mill, I told him the story of the note and the muff. My uncle began by giving me a twen- ty-minute lecture, which, however, had the virtue of giving me time to get warm again. "And as for your discreetness," he concluded, "this Is no time for such foolishness. You must tell me the hus­ band's name,« in order to prevent his finding what he is loking for, and also what he is not looking for." I had to give in. Besides, my uncle is the most discreet of men, and, to tell the truth, the princess has since had ad­ ventures much more renowned than that I gave my uncle the prince's name and took my leave, having his promise that the muff should be de­ livered to me alone if it were brought to the prefecture; and, at about 5 o'clock in the morning I let myBelf into my rooms.,after having walked home to re­ store the circulation of my blood. At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, with a trembling hand, I rang at the princess' hotel. I had a plausble pre­ text--too plausible, alas!--to explain my early visit--that accused muff. In the course of my life I have had a cold princess mecnanically. "But how is it you say you passed the entire night? I do not understand." "The muff," I stammered!. At these words the princess broke into, a fit of laughter which I punctu­ ate^ with hoarse coughs. "The muff?" she said at last, when she could control herself to speak, "Why, there It Js." She pointed out on a table a strange object, deformed by prolonged . com­ pression. , "Where was It?" 1 exclaimed, be­ wildered. "Where waa It?' related the prin­ cess. "Never mind. Do yon remem. ber my fall upon the ice?"--Translated for the San Francisco Argonaut from the French. DAN RICE HALE AND HEARTY. Veteran Clown Weighs 200 Pounds and Expects to Live a Centnry. Every now and then somebody writes to the newspapers inquiring whether the original Dan Rice, the circus man, is alive. These questions amuse the famous old clown, who lives here with his sister, and has resided here for many years, says tlie Long Branch (N. J.) correspondent of the St Louis Globe-Democrat. He Is in excellent health, and weighs nearly 200 pounds. One of the letters of inquiry was shown him the other day, and he replied: "There is only one Dan Rice, an<^ the original is certified with his signature, and the name is below on the bottle. I don't know that I ever heard of any­ body taking my name. ".Not, at least, In the East It wouldn't df^you know. Too many circus-goers remember me. Some day wlien I am gone a base imi­ tation may be foisted on the market, but that will be a long time to come. I'm over 75 now, and I'm going to live to be 100. That's they way my horo­ scope was cast some years ago, and I'm a pretty' lively- old man for my years, especially when you take into consider­ ation the rough life a circus mail has had to lead. The original Dan Rice? Why, I should say so, and I cannot un­ derstand how anybody ever come to think I was dead." Dan says he is engaged in writing an autobiography, and if it Is ever pub­ lished it will be a very complete and en­ tertaining history of the circus business in this country for half a century. The old clown occasionally goes to New York or some nearby place to see his friends. He went to Newark several weeks, ago and appeared before the pub­ lic at an exhibition given by Pete Conk- lin and Dan Costello, two promineut clowns, wuo got their training under Rice, having entered his service when they were boys. While In Newark he drove out to Franklin and visited Eaton Stone, the venerable bareback rider. They were glad to see each other and talked over old times for an hour. There is nothing Rice is more proud of than tne number of picnics he used to give to children when he took his circus around the country. Cumberland's Great Trick. On the journey from Vienna to St. Petersburg, Cumberland, the well- known anti-spiritualist and thought- reader, entertained his fellow-passen­ gers by guessing their thoughts. One of the travelers, a Polish Jew, who took 1 l»e whole thing for a hoax, offered to pay Cumberland the sum of fifty rubles if he could divine his thoughts. Visi­ bly amused. Cuml»erland acceded to hLs request, and said: "You are going to the fair at Nizhni- Novgorod, where you intend to pur­ chase goods to the amount of 20,000 ru­ bles, after which you will declare your- sely a bankrupt, and compound with your creditors for 3 per cent." On hearing these words the Jew gazed at the speaker witl^ reverential awe. He then, without uttering a syllable, drew out of the leg of his boot a shabby purse, and handed him the fifty rubles. Whereupon the great magician tri­ umphantly inquired: . "Then 1 have guessed your thoughts, eh?" "No," replied the Jew, "but you have given me a brilliant idea."--Podmokcer Wochenblatt. .' "i1' The leaven of yesterday ruins the cake of today* tfcn t spoil good buckwheat with dying raising^ batter---fresh cakes want Royal Baking Powderli Grandma used to raise to-day's buckwheat* With the souring left over of yesterday! old lady, she was up to the good old times. Bui these are days of Royal Baking Powder--afresh* ness into freshness raises freshness, And this is the way the bucl to-day is made : Two cups of Buckwheat, one cup of wheat flour, two tablespoons of Royal Baking Powder, one half teaspoonful of salt, all sifted well together. Mix with milk into a :hin batter and bake at once on a hot griddle ot forget that no baking powder can be sul stitutec for the "Royal" in making pure* sweet, delicious, wholesome food. yit 'lite' BAKING POWOER-G©rrT6fi W*LL 8T., N^W-VO?W. "if I V.l ^ •• iM-M M Anything Rather than Work. Representative John 11. Fow until yesterday fancied himself well inform­ ed yn the tricks of l>eggars, but had to admit that a new one was worked mi him. He was enterlug a Tenth street restaurant, and. with his usual impet­ uosity, opened the swinging door with a violent push. A dull thud told him that the door had struck some one. and he n as /horrified to see a poorly dressed man of advanced years standing in an attitude of sudden pain, his face buried in his hands. "Did I swing the door cpeu in your face?" asked Mr. l'ow, in tones of apology. "Yes, and smashed iue In the nose," whined the seedy man. A handful, of change soolhed the wounded nose, and the seedy man de­ parted. "You're the fourth man that fellow has caught to-day." said the bartender. "He stands by the door and allows it to hit his knee." Then Mr. Fow set 'em up.--Philadelphia Record. Jolting Cure for Nervous Trouble. "It is a fact well known to special­ ists In nevous diseases," said a leading physician the other day, "that patients suffering from spinal troubles are greatly benefited by riding in street cars or in a wagon over a rough road. The noted Dr. Charcot took advantage of this fact to devise an ingenious form of helmet which, when placed upon the head, caused rythmical vibra­ tions to be imparted to the entire body. I have at present a patient who is af­ flicted with an incurable disease of the spinal nerves, who has the usual train of symptoms of sharp, darting pains in the limbs, contractions of the mus­ cles and stiffness of the joints. Every day for the past two years he has been accustomed to board a street car and go over the entire route two or three times. This practic^'never fails to re­ lieve his most troublesome symptoms and Insure a good night's rest. Since the introduction of the trolley he has some difficulty in finding a street car line with roadbed uneven enough to give the requisite amount of jolting."--Phil­ adelphia Record. Expected Too Much for $3. He was not of the uppertendom In traveling circles from appearances, ami the man with the diamond behind the hotel desk assigned him one of the poor­ est rooms in the house--one which waa never given out except when the house was unusually crowded. The bellboy "showed the gem men up," and the clerk had an opportunity to consult the bar, a thing which he had done about once too often already that evening.' In a few moment^ the guest had returned to the desk. "What kind of a room do you call that?" he demanded, and he was whito with rage. "That Is the worst room I ever saw. Why, there are rats in that room as big as pug dogs." He never "phased" thQ clerk. The latter turned around to the speaking tube and calling the engineer, said; "Turn about five more volts on my stud till I kill this cheap drummer," and then turning again to the guest, he said blanuly: "Rats, dd you say? Well, what do you expect for $3--white mice?"--Indianapolis Sentinel. Soup for a Queen. Those who would like to sip a soup 6t which the English Queen Is specially fond must prepare one as follows: Take half a pound of pearl barley and set In a stewpan with three pints of veal stock. Simmer very gently for an hour and a half. Remove one-third to an­ other soup pot rub the rest through a sieve, pour it to the whole barley, add a half pint of cream, season with a little salt, stir till very hot and serve. Seems Ridiculous. The theory that the remains of ani. mals form the raw material from which petrolenm is formed by nature is still held by some prominent scient­ ists. J &L Mourner on a Wheel. A recent Berkshire, Pa., funeral waa graced by the presence of A mourner on a bicycle. Os Monday, .fan. 14, George Edwartles' English Company will present the musical comedy, "A (iaiety Girl," at the Chicago Opera House. The engagement will extend over a period of three weeks, ;tml bids fair to be fully .as successful as the one of ten weeks which was completed Dec. 1 at Mr. Augustin Daly's theater in New York. That the "(iaiet\ Girl" is far brighter than any English production ever seen here is a state­ ment that the New Y&rk critics are author­ ity for. The piece is sparkling beyond measure, while the mu^"Is more dainty and catchy than anything that has been heard in a decade. Mr. Edwardes has brought a large company to this country, and is to make an entire tour of the globe before returning to the Prince of Wales Theater in London. The company has been selected with unusual care, and during the run of the piece in London it was confident- Telephone from Knglantl to Holland lt is proposed to establish a telephone line between England and Holland. The London Chamber of Commerce, and the Netherland Chamber of Com­ merce are trying to ascertain if the time is yet rij>o for the undertaking. f- • In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of. permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual i constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system, Among the memoranda found on the wall of a drug store in Pompeii is an account of the sale of a bottle of rose perfume, disposed of to a beauty that city. It co^t her 70 cents. Catarrh Cunnot Be Cured with LOCA1, APPLICATION'S, as tlley cannot rea<'h the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it von must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medieine. It was proscribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­ posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puritlers. acting directly on the * WORLD'S-FAIR * IHIGHEST AWARD! SUPERIOR ! i(ON - THE LIFE:* The perfect combination of v. nat i>r derful results in curing Catarrh. mucous surfaces. The pel the tiro ingredients Is v. nat produces such >on- Send for tes­ timonials, free. F. J. CH EN EY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Cooper Hiver, S. C.. was named in honor of Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, afterward the famous Earl of Shaftes­ bury. He was due of the original char­ ter members of the company. ly asserted that it was the strongest organi zation of the kind ever put together. One great feature of the entertainment is the dancing of Miss Kossell and others, but the entire comedy is so crowded with novel fea­ tures that it seems almost superfluous to distinguish or mention any particular one. '•A Gaiety Girl" jumped into instantaneous favor in New York, and for months past has drawn to Mr. Daly's theater audiences made ! six days, and splendii up of the elite of New York. Scats have ' " been at a premium throughout their stay there, and even under those circumstances were often hard to obtain. The music is of that popular type that causes it to lie w his­ tled and hummed everywhere, and one of the musical numbers, "Tommy Atkins," has preceded the piece to Chicago and has already become very familiar here. There w ill, undoubtedly, be an unprecedented de­ mand for seats for this entertainment, and as the engagement will extend over a i>eriod of three weeks only, the securing of seats should be a matter to be looked after at the earliest moment. "A Gaiety Girl" was con­ structed to amuse as well as to enchant the eye, and it would seem, from all reports, to have fulfilled its mission admirably. ; 1 Interesting Find. it Copenhagen paper reports an in­ teresting archaeological find on the isl­ and Faister -- two bronze trumpets, such as were used at sacrifices 2,500 years -ago. They are two yards long, and highly adorned. Very Much off Color Are people who are troubled with chronic liver complaint. Bile In the blood tingcH the cuticle and even the eyeballs, and also mani­ fests its presence by uneasiness In the right side and beneath the right shoulder blade, farred tongue, nausea, sick headache and an unpleasant breath. It Is usually accompanied by costlveness and dyspepsia. For the ail­ ment itself, ahd its various manifestations. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is a speedy and complete "remedy. This standard medicine also prevents and cures chills ami fever, rheumatism, nervousness and the Infirmities incident to declining years. It builds up an enfeebled physique and fortifies it against disease. Appetite and nightly slumber are promoted by lt, and it is a protector njjalnst the effects of a wetting, of overwork, ex­ posure and unwholesome food pr. wjkter. Only sis persons out of each 1,000 live to be T5 years old, and only one reaches the century mark. Market Gardeners Grow Rich! There is lots of money made in early vegetables. Everybody admits that the very earliest vegetables are pro­ duced from Salzer's Northern Grown Seeds. Think of having radishes in fourteen days; lettuce in twenty days; potatoes in forty days; peas in forty- "a cabbage in fifty- live days from day of sowing seed! If You Will Cut This Out and Send It with $1 money order to the John A. Salzer Seed Company, LaCrosse, Wis., you will get free thirty-live packages earliest vegetable seeds and their great seed catalogue, or for six cents postage ^ package of Fourteen Day Paris Radish seed and their seed catalogue. C. N. U. Has justly acquired the reputation of beinf The Salvator for he-Aged. AN INCOMPARABLE ALIMENT for the ^ GROWP and PROTECTION of INFANTS andi C H I L D A superior nutritive in And a reliable In all gastric at»4 often in instatiies of patients whose digestive organs were re­ duced to such a low and sensitive condttkm that the IMPERIAL GRANUM «m the only nourishment the tftomadi •AVtefc-JsilS ,wj», M woald tolerate when LIFE depending on its retention;-- And as a FOOD it would be difficult tt*. v .- conceive of anything more palatabfev ,r ' Sold by DRUGGISTS. Shipping Depot, JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. SKNI> your full name and addrefs to Dob­ bins' Soap Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., by return mail, and get, free of all c ut, a cou­ pon worth several dollars, if used by you to its full advantage. Don't delay. This is worthy attention. Wi Soo\KTT OR LATER a neglected Cold will develop a constant cough, shortness of breath, failing strength, and wasting of rtesh, all symptomatic of some serious Lung affection, which may be avoided or palli­ ated by using in time Dr. D. Jayne's Expec­ torant. < 'laus Speckels recently drew a check on the Nevada bank in San Francisco for 11,50<>.000. Are You Carsick When Traveling ? Oar-sickness is as trying to many people as sea-sickness, lt comes from a derange* meat of the stomach. One of Ripans Ta- bules is an insurance against it, apd a box of them should be in every traveler's out­ fit ; 0 WE think Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only medicine for Coughs.-- PINCKABO, Springfield, Ills., Oct. 1, 1894. LEAVES ITS MARK --every one of the painful irregularities and weaknesses that prey upon women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin tlie temper, wither you up, make yon old before your time. Get well: That's the way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip­ tion. It regulates and promts all tlie proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Mrs. ANNA UUTLCH, of Elm Creek. Buffalo Co., Neb., writes: "I eujdjr good health thanks to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre­ scription and ,'Goldea Medical Discovery.' I was under doctors' care' for two years with womb disease, and gradually wasting' in strength al the time. I was so weak tliat I could sit up iu bed only a few inomeuts. for two years. I commenced taking Jlr. Pierce's Fa­ vorite Prescription and his ' Golden Medical Dis­ covery,' and by tlie time I had taken one-half dor- en botties I was up aud foinfT wherever I pleased, and have had good health and been very strong ever since--that nas two years and a half ago." A book of 168 pages on " Woman and Her Diseases " mailed sealed, on' receipt of IO cents in stamps for postage. Address, WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAI. ASSOCIA­ TION. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. '.L.DOUGLAS 1 S3J5HOE rtTKNa AKHtfe. t* " 3. CORDOVAN; ^ i; ntENCHACNAMEUXBULF. .:fi' *3# FlNECMf ftKWMMt rl •3.WP0UCE.35OUEX " *2.*i.9BatiSamS8Ei. LABIBS- ' BSOCKTTTLMAIS* OverOM Million People wear tfttt W. L. Douglas$3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes ar^«qt^I)y Mttebctory They give the be*t val««e fo^Uk* They equal custom ciioea lr> style mmi lit. Their wearing qualities are --wniiwl. The price* are unlfora,--stamped MMI*. Prom $1 to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we caa. HIl fcW^lXOXVS tT WHOLE. " v ^ • "'-'Ji"*! Better thanmineral water* f Well, I should smile Three dozen in a box Ton can carry six In your rest pocket. Take one every night. After dinner, or at bed tlaM. Itl Or Kissengen. •'A ? -1 a \-3 •.> •=' • i 4 1 . r Toq always have it handy, The effect Is better, and When yon travel it tavet I am an old traveler And I got things ivwu AJM^ A • Ripans < la worth more Than any spring in exfetenoa --except a door string-- I hate a draught! Mas. CLRICH. CURE YOURS FKKVCH SPECIFIC' aowr fallal diabases »r the urinury onwubH condition. Full djrv 't.ona wiUk e*eil I ft.OO. Soid by fc. I.. STAML E Bare# Street, corner Filth ATMIIM.C Seut by express on recent ot ptlea. 1 "3 iv!* V"it "ft . .. > mmi *5 . If s« TRI \s. Iix'ter thau any on No-t<sei sprlug. iv'itt po«ip»ij| ceipt o! prut*. «.tve m«>» H't1 Uu.-> l'tu-sleiau* Bos 8*1*. DM ¥ork t ltr kaow what lufuluius I»*y them kwt. 8. N. IT In writiua to Advertiser*. tiem»t to mention this pai»r. Advertisers .

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