Sp?' iti>« titfe of a jbjr tb« Prim Cbkmgo. •ant tm If ittoning th« i book ha« been tatted I few* of tb« very bert i ©ontaining over 400 lOt pMtry and home .tftfBM AN many hints for the IkttehaD, shoving how to set a to «ntar th« dining room, I and one hints in every !ttw oattn&ry art. Cookery of * flnMk and richest as well as of economical and home like, is for. Remember "Table and trill be sent, postage prepaid, J^tadb sending her address (name, fcirtid State) plainly given. A copy lan or Scandinavian will be Sent Postal card is as good as let- Addreae Price Baking Fow4ff . &>•» >,IU. ' *JLl IT IS STRANGE f fSltj^Some people who say they neysr stent medicine advertisements will id lagging home every now and i a bottle of some favorite remedy of sag. «muv. We don't bother you with mnch "' reading but just ask you to try a 10c t^fadbottie of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin constipation, indigestion, and stomach troubles, 50c and #1 si*®S At J. A. Story's ̂ H C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, *fjras that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hfpei Saive was worth #50.00 to him. Xtf^wnred his piles of ten years standing. Ha advisee others to try it. It also cores eczema, akin diseases and obstinate sores. By J. A. Story. Win your battles against disease by Acting promptly. One Minute Congo Cure produce*? immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt itifcf. By J. A. Story. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, 4,I have been troubled with billiousneas, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemediee, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. Dress goods, dress trimmings and lin ings at Stoffel's. Who ma think oT MMDM Simple thing U> patent? Wanted-An Idea :;SjSW WfiST XoHBNBT, II Mm Reduced Prices on Organdies, = -̂̂ Dimities, 'etc.'/,'̂ K • .. ^ >; II11^/:*, LADIES' SHIRT WAIST And Crash Skirts In endless v West •j* * - - . it jteU' • • <% &&i-} Best Summer Corset In the Mlarket« , CLOTHING,, Fine and serviceable Clothing for men, boys and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct, newest styles. - Men's ' Hats and Caps. TINS SHOES A \ \ OXFORDS, the finest and most stylish assortment ever brought to this town, for ladies and children. In Children's Shoes our stock cannot be surpassed outside of the city. Call and inspect our Shoe Department, 4- The iadiee shouia not fail to see those ftobby Waist Sets at Simon Stoffel's. Do you know that E. Lawlus, Tailor,- Jbas taken measures for six, seven and eight suite a week. Good goods low. SjPrfces from $4.80 to $ 12. Keep your ; $and on your pocket book until you see ••IS. Lawlus. 49tf Does Baby Thrive? If your baby is delicate fend sickly and its food does aot nourish it, put fifteen ©r twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its bottle three |>r four times a day and you Will see a marked change, i We have had abundant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. * , It is the same with largef ^ children that are delicate. -Scott's Emulsion seems to be the element lacking in their S|v food. Do liot fail to try it if your children do not thrive, is as useful for them in I?. 3>v it i f f t s # s u m m e r a s i n w i n t e r . Furnishing Goods, V", j At SO otfl. on tli© Dollar. & , - ™ .. We have a fine assortment and are bound to clow them out at once, and offer them at 50 cents on the Dollar, from former prices We do this to close them out quick to make room tor other goods. Call earlv and get first choice. --OUR STOCK OF WARM WEATHliR GOODS Is complete and prices will be right on them all \ - fitr ' CALL AND SEC. $ IMT J' , \ '•1&S V'1' « of the shoe trade is the 5ELZ SHOE. lh every fair is the gathered wisdom and experience of a quarter of a century, in which time the jpianufacturers have grown to !%e the largest manufacturers "Str&Stla «ftki iMi thai you lwy« Sth SIMM MktjNrfMtglii. of shoes in the world. •< v J You can't go wrong for a minute in putting your feet in a pair of these shoes. Once in, you'll hardly care for any other kind, for these axe the shoes that "make your feet glad." 4 • Though the best, they cost the least We have a tew of those Cool Summer Suits left. They are a Money-Saving and Comfort-Taking outfit for the wearer. Cool Underwear for Children, for old and for middle 8ge< people, including extra slz«s tip to 50 inches. Cool Summer Hats, in all shades and shapes.^ ' < Lap Robes and Fly Nets. •** ^Ve havfl a car ot Flour in this week which we bought right. Will say to those wanting good bread to eat, at the least cost, to get our prices on bbl. lots. Choice fresh Groceries. Tangle-Foot Fly Paper at whole sale prices. „ Yours for Trade, West MoHenry, 111. JOHN J. MILLKRi Gent's . f - An extra line of Shirts and Neckties. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps, Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. Unadulterated Groceries. Pillsbuy's, Washburn's and King's Best Flow.' ! Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMON West McHenry, H1..189S. We Are Headquarters for C f / . A s k y o u r d o c t o r i f t h i s i s n o t t r u e . ' "p\ SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chmictt, New York BONSLETT, • ̂ 2 PlurnlDing jContraotor. Of alh Kinds. ̂ BUGGIES! BUGGIES 1 Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish; There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters, when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy o : not. « Repair* for all Machinery promptly attended to. 'Vi&iHr"'. of Sanitary PMIIUI isoxmy ATTIVD1D TO Has just received a very com plete stock of ) ' Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs. Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Stai and lot Water Heating. Gpoplefce stock o! all sixes Galvanized andElack Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- Uett'o Agricultural Implement Building, ^cHENRYJLL. AND GROCERY STORE, V-:.- HEIMER'S BL««K. It Ojtj0«lte J. X. Story'. Druj Store K F McHenry. Illinois t- Wir( • FIEST-CLASS GOODS. FAMILY GROCERIES, ' CAN HID GOODS, ETC. TMpfttron«(« ot tbe publio It respectfully " ̂J O H H H A U P B I S C H . XAHeary, Jun« 6 186H. McHenry, July 27, 1898. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. and Sleet Don't Injure The Sherwin-Williams Paint It's made for painting buildings--for painting them It the best way it's possible to paint them. It's made to withstand the hard exposure they are subject to. It will withstand the destructive elements better tha|L any other kind of paint, no matter what the other kind made of or how it's made. The cost is lowest for the results obtained. A booklet free--send for it. THS S&S£Wll<f*W!LiJA%:g Co. PMtHT AMD OOLOH MAKEmU, mo CmuI Street, Cl*v«land. *6m Btnrut Xvmu, Cbleag* •V WMkid^tM StrMt, H«w Tttfk. u St have the Staple and Fancy Groceries. Sugar, Code*, Tea, Rice, Beans, Spices Extracts, etc., are always In demand and we always keep a good assortment. No man can do business without customers and friends, and we trust you will accept mw for past favors as well as what you are giving us at present. EYE FLOUR. As low as any good Flour can be bought anywheret and see us. West McHenry. Illinois, Call Just one word about SHOES! SHOES4 We have the latest styles in Men's Women's and Children's 3POOT / E. B McUENBT, It Aatol-- Itmt, M»iriA R K I N S , ILLINOIS. r House There is none FISH CRY FOR IT ivs attrftots the fleh. The? tor »11 kinds of flshin g Sole Importer, A. o- a*7 Ay«., MUw&ukbo We"sell the celebrated .Sherwin-Williams Faint. better. Call and see out Wall Paper Patterns, representing the. patterns of various stales produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. . ; Room MouicfifiQs to Match all Wall Paper, ^ warning. Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to * sdlTe estimates on work. " NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upo fi some plan for Spring House CleaniilBf. y While we are not an e xpert in this line we have a faint idea of "the I requirements for the o<cation and are anxious to do all in our | power for "suffering humanity," (in the way of counsel • and advice) during the trying ordeal. We would suggest you have s your heating stoves taken down and oared for, Your cumbersome. * cook stove or range replaced wi th one of our _ •' V ', . .>?*' Wickless Blue Flame That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desired Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepere, Carpet Stretchers, Brooms Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Binge, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of , Paints, Oils, Varnlshgs, 'i-3? Stains Brushed, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the b&t paint in the market, guaranteed free irom adulter- i htion ot any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your | rouble and expense. We will be pleased to make estimatea ^on your wants of anything in our line. • HeBpeetfully Tonrei, ff >: F. L. McOMBER. A^Wt Side Hardware Store SP • M imm DKUJUK » DRUGS and MEDICINES a full LISTS or CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, Trr'77 Paints, Oils A Colors NIITA1TL1 O* BAltD. firuunsor PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AH" „ Stationary and Drugalsta' Sundrlas. y Physicians' Prescriptions; Garftf*lly compooiided . BegiBter«d FbaxmMlat, < D Tour Patronage is respectfully »olloited, ^ • JULIA JL CmDMr Veitof BiterHde Eovtt, M cSenry,lU. •V^ ' ' t . £j '"k?J V:€ > • ^ • _i ( T XS To Say Nothing but Saw Wood. Also have a very complete line of seasonable UNDERWEAR. styles will please you and our prices should. ST' . . f . 'im. JjS. Jfc, i (lLJ4...1 lixJkj J. E. CBIST Y, Wr m Wo are not Telling you ot tlno Many. Bargains w^ are offering in - \ , FINE FURNITURE, Such^as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couchcs, etc., that we are sling at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. ~ Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, ^be best ~ d o n e y i t h a s e v e r b e e n o u r f o r t u n e t o s e c u r e . J , ' : the money ;,P% i W« CARET A FULL LINE 0» Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. :r|f ^ 1 We guarantee first class work in every Call and see me before purchasing - • * ' ! % ^ X 1 iJl.,FoT). " .'j!*-' J . t&ZsU -1!. .* .'.W . -