ki: Mthor recently ali tor advice, and teg note, which, he "encouraging": "No the least benefit In our»IiMyl I am a very busy 'Jteep onf trying till yon either fail or "succeed!" Mr. Kipling, says the New York Evening Post, certainly takes his own advice, and keeps on trying, the latest thing of his to fall under the eye being something very like nonsense verses to go with William Nicholson's "Al- m ana eh of Twelve Sports." The lines written for the illustration of "'Coach- »nr are a fair sample of the whole: "The pious horse to chough may trot, A maid may work a man's s&ivatioa. Four horses and n girl are not, v However. aids to reformation." < (Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture. Breakfast Absolutely Pare^ Delicious, Nutritious. . ..Casls less Han BHE CEUT a Cap.. ' Be sure that you get the Genuine Article, i > made fct DORCHESTER, MASS. by • WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. i ' Estabushxd 1780. UIIIVERSITYDF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. CJsMle* .Letter*. Science, Law, Civil, Mechaateal and Electrical EtirfneeHiig. h Preparatory imil Commeralsl Coarse*. Ecclesiastical ntuaenta at special rates. J/Sk Junior or Senior Year, Collegiate Oottraep. 8t* Edward's Hull, for boys uuder 18. ^The 108th Term will open September 6th, 10 M, vsieiesne* sent r ree on application to REV, A, MRIS8EY, 8» St. Mary's Academy Under Direction of the Slater* of the HolytJ Qrest fiscal yea* Operating expenses *e Net . .; The amount required to pay taxes, fixed charges and full dividends ou the 4 per cent "debenture stock is 'ay Ocoî ̂iair the Jane WiMrVere &,smm 70 3,777,372 70 T1 1fiMM71 (Ml 1,360.230 42 Excess .. > f242,434 #7 This excess is equal to. a little more than 2 per cent on the preferred stock. The operating expenses include, besides other extraordinary expenses, the entire cost of 220 freight cars which were pur chased during the year to moke eaod all the cars which have been desti-oyed and gone out of service from any cause since the orpranizution of the company. : The largest local crop in the history off the company is about ready for the halt vest. • Telegraph in the tinea Canal. A most ingenious system is employed by which the director of the Suez ca nal can tell at a glance the exact posi tion of all vessels passing through it. A model Is placed in the office at Port Said and the whole canal is worked from headquarters by means of the telegraph, the position of each ship being marked by a figure on the model. It is thus made easy to arrange for ves- sels passing each other. » i, - Shake Into Yonr Sbo<i Alton's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and iDstantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the great est comfort discovery of the age. Al len's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, nervous, aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. ODue mile west, of Notre Dame University. Plants Which Give Liirfht. There are a number of plants and flowers which give out a phosphores cent light In the dark. Linnaeus first noticed this phenomenon in the com mon nasturtium, whose flowers seemed to him to have a faint iridescence at night. Later observations by others showed that the light was stronger af ter very sunny days. Among other plants which possess this singular prop erty are the marsh lily and the fraxin- ella. The last named secretes a volatile oil which oozes out during hot weather, ^spreads in a thin layer over the flowers^ and forms a vapor which becomes lu minous in the darkness. In the coal mines near Dresden grows a species of fungus which "exhibits the appearafice of luminous festoons • of shifting col ors. "--La Nature. 'Wm0d' "fStfefcfeit.. The German Government has been making Inquiries from the postmaster general of the United States as to the employment of women in the postal service. In his repoyt the postmaster general states that there are in the Uni ted States 167 women employed in the postal department at Washington, 7,070 women postmasters throughout the country, and probably 80,000 women who are assisting in the various post- offices, It is the experience of the Uni ted States Government that the ser vices of women in the postal depart ment have proved almost, if not equal ly, as satisfactory as those of the nn>», and among them there are some of the most faithful and efficient servants of the Government. The salaries now paid to women in the department vary from £240 to $1,800 a year. -• 'i"-* Tlle °ldcst Volnuteer. 4 ^ ;; " A N«»w York State doctor, aged If©, Tal lin teem] his services to the President re cently as an army Surgeon. At his ad vanced years he can read without glasses, and walk ten miles a day. The oldest standard medicine is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which has 110 equal for indiges tion, dyspepsia and constipation. Otoe bottle does much good. .J. .! : Swedish Female Shyloclft. Stockholm has a female usurer and she is the worst usurer in the capital. Her victims are chiefly cadets at the lirmy and navy academies whose pock et money gives out a long time before the next remittance can be expected. She lives in an elegant residence and to a glass of champagne she generally succeeds in persuading her young cli ents to sign papa's or uncle' name to the note--merely as a matter of form. As a rule, papa or uncle has passed through the naval or army academy when a young man and knows the mad emoiselle from the days he sowed his wild oats--consequently the drafts or notAt do not go to protest. Cost of Projectiles. JJJJ" Projectiles used by the United States j army for its great modern guns cost as follows: Solid shot, eight-inch, $(59.80 ea<?h; ten-inch, $144.50 each; twelve-inch, $212 each; twelve-Inch mortar shells, weighing 800 pounds, $114 each; twelve-inch mortar shells, weighing 1,000 pounds, $lj^5 each. * y • ttuvKUMnj* in ojdusic, ana juan- &*agee. Location unsurpassed. Grounds extensive. I HAH TEACH YOU A PROFESSION that will make you Independent ml Uie rest of I in IO -- 1 Uays ' you Independent ml nm rest of your life. Enclose 2 si amps for reply. Address P«Oi<\ J. L. BJL1GKE->STAFF, North Manchester. Indiana. CSSSrs^S ' Tour homel Never lost a single case! Write for circu lars. JM1ZPAU MEDICJLNE CO., Monscy, Sew Ytrk. . U / D I T C Box 579, Denver, Colorado, tor « f¥ It I I £ DESiHABLE GOLD MINING SHARES. flail's Catarrh Core,. Is a'Constitutional cure. Price 75 cents. When 111 news comes too late to be serviceable to your neighbor, keep It to yourself--Zimmerman. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump tion cureS me of a bad lung trouble.--Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. 26, '95. Any man may make a mistake, but none but a fool, will continue it- Cicero. FITS Permanently Cured. No Ots or nervousness alter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Re no rer. send for FKKK SJi.OO trial bottle and treatise. Ob. K. U. klinb, Ltd.. yai Arch i*.. Philadelphia. Pa. Coughing Lieads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a wtniple bottle free. Sold in 25 and & cent bottles. Go <it once; delays are dan- serous. ^ Scotch Have the Heaviest Brains. The average weight of the brain of the Chinaman is greater than that of any other race on the globe except the Scotch. * Weak Stomach ^Sensitive to *every little indiscretion in eating, even to exposure to draughts and to over^perspiration--this condition is pleasantly, positively and permanently overcome by the magic tonic touch of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which literally "makes *weak stomachs strong." It also creates an appetite--makes you feel real hungry, and drives away all symptoms of dyspepsia. Be sure to get . Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. Hood's Pills cure ttll Liver Ills. 25 cents. The reeeivets of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have turned their attention to the improvement of the grades on the Third division, from Cumberland to Graf ton, or rather that portion which lies be tween Altamont, the top of the 17-mile grade, and Terra A!ta, where the Cran berry grade begins to descend. The line passes through Deer Park and Oakland and crosses what is known as the "Glades" of the Alleghany Mountains. The grades are short and chopny, some of them being 80 to 85 feet to the mile. One of the first pieces of work to be done is now in progress at No. 58 cut, where the grade is being reduced from 81 feet to 42% feet per mile, with equations -for curvature. It is expected that the cutting down of this grade will enable the receiv ers to increase the train load from 1,000 tons to 1,300 tons on east-bound trains. One mile of the roadway will be lowered, and it is expected that the work will be completed by the middle of October. • The Coldest Spot. The coldest region of the globe, thht of Werkojank, in Siberia, where the lowest temperature of 0.90 degrees Fahrenheit lias been observed, and the mean of January Is 0.48 degrees, is in habited by about ten thousand five hun dred people of the native races. In a large part of this region the air is so dry and winds are so rare, that the in tensity of ^the cold is not realized. Fur ther east there are sometimes terrible storms. In the summer time the tem perature sometimes rises to 86 degrees in the shade, while it freezes at night. The latter part of this season is often marked by copious rains and extensive inundations. Vegetation Is scanty. There are no trees. The people hunt fur-bearing animals, fish, and raise cat tle and reindeer. It requires about eight cows to support a family, four being milked In the summer and two in the winter. The cattle are fed on hay in the win ter, and ape allowed to go out occasion ally when it is not too cold, their teats being carefully covered with felt. Milk is the principal food, occasionally sup plemented with hares, which are quite abundant. The houses are of wood, covered with clay, and consist of one room, in which the people and their an imals live together. The wealthier classes are better provided with lodg ing and food. The people are very hos pitable, but excessively punctilious con cerning points of honor, such as the place at table. Wheat 40 Cents a Bushel. » grow wheat with big preftt at 40 cents and samples of Salzer's Red Cross (80 Bushels per acre) Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats, Clover, etc., with Farm Seed Cata logue for 4 cents postage. JOHN A. •SALr- Z E R S E E D C O . , L a C r o s s e , W i s , G N U Wherein They Differ, z Broadly speaking, the essential dif ference between merchant-ships and warships is that the former are de signed to carry their loads, or princi pal portion? thereof, low down In the hold, whereas warships have to carry their heavy burdens of armor and ar mament high up on their sides. Enormous Slaughter or JLohaters. The slaughter of lobsters at Prince Edward's Island is something astound ing. There were imported the past sea son 91,000 cases, mostly to Europe, which involved the killing of 35,000.000. Speed of a Gall's Flight. A gall can fly at the rate of 100 miles an hour. Brooklyn, in near-by join them- one city, which is NEW YORK'S The Citjr Has Was First The people of Staten Island northern towns selves together I* now the Greater' New York. It em braces three hundred and forty-one square miles of territory, and Includes a population of nehrly three million four hundred thousand. Besides these, at least another mill ion people dwell on the New Jersey side of the Hudson river, quite as near and as closely identified with the great City on Manhattan Island as are those of the northern and eastern suburbs. This makes a population of nearly four and a half millions which may be said to belong to New York, making It not only by far the largest center of hu man lif^e and interests in America, but, excepting oply London, the most popu lous "spot on tlie globe. How has it happened that this vast cit.vhasgrownupwhereitstand8? Why did not the American metropolis arise somewhere else? Is Its position all an accident, or does history show sound ronsofts for its situation? The earliest settlement here Was merely a t fa ding station that gradually became a small seaport, like a down others along the coast. Before the year 1700 these were so nearly alike that he would have been a wise prophet who truly foretold which would thrive. Indeed, many men of that day firmly believed that Newport and Annapolis were to be the two great American seaports. Great cities arise at the points where the greatest number of people find it convenient to meet at first for business, and later for pleasure. You cannot force a city to grow In an unnatural or unsuitable situation; and it Is no easier to prevent a city from growing in its proper place. But the conditions that change a village into a big town, and expand the town into a city or metrop olis, are not the same in different parts of the globe, and vary with the march of the centuries; so that now many an ancient world-market, like Nineveh or Memphis, has totally disappeared; while towns like Berlin have lately In creased with amazing rapidity, after a long history as small and insignificant plaices. As for New York, it has never halted nor gone backward for a mo ment since it was fairly sta career in HS23.--St. Nicholas. iftowm Since It r/.-i ja a*) • C! ̂ Reduced Rates to Olios, " Via the Northwestern Line, from stations within 200 miles radius, on account of the Rock River Assembly, to be held at Dixon, July 25-Aug. 11. For dates of sale, etc., apply to Agents Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Compressed Air as a Motor. Compressed air Is to be the motive power of a woolen mill at Almonte, Oat. * bane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. Id order to be healthy this is necessajy. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. • Price 25 and 50c. Why is it necessary to take milk from a cow that gives it? *«• W Inflow'* Doonnra teething; softens the Kama. BUSTS pain, cures wiadeolie. Siauf tor CkiMns >oms intssaasstioa. " --a bottle. FREE far a few months to all aseroarae celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Ffetfott Brand). To induce you to try this starch,so that you may find out for _ that all claims for its superiority aad «jii^ omy are true, the makers have had at crest expense, a series of ftmr , PLAQUES exact reproductions of the $i<m»o originals by Muville, which wid be you ABSOLUTELY fREE by your grocer on conditions named These Plaques are 40 Inches in circumference, are free of any soggestloa it advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment, manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents t customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects we: y American Wild Ducks* American Pheasant* , English Quail, " English Snipe. v The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as V Plaque is bordered with a band of gold. ELASTIC STARCH has been the standard lor as years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year. That's how good it Is. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept 110 substitute. ' ' How Ti Gat Thms All purchasers of three 10 mat« six Scent packages of Elastic Btsrsh (Fist Iron Brand), are entitled'to M> ceivefrom their grocer one of thsss beautiful Oanse Plaque* freA. Sks plaques will not be sent bf s»sH They can be obtained only boas pv groeer. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Do not delay. This offer is for a short time only. "The More You Say the Less People Remem ber." wj Qne •.v., Word-With Yotf; At -f ^ *W it# >* • Jj BAD BLOOD "CASCARETS do all claimed ftor thesi snd are a truly wonderful medicine. I bare often wished for a medicine pleasant to take snd at last nave found it in Cascsret*. SI ace taking them, my blood bae been purified and my complexion bat im proved wonderfully and I feel mueb better In every oAixu B. 3si.LAi>s,XAtt*«U.Tsim. eoiKTnnuun dssjay"" P I S O ' S C U R E F Beat Syrup. t. Bold irritations or of mscoss 1 . ^Unlets, s^ ATHEEuNS GhEMIULCo. cent or ~* | 8eM 'or tent la pUlf tara • Circular puns wnm inumi. ENSI0NS, PATENTS, CUTSK. •: iaiajfcteas'sfv"1""" 3ym.ialaatwar.16a WANTED.--Ca*e<rfbad health that H'l P'A NSwUI Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical OOw New York, for 10sample*and MHO tesUmonlals.^^ nssnnt. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do wood, Never Slcfcon, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50a. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Mcrlliv R*B«4jr Conptiy, Ckluf*, Hontrod, K«w Tarft. 81 SORE tm [)r 1} A ACfj$M Wj [Y f W. S. N. U. NO-TO-BAC IN writisf te Advertisers, ylrsss So M UMfc 1 ties yea uw tfcs Aiitnlssausl Is ttfrmwa 4# REMEMBER ... : --, ^ im k • | • ; -f ; •• "• "5^ ' >.V3 i 3 ,*!i< ' y ^ ,|ti if you are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality of the chewing tobacco you are using-- ' • , H i get • IV.,'.J[ PLUG and you *11 get your money's worth. The 10-cent piece of Battle Ax p is larger than the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high - quality9 and is the largest piece of really good chewing tobacco that is sold for 10 cents* W' K emember the name When-you buy again . . . . . . ^ s , - t - . . . - • • - - t , J