mm Oatanbos IftflM black up* ooshwndrwl mem mam of made* pasture e ie run a deep well wii !f»o haw a fine, and other fruit, rooms with _ „ eitkarndtrhouse. The barn is 30x40 frith aa Addition 20x40 for cribs and , wagon shod. The Fences are all in good Ar •' etteiBtf on, Distance to a school only tug* MtorOfitks sited ariHL^Fhs plaos at mag, bearing orchard i ItabottM has aem KM 5 ; V * &> - » .t; , \ r.>M V • •>&*' " f - Q P iW I§*: e$j*' ^jSarv;" - '• luttrfcern oi a mile, and to church OBStniie and a quarter. This place is ior sale at a reasonable price and on easy terms. Call on or address. A. J. SCUMOKER. § , Columbus Junction, la. f< 'i ; Hanly Bros. Mill. Tlw Mfn «f Hanly Bros., on the West Side, which, on account of the damage to the dam, WOP laid up for repairs, ie now again in running order and they are prepared to do all kinds of Grinding on short notice with ttwir usual promptness and in a patisfactory manner. Bring along your Grists, either for Flour or anything is the Feed H8& We are pre pared to accommodate j3§L > BROS. West McHeory. ' Get a Hat that is in Style at Owen & Chapelt's. Remember the great closing out sals of Summer goods at Owen & Chapel!'s. The editor of the Evans City.; Pa.. " Giohfi, writes. "One minute Cough Cure \ is rightly named. It cured my children r!> ; ' after ail other remedies failed." It cures :v ' coughs, colds, and ail throat sad lung pfr i. troubles. By J. A. Story. • 1 1 • 1 • 1 (•*r - Be sure to leave your orders for Pills- f. ' . x bury's or Washburn's* beet at Stoffel's k t Delivered promptly to any part of town. £ : --______ Remember the trreat closing out sale of p v fummer goods at Owen & Chapell'a. tx> New Cider Mill. V f- ^Thp undersigned has built a new bufld- $ ^ Ing and put in a new Cider Mill, and is now prepared to make your apples into cider on short notice and guarantiee satisfaction. Every man will get hid cider from hie own apples, where he has ten bushels or over. Remember my mill Is all new and good work will be war ranted. Bring along your apples. Mill on the Richmond road, near the Ceme tery, McHenry. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, juiy 22,1898. the new Dress Ginghams and Calicoes at Owen & Chapelt's. The ladies should not fail to see those nobby Waist Sets at Simon Stoffel's. Do you know that E. Lawlus, Tailor has taken measures for six, seven and eight suits a week. Good goo ie low. Prices from $4.80 to $12. Keep your hand on your pocket book until you see E. Lawlus. 49tf •<r A- < v*j •'4>|j4L mk fit# Money We Need *"\T. i. V>, Watt McHenry, III. -W \ » - / > , ; » on tlie Dollar. ' oO otfl A; -1' ' Both of above very essential in preparing for BI. AHB 6RC0ERY STORE. HEiWER*ft SLOCK. ^Opposite 2 , A *S0ry*» Dnsf *«>r» ^ I • MCHenry. ilunois 'TmST-̂ ASS sooss. WtomX. terfcaan ai.L-e Btma, QUm, 1 •to., ?-««£ e*erT d®T. A.i»o a _ •ffetoaw J4MH7 asocEans. «AKi%£D ETC. IRf p&troB&fS of ttae puLita i» ret portfaUj HAUFBISCP, •' "SiTIi i»ti> . Jar* E : • In Tiew of the above we hare Mijjiiu.yniiii ifi.i"". i M.« iiiiu'yiMiiy i'i .Laiiirjijmw|i Buy When Yd 4 , SELLING I /*„ This week we put On sale Shoes* that you have never bought sol $heap before. All of our brown Ladies' Oxford Shoes at 90c. -> Our Ladies' Black Oxford Shoes at $1.00. Ladies' brown ^11 yLace or Button High Shoes, the $2.50 quality, entire stock is reduced to make room for V Fall Goods. Diveded the Price On many Summer Goods and are desirous of Showing you the Result. wr CALL SOON. We Jhave a fine assortment and are bound to close |»«em out at once, and offer them at 50 cents on the '^Dollar from former prices. We do this to close them ^out quick to make room tor other goods* 4*11 early and get first choice. .>•' --OUR STOCK OF- WARM WEATHER GOODS Is ccmplete and prices will be right on them all. CALL AND SEE. We have thejStaple and Fancy Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, lice, Beans, Spices Extracts, etc., are always in clem and and we J>aiwaye keep a good assortment. No man can do business without [{Customers and friends, and we trust you will accept our thanks for |paet favors aa well as what you are giving us at present. SLEEPY EYE FLOUR. n s Brown Hose ft Are offered at Cost to us. Three pair child's Seamless Ribed Hose, sizes 5 to 6£, for 20c. c -At - Men's Wool Pants, special, $1. Pride of the West makb. Same make in Soft and Laundred Shirts at under prices. ^ * JOHN SYANSO ̂& CQ. West McHenry. Illinois. . * lit • ></•••••« J. E. CRISTY, Ringwood, 111 Ai Low as any good Flour canlbe bought I and see us. anywheret Call Weet^McHenry. Illinois, . „ts The McHenry Marble and Granite. Works. 54, ?' i'4; 7.1 .i'-ir < • ' 4 - All i of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. ' A Full *Lifie nf Finished Work i ? Constanty on Hand We Ave Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. BUGGIES I BUGGIES 1 Nothing but Buggies. The.celebrated Peabody. the Slier and' the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about.the same money will give yro> the h«Rt vehicle? th»t skill and careful supervision csn producc. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a stand ng invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, anu we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buj o.* not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Vary Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, July 27,1898. •ad Americas Granite a Speciality. J. H. MILLER, McHenry. flWKK, WOOD and other Counties la J&rOK, fKLLOW MEDICINE •nd other CoantlM in BBOOKING8, CODINGTON »nd other Coauties la Piarms for Sale! Gboice Agricultural Lands in Wiseoastn llinesota Dafcott Improved Farms, $15 to $25 per aewt Unimproved Land, $10 per acre. IURllS^"ve<, Hto lA down. IBUt) Unimproved Land, one-fifth dowa. __Here is an opportunity-to^obtain a farm in the •Mlthiest section of the U. S. at a very low Price •ad which is sure to soon increase in value. | These Lands are Dealrable. |r '•' -|gb The Torms are Easy. W The Soli In Rich and Fertile. TmiAreAiieln Vuln# Of KxoeUent Btarket l arllitle*. if Pan Water and no Drouths f Good Roads, School* and Churchea. the vicinity of neighbors and friend* You can soon own a farm, raise as. crops, and get a6 good prices as in. iOuthernWisconsin or Northern Illinois* We know you will be pleased it yoa f|Hli investigate. Address, ; C.S. SZAT2S, Jaas svill®, Wis. «OOD UTS AGlim WAXTKJU. Send Us a Photograph of your house, with a description of tbe saaronnA > ings, and we will send you a plan, giving sugges* Hons for best color effect. These selections are • carefully made by an artist, who is en expert st this work. If you have painting of any kind to da* s» can help yoa to do it right with NE SHERWIN-WILLIMM8 PUNR That Is pari of our business. We will send you illustrations of houses in different eolors. Also aunple cards and full information about amy, or all of our different Feints. All our knowledge end experience are at your service. We mako ̂ no charge for this work? Do not hesitate to writs as. Year letters will have prompt attention. If you have painting of any kind to do, it is WWth JTOWeUt la have iaformutioxi about these paints. rum MmmHWH-WtLUmmm OO., Mmm «muw ssmmmm, 100 Canal 8t., Cleveland. "•« W W; 8KB Stewart Ave., Ghleaga rashlneteo at. Mew Teal a St. AsMasBtiliMlmli OR. CALDWCtL'8 |YRUP • CURW iwcu'8 ma PEPSlN IMtTIOK ill E L B . P E R K I N S , KtHKSBI, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There Is Bene better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories it priota that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to latch all Wall Papor, Granting, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give ©stimates on work. E B. j>f the shoe trade is the 5ELZ SHOE. In every pair is the gathered wisdom and experience of a quarter of a century, in which time the be the largest manufacturers in "S«lz".V. el Iks shsss Sist yoa bey. Sols Selz Shots •ike yoir flit gill 'oil ~~ of shoes in the world. • You can't go wrong lor a minute in putting your feet in a pair of these shoes. Once in, you'll hardly care for any other kind, for these are the shoes that "make your feet glad." Though the best, they cost the least We have a lew of those Cool Summer Suits left. They are ft Money-Saving and Comfort-Taking outfit for the wearer Cool Underwear for Children, for old and for middle aged people, including extra sizes up to 50 inches.. Cool Summer Hats, in all shades and shapes. Lap Robes and Fly Nets. We have a car ot Flour in this week which we bought right. Will say. to those wanting good bread to eat, at the least oost, to get our prices on bbl. lots. Choice fresh Groceries. Tangle-Foot Fly Paper at whole sale prices. West McHenry. Ill, Yours for Trade, JOHN J. MILLER. NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upon some plan for Spring House Cleaning. , r: While we are not an expert in this line we have a faint idee of [th<|SJS requirements for the occasion and are anxious to do all in out £ power for "suffering humanity." (in the way of counsel t iU»<* advice) during the trying ordeal. We would suggest you have Vs your heating stoves taken down and cared for. Your cumbersome* cook stove or range replaced with one of our , ^ Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves ̂ ? That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desited Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretcher®, Brooms ^ Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks an& . ' Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Pieture Cord*.. I carry a complete line of > " Raints, Oils, Varnishes, jK Stains, Brushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage ~ Colors, the best paint in the market, guaranteed free from adulteiv ;H, ation of any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found ^ Otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your rouble and expense. We will be pleased to make estimates on your wants of anything in our line. Reapeetiully Tours* F. L. McOMBER. 17V®st S'd® Hardware Store if Giving Value for Value Is the Secret of Good Business. We aim to have trustworthy qualities, latest styles, well-finished goods, and moderate prices. No shop-worn goods, no cheap, thrown-tagether garments, but fair values for your money. Our shoe stock is teaming with bargains, all tan shoes and slippers at greatly reduced prices. Dress Goods, Ginghams, Sateens, Purcales, Calicoes, Flannels, Etc, in all the Latest Styles and Colors Huts, Caps and G^lov^s lor Fall Ju0t Heoeiyed, Wt, Our Grocery Stock is always complete with fresh, . ^ _ jure goods, Canned Qoods and Fruits. _ promptly. M. J. WALSH. Weet McHenry. t • SALSB Of DRUGS and MEDICINES a *0ll tixn ov CHEMICALS, -DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and . Colors SOKSTAWTLT OH HAIft _ D Full lerb fov PAT KMT MEDICINES, TOILET MtTIOUfli Stationery end Drugglete' Sundriee. Physicians' Prescriptions • Tour Pstnnage la rssp«otfallj aoUelUO. " mm • 'JULIA. A. Ot «Dosr Hmtot MtkwrM* Bovte, M tBrnryJU. (JOT To 8ay Nothina; but Saw Wood. THAT We are not Telling yon of the Many. Bargains we are offering In FINE Such as Parlor and Bed JRoom |̂ts, Couches, ete.A %at we tpb|t sling at prices that have never before t>een touched H McHenry, _ even by us. * „ . 5^ Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the beat fo* the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. - WE CARRY A FULL LIMB OF k' V '** Caskets, Coffins We guarantee first da: ial RobeS, in every Call and see me before purchasing. 'f JACOB JUSTElf. *3 McBency, ^.. Feb. iC, 1898. ' s&m it 4" * t •» : >• v. 15',V' "Itu