Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1898, p. 8

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lr ̂ "" 4.̂ .̂" t . ?»% i* Ths greatest obstacle to Hi* progress j "Of nWooary work to-day is the liquor] trmffio, carried from the Christian Sands j •tore it is legalised to the lands there] the heathen religion forbid the manu- laetere aad use of all intoxicants. The missionary of the cross proclaim j ths glad tidings to nations sitting in] darkness. Men hear. They say. "This! doctrine is good." Ihey reason, "Sore* J If the land whence so pare and lovely a religion comes, and where it prevails, ] must be pure and holy land." Bat while pondering upon the new religion, and the "strange things that are brought to their ears," they see others from' profee-' sadly Christian lands, coming to them with mouths "full of cursing and deceit ] and fraud ; with tongues of mischief and vanity." They "flit in the lurking places uf the village; in the secret places do murder the innocent; their eyes are privily set against the poor' They lie ia wait secretly, as a lion in his den they Us in wait to catch the poor. They orbnch that they may fall" by their wicked devices, and by the intoxicating disuks raaaKfactured by the same Chris­ tian nation that send forth the heralds j ot salvation. X lady who labored ten years on the I • «aet of China writes: "Oh, if our American women knew how much the Atnerican sailors on the coast of China! •ted the help, to save them from intern* - perance, they would come to the rescue!" j A former teacher among the North j American Indians, says that an Indian - Hftver swears except when he is drunk, | lUbd then he swears in English. --It is no wonder that the Seminole ! tatdians are puzzled with the white man's | nethod of dealing with strong drink. They say: "He first licenses a man to I distill it, then he licenses another to sell it; then he pays a policeman to catch I those who drink it aad take them to jail, •tad when they come out, they are pnt in | jJIpain. Don't understand. We Room We Must Have. :%• If it be true that "the English-speaking people are largely responsible for the in­ troduction of intoxicating drink into the I ncivilued. portion of the world," then it I is also true that the "redeemed" among them, those who have purified themselves I iB obtaining the truth," arenoti>«ponei- 4ie tor the putting forth of mighty effort j to counteract the evil influence exerted by thsse of their countrymen who are fcostile to the spread of Christianity, and are so diligent in laying stumbling blocks I ia the way. Those whom we are trying j to Christianize, naturally attribute our ] ^ v Vices as well as our virtu<». to our re-j Won. "I do not like yonr people," said an intelligent Hindoo to one of our | missionaries; "the followers> of Jesus I Christ drink whisky." The man knew no better than to attribute the whiBky to the religion, and the Master was wound- j * <d afresh. "As drank as a Christian" is * m common proverb in all heathen ImHh '• From every mission station come back the wails of weary workers, because their j labors are so set at naught, their • v Aands so tied, their exertions so crippled. F«)m India, Dr. Rev Phillips of the Baptist mission, writes: "Our schools : lor poor children are frequently broken iJf by the rising flood of intemperance. ' In some spots either the school or the I 1. still must go. They cannot live to-1 -gether. Our bazaar congregation arei \ often disturbed by drunken fellows, and] v ?fhe WOI"k of preaching the gospel is much 1 ? ' hindered. Our teachers, pupils, preach-1 * ^ ^ against the dire temptation of strong drink. We have had sad cases to mourn over ID our Bengal mission, and the end is not yet." After some thirty-one years spent in India, Archbishop Jeffries makes this terrible charge: "For one really con­ verted Christian as the proof of mission- , wy labor, the drinking practices of Eng­ land have made a thousand drunkards. The Hottentots have been nearly ex­ terminated by brandy. The Basutos -have perished in large numbers through spirit drinking, and the future of the Caf- fira depends on drink being kept from them. Some of as were privileged to hear Rev. Mr. Dunlap of Siam, during his re­ cent visit to this country. And we blushed for oar flag when he told us of its being used as a cover for the sale of intoxicating drinks to the Siamese. The evil became so great that Mr. Dunlap appealed in person to those who were selling them from vessels in the harbor (They were not allowed to sell on shore). He was met by the rejoinder. "Wt are selling under the protection of the United States flag!" Get a Hat that is in Style at Owen & Chapell's. Remember the great closing out sale of summer goods at Owen & Chapell's. ' . Th® cslebrated Pillsbury Floor can be found at Simon Stoffel'e. tt is un , questionably the most popular Floor ever sold here. % The editor of the Evans City, Pa., Globe, writes. "One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cares coughs, colds, and all throat and lunir troubles. By J. A. Story. Both of above very essential' in preparing lor NEW FALL GOODS. In view of the above we have Divided the Price X On many Summer Goods and are desirous of Showing you the Result* •w CALL SOON. J. E. CR1STY, Ringwood, HI J " if-® • Your Best Move. For your own benefit, and that of thot»e who furnish the ««where-with," is to !Move in- the Direction of Our Store li^hore you will find a choice offering this week in I NEW DRESS GOODS The newest thin? in Black Dress Goods, and the finest anc nost fashionable in the market. Something never before offeree n this town. Also braids and trimmings to match. Also in Cotton Goods We have a full line of French Per<5ailes, Ginghams and other ikeirable patterns. The finest and most fashionable stock of CLOTHING, H ATS, and CAPS, To be found in this County. A New Line of Fancy Shoes Just received. In Ladies we have the ne#est and stylish shoe in the market. For beauty and durability they cannot be beat anywhere. In Gentlemen's wear we have all the new styles, anc defy competition in this line. HINTS TO ECONOMY. Made to Wear and to fc >i •- •: -1. J oes do not wear and fit. We sell the kind that does reduced prices. We have told'you before .about the liberal reduction on theentire line and the closing out, *» *> ^ prices on the brown, l«ut youonust see them. ~ at>.' prices. New Fall Dress Goods and Ginghams r For School W ear are just in. JNew Dark W rapperp, Bed Spreads, * in fact, plenty of nice* things are ready for inspection. Hi -v: will be economy for you to try a pair of our . I '- Rockford make of Overalls at 50c or the V ? Sweet, Orr & Co. kind at 75c. __4 The Grocery Stock is very complete at lowest have a Special Sale of Swiss La^wn Saturday, Aug. 27th. They are heavy and much better quality than you have seen before* 10 yds for 25c to each lady who calls. ' JOHN EVANSOM & CO. West McHenry. Illinois* ' ! t ** Summer Goods at Cost. In order to made room for our large stock of Fall and Winter Goods now arriving, we will, for the next fifteen days, sell all Summer Goods at Cost and Below. SH1ET WAISTS AT YOUR OWN PRICK. Another Car of Pillsbury's Best this Week. SIMON West McHenry, 111.. Aug. 10, 1898. Be sure to leave your orders for Pills- DOJ7 »or Washburn's beet at StoffeTs Delivered promptly to any part of town. See the new Dress Ginghams Calicoes at Owen & Chapell's. and We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. BUGGIES I BUGGIES I Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will ive you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce, lined by time and not found wanting. They are reliable aadstyliah. There are none bettefw" * WAGONS AND TRUCKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. f Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, July 27, 1898. Does it Pay to Paint? There is nothing that adds to the selling ytixm Of the renting value of a house like good paint--tb*t* Is nothing that makes home more hocne-likc thai. good punt. It pays to paint. The better tbsfabrt, tfcebattw. it pays. The Sherwin-Wiujams Pmht pays in the beginning because it goes so fa&r-pnys ia the end because it lasts so long, and looks so well, as long as it lasts. There is no paint like it for booty: and durability, for economy and satisfaction. Ask the dealer for it. If you would like to learn many points stent* painting, we'll send yon aa illustrated book free. Tiim -SX-ZfiLUAtSO Cw.. fmuT m Bgmiimm u i Canal St., Clerelnnd. Sfl7 Wuatilngtor. , New York. a » Stewart At«.. ChU*«o. " "* MnntrwJ 3 . R E R K I N S , HtHENBI, ILLINOIS. .4< 5ELZ' HAPPY FAMILY. Mill w The honest original pro­ ducers of the hides entering into the manufacture of. . . Selz Solid Shoes We will give you 25 per oent discount on all Ladies Shoes' and .Ox­ fords until our fall stock of Rhoen arrlv«. CLOTHING. II is necessary fer us to make room for our large line of winter goeds Oeugiit and new coming In, sud afe offering bargains all along the line accordingly. If, in the meantime, you can use anything in a man's, boy's or childrens' eult we are In shape to da you some good, Tura vour wftiiis our way for your underwear. Buy your Trunks and Tel- esoopee ef us for your travels. GROCERIES. We still have about Five Chests of Tea, bought before the war revenue was afixed, it all goes at the same old price. Use Jersey Lily, or Hard to Beat Flour Get prices on our coflee, Try a mess of our 9weet Potatoes. Yaurs for trade, ~ ~ ™ J°HN J- MILLER. West MoHenry, 111. • v|r D. Merchant Tailor. McHENRY, ILL. New Fall and Winter Samples Just ~ To which I invite a careful inspection, both as to Quality and F3rices. * '*•' '/'$L The ladies should not fail to see thoee ^ ̂ » if1 DObbj Waist Sets at Simon Stoffel's. <• - , $£ Do you know that E. Lawlas, Tailor , has taken measures for six, seven anc! ' eight suits a week. Good goods low. ; Prices from f 4.80 to $12. Keep your hand on your pocket book until yon see E. Lawlus. 49 ti n • SOU. CALDWELL'S |i YRUF PEPSlN CURE. IKOIOESTIOW. II Entire wheat flour--recommended by Paint and Wall Paper House There is none representing the prices at We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories that are beyond competition^. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. Ail specialties first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to estimates on work. ^ • B B. net a give AV1NG made arrangements with one of the largest and most succcssful Woolen Houses in the world, 1 am now prepared to make to order Full Suits or Single Garments On short notice and guarantee perfect fits every time. On account of the War all Woolen Goods have advanced in price, but we are still making suits ior our customers at the old prices regardless of the rise. Call and see our new samples. You cannot fail to be pleased. U. D. LODTZ. Mc Henry> August 10, 1898. NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upon some plan for Spring House Cleaning. While we are not an expert in this line we have a faint idea of Jthe requirements for the occasion and are anxious to do all in our power for "suffering humanity(in the way of counsel and advice) during the trying ordeal. We would suggest you have your heating stoves taken down and cared for. Your cumbersome cook stove or range replaced with'one of our Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one spot to another by a child ifdesiied Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretcher*, Brooms Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nail8^ Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Stains, Brushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the best paint in the market, guaranteed free trom adulter­ ation ol any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your rouble and expense. Wo will be pleased to make estimates on your wants 6f anything in our line. Hespectfully Yonm, F. L. McOMBER. ^/Vest S'de Hardware Store • • 1# 41s DUUIB IK DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINK OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ti ^rrTW^r Paints, Oils and Colors lOKSUmi OK HABTD. Full uaa for PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions; Oar«fmlly compounded by a Beglatsrsd Pb&imftoiat, D Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. mm •• -JULIA A, Ot •Door WeiCof Rbtrtide Bcmae, M eUenry,HL i 3 t r a t is wxsoom To 8ay Nothing but Saw Wood. TIIAT We are not Telling you of the Many Bargains we are offering In FINE FURNITURE, i Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we are sling at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, e v e n b y u s . , Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the mpney it has ever been our fortune to secure. < WE CARRY A FULL LIMB OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, 111,, Fob. 15, 1898.

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