Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1898, p. 5

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~~ •"" - * 1 ,j V * '•( ^ Ty t v?»i r®j?w, ^ •• hiikii*. *iHr a^m .* * '•'P^Sikf^p • j>?:zx->-' '••' •;v-K± m^lwv 7 ̂ HUMIVi WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31, 1898. Railway Time Table. Taking effect 9und<y, Mav 29. 18B7, ftt six 'olock A. it. Trairfa will" ,DAS4 Mctlenry tion M follows; OOIKQ SOOTA» » • Lake Geneva Passenger. 7dNA.lL Williams Bay Kxpress .... .......8:38 " Wiilmms Bay Passenger ....... ....3:27 P. M. Lakc(ieneva Freight..., ....8:27 '• , Lake Geneva Passenger ..6;17 " xtWilliamsitav Pastt'ger,Oliie&ly...7:OS " $ Williams Bay Pass'ger via Elgin 7:M " GOING HOBTH. l£- s JWillismi Bay Passenger ....10:00A, M. u .* Lake Geneva Freight .......... ....10;OT «• >:•# I Williams Bay Passenger .10:o6 •' £} " Lake Ueneva Passenger... 2:50 P. M, WUliaiuaBay Express.............. 1:45 :'r , • Lake Geneva Passenger--. 4w5 I Williams Bay Passenger «;M «s ' KXlT.ANATKUf, V - »-Dally. ^ ^ S . t--Daily exfeept Sunday, ' t^p ?--Sundays only. x This train runs from Jane 36 to Sept. 4, . Inclusive. V B. BUSS, Agent, MeHenry. 111. M. W. A. 'v' Regular Meetings every second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of eacb month, at their Jlall, over Evanson & Co.'s store. T KOBT, B. HOWAJU>, Consul. •; J. KIMBALL, Olerk. W. 0. O. F. L* , • St Patricia Coart, No. 187, W, C. O. F. meet iii-JBie First Saturday and Third Wednesday > - •; - evening* of each mouth, at Forest Ball. ' MRS. MAKT COBB, Chief Ranger. OHAHLOTTE MADDES, Secretary. ff. Methodist Kplaeopal Ohurcti. ftev.J. R. Clark, Pastor, Preaohing Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7;90 r. M. Sunday 3ohool,ill: 6 A. M. Dr. A, X. Anrlnger, Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 P, M., Rev, J. R. Clark, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. K. j Ladies' Aid Soolety each alternate week Mrs. J. R. Clark, President, -WTA Cordial invitation is extended to all Unlversailat Churoh Directory. S.J. Walsh, President B. C. Mead Olerk James B. Perry .Treasurer Bev. J. Straubt 0, D ....Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles organ- aatlon.) Urs. Jas. B. Perry lirs, J. VanSlyke... .... Mrs. W. A. Oristy ftnpt, of Sunday School,- Assistant, WThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address |S Grand Orosslng, Preaching services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7;3# r. M. A cordial Invitation to alL President Secretary Treasurer . A. E. Baechler ,...W. A. Oristy Do not forget the entertainment, by the Surricks, at Riverside Ha* this Wednesday evening, Aag-31st. TUK iuluur "ai" UBH piayed ao nncom- oaon i>art in the present, war. MeKiuley, Maine, Miles, Montejo, Manila, Man- tanzas, McCnlloch, Massachusetts, Mer- rimacand Mule all have pertinent sig­ nificance!. . HON. P. K. GRANGKB showed AS a half dozen ears of as fine corn as we have seen this year, tt was raised on his farm, down the river. It was ripe and hard, and is an evidence that the corn crop in this county will be one the best for years. /THE Huffman Brothers, of Barton, who went to the Klondike last winter, returned home the first of this week. They report that W. E Colby, who vent with them, started for home three days ahead of them, but we believe Hias not ^rrived yet. <• THE reopening of the Ringwood church will take place at 10:30 A. M. Sept. 11th. Also preaching in the evening at *7:30. The Church is receiving repairs to the amount of $600 or f700 and will be a modoroly equipped Church when fully completed; \ THE ladies of the Willing Workers Society, connected with the tTniversaHst Church, will meet at the church on Thurs­ day, (to-morrow) Sept. 1st, at the usual hoar. Every member in earnestly re­ quested to be present. MBS. J. B. PEBRY, Pres.. MRS. J. VANSLYKE. Sec. ' i New Advertisements This Week. A. P. Baer, West MeHenry. M. J. Walsh, West MeHenry. J ohn J. Miller, West MeHenry. £. Richardson, Volo. THE BE will be services at the Univer sal is t Church on Sunday morning next, Sept 4th, at the usual hour. Preaching by the pastor. Yon will miss a rich treat if yon fail to attend the entertainment by the Sur- ricks, at Riverside Hall, this Wednesday evening. Do not fail to go. REV. SEABLH will preach at the M. E, Church, Sunday at 10:30. He will also preach at Ringwood, at 2 P. M. Rev. Clark will be absent on that date. C. E. LAMPHE BE will this week, move ripto the Dr. Auringer honse, lately va­ cated by Henry Dowe, on Main street. . west side. A SON of John Oeftling, who resides at Pistaqua Bay, aged jabout one month, died on Sunday last, The funer­ al was held from.the Johnsburgh Church on Tuesday morning. THE Social, given by the Lady Forres­ ters, at the residence of Michael Doherty, fin this village, (>n Monday evening, was well attended and a very enjoyable i affair. MARRIED.--At, the German Church, ' Johnsburgh, this Wednesday morning, August 31st, 1898, by Rey. v Father Mehriotr. Peter Schmidt and Miss Anna .Adams, both of Johnsburgh. "FT HEN Johnny Comes Marching Home I" will soon again be the popular tune in America, for the musteriqg oat of service of the volunteers wHI soon commence. A KANSAS man was sentenced to the penitentiary for six years for stealing a pair of trousers. He is doubtless thank­ ful that he was not thoughtless enough to take the coat and vest. THE poetry headed "Honor to Whom Honor is Due," to be found on the fifth page of this paper, is reprinted this week on account of a sliprht typographical error which was overlooked last week. JACOB JUSTEN furnished the Hearse for Young Grace, who died in Chicago and was burried in Wauconda. He met the \ remains at Barrington on Friday. The \ funeral was held at. . Wauconda on x Saturday. /• DIED--At Shannon City, la., July 17, 11898, Mrs. Walter S. Hubbard, aged 36 ' years. She leaves a husband and four \ children to mourn herloesj Mr. Hub "ia the second son of Mr. anajirs. Elishs l̂ abbard of this village. - THE thirty-third annual reunion of the Eighth Illinois Veteran Cavalry associa­ tion will be held at the Sherman House Chicago, on Saturday, Sept. 17 Busi ness will be transacted at 10 p. M and dinner at 12. M. E. Jones is president and W. C. Hazelton, secretary. JOHN HCHAEFEB, an old resident, who resided just north of Johnsburgh, died , on Monday night. He had an operation ^ performed on Monday for some stomach difficulty, and lived only a few hours afterwards. He was aged about 75 years, and was a brother of the late Nicholas Scha«<er. E. A. SMITH, of Ringwood. 111., carried aff honors at MeHenry County Fair at Woodstock last week winning on horses three first and one second, and grand' sweepstakes for best mare showing two colts; and on Jerseys winning five first and one second and first grand sweep­ stake on milk breeds. Ee has shipped the Jerseys to Rockford, 111., where they ill be exhibited this week. HIRED man, who works for Wm. Covell, on the east side of the river, had the misfortune to cut kis arm quite se­ verely on Friday last. He was sharpen­ ing a wooden pin which he was holding in his left hand, when the axe caught in his clothing struck his left arm between the wrist and elbow, cutting a long, ugly gash, Dr. Auringer dressed the wound. kHe will be laid up for some time... y -- WE inadvertently omitted to mentiou last week the handsome daily issued dur­ ing the races by our neighbor^ of the Richmond Gazette. It was chuck full of advertising, neatly printed and presented quite a metropolitan appearance. Bros. Holmes £ Wright are enterprising, go- ahead newepaper men, and are deserving, of the liberal patronage they are receiving. AN exchange says, "Let your motto be: Lie, steal, drink and swear. When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams. When you drink, let it be noth­ ing bat pure, cold wator. When you steal, let it be away from immoral asso­ ciates. When you swear, swear yoa will patronize yonr home paper, pay your subscription and not send your job work » ^a? from home. A KANSAS farmer who could not get harvest hands put this notice on the fence: "Harvest hands wanted. Hired girl pretty and genial. Cabinet organ music in the evening. Pie three times a day. Three spoonsful of sugar with every cup of coffee. Hammocks, feather beds or leuther divans at your option for sleeping. Rising hour 9 o'clock in the morning. Three hours' rest at noon. Come one, come all." ONE of the handsomest phaetons we iave seen for many a day was one $hat Was taken home by Page Colby on Satur­ day last. It was purchased of J acob Bonslett, and was made by the Henny Buggy Co., of Freeport.Ill. The material and finish was a little ahead of anything we ever saw in the buggy line. It was Indeed a beauty and it cAn be truly said ^hat Mr. Colby now has the finest rig of 4lhe kind to be found in the town. THE Huntley News and Dairyman has ceased to exist. Mr. Spence, in making this announcement in the last issue, says: 'This move has been made necessary on part because the patronage the News and Dairy man has received, while it has a little more than paid expenses, is not s ufficient to warrant us in continuing the publication as a business enterprise. Brother Spence still owns the Algonquin Arrow, which he leased some time ago on account of failing eyesight. AFTEB this month saddles aud harness will no longer be manufactured at the Joliet penitentiary and the saddle and harness departments, which have been in operation ever since the prison was es­ tablished, will be abandoned. About 130 convicts are employed in these de­ partments, and these will be transferred to other work. Manufacturers of har­ ness and saddles have long complained that the prison-made goods injured their trade, and have been endeavoring to haye the state abandon these lines of manufacture, and those employed to these branches of industry will receive the announcement of the change with satisfaction. ON Monday, as a surrey containing four women and three children, was coming from the Bay to meet the 3:27 P. M. train for Chicago, the horse became frightened by some- i A. P. BAER and George Slimpin irMe Chicago visitors on Sunday. GKO. II. SUBBICK was an Elgin and Dundee visitor one day last week. PETER FBETT will take in the sights of the Big|City on Thursday, to-morrow. HON. F. K. GRANGER was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. A. P. BAER is attending to business la the Big City to-day, Wednesday* 8. S. CHAPELL was attending to basi- ness in Chicago, on Tuesday. Miss BERNICE KIMBALL, {A spending the week at Xunda. • * J. P. SMITH is doing business in Chi­ cago to-day, Wednesday. M.J. WALSH is a Chicago Traitor to­ day Wednesday. H. C. MEAD was attending to business at Lake Geneva to-day .Wednesday. M. A. HOWELL took the train for Chi­ cago, this, Wednesday morning. L. H. OWEN is a Lake Geneva visitor; to-day. • . .. ' MBS. JOHN HOOAN, of Waukegan, was calling on friends here on Monday. Miss JESSIE BALDWIN, of Crystal Lake, was calling on friends here on Monday. J. W. CRISTY,of RiD<rwood, was attend­ ing to business in this village on Monday. JOHN P. SMITH was attending to busi- at Algonquin on Saturday last. MB. GODDARD, of Elgin, spent Sunday with his wife, in this village. Miss JENNIE COVELL was a (Chicago visitor one day last week. ^ was a Chicago :2 thing on the side of the road, jumped to one side, tipping the carriage over ^nto the ditch. The occupants All thrown out but fortunately no o was seriously injured, although the car­ riage was badly smashed up. Mrs. Justen brought them to town, where they were obliged to wait for the 6:17 p. M train before they could proceed on their journey. Under the circumstances it was fortunate that the consequences were not more serious. We were unable to learn the names of the parties. The celebrated Doufjlas Shoe, without MBS. F. K. GRANGER visitor on Monday last. S. Stoffel was attending to business at Oray'B Lake on Tuesday. CHET. HOWARD was attending to busi­ ness in Chicago on Tuesday. GEO. L. NURRICK was" attending to business at Wauconda on Saturday. R. G. SMITH attended to business in Harvard and vicinity on Saturday last. T. J. WALSH was a Waukegan visitor on Tuesday. A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day with friends in this village. Miss ROSE JUSTEN and Miss Nettie Schiessle were Elgin visitors one day last week. G. W. BESLEY was attending to busi­ ness in Chicago on Tuesday, . WM. PHALEN and wife were visiting with friends at Libertyville on Saturday and Sunday last. CASPER MCOMBEB, of Chicago, w&e visiting with his parents here the first of the week. , Miss MYRTLE SLIMPIN returned home on Sunday, after a six weeks' visit with friends in Chicago. Miss CLARA BROWN, formerly of Chicago, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hib- bard, in this village. , MRS. HERMAN and daughter, of Chi­ cago, are the guests of Mrs. Sotaere, on the west side. Miss Lor BONSLETT, of Racine, Wis., is visit ins: with relatives in this village and vicinity this week. F. L. MCOMHKR and family were visit­ ing friends at Gray 'a Lake on Sunday last. have been visiting friends here for some time, returned to^heir home on Monday. FRED AND ROLLACHURCHILL, of Liberty­ ville, were visiting with friends in this village and vicinity last week. DOLPH WHEATON, of Elgin, was the guest of R. Sherburne and family the first of the week. WILLIS WHITTEMOBE, of Huntley, was the guest of J. B. Perry and family over Sunday. DR. O. J. HOWABD, of Elgin, a former resident here, is visiting with E. .C Howard and wife, at Fox Lake. ISAAC WENTWOBTH and wife visited with friends in Wauconda for three or four days the past week. GEO. W. OWEN and son Newton, of Chi­ cago, were calling on friends tiere the first of the week: 31MON STOFFEL will replenish stock for the Fall Trade in Chicago, to-morrow Thursday. Jos. J. FBETT has moved with his family, to his Summer Cottage, up the river. MRS. W. WHITTEMOBE, of Huntley,was the guest of J. B. Perry and family a few days last week. Mrs. Whittemore is a sister of Mr. Perry. W. A. CBISTY, wife an^two- sons went to Chicago on Saturday morning, re­ maining over Sunday, returning home on Monday evening. >188 ALICE BARNARD, of Chicago, who has been stopping at the Hotel Riverside for the past month, left for her,home on Tuesday. v MISSES CABRIE AND EMMA FISCHER, who have been spending their vacation at the Hotel Riverside, will return to their home in Chicago on Saturday next. Miss. Windiate, who has been the guest of G. W. Besley and family the past month, returned to her home in Wauke­ gan on Tuesday, Misses lva Mead and Irene McOmber spent a few days the firSt of the week with Earl Mead and wife, at Gray's Lake, MRS F. K. GRANGES and daughter Mies Marguerite, will start on Monday next for a visit with friends in Iowa. They expect to be gone about a week. P. SKEMP, of Chicago, joined his wife, here on Tuesday. Mrs. Skemp and chil­ dren have been visiting friends is this vicinity for the past two weeks. MRS. J. AW DANIELSON and daughter, of Nevada, are visiting with friends in this village. Mrs. Danielson is a sister of H, E. Wightman and Mrs. R. Stebbins. HON. F. K. GBANGEB attended the Eighth District Republican Editorial As- MISB LILLIE HEIMER is visitiug friends in Chicago this week. DAVID PARKER and wife, C.T, Eldredge, Richard Thompson and H. C. Mead, are among those in attendance at %he Sol­ dier's Re-union at Gray's Lake this week. FBANK J. BARBIAN, of the firm of Barbian Bros., started out on Tuesday morning for a two days trip. He will visit Waukegan, Grays Lake, Liberty- vijle, Lake Zurich and Wauconda. THREE SISTERS, of St. Francis, arrived bn Monday and will teach the German School connected wUh St. Mary's Church in this village. They are not the same ones that taught here last year. -WILL BCBDICK and Mr. Philips, both of Elgin, passing through on their wheels enroute for Waukegan, stopped and took dinner with R. Waite and family on Thursday. MB. PAWSKI and wife, who reside in the horth part of this village, are rejoicing over the arrival of a nine pound boy, at their residence on Tuesday. Mother and child are doing welL ' JOHN STOFFEL and family, Miss Stein Buss, of this village, and Miss Mary Herman, of Chicago, spent a pleasant day with Peter Adams And Wife near Twin Lakes last week. " T Miss ETTA SIMES, Miss Ray Krouse, Mrs. Nickles, Miss Carrie Simee, H. Simes and wife, Miss Pearl Lincoln, Mrs. Geo. Schreii»er, Florence Matthews^* Alta Kimball, Misses Kate and Elsie Howe, C. E. Lamphere and wife, Mrs. E Lam- pljere and daughter Hattie, Miss Mamie Granger, Miss Edna Story, Miss Etta Colby, Dr. Baechler, W. Evauson and wife, Newell Colby and wife, Orton Gil­ bert, Martin Howell, H. Pomrening, Warthen Kimball, Geo. Slimpin, Roy Colby, Eugenie Mathews, Harry Fay, H. E. Wightman, Fred Thurlwell, Walter and Eddie Simes, Chas. Foltz, Wm. Sch- reiner, and Wm. Foltz, were among those who attended the Fair at Woodstock on Thursday last. 8nnday School Pionlo. v The Sunday School connected with the Universalist Church, will hold a Picnic in Howe's Grove, on the west bank of Fox river, norta of this village, on Friday of this week, Sept. 2d. They will meet at the Church promptly at 9 o'clock, where transportation will be furnished for all who do not have other ways of going. This is not a Picnic entirely for the young, but the older ones are cordially invited to participate. Remember and be on hand at the church promptly at 9 o'clock. The JAoHanry Oun Olnb, The McHeury Gun Club will hold a two days Shoot, at Rosedale, on the east side qf Fox River, opposite MeHenry Village, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 5th and 6th, in which all shooters from neigh­ boring Clubs and towns are cordially in- vitited to participate. The MeHenry Gun Clilb have prepared for two days of real sport, and those who attend this shoot may rest afestrred they will get it. A large crowd is expected. Remember the date. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 5th and 6th. MCHENRY PUBLIC SCHOOL will opsn on Monday next, Sept. 5th, with the follow? ing corps of teachers: ^ F. E. Angevine, Principal. Miss Deborah Cooper, Grammar Room. Mrs. Mary Cobb, Second Intermediate. Miss Jessie M. Baldwin, First Inter, mediate. Miss Francis A. Osborne, Second Pri­ mary. Miss Kate F. Ilowe, First Primary. This is the same corps of teachers as last year, and that-each one gave satis­ faction is evidenced by the fact of their being unanimously chosen for another year by the Board. T. V. SLOCVM will leave Wauconda on Tuesday next, Sept. 6th, for his first fall excursion to Arkansas. Slocum has done a rushing business in selling land in that state, and we believe all who have invested there are well pleated. The climate is good and the land productive, and Slocum always represents things just as they are. Go with him on one of these excursions and see for yourself. There is no better time of year to go than now. Proceedings of Village Board. COUNCIL ROOM, Aug. 2S, 1898. Special meeting. Present full Board. The meeting was called by the Presi­ dent, for the purpose of considering an Ordinance granting Wager &Joslyn of Woodstock the right to put up and maintain a telephone line in the village; and to consider the levy of a tax for the fiscal year, and also to consider the ac­ ceptance of the Water Works. Motion by Baer, seconded by Heimer, that an ordinance be granted to Wager & Joslyn to erect and maintain a system of telephone toty stations and local ex­ change for the period of fifteen years. Motion carried. The Ordinance is as follows;. ORDINANCE. ^ He it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village ot MeHenry, Illinois. SEC. 1. That Allen B. Wager and Mar- cellus L. Joslyn, of the city of Woodstock and County of McHenry and State of Illinois, their successors, assigns or lessees are hereby granted permission to .erect and maintain and renew upon and along the streets and alleys of the village of McHenry, Illinois, lines, poles, wires and cables, and to use the same for sup-, plying the general public means of com­ munication by telephone or other electrical device. SEC. 2, The lines of poles shall be located under the supervision of the Committee on streets and alleys of the Village Board of the said village of Mc­ Henry, Illinois, and shall be so placed and maintained as not to interfere with ordinary travel or with any water or sewer pipe. And the said Allen B. Wager and Marcellus L. Joslyn and their heirs, or assigns shall hold the village harm­ less from all damages resulting from the erection or maintaining of the structures hereby authorized. SEC. 3. That this permit shall be in force for the term of fifteen years from the date of this ordinance. SEC 4 That this ordinance shall be in force ten days after its passage and publication. Passed August 29th 1898. Published August 31st 1898. Motion by Granger, seconded by Kreund; that the Ordinance be passed as read. Yeas--Bner, Freund, Granger, Heimer, Miller, Wentworth. Nays--None. Mo tion carried. The following Ordinance was then in­ troduced and read: STATE OF ILL1SOIS, ) COUNTY OF MCHENBY, > SS. VILLAGE OF MCHENBY. J Be it orilained by the President and Board of Trustees of the village of Mc­ Henry, Illinois. That a tax of Twelve hundred and fifty dollars be levied on the taxable property of the said village of McHenry, Illinois^ for the year 1898, for the purpose of paying one certain Village bond of said village of one thousand dollars, due July 1899 together with interest dn \all general bonded indebtedness of said vil­ lage amounting to Two hundred and fifty dollars. Motion by Granger, seconded by Miller that the Ordinance be passed as read. Yeas--Baer, Granger, Heimer, Millet. Nays--Freund, Wentworth. Carried. Motion by Baer, seconded by Granger, that action on water works be deferred until next regular meeting. Carried. Motion by Baerywconded by Granger, that the Board adfourn. Carried. The Board then adjourned, W. A. CBI^TT; Pres. J. 8TOFFEL, Gerk. [For the Plaindeater.] WHO 18 TO BJUAKS f BY K. D. SCOTT. . When friends of pMcefal arbitration, j • Were forced to choose war's deS*IaUoi» . 4 With all its bloody devastation. Who was to blame-- ' t - Spain. _ ^ When the beat blood of this beat natiotij^ J Waa ffr$siy given from every station. To die of %hat ? Of shire starvation. Who was to' blame-- Spain ? When Spain, agast with consternation, Viewed ocean wreck, war's ruination, Por her fond hope) annihilation. Who was to blame-- Spain. *>4 When Monttuk Point broagbt lamentation, Wben hunger, want and deprivation, faase universal condemnation. Who w^s to blame-- ' Spain? HONOB TO WHOSE HO NOB IS DUB BT B, D. SCOTT, TFF. OI.IHD xcsicii m. Burst forth In jnyful jnbtlee. * For human slaves new hope we eee; Let angels join the holy glee, And swell the anthem higher. Old Qlory gleams In triumph high, Her eagle screams, the vletors cry ; Her Stars and Bars illume the sky, > With freedom's hollowed Are, Dead heroes, dying m the fight For liberty, mid Cuban night. Shall radiani shine in glory's light. On history's fairest page. To worthy Ones be honor riven, Where honors due at court of Heaven; To martyrs who for right have striven .Gainst vengeful Spanish rage. Let bards their songs-of ttlbute bring, To General, to Ohief or King ; For rank and file my voice shall ring. For Uncle Sam's best blood. No high priced, well fed soldiers they. With gold braid traps on chargers gay, Who oonntry serve more for the pay. Than for the nation's good. Then let our flag new Inster gain. When borne by hands without a stain. Privates, who have on altar lain Their all for weal or woe. Business ixtcals. Matchless flour--every sack guaran­ teed, at Owen & Chapell's. Leave your orders for canning peaches and get them direct from the Michigan orchard. Owen & Chapell. irgess, of Milesburg, Pa., i Little Karly Risers are the question the most stylish and best wear­ ing shoe on the market, can be found, at Simon StofU'i. sociation meeting at Glen wood Springs,^ Lake Geneva, on Saturday and Sunday last. F NEWS reaches us of the death of Charles and Joseph Knowle, formerly of Fox Lake. Charles died at the Elgin Insane Asylam at which place he had been con­ fined for some tim;. Joseph died in Chicago Of typhoid fever, the two deaths occurring within fifteen minutes of each ott'er. The fuuerals were held at Fox Lake, Tuesday, the remains being laid at rest in the cemetery at that place. So says the Antioch News. Hotel Arrivals. The following are the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from Aug. 23rd, to Aug. 29th inclusive: Tuesday, Aug, 23--W. C. Geler, H. L. Blakeslee and wife, M. Blaston, Chicago. Wednesday, Aug. 24--M. L. Joslyn, Woodstock; C. L. Goodman, Chicago. Thursday, Aug. 25--R. L. Smith, 0. A. Lawrence, ('hicago. Friday, Aug. 26--E. P. WiiB, A. Rogers, I), Ritter, Wm. Jauncey, ('has. Chase, R. J. White and wife, Chicago: Mrs. F. W. Brophy, Jean M. Brophy, Florence A. Brophy, C. J. Barnes, Fox Lake; E. M. St. John,' Rockford; Mrs. G. W. Lyon, San Francisco; Mrs. Fred Lay, Topeka: Edith Fletcher, Fox Lake. Saturday, Aug. 27--R. E. Corrigan, P. J. Lawler, E. M. Kelley, Harry Wright, H. L. Blakeslee and wife, Theo. Wade, T. F. Kellev, f M. Cramer, E. A. Cox, J. D Cox, R. J. Hilliuger and wife, L. M. Price and'wife, H. E. Ellison and lady, H J Smith and lady, A. W. McOmber,Chicago. Sunday. Aug. 28--C. D. Frett, Jennie Littman, McHenry. Monday. .T- H. Murphy, Mo- line; H. P SaundSTBTtSetauqua Bay; E W. Bobbin". GreenwoodyM. L. -loslyn, Woodstock. ^ For Sale. Feed warehouse and (^oal sheds, situ ntedat West McHenry, til., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenrv. or J. E. Uristy, Ringwood, 111. 33ti Loat--A ladies light tan broad cloth jacket with strap seams, two white but­ tons lined with light blue stripped silk Lost on the road between J. McCabe's east of Volo, and Long Lake. Suitable reward. Leave at J. McCabe's or at this office. 2-w Writing at Home. - Wanted;--A limited number of persons to do writing at their homes. Twenty- five cents paid for every hundred words. Promptness and good work necessary. Applications must be accompanied by ten cents for particulars. Address: The Sioux City business College, Sioux City, Iowa. , GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION. The chief Bu: says DeW itt's best pills he ever used in his family dur- §jng forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in result. By J. A, Story. \ Sick headaches, biliousness, constipa­ tion and all liver and stomach troubles can' be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. By J. A.Story. Leave your orders for caaning peaches and get them direct from the Michigan orchard. Owen & Chapell. HOME SEEKER'S EXCURSIONS. On July 19, August 2,16, September G, 20, October 4 and 18, the North-Western Line will sell home seekers' excursion ticketB, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents of Chicago & North-Western R'y. 2-7w BICYCLE SUPPORT. Best attachment ever put on a wheel. Light, strong, sure, always goes with wheel, stand it anywhere, in the house or out doors, on the road, at the races, ball game, etc. Sit on if desired. All nicli@l$^. $1.50 Express charges paid. W. H. MORGAN, 2-w 7 Peabody, Kansas. f A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WELL, A. RUSH NIGHT AMD DAT. V* • '•#5' A Fall Met of Six War Memorial Spoons Absolntuly Pre* to Every Family In the United States. For sixty days we'll give absolutely without cost a full set of six war Memo­ rial Spoons to eVerj family sending us a cash order for Household Furniture se­ lected from our catalogue, no matter whether the order be for $1 or $1,000 This means that we're going to add fifty thousand names to our list of per­ manent customers. We're going to de­ monstrate that it pays to send direct to the factory for furniture. This dis­ tribution will cost us thousand of dollars --and make us thousand of friends. Each spoon is of a different design-- Four U S. Battleships, including the "Maine," Soldiers in Camp in Caba, and Morro Castle. These spoons are not the cheap kind advertised extensively at $1.00 to $1.50 a set. They are warranted best coip silver plate on a base of pure nickel silver (not low grade brass). They will wear for years and become a priceless heir­ loom for future generations. Send for a copy of our. catalogue today. You should enclose a stamp or two to help pay postage. '* QUAKER VALLEY MFG. CO., 353,355 & 357 W. Harrison St, Chi 9-4M, See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. A large line of clothing Bamples to select from, at M. J. WALSH'S. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Barns. Quart Mason fruit cans at 50c per do*en, at Owen & Chapell's. •- KANE COUNTY FAIR. AUG. 30-SEPT. 2, 1898. For this occasion the North-Western Line will sell roand-trip tickets from Dixon, Elmhurst, Belvidere, McHenry, and all intermediate points to Batavia, at one and one-third fares. Exhibitors;; ticketB at special rates. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y for full piarticulars. LABOR DAY CELEBRATION ROCK- FORD, ILL., SEPT. 5,1898. September 4-5 the North-Western Line will sell tickets to Rockford from all sta­ tions in Illinois within 75 miles, at one and one-third fares for round trip; good until September 6. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT SONS OF VETERANS, U. S. A., OMAHA, SEPT. 12-16, 1898. For this occasion, all agents of the Northwestern Line will sell round-trip tickets to Omaha, Sept. 1011, at reduced rates, good until Sept. 21. Apply to agents for full particulars. 9-2w LAI>IES Shirt Waists at 50 cents on the dollar at A. P. Baer's Farmers Store. See his advertisement. Get a shirt waist cheap at Owen & Chapell'^. Remember the great closing oat sale of summer goods at Owen & Chapell's. The handsomest assortment of Shirt Waists to be found ia the county*. The ladies should not fail to call and see them at Simon Stoffel's. THE ladies are invited to call at the store of Simon Stoffel and get the Sept. sheet of Metropolitan Fashions. Hanly Bros. Mill, The Mill of Hanly Bros., on the West Side, which, on account of the damage to the dam, was l&id up for repairs, is now again in running order and they are prepared to do all kinds of Grinding ou short notice with their usual promptness and in a satisfactory manner. Bring along your Grists, either for Flour or anything in the Feed line. We are pre­ pared to accommodate you. HANLY BBOS. West McHenry. Auditors' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors and Road Commissioners of the town of McHenry, County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, will hold a semi-annual meeting at the Town Clerk's Office, West McHenry, Illinois, at the hour of 2 o'clock I\ M., on Tuesday, the 6th day of September, 1898, for thelpur- poseof examining and auditing the town accounts. All persons interested^ take due notice. M. J. WALSH, Town Clerk. As Packers at the Battle sf IliSllip ii Oubs were all Her*«s--Their Hwrfl Efforts In Getting Ammunition aad la.' tlons to the Froat Saved the Day. Awarded Highest lippors--World's Fair, P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writ* ing from Santiago de Caba, on July 33d, says: " We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammnni- tion and rations, but thanks to Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were ready to keep at work and keep our health; in fast, I sincerely believe that at one crit cal time this medicine was the indirect saviour of oar army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been noway uf getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this med­ icine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know in foar cases it ab» solutely saved life." The above letter was written to* the manufacturers of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dee Moines, Iowa. For sale by J. A. Story. f v -t •; i'0} '-,U. LITTLE MAID O' DREAMS Never dreamed of anything so pood tar -. the human race as Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Pepsin. So pleasant to take and so po­ tent as a cure for Constipation, Indiges­ tion and Sickheadache, three of the greatest troubles that flesh is heir to. Ia 10c, 50c and $1.00 sizes of J. A, Story.j| New Cider Milt; The undersigned has built a new build­ ing and put in a new Cider Mill, and is now prepared to make your apples into cider on short notice and guaranties satisfaction. Every mSn yrill get his cider from his own apples, where he has ten bushels or over. Remember my miH is all new and good work will be war­ ranted. Bring along your apples. Mill an the Richmond road, near the Coma- tery. McHenry. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, Juiy 22,1898. $1 00 FOR 10c. A gentleman from Fanner a Farmer City, writes: remedy, Dr. Caldwell's "I have used your remeay, in. uaiaweii's Syrup Pepsin, and find it an excellent medicine. My whole family use it. Oar baby is only (> months old and takes it freely. I would not be without it if the 10c size cost me$l 00--Lincoln S. Payne, (n 10c, 50c and $1.00 siies at J. : Story's. Fall and winter shoes, latest stjlbt, just received. M. J. WALSH. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. By J. A. Story. Tan shoes and slippers at reduoed prices to make room for fall goods. M. J. WALSH. Win your battles against disease bar acting promptly. One Minute Cougn ' ure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it fnrninhtffi prompt reHBf. By J. A. Story. Just received a car of the famooa Fancy flour. Try a sack. Fully war* ranted. M. J. WALSH. A PROMINENT LAWYER, Of Greenville, III., Mr. C. E; Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousnesa, •tick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies^ but- *ts disappointed until I tried By rap Pepsin, I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A* Story, McHenry. Collars, cuffs, shirts and ties in wdlesi variety, at M. J. WALSW|^§ SILVER DRAGON TEA. , The best Tea in the market, and bough before the Tax. Sold now at 50 cents per pound. At Simon Stoffel's. M • . Remember the great closing out sals of. v summer goods at Owen & Chapell's. | J o v®! '.. -i S HAY FEVER. '-Dr. Humphreys' Specific TP* SUM liay Fever and Autumn Catarrh; all druggists; 25c, or Humphreys' MedieiBe Company, New York. New stock of hats, cape and gloves, tt ALSB'B. .M latest styles and loweet j^riras,^at tV-.:. running Peaches direct from the finest orchard in Michigan. Leave orders early for one half and one bushel baskets. Just received word from the shippers that the best canners are ready to ship now. Owed & Chapell. VUCB W CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. „ ^ Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve. It heals promptly and cures ecze­ ma and all skin diseases. It §pv@8 im­ mediate relief. By J. A. Story. Remember the great closing oat Sals of summer goods at Owen & Chapell's. Dress goods, dress trimmings aad, ings at Stoffel's. Hosiery of the beet makes oafr aft S. Stoffel's. ______ Men's Ties and Fine Shirts at StoBei's. WantedAn Idea sHSs '.vntitct jour tdeAs: they may Matrat MM. - Wrlto JOHN WEftOEKBURN ft OOTNTMT AU» oejrs, Washington. D C for tbeir S1300 prfSOOSw •ad Uat of two bundted inrantaM waatoeu :rnf The newest styles and makes IQ NBu­ rn or Dress Suitings at Stoffel's. Straw and Canvas Hats, ia great variety at Simon Stoffel's. J "I think DeWitt's Witch Haiel Saite i(t j * the tii >eet preparation on the market tor 5 piles." So writes John C. Dunn ot W h e e l i n g , W . Y a . t T t y i t a n d v o u w i l l " = think the same. It also cures £;• and all skin diseases. By J. A. Story ~ Buy your Grand Army suits of S. === fel. All sizes and best goods. One Minute Cough Cure, cturpk TWi u wtotiijm and* tar. Call at Simon Stoffel's and aslf for a Metropolitan Fashion She^L ^ I have made a specialty ot the proas cution of all kinds of damage case* against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, flw fifteen years and make no charge aalMS uccessful. Call or write m*. t?. ft BARNES^ A^^ ' ̂ N DeWitt'a Little Early « Ttf» IIMW little yi-Ki cures corns and war*. •Wi' fSai: •5s ^IX i Sbfe,

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