Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1898, p. 8

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ftteve h«r • W, O. T V. m fev'T' S£ if •- SP1-" rt" £" t \ r.\ >A. f +*i & ^ < >• f'^r": W:i?: 'I**'-',! r-'.'¥ : ?y.r:*.',r uitn ot tki • no pari or credit for the Tht Rut Thins, we need for the oomfort and i homes in this country is in oar state that when DM riUMtiit relatives and three physicians 4Cgo6tfa&d regular standing combined' make oath that any man or woman has lost the power of self-control, and thus became morally insane, by reason of the alcohol, chloro, opium or tobacco habits it shall be lawful for the judge to commit inch person to the industrial home or Nfuge for such patients, such home to be established by the state, and such person to be detained there for a fixed length of time, dependent on behavior, and at the discretion of the judge. It is an immense loss of power for the home people to been- dangered in life, and estate, bv the pre- ••nee of those whoee moral insanity is as mrtainly as great a disturber of the peace of the home and its prosperity as would be the presence of a person men- telly insane. It ie a relic of barbarism tor the home people to be obliged to en­ dure the atrocities, dangers and discom­ forts involved in the presence with them of such incapables, and most of all when they are either father or mother of the tamily. It is a cruelty that the state should not longer permit. Some one Who has kept a record declares that three thousand women in the United States have Sxjn slaughtered by their husband's since the yeer 1891. Barmouth Contrasted With Princeton. > For foi ty-thn e years prohibition of tte sale of liquors at retail has been the law of New Hampshire. S'ice the mem­ ory of the oldest irhabitant, the faculty tif Dartmouth College has stood like a wall against drink in all forms. For twenty- five years the faculty hes enforced a rale forbidding intoxicating liquors to be brought into the dormitories or to be •Bed in class spreads. More than that £hreng$ its endowments, Dartmouth Offers beneficiary eid to its needy stu­ dents in the form of scholarships. There are more than two hundred of these •cholarships worth flfly dollars each. Hearly all of these, by faithfulness and proficiency, can be increased from •eventy-flve to eighty-five dollars. Not ' one of these two hundred scholarships is granted to any student under any cir- jBomstances, unless he is a total abstainer from the oflB of strong drink as a fceverageu „ fjrr ANTED--8 E VERAL TRUSTWORTHY ' persona is this state to maaas* our feDBlDMSin tho'r own and nearby countiea, It is mainly office work comlu*te<i HJ. home. straight fSOO a year and expenses-- doflnite, donaflde, no moi r, no leso salary. Hoathly, §75. References. Enclose se't- •ddressed stamped envo.ope, Herbert E Heas, Pres., Dept. M, Chicago. l0-4m ; The editor of the Evans City, Pa.. G/ohe, writes. "One minute Cough Cure t Is rightly named. It cured my children ; ' after all other remedies failed." It cures .1., , Onughs, colds, and ail throat and lung / f troubles. By J. A. Story. i^'.v Hee the new Dress Ginghams and ^•SMIjpaliooes at Owen * Chapelt's. Roorii We Must Have, Both of above very essential in preparing for NEW FALL GOODS. C% 'f-' V , ' f O m4 HUMPHREYS' K A 1 Cures Fsver. ^1#.* £ " Worms. Ma 8 * infants' Diseases. 'tt<K |l " ; Diarrhea. Hy. ^:J&. Qougha. '..jrto. 8 Cures Neuralgia. •' Headache. 1 Dyspepsia. 11 u Dels yed Periods. -1 .o. 12 u Leuchorrea. iVo. 18 Cures Croup. ' .*/,7 Wo. 14 ** Skin Diseases. •>, i*o. 1-0 '* Rheumatism. Ma te 44 Materia. »<x 10 " Catarrh. ^ 3Sfcx 20 Cures Whcoping Cough JNfo. 21 ' ** A stn ma. No. 214 .. " Oen3ral Debility, Ka 26 " ffea Sickness. JNo. 217 " Kicwaey Diseases. JNu. 28 Cures Nei rous Debility Mo, 80 Uri-iary Diseases JNo. 32 " He&.rt Disease. ..JMo. 34 a Sore Throat. JNo. 77 " Colds and Grip. Da. B>jari HXKTE HOMEOPATHIC MAJCOAL at DNUSCI MAILED FBEX. Bmall bottles of olaasant pellets, lit the •rest /•:;% pocket Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid ~~ Mspeoe'pt of price, 25 cents, except Nos. 88, a SjJiuT' made SI. )0 aize only. Humphreys' 3 ||f oico Compauy, ill William St., New York. H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT.* |prn» External or Internal, Blind or Hjeedtast vfitolalnAno; Itching or Bleeding of the Hectma. ThareUrf immediate-- cnre certain. TWT^T.aTTt!, aafPP|| FltZOB, 60 CT8> 0sM tof DrugfiiiSj, mint poet-paid oa raoelpfe <o! prlMk <MVUIW&IB.CE.>M*UIINHMIH.I8XWT<«I "Gap SheafM Brand Seda.f nsjcr WORLD.! In view ofthe above wo have Divided the Price ,T0FFEL :• iP»T MoHBNRT, Ii L.f Move r+9* . '4 There is a why and wherefore for everything, WHY , ^ We Wear clothes has gone beyond the realm of discusaiott^^'1 W HEREITOftB good dramMrs prefer to wear ««B«» - - • made by- Move. For your own benefit, and that of those who furnish tlH:' ^ •«where-with," is to ' " r " "V , . V.. the Direction of Qui Store Where you will find a choice oflFering this Week in NEW DRESS GOODS 1 ho new est thin^ in Black Dress Goods, and th» finest and most fashionable in the market. Something never before offered in this town. Also braids and trimmings to matobir Also in Cotton Goods We have a full line of French Percailes, Ginghaibs and other denrabie patterns. MoHKNRY, The finest and most fashionable stock of CLOTHING, HATS, and CAPS, On many Summer Goods and are desirous of Showing you the Result. A New Line of Fancy Shoes Just received. In Ladies we have the newest and stylish shoe in the market. For beauty and durability they cannot be beat anywhere. In Gentlemen's wear we have aii the new styles, and defy competition in this line. CALL SOON. J. E. CRISTY, Rmgwood, 111 We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of alt Kinds. BUGGIES I BUGGIES 1 Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier Anc t"he Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and wo are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. •' Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, July 27, 1898. "Paint Points" To be found in this County* Is a matter worthy of explanation. The reason is simple an# ry iB told in few words. It is BECAUSE he makes the clothes strictly to the measure ojf the party ordering tbem. The are trimmed well, they fit wel preserve their shape, and above all --they wear well. His prices arc "popular*' FOR THE REASOlf that they are reasonable. They are made to fit the pockets as his garments are made to fit the forMl of his customers. He guarantees SATISFACTION, and more thafe that--gives it. He wantB your trade and he is ever ready to make it an objoct for you to be with him. Now is the time to call. , . A 'iM New Fall and Winter Sam Just Received McHetfry, Sept. 5th, 1893* J. D. LODT2 jr,: • r --"•tS; •L Summer Goods at Cost. In order to made room for our large stock of Fall and Winter Goods now arriving, we will, for the next fifteen days, sell all Summer Goods at Cost and Below. SHlbtT WAISTS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Another Car of Pillsbury's Best this Week. SIMON West McHenry, III.. Sept. 7, 1898. A. P. BAER, Pi-apt 11FABMEI West McHenry, NATIONAL, FLAGS, Set of thirty cards showing the nation ii fla xs of the principal nations of the< r*orld. One of these cards is packed in] , <$£EACH large package of CAP SHEAF SODA. :• a complete set is desired, we will mail^l> ae on receipt of five one pound Cap tiShsnftvrappers. Give your name and w [poetofllce plainly written. STLAKS K CO., RABPRT, JR.**. . the title of a little book with a big purpose. Its mission is to enlighten everybody on the use of paint and the best particular paint for each use, from the/ enamelling of atable to the painting of a house. One ofl the pest things it does Is to make you acquainted with f THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Paints Thereover the most •urface, look bwt» last longest and in most economical. If you are going to paint it will pay you to send for this little book. It'* free for the asking. JHE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., PAINT MAKERS. 18*., CWUad. m WMkl.ft.rn Hi., H. T. £628 SUeart Ave., €k!«ag*. istdae K., IK!!"!; DR. CALDWELL' tYRUP ' CURES INDtMSTI WELL'S ai PEPSIN OLTTION. II E L B . P E R K I N S , McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint andWall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Qalland see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all WaH Papor, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates oik work. B B. PEBK/NS. "Remember the Maine." D E W - E Y Undersell our Competitors? We would like to c - u - B - A Customer of The Farmers' Store. HERE ARE A FEW BOT SHOTS. Bleached Muslin, f yard wide, 4c. Bleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, 5c. Bleached Mus in^l yard, 6c. Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, 4£c. Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard, 5c. Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard, 5£c. Unblteached Muslin, 1 yard, 6c. Denim's Blue,. Everett brand, 10c. Denim's Brown, Everett brand, 10c. Denim's Fancy Check, Everett -brand, lOe. (Pictures and Rhyme), by PALMER COX rfTi -IN- Chicago Inter-Ocean. Sunday liter Ocean, Bernini Sevtenler 11. Weekly Inter Ocean, Beginning Septeafar 13. "Order from Newsdealers or by Mail from THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago, III. ar-w • 4inia iitiii.i' • DIALIB nr :UGS and MEDICINES • »DLL LIIIBOF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors on um, D FDLL LTM OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLE*. Stationary and Drugglata' Swmlrlaa. Physicians' PwscriptionsSss-M-«w. Tour Pfttroaage U reapectfally MliftlUd. mm -- JULIA A. 13<T C r -Door W ettof St* irmdt £<w<^ M oBmtg,lU. 4-t a Groceries. SHIRT WAISTS at just £ the regular price. Ladies' Black Skirts $2.00, the best in town. In boots and shoes we have somo decided bargains that will interest you. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE Our line is complete. We will sell you anything you want from a cup to a full dinner set. Call and see us before buying. Teas and Coffees are one of the leading features of our Grocery Department, You will always find them the very best in the market for the money. Java and Mocha coffee can't be beat at any price. W e sell it at 30e per pound. Santa Rosa coffee, the best combination coffee op the market, 28c. # San Seard coffee, the best coffee in McHenry Co., for 25c. We have Rio coffees at 10c, 15c and 20c, very choice. Give them a trial. Tanglefoot Fly Paper 4 double sheets for 5c. Gold Dust 16c fo* 4 lb. package. Space won't permit us to quote more. Call and see the many bargains we have in store for yon. Old Sleepy Eye Flour is still the We do not have to change times a year like some merchants do, trying to get a flour that will suit the trade. Sleepy Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one Flour. pleading brand, brands two or three that uses it. We have a lot on hand made from old wheat delivered to any part of McHenry. Yours for trade, West McHenry. Illinois! Goods THE WAR IS OVER --BUT- JACOB JUSTEN, "The Rciable Furniture Deale: Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of tha Bank of McHenry^ with a full stook of furniture of ail kinds* to which he invites the attention of the buying public. T 7^ su.i Parlor and Bed Room Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NC^T BE UNDERSOLD on any class 3f Furniture, quality of gooob considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in 4|y line. WE OABBT A FDLL LINE OP * • Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Ete* We guarantee first class work in every respect. '$• Call Mid see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN, McHeavf, HI., Sept. V4®®®* •m • ' • My mm mmm

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