Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1898, p. 4

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Jttahiwlert WEDNESDAV, SEPT. 21, 18»8. #» J, VAN 8LYKK, Editor. -- ftfcMCMBCR THE WARMH^' m B.BFT7BLIOAN TXCKET. •':3 STATE, •wr State Treasurer-- FLOYD K. WBXTTEMORK. For Superintendent ot Public Instruction-- ALFRED BAYLISS. Trustee* of the State University-- FRED L. HATCH, A. F. NIGHTINGaI-E, " MS8. ALIOE A. ABBOTT. |jy„ £ .. • OONGKK88TOWAL. •H*", " , "Ifcwr of Congress, 8th District-- ff'"• • ^BERT J. HOP*INS,' t •*<$?< XBGI8LATIVR. ^ Representatives, Gtthtb District-- GEORGE R. LYON, of Lake County. D. A. FULLER, of Boone County. OOTTBTTT TICKKT, Wm Cfcwtjr Jndee-- ' O.H. GILLMOllB. jftbr Ovaatr Clerk-- GEO, F. RUSH TON. •or Ooucty Treasurer-- FRANK F. AXTKLL. Iter Sheriff-- HENRY KEYE8. For Oonntr Superintendent of schools-- W. K. WIRE. » .;v ir-rwf A-VKTI^F FOB , Clothing and - Footwears ^*Prenid<ut MoKiiiU-j- lias given the peace comiui«8ioner» their instructions, and they sailed from New Yoric, en route to Paris. on Saturday. No official an­ nouncement baa been made of the posi­ tion that the commissioners will take' in their negotiations with the Spanish commissioners, but there has been an almighty lot of gueesing, and it wrold be strange, indeed, if eome of the gueeeers did not come very near to the truth. One thing is known and that is that there is to be no general discussion of matters already regarded by this government as definitely settled by the protocol. The American commissioners will treat Spain as a conquered nation. The proposition of this government will be submitted to the Spanish commission­ ers, and it must be either accepted or rejected. If accepted, they will proceed at once to the negotiation ol the treat} ; if rejected, fighting Will be resumed, un lees this government sees fit to modify its proposition. The general itnpressior in Washington is that our propoeitioi will include the withdrawal of Spanish authority from the Philippine Islands but opinious differs as to the disposition it will propose to make of the islands, other than Luzon, which it is practically certain we shall keep. Some think an independent government, under our pro­ tection, will be proposed for the rest ol the island?; others, that we shall tak< the whole of them at once, and sti.l others that Spain may be allowed tr keep all except Luzon, if she will guaran­ tee them good government and grant us liberal trade concessions. But after al these are guesses. ' •Sill" Hi? K * fen y - 'if*: mr Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was firm; offerings 1©4 tubs; sales, 144 tubs at 20c. Butter the same time last year, 20c; last week, $0c. Sales reported for the past week, fD,000 tubs. VfW-The men who are now making ®oise about sickness fn the camps are the same breed which at the beginning of the war accused the president of cow­ ardice becausu he refused to rush the troops into the yellow fever stricken Havana. If those critics had been fol­ lowed the whole army would have been jtnad by this time. WA Parisian Journal claims for F^nce a steadfast friendship for the United States from the beginning to the close of the war with Spain. Technically this attitud ? of neutrality may not be gainsaid. Literally it wan not volun­ tary and did not long precede the open ing of hostility s. A London paper de monstrates that France initiated and Russia and Germany co-operated in aii undertaking to help Spain and humiliate the Inited States before the open rup­ ture occured. Great Britain was neces­ sary to this tour of force and Great Britain's vigorous negative was the di rect inspiration of Messrs. Balfour, Pan- ncefote and Chamberlain. So that France can without violation of the let ter of verity advance claim of non-inter­ ference during the conflict. But in spirit our cffervescirg sifcter republic of the coming exposition was pro Spani h and anti- American. i i i < i i i i i i i i i i i 4 i Are your cheeks hollow and lips white? Is your appetite poor and your di­ gestion weak? Is your flesh soft and have you lost in weight? These are symptoms of anemia or poor blood* They are just as frequent in the summer as in the winter* And you can be cured at one time just as well as another. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil with hypo- phosphites will certainly help you. Almost everyone can take it, and it wiU not disturb the weakest stom­ ach. It changes the light color of poor Hood to a healthy and rich red. It nourishes the brain; gives power to the nerves. It brings back your old weight and strength. Ail Druggists. 50c. and ft. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York Just at evjr before with A-WHOLE STORE OF EARGAKS ; I^The biennial state election was fcold in Maine the 12th. The Repub­ licans re dieted Powers for governor by "about 25,000 plurality, and returned Congressmen Reed, Dingley, Burleigh and •JJoutelle to their seats in congress by Jcood majorities. The campaign was ne- tnarkable from tBe fact that the first time in forty years theie was no s*ump- g nor was campaign literature dis- iribntad. 1^*Ex-Govenor John M. Hamilton, jBn'te well known in McHenry county, is ^Ported to be in a very feeble condition s ln Los Angeles, California. Some time v) be suffered a kemorhage of the throat which left him in such a weak ?. • ifrtate that fears are entertained as to his ultimate recovery. Mr. Hamilton's * #on is with the volunteer troops in Cuba, as the family have not heard from ;' »f»ira for several weeks, it is a source of frreat worry to the ex-govenor, and it M?"The only difficulty with the idea that has been voiced in eome quarters, ol making Admiral Dewey the Democratic candidate for president in 1900, is that Dewey is a Republican. t.honffht tn Ha wo mnnh present state of health. bis iS;:. P iWSaturday, September 10, was the eighty-fifth anniversary of that memor- Jjjable naval contest after the successful ^*ooncluBion of which in favor of theAmeri- Perry sent the senten- dispatch to his government-- "We have, met the enemy and they are ^ours." Upon the issne of this battle de- Upended the control of the great and • the dominion of the vast territory in the ^northwest. Perry flaunted the lest words of Lawrence, "Don't give up the fihip," from the main royal masthead in ; the face of a confident enemy, and there ;: are few pages in history which tell c (Btory like that of Perry's victory Greater bravery and herdism than that exhibited by Perry and his men cannot be imagined. 9 * A peculiar history has just come to light in regard to a letter which was mailed in Australia nine years ago and has been traveling about the world in mail bags ever since. It was posted b3 ^ Jefferson Rheines and addressed to his , wife in Virginia, but she had left there and the letter was returned'lo the writer, Rheines was dead and the letter was again sent to this country; it has since crossed both oceans and passed through the jost-offices of the leading cities. The letter contained the last will of her hue band and bequeathed to his wife and children the Bum of $120,000. One son, ^®®wn as "Boston Rheines," is an army cook at Santiago; the other son has . barber shop. Mrs. Rheines is now a res ident of Denver and will secure the wind ^ fall at once. CO TAKJS GOOD OAAE OF SOLDIERS Or Ten bars of Lenox Soap for 25r. Baki igr Powder 10'*. per lb. Fin* Mixed V*miles 10a a lb Ooiiden«e<l Milk- 10c a can. Fort Dear, bom Mince Meat Sc per box Biril Peed 1)'* per lb. Sardines 5c, a box. Gold Dust 18c per box. Ten »it. Galvanized Palls ?0c, 12 qt 25fe, 14 qt. 30c. Theie pails ars in utrictly iirst clas» order. Bnpgy Whips 10cs>»nd up. Ax aelves 10', 15c and :0a each, Pick Handles 10ceach. Ma!! handles 12o. White Lead 36 rer lb. Brooms 12\ Hhlrt Walste, which we hav« been selling for 5'tc, «5c anu 95c to close at 25" each. We have of late pur- based a very largo stock of shoes of the latest styles which we will tell at a very close miirgain.and to close out the old stock we are going to put thuu right down where you can't help bat buy when you hear the price and see the goods. We will algo sell ai yth ing in our SUMMER UNDERWEAR AT COST To close it oat from nr>w on, and wiM serve anything in our very large stock of Iiibbonf a' cost until 8'pt. 15th Our lust week's egg market 113< nand 12c 15 bars Nim1 It- Nickel sonp for 25o, Don't forget our moio which Is A Square Deal for Everybody. Don't fail to give us a call. We know we can please you. Yours very truly, Volo, 111. E. RICHARDSON, Ohieafro and Hortbweetei n Issues dert to All of Its Agents. The Chicago'and Northwestern railroad has taken action which does not verify the oft-quoted expression that "corpora­ tions haye no souls." It evinces patriot­ ism and philanthropy beyond that ol the average individual, at least. The following order to all conductors and agents of the railroad was issued Thurs­ day last by General Manager Whitman: You are instructed that special care and attention are to be given to the comfort and welfare of returning soldiers of the United States army en route from the camps to their homes, either on furlough or final discbarge, while upon the trains or at the stations of this company. You will be dilhgent in ascertaining if any such are in need of food, and more par­ ticularly if they are ill and need medicines or medical care and attendance; and if satisfied of their identity, either by the uniform or the exhibition of the proper papers evidencing their discharge or fur­ lough, you will see that their needs are sppplied and all possible ca: c and assist­ ance rendered to them . while u pon the company's lines. Report should be made to division superintendent in each case where assistance has been rendered with the name of the soldier and the or­ ganization to which he belopgs. These reports, as received, will be forwardbd by division superintendents to the general manager. "These instructions apply more espe­ cially to soldiers traveling singly or in small parties, it being assumed that where regiments or companies are return­ ing in charge of their officers, the latter will look after the welfare of their men; but in all cases every assistance in youv power to render for their comfort should be given." have provided both. - Never during our time here, which is 1H years, have we offered for sale such a large, complete and well selected stock of Suits and Overcoats in Men's, Boys' and Children's as we have placed on our counters this fall In making your selec­ tion out of a stock so large, clean and new, you are sure to find styles and patterns you could not find elsewhere. We ask in justice to yourself to give us a look. We will risk our stock to do the resti SHOES AND RUBBERS. W e have looked after every detail of the footwear bnsiness, our entire stock of Rubbers was bought before the advance. The most important School Shoe of the well known make of Selz, Schwab & Co. is here in all sizes for boys and girls, they will stand the hops, skips and jumps of the young and turn the wet. The leather boot is taking its place again on the farm for fall wear, we have the as­ sortment. Rubber goods in all widths and sizes, felt and fusion lined. Our under stock comprises the entire line, men's, women's ind children's, from a cheap cotton to the best Woolen goods. Duck coats, overalls, jackets and shirts. Remember our glove and mitten line. Fall Caps, wool Sweaters, Groceries, Flout. Remember in trading with us you are not as ed to pay the old long time prices5 we own our stock at rock bottom, spot cash prices. If ours, lor Fall. Trade, West Mt Heary, III. JOHN J. MILLER. Fall into the Procession and make Your Fall Purchases at the NEW STORE > v * w w w vvwvwwrwv* wool We ure receiving the ( old Weather Goods almost daily, and buying for Spot Oath, saving all discounts, unables us to give you the lowest possible prices. We hove some special drives in UNDERWEAR. Lidies' Fleece-lined, the 40c quality, for 25c. C hildren's underwear from 20c to 60c, Men's from 25c to $1. Hosiery in all colors and *ize9 from 5c to 50c per pair. Furnishing Goods. Dress Good*. Percales, Gineham*, P'lannelettta, Qutinjr nels, etc., in all the newest designs and colore*. Shoes! Shoes! ShbesI Wo are showing the finest line of S! 0)8 «v*r brought to this vill ige. Our pric s are the lowest We start the children's at 23c. Large stock of Fresh, Flan- AND GROCERY STORE. HEIMER'ft BLOCK. Opposite J; A. Story's Drug itore ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Wheat, Graham and Bye Bread, Cakes, Pies etc., fresh baked every day. 4iso a line line of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, CAW NED GOODS, ETC. The pntrone^t of the '• solicited ^ * JOHN HAUPRISCH, McHenry, Jure 6 1*98. Flour, Canned Good*, Fruits, etc.. always on h«nd. Gcods delivered promptly. Yours Truly, "3 West McHcniy. M.J.WALSH. F. L. McOMBER, The McHenry Marble and 7^ Granite Works. [cHenry New York Journal hopes for a national fic&sda! whsa {Jen. Miiee »r- rivee; and when Secretary Alger me4 Generals Miles and Shatter. The reet ot country i» homing for a continuance ol the dignified attitude of all three die- | anguished bearers of high office. In du« | time a committee of senators and con ^ gressmen'ie expected,--impartially and ;j noa-pdUtically,--to eearchingly probe for reeponsibilitj for the blunders and short t|| comings which have occared in the etaff " management ol three of the bureaus ol y the war department But the country will countenance no mere manufacture ol political campaign material and no mere fruitless scandals. Correction for the future rather than punishment for th* ftast will be the aim of *oj proper, pro­ fitable injury. . f - iKSSai BM the Mecktiee at Owen ft Chapell's. County Prohibition Conven­ tion. In answer to call of the County Chair­ man the Prohibitionists of McHenry county met in mass convention at the Court House in Woodstock, Friday afternoon, Sept. 16,1898. TEe nuetisg was called to order by E B. Smith, of Ridgefield, chairman of the county committee. Dr. 0. P. Graves, ol AJden, was chosen chairman of the con yention and Rev. E. D. Hull, of Harvard, secretary. At the request of the chai - man N. B. Helm, of Harvard, led ii prayer invoking the divine blessing oi. the meeting. The following nomination- were made for county officers: Co'juty Js4g<!*--Jobs--Gorlefct,--bsn rence. County Clerk--B. R. Morse, Ridgefield County Treasurer--L. H. 8. Barrow* Woodstock. Sheriff--E. E. Lucas, Ridgefield. County Supt. of Schools--Emma S Norton, Marengo. I he organization of the County Com mittee was taken up and it was deeid^d to let it remain as it is at present. Hon. O. W. Stewart, chairman of the •Hate Executive committee, then gave an address, giving an account of the work in the state and speaking words ol encouragement about the cause, It was decided to raise a fund for county cam­ paign work. Chairman Stewart gave an address in the eyening. , E. B. SMITH, Chairman County Committee. Aii Kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A Full Line nf Finished Work Constantly on Hartf. Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. J. H. MILLER, McHenry. Frazer Axle Grease pHTHEmui SHALL •fr AFTER .ITWICE rWiVf Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial. Paris and World's Fair. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., Factories: Chciago, Si LouU, New York. WANTED-'EVERAL TRUSTWORTHY person* In this state to manag« oar bubines'in their o»n and nearbv counties. It ia mainly ollice wo k conducte I et home. Sal-r/ straight |9:Xi a year anil exponsee-- ilellnitc, btnalhle, no more, no BBH .salary. Monthly, Urferenoes Kacloio aeir. addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E, Heaa, Freit,, Dept. If, Chicago. ^ l0-4m E^ANSON'S (8UCCESSOB8 OWK&I Are b«re, so do not ncgleet to buy a pair of knee boots or Waders while we have all sizes, as it takes four months to reorder. Rubber goods have advanced in all other grades except the Sna^ Proofs, so buy the best for a very little more money. out-wear any other brand on the market, without a doubt."~ Our winter goods are arriving daily. * J . OVERCOATS, ;f v DRESS GOODS In endless varieties. Underwear in all Weights. New Styles in Hatsj and Caps And now last, but not least, come the Shoes. You all know we aim to keep only the bqst Shoes--and Pingree & Smith are the people that make them. We have the best line ever shown in town in Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes Ln Black and W inter Tan--these Shoes will sell then selves, and let us show you the stock of winter good?. Cat OWEN & CHAPPEL. McHenry. Illinois. W Sacrificing Profits. Taking a Big Loss. GENERAL HARDWARE West McHenry, 111. Look out for our new advertisement. In the meantime call and see aur Bargains in Codk and- Heating Stoves. F. L. McOMBER. V\Te8t S'de Hardware Store Do You Need Shoes? Ycu are invitrd to look over a line for s, P S, S, A Uniform Price of $1.25. Plenty of Fall Goods are ready f »r you now, all for C&th ti.d / with Cash profits on each aiticle. JOHN EVANSON & CO. If est Mofl«rry.^Uiiioifl« „ 18-20 Douglas Ave., Elgin 111.,® Cutting price? right and left to clear stocks. Costs no longed the selling price on Suits and Overcoats. Everything marked at prices that must sell. Taking a loss of thousands of dollars to make a clean sweep. This add. does not tell one-hundredth part, of the clearing sale saving chances. No matter what you may want, it is sure to pay you handsomly to look here for it. Now is the^ time to turn our loss to your profit. Investigate what the bargain tables offer from now on till closed out. Another immense sacrifice of profits to reduce stocks. A clearing sale with us is a clearing sale. hat we want to get rid of must go, no matter how great the loss. This week will be the most- tempting bargains of the sale. The reductions are astonishing. CLOTHING AT I.ESS THAN COST $8.50 $6.50 for all Suits and Overcoats sold formerly at $12, *13 and |1?5. for all Suits and/Overcoats sold lormerly at $8.50, $9^0/$ll. Profits completely sacrificed to clean up our stock, former selling prices ignored. Every suit marked at Costs and price tha$ must sell quickly, the Season < The greatest Money-Saving Clothing Chance of CHEAP CHARLEY, -A ,;3 118-20 Douglas Ave. Ill n-1 m V* 4 { f u .V » ~ - --JSy- '$0? i ,

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