• -V *»" • W. O.T. • Vi Artlelee IB(1 Notices under the above Dead Arc fnrnl»ke<l dt the Led lea of the W. n. T. V ud the edlto. eta'ma BO part or credit lor tlMSMne. AHANYBIDKD EVIL l$b eduoator is not necessarily u eo- Certaioer, and when we publish facte, hard, cold, unquest'onable facta respect ing the countless evils flowing from the foont&in of the liquor traffic, it is not in tended that the reader should find diver sion for a leisure hour, bat rather food for re flection, and arguments to convince cad determine. Look at the question on every side and from every standpoint, and Sf-e if you can find one redeeming feature, physica', mental, moral, social, or financial, in the endless chain of results emanating from the one source. , No man was ever made better, his prospects advanced, his condition im proved, by patronizing the saloon, fie gets value received for the money spent at the grocery, but that spent for. liquor is worse than wasted. The man, hie family, and society, all are sufferers from this evil. We admit the fact, yet permit the evil to continue ; nay more, we are aware that the government protects and defends the traffic by the strong arm of the law. and shares the profits of the business yet but faint protest is heard. There can be only one' motive for stating the scientific, financial, and so cial arguments against the liquor habit and business, viz , to arouse to action those who have it in their power to abol ish the whole evil. In the meantime let us all continue to agitate and educate. fill the secular and religious press as far as possible with articles and facts on this question; scatter leafl9ts where they will do the most good, and be ready at all times with the unanswerable argu ments furnished by an evil that touches every phase of humane life. WANTED-6 EVERAL TRUSTWORTHY peraona in this state to manage our Irafcinea* in their own and nearbv coaniiee. It ia mainly office work conduct© I at home. Salary straight |!>0G a year and expanses- definite, b)DSflde, no more, no 'ess salary. Month IT, i'.'i, inferences Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E He**, Preat., Dept. M, Chicago. ] .'n MILO L. HOWE. DEALERJN PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. 1 Kinds and Sheet Mnaie. West McHenry* - Illinois y'ts Tate te Piano Sl&ols Naturally. A growing girl wto has no Piano misses a great deal of enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, - at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equals satisfaction in jgifcremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You Piguios Tuned and Repaired. On short notice and satisfac tion guaranteed. Ian also Agent (or the Celebrated in proved DOMKST1U SEWING MACHINES, One of the boat AAachinea on the market. Which will be aold on ea.y terme, and gaaran teed, can sad see it. MILO L. HOWE. A. C- SPURLING, Veterinary Surgeon, I West MoHenry, 111. Special attention given to the treat- meat of Cows. Office at realdeneeon Wankeran atreet, one door east of Hotel Perk. . _ »v V I*. • & -- 'Ji ,v., •*, ' w-V. And notice what we ha vapory on sgain. Apron Gingham, worth 5%c, for 4c; French Gingham, worth 10c, now 8c. Dress Goods, worth 50c, for 42c; dress goods, worth 55c, for 45c. Black dress goods, worth 40c, now 32c. Dress pat terns, 8 to 12 yards, lc a yard off Red table cloth, 60 inches, plaid, worth 35c, for 33c; dark red figured, 60 inches, worth 32c, for 28c. Goat gloves 25c pr. pair. Silk neckties 25c. Toiler soap 4c per bar. Ladies' underskirts, worth 91-45 for $1.20. Ladies' 75c rubbersior 65c. Suiting, regular 12c for 10c. Ten bars Lenox soap 25c. Gold Dust 18c per box. Arbncklee coffee 10c per lb , Golden Rule Brand. Rubber goods, the best on the market, guaranteed to give rafect satisiacUou at the very lowest possible. Respectfully Yours, •olo, 111. £ RICHARDSON, •m We HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE WF Over Sni naif Million Acres of splendid hard wood Umber lmul in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway. The best land proposi tion ever made to Bet- tiers. The timber more than pay» for the land. For prices, terms, and all details, write or apply to J. F. CLEVELAND. Land Comr. C. & N. W. • Ry., Chicago. ' i f ' . , - % • JUST RECEIVED c - vVv -v^ * 4 - - • ' : \ \ • * "v- .Seven Choice Patterns of Mixed Silk and t**ool.. Jf* w • S W GO Cents per yard> are Cheap at 75 Cents. NEW, NEAT AND DRESSY. MOW ON HAND ' "MEN'S. FUB OYEROOATB. A Choice Assortment at Right Prices. o Felt Boots, Overs and all kinds of Winter Footwear at Honest Prices. Our stock will compare favorably with any in the county. We have but oue piice and that the lowest. J. E. CRISTY. Ringwood, 111, • TlfcfAH T»P--B K V K R A L TRUSTWORTHY T* ypMQpa In this state to manage our baalnewtfethelr own ard nearby counties It I*msinljr office work conducted at home' Mir ttraight »«00 a year and expenses- deialte, bonafide. no more, no lea* salary Mtatttf, §75. References, Enclose self.' Mdreaaed itompw envelope, Herbert E Bm FrMtn D«pt, M, Otalo«fo, xo tn M * • DEALEB IH DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINK OF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, -- if*- _| m sr **rrfy"r Paints, Oils and Colors nwnnii ov uxo. FULL LIUB OF PATKNT MEDICINE8, TOILET ARTICLE8, ' Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions j • Oaref*lly compounded by % BegUtertd Phaimaelal, Tour Patronftge U respectfully aollelted. am----JUV1A A. 7 CT I ntDoor W ttlef Bvtrmde } eHenry,lll a For Hard Use It'U pay to paint things that have to stand hard out-of-door use--things like wagons, mowing ma chines, plows, ail farm tools, big and little--But not with common paint. The one proper paint for the purpose- made to stand hard wear and the effects of hard weather--is The SHERWIN- WILLIAMS WAGON and IMPLEMENT PAINT Made for nothing bat wagons, farm machines, and tools. The makers guarantee it, time and thousands of users have proved its great qualities. For buggies and vehicles where fine color and varnish gloss j, are wanted, get The Hherwln-Willlams Buggy Paint. Write . for "Paint Points"--a book Tor every onewhp aaea paint--mod eolet card of the special paint you want to use. Both' free* THM SHERWIN- WILLI A MS OO., PAIMT AND COLOR MAKKKB, JJ629 Stewart Avenue, Chicago also Cleveland, New York, and Montreal. B . P E R K I N S , McHENRY, ILLINOIS. carrying a large stock of Cloaks and Jackcts, there are necessarily a few left over each year, which we have heretofore sent to an Auction store in Chicago to be disposed of. y< J now have a few Left- AI4, OF THE BEST MAK£ AN© MATERIAL, you can buy at Own Price. IW,J ^ We have arranged a table for these goods where you cafi exam ine them and get your choice, regardless of cost. We do not claim they are the latest style, but all good goods and many of them, with a slight change can be made near the present style. THIS IS A RARE CHANCE To Get a Serviceable Cloak FOR A LITTLE MONEY. These Cldaks will remain on Sale for the next TWO WEEKS, after which they will bo sent to Chicago to be disposed of. Call Early and LooJifThem Over. , ^ y * O ^ ~ We have provided both. Never during our time here, which is' 16 years, have we offered for sale such a large, complete and well- selected stock of Suits and Overcoats in Men's, Boys' and Children's as we have placed on our counters this fall. In making your selec tion out of a stock so large, clean and new, you are sure to findl styles and patterns you could not find elsewhere. We ask in justice yoursclf ^lve US a We will risk our stock to do the rest.% 'SHOES AND RUBBERS. We have looked after every detail of ^the footwear bnsiness, our entire stock of Rubbers was bought before the advance. The mos# important School bhoe of the well known make of Selz, Sctiwab & U>. is here m all si^s for boys and girls, they will stand the hops, skips and jumps of the young and turn the wet. The leather boot is taking its place again on the farm for fall wear, we have the as J sprtment. Rubber goods in all widths and sizes, felt and fusion, TS u-,?Wr/3n(!er8tQckcomprise8the enitire line> men's, women'# and children s, from a cheap cotton to the best woolen goods. Ducfe^ coats, overalls, jackets and shirts. Remember our glove and mitten Une. Fall Caps, wool Sweaters, Groceries, Floui. Remember in trading with us you are not as , ed to pay the old long time prices: we own our stock at rock bottom, spot cash pri ~ ' Yours for Fall Traded OUR NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AID JACKETS la the .most complete ever brooght to tbife towD, and we invite cort - parison with any store in the count j, either ae to Qimlity, 8 tj le orPrlfie. Another Car of Pitlsburv's Best this Week. SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenry, III., Oct. 11, 1898. SPECIAL CASH SALE. Sacrificing Profits. Taking a Big Loss. Blmui 18-20 Douglas Ave;., Elgin 111^, ** J Cutting prices right and left to clear stocks. Costs no longei the seliin^irice on Suits and Overcoats. Everything marked at prices thaFmust sell. Taking a loss of thousands of dollars to make a clean sweep. This add. does not tell one-hundredth part of the clearing sale saving chances. No matter what you may want, it is sure to pay you handsomly to look here for it. Now is the time to turn our lose to your profit. Investigate what the bargain tables offer from now on till closed out. »>»EN»W>W> Paint and Wall Pap er House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and gee me. No trouble to rive estimates on work. B. B. FEHK1MS. Another immense sacrifice of profits to reduce stocks. A clearing sale with us is a clearing sale. hat we want to get rid of must go, no matter how great the loss. This week will be the most tempting bargains of the sale. The reductions are astonishing. CLOTHING AT LESS THAN COST. $8.50 $6 for all Suits and Overcoats sold formerly at $12, *13 and $15. for all Suits and Overcoats sold lormerly at $8.50, $9.50, $11. Profits completely sacrificed to clean up our stock. Costs and former selling prices ignored. Every suit marked at a price that must sell quickly. The greatest Money-Saving Clothing Chance of the Season. CHEAP CHARLEY, 18-20 Douglas Ave. Elgin, 111. FALL. WEATHER Clothing- v and •V"" :'i i Wes»t Henry, HI. John j, miller. THE REASON WHY There is a why and wherefore for everything. VV HY we wear clothes has gone beyond the realm of discussion. WH®REFORE good dressers prefer to wear garments made by J, D. LODT2, The Merchant Tailor. McHENRY, ILL., Is a matter worthy of explanation. 'The reason is simple and the story is told in few words. It is BECAUSE he makes the ^ clothes strictly to the measure of " the party ordering them. They are trimmed well, they fit Well, preserve their shape, and above all --they wear well. His prices are 4'popular" FOR THE REASON _ that they are reasonable. They are made to lit the pockets as his garments are made to fit the forms of his customers. He guarantees SATISFACTION, and more than that--gives it. He wants your trade and he is ever ready to make it an objcct for you to be with him. Now is the time to call. New Fall and Winter Samples Just Received McHenry, Sept. 5th, 1898. J. D. LODTZ. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BECOME A MEMata OF THI HOME HEALTH OLUB (Cat this out and forward ib to the lnter Ocean Pub. Co., Chicago, 111.) THE INTER OCEAN TUB. CO.: 1 herehv accept the invitation to beeome a member of the HOME HEALTH CLUB, and I inclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to The Weekly Inter Oc^an, wlrc't, T understand, entitles me to a life membership, a record number,'and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club books (price, $1 00) tree of expense. Name ?. ; Town or City Street No State. One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to its readers by any newspaper. Not only are there a series of practical lessons in paper each week, but the subscriber is pre sented, free of expense, with a beautiful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in the great club. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published. THE^WAR IS OVER --BUT-- JACOB JUSTEN, The Rleiable Furniture Dealer, Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. Rarlor and Bed Room Sets Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in my line. 'X. WE CABBY A FULL LINB OP Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSlTEN. McHenry, III., Sept. 7, 1898. %