Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1898, p. 4

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«:®"S ; 1 - >«" - * *• e' * WEDNESDAY. VAN 8LYKE, • : • •" ' « ' ' v . j- / * . * ' * " ^ ' <« " *" - V " ( \ " •• ^ • , * 1 " * •• # '• * •" ~<h\ .» \ ~j. «. *• - t n,v ' » «* »•'• r • V * ' * "1 ^ *" 'j " • *? -rl • , r, < V , 7 , "»| »L< *1 - A'" s >.'. *;* , * *! if; , a* r f** *# *•«* *« i i'T.'-"- ' '"V * aa^'*,iMaiiiiiaiB||||||twMB<|>i||i|l^>^ ' r^rtsci ' ' ~ ' 1 ' " • • ' ' - " • ' • • ' ' MTOn the Elgin Board of Trade Mon­ day, of 308 tuba of batter offered 188 sold at 22c on a steady market. Some • maker* refused to Bell at 22c, asking ?**c more. Batter was 22c last we?k and 2254c one year ago. IS?"As the elections resulted in making the Tnited States senate and the house of representative* solidly and safely Re­ publican, it is evident that the people of the nation want some more of the pros­ perity which the Republican pa'ity ways gives them. I^General Fred Grant in attacking the standing of the gallant Third Illinois regiment has not covered himself all over with glory. In view of the fact that he has not distinguished himself in any position in life except in being born of noted parents, his criticisms will not count for mnch. HADE THE OPPORTUNITY. Rear-Admiral Dewey fcs a jonug offi­ cer impressed one as a self-contained man with powerful native forgft, One thinks of the remark made by Admiral Golds- boro to Farragut on the occasion of the visit of the latter to otir ships, said an old sea captaiu. > The two admirals were standing with­ in a few feet of my table, and Ddwev had stepped back to give an order to the orderly. "Farragut," said Qoldsboro, '• Dewey will make his mark in the world if heever gets an opportunity." "Ay," answered Farragut, with the pleasant smile so becoming to hit* home­ ly face, "and he will make th^ oppor­ tunity.', And Farragut was a true propbot. An Important Decision. „ An important decision has just been* rendered by the Appellate courtrin a case that went up from Bureau county. It is of special interest to land renters and grain buyers, as it involves the respon­ sibility of the grain dealer in purchasing grain from persons known to be renters. I'he case originated at s^pHirg \"alley where Joseph Reinhart, agraiu dealer, bought corn to the value of "$151.10 from John H. Boffman, of Putnam county, on the farm of Minnie J. Rlanch- ard. Hoffman received the money and failed to pay the rent of the farm. Mrs. Blanchard brought suit against the grain dealer for the total amount of money paid for corn, and the grain dealer must now settle the bill, as in this case no further appeal can be taken. I^FIt was in the west that the greatest Republican gains were made at the recent elections, and this is the feature of the •lections that gives most encouragement to the party tor the next presidential con­ test. With the western states returning to the Republican fold, the party will be invincible in the next campaign. '• *-v ' 'ft.;; : |^"There are reasons for believing that President McKinley favors amend­ ing the Civil Service so that veterans of the Spanish war shall have the same feotinp as veterans of the civil war in all applications for appointment to offices and that steps with that end in view will shortly be taken, although there has been nothing said officially on the snb- -jvtyet. - MP*I"nprecedented purchases of Ameri leira securities by foreign holders followed Hie announcement of the result of the flections in the United States and proved Hiat the outcome of the voting fortified the administration in the entimation of Europeans. Thift strengthening of con­ fidence will exercise a stimulating effect vpon commercial transactions of every Character and a satisfactory business Superior Values Hen's Derby and Fedora Hata at $1.9* ,'h -is HENRY C. LYTTON, M. W. CORNER 8TATE 8T. * JACKSON r.VO., Department Is the Largest In Chicago. ,v; i; i CHICAGO, ILL I by You Can Always Save Money trading The Hub, which the greatest clothing store, in the world. EVERYTHING A MAN OR BOY MAY NEED TO WEAR 18 HERE ! We guarantee to fit any man or boy, of any size or shape, with better material ana at lower prices than any other clothing store in existence. If you cannot conveniently come to the city, send for our free illustrated mail order catalogue. Goods sent C. O, D., on approval. Try them on. If they are not satisfactory we will pay return charges. rinr fina#tiQl I A BoyS AH-Wool Reefers $3.95. Men's All-Wool Kersey Overcoats 910. wur °p°c,a' woaaors. Boy's 2 Piece All-wool Suits $2.95. Men's All-Wool Suits $10. 'n every case where goods are not satisfactory or entirely as represented f your money will be returned without question or argument. ; : j O W E N -s: t > i (SUCCfESSOBS TO FERBT * OWEN.) .'•v KT'By an explosion of gas in the ba^se- ment of the capitol building in Washing­ ton, last week, a fire start­ ed which itflicted considerable damaae on the Supreme Court room and the Congressional law library. It will re­ quire $20,000 to repair the damagedone by fire and water, and the justices are again agitating the question of t!ie neces­ sity for erecting a separate buiMing for their accommodation. The country hap entirely outgrown the stuffy little room between the Senate and HOURO in the capitol* which is used for the holdings of the Supreme court. The President will, no doubt, lay the matter of an appro­ priation by Congress for a new building for the judges at the approachingBessioi> ii December. To California . .Attejg££on is called to the excellent services of the Northwestern Line to California and the favorable rates which have been made for srngle and ronnd trip tickets for this season's travel. Best accommodations in tirst-class or tourist sleeping care, which run through every day in the year. Perona'ly conducted tourist car parties every week to Cali­ fornia and Oregon. Choice of a large uumber of different routes without extra charge. Particulars cheerfully given upon ap­ plication to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y, or connecting lines. 19-6w INNUAL MEETING, GRAND l.ODGE I. O. O. F. OF ILLINOIS, SPRINGFIELD, NOV. 15-18. On account of the above, excursion tickets to Springfield, via the North­ western Line, will be sold November 14- 1(», good until November 19, from all stations in Illinois at very favorable rates. For full particulars apply to agents Chicago & Oorth-western R'y, xSIMON S\TOFFEL fcoom may now be looked for. WThe summary of commerce and Unance issued by the treasury department 'Ipbows that the exports of manufactures Anting the nine mouths ending September $0 have amounted to $227,823,045 or -practically $1,0(00.000 a day for each business day in the year. These figures •bow that, for the first time in the his­ tory of the United States, our exports of liiannfactares will reach the $300,000,- $00 line. The gain i.i export of agricul­ tural implements for the first nine VDonths of this year is over $3,000,000 Wore than for the same period in 1897, And other manufactured articles show a P -oportionate increase. My Wyoming has been considered 8 silver state, but there is no encourage­ ment for the silveriles in the results o the election in that state this year. The Republicans there have gained an un­ precedented victory, having secured forty-three of the forty-seveb member.- of the legislature, wnich is practically a clean sweep. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, com­ missioned hy the Government as Otflciat flistoriau to the War Department. The hook was written in army camps at Han Francisco, on the Pacific with General \lerritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in flong Kong, in the American treaches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguiualdo, on the deck of the Olimpia with D^wey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insur ance Bldg, Chicago. 17-4m Wi ANTKD--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons la this state to manage our business In their own at«i nearby conntiaa. It is main'v office work conducted at home Salary straifrbc |9(© a year and espenaes-- ilefinite, bonnfl<l«. »io more, no lei* salary. Monthly, $75 Reference*. Enclose self- addroBEe 1 stamped envelope, Herbert G. Hess, Prest.., Dsnt, M, Chicago. It 4m It® pgr • V ' " \ lO^An exchange says that H. W. Loveday, state game warden of Illinois, •tates that he is preparing a bill to tax hunters which will produce an income of §100,000 annually. The bill will be pre­ sented to the next legislature. As the tax to hunters outside of the state is to %e ($10,) quite a little interest is felt by hunters west of the Mississippi. In speak­ ing of the recommendation which he is to lay before the lawmakers Mr. Loveday said: "I will present a bill for the ee- - tablishmont of a state pheasantry where game can be raised. 1 propose a method of taxation for the maintenance of this institotioo. It is to tax every hunter in the state $5 to $10 a year for the privi­ lege of shooting. In this way he coold raise $100,000 a year." IVBy the change that will be ef fectedinthe membership of the United States senate as the result of the recent elections, that body will remain under control of the Republican party and of a sound money majority for the next eight years at least, and will stand as a bar­ rier against the assaults of the silverites and inflationists upon the credit of the government and upon the stabatity of business investments. Consequently, there are eight years of security and prosperity ahead for the business in­ terests of this country, and they un­ doubtedly will take advantage of this , gratifying and encouraging fact and ex- tend the sphere of their operations in a f manner that will redound to the pros | perity of every community in the land. HVPatrick O'Mars, a private in th Ninth regulars, went to the colonel of hie regiment and asked for a two weeks' leave oi absence, says an exchange. Th« colonel was a severe disciplinarian, who did not believe in extending too man? privileges to his men, and did not hes it ate in using a subterfuge in evading thf granting of one. "Well," said the colonel, "what do you want a two weiks' furlough for?" Patrick answered: "Me woif is very sick and the children are not well, and i> ye didn't mind, she would like to have me home for a few weeks to givjher a bit of assistance." The colonel eyed him for a few minuti s and said: "Patrick, I might grant your request, but I got a letter from your wi'e this morning saying that she didn't want you home; that you were a nuis- aice and raised the devil whenever you were there. She hope** 1 won't let you have any more furloughs." "That settles it. I suppose I can't get the furlough, then?" said Pat. "No, I'm afraid not, Patrick, li wouldn't be well for me to da so under the circumstancjs." It was Patrick's turn now t' eye tb< colonel, as he started for the door. Stop­ ping suddenly, he said: "Colonel, can 1 say something to yez?" "Certainly, Patrick; what is it?" "You won't get mad, colonel, if I saj it?" "Certainly not, Patrick; what is it?" I want to say there are two splendid liars in this room, and I'm one of them, I was never married in me loife." Tested anil Tried i For 25 Years Would you feel perfectly safe to pwfc all your money in a new bank ? One you have just heard of? But how about an old bank ? One that has done business for over a quarter of a century ? One that has always kept its promises? One that never failed ; never misled you in any way? You could trust such a bank, couldn't you ? SCOTT'S EMULSION Of COD-LIVER Oils WITH HYPOPHOSPHITE« is just like sucli a bank. It iias never disappointed you, never will. It has never deceived you, never will. Look out that someone does not try to make you invest your health in a new tonic, some new medicine you know nothing of. 50c. and fi.oo; all druggUts. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. WEST MoHEMRY, II L. TEMPTING, SWEEPING- BARGAIN LANDSLIDE. N ot Today Only, Buy Every Day in the Year. V ith a complete $tock in every department w 0 are prepared to give our customers Bargains every day. Good Gobds and Low Prices has always been our Motto, and we do not propose to depart from it. In Cloaks, Overcoats, Fur Goats, W inter Caps, Rubber Goods, etc., we have an immense stook to *hich we invite your particular attention. Wc have in stock thq celebrated Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots which has np equal. Call early and look them over. UNDERWEAR! UNDER WE ARI In this department our stork invite you to call and examine it. was never more complete, and we We are sure we can please you PREPARE yourselves for a long, cold winter-so say all the weather prophets--also the muskrats for they are building their bouses large and - Never before has our stock of winter goods been so complete and prices so low. We are prepared to show a large and well selected stock of Clothing, Overcoats, Caps and Underwear In all grades and prices. SHOES built for winter wear from Pingreo & Smith and C. M. Henderson which assure you they are made right and of the proper material. Ladies', Misses' and Caildren's Jackets, Capes and Collarettes, In all styles and prices.^ ^ e can certainly save yon money on these garments. Call in and see the line of* DRESS GOODS They can not be excelled by any stock in town in a way. We have a fine assortment of Babies' and Children's Cloaks from $1.25 to $5.00, in all colors. ; }§| ' ̂ <- ys- .%>; FINE SHOES For Ladies and Gents, found in this section. The largest and best assortment to be Another Car of Pi'isburv's Best this Week. SIMON STOFFSL. West McHenrv, 111,. No/\ li», 1SJH. ^ OPEN VOUR EVES And Notice What We Have for You #gain> The McHenry Marble and Granite Works mm Stubborn COliDS A stubborn cold is easily taken; it sticks to some people all winter and very often develops into bronchitis or consumption. You should cure a cold promptly by taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. This celebrated remedy is ac­ knowledged to be most efficient and reliable for all affections of the throat and lungs. It cures a cold at once. Br.Bull's Cough Syrup Promptly cures Stubborn Colds. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. ^ " f,, j 9V There was another meeting of the s|; . Peace Commission, at "Paris, this week, 4 " J ^ and our Commissioners answered in de- ; tail the arguments presented by ihe t Spanish Commissioners, last week, for I declining our demand for the Philippine «Islands, and reiterated that demand. No amount of wriggling on the part of the Spaniards can get aronnd that demand; it must be either accepted or peremtorily refused in the end, and not much • more time will be granted the Span­ iards to make up their minds. Just as a halt was called by President Mc­ Kinley when they persisted in talkiog about the Spanish bonds, secured by Caban revenues, after they had been told that we had nothing to do with tef' pir ^ them and would have nothing to do with $*" ^ them, so will a halt be called, if neces- ¥= sary, in the discussion of the Philippines, w>'\ and, the Spaniards compelled to say, yes All Kinds of,Cemeter.y Work at Low Prices. ^ Full Hne oi Finished Work constantly on hand. Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. ill Kinds of Sanitary FiDiMis PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO J. H. MILLER, MeHenry. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisvillp, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve was worth f50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. By J. A. S'ory. The celebrated Pillsbury Flour can be onnd at Simon StoBel's. It is un questionably the most popular Flour oversold here. fill! Itraiiilii'l iti" ' Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing; Good*, Bath Tubs. Closets, Lavator! -m and Fixtures* Steam and Hot Water Beating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett's Agricultural Implement Building, McHEN RY.ILL. \ .^guarantee OUR~ , \qOU3EHiP4L£ JIBBER BOOT TO ' falpEflUBBER PERFECT PpjHOttLftHDWWMIH^IPaN j^E^TOCtiTliEJII MY mm |§j(SVI$IKWITH SAME SWlti Wnf40( U JtEWlTHO!) T' 0 UP j/AjRUpE MARK-/ Apron Gingham, worth 5%o, for 4c; French Uingham, worth 10c, now 8c. Dress Goods, worth 50c, for 42c; dress goods, worth 55c, for 45c. Black dress goods, worth 40c, now 32c. Dress patterns, 8 to 12 yards, lc a yard off Red table cloth, 60 inches, plaid, worth 35c, for 33c; dark red figured, 60 inches, worth 32c, tor 2dc. Goat gloves 25c per pair. Silk neck­ ties 25c. Toilet soap 4c iter bar. Ladies' underskirt*, worth fl 45 for $1.20. Ladies' 75c rubbers/tor 55c Suiting, regular 12c for 10c. Ten bars Lenox soap 25c. GoId'Dust 18c per box. Arbnckles coffee 10c per lb., Golden Rule Brand. Rubber goods, the best on the market, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction at the very lowest price possible. "Respectfully Yours, A Volo, III. El. RICHARDSON. We can undersell them all in Jackets, apes and Coiierettee. Owic.v & Chai'lill JOHN P. SMITH, Watchm a ker and Jeweler. MeHCIfBT, ILL. flsvlrg opener) a ahop in Algorquin for the UenairiDn of Wntchef, Clocks ami Je^oiry, I shall spend the flr»t three (lij sof each week in that village, hut rtnrin* n>y absence my store In Mr.lienry **111 be open for basinets, and all repairing left there will receive prompt attention on my return. The lp«t three dayu of thr week I •»« (o nd at iny store her", and will ucll youaoy. thing in mv line at bod-Rock Tricee. Any iioortu not in Mork will b« oriltreu au<l de­ livered with the :eabt poM ble oeluy. KKPAIR KG i F riNE WAXUHE8 A SPECIALTY. Kiom a Ion* experience in tho buaireM I am continent I cm please y u la every par- tlcular. Call and see >ne. M „ JOHN F. tJJITH. McHenry, Oct. 18,1898. -- r ~ t j ; HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Over One Half Million Acres of spli tiilWI hard wood ttuilx-r lurid in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the ChkMgo&NorUmastern Raitwaj. The" best lurid proposi­ tion ever iitudc to net- tiers. The timber more than pays for the land. Kor prions, terras, and ;ill details, write or apply to J. F. CLEVELAND. LFTND Comr. C. N. W. Ky., CUIcaijo. SNAG PROOFS--Don't forget that we arc sole agents for th® Snag Proof Rubber Goods--they are by long odds the best on the market. They will outwear two pairs of any rubber boots or overs on the market. Every rubber company in existence try to imitato the Snag Proof goods so you can see they must be right or other firms would not be trying to fool the people. M e lead them all in GROCERIES. There is not space enough to quote you prices in them all, but if you will call and ask we will convince you that we sell the best goods for the least money. Horse Blankets In great abundance. We have a large stock of horse blankets in all grades and can make prices that will surprise you. Come and see what we have. Groceries. Get our prices on groceries oi all kinds and don't forget where you can get the GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. SPECIAL SALE --AT THE-- % New Store for November. We are Offering Many Bargains in Cold Weather Goods Men's Heavy Duck Coals, with gray flannel lining, $1 00. Men's Extra Heavy Jersey Shirts, the 75c quality, for 50c. All wool Sweaters $1.00 to $2.50. Heavy fleeced-lined Underwear, 25c. Good Prints, 4c. Best Blue Prints, 5c. Extra heavy yard wide Sheeting, 5c. Heavy Shaker Flannel, 5c 13 bars Good Laundry Soap, 25c. 12 Bars Lenox Soap, 25c. Good Uncolored Japan Tea, 25c. McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee, 9c, California Prunes, 5c. California Apricots, 5c. Good Salmon, 10c per can. Good Pie Peaches, 10c per can 3 cans for 25c. Best Kerosene Oil, 9c. 4 gal. keg Syrup, $1 CO FeltBoots, Overshoes and Rubbers at lowest prices. Special orders for Clothing and Overcoats carefully filled. Yours Truly, West McHenry. W. J. WALSH, A Customer of Mine using PENINSULAR HEATING STOVE. For which be paid me $30. remarked to his neighbor tfr&t be would not sell it for $100 if he could not get another itke it. This is pleasing to us, and doubtless is to tbe many owners of such stoves in this and other vicinities. Now 1 am handling the \ Peninsular Stoves; Ranges and Furnaces And the foregoing is only to show the tru* satisfaction this line of Stoves are giving. I have 45 of these stoves sampled on my lloor and inylte inspection from all. It will be worth )our time to call and see them. F. L. McQMBER. V^est S<fe JiardWare StorJ^ ^

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