Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1899, p. 8

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<wms • • : "' £> '• : ̂' !M#«nMr«WiB, ^3V'. •' fe*r' t#; , *TOCK NHJBNAl -H» ULLlHOIS. 0 Cant* « Year. •at great tarn sad live stock paper, pabltehed for over is BOW "<*g*MBWilig and is making » . to dab members in tbie i ip a club being formed in township in the county; bit tor the benefit of neighborhoods ;lHm*ao OM is getting up a club, we are •afehorfstd to state that any one of oar readers can get up a club; and where five £r moreneignbore join together and send fat their subscriptions at the «ame time, tank of thum can secure I he Prairie Farmer a full year for 50 cents. This is irfy on^-half the regular price of the Mper, but it is the intention of the pub- ifebers of this great pa^er to place it in 4be handsof every good farmer and stock rnigtrr in tbis county. It is not necessary to write to the publishers for further par- ticulare, all that you have to do is to see your neighbors and ask them to join you J& forming a Prairie farimrchib at one*. Tell them the price is only 50 cents each five or more unite in a club. This prioeie made only for a short me, you understand, and is made for the aole purpose of inducing every good farmer and stock raiser who reads this tii try the paper for a full year. Just fink of it! A big weekly paper for fifty-o solid weeks for 50 cents. Every one Of our readers should subscribe at once; end if there is not roiu« one already fanning a club in your neighborhood, «0t one op yourself, secure the necessary #ve members and remit to The Prairie . farmer Publishing Co., Chicago, before the offer is withdrawn. We will also be glad to have our readers mention that Wis special notice appeared in this paper. WHOOPING COUGH One of the most distressing sights, is to see a child almost choking with the dreadful whooping-cough. Give the child Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the reatest pulmonary remedy, and re­ ef will come at once, the coughing SpeUs will re-occur less frequently, and, in a few days, the sufferer will be nttrely cured. No other remedy can ' of so many cures. BAER, Prepr mammmm f West McHenry, mm "•xW Aft VOU rnmmftnnA fliA "KTAW Yfifli* «r ̂****** You aire undoubtedly looking around to 860 where you can get the best. ' lew i Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. iDoscs are small and pleasant to take. Doctors p-eoommend it. Price 25 cents At all druggists TALK heS?.' IS CHEAP. A Talking Machine, a Singing Machin ana a Musical Instrument, fcoluiQbia (JrapbapljoQe for $10 is the nest parirnt Talltfng Machine i the market. Come and see for yourself at Ml LO HOWE'S, It Is No Longer a Question Or Calculating as to the probable return of good times, it is a question of where y<m can get the best DRY GdOii G^dCEmE9, ETC., For the Least Money. Did you ever know a man to refuse an opportunity to get rieh? The best chance to save money, which is the secret of wealth, is to Call at Our Store and Learn Prices Before You Buy. Our Goods arc New and Clean and will bear the closest inspection, while Prices will Astonish You they so Low, Having Touched Rock Bottom: are FlOlir OLD SLEEPY EYE FLOUR is still the loading * brand. We do not have to change brands two or three times a year like some merchants do, trying to get a flour that will suit the trade. Sleepy Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one that uses it. We have a lot on hand made from old wheat. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry, Yours for trade, West McHenry. Illinois, West McHenry Illinois DEALER 19 rm>- the favorite Lading" Magnificent Piav o at a rea­ sonable price. The world renown "Lyon & Mealy" Parlor and Church Organ. The eremona tone "Washburn" Mando­ lin, Guitar and Zither, the standard of the world. The world-wide famed "Do- naestic" Sewing Machine without an jequal for simplicity, durability, light punning and cheapness. ft 1 "VMiiJA/VUAJ, SEAS THE DEPOT, WEST MeHENBY, TT/r. •,« ®eeP«®P«® * he accommodation of th fPaMle » First-Olau and Restaurant, "I™ ?• J'ii1 at *11 times keep the bes Jll^ias of Wines. Liquors aud Olor* to to found in the market PABST'8 -- paniwMtoi L»£» B«w A***hole«ai and Retail. ^ ^ Beer la large or small Kegs or Bottles al- ame Idered D C pe* tbaaany other, quality Ordeia by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES *•" Call and see us. Robt. Schlessie. Wast McHenry, Hay 2, 1808, f pW. BONSLETT, pymbing /Contractor. ill lists ef Sanitary Miu FBOXFTLY ATTENDED 10 ^ Has just received a very com plete stock of - Plumbing Goods, Bath Tube, "f ' Cloeets, Lavatories and •£ Fixture*. Stflui and Hot Water Heating. CVmmlete stock of all sices Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Offles and Show Room in Jacob Bon- •tott'i Agricultural Implement Building, 111 ' McHCMRY. IWU 5!5pwooo, it-1- Just what You Want. Fur Coats, Jackets and Capes, Felt Boots and Lined Shoes. PRICES THE LOWEST - QUALITY THE BEST. * , . r ̂ ̂' . - - --1 ̂ < s. - ̂ > • - . • - . "' s'*,-,?'- . '** . . ̂• :> L/a , ... - J.>' '• % When the Days Begin to Lengthen to. strengthen, y "Hi r You Need More "Warm Qoods. " t * -* ** r * v* y >.jt. , f ... -,4p 3 " - X - .^ ,v"r ..^. i » "aii it " A T̂ ustomer We have tried to keep you posted oa ihis Clothing busiDess. Nearly three months more of winter. If you should need anything & me tfsinga ^ in an Between now and April 1st, WS^ill inake you Jund prices. The , reason ytou should look here for your Clothing is, that you „ £§|l sixi|jfourself best, because the assor^is^i^i^ the largest. Our line of (V. FOOTWEAR Is complete in Leather, Rubber and Felts, Get dor prices* Bring along your hands to be fitted out of our stock of Qloves and Mittens. J"k- wvfwvmvfvfi Onions per bushel 45c. 28 pounds Prunes $1.00. Potatoes per bushel 45c. 12 Oranges for 30c. Y Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn Meal, West McHcnry, 111. Yours for Trade in 1899, JOHN J. MILLER. • 41111a is ilfi?,*- • diuii n DRUGS and MEDICINES • FULL LIKB or CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, * Paints, Oils and r~\ 1 U olors """WW" on MAMVk rou u»s or • PATKNT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTIOLKS, Stationery and Drugglet*' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions lap.f.'iL°sa?j!;a!i»« Your Patmiia la rsspsetfnllj aolioUsd. ^ JVL1A A. U T IneDoor W utcf BU*r*dm J3oum, M eBenrtf,JU. • THE *** jSiiWEEKLY INTER OCEANISII *••••••••• LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL PENIN STJIJ AB HEATING STOVE Sf .'-il . '/>• i ' ' mp » • m'A » - mi "J *h'"\ I iFor which be paid rae $30, r*marked to IHr neighbor tbatl he quid not sell it f<»r $'00 if be could not get another like it. This is pleading to us, an<i doubtless is to the manv owners of such stoves In this and other vicinities. Now I am handling the • ,>• J 1;/'1 . * J ; *m:-\ j.... •. * .'i- }-.• Ajid tfee forrgoinsr is on^v to show the true Batisfactioii this line of J sti ves are giving I have 45 of tbesa stoves sampled 91U f x ^ my liotfr aud invite inspection from all. It will v be worth your time to call and see them. - v- ^ : V"-«* - -j; F. L. McOMBER. WTost S'^e Hardware Store , « * ; *•••••••«• j Always American Always Republican LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BE8T CURRENT LITERATURE Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with/tewi j The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga* zines. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents* • "J*™ INTER OCEAN j» a^WSTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and fives hi • readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, It Is la • „ full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and Jhnnir. i literature and politics from the Western standpoint. I- $1.00--PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR--$1.00-- THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER 0CEMI ARE THE BEST EVER StEN IN THE WEST. •THE INTER OCEAN'S NEW8 IS EXCLUSIVE.* Price of Dally by mall (4.00 per year - _ Price of Sunday by mail £2 00 ner vmi • • Daily and Sunday by null $4 00 per y«ar • BOUGHT TO SELL THIS WINTER. Prices Will Talk for Themselves. COME AND SEE THE GOODS. J. E. CRISTY. C|dl and see me before-purchasing. «* M„ m c^ , JACOB JUSTEN, MeHenrj, 111, Sept. 7,18*8, NOW 18 THE TIME to buy a SEWING MACHINE New Machines from $15 to $60. Second Hand Machines from $5 to $10. Kvery Harhtne warraiite'l to give faotloa or money refuu ed. Iladiinti >old on monthly time pay met. ta ifde*he<l by purchaser. Cleaning and Repairing at Reasonable Charge** N. A. HEAIHIAN, McHenry. III. 8TORY A CLARK ORGANS. The r?pssure waa never stronger than trill >. Dealers i nil retail buyers/ not Tealizinir their own int^ t-atc, clamor tor and flemJvo< figures at which honett hig elaB- instrument* canr.ot be pro^wn'-d. Bnt our oigtca Wfr« never better than now *>o b»tt"r ones were ever i> ad<*, or c»n t«e made Ihey represent the intelligent and con scie tions Hpplicnt*on of the gr at- eet of k 11, inventive irg^i uitv, experie> ar- th-< hlfr*>e>t grade of woofi, metal fabrt<\ Attiieiame time w ih the improvtm' nts > on. Bt.-Mitly being made in methods of oroc tic njr we are able tf> give greater val^e for ar»v giv n t mount .f'mono" than eve- before A I organs told on monthly pay. ments, piymenta to suit buyers Organs rented bv 'he month- prices reasonable. Organ* put out on trial free ol charge. We Are Headquarters for Of all Kinds. 0:t BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Miev And the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. W hy take chances on inferior work when about the same m >ney will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable aDd«tylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Alwayg on.hand and prices always right. And don't forge*" that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to shdw our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Tf^jjy Your#, MoHenry, July 27,1898. T. J. WALSH. BEFORE vonBEGIN to paint any tbing, a hitching poet or a house, a barn door or a parlor floor, see that you have the right paint for that I particular purpose. No paint has ever been made equally ' good for painting everything--buggies and houses and farni- tare. The grsatest triumph of modern paint-making is the mak­ ing of a different paint that looks best and wears best for each class« painting. It has taken years to find outjust what ingredients am what proportions are needed for each. Each must be ground and lal machinery with the utmost skill xmd accuracy. mixed by special machli If you go by the labels on the cans of JACOB JUSTEN, The Reliable Furniture Dealer Can still be found at his old atand, four doors north of the Bank of McHcnry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. Ra r lo r and Bed Room Se t s . Lower then the same goods .grfsv. can be bought anywhere in the !gl fjfl county. In short, I WILL NOT ijSpl BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods 1 considered. Call and see me I % I | when in want of anything in my line. WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc We guarantee first class work in every respect. i THE SHEHWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS you are mure of getting the best that can be made for your purpose. They have a reputation of 80 years success, l ana every can is fully guaranteed. Oar little bo«k on , painting will help you--it Is ft**. THE$HEftl¥IN-WILLIAMS CO., Paint andCoiorHakers. \ S829 Stewwt Ave., Chicago; also Cleveland, New York, and Montreal. EL B. PERKINS, McHENRT, ILLINOIS. er ' 'M We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall* Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at price® i that are beyond competition.. ^ 4- v , "n « , ' Room Mouldings to RRatch al! Waft ^apef, ^ Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties aftdi % * ; st-class job guaranteed. Call and see me, No trouble to giro -first estimates on work. ̂. * . _ .... ,+S V/. ' i*. A.l's ISSSJS '> %.»;ask fht. . ••B. FIBKIVS. JT

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