WEDNESDAY. FEB. 8, 18&9. Railway Tim© Table. i iOCl H>!i ow'B; Pff-- Tikln* elTeet «anda?, Oct. 80, MM, at 8 *f*elo$k K. M., trains will paw JlcHenrj •• EOIPA HOBTU. .*>.00 A.M. ....... ...,;«> * M. ... ..... 4".'5 P. M ........... '• *• EOAO WUTB, . .... ?:SS A, H , «•*• A. Ma . .. .19 r. M. »...*:25f. m. IEXPLAIW ATIOW, / WE understand that Peter J. Freund is negotiating with the Bishop Estate for the purchase of the lot between the Owen's warehouse and Jacob Bonslett's residence, known as the Mill Shed prop erty. If he secures it Mr. Freund pro poses to put np a handsome business,; building on the same early in the spring. WE read of a t Passenger. . • .Freight | P&acenfter. v • t*»»»enger.. * PsBsnnger . » PkSBeng«r .. -{; passenger... 'f Freight. m •--Daliy. _ , , fOtlly except Sunday. T'"•* 'B, Mjss.iwcent, MeHenry.lTll. M. W. A. -- *efnlar Meetings every Second and Fourth . HSdnesdav evenintrs "f each month, at their Ball, over Bvannon & Co,'6 stOiO. nan, over *. » ^ HowAKD> co*»u\. ^ J, KIMBALL, Oierk. L w. o. o. r. #8t. Patrteia Coart, No. 187, C. O. T. meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday ••eninga of ea«h month, at Forest Ha'I. 'MEB, M ART COBB, Chief Ranger. CBAKLOTTS MADDK* Secretary. SBT -MASONIC. McBKHRY LODG*, NO. 158, A. V. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and teurch Mondays m each month. iqurfcu m J GEO. 11 HANLY, W. M. p. Method let Episcopal Church.) EST.; W. L. Whipple.. .. PBijor, preaching Sunday, 10:S0 K *. Sunday . Bohool, 12 M. J • Dr. A, «. Aurlnger,.. Superintendent * >rayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. l>adiM' Aid -society each alternate wefk Mra. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Copra Wilson, fcec'y. ; «#"A Cordial invitation is extended to all llnlvorsallst Ohuroh Directory* ....President ...Oleri ..........Treasure* Pastors *. J. Walsh, H. <). Mead... JAMES B. Perry BIT. J. Straub, D, U The Willing Workers (the ladies organ A •atfon.) President I girl in a neighboring town who certainly has an eye to bnsi- noss. The girl wishing to command the attention of a certain yonng man, made bim a present of a box of fine cigars, which she told him she would keep at her bouse, where he could call and smoke them. Yes, to most young men nothing draws better than a good ciirar. IT was given out la*t wtekthat R«v. Rogers, of Elgin, would exchange pulpits with Rev. Straub on Sunday last, but on Saturday evening Mr. Straub received a telegram that owing to sickuess ic his family Rev Rogers wonld be unable to be present. We make t'-is explanation as some were inquiring why the arrange ments was not carried out as noticed. .RETICLES of incorporation were filed last £eek at Madison, Wis., by the Chicago, 'Harvard and Geneva Lnke Railroad Company an electric line from Harvard to the Wisconsin summer resort lakes in the neighborhood ot La'e Geneva with a capital stock of $150,000 The incorporators are C. T. Bundy. of iEau Claire, and 1«. C. Chnrcb, of Wal worth. Eva Fox, of home of her MRS. LEWIS LCSK, nes Lake county, died at the father, Alorzi Fox, east of Volo, on Bun- day last. She bad just returned from Denver, Col., where she went foi her health, but received no benefit from the sbange and came home to die of that dread disease, consumption. She was about 25'years of age. Her funeral wasf held from the Fort Hill, on Tuesday Christian Church,. near\ Mrs. Jas. B. Perry Mrs. J. Van f»lyke... ... Mn. W. A. Oristy tnpt, of Sunday SchooL,. Assistant «rrhe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address S Grand Orosslng, Secretary Treasure: A. EM Baerhlej ..W. A. Crisi Preaching services at 10:30 A. •* and at 7^ » f, ||, A cordial Invitation to all Hew Advertisementa This Week. \ A. P. Baer, West McHejay. John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. J. V. Buck land, Ringwood. Theo. F. Swan. Elgin. s^Cl ' n' I BEAR in mind the Social by the ladifs of the Universalist Society, at Simeon GdveH'e, to-morrow, Thursday evening. WB learn that H. E. Wightman has sold his cottage and grounds, at Pista- qua Bay, to J. W. Peters, of Chicago. Consideration, $1,600. ALL the sick in this village, heretofore noticed in these columns, are on the mend, and if nothing happens will be on oar streets ngaiti soon. / THE Oliver Typewriter Band will fur- J *nish music for the German Fair, on Sat- l urday next. Thi«j is called oue of the Vbest Bands in the connty. * Bb sure &Ld attend the Social Party, at "Stoffel's Hall, on Monday evening next, for the benefit of the organ fund of *tet. Patrick's Church. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E Church will meet with Mrs. R Sherburne on Friday afternoon of this week, at th^ ^osual hoar. All are invited. .Qec ATTENTION is called to the notice to 'found in another column of Pljmout Rock Cockerels for sale by J V.Bucklandl Ringwood. They are the finest to be found in the county. ; V HON. A. S. WHISHT will accept our< thanks for a copjjof the Fifteenth Bien nial Report ot the Trustees, Superinten dent and Treasurer of the Illinois North ern Hospital for the Insane at Elgin. THE dancing public should not forget the Grand Social I'arty, to be given by th|e ladies of St. Patrick's Church, at Stoff^s flail, on Monday evening next, Feb. 13. A good social time may ;>e expected. , / JB« a« we go to press WFE learn f the death of Michael Brahan, who li ]«%t ea^t of this village, which occuri on Tuesday night. Mr. Brahan was- a old settler here, and was bighij respect- V «d bv all. , Miss BEHNICE 'PERRY will lead the Y P. C. U. Devotional Meeting; at the Uni- Yersaliet Church, on Sunday evening next. Subject, "What can we do to Im prove our Town, Beauty, Health and Education." All are invited. ' THE reports from Mrs. D. G. Wells, who has been dangerously sick in •Chicago, is that she is rapidly convalesc ing, and it is reported will be able to return to ber home here daring the com ing week. This will be good news to her many friends here. The Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church will meet with Mrs. H. T. Brown, Thursday after noon of this week. Every member is earnestly requested to be presen t MRS. J. B PERRY. President. Mas. J. VAN SLYEE, Secretary. ALBERT WOLFF, who resided in W®«t McHenry, died quite suddenly, at his home on Tuesday morning. He bad been feeling bad for a few days but no one thought he was dangerously sick. Inflammation of the bowels is r parted the cause. He leaves a wife agd six children to mourn the loss of a husband and father. Ais funeral will be held from the Lutheran church on Thursday, at 11 'clock, A. M. TnE next Social by the ladies of the Universalist Society will be held at the resideuce of Simeon Covell, on Thursday evening of this week, Feb. 9th. Refresh ments will be served and a grand social time may be expected. All are cordially invited Busses will be run for the ac commodation of those who wish to at tend from this village. Those who wish to go in this" w».v can leave word with Mrs. Criaty or Harry Wightman, when they will be called for at their residence. A CIRCULAR, announcing the issue at an early day of a small book entitled, •'The Story of Hell, and How to Get There," by "That Englishman," has found its way to our desk. The title is startling encugh and if it has no other recommendation should pell well. 3ut we have no use for the book, as the in formation it contains is useless to us, for, as any man who has had any ex perience in the newspaper business can testify, the road is too Dlsinly visible. MRS E. W. HOWE will move her Milli nery and Dress-Making establishment this week into the rooms over T. J. Walsh's warehouse; which have been handsomely fitted np for the same. A new outside stairway has been built on tha north side, which makes the rooms nvenient to get to. f ON Wednesday of last week the fast /train that passes this station at 8:25 A. M , going south, ran into a milk wagon at Arlington Heights, throwing the horoes and driver in a promiscuous heap in the ditch, but fortunately without serious injury to either. The wagon was Bmash^d into kindling wood. This is one of the many accidents caused by attempting to cross a railroad in front of an incoming train. Two minutes de- Jay would many lime save the loss of life and property. . ^ SIMON STOFFEL has r* wived the ap pointment of Postmaster at »Vest McHenrv, to succeed John Kimball, whose terra of Joffice has expired. Mr. Stoffel is one of the most enthusiastic and bard working Republicans in the county, and his appointment is a just recognition of the faithful services per formed by him in the past. The people of West McHenry are assured of a fine, tasty office, and that their mail matter will he bandied in a manner that cannot fail to please. We congratulate Mr ^toffel on his appointment. PRINCIPALS' ASSOCIATION. The next meeting of the McHenry County Principals' Association will be held at Woodstock, on Saturday next, February 11th. The following is the programme: The Ethical in Literature J. W. Piner Wbnt has the 19th Century done for Education? Chas Shaffer Physical Culture, Effects and Benefits Rev. R. B. Guild Adams, Chapter III A. M. McDermott Adams, Chapter IV D. M. Mills F. E. ANQEVINE, Sec'y. Licensed Bmbalmer. As the question of Licensed Enbalmers is now being talked of, it may be proper atthistfmeto say that Jacob Justen qualified himself for embalming and pre serving dead bodies, by attending a full course of instruction and practical dem onstration, at the Clarke School for Em balming, at Chicago, and for which he he hoi Is a certificate from the faculty of said school, given him under date of May 12,1892 It will therefore be ^een that he was within tha letter of the law even before the law was passed. & DEATH OF MBS H. H BRADY. DIKD -- Vt her home in Chicago, Febru ary 2d, 1899. Mrs. Georgia Brady, be loved wife of H. H. Brady, ae«d 48 Wears. A Mrs. Brady was born in the town of /annda >nd had lived in this county all of ber .ife, until abont sixteen years ago, when she moved to Chicago, where she has madfl her home ever since. She was a daughter of James Tyrrell, an old and highly respected citie >n, who lived on a farm between this village and Nunda, who died eevcrttljyears ago. Mrs. Brady was well known in this vil lage, where she resided fbr many years, and where she had hosts of triends who deeply mourn her death. A woman of a jovial and happy disposition, she had a faculty of making nil around her happy and cont«nted. Of apparent robust health t^e news of ber sickness and death was a severe shock to her friends, many of whom had not heard of her sickness until her death was announced. She leaves to mourn, her loss a hus band, mother, brothers and sisters, be sides a host of friends, both in Chicago and this county, and the heartfelt sym pathy of all go out to the bereaved ones in this, their hour of sorrow. The funeral was held from be? late resi dency No 12 Ogden Avenu?, Chicago, on Sunday afternoon last, and her remains were brought 13 McHenry On the 10 a m. train on Monday and laid at rest in W oodland Cemetery, beside other loved ones who had gone before. THE regular Chicago mail, which Should arrive here from the north every 'morning at 7:32, too frequfntly misses the connection at Genoa Junction, and letters that should get here in the morn |fg are not received until 3:30 in the ^fternoon, and consequently cannot be Answered until the next morning This, In many cases, is a great inconvenience » tO our business men is there no remedy ? 1 • 28 ponnds of choios : v. JWler'8 West Side. 3* •r Prunes for Slat THE OBBKIN F4.IB. The German Fair, which is being held » the new church in this - village, was formally opened on^Sunday evening last A TO opening address was made by R^v. 'Father Kirsch, pastor of the church, ond was followed by President (Jrinty, in a f «w well timed remarks jn behalf of the village. Adolph Fisher, of Elgin, then gave an aldressHn German, and we take it fur granted that it was pertinent and to the point, bat it was all Greek to us. This was followed by music by the Mc Henry Military Band, singing by the Elgiu Quartette, and by home talent, which was well received by the large crowd in attendance. A fine lunch was also served during the evening, and nothing left undone by the Committee to make it pleasant for all. The Fair is drawing large crowds both afternoon and evening, and if one is to judge by the two days it has been run ning will be a decided success, financially and otherwise. The committee having the matter in charge are sparing no pains, and are turnishing a programme each day and evening for the entertain ment of those present, which consists of music, singing, tableaux, charades, etc. The articles on exhibition are numerous and are meeting with ready sale, which fact insures a good financial showing. At this early day, the Fair having hardly got in running order, but little more can be said, but after its close we will make a full report. It will be open every day and evening up to and includ ing Feb* 14. I he Oliver Typewriter Band of Wood stock will be present on Saturday of tnis week. • EASTER comes on April 2d this year, two weeks earlier than last year, and as this date usually marks the opening of the season for dress, the milliners, dry goods merchants and clothing mea are making early preparations. A MAN in an adjoining town bought bis boy a nice double barrel shot gun recently and the first thing the boy did was to look down in*-o the barrel and ask if it was loaded. The father didn't say a word, but took the gun right back to the dealer and took in exchange a saw buck, an ax and other farming tools. POBTMASTER WAITE will in a few days post the following rules: ' No letters will de delivered until they have been receiv ed If you don't get a letter or paper on the day you expect it, have the post master look through all the boxrs and down cellar also. It ought to be tbere somewhere and he likes to bunt for it just to please you. If your friend don't write cuss the postmaster, he is to blame. If he tells you there is no mail for you put on a grieved expression and say, "there ought to be torn He is probably bid ing your mail for the pleasure of h .ving you call for it two or three times a day. Ask bim again. Suicide at National Hottae. The Elgin Every Saturday saye: Thos." J. Kelley, of the watch factory, was found dead in his room at the National House Frilay morning, having shot himself in the mouth., His wife had filed a bill for divorce and the sheriff went to serve the writ and found him dead. His parents live at Woodstock. His attor neys, Irwin & Abbot', have found bim in very unsettled stat* of mind for two weeks, worrying over his little son, and they are not surprised at the outcome. Tha sympathy ot those who know the fasts in the case are entirely with him. Hotel Change. .Marshall Bros, have^ purchased the interest of Asad Udell in the Glen wood Springs Hotel. The hotel will be open as usual this year and the prospects for a successful season are good. It is Vr. Udell's intention to engage in other busi ness. One of the changes contemplated by Marshall Bros, is that of moving the park barn much nearer the hotel. It will be located directly across the street from the hotel, near the old site.--Harvard Independent* IT is really wonderful to notice the care some men exercise in piliBg wood. We saw one the other day spend five minutes in looking for a place to put a stick with the bark down, so it wonld make a bole lararer than itself, and--he found it* Yes, when he had finished his "cord" it was a question whether he was building "cord" of woodor a "cord" of holes with a prospect, if I hey could >be measured, that there was more boles than wood, Bed and Horse Blankets, the finest line to be foond in the County, at StoSel'i. siller FXBSOKAIt r fl. H. BRADY, of Chicago was a on Monday. • K * BEKT COLBY, of Nandi. F|T Our streets on Friday last. A J JAC/SB JUSTEN was attending to busi ness in Chicago the first of the week. MRS. F. T. COLBY, of Chicago, was vis iting friends here last week. Miss MABEL WHEELER is.visiting with friends at Elgin this wee&. PHILIP HUFFMAN, of Spring Grove, was on our streets on Tuesday. MRS. ALBERT MCLEAN, of Burton, was calling on friends here on Tuesday. MAT HEIMKR, of Elgin, was here to at* tend tbe opening of the Fair on Sunday. STEPHEN FRKUND, of Elgin, was calling on friends here Sunday.] FATHER RITTEBSDORF, of dbicigo, was the gcest of Father Kirsch Sunday. MRS. JENNINGS, of E'gin, was the guist of W. Criety and family Monday. MRS. W. A. CRISTY and Mrs. E. H. Walker were Ringwood visitors Tuesday. ISAAC WENTWOKTII is still confined to the house but is slowly improving. MR. PETERSON, of 16wa, is the guest of Peter L»ickem <*nd family this week. He is a nephew of Mrs. Leickeni. . • LIEUT. FRANK HANAFORD and wits, of Woodstock, was ov<r to the German Fair on T iceday. WM. BROWX, of Greenwood, was in at tendance at the German Fair on Monday evening. MRS. HENRY MENTZER, of Greenwood, was here attending the German Fair the first of the week. MRS. HENRY MCOMBBB. who has been on the sick list, is slowly b it sorely im proving. MRS. CHAS NICKELS has been on the «ick list tbe past few davs. She is at her daughter's Mrs Chas. Harmson. NICK STOFFEL and family, of Hum* phrey, Neb., is visiting friends here this week. Mias MARY BUBR, ot Chicago^ is the guest of Andrew Miller and wife, ia this village this week. W. D. WENTWOUTR, ot Wauconda, was attending to business in this village on Monday. JOHN FJ)J:E, who we reported as quite sick last week is no better^ and his friends are fearful of the result* MRS. JOHN I. STORY -and daughter, Edna, were Chicago visitors on Friday 1 ist. MI*SCORA Hr»BA«n, of Wisconsin, is here taking eare of her grandparents, Elinha Hubbard and wife. Miss CLARA WIGHTMAN, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sundajr with friends in this village. MRS. C. A. WALSH, of Elgin, was here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Brady on Monday. CONGRESSMAN LOMM'ER, of Chicago, passed through here for the Lake on Monday. CHAS. WILLEY and wife, and H. O. Thompson and wife, of Chicago, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Brady on Monday. MRS. J. P. GOING, who is on the sick list, at the Residence of C. T. Eldredge, in this village, is reported as better at this writing. HSN. F. K. GRANGER, who spent Sat urday and Sunday with bis family, in this village, returned to Springfield on Monday afternoon. H. B. TYRRELL and wife of Lake Geneva, were here to attend tbe funeVal of Mrs. Brady, the former's sister^ on Monday. Mr. Tyrrell made our sanctum a^pleasant call. , /En GRANGER, who is Clerk on the Si nate Committee on Hp venue and Cor- 'porations, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in this village, returning to 4up duties on Monduy. MRS. A. S.WRIGHT, of Woodstock, was the guest of her parents, O. W. 0*en and wife, in this village, on Wednesday last. The occasion was the birthday of Mrs Owen, and a very pleasantand enjoyable time was the result. AMONG those from abroad who attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Brady here on Monday were the following: H. H. Brady, B. H. Tyrrell and wife, C. L. Willey and wife, H. O. Thompson and wife, &nd Miss Julia Fields, all of Chica go; M. J. Tyrrell, Slayton, Minn ; Miss Georgia Montgomery, Woodstock; H. B. Tyrrell and wife, Lake Geneva; and Mrs. C. A. Walsh, Elgin. Proceedings of Village Board. COUNCIL ROOM, Feb. 6, 1899. President Cristy called the Board to order. Ppesent Baer, Freund, Granger, Heimer, Miller. Absent, Wont worth. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: Wilbur Lumber Co., coal..............f 10 33 John Waiph, police sei vices.......... 40 00 M. Niesen, police services..., 40 00 Gilbert Bros., oil and chimneys 2 70 B. Laurer, rep. pump 1 00 A. C. Friedl.v, mdee 3 75 Motiou by Heimer, seconded by Freund that the bills be paid. Carried. The bill of the Webster Mfg. Co., for re pairing engine was referred to tbe water committee. The question ot supplying water to the McHenry Journal for running a witer motor was also referred tp the water committee. Oa motion by Granger seconded by Freund the Board then adjourned. W. A CRISTY, Pres. 3. STFOFFEL, Clerk. List of Patents, Granted to Illinois Inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys Washington, D. C. R. O. Burrous, Pierson, draft tq<ializ<)r; F. C. Crowe, Chicago Heights, cotton seed Cleaner; J. Dieter, Lock port, clod crusher; W. M. Edgington, Rookeide, nut lock; E D. Ktnyre, Oregon, Sprink ler; E Gray, Highland Park, lamp; G. H. Hee«, Jr , La Grange, apparatus for drying and cooling graiu; H. L. lde, Springfield, piston valve, C. F. Kinclt^ eloe, Quincy, horse detacher and vehicle guidt; C. E. Kiny, Quincy, steam boiler cleaner; J. F. Kinney, Evauaton, broom handle; D. S. McMullen, Evanston, gate; M. J. Palmer, Arcadia, Uterine curette; W. H. Pricz, Austin, air moistener and attemperator; C. Rice, Durham, gate; W. St .ffrfl, McHenry, pneumatic tire pro* •tector; H. R. Wilken, Stirling, toy bank. For copy of any of the above patents send 10 cents in p> stage stamps nith date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, I). C. o Dr- Bull's C^ugh Syrup cures croup, it has saved the life of many a child. Mothers, keep this med icine always on hand; it will save you many restless rroments. Price 25c. TAXES! TAXES! * The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the township of McHenry, will on and after Monday, February 6, 1899, be at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: £) Mond >yp-- \t the Post Office, in the village of Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At the store of J. E. Cristy, in the village of Ringwood. Thursday*--At the store of A. P. Baer, West McHenry. Saturdays-- \t the store of Owen & Chapell, McHenry. AI1 persons having Taxes to pay should call at any of the above named places at as early a day as possible. M. J. FREUND, Collector. Tax Payers Attention. I will be at M. J. Walsh's store, West McHenry, every Wednesday during Feb ruary for the purpose of collecting taxes for the town of Nunda. 313»- E.G. Collector LAST OBAND SOCIAL PAETY OF THE SEASON The Ladies of St. Patrick's Church will give their last Grand Social Party ot the season, for the,benefit of the organ fund, Stoffel's Hail, West McHenry, 111., Monday evening, ̂ eb. 13, 1899. FLOOR MANAGERS. A. P. Baer, West McHenry, John J. Barbian, McHenry. W. Mnnahan, Waucontju. John Lane, Lonir Lake. Thomas Daley, Carry. Eusrene Matthews, Barreville. A J. Thompson, Nhnda. Geo. Bnss. Terra cotta. 1 H. F. {Jreelev, Richmond. Nate Stevens, Ringwood. R. J. Walsh, North Nunda. Music R-ed's orchestra. Tickets for dance f 1 00. Supper 25 cents each. Hupp-^r to be given by the Ladies of the Jburch in the Basement Diniug Room. All are cordially invited. Horses taken care of free of charge. PER ORDER COM. PBOJR. BFEST. The Chicago Optician, will be at the Riverside Honse, Monday, Feb. 13, and at Dr. Auringer!e office Tuesday, Feb. 14 If you have any trouble with your eyee don't fail to see him. Prof. Beat has done a lot of good work in McHenry and would like to do more. "YOCNG men, take notice. Moler'e II" lustrated Catalogue explains ho* they f>ach the barber trade in eight weeks. Itflis mailed free, by addressing Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. IT'S a man's duty to maintain an even temper and always be in good humor, bat it's pretty hard to do so sometimes. When you try hard to pleas* a man and heeursesyou; when you work hard for a fellow and he won't pay you, or when you vote for a fellow and he doesn't know you, or whep you feed and curry a donkey and be kicks you--then it well be well to keep cool but the tefnperature is apt to rise to tbe boiling po:nt, at least. Dr. Bull's rough Syrup cures all throat troubles. Why wear out your throat by incessant coughing, when this reliable remedy can be bought for only 25 cents a bottle? Real Estate at Auction.' By virtue of a decretal order of the Circuit Court of McHenry county and to me directed, I will, on .Saturday, Feb 11, 1899, at, 1 o'clock P, M., at the front door of the City Hall, in the villege of McHenry, seli oil the real estate owned by tbe late Michael Lei z«n at the tima of his death, consisting of 300 acres of land This land Is Mtuated about three mile? north of J ihnsburgb, and i« some of the best in McFerry connty. It will be sold in tiercels, giving every one a chance to purchase what portion of it, they may desire. L P. LOWELL, Master in Chancery. C. J. HE>DRICKP, Solicitor. FOR SALE. Two dozen barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels, weight from 8 to 10 pounds each. Price 75 cents each if taken by March 1st. New Percales, Ginghams, Prints^ etc at Simon Stoffel's. F&BE TO MILLIONS OF StTFFBBEBS Tbe New Cure for Kidney, Bladder and • Uric Acid Troubles. Almost everybody who reads tbe news papers is sure to know of Swamp Root. It is tbe great medical triumph of the nineteenth century; discovered alter years of untiring scientific research by the eminent kidney and bladder special ist, Dr. Kilmer, and has truly wonderful powers in curing kidney, liyer, bladder and uric acid disease. Kidney trouble is responsibly for more sickness and sudden death than any other disease, and is so deceptive that thousands have it without knowing it. Your kidneys filter yt ur blood and keep it pure, that's wh4t they are there for. You are well when yonr kidneys are well. Thousands owe their health and even life to ^swamp-Root and thousands more can be made well who today think them selves beyond help if they will take Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ri >t. By special arrangement with the PLAISI>KALEU and to prove for yourself the wonderful and prompt curative pow ers of this great discovery every reader will be sent by mail, prepaid, a free sam ple bottle and with it a book telling more about Swamp Root and containing some of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from suf ferers cured. Please mention that yon read this generous off >r in the PLAINDEALER, and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. If you are alrerdy convinced that Swamp Root is what you need, you can get the regular fifty cent and one dollar sizp at the drng stores or of medicine dealers. Make a note of the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, >md remember it is prepared only by Dr. Kilmer & Co , Binghamton, N. Y. EX-HOME SEKKERS' CHEAP CUUSIONS. The Northwestern Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets February 21, March 7 .and 21, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west ami south at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information apply tQ agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 32-3w EXCURSION RATES TO THE MARDI GRAS AND WINTER RESORTS, Via the Northwestern Line. On account of the Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile, excursion tickets will be sold February (5 to 12, ;nclusm , at very low rates, limited for return passage until February 28th. Excursion tickets are .Iso on sale daily, at reduced rates, to 'he principal winter resorts in the United States and Mexico. Forfull information apply to ticket agents Chicago & North western railway. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the old Morey place, 1% miles north of Ringwood, on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1899, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following property: Ten head of horses, one pair black geldings 8 years old, one bav mare 11 years old, one pair sorre' geldings (» years old, one brown gelding (> years old, one gelding 7 years old, one sorrel mare 9 years old, one bay hort-e 17 years old, one bay mare G years old, one black mare 10 years old, part Norman, weight 1200, two sets double harness, one truck wagon, oue milk wagon, one sulky cultivator, one stirring plow, one McCormick binder, one sulky plow, -30 milk cans, one Oxford hay tedder, and other articles not men tioned. Usual free lunch at noon. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under cash, Over that sura a credit of oue year will be piven on good approved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. W. A. DODGE. GEO. VO&RL, Auctioneer. A Reliable Woman Wanted. We want a reliable woman in every county to establish a corset parlor for the stile of Dr. Nichols' Celebrated Spiral spring I'orsejs. The best $1 Corset in the world. Eve y corset is warranted not to break or rust, absolutely impre- vious to moisture or perspiration. A new pair civen ,for every pair that breaks. Guarantee printed on each cor set,. Recommended by over 10,000 phy sicians. I furnish complete stock on consignment and pay a salary of $40 to $.65 per month and expenses. $3 sample outfit free. Prices reduced. Send 10 cents postage for sample and terms. 32w6 DR. G. I). NICHOLS, New Canaan, Conn. GRAND DANCE! Yourself mid lady are cordially invited to attend a (Jrand Dative at BenStilling's Dancing Hall, Pistaqua" Bay, III., Mon day eveuing, February 13, 185)9. Floor Committee: Peter Freund, Pistaqua Bay; Mat Weber, McHenry; J. J. harbian, McHenry; -Jacob Miller, Jobnsburgh; J. R. Graham, Long LakV; Harry Dunnill. Fox La^e. Music, Noouan's Orchestra. Tickets; T»0 cents. Refreshments of all kinds will be served at reasonable rates. BEN STILLING, Proprietor. WHAT SHALL WE DO. A serious and dangerous disease pre vails in this country, dangerous because so deceptive. It comes on 90 slowly yet surely that it is often firmly seated before we are aware ol it. The name of this disease which may be divided into three-distinct stages is, First Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back, rheumatism, lnmbago, frequent de sire to urinate, often with a burning sen sation, the flow of urine being copious or scant with strong odor. If allowed to advance this reaches the Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down between the navel and the water passage increasing desire to urinate, with scaid- inir sensation in passing, small quanti ties being passed with difficulty, some times necessary to draw it with instru ments. If uric acid or gravel has formed ft will prove dangerous if neglected. The Third stage is Bright's Disease. There is comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialise, has discovered a remeJy ia-' mous for ils marvelous cures of the most distressing eases and known as Dr. Kil mer's Swamp Root. If is sold by all drueriiists. As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery. Swamp Root, a sample bottle and book of valuable in formation will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer & Co Binghampton, N. Y. When writing kind ly mention that you read this liberal offer in the PLAINDEALER A fine new line ot Dress Goods just re ceived ar Simon Stoffel's, from 15 cents to, $1.15 per yard. < al> and see them. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story pf the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, com missioned hy the Government as OflScia Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francieco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at .Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American treaches at Manila, in the-insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Briiyful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large Jjook. Low prices. Big profits. Freight "paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Stc'y, Star Insur- anceBldg, Chicago. 17-4m TO THE PUBLIC. We are n,uthoriz"d to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to relund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine Made for la grippe, colds and whoopine cough. Price 25 and 50c per bottle. Try it. J. A. STORY. Bring in your hands, our stock of Gloves and Mittens fits tbem all. J. J. Miller. To Rant. A large front room over Owen & Chapell's store, suitable for offce, dress making, tailor or millinery. Terms reasonable. Inquire at the Bank of McHenry. . 31 w4 Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair* CHEAM Bnaluen lMtlt. MOST PbRbHCT MADK. Cotton Bats, the be At 8imon Stoffel's. flock la lops-'-- Flannel Shirts and Sweaters almost 4ft yonr own price at Simon Stoffel's, Call and see onr large stock of GtaM> ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAEB. Have yon seen the new line of Necktlnfl All the latest styles just received at M. J. Walsh's. New Prints just received. Latest Pa terns, and at prices lower ever before. Himon Stoffel. Our line of Shoes are like the 1 nifii if navy, "Can't be Beat." M. J. WALSK. A large stock of New Winter DIVM Goods to select from at M. J. Walsh's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, withost question the most stylish and best wsar ing shoe on the market, ""* bs fonnd ait Simon Stoffel's. Cloaks and Overcoats at 20 psr ewt discount for cash. <' SIMON STOFFEL. Be sure to leave your orders for Pflkv bury s or Washburn's beet at StoffeTs Delivered promptly to any part of tows. A large line of samples to select a Snit or Overcoat from, and only a small profit charged at M. J. Walsh's. Bed Blankets from 42 cents to pt/t. pair at Siuton Stoffel's. Table Rugs, Fancy Table Cov«% Table Linen, Napkins, etc., in great riety and at the lowest prices, at Stoffel's. 11 yon want to see the flmst stodt ot Lamps to be found in McHenry conaty call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BARB. Chamberlain's tone, Cnolera and Diap- rohea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and sale to ttiks. Sold by J. A. Story. All goods fresh ana new and Prices ths Lowest, at the Farmer's Store. Gall in and learn our prices. No trouble to show Goods. _____ House to Rent . A good house to rent on ths West Side. Good barn, well, cistern and all modern conveniences. Inquire of SIMOK SPEND your winter in Florida, of Hunting, Fishing and Boating on the famous Indian River. Get over yons catarrh and rheumatism. I have spent 7 winters at Melburne. Writs mS lor pamphlet and cost. J. F. POWELL, % Waukegan, Illinois FLANNEL WAISTS. ? If yon want something warm, neataad stylish in this line, call at Stoffel's. WANTED-* EVER AL TRUSTWOftTBT person* in tbia state to manage onr '•mislnes- in their own and nearbvr oouilM, It is mainly office wo-k ©andnote i at boat. SaUry straight #900 a year an<l expenses-- ieiluite, b >natide, no more, no eas aalerr. Monthly, f<5. References Enclose hu. ailttresaed etamped envelope, Herbert • Ue»s, Freat,, Dept. M, Chicago. K ; FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. J*".,,, c 1 «1!®ttern8 a*"1 the Yard, at Siaoat StoffeTs. If you are looking for bargains do not fail to call at the Farmer's Store before you buy. We know we can surely says von money. Poland China Boara fyr Sale. The undersigned has a few fine PoUud China Boars for sale. « „ B. A. STKTOTS Spring Grove, HI. g-a A CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story of ths Philipp'nes" by Murat Halstead, com missioned by the Government as official Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonansa for agents. Brimful of original pic tores taken by government photographers oa the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. 17-4fli '-""I I have made a specialty ot ths ] cution of all kinds of flimft against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, tor fifteen years and make no chains vajhMPI'; uccessful. Call or write me. Li. P. BARNES, ATTOKBKT, * ' Woodstock IB* ' • • • % WE WANT AT ONCE S Several reliable salesmen to sell oar complete Has cf Mi!!, Es™ss and er Supplies. Steady employment all ys«r round. The Crown Snppiy Company, Cleveland, Ohio. CRANBERRIES, the very finest to jbfi found anywhere, at Simon stoffel's. HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCCfe SI'JNS. (In October 18, No .-ember 1, 15, cember 6 to 20, the Northwestern Lias will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep tionally low rates. For tickets and infar» mation apply to agents Chicago ft Forth western R'y. 15-eow-Sw Da- '/iM vents consumption. Oue-fifth of the _ deaths in cities is from consumption, A pure'Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, rrer caused by neglected colds.. Dr. Boll's [from,Ammonia, Alum 01 any other adulterant Cough Syrup always oaree colds. I 40 Y6ARS THE STANDARD. A few more bushels of those fineOniaas at 45c a bushel at J. J. Miller's Wsst Side. " FLASHLIGHT PICTURE*- L. E Bennett has demonstrated,, ing tbe past seventeen months, that arti ficial light is equal to daylight in making pictures. The atmospherical effects are superb and cannot be surpassed by the beet daylight work. When expression is taken into account the flash is much superior for the reason the exact look can be gotten, providing, of coarse, if the subject has it. With all thsss ad vantages it will be seen that L. E. Ben nett is the man to make tbe pictures of the babies, fatheis, mothers, aad ad tfcfe- rest of the family. Call at ones. A CARD. We, the undersigned, to hereby agf*s to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough o* cold. Wa also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to PCWTS | satisfactory or mumy refunded. I JVUAA.8TO*T. M*M +