Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1899, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, 1899. ttf The Batter market on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday presented an aoomakraa feature. Fifty tubs were offered, the hide being 22%c. Nine tabs were withdrawn at an offer of 23c, and 41 sold at 23c. The official market was declared active at 22c. Last week the price was 20c, and one year ago 19c. MT A pile of soft coal, said to contain over two hundred tone, at the Elgin Asy­ lum, was reported to be on Are Monday, and was in such a condition that it seemed impossible to extinguish it, the heat being so intense that it was impossi­ ble to get near. Grave fears are felt as to the result. It is supposed to have caught from spontaneous combustion. MTSenator Spooner is not a habitual wit, but he can say a pretty sharp thing Od occasion. In the discussion over the "tonsent-of-the-governed" sentiment be­ fore the vote on the peace treaty the Senator remarked: "There is only one place in the world I know of where the exercise of power dep ends upon the unan­ imous consent of the governed, and that is the Senate of the United States." (tr The London Telegraph thus com­ pliments our volunteers: "It is quite dear that the Americans have given the Filipino rebels a sound thrashing at a comparatively small cost to themselves. Tbey have, for the time being at all events, placed Manilo in safety until re­ inforcements now en route reach General Otis. Although the majority of the American soldiers at Manila were volun­ teers, they appear to have fought with as much discipline and gallantry as their regular comrades could have exhibited." NT* Dpn's Review says the country is on the np grade, and Ihe men whoexpect to take the downward road have some time yet to wait. There are no indica tions of the reaction which follows a large and rapid business recovery and ex isting conditions in the industries and in foreign trade by no means forbid the hope that the increase may continue, as it did after the revival in 1879 for sever- mlyears. Exports compared with imports continue to indicate an enormous bal­ ance in cash due this country, and gold Imports begin again. WIIX BB HUMORED NO LONOSB. It is highly gratifying to all patriotic citizens that Aguinaldo, the insufferable egotist ot the Philippines, has been ad­ ministered so prompt and wverf. a trou.-.cing. The only method of dealing with pretenders of the Agninaldo stripe is to give them plainly to understand that American valor, which, -Mt ho great a cost of pircious lives, has done much to better the condition ot the Filipinos, will not brook the insolence of the up­ start leader and his band of followers. Perhaps it may be necessary for Dawey to give a little more employment to his gunners, and for Otis to mane farther use of the troops he has at bis command, and, if necessary, it should be done with­ out delay. Aguinaido's whims have beec humored too long, bat the American people now are done with him.--Spring- Held Journal. / Protection for Soldier and. Sailor. We have the most superb army and navy on eartb; in courage, in morale, in proficiency, intelligence and patriotism, no finer bodies of men exist. Their achievements gleam like stars in the fir­ mament of our national glorj; they de­ serve the best we can give them in all things--the best ships, the best guns, food, clothing, the best protection. And the best protection means not only ar­ mor for tjieir ships and walls for their forts; they are entitled to protection in life, liberty and reputation. These met> did not leave behind them all thesr things so dear to every citizen when they entered the army or navj: in proceedings where all or any of these three jewels of American citizenship are involved, the soldier and the sailor should be given th» same privileges and should be hedged about with the same safeguards as are demanded by the law for the protection of all other American citizens --North American Review. 90^Americans in congress are not the only ones who have been lauding Aguin­ aldo as a Philippine George Washington, and the savages who makeup the greater part of his forces, and who not only violated the laws of nations by attacking our soldiers but who kill and mutilate prisoners, fired upon Red Cross am balances and the bearers of a flag of truce, as patriots, gave them moral aid, bnt the American owner of the schooner loaded with arms and amnnition, which was seized by Dewey, was doing his level best to give them material aid. Which of the two classes deserve the most con­ demnation is a question that each man Igkaj determine for himself. Trade jrollowa thn Flair North American Review: Trade fol­ lows the flag. We are ready to compete with the world in everything made from iron, steel and cotton, and a hundred other things. We want sL market for the cereal products of the northwest and the Pacific elope, withodt sending them to Liverpool and paying toll to Great Brit­ ain, before they reach Asiatic ports. The same is true of South American-markets, both on the Atlantic and the Pacific. To reach these markets now we must send our mail, and often ship our goods by the way of Liverpool. This is a terrible handicap to our trade. American ves­ sels, manned by Americans, would result in great advantage in marketing Amer­ ican goods. All admit the desirability, from a purely commercial standpoint, of building up our merchant marine. ILLINOIS PRESS ASSOCIATION. The Illinois Press Association cloned their Annual Meeting in Chicago on Fri­ day last by transiting routine business aud electing officers for the ensuing year as follows: President, Michael F. Walsh, Harvard Hem Id; Frst Vice-President, 0. C. Chain, Buthnel) democrat; Second Vice President, Wm. W. Watts, Nashville Journal: Third Vice President, A. W, Glessner, Galena dinette; Treasurer, C. B. Mead, Geneva Republican; Secretary, J. M. Page, Jerseyville Democrat; Execu­ tive Committee, J. N. Onstott, Peters­ burg Democrat, C. Tinuey, Virginia Gazette, A. C. Bentley, Pittfleld Times; Auditing Committee, H. S. Wheeler, Quincy Jonrria ; G. W. Harper, Robin­ son Argus: J. W. Rapp, Fairfield Record. We congratulate Brother Walsh on the honor conferred him by the associa­ tion, which must have been more gratify­ ing to him from the fact that his election was unanimous. An Art Exhibit. The "Highlands of Ontario" which lie in the northern wilds of Canada, a little over 100 miles fromj^oronto, ie favored *jtf' some of the finest summer reports on the continent. The Grand Trunk Railway, recognizing the valoe of such a magnificent country have had their photographer cover the different regions with his camera, the result being a col­ lection of photographic productions of great artistic m**rit combining scenery 'Mong the 30,000 Islands of the Geor­ gian Bay," "The Muskoka Lake Dis­ trict," the "Lake of Bays District," and "Magnatewan River." which give an elo quent idea of a natural beauty which is certainly unsurpassed in any other part of the world. Lakes, rivers and streams are numbered by the score, islands by the thousands, while hills and headlands aud majesties peaks give the sense of diversified charm which put a longing for summer holidays in theheart. These artistic productions are .30 by 40, hand­ somely framed and some 150 are in the collection. It is the intention of the Grand Trunk Railway System to place these on exhibition in the different prom inent cities of the United States, opening with Chicago, where the exhibition will be on view from the 13th to the 16th of February, in the Club Room of the Pal­ mer House. From there the collection will be taken to Memphis. Feb. 2lst to 23d, New Orleans Feb 27 to March 1st, and Louisville March 6th to March 8tb, and several other cities. sir Mr. Hopkins and C« nana Bill. I - Representative Hopkins has succeeded % having the bill providing for the taking Qf the twelfth census adopted without a roll call. He moved to suspend the rules and take up the meat ure for considera­ tion; which was done, and within an hour the measure had been adopted. There was some opposition to it on the part of JBepresentative Johnson, of Indiana, Who opposes everything proposed by the I Republicans, and by his actions has prac­ tically read himself out of the Republican party. Notwithstanding this opposition I #ie bill was agreed to without an amend­ ment, and it now goes to the Senate, where it will also be pushed. Biir Fire in Chicago. The establishment of A. C. McClurg & Co., booksellers, stationers and publish­ ers, at the northwest corner of Madison street and Wabash Avenue was destroy­ ed by fire Sunday morning; The stock was valued at $500,000. The loss on the building is estimated at $140,000. The insurance on the stock is $400,000, and on the building and fixtures $110,000. The largest stock of books in the west numbering thousands of.volumes, inclu­ ding many rare editions, which it will bp difficult if not impossible to replace, wa* swept away. McClurg's has long been a Mecca for Chicago lovers of books, and its destruction will cause a feeling of re­ gret to the multitudes who have spent pleasant momeuts examining its artistic literary wealth. It was, and has been for many years the principal book More in the city. ,1 BAER, frtpir asiasiai West McHenry, Oiir Slaughter Peri# we are just through inventorying all odds and ends must go During the next 20 Days, You can set your own price on anything you want among1 our large line marked down. It will be a hig sa le at as low ot lower prices than have ever been offered in the Dry Goods line in McHenry. It Won't Last Forever. We are going to rid our shelves of this stock and yon can at your own price. buy A Summer Dreams I'SISISIVIVI • * «>• 7.?-: ow Your Troubles v an­ ish when you Buy Goods pur Store. . s Highest duality, Lowest Prices With a larger stock of God^s in alt before, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. •W CI.OAKS OVERCOATS DRESS GOODS. We have remnants of Dress Goods that have been thrown into the Slaughter Pen. There are many astonishing bargains,, Catch them before they are all gone. Ladies' and Children's Shoes. A quantity of Women* and Children's Shoes, which will t.e sacrificed. All good and stylish makes. Call and 6ee them. Odd Pieces of Crockery. Id Decorated Ware, which you can have at your own price, Some very desirable pieces. Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Overcoats, Robbers, Et<}. We have in stock the celebrated . Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots n endless variety, which has no equal. Call and look them over. We can't fail to please you in almost any line. We have Fancy Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy Goods of all kinds. Styles the Latest. I I^TA Washington correspondent says "President McKinley speaks in the high­ est terms of the management of affairs at Manila by Gen. Otis, not only of his practical annihilation ̂ of Aguinaldo's army, but of his shrewdness in refusing to recognize Aguinaldo to the extent of agreeing to bold a conference with bim «|t is the purpose of the President to make the Filipinos understand that as 4oon as Spain ratifies the treaty, already ratified by our Senate, the Philippines will be American territory. After that be intends that they shall have as liberal a government as they show themselves to deserve, even to the extent of absolute Independence, but he is opposed to any ' action by this congress that will bind ' this government to any particular policy . in advancc, and congress, with few excep­ tions, is with him, as he believes the country to be." The Kidney Complexion. The pale, sallow, sunken checRed, dis tressed-looking people you so often meet are afflicted with "Kidney Complexion Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color. So is their complexion. They may also have indijsestion. or suffer from sitepleseness, rheumatism, neuralgia, brain trouble, nervous exhaus­ tion and sometimestbe heart, acts badly The cause ie weak, unhealthy kidneys Usually the suffer from kidnsy des- ease does not find out what the troubh is until it is almost too late, because th» fit st symptoms are so like mild sicknest- that they do not think they need a medi cine or a doctor until they find them­ selves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot will build uj and strengthen their weak and diseased kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney- poisoned blood, clear their complexion and soon they will ei joy better health You can get the regular sizes at the drug store, at tifty cents and one dollar or you may first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of this great discovery Swamp-Root, by sending your addr^ns to Dr. Kilffie? & Co., Binghamptoo, N Y, for a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly men­ tion that you saw this liberal offer in the PLAIN de A LKB. That cough Hangs OD You have used all sorts of cough reme- J {dies but it does not j (yield; it is too deep I | seated. It may wear j | itself out in time, but f it is more liable to | produce la grippe, 1 pneumonia or a seri- j j ous throat affection, j j You need something I (that will give you* strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S 1 EMULSION Swill do this when everything I else fails. There is no doubt | about it. It nourishes, { strengthens, builds up makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fort i fy the sys tem aga ins t : further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you . should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. 50c. and, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Our New Stock Has just commenced to arrive. You will hear more about it SOOD. FlOUr. OLD SLEEPY EYE FLOUR is still the loading brand.% We do not have to change brands two or three times a year like some merchants do, trying to get a flour that will suit the trade. Sleepy Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one that uses it. We have a lot on hand. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. Yours for trade, West, McHenry. II>inoia. F or Ladies and Gents. «£ound in this section. ?!?CWOOD, 1*-1- Just what You Want. Fur Coats, Jackets and Capes, Felt Boots and Lined Shoes. and I PRICES THE LOWEST QUALITY THE BEST. II i l-s* • IV Senator Lodge in a few words die- posed of the abeurd claim that the Filip-1 inos had been oppressed and that they ! were in constant dread of being attacked by our troops, which several Senators] .advanced after the news of the destruc- fjrY tion of about one-fourth of Aguinaldo's) ; army by our forcee reached Washington. i/O Mr. Lodge said: "Their oppression ex-| fete solely in speeches in the U. 8. Senate. ' They have been treated with the utmost I §rf kindness and consideration, and after the | |j-V fashion of orientals they have mistaken kindnees for timidity. Stringent orders ] had gone from the President of the U. 8- to Gen. Otis and Admiral Dewey that no ] attack should be made on the Filipinos. Over a fortnight ago Aguinaldo was I officially informed by Gen. Otis that the President of the United States had order­ ed him not to attack tbe Filipinos, so he knew we had no intention of attacking him. The idea that he had no notion of oar intentions is a totally mistaken one. | He knew absolutely and officially what | the intentions of the United States were. Yet, knowing all this, the Filipinos de­ liberately precipitated this attack u^on I the American force in Manila, where our army had a right to be. The attack was made and it was met as American sol­ diers and Americq^iuula» alnaye meetj fadiattacks* ^ . . . . jl > Sanson'S Good fchoes are v«ry useful. We have the good kind, adapted for all purposes, fo* the farm and for the city <»r village, as it happens, for the ball or' for the wedding, are the warm kind at underprice. Quite a while since we invited you to a Calico <• Sale, but here is one Saturday the 18th, this time it's the Indigo Blue kind, ot the best. Think it more u eful than the cheaper. You know tbey have to be made up. Costs no more to make a good one. 10 yards for 35c to each Lady who| calls Saturday. A Car Best on Recoid Hour just in. You know its the best flour sold in the town. Special prices on bl lots it you come quick. JOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry. Illinois. BOUCHT TO SELL THIS WINTER. Prices Will Talk for Themselves COME Am SEE THE GOODS. J. E. CRISTY. At 20 per Cent Discount for Cath. • 4 . * R ' Bed Blanket8!from 4£c to $4 per pair. s FIrtE SHOES. The largest and lxjut assortment to bo Another Gar of Pillsburv's Best this Week. SIM027 STOFFEL. Wast McHenry III. Feb 14. 1890 OUR GREAT LEVER IS OUR PRICE. Of coarse we hold it subject to quality. You surety want the [jest always. At our right figures the best is the cheapest in the end. Here is proof enough: M en's extra heavy Underwear, 45. Men's extra heavy all wool Underwear, 5. Ladies' heavy fleeced Underwear, 20- Ladies extra heavy fleeced Underwear, 30. Ladies extra heavy wool fleeced Underwear, 45. Men's heavy duck coats. 90. « Beavy Blue Prints per yd. 5. Heavy Shaker Flannel,'5. -Good Tennis Flannel, 6. Good Sheeting, 5. Good Toweling, 5. Extra heavy Toweling, 7. Baby shoes worth 50c only 36. Baby shoes worth 65c only 46. Ladies' shoes worth $1 50 only $1.25. Better grade $1.50 to $3 50 Men's, Boy's and Youth's Shoes in all grades and styles* Fairbanks' Gold Dust 20c Good Pure Baking Powder 10c Three cans Pears for 20c, Good Corn only 8c . --Three lb can Pumpkin Itfc Three lb can Tomatoes 10c Three lb can Peaches 10c Good Sardines ia Oil 5c A Beautiful Flour Scoop Free with each sack Seal of MOnraesota Flour on next Saturday M A^ent for Continental Yours Truly, . J. WALSH, Fire Insurance Co. West McHenry. JACOB JUSTEN, The Reliable Furniture Dealer Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHcnry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. i Parlor and Room Sets. Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the •county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in nay line. WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF • Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN, McHenry, Jttl., Sept. 7,1898. &-* i

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