Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1899, p. 5

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Hê eiry ^Uiiietler. WEDNESDAY, MAR* H 8, 1899. Railway Time Table. ^HkfaiC effeet *nwl»r, Oct, 80, WW, It t •clock A. iratM W»U P*»* McHoury U •'clock folio ITS; t PtssBTicrcr. f Freight iPassetmer.. Passenger'.. * PassnnRer. t Passenger . t PAsaeiuef.. fTteigbt.. 0OIK0 «OBTH. DUO aOOTH, ....1040 A. w. * K. .... %;*5 P. * .... 6:51 r. m. .... 7:82*, M .... 8 SI A. M. .... >;iOr. M. USXPLUKAMO*. •--Dally. ... fDiily except ftutnlay. B, BUJi.l Vgent, McHenry,1111. M. W. A. Regular Meeting every Second and Fourth Wedn»«da* nven'ngs *»f each month, at their Hall, in stoffel's Blotk. H. C. MEAD, Olerk. O. C, COLBY, Conaul. w. o. o. r. .gt Patricia Court, No. 187, w, O. O. P. meet the First Saturday and Thiro wednas'tay ATfiBlDMof ea<*U month, at forest Rail* !MR«. M ART COBB , Chief Ranger. OHABLOTTK MADDBST F'eeretary. , . MA3QSIO. MnHmniT Looo*, No. 188, A. F. and A.M.-- Regular OommutucaUons the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. U HANLY. W. M. 1 Sh •*> • M0thodist Episcopal Church.! fteT.; W. L. Whipple....,...., Paator, Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. Sunday School, 12 m. Dr. A, II. Auringer, Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid '"oclety each alternate week pre. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilaon, bec'y. 4V A Cordial invitation la extended to all Universalis Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, Presiden t H. U.Mwl ...Olerk Jamea B. Perry Treasurer Bev. J. Straub, D, © Pastor The Willing Workers, (the ladies organ- aation.) Mrs. L. H.Owen ••• President fers. John I. Story .. ...... Vice President Mrs. J. VanSlyke Secretary Mrs W. A.Oristy Treasurer Supt, of Sunday SchoO. A. E. Baerhler Assistant, W. A. Oristy WTThe pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address • Qrand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7;80 F, k. A cordial Invitation to all. Principals' Association. The next meetinn o! the McHenry County Principals' Association will be held at Woodstock on Saturdaj; March 11th. The following is the programme: I. Adams, Chapter V W.C.Smith 2. How Much Arithmetic in th« 8th Grade...Supt W. H Hatch, Oak Park 8 Is the per cent Method of Grading the best method?............C. W.Hart 4. Adams, Chapter VI ....G. A. Collins 5 Belt Government in the High Bchool... J. M. Ednell F. E. AKGEVINE, Sec'y. NOTE beads and envelopes printed in an up-to-date style at this office. EYERYONE wiehes their stationary and other printed matter to be up-to-date. THE PLAINI>FALEB has the„ facilities. A. B. JOHNSON, an employe of the PLAINDGALER office who has been sick for a week, is now able to be oat. THE PLAIN DEALER office has all the fa­ cilities for turning out attractive anc* tion Bale bills. Give us a trial. TBE Willing. Workers will meet on Taursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Lydia Owen. Let there be a good attendance. PAY your taxes before March 10. This is the limit as specified by County Treas­ urer Axtell to M. J. Preund, tax collector for McHenry. JOB work of any desription at the PLAINDEALER office. Anything from a calling card to a poster put up at a reas­ onable price and in proper style. THIS is the season of the year when tenants are moving from one farm to another to be prepared to begin spring work when the season is permisable. MRS. W. A. CRISTY will lead the Y. P C. U. devotional meeting at the Univer salist church, on Sunday evening, March 12 Subject, "What does it mean to be sated?" THERE will be no extent ion of time for the collection of taxes this year. This is on account oi the new revenue law, under which the next general assessment Kill be made. Kuu is genuine March weather* The latter part of last week everything on the earth was muddy. This has since froz n, and we persume it will be thaw- ins: and freezing and thawing and freez­ ing until plowing time. EDITOR STEARNS, of the Waukegan Sud, is making an interesting feature of his "Query Column." By this any and all who desire are privileged to discuss pro and con topics that are of interest to tho city of Wankegan. KEV. C H. ROGER, pastor of the Uai- •ersalist church at Elgin, will exchange pulpits with Dr. Straub next Sabbath. He w$l also address the young people's meeting in the evening. There should be attendance and probably will be. CHAS. D. FCHOONMAKKH. of Genoa, 111 has been secured &y t^e McHenry Plain* I dealer Co. as j >b printer anil foreman. . Mr. Schoonmaker has had full charge of Vthe Genoa Issue for two years and made It one of the bright and interesting news­ papers of DdKalb county. MCHENRY has as many wide awake merchants as can be found in any village of its eiz9 in the state of Illinoie and they are entitle J to tbe patronage of t e pub­ lic. They are not in business to do their patrons, and every tim« a farmer trades here he benefits himself as well an tbe man be purchases from, for anything that affects McHenry in a business way will also affect the farmers in the sul­ fonating country in a similar manner It is home patronage that brings pros­ perity and a genuine one at that. uieotii yz rmovAL W. A. CRUSTY was a Woodstock visitor, on Friday. MBBH LIZZIE THEMEM, of Elgia^jjKYtait ing friends here. ah Mrs. Ben Buss, Jr. was a passenger t4, ̂ Chicago Tuesday. Mas. D. F. HANLY is at Woodstock this week for a visit. H. F. GRCLER, of Richmond, was a Mc­ Henry caller Sunday. J. A DUFIELD, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Friday. WILL LAMPHBBB, of Wauconda, was a recent visitor in this village. A. P. BAER transacted business in Chi­ cago the early part of the week. F. L. HATCH was over from Spring Grove the early part of the week. Mus. MM JN STOFFEL. was attending to business in Chicago on Thursday. N. A. HEMAN was attending to busi­ ness in Chicago on Thursday last. JAC B STOCK and wife were passengers for Chicago on Saturday morning. JOHN RALSTON and wife, were Chicago visitors the latter part of last week. MISS JULIA A. STORY was a passenger for Chicago on Thursday morning. MRS. ELLA HANLY, of Chicago, is spending the week hare with friends. C. H. OSTRANDKR and wife, of Fox Lake, were visitors in town Thursday. Miss BARBARA THELEN has been visit­ ing with friends in Elgin the past week MBS. E J. HANLY, of Chicago, is spend­ ing the week with friends in this village JAMES COMIBKY returned home Monday evening after a sojourning at Harvard. Avis COOK, of W anconda, made Mc­ Henry a brief call the early part of the week. Miss NEUTIE FCHIESSLE, of Chicago, was the guest of McHenry friends last week. F. WALSH, of the Harvard Herald, was a visitor in McHerry Saturday and Sunday. Lee Merrick, of Richmond, was attend­ ing to business in this vicinity on Satur­ day last. S. S. CHAPELL and wife were visiting with friends in Elgin the latter part of last week. J. W. CRISTY, of Ringwood, was at tending to business at the County seat on Thursday. STATES ATTORNEY V. S. LUMLEY, of Woodstock, was here on business the early part oi the week. MRS FRED SHERAURNE and son, of Nunda, was the guest of U. Sherburne and family on Saturday. LEROY PILCHER, of Chicago, was the guest of W. F. Gallagher as he is et joy­ ing a two weeks vacation. Miss BEHNICE SCOTT, whose liome is in Chicago, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Guerin for a few days. W. D. WENT WORTH and wife and Mrs. H. T. Fuller were tbe guests of Isaac Went worth and wife on Friday last. MISS CLARA WIGBTMAN .S out from Chicago this week, tbe gneBt of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wightman. W. M. SIMES, whose home is at Digh- ton, Lake county, was here on business matters and made th3 PLAIN DEALER office a call. A. C. GRANGER, who holds a good posi tion in the stockyards in Chicago, was a visitor at the parental home Sunday and Monday. MISS JESSIE BALDWIN, of tbe First Intermediate Department of the public school, spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother at Nunda. MRS F. T. COLBY, of Chicago, who has been tha guest of her mother, Mrs. Robt Wright, the past week, returned to her home on Saturday morning. J. C, PARKS, who holds a good posi­ tion in the United States mail service was calling on his many McHenry fronds Monday and Tuesday. W ilij THURLEEL, ttoy Lamphere, Roy Colby, Nye Colby and Jean Mathew formed a party that went to Wanconda to eiij «y an evening in tbe skating ring. R. A. HOWARD, who holds the position of butcher in the Northern Illinois Asy­ lum for the Insane at Elgin, was the guest of McHenry friends the forepart of the week. ISARL JOHNSON and wife arrived home Thursday of last week from a trip of five weeks, spent in the eust. During their absence they visited in Columbus, Ohio and Buffalo, N, Y. ^--TFMOS WHITING, of Nunda, one of the pioneere of McHenry County, was the guest of his son m., who resides near this place, and also old-timed friends while in town Thursday. MIOSES FLOREKCE SEARLS and Francee Osborne and Meesre T. P. Walsh and L. N. Lincoln were guests, of Mrs. 8. D Baldwin and family Nunda Sunday. F. L. HATCH left for Springfield Tues day afternoon to appear before the ap­ propriation committees ia tbe houee and senate in tbe interest of the Univer­ sity of Illinois. Mr, Hatch is one of tbe prosperous farmers cf Burton and en joys a large acquaintance in all parts of Illinois. SENATOR F. K. GRANGER remained until Tuesday evening from his duties in Springfield. AH the legislature took short recess on account of tt;e Municipal eOnvention. The senator visited the Uuiversity of Illinois buildings at Cham- paien, Friday and Saturday, being chairman of the select committee. J AC B BETZEL has moved his Barber Shop from West McHenry to the BOTth om in E. B. Perkins building. WALLACE COLBY has moved from the Hubbard house to the house owned by Mrs. John McOmtor, on Park Avenue. J. J. MILLER is having the interior of (lis store painted this week. Mr. Miller is bound to have things in first-class shape. WILLIAM G. SCHREINEK has been se­ cured as an employe in this office. He has at different times worked in THE PLAIKDEALEK office and is a young man of good promise. MRS. H. N. HOLMES, who is cf this vil­ lage, is spending the winter at Nonda has been quite ill, but is much bettor at present. R. D. SCOTT has been confined to his bed for a week or more, being threatened with pneumonia, but at pressnt is rapid- recovering. THE Ladies Aid Society of tbe M. E, Church will meet with Mies Cora Wilson On Friday afternoon of this week at the usual hour. All are invited. WE congratulate our sister village of Richmond on the prospect of an electric lighting plant, which has no* become a certainty. The Gazette, in speaking of the matter, says that Richmond with a telephone exchange and an electric light plant is bound no be a metropolis. THIS is ths time of year when people, especially farmers, know the value of good roads. March is the month for backing colds and bad roads. Still with a few weeks of good drying weather this awful mud will have changed into dust and things will be quite different. No person need go without having, his whiskers trimmed in this place. We have six good barbering establishments and they are all firot-class workmen. Fred Kamholtz, L. H. Welch, Jacob Hetzel, J. J. Biehop, Geo. Rosenberger and Joseph Bishop are the gentlemen who conduct the tonsorial establishments in Mo- Henry. • THE next social by the ladies of the Uuiversalist Society will be held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hanly on Thursday evening of this week, March 9. A fine program is being prepared, re­ freshments will be served, and a good so­ cial time mav be expected. All are cor­ dially invited. WE desire to publish the news and all the news of McHenry and this surround­ ing community and to do this we do not want the people to feel modest in telling items of local interest. We have plac­ ed an item b >x in front of our office and we extend a cordial invitation to the public to drop items in tbe box. IT IS now coming on the season of the year when farmers will need to purchase new machinery and McHenry can dis­ count any place in McHenry County for furnishing goad bargains in those lines T. J. Walsh and Jacob Bonslett are the McHenry dealers in agricultural imple­ ment and you would do well to consult them. .THE Surricks, who have made several phenominally successful tours in Wis­ consin this winter, and have been adding many up-to-date motion and etereopti can views besides the addition of the de- solving effect which are quite expensive contemplate giving one of their latest up-to-date entertainments which will be their farewell to McHenry people before going into the Lake Superior field. More latter. THE McELenry PLAINDEALEK is an old established papei. For nearly a quarter of a century it has been in McHenry and it found a good field, what it wants now more than anything else is country correspondence and these must be had. Now as we are a complete stranger we will appreciate the advice of kind friends on this question. It may be that you know of some one who would offlci ate as 2orrespondent for your particular locality, if so you will confer a favor on us by giving us such information. * TAXE8! TAXE8I Tbe undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the township of McHenry, will on and after Monday, February 6, 1899, be at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxe^of said town: Mondays--It the Post Office, in tbe village of Johnsbnrgh. Tuesdays--At the store of J. E. Cristy in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays,--At the store of A. P. Baer, West McHenry. Saturdaye--At the store of Owen Chapell, McHenry. All persons having Taxes to pay should call at any of the above named places at as early a day as porsible. M. J. FREUND, Collector. Real Estate for Sale. Two houses and lots in West McHenry For particulars inquire of F. K. GRANGER. February 20, 1899. To Rent* A large front room over Owen Cbapell's store, suitable for offce, dress tnakinjr, tailor or millinery. Terms reasonable, ltquire at the Bank of McHenry. ________ 31 w4 FARM FOR SALE. Consisting ot forty acres, all plow land, good improvements, situated two and one-half miles from Terra Cotta. For particulars address, H. B. TYRRELL, 84-w4 Lake Geneva, Wis. NOTICE. Having dissolved partnership and be- ins: obliged to settle all our accounts at once we request all those knowiog them­ selves indebted to us to settle by cash or note by Feb. 20. E. G. WFSTERMAN. F. L. WESTEBMAN. Greenwood, Feb. 14,1899. I have been affl c ed with rheum tism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all tbe time but constantly suffering. I had tried everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I <iii and was imme­ diately relieved and in a short time cured I am bapp.y to say it has not since re­ turned --Josh Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by J. A. Story. Special low prices on Underwear this week at M. J. Walsh's. Badness Locals. Call and see our large stoek of Glass-­ ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAER. Have you seen the new line of Neckties* All the latest styles just received at M. J. Walsh's. Our line of Shoes are like the Americas navy, "Can't be Beat." M. J. WALSH. A large stock of New Winter Dress Goods to select from at M. J. Walsh's. Bs sure to leave your orders for Pills* bury's or Washburn's liest at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. A large line of samples to select a Suit or Overcoat from, and only a small profit charged at M. J. Walsh's. 11 you want to see the finest stock of Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at ths Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BAER. » Chamberlain's uotic, Cholera and Diar* rohea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and enfe to take, Sold by J. A. Story. All goods fresh and new aod Prices the Lowest, at the Farmer's Sto-e. Call in and learn our prices. No trouble tn show Goods. A. P.BA** FLOOR OIL <jia)THS. In Patterns and by ths Yard, at Simon Stoffel's. , ' If you are looking for bargains do not* fail to call at tlte Farmer's Store before you buy. We know we can surely save \ ou money. • A. P. BAKC.. Poland China Boars far Sate The undersigned has a few fine Poland China Boars for sale. Spring Grove, 111. B. A. STEVEN.S 2-m A fine new line of Dress Goods just re­ ceived at Simon Stoffel's, from 15 cents to $ 1.15 per yard. Cal • and see them. Bed and Horse Blankets, the finest line to be found in the County, at Stoffel's. A few more Duck ̂ Coats at 90 cents each at M. J. Walsh's. I bave made a specialty ot the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage ca against CRANBERRIES, the very finest to found anywhere, at Simon Stoffel's. A few more bushels of those fine Onions at 45c a bushel at J. J. Miller's West Side. Call and see our new stock of 8hirts, just received. They are all of the latest styles and will be sold at reasonable prices. SIMON STOFFEL All kinds of Fish Walsh's. for Lent at M. J THE P. BAER, Prop* West McHenry, mm Farms for Sale! Choice AgricaUoral Lands ia £l>ARK, WOOD nad other WicMRsilf Countieti in DIbvUBolS 1LYON, YELLOW MEDIClinB Ml dm. and other Conatlea la IIUBWI BROOKINGS, CODINGTOX (UW. # mad other Counties ia UUvlS •_ Improved Farms, $15 to $25 per Unimproved Land, $10 per acre. TPBMQ Improved Farms. to ^ do* I LullO Unimproved Land, one fifth Here is an opportunity to obtain a farm In tfee fcealthiest section of the U. S. at a very low Pnc tnd which is sure to soon increase in value. t < ~4 These Lands are Desirable,,, 1 Q The Term* are EMJT. * " • 03 The Soil Is Rich and Fertile. 1 £3 Of Kapld Ini reft e In Value Of Excellent Market FaclHtles* » 53 Of l*ure Water SIIKI no Dronthil. jX> Of Good Road a, School* and Chnrclies» pa In the vicinity of neighbors and frienSS QOOD QOODS, At prices that average lower than oar competitors, with a choice lot of real live Bargains always on hand, makes as a house that all customers CAN PIN THEIR FAITH TO. We carry a Fjill Line oi Our Dress Uoods in both wool and cotton are the very newest in town, and prices right all around at 8. Htoffel's. Black Cat brand fully warranted hosiery at 8..Stoffel's. All kinds of Fish for Lent at Stoffel's. Big new stoc* of Beloit overalls, shirts and pauts at 8. Stoffel's. New styles in both cut and materials in Spring Clothing at 8. Stoffd,H. Only standard goods. Bee our newest styles in spring hats and caps at 8. Stoffel's. General Merchandise. And Deliver Goode to any part of McHenry FREE OF CHARGE. Tbe very latest idtas in fancy shirts, collars, cuffe and neckwear at 8. Stoffel's. For fine and medium footwear that is up to date in style, low down on pries and of good service at 8. Scofiei's- Again in the market for all kinds of standard garden and field seeds, clover, timothv, etc , prices the very lowest at 8. Stoffels. Do not foil to inspect our x^ew wall paper with matched ceilings and borders, lace curtains, window shades, fixtures, etc. SIMON STOFFK)<. To close out at cost all the harnesses, blankets, halters, sweat pads, harness extras, b .rdwear etc, left over by Mr. A tVegenar. Great bargains are offered at 8. Stoffel's. New stock of fancy 8hirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, etc., at M. J. Walsh's. Just received the largest stock of Over­ alls and Working Shirts in town. Prices the lowest M. J. WALSH. Another car of Pillsbury'e Best flour coming this week. None better. Prices the very lowest at 8. 8toffel's. The BishopjMills, McHenry, bave plen­ ty of water now. Farmers living at a distance can have feed or wheat ground in a short time, and in the near future a stationary engine will be placed at the mill so as we can grind with or without water. 36 2 8. REYNOLDS. Dr Butt's cough Syrup is the best remedy for relieving and curing that asthmatic cough. Physicians recommend it. Buy only the genuins. Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup. Or. Bull's Cough Syrup has savod the life of many a child. This wonderful remedy always cures croup, whooping- cough and measles' cough. It has never failed. Price 25c. ANTED--0 EVERAL TRUST WORTHT per«on« in ibis state to manage oar buBines'>in their own and nearO. counties. It is mainly office wo k ojnnuctei at home. Salary straight f9U0 a year and expenses-- ileflr.ite, b'tmliilfl, no more, no etta salary. Monthly, 9.5. R ferences Enclose Be If. aditressed stamped envelope, Herbert E UeM, t*reit.; 4>epU M, Chicago. w HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four bourc; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition ot tbe kidneys: if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequeot desire to pass it or pain in tbe back is also convincing proof than the kidney? and bladder are out of order. • WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the gr»at kidney remedy fulfills every wieh in cqring rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. Tbe mild and the extraordi­ nary effect of Swamp Root is soon real­ ized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you sbould have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. Y >u may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free bv mail, if you send your addrees to Dr. Kilmer & Co , Bingham- ton, N ,Y. When writing be sure to mention that you read, this generous offer in the PLAIN OEALKK. TELEPHONE NO. 261 Your* tor Trads, West McHenry. Illinois, Like A Summer Dream. That's How Your Troubles Van­ ish when you Buy Goods at our Store. Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. With a larger stock of Goods in all Departments than ever before, whiqh he will sell at prices to suit the times. CLOAKS AND OVERCOATS At 20 per Cent Discount ftr Cash. Bed Blanfcetslfrom 42c to $4 per pair> Underweflai, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Overcoats, Rubbers, Etc. We have in stock the celebrated Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots In endless variety, which,has no equal. Call and look them over We can't fail to please you in almost any line. We have Fancy Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy Goods of all kinds. Styles the Latest. •fi/fr. €8): You can soon own a farm, raise at ;1 ;ood crops, and get as good prices as tit . ^ Southern Wisconsin or Northern Illinois* f; "Wo know you will be pleased if yot ^ rill investigate. Address, - * C.S. GRAVES, Janesville, Wis. •• GOOD LIVF AGENTS WANTED. 5- 'a41 | Demand's "Gap Sheaf' Brand Sedaj FltfE SHOES. For Ladies and Gents, found ia this sectioo. The largest and best assortment to be Another Car of Pillsburv's Best this Week. West McHenry. 111. Feb. 14, 1899. NATIONAL FLAGS. Set of thirty cards showing the nation 4 >al fla ^s of the principal nations of the< '0 world. One of these Gards is packed in* < >each large package of CAP SHKAF SODA.., < >If a complete set is desired, we will mail* M ^aiiie on receipt of Jive one pound Cap\ iSheaf wrappers. Give your name and< Jpopt office plainly written. D0IAOT 4 CO., Pairport, H. T. • t •' •l" ^ ' WHAT TO READ. Some Prominent Ohioaffoana Express Opinions. In these enlightened times tmxr person who pretends to keep in touch with the progress of the world must read a first-class daily metropolitan newspaper. They who would select the best should be guided by the opin­ ions of prominent newspaper-men who know. Read the following: " There ia no question as to the positiort occupied by The Chicago Tribune. Its en« terprige has been too often demonstrated#' As a local and American nsTvs-grathering !r.* etitution it has no superior and few equals^ < In the matter of foreign cables, no othe* paper west of -New York can be compare#, . , to it. These are the things, of course, that , . [l> go to make a complete and great news*-.- paper. CARTER H. HARRISON." t ^ " r Now Mayor of Chicago, formerly published ' -Chicago Times. " The Chicago Tribune is the best news* paper in the world. I consider its make u$ : and facilities for gathering news unequaled|i' although I do not agree with it politically. " WASHINGTON HESING." The late Postmaster, Chicago, and pub*^ Usher Staats Zeitung. The Chicago Tribune is beyond question, test newi country. bune iper in the West, it oo(' the greatest newspa; 1& the MARTIN J. RTTS6ELL.*' Editor-in-Chief Chicago Chronicle. Tour Postmaster or newsdealer wilt take your subscription for a trial: period. M I "»•*?'t ' TYL1SH, RELIABLEj 5 ARTISTIC^ ' Recommended by Leading Dressmakers. £ A They Always Pleut.%> MS CALLiSb PMfmsVP NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE | | |T L' are sold in-nearly | » every city ana town in the United States ' If your dealer doe» not keep them send direct to us On« cent stamps received Address your nearest point THE McCALL COMPANY, 138 to 146 W. 14th Street. New York ; BRANCH orricEs : and tS® Fifth Ave.1 Chicago Market St., San Francisco. MS MAGAZINE Brightest Magazine Published < Contains Beautiful Colored Plates. Illustrates Latest Patterns, Fash­ ions, Fancy tt'orlt. Arenu wanted for this magazine in every , locali ty Beautiful premiums for a little ! work. Write for terms and other partic- 1 ulars. Subscription on lv 30c. year, eluding a FREE Pattern. Addrew THE McCALL CO., 138 to 146 W. 14th St., New York : 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS Copyright*'A©*': IS°2StS 5585™®'"ESS* "enTfree. Oldest aitenoy Patents taken I ',rV"S1^1^.u??tha * ^ tptcial notice, without charge, mtne t *v. : J Scientific flmerkan. -- i,anceatd* . Ttnu, ISa I rtewsdeataa. NewYp nirtoo, D. C. A handsomely illustrated weekly, dilation of any scientific journal, year" four mouths, fl. Sold by all_ Bftocb Office 536 p 1st WTFHTIWTOO, J PATENTS • Caveats, and' Trade-Marks obtamvJ asilUf*1 \ .OUR OFFICE ISOP^OAITT.U ®- [and we can secure patent in less tsi 1 •mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., w«» SJKRASFC TIEC.,0S.0^W sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOWdtOO. OI*. PATKWT QFFICC.

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