Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1899, p. 4

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^7^, ^ -. • 5* "A- ' *i£ ; ~ « ' s, '"•if ' >' . . •-"*•* v.; * vv' •*"*• " - J*< 4* 't\m- +-*&*. mxmu*~au«* a, iv«a SMOKERS I W < vl * "fy < ||t̂ Mry l̂wiiealw. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1899. V PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY pi-ir. st. GRAM,om - ?% «rrict IN THC NICHOLS BLOCK .Two Door* North Owen & Chapelt's sflore, y>&'* • • • , IFMIMS 9P SUBSCRIPTION .* te y«»r (inadvance) 80 Mot Paid within Three Months... S W) subscription* received for thill or ti* jnontbs in the same proportion* ^ RATES OF ADVERTISING: announce liberal rales for advertising Pa' , .-j the PI.AIC.DKALER, and enoeavor to state '«> -Chem so plainly that they will be teadily un- ' . «erstooa. They are as foil©wi: Jlncn one year. #00 Inches one yaar. 10 0u , • 1 Inches one year JB <X) } , ,Jk Column one year ... .. 30 uo l . rwi Column one year.... ........ . 60 00 f„ 1 Column one year ....IO0OO One inch moans the measurement of one i- Inch Jown the column, single coluinn width. ,,*> '* ' Yearly advertieere, at the above rates, have 'ri 'J- '"iho privilege of changing as often as they * "fhoo»e, without extrachargo. f Regular advertisers (meaning those having • * " ftanoir.g cards) will be entitled to insertion . ( >(t local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line -i v. £faen week. All others -will be charge--- 10 , • *f®st8 per line the tirai week, and 5 oems per for each subsequent week, i ? . Transient advertisement# will be charged ti the rave of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil ppe, came as thia is set in) the first issue, t»nc) cents per line tor subsequent issues. Thus, r.W -^|n inch advertisement will cost *1.0« for one r^-*£,#eek, fl.50 for two weeks, |8,00 for three v> (<r®eks, and so on. The PUIRDUIU will be liberal in giving Editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it - *111 require a suitable fee trom everybody ieekmg the use of its columns ior pecuniary 'fain. «• All Foreign Advertising payable quar­ terly, in aayance. These terms will be strictly adhered to REAPPOINTED. A. 8. Wright was re-appointed by Gov. Tanner Tuesday as a member of the board of trustees of the Northern Illinois Hospital for the Insane, which position Be has held since March 1897. Mr. Wright's faithful attention to the affaire of the institution were such as to be hon- . ©red by the board as their president a f jtearanda half ago and is at present ; president of the board of trustees. For isany years Mr. Wright has been a faithful and persistant worker in the Re publican party in McHenry county and ever loyal to his friends. His frnny friends in McHenry congratulate llim on his re-appointment. of purpose cf William McKinley. Ue is no usirper of power, no stranger to American institutions, but one tf the 'American people called to his high office by their suffrages, and it would be strange, indeed, if he did not share to the fullest extent in the love of our con- etitutiqp aad the principles that lie under it." THE days of the American horee are not nnmbered. This is as plain as the hand writing on the wall. A few years ago the raisers of horses became discouraged at the ootlook and considered horse raising as a doomed industry, but how­ ever there were many who had grit enough to keep in the harness and they are harvesting their regard. Men blamed the trolleys and the bikes, but now in spite of this horse saving machinery the exportation of horses from this country has Increased from 3,500 in 1890 to 51,000 in 1898, while the number imported has decreased from 38,248 to 2,286 in the same period. A large number of those exported go to Mexico, where the horse is likely to be in demand for many years to come, At all events, the profits\in horee raising have not yet disappeared, as predicted. Horses to be considered choice these days, it is pointed out by the horsemen, must have good looks above everything elsf; they must have style and action. Then for the road horse must be added, speed and manner!-; for the track horse, extreme speed; for pubs and coach horses, action and conformation; for all kinds, soundness in wind, limb and body. In some of the sales advertised for this month there are a number of imported French coach horses, with pedigrees a mile long, also several thoroughbred Belgium and Percheron stallions, said to be among the best ever brought to this country. ffKV L. T. HOY'S APPOINTMENT. %. T. Hoy, of Woodstock, was ap­ pointed last Monday by Gov. Tanner as secretary of the state board of phar- ifwcy. He left for Springfield Tuesday flo assume his duties. The PLAINDEALEH «an without hesitating say that this is a ;« |teil earned honor on the part of Mr. , jHoy. who has been chairman of the Mc Henry County Republican Central Com- -*ittee^or several years and also a mem- •%er of the State Central Committee. Mr Hoy has performed yeoman service for ,;#he Republican party in this coaiity. for ' .Jears back and has, never held an ap­ pointive or elective remunerative office and it was and is now ̂ recognized fact that a more deserving Republican could not be found in the county .than L. T. Hoy, of Woodstock. JOSEPH MEDILL, the veteran editor of Chicago Tribune, who died at San Anto- nia, Texas, last week Thursday was one of the pioneer newspaper men of the west. Mr. Medill, like many men who amassed fortune, was born and spent bis boyhood days in the east and came west to grow up with the country and win for himself lame and wealth. Mr. Medill started his career as a journalist by establishing and running a country newspaper at Coshocton, Ohio, in 1849. At the end of two years he went to Cleveland and started the Cleyelaad Leader. It vu in 1859 that he took up his abode in Chicago, taking a third inter­ est iu the Cnicago Tribune, a paper that U. S. of Central American. The United States of Central Ameri­ ca, composed of the republics of Nic­ aragua. Salvador and Honduras, which had its birth Nov. 1, has an area of 110.000 square miles and a popula­ tion of 2.000.000. Its great importance is due to the remarkably large coast line on the two oceans and the fact that in it will lie the Nicaragua canal.. Its constitution is similar to ours, but third terms are provided against by a clause which forbids immediate re­ election. It is characteristic of the lat­ itude that the presidential election oc­ curs the first Sunday in December and at the same time representatives to the new house of representatives will be chosen. The senate will have twenty- one members and the house about sev­ enty. Congress meets March 1, the president will be inaugurated March 15 and meanwhile the government rests in a council of three--Matus of Nicar­ agua. Gallegos of Salvador and Ugart of Honduras. These republics now become states and Guatemala and Costa Rica may come in on the same terms whenever they choose. - A fed­ eral district like our District of Col­ umbia, has been ceded by each state. The center of government is expected to be on the Gulf of Fonseca on the Pacific side and the capital is tempor­ arily at Amapola. Not Such a Great Outlay. The references in congress to tile extra $361,000,000 appropriated for the war with Spain ought to take into ac­ count the fact that nearly $95,000,000 remains unexpended, according to the estimates, on the opening day of the present year. 1 Considering the amount of the out­ lay which went into material still available for the national defense, and, above all, the enormous results of our victories, it would be hard to match this war in the comparative lightness of its cost, to say nothing of its bril­ liancy of achievement. The greatest prize of it was the Phil­ ippines. They shouldn't be thrown away.--New York Sun. he made by his wonderful ability^ and" disease known to the trade J*. y as "faultmess. This is due to a mi­ crobe that, according to the Lancet, business management to be one of the greatest papers west of New York City. For forty-five years he was the power behind the throne in this paper. v y--.j Be made it the work c f his life and it '^•^••fswtainly is a collossal monument to his /^memory. Mr. Medill made the Chicaeo Tribune known and felt throughout the United States and the Tribune will re­ main as a memory mark to the life of this great man. •W DELAWARE'S able representative in the peace commission. Senator George Gray, who, by the way, is a staunch Democrat, in addressing his admirers, who had tendered him a complimentary idinner at Wilmington, responded to the • toast, ' Our Guest of Honor." spoke in favor of expansion in a strong and force- ; h! manner. During his remarks he paid President McKinley the following high £4' tribute, which, coming as it does from a man of different political views, proves 1^, . bis sincerity and political honesty. K < After remarking to the effect that it was far better to have settled the whole ; matter by a treaty of peace rather than by ruthless conquest, he adds: 4^ "But nowthat we have them, it does • not follow that we are come to a colon- |u ial policy or to a violation to those gp* great principles of liberty and self-gov- ernment which must always remain 'fV American ideals, i^our own free institu iP" tions are to endure. No country, and . this country least of all, can afford to trample on its ideals. I have no fear * , . . that it v ill do to. • Without assuming i.V. for a ^moment any right to sp uk for ii'4 the President, I think I can assure you H' with some knowledge whereof 1 speak that he folly appreciates the duties and reeporsibilitics of the situation, and he is committed to no policy calculated to discourage, much less strike down the aspirations of liberty-loving people all over the world. I belong to a different political party, but I should be false to my justice and to that pride which I feel' as an American if I did not declare my confidence in the patriotism and purity Bacteria In Ram. Milk drinkers having been scared sufficiently, the bacteriologists have turned upon the rum, drinkers. Rum strictly speaking, does not flourish in alcohol, but in its own gelatinous en­ velope, through the walls of which it can obtain its necessary supplies of food in the form of sugar while keep­ ing 'out of it£ enemy, alcohol." The rum micrococcus has been named pro­ visionally "Coleothrix methystes." It has been injected into a guinea pig, with rfo apparent harm to the guinea pig. An Honest Xedl ine for La Grippe, Geo. W. Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold chilis and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only th np that. «u» done any good whatever. I have u «*. one 50- cent bottle and the chills, coin a id grip have all left m& I congratulate the manufacturers of an honest medicine." For s^le by J. A. Story. PROBATE COURT NEWS P80BATE NEWS. Est Mary A Thompson. Exhibition of final receipt from ward. Est Edward Hughes. Judgment on Patrick Connerty claim set aside. Est Abram Dygen: Widow's relin­ quishment and selection. Est Cynthia Mills. Inventory. Est John Mansfield. Widow's relin­ quishment and selection. Est Danford Bordwell. Last will und testament of deceased disposed of with­ out petition. Est Thos Williams. Same, r Ent LaFayette Thomas. Pmof of death; petition for probate of will and letters testamentary. Minor heirs Flora Grosknisky, Report. MARBIAGB LICENSES. Elmer L Joslyn.......... ®enrca timma Robinson... ..Elgin Robert Moore Chicago Charlotte A Ford .....Nunda REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Conveyances from March 7 iO ?1, Christ Luhrtng %n<t wf 10 Kre>1 Maca- ben, (-0 acres tu sec 19, Harttan<l fiSOVO o'bas Mehns Sr to Chas Mehns Jr.10 a. iu BOC 31, Coral Mrs Sarah Rogers to John D F.liweb ber, 140 44 a, in ^ec 31, Seneca Lawrence H Jones & wf to Tb"S Lin. riany, its % & 21, b k S, Uobart auu to Woousiock Henry D McLsugh ln A wf to Thos liintlaay, lot 9. bit II, Ho bar t aad to Woocut ck E C Je wett St wf to 1 hos Llnrtaay, It 7 blk 11, Uobart add to Woodstock. ... Ohas K Thome & wf to Thos L ndaay, 11 7, bikll, uooartatd too Woodstock Elmer E Bagle A wf to Thos Lin la\y It 19, blk 2, tin bar t add. Woods ock.. John Sullivan to John J Mnrdhy, 40 a in sec 7, Ureenwood .. . A Frank J "tevens to Nel on Clark, lanJ ia sec 17, Aiden Geo F Gortdard & wf to Mary M Kib- btn, I it SJf C 1. Me<U et al add to bebron P J «k nkle & wf to Je nie E Batk n t w X It 9, (JuulEg and furdy .dd 10 IticumonA, except2 rod* John Be*g; id Jo' n P Kroe^e-, pt It 87, t/ik 1, fiertuua aad 10 Cryai.ii Lake 800.00 »«00 20.00 aaoo mo 25 09 30 00 8 000 4128.00 1700e0 350 0> J.<hn P Kroeger A wf to John Here, U *0, blk 15, Crycttl Like P* John P Kroegor ft wf to J. hn Bert, pt It 27, bla l Fioi-Ou's, c Lake Joi n Kertr to John Plnnow, Its 20 St 21, cb k r, Pie son %^ld, U i.ake Ohas Aoodsell * wf to W BStevns, It c, b k la, Uari's 31 add Harvam.. Ole Rolanson per *dm to John Rolan. son, 4 a. iu se<> 7, Dundam • eoJ We id rich et al to Frank Weld- 1 it-.u et al, 440 a. in sec 29 St 82, Jticn- UiOml P^ter Bur^or A wf to Wm Burger, 40 a in »e«'- 36, Hebron Julia DenUon et al to Wm J5ehroeder 320 a, in sec 21, Heu'Oo 1.C0 no 1.00 9"0.03 SO,00 170 .00 9C0'0 128 0.05 Abby Y Kedi* to James W Healfy, w X cf n w H sec 16, <;rafton 8-200 CO Cornelias R Q liniln to Mary Q linl n al. U 269, assessor* plat s w ii teo 5, v\ 00 lmock. Htrlow J Spragno ft wf to lftary L Heale>, Und In sec 35, Otafion and piece in Ka te county 3am'19 Parker to Etta P Titcomb, 91X a. in bunbam and Chemung jaml S Parker to Etta P Titcomb, pe in vi.lsg- oleh mung.. Do. to Do. po In sei 4, Chemung ....... Do. to Do, po in Tillage of Chematig ... Do, to Do. 4 acres in sec 2, Dunham ... Mary Sheldon to Abram Youag, n 100ft ot lot», blk l, Bichinui d James L"*ue < shall, 45X fe Uarvitnl . , i wf to T P an1 R J Mar it off n en l It t*, blk 14. Marcus A Hu'iboll ft wf ti Francis H Humming, 40a tnsec&J Dauham ... Henry ti Bumming ft wf to Francis H ilummuv, l-.n. in sec23, Dunham.... Wm Rill ft wf to Louis Wes er, 8,9 ft 10, b:k 6, C Lake It* 7; B Ellis, pt Loum Lu'ke ft wf to John lot I, bik, 8, Huntley Mary F Pomeroy ft hns to Sandear Lin dab), It il, blk 3, Pooieroy's add. O Lake Barbara Gahagi to Frank 5, bin 35 Harvard S.iis, lot Frank E Ellis to Gottfriei Freso, same as above Mary J ProotT et al t» Wm Beln, 80 i. ibr 1 000 00 100 100 100 100 100 moo 800.0 650.00 1500 00 75)'.00 500 01 00(0 500.00 550 CO 64000) 60 0.00 577 24 6CO.OO in sec 17, Hebron Lsnra • Goff to Carl Utecb, 118a In se> 29, Nunda 3 SSheptrd, per master, to P A E g- lanb, iOncres la sec 21, Nunda Sarsh M Cain to J D Donovan, 92 rods of land in see 6, Woodstock. Mary UeCabe to Philip Col well, 84 a in sec SI, urafton 35ft,10 Augusta A Rogers et al to Emily Whits 1 5 acre In sec 35, Chemung 100COO Susie M Brainard et al to B Lisle It 2, bik 14, Bra nard's add. Harvard.. % 0 00 Alic- Brainard per guardian tott Lts!e Ba nee, same as last above 200 00 Joseph Palmer ft wt to Pater Freund, 2 acres in see 13, John burg 1)00 00 Harriet Peime per ezr to NeUon Clark It 8, blk 9, Ayer's add to Har vrrd 603 00 Wlen ill Want of a Good Ciiar! CALL AT BARBI&N BROS; Clfr&raiid V THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers. otm SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold bfr all local dealers. 1 J PERKY & OWEN, Bankers, McBENBY. - ILLINOIS, This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and domestic Exchange, and dot)8 a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en- trusted to our care in a manner aud upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus­ tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN! Oa Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First Class Compa nies at the Lowest Rates. Tours Respectfully, , PEKKY & OWEN. Notary Public BARGAINS IN ROBES AND BLANKETS FOR THE NEXT 20 DAYS CUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red bridge, will sell hie entire »tt ck of Rob>t and Blankets at Cost for Ca&h. We have the finest stock in this line to be found in McHenry Couury, aud we must close t bpm out. They are nil big b rpains nnd I iwan just what I say. Also on baud a fine line of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheap. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to bo not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON McHenry, 111., Jan. 18. 1 fW9. WHAT SHALL WEJ DO? A serious and dangerous disease pre­ vails in this country, dangerous because so deceptive It comes on so slowly yet surely that it is often firmly seated be­ fore we are aware of it. The name of this disease which may be divided into three distinct stages is, first kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back, rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to urinate, often with a burning sensation, the flow of urine being copi­ ous or scant with strong Ojdior. If allowed to adranee this reeches the second stage, or bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down b«- tween the navel and the water passage, increasing desire to urinate, with scald­ ing sensation in pushing small quanti­ ties being passed with difficulty, some­ times necf esary to draw it with instru­ ments. If uric acid or gravel has formed it will prove dangerous if neglected. The third stage is Bright'* Disease, fhere is comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a remedy fam - ous for i s marvelous cores of the n»'»wt distressing cases and known as Dr. Kil­ mer's Swamp Root. It is sold by all druggists. As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp Root, a sample bottle and book of valuable in< formation will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y. When writing kindly mention that you read thisliberal offer in the MCHENBY PLAIKDEALEB. CHAMBERLAIE'S COUGH REMEDY. This remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, whooping cough, croup and influenza. It has become famous for ts cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been- receiv­ ed,fixing accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persistent coughs it bias cured; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of tne dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whoop­ ing cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequences. Sold by J. A. Story. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All Ms of Sanitary Mini PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Path Tubs( Closets, lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett's Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL. UN«TED STATES War Claim Agency -OF- W. H. COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Prosecution of all kinds and classes of Claims Against the United States for ex-S>ldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or heira--A specialty made in the prosecution of old and rejected claims; also in all claims of soldiers in the Late War with Spain. All communi cations promptly answered if postage stamps are enclosed for reply. Wm. H. Cowlln, OfBee at residence, Madison St., Wood- tock, III. Hoarseness Sore Threat Hoarseness, sore throat and constant coughing indicate that the bronchial tubes are suffering from a bad cold, which may develop into pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs. Do not waste health and strength by wait­ ing, but use Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. This wonderful rem­ edy eyres all throat and lung affec­ tions in an astonishingly short time. Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price as cents. At all druggists. Demand's "Gap Sheaf" Brani SedaJ x, \ fpi. /-X'- -"-vM OH. OA.LP VELL'S •• PEPSlty SOW. OA CURE# (I tMDiK8T10N. "-•if TH WflRLO. e#t' •JATIONAI, FLAGS. Se1. of vMrtv cards stowing the nation^! >al flii js of the principal nations of the' > world. One of these cards Is packed beach iarge package of CAP SHBAF SODA.< rlf a complete let is desired, we will muil< p:ame on«ieoelpt of five one pound Cap\ ) wrappers Give your n&tne mcl< fft office Plainly written. DsLAOT S (X., fairport, IT. t. A Talking Mtichirr, a Firgirg MacLin and a Musical Iustruine&t, Columbia GrapljapliOQe for$IO This is the most perfect Talking Machine on the market. Come and see for yourself at a#IILO HOWE'S,,,;. West McHenry * /"Illinois DEALER fir v ; Tim artistic stnndsrd, tba favorite "Ludwig** Maprniflmit Pia o at a rea­ sonable pric«. The world renown "T^yon & tlealy" Parlor and Church O.fran. 'Che nrernona ton« "Washriurn" Mando­ lin, Guitar and Zither, tiie standard of the world. Theworld-wide famtd "Do­ mestic" Hewing Machine without an pqua 1 for simplicity, durability, light running and cheapness. J. D. LODTZ, McHKNRY, ILU Artistio Tailor. Ntw - Eprioig - SaapUs JUST RECEIVED. I havp just received tW fi ^bt liue ot New Sprirp Snmples fv»?r brought to tt is town, and invite the i>ublio to caH and look, tbem over. ^ Full [nits er Sisjle Sarients Made to nrnei: on t-hort notice am J a t bot tom p ices . A f IT GUARANTEED. C 11 ynd see roe. I am sure I can pl< you in quality pi <:oo<ia and price J. D. LODTZ. McHenry, Nov 22,1898 Frazer Axle Grease V&D everywh^G **WKAR TWICE AA^R Not •ffeeted by Host OP Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial. Paris and World's Fair. T""1 FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., Factories: Cticiaao, SL Louis. New York. Fliving bftd several ye*r» *x^erlen"e «ell Ing furm and other sales t now call attention to the fact that 1 leel like getting* GREAT "HUMP" On m-os*1f and sell yur farm sales In McHenry as well as Lake Oo with a t,reat DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain rooi results these clo*s times, i am satistleu tb*t it requires the same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Tarm Sales and t>* su*-essful as it dMa to onop wood rr sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either of which I am willing f> do wh«n c«ll'd. M">lt of vou will know that I have h»d »nd still hiv* m ch exnerience •e Imp just euoh g^ods and sto*k as you will oflf"»r at public auct on thi* spiirg. There fore I shouli l now their value and h w to tret at seMintr the ssrre tor tbe most money, dropping thearttcl* with the one - hit &ome- times p^js his note, I am qnl*e a ood hid der and i<m nlwavs looking for Dargai e. I believe I can do more for you than can the others for the *an.f or less roet. If 1 did not feel suie of the above and was not In <<ea<l eirresl and wili ng to try oT ihort notice, I v. omd not be so well equipped An alarm turned in by postal may rev eft) unexpected results. Try Us a Couple of Times. loar obedient and UDsystematic friend T. V. 8L.OCUM, WauMhdii ill J HEAR THE DEPOT. WF8T McIIENRY, ILL Keeps ore* for t he accocr modat'on of th Public a Firsi-Olass Saloon and Restaurant WhAre h« will at all Mmes keep the bes brands of Wines. Liquors ai d Oigars lo be round in the market PABST'8 lfflwukM Lsgtr Bin At W bote sal and Retail. Be#rin large cr small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper thanany oth.r,quality sonsidereU Ordeis by mail promptly Attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB H.OILSE* sor osll «nd see of. Robt. Schlessie. West McHenry, May S, 10W» •S STORE West McH»nryt lltlnola. TJiere are Good Reasons for II I Good Goods . . * / v • : • : 4.. k'h At prices that average lower than our competitors, with a choice lot of real live bargains alwavs on* hand, makes us a house that all customers can pin their faith to. ^ e carry a full line of General Merchandise, and deliver goods to any part of Mc­ Henry Free of Charge. TOUT n far Trade A. P. BAER, - West McHenry* III. Telephone No. 261. ooooooooooooocxxxxxxxxxxxx)^ New Styles. New Prices Our entire new line of Spring Shoes are here. We are showing the newest and neatest thing out in Ladies Shoes made, black or tan. It will pay you to take a look at these. For hired men and farmers wear we have just put in a complete line of Spring Stuff of the best wearing and best fitting kind in Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. Smoked Halibut, ail kinds of Salt Fish and Herring for l^enten Season. S S S V The best Flour, Choice Groceries--30 lbs Prunes $1,00. In a few days we Will have in our New Line of ^ hich will be the best selected, up-to-date and largest stock ever shown here. West, McHenry, 111 Yours for Trade, JOHN J. FILLER. TO SELL GOODS, The price must be made satisfactory. We are in business to sell, and have marked everything in our-stock at the lowest possible figures. When you see our assortment you will realize the care we have given to our selections and the pains we have taken to obtain figures decidedly to your advantage. We urge inspection. mew spmxisra SHOES. We can save you money on anything you want in the Shoe Line, and can give you the latest styles in black, ta n,or fancy cloth tops. lien's Working Shirts, on^.r16'1 <u,ddoubleback' Men's extra heavy Overalls only 50 cents. Men's and Boy's Sweaters, in all sizes, colors and grades. OUR STOCK OF NECKTIES Is the finest in town. The shapes, style and colors are new and up to date. If you want a new Dress for Easter we have all the new shades and colors, at all prices. A full line of Trimmings and Linings of the newest novelties. A FULL STOCK OF FRESH, . Canned Goods, Crackers, Fruits, etc. Pickles in bulk. Fish of all kinds. Another car of Seal of Minnesota and Fancy Flour this week 9 GOOD3 DELI? fr RED PROMPTLY. A sent for Continental Fire Insurance Co. TELEPHONE NO. 20. YonFS Truly. M. J. WALSH. - West McHenry. S N O PAIN I i Ig experienced in wearing Shoes when you | | get the proper fit. We give you this or g jj|. refuse to take your money p | Our New Wall Paper I will please you. The Special Cash Dis- p counts will save your money |' g ^ Can not tell you much about other things this week--only % j| to be sure and visit our store before sending your order to |g " Chicago--perhaps we may do better for your pocket book.... jv Economical Houseke pars use | "BEST ON RECORD FLOUR"--i A New Carload Hera. ' 1 I JOHN fiVANSON & CO., - - Vest McHenry, IlMs. f

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