Richmond Hobt. Kimball Sunday. John Bonfltett vu at Fox o» Sanday. Albert MDIHD, of Waneonda, was here Monday. Gottlieb Boley was in Chicago on Monday. Rev. Father Kirch waa In Chicago Tuesday. Geo. W. Beeley was^CjH^a«o daring the week, John Wileon, of Chicago, waa here Saturday. Eddie Thorlwell made Greenwood a visit Saturday. 8.8. Chapell and wife enjoyed a drive to Volo Sunday. A. P. Baer waa W Chicago the early part of the week. Boy Colby was at Waaconda one day doring the week. Mrs. C C. Chapell waa in Elgin for a brief visit Saturday. Will Tharlweli waa in Waneonda for a lew hours Monday. Geo. Waarner, of Volo/waS here for a brief call Saturday. Bev. Father Mehring waa^a paaeer^er to Chicago Monday. ' Rev W. L. Whipple waa in Chicago the r / early part of tbe week. Nye Colby and Eagene Matthews drove to Waneonda Sunday. Victor Peterson is vis:ting friends at Gray's Lake this week. Milo Howe was at Spring Grove on a business trip this week. Mr. St. John, of Rock ford, was hen oa bosneae doring the week. Peter J. Frennd was at Fox Lake oa bwiness matters this week. Win. Shan ley, of Chicago, waa here lor a few days daring the week. Geo. Meyers and family were at Wan eonda several day* last week. Mies Kate Laaghlin visited with friends in Richmond Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Fegers visited in Chicago and Evanston daring tbe week. Mies Mamie Beeley left for Chicago Tuesday for a few days sojourn. M.J. Walsh was in Chicago Wednes day looking op spring bargains. Miss Agnes Cary, of Ringwood, was here the guest of friends Saturday. L. Peterson, of Chicago, was circula ting among friends here Saturday. Miss A lion Sutton is spending a te* days of this week among relatives at Elgin. She expects to attend the exarch fair which is going on this week at that place. Frank Hanly and wife left for Chicago Saturday where they will remain for a few days and in the meantime attend the wedding of Mrs. Hanly's cousin, which occured in Chicago. Dr. Wells and wife left for Chicago •v ednesday. The doctor was called there on professional business and bin wife accompanied him to remain a few days with her relat ves. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth waa here from Wauconda Sunday to make her McHenry relatives a visit. 8he departed for Lake Geneva Sunday even ing, where she will visit for a week or more. F. W. Hatch, of Spring Grove, left for Chicago Tuesday, where he 'goes to attend a meeting of the board; of true- tees of the Univereity of Illinois, of which board he is a member. Mr Hatch was graduated from, thie iasti tution in tbe 70ci. Earl Mead and wife, who have until recently reeidei at Grays Lake, were the guests of her parent#, Mr. and Mrs. H. M McOmber and also bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead. They will hereafter live at Oik Park, where v.r. Mead Is en gaged in the dru g business. My Uncle from Japan. F. L. McOmber advertises bicycles in this issue. S. S. Chapell has purchased a nice car riage horse. He is sure to come! Who? Why, Uncle from Japan. My Election*. In the village election at Nunda Tue«. day the following ticket won: C. 0. Wa<> son, president; BenThroop, H. u Maeon and A A. Thomas for full trustee and J (. B. Wilcox lor one year to fill va aocy. Watson was elected by a majority of Onr. License carried by 19 votes. Water works propoeition was defeated by a vote of 9tf-44. One of tbe strongest contested school elections ever held in this vicinity was held here last Saturday. There was about 600 votes polled, about one half being women votes. Much ill feeling has been generated that will take time to efface. It will no doubt be detri mental to the school interest. There were two tickets and every horse and carrii ge in the livery ana many private rigs were used to cary voters to and from the school building. The ticket endoring the old administratidn was elected by over 200 votes. 4 "v-% i " i' . \ i,-• School Notes* The general history daas had Ml ex amination this week. Miss Wiunie Grimoldby ' h«*s so Far recovered from her illness a* to be ex pected back to school next Monday. The meeting of the Literary Society has been posponed until Friday of next Week. All is in readiness fir the entertain ment this evening. Lit every one come and eh j .iy a good programs. The members of the Literary Society are thinking of holding their meeting in the afternoon instead of the evening. The library now presents qnite a re spectable appearance. A new case hna been placed in it for the books and a covering of linoleum put on the fl tor, while a curtain adorns the window. Winfleld Woodburn has left school to work at the livery business. Walter Walsh and Eddie Sutton beve left, to work on tbe f*rm, and Will Jaeger, a former pupil, has gone to Michigan. The Lady Forresters will give a grand May party here on 4ay 1st. The Schiller Stock Co. will appar at StoffeTe hall, Agril 27, 28 and 29. Go to Mrs. M. A. Searles for bargain* in millinery, fancy haTs a specialty. Have you heard the news? No! Why My Cncle from Japan is coming to town. Mrs. M. A. Seales is prepared to do all kinds of millinery. Mourning work done on short notice. /The three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Weber had the misfortune {to fracture her leg Monday. /Fred Carl and wife rej tice over the advent of a little girl that was born to them W ednesday morning. Wm.Bu«e, of Richmond, was circula- reported that new creamery is to 1>e built at Barrevilie. Mr. Fitzjimmons If yon don't see My Uncle from Japan you will always regret it. Apaolut^ly the funniest play ever written. ting among McHenryitee Tuesday. Miss Nellie Frisby, of Northern Nanda, promoted of t&e project, visited her sister one day last week. Mike Thelen was at the Bay Sunday to ' see if the fish were in good condition. Nick Hueman was down from Johns- burg during the early part of the week. Artie Bickler returned home Monday, from a visit of several days in Chicago. C. G. Hnson and wife, who reside at Volo, were in McHenry during the week. H. Magnusen returned to his home in Chicago Saturday after a few days spent rA force of men are at work clearing the streets and getting things in order to welcome back the eummrr days. Fred Goodman was out from. Chicago Sunday to make the parental home a visit. Mrs. Walter Evanson visited with her parents at Palatine for a few days last MM Miss Katie Welch returned home Sat urday from a visit of several days in Chicago. Mrs. E Quigley returned to Gray's take Monday after spending several days here. SheriffKeyes was over from Wood stock Thursday on business pertaining to the sheriff's office. Geo. Chapell has been out from Ch> cago since Saturday, enjoying life at his summer residence at the Bay. Mr. Happewas oat from Chieago to look after matters at his summer cot tage near Rosedale Saturday. Bev. Father Mehan, of Libertyville, •topped here for a short time Monday, while on his way to Richmond. -Miss Eleanor McGee, who is attending •ehool at Evuiston, spent Sunday with her annt and ancle, Dr. C. fl. Fegers and wife, €. D. Schoonmaker, of THE PLAIN- MAUCB, was at Genoa. 111., Sunday. He expects to move his family here in a few weeks. Hon. Henry L."Hertz and wife arrived from Chicago Saturday to spend a lew days at the summer home at Pista- km Bay. ?Mr. Mrs. Elmer Gorton were in Chicago several days last week end while there Mr. Gorton purchased a neat driv ing horse. A. Taber, one of Ringwood's enter prising farmers, was in this place Satur day and favored THE PLAIITDKALKB office with a call. Miss Mary Sutton, who has been Spending the past few months at Belvi- 4§re, is expected home in a lew days to •feit her parents. Wm.Stoffel, agent for the Champion R&rveeting Co., left for Dundee Tuesday j&orning, where he will look after the Interests of the company. IMiss Katie Kargee was called to Ken. ftosba Monday on account of the death of her brother-in-law. She was accom* m-M by her brother, Fred. . John Walsh and wife, of Fox T-ak? %ent Sunday at tbe home of the lat- ters parents, J. B. Frisby and wife. They accompanied by their son. Ed. French returned to reeume his as at teacher in the Griswold Lake school Monday, after spending a few with friends here and at Ringwood. Mrs M. A. Sea rls has just returned from the city with an elegant stock of all the latest novelities in summer millinery. Person! who have read the Prairie Farmer are continual subscribers to it. It can be had with THE PLAINDELER Miss Iva Mead will lead the Y. P. C. U. devotional meeting, Sunday evening, April 23. 8ubject, "Faith Works by Lo^a^' /Jacob Bonslett's agricultural ware house is being re-ehingied this week. Matt Weber is tbe carpenter in charge ol the work. Vt>r Auringer's new office is nearly fin ,4shed and ready for occupancy. He will have it equipped with tbe latest medi cal facilities. "~~John Evanson & Co. have a new ad. in this week's issue of THE PLAWEEALEB in regard to his special sales. Read what he has to say. Prof. W. T. Best is at the Riverside today and will be there also tomorrow.^ Know tbe facts and if you are troubled with your eyee call on him. The Prairie Farmer is one of the best publications for farmers in the United States. Its subscription price per year, $100. Take it with THE PL^STN- OEALEK tor f 2 per year. WANT COLUMN. UPTODATE 'BIT* NKAlt lv new. It h •» b<en b t >vo mm. one. Thi« a tarsraln for ftouicoor, f or par. t.cula s apply at this office. Monthly Statement, Following is tbe statement of the Mc Henry Creamery Co. for the month of March, 1899: Amount of milk received, 347,023 pounds; amount of butter made, 15,892 pounds, amount of money received. $3194 30; average price received for but ter, $ 20.1; average yield per 100 lbs. milk, 4 578; average oil test of f actory, 3.875; average cost of manufacturing, $.0i8j over run, 18; average price f ir 100 pounds milk $>3.8. EXPENSE8, Tubs, $43.00; fuel, $40 00; salt, S7.00; color, $5.00; oil, $1.00; teaming, $2.50; interest, $20.00, buttermaker and help, $93 00; manager and expenses, $13 60; secretary, $10.00; repaid fund, $25 00; sundries, $19 25. Total, $286.05 Profit on outside milk, $29 70. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. Cucumbers! Cucumbers! Contracts can be made with the follow ing parties for cucumbers to be delivered in the season of 1899 at the pickie fact ory in West McHenry provided two hundred acres can bersecured. Call at once to be sure of getting the benefit: Perry & Owen, T. J. Walsh, Gilbert Bros., McHenry; Simon Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, John Evanson & Co. A. P. Baer, John J. Miller, W. A. Cri-ity, West McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Ringwood; C. M. ldams, John P. Lay. Johnsburg. THE PI.ANDEALEH bicycle contest is now opened and the prize will be a great capture for some one. June let it closes, so don't lose any time in trying to get into the band wagon. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E church will meet with Miss Cora Wilson this Friday afternoon at the usual hour. Tea will be served from five to seven o'clock, at 25 cents a couple. All are cordially invited. 8EC. /The demand for houses to rent at a moderate rental still continues beyond ihe supply. Here is an opening for some man of means to make an invest ment that wtll bring good returns. Small cottages that will rent from $8 to $15 per month are what is needed and twenty of them could be rented this spring If they could be bad. A buildir g of modern flats would also be a good investment and would have no lack of tenants. Who will take up the .matter and supply the demind? The show-going people of McHenry are to be congratulated on the treat in etore for them. On Monday night, Apr 24th, for one night only, there will ap pear at Stoff. l's hall, a farce comedy, which throughout the east is spoken of as the fuuniest comedy ever written. A sure cure for the blues--a farce comedy with a plot, strictly legiti mate, and one continuous laugh from Htart to finish. Reserved seats on sale at Beeleys' drug store, West McHenry and at J, A. Story's drug store, Mcfienry. Prices, 25 and 35 cents. F>R *AI,K--AWY QUANTIT* OF THE itonanaa white ar«i| oats and cl .ver •• ncl timothy ae it It freo fruin any a- ft ait foul waeUt. Apply to the Wilbur Lumber (Jo. FJit SALK-?0> WHITE OAK POST . They a*e elrea<1? pon te<l were out laet «in tor. 4 IS l'AWBBNCB MOGI E PialrieGr ve, 111. LOOK AT BRST r»~UBT.B harness with bam I male collars a.e *«•. ilootd fromf31 to *37. T w nr* nartatna ii. L, HUBBARD, Nund*. HI, FOR HALK-ONK SPARR IN He->ry ..reamery CO. p'aot. T»«K HI Inquire of (HISF, Urapff«r, manager Wilbur Lumuer Co.. WesiMoHeart, 111. FOBRKNC THE PROPERTY ON TUB son h east corner ut the public cqunra. con< l«ting of ft 15 rx^m houeo, 3ix<5; 2 welia, | larg-ristetn, a itarvs. 14x15 .inu 11x20. In quire of KM, a.Dox, 1 mite oouth of McHenry. Railway Time Table; Oer. 30, ]<«g, at 6 Staking effect ^anda*, o'clock A. "" " follows; f Psasenger j Freight . . . * Paa»ei «er. t P«M8rng(»r trains wni pass McHeury as OOIKS KOBTH. .......... ..10:00 A. V. a m. ..... 4: 5 P. M ... v«......... «;5t p. M. OJIBO SOOtB, • Passonger ...... f pMssenser .. } P*«s»n<er... t freight........... ...... .... IXFLtniATIOV. ; V •--Ditly. tD*lly ex-ept Sunday. • ^ • B, BITS:*,| Agent, McHenry,llll. 1:82 A, W 1 25 A, M. *;i0 P. m. p. x. aaiHWOLD IiAKB. Miss Orpba Garreli, who has been visiting for the past week at Mrs. L. H. Beach,s, returned to Wauconda Satur day. Henry Werden was a visitor at Chae. Granger's recently. School began Monday with a good attendance. The yard has been cleared and sown with grass seed. We expect to have a very fine lawn soon. Ed. F. French and Fred Green were at Barrington Sunday. John Knipfel has recently purchased a span of farm horses. School election passed off very quietly. Mr. Knigge was re-elected president. Mrs. L. H. Kniggs was visiting her sister, Mrs. L. T. Biggs, at Chicago recently. -- -- -- Wm. Walsh has finished sowing wheat: He's the ffrst. Geo. Wamsley, Jr., is working for thes Gardinier, Elmer Monahan, well known here, will start for Manila about the first of May. He sees on the stcainer Grant. Our best wishee go with him. A number of yoang folks from this vicinit.v surprised Page Smith on bis 20th bir hday. A pleasant evening was spent and all joined in wishing Page many happy returns of the day. Dr Bull s Coash Syrup Ourea Sore throat. Don't delay when you are both ered with a sore throat. It. may lead to bronchitis This remedy is a save cure. Price only 25 cents. First American Governor of Cuba. Few people are aware that the first American captain-general of Cuba was Andrew Jackson. When he assumed command of Florida, this is how he signed his name to proclamations: "By Maj.-Gen. Andrew Jackson, gov ernor of the provinces of the Floridas, exercising the powers of the captain- general and of the intenaant of the is land of Cuba over said provinces, and of the governors of said provinces, re* spectively." BtiAlnesa Ucah. Spring and summer hat« at Mr*. E. W.Howe's, upstairs in T. J. Wal&h s building. * • The "Marquis" and the "Winner" are the hats ttmt are to be popular this season. Call at Mrs E. W. Howe's mil linery parlors and order one. A choice line of Knox sailor hats at; Mrs. E W. Howe's millinery parlors. i Call and see onr large stock of Glass-! ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAER. II you want to see tbe flncst stock ot Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at the Farmers Store Weet McHenry. A. P. BABR. All goods fresh and new and Prices the; Lowest, at the Farmer's Kto-e. ('all in and learn our prices. No trouble to show Goods. . A. P BAER If you are looking for bargains do not fail to call at. tht- Farmer's Store before jou buy. We know we can surely <*ave > ou money. A. P. BAEL It is Lsnched by Accident. "Do you think it proper," said the man who was trying keep his tem per, "to laugh at a man who slips on a banana peel by accident?" "Well," replied the spectator, apolo getically, "I laughed by accident, too. I didn't think of such a thing until 1 saw you."--What to Eat. "A word to the wise is sufficient." and a word from the wise should beeufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repeated experience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives bet ter satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug busi- ness at Elkton. Ky , for twelve yeare; has sold hundreds of bottles of tbm remedy and nearly all other conah medi cines manufactured which shows con clusively that Chamberlain's is the roost satisfactory to the people, and is the best. For sale by J. A Story. Clothing bargains with all the nroflt; sawed off. Leave your measure for a new spring suit at M. 4. Walsh's. No person can afford to buy shoes without at least seeing onr lines. In spection invited. M.J.WALSH. * All the new and prosper shapes and colors in hats, call and see them. M.J.WALSH. 8eal of Minnesota and fancy flonr at M. J. Walsh's. Our 50 cent Hue of overalls, jackets and shirts is tbe best in town. M. J. WALSH Our prices insure a big saving in plow shoes. Call and see them. M. J. WALSH. All hinds of standard garden and fiald seeds at S. Stoffel's. For new and cheap wall paper go to S Stoffel's. _____ Get your Easter clothing of 8.. Stoffel Also hats, footwear and furnishings. A big stock of tbe full*- warranted Dutchess trousers at 8. Stoffel's. and oil clothes at 8. S«R. GAUC VCL.L'3 vrauj* Cv IRK? rr>. 3 PEPSlN SEST'ON. II New carpets Stoffel's. See those new Douglas shoes at S. Stoffel'd. Ail kinds of harness goods to close ont cheap at 8. Stoffel's. It will pay you to look for your cloth ing where the assortment is largest, rew, clean and uptodate. Prices right at John J. Miller's, West McHenry. Buy your clothing West McHenry. at J. J. Miller's, To bo in line follow tbe procession for your clothing wants to J. J. Miller's. For fine and medium footwear that is up to date in style, low down on price and of good service at S. Stoffei's- A CARD. We, the undersigned, to hereby agre to refund tbe money on a 50-cent bottl of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. JULIA A. STorfY. 21-6m t>osooeo4MH»ooeooo(M>ooooooe»oooooooeoooiKK>oocooooo<i( IT'S ABM!! - n within tho bounds of conservative statement to say that US other House in tho county can furnish a better paint than f wmw semes M In view of the great number of different brands of Mixedr fcint NOW OQ the market this is a broad statement, yet abeo* lately true. A coat or two of good paint, properly applied, will make ;$»y house appear as clean and fresh as though it were newly built. The greatest care, however, should be exercised in the choice of a paint, as a poor article is worse v than valueless. The item of labor is by far tho greatest part of tho expense in painting a house, therefore, it is highly important to save the cost of labor by buying only paint which will prove the best and the most durable. In Order to be sure that you get the best, see to it that every can you buy has on it, signed by the manufacturers, a guarantee that the paint is absolutely pure and free from every adulteration. Crown Cottage Colore are guar- intet'd to be composed of Strictly i*ure white lead, Oxide of Zinc Tinting colors, Pure Linseed Oil, and entirely free from adulteration. We further guarantee that Crown Cot tage Colors will go farther, wear longer and look better than any brand of mixed paint on the market. Furthermore we #ill state that should you find that rown Cottage Colors, When properly applied, will not give entire satisfaction, we will supply you free of charge with sufficient material to do ite entire work over again. Yours Respectfully, \~ West Side Hardware. F. L. McOMBER. The McHenry Marble and Granite Works. All Kinds of CEMETERY WORK- At Lew Prices Foreign aud ^merioaa Granite a McHenry, 111. Jb ||# Lin* of FINISHED WORK AlWaya on H efalty. MILLER. CHICAGO N E V E R 1 SPECIAL SUITS For husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. You cannot fail to be suited in the immense selection we offer you from a line of samples cov ering the latest novelties and best fabrics of the season. ' Style, fft and finish guaranteed. Every garment we sell bears the mark that DISAPPOINTS* i i'Xr- THE AJAX $28.00 BICYCLE. - CqII and -- - F. l_. McOMBER, - WEST MoHENRY, ILL. OOMOiMlMMOOOOfHMKMOMOMOOOOOOOOaOOOWKMHNHHMt Dr Bull's Ooaarh Syrup Cares Whoop ing-cough hii I measieB cough. Thin wou- deiful rero«dv will eave the children from mmy a diHtr ssing coughing apeli and soon effect a care. f Awarded Higlieat Honors--World** Pair, DR yum w CREAM BAKING P0WWR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, AO VBATTFI THE STAMDABP. ONE - NIGHT - ONLY! Monday, April 24. STOFFEL'S HALL. Prices, - - . 25 m nd 35 cents 'A / Bring your feet in, no matter what the size or shape, and fit th'*m with the latest styles and color. We have no job lots or back numbers, but all new and op to date. Our prices are guaranteed the lowest* . Also a complete stock of Dry Goods, hats, caps, Shirts, Overalls, wrappers, Shirt waists, Groceries, Etc. GOOD8 DELIVERED PROMPTLY.* AGENT CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH, Citizens Telephone, No. 90. < West McHenry, III TDJ^TISY E3XOURSIONS Through flr»t claw» and Tourist Bleeping Tare to points in CslHornia and Oregon every day in the year via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North-wastera Lino Personally Conducted Excursions Every Thursday. LOWEST RATES SHORTEST TIME ON THE FINEST S ENERY. ROAP w Only roata by which yon can leave home any day in tbe iwrt and tr nl in tourist care on fastest trains all the way. For pamphlets and information inquire of nearest agent. % . . Free We irrf* to make it plain to people who paint that they need have no hesitation in submitting t© us any problems about painting. No matter what they arc, write us. We have a department for that purpose--a department of expert artists whose work it is to" help solve these problems. If you are not satisfied with the colors1 on your house, send us a photograph, tell us what the surroundings are and we will give you' several schemes to select from. If you are in| doubt as to the right paint ou any building, tell us the circumstances. If you want an original color plan for your^rooms, an ideal just what would be the best taste iu floor paiuts--in short, if you have any problems of any sort about painting, let us solve them for you. There will be no charge--the only privilege we ask is to show you how and why the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints will be the best paints to use for any and every job, but you are in no way bound to use our paints. Write us fceely without feeling yourself under any obligation. THE SHERWIN-WILUAMS Co.. PAINT AND COLOR MAKCM, 2029Stewart Ave., Chicago • also Cleveland, New York and-Moutreal. E. Qr f ERKlNS, Agatt McHenry, U|iMi«.: *•