Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1899, p. 5

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DIRECTORY. •'«£«f-' BUSINESS ' CAIROS^','* . > i* S: ------•!« .I •• 0t u GiLLMOBS, ATT >R MET. P»"»r>ute work a »pe.»talty. Office iu Kendall B oot. ftoo-1 io<ii 111. ^ R J. F. CASK*. ATTOfcKEY and O un.elui at La»- 0«oe iu Jooiyula Btoi-k, wfnouetocfc, I I 8pec l*i on given to trial case* ' "*48.6----i -- i 'i-'mrf-t ': • •*"' KNtttilT A BttUH K. * l TORMi i tX LaW , 1(0 WatbiagMW " street, tiyt>go, Li. - -;v- V,sj * ltvM£ L.. 3rtKP.\M» ' ; • /^tUNSILi. tt aT L t«», *uit* 80--138 ' \j (JUlllL : iltui,, 111. 0. P. BABNES, ArTOltNEY, jotloitor, and Ooutee Uolte u«il a epcOiuuy. ««wi»io»k, ill. DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. > NBYSUIUM AM> cLUgEON, otli-e and - : re»i euce iu IMCUOU UititK, over toe |K F ItliHioler uA«i, • T «tl00f)One •5 7 no. a 0. 11 FEGELTT, M. 0. YSICl *N AND OUHUKON, McHaary, ill. OJice at ttr.BiUtniv-o. , tt, A. K. AUBINUBK, YJHYSIC! AN AND -UHG KOJ*. Office In THE- X Sirouer ouildiug, one door «caio' A. P. i>*er'» store, W^s. McHenry, ill. aesidence, I ••uo« ormtrly cccu led by Di. Usootne. AU tI«(.w.uD>iCkl.« promptly auiuuea to. A; C SPURLING, M. D. V. , R , v«T*m**itr tUReiON. . Bpecia.1 attention given to Deattetrjr* Call promptly attended. jEMce at Residence went of Park Hotel. West McHenry, IHiuoia. W. A. CRI8TY, Justice ol the Peace. WK»T MoHKNHY, ILL. Special Attention pa o to Collections. Will beinn>yO«ce over tvnueon'g Store, every tta urday and Monday, uuiil luither notice. H. C. MEAD, Justice oj the JPeace and (funeral In­ surance Agent. including Accident and Life Insurance. fm MOHutky, III. Your Card Would Look Weil Here. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler ? No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an • Chronometers. 49* A full Assortment of Goods in his line. C. F. BOLEY, ProBrielor of McHenry Briery, McHENBV, ILL. Always on Band with the Be<tt Beer Dr. Waiter C Besley, DE1NT18T 6 WK»T,-MCHENBV, Office over BeM«Y*| I Woodet ck office Drugstore, | Kendall Dental Phrlor*. Will bo at McHenry office Mondays and Tursiavs At Woo-lstock office Wednesdays, Thurs d«9 b, Fiidavsaid smurdays. EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOCIETIES. masonic. MoFUKBT LooOr, No. 158. A. *. ard A. M.-- Pegu'ar <jou inumc&tlons the second and fourth Monuays in each month GEO tt HANLY. W. M. W. 0. O. F. at Patricia Court, No 187, W, c. O. F meet (he First -aturday atd Third Wednesday evenings of eacu month, at Korret IHU MK» *R ABY COBB, Chief Hanger. CHARLOTTE MADDBH secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenuigs if each month, at their likll, in tstoffel'j B,lock. U. 0. COLBY, Consul. JH.O. MEAD, Clerk. CHURCHES. CNIVEMSAL1ST. * J Walsh, President H.O Mead Clerk J>mes B. Perry.. Treasurer ftev. J. S trau o, D, D Pastor t'he Willing Workers (the ladies organ aation.) Mrs L. H. Owen President Mrs. John I. Story Vice President Mrs. J VanSlyke Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristy Treasurer Bupt, of Sunday Schotf^... . A. E. Bterhler Assistant, W. A. Oristy JM*The Pastor's Ohioago Telegraph Address • Grand Grossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7;80 f, h, A cordial invitation to alL FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS g Neighboring News Gathered by ottr Able Corptt of Representatives. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Uf W. L. Whipple Paeto? ovea. hing Sunday, 10:30 A. n. Sundav School. J 2 M. Or. A, E. Aurlnger, Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:80 T. M. Ladi-s* Aid "ociety each altemato week Dr. Auringer. President, Miss Cora Wtleon, fee«V« a^-A Cordial invitation Is extended to all ST. MAilY'S CA'lHOLIC (GERMAN) dervi es will be held on Snn-ays at f^flows: CVItrh Ma»s«tW o'clock a. m.; V«8pfr« at 3 o'oiooJk p. M. BBV. KATUKK KIBUCH, Pastor ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIO -^.Vegulfir Sunday services at 9:80 o'elock a. IHb juul Vi o'clock eve-v thlr Sunday Bav. FATHBB O'NaiL, Pastor.. IMPORTANT! TH« PuiRDKMiKs will pnhlwh the lax list of McHenry an4 Greenwood town- >hit,H)ot>xc week Ext a copwa will b« provided f< r thin purpose Copies of tbiH twp r will b »l-jfr. at co veunnit *hefe ttatty CM bo piicchaoeii. , 8PRINO GKOV8. Edna Pierce is visiting in Chicago. Selitn and Jam>M Pierca wheeled to Hebron Sunday. Andrew Neish and family vieitej at John Bell's Runday Mrs. R-in Peck, of Terra Cotte, visited her parents h.'re Sunday. John Wiederman and son, Arthur, were. Cillers at Lotus Point Sunday. Silas Pierce and wife were visiting at Augustus Ruugard's at Hebron Sunday. AII are listening with bated breath for the weddintr bells Dame Rumor tells as will ring soon. Miss Jennie McVey, of Silver Lake, Wis , has been visiting at J. W. Carr's for several days. Flossie and Pearl Faden speat Friday and Saturday with thefr auht, Mrs. Sarah Speare, at English Prairie. Mr and Mrs Edgar, of Wilmot, also James Ox toby and wif.», of Eagli^h Prai­ rie, visited at I)tok Ox toby's Sunday. Nick Freund was a Chicago visitor Wednesday of last week, Dan Licbty t iking bis place in the blacksmith shop. Mesdames Vogel, Sbotleff and Mis^ Cora Westlake, of Solon, Spent Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Jennie Moss's at Dunn's Lake. Mrs. George Turner, Miss Ivzzie Turn­ er, George Adams and Olie Nuinh spent several days in ('hie )go last week and this, coming home Tuesday. The telephone to counoct with Walter Carey's thence t » Wilmot, is being put in place. Messrs. Walter Carey, Guy San­ born and Charles lies were in town Mon­ day overseeing same. "Where will you spend the Fourth?" is the question of the day. Some will go to Silver L<aka, some t^ Wilmot, where tb) Woodmen have charge of the cele­ bration, and some to Kichmond to see the races. Horse flesh has been changing hands around here lately. Wm. Carey has sold his pacer to Ed. Alyward for the sum of $140, John Sanborn sold his handsome team for the sum of $360 to Geo. Wedge, of Antioch. Miss May Sykes, who has been attend­ ing school in the city the past year, will return home this week. Her grandpa and auut, Miss Emma Sykes, will come out wit^i her and spend the Fourth at J. W. Sykes. J W. Carr, J. Bell, Andrew Nt ish, Warren Cole, Wm. Lichty and Peter Wagner visited Nipersink Point Sunday. Materials to commence work with are in place up to the Point and the railroad is an assured fact. H.on. Fred Hatch is about to start on a trip to the west, taking in Denver, points in California, thence to vi«it his brother. Mile*, in Washington. He leaves his large farm in charge of Chas. Bennett, bis efficient overseer. Miss Bertha St« v-^ns entertained her little friends last Friday afternoon, l>e occasi ?n being in honor of her twelfth biithday. These present were: Alice "*hotliff, Ada Carey, Bells Carey, Martain and Anna Nelson, Nellie Gaides, Helen Moss, Mattie and Frankie Stevens and Z.*ll Colby. In the last isaue of this paper we w >re made to give an entirely different mean­ ing to a statement regarding the gal­ lant boys of the olMt Iowa, than we in­ tended. They wvre the ones that pre­ ferred to stay at home and growl and we hope that all friends of the boys will see this apology and accept it, »v noth­ ing was larther from our thoughts than to say any of the brave soldier boys were complaining. We were sorry tj learn from a letter received from Mrs. Mary A Watts Hem- bry to relatives here that her husband, Henry Hembry, is almost blind and that his brother, Joe, who was a resident in Spring Grove for many years is violently insane, his family thus beiug doubly af­ flicted baviog loit their mother by death some years ago. Tney are now living in [ndian Territory. Their many acquaint­ ances here will be sorry to hear of their afflictions. Wm. Watts waa taken Very ill Sunday morning, his little nine year old son, Ben, going at 4 o'clock to the neighbors for assistance. Dr. Fegers, of McHenry, was called. Mr Watts is certainly hav ing his share of trouble O tnni? t > his loog illness the spnn<'s -work waa much retarded, and aft^r his wife's death a short time ago, his brother Woodmen, i f Spring Grove Camp to the number of neventeen weut with teams and assisted him, all going ou» day, some two and three dayB. Such deed:* show the true fraternal spirit in tima of nead aad distress. 0 ST. JOSEPJ'8 CATHOLIC (GERMAN) fit. Joseph's Cktbollc Church, Johnsburs have services on fe^nday as f liowk: H'gh Mas« at lo o'clock a, in and Vespers at 3 o'oiockp m. Kgv. * AHIBK NEHBI***, Pas.or TO THE LADIES: :1 The Plaindealer Co. mfahes to announce to the ladies of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that they have all the facilities for turn­ ing outup-to-datecalling cards. We use nothing but the best of fliaterial and guarantee that Our work will give entfre satis­ faction. Call and inspect oar stock and get prices .Pffl Exceptionally Low Bates to Los Angles Cal., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets w ill be sold at greatly re­ duced rate? from all stations, June 25 to July 8. inclusive, limited to September 4, 1899. inclusive, on account of Annual Meeting National Elucational Associa­ tion. Viriable routes, delightful scenery. Side trips at low rates to po.uts of interest- Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western ITy. 50 3 • - Very Low Bates to Milwaukee, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold from stations in Wis­ consin, Illinois and Michigan at very low ratew for the round trip, account of Milwaukee Carnival, to be held June 27 30. For dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North- ' "" " „... , 50-2 PRAIRIE GROVE. Warren MUIVJ was a Uidgsttefd visitor Sunday Some of the fl«h ia Silver Lake are "out of siirht." Mr. and Mrs. D-£"11, 8^ ware (KB OB our avenue Saturday. Mrs I'nra Dickinson FpMt Friday at the Huffman residence. R.Steele was at the Wauconda mill Saturday with a grist of wheat. Mrs Georgia Muntz and son made a business trip m Chicago Monday. Arthur Shu'fleet was a Sunday visitor at A Hunter'* at "Silver Creek." Mrs. Ett i Bryant entertained her par* ents, Geo. Parks and wife, Snnday. Clarence Paine ,attd wife, of Nunda, were flshine in Silver Lake Saturday. James Christianson and wife, of Al­ gonquin. visited Sunday at M. Wyane's. Eddie Andrus and a friend, from Pleas­ ant Valley, fished in Silver Lake Satur- day. Miss Maude Dickinson was the guest of Miss Grace Huffman several days last week. Mr. Holly, of MeBeurv. called on Prai rie Grove and Gary friends one day last week. - F. D Johnstone is assisting the paint­ ers aud decorators, McWhorter and Shales. Two ladies and two gentlemen, of El- urin, spent Saturday at Silver Lake sum­ mer report, R A Rogei s, wife and two daughters, of Cary, spent the Sabbath here at "Four rorners." G. L Bryant and C. E. Rowley and wife, of Nunda, attended Campbell's pic­ nic last Saturday. Tncle Phil Huffman and daughter, Amelia Haight, were visitors last week atC. P. Huffmau's. Harry Wooley, wife and daughter, Anna Belle, were recent visitors with the family at Brier Crest. Miss Phoebe Warner left for Chicago Friday i f ter spending the last two weeks with her sister, Emma. Grandma Cornwell returned Saturday from several days visit at Mrs. Ross Robinson's in Barreville. Miss Edna Sparawk rode her wheel from Mushawville Friday foi a visit with her aunt, Mrs. A. V. Adriance. Mr: Steele was obligd to take hie milk to Crystal Springs factory Friday in­ stead of shipping it to the city. Walter Buehler, of Crystal Lake, is spending a few weeks wit6 his sister, Mrs. Wm Radke, at Strawberry Lane, On Friday, JunelG, a little daughter gladdened lhe home of Munson Wyant and wife. We extend congratulations. Wm. J see was laid off 'rom shipping last week Thursday morning and took his milk t • the factory at GriswoldLake Charles Babcock, wife and family at­ tended a picnic Saturday, which was held at W. L. Campbell's, in Holcomb- ville. C. H. Tran* is doing th$ carpenter work on the new granary and chicken house at "Brier Crest," or J. Johnstone's piece. W. 0 Keller wife and family, from town, accompanied by Mrs. Ida Buff- man, were visitors last week Thursday at Mrs Delia Babcock's. Two young matkaraen, Masters Robin Mun'z and John McWhorter, Jr., shoul­ dered their rifles Saturday morning and enjoyed hunting in the woods. Erasmus Hanson returned to Elgin last week Wednesday evening. He spent several davs on the farm, making a cis­ tern for the tenant, John Zmk. Dr. C. C Watson made professional visit* at Evergreen Villa on Monday and Tuesday. Wm. Johnstone, the pa­ tient, is battling with tonsilitis. Moltie, Nettie and Charley Campbell spent Sunday at Four Corners with Mr. Babcock's family, while their parents visited James and Miss Emily Behan at "Hazeldell." Recently Chas B. 8mith stood in an old boat on Silver Lake, when suddenly the boat tipped over and threw him into the lake. It's fortunate it was not in deeper water or the accident might have proved a serious affair. J.J Johnstone and wife, Geo. Ksllar and wife, Phoebe and Andrew Warner, Mrs. M. Johnstone, son, Fred, and grandsons, Willie Wallace and J R Mc- w horter all erjoved Ashing in Grlswold Lake Last week Thursday. R^cenHv, while'fiqhiog in Silver Lake, George Keller caught a two pound bull 'rog and intends to take if to Chicago to show hie friends Mr. Keller also cap­ tured a Hack blass, which it is supposed^ might tip the scales at three pounds.^ Mre. Groevenor, accompanied by her nephew, Robin, made a farewell visit with relatives at E /ergreen Farm Fri­ day evening. Monday Mrs. G and daughter, Mila. went to Chicago and on the following Wednesday or Thursday they left for their borne in Peru, Indiana, Emma McWhorter's eldest brother, John Kocurek, of Chicago, who is and has been working at Hibbard, Spencer, Barlett & «:o., for thirteen years, gets two weeks' vacation this year instead of one. He expects to spend a few days in Prairie Grove. His present plan ia to ride h's bicycle out here on Monday, July 10, and return to the city before St Philip's Sunday-School picnic, which is on Saturdav, July 15. The choir^of St. Philip's Protestant; Episcopal Mission, Brighton Park, Chi cneo, are going to give a musical and literary entertainment on Thursday, .1 litv 6, and with a thirty minute one act farce entitled "Maria" If enoogh monev is raised from the above, the choirmaster, John Kocurek, will take the boys out camping on July 17 to 24 Forty dollars was cleared from their first choir entertainment, which was vaaiaetAprii. (OoatiBaed'Irom fotu*tbp*ge) • • mii i.I.I M HI i •• » •••! Previous earnings..... ...'. -V. *15 so Totals Expenditures: - : Clerk hire ij.. Clerk's salary, half year.. Total ; ... Balauoe due elerlr. SHEKIFP. Sheriff'a feee in anils lnaourt. On exeoutlous.v . Miticell«n*»ou*....,..... S1184 3» 00 7M) CO (16&0 >0 519 61 fSrilt $178 65 XX 66 *3 6S 471 9* 4 .. »6S 81 ... 800 (iO ,.. 9 00 Totals Expenditures: Sheriff's tstlart. half year..... Teiepliuiie service Total v... *0»Q5 Balance dm HherlIf Ml 09 CIBCUIT CWIK. H KSTWed. R«»cd. For recording S1M4 4(1 #H 85 40 t'lerk's fee- in units to court.. 66123 :t2S#0 i ourtcoatsprevtouslylrepoil'd iIS 70 ; $1, SS 53 $1&M 90 9ro oo 37 25 750 00 Totals Expenditures: Clerk hire MlM-ellRneou9,stamps .... Clerk's salary, halt year ;... Total ...^t . ... $K87 ?5 Balancedneeonnty 597 65 And we recommend that orders l>e drawn on tlu* iieHSui*er for the amounts due sheriff and county clerk; also that the circuit clerk be insirucied to turnover to the treasurer the amount due county from his office. Allot wlncli is lespectfully aubmllted. • M. DKSMOSD, Clim, S. K.OLAWK, R.J. BECK. J. H. GRACY. JOHM WBLTXIBM. The committee t^> settle with the treasurer made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Geutlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit teg" to whom was referred the semi-an tmal report of the treasurer would beg leave to submit the followiug report ou the matters before them: v Total receipts #1850 96 Expenditures Clerk hire ... » 800 r® M iseel laueous 18 41 Treasurer's salary.......... 780 DO .w..... Total .$1063 41 ... Balance due county .. $787 55 And we subinii the semi-annual statement afc a part of this report: To tbe Chairman of the County Board of McHenry County: I, F. F. Axtell, countv treasurer in and for tbe county of McHenry and state of Illi­ nois, respectfully submit tbe following report of all the fees and emoluments of my office, aud also of necessary ex­ penditures therefor, for and during the half year ending June 1, 1899, wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during said half year, tbe total amount of receipts of what ever name or character, aud all neces­ sary expenses for clerk hire, stationery, fuel and other expenses. Receipts. Wt per cent commis'n on $44,825 7? reed from township collectors $ 672 89 8 per cent commission on $ >0,008.17 col­ lected as ••ounty collector 900 CO Making delinquent list for publlcat'n. 140 t roots and t >2 lots, at a cents 10 2« Making delinquent list for judgment 68 tracts and 91 lots at 8 d-nts ... 4 47 1 per cent, commission on tfi,481.94 re- ~ ceived as county treasurer M 19 T pei cent commission on $15,818.40 paid out as county treasurer 15tt 99 1 per cent, interest on taxes collected after fc ay 1 24 04 Costs obar'd on taxes eol'd after May 11 81 M Total receipts #1950 96 Expenditures. Clerk hire $ 800 00 Miscellaneous 18 41 Treasurer's salary for one-half year.. 750 <0 Balance due county 787 tt Total expnndltnres 91850 06 Bespectfully submitted this 12th day of June, 1889 E. F. A XT * LT.. County Treasurer. All of which Is respectfully submitted. JOHN WBLTZIBN,Chin, S E.CLARK, J.H. UfcAOY, H. M.TUBNKE W. D. CoKMUB. The committee on poor farm made tbe following report, which was adopt ed, to wit: Mr. Chairman and trentlemen of the board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on poor farm respectfully present their semi-annual report for the term ending March 23, 1899, showing cost per week for keeping the poof at the county house from Sept. 1, 1898, to March 23, 1899. Members of commit... tee preseut: Hoy, Stevens, Desmond, Beck and Dike. The following bilU were approved and orders drawn for same: T H Brown, salarv as snpt 29 weeks.. |556 SS Same, miscellaneous expenses 74 90 game, cash paid lor grates for boiler.. 48 ( 0 Rs Austin, groceries 146 54 A F Kit*ld, coal 14 80 Walters & McLean, machinery and WHgon 1M 00 Evans & Klllian. meat 14 91 F W Streets, clothing---. 18 (.0 G H Hooker, groceries 55 75 (' T DoiiHvan. blucksmithing 4<i 85 Cowlin Bros., clothing 6 7i> W D Hall, lumber.... a Woods'ock Sent Co, printing and stationery ' 10 55 Mrs J M. Thomns. clothing ........ -- 4 48 O G Mead, grocert^s 25 K M Bunker, groceries 84 tt A I) Osborn. groceries 48 S t Murphy Si Mill en, ciotniug 24 01 W G < onklin. meat 5 4t) t: K Tliorne, cloihUig 149 65 H 1'eet. 1> Hcksnii!lung 4 88 Willis Dlsbrow, groceries 9 19 M D llov & Son, dry goods, clothing aud blankets 159 27 11 A st..n», bootsand shoes 22 05 F W Buell, feed 70 M A 8 Wrifiht, medicines 78 15 A 1$ Pratt A So«, meat 16 fits J C Phoate. clothing 15 81 liunker Bios., groceries 69 67 A D & J A Kennedy, groceries 94 68 Whitson Bros , hardware 65 15 Dr & V Anderson, medical services... &e (JO James Derinout, rcpalis on pump 8*25 Ed Griebel, threshing 18 95 J D Hakas, pis . 10 M> Total bills audited.! #2099 24 The above bills are divided as follows: Per­ manent Improvements, #100 2<i; running ex­ penses. $; clothing, $i7099; tobacco, #43 SS; imdical attendance and medicine, *138 8 «; sola). #2099 24. Supplies on hand .~>ept 1,1898.. .# 637 75 Buunlng expenses to Mar 28, *99.1236 87 Total • xpenseB to Mar 28. It-99 . .. #1874 12 Lesssuppl son hand Alar 25 *9J#612 98 Less U weeks board Mis Brown.. 72 50 .Less cash for caivcs sold . 9 75 Total credits to Mar 23, 1899 # 695 18 Leaving net expenses of 1112 1-7 veokf board *1178.94 or a rate of $105 p«-r wet k. 15111. were sent to Individuals and towns as follows: James Lake, Chemung # 6< 39 b E t;iark, Grt euwo Hi . 88 44 John Weltzlen. Grafton ... 47 01 F K Stevens, «'oral 84 (<5 11 F Jones liebioil 84 On W A ( ristv, M -Henry 119 b0 J 11 Gl'acy. NHilda e6 8Z Li T llov, Dorr 18; 9.i C F Dike. A gonqiiin 2Hi & Joseph S Mills, zoueca 86 1> Wm Desiiiond, llartlau'd £6.(73 K J Beck, Duntmiu 34 >9 W D » oriiin-, Alden 49 79 K D shurtlett, arengo 145 05 N Hrolzuian. Kllcy 40 84 Crist)' or Clark for Louis Koltz 8J 35 Uespettfully submitted. Li. T. Hor, chin, WM. DKSMONO, B. J. BECK, F. fc. Stevens. The committee on 'elections made the following report, which was adopt ed, towit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit tee t< w. iom was referred the selec ion of judges of election and polling places in the different towus would beg leave to submit the following re­ port on the matters before them: Iiilev--Judges: N Brotzman. J Brotzman, P s Griftliti; polling place, town Hall. Marengo, 1st District--Judges: E D Shurt- letr, J M Eby, B F Benwick; polling place, A D >teaumau's shop. Marengo, 2d District--Judges: B Gault, D. W Ht'wiu, Soott Keeney; polling place, A K Park hurst's office. _ Dunhi m Judges: B J B»ck, F C Wells, J K> unuinghaui: polling place, school house District Mo. 1. Chemung, 1st District--Judges: j C Harris, F O Tiiuniitson, P K Saundeis; polling place, LoKUe ft aunders' livery barn. t heimitig.2d District--judges: James Lake, 8 H callender, Peter o'Conuor; polling place, new engine house. - „ Alden--Judges: W D Cornue, HF Manley, Daniel Sullivan; polling place, Town Hall. liMiand. --md^es: Wm. Dnnwndi _ ltus Nolan, Wm. Forrest; pollingptaee, Cut school bouse. Seneca---.Mide-ea: Jos,Mills, HenrySfteldoa,' S C W Dii'tz; polling place, 1 own Hall. Coral--Judges: F E Stevens, AS Peak. C L Krenter; polling place, Town Hall, Union. Grafton - judges: John Wellzten, B F El­ lis. Warren Cnuimings; polling place, J S Cumin inlc's ottlce. Dorr, 1st District--Judges; L T Hoy, C D Judii, ii S \ustin; polliug places room under ccunty clerk's ollice. Dorr, 2nd District--Judges: KB Conant, Q W Frame, M M Morley: polliug place, room under shetiff's ollice. GrcenwiMid - Jiidfrcs: ^15 Clark. M Dassow, John B iycraft;pil:.|ij i lac •, town hall. Kebr* n--JutweM tl >l Tuiner. Lewis Fi?her, W O Houglitou; iiolliug place, town ldi 1 i. Uichmond--.Tu<ags(i: L B ('ovell, A R Wright. J T Bower; polling place, xturton's opera llou.-o. ltur'oii--Jndge^: F W Hatch, J B Kichavd- son. It II Meveiit-; polling place, town Hall, Spi i n tirove. Mt-IIi'in-}, 1st District--Judges: John V Buck land, J W tristj . M .f Freund; |M>lIiuif place, old t'ougrp^ntional church, Bingwood.. Mcileniy, 2mt I'istrici--^Judges: W' A', risty.i Simon Stolfel, J«>lin W Kimball; polling place,; Village Hall. McHenry Nunda, 1st District--Judges: J H Gracy EF' Matthews, M 11 Kitzsinimous; polling place; Bremer's store buildii g, Harreville. Nunda, 2nd District- Judges O M Hale. Emerson Met ullom, AS I'orl; polliug place, village cotiuol r»H>in, Nunda. Algouquin, 1st District--Judges: Chas W«u- drnck, G IS Jaue, Henry Leisburg; polliug place Morton's iiotol. Algou<iuin, 2nd District--Judges: Jas B Richardson, J P Kroeger. C F Dike, polling place, George D Williams' store,Crystal Lake. Algougmu. 3id District--Judges: L K Meutcli,SSHTIIUIII ISurton, hmil j King; poll­ ing place, i. K Moutch's store,Cary. Ail of which is resjiectfully submitted JAMES LAKE,Chm, F E STKVBMS, •SEHAKK, F W HATCH, LB CoviiLL. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopt-, ed towit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the quarter ly report, of \V. E. Wire, couuty super inteiuieut of schools, would beg leave to submit tbe following report on the matters before them: Thut we have examined said report and vouchers at- tauhed jMiereto, tind the same correct., and ^commend its acceptance and that two hundred forty-two dollars (8242.00), tbe amount due the superin­ tendent, be allowed. All of which is refcpectfnliy submitted, W D COKM:k. Cliui., F W HA ICH, H M TUKNKK, E D SUURTLEVy, JAMES LAKK. Sup. Hatch presented the following resolutions to the board and moved its ioti. WHERKAS, The present bounty of 10 cents per head ou all woodchucks kil­ led in this county has proved insuili cient to induce the killing of said woodchucks; therefore be it Resolved, The former bounty of 25 cents ou all woodchucks half grown o larger and 10 cents on all younger woodchucks be restored, and the same is hereby declared the bounty iu this couuty on woodchucks, whenever said woodchucks are killed iu McHenry county and proof is made as provided for iu resolution ou woodchucks, pass­ ed «t July meeting, 1895, by this board. After briVl remarks by Sup. Cornue against and by Sup. Beck for the res­ olution, the ayes and uays was called for and vote taken, which resulted as follows: Ajes--Sups. Beck, Lake, Desmond, Stevens, Clark, Turner, Covell, Hatch, Gracy aud Mentch--10; nays --Sups. Brotzman, Shurtleff, Cor­ nue, JVlills, Welzien and Hoy--6. Res­ olution declared adopted. The following named persons were selected by the board to serve as grand jurors at the September term of the circuit court of McHenry county, Illi­ nois, hegiuniug Sept.. 25, A. D. 1899. On motion of Sup. Hoy the list was ap proved and the clerk directed to certi­ fy the same to clerk of the circuit court of said county, to-wit: ltiley, A 11 Scans; Marengo. O H Lincoln, John 11 ui-ley; Dunham, llomor F Whipule; Chemung, K L Church, C K Hunt.; Alden, Michael SuUivan : llartland,Timothy Lawler; Seneca. Charles Iticliards; Coral. J B Wood- worth ; Grrfton. E II Cook ; Dorr, F P Smith, H J Dygert: Greenwood, Orlando Garrison; Hebron, Charles W Klile; Richmond, William Motley; Burton, Willard Colby: McHenry, Geo Stevens, Geo N Gilbert; Nunda. H O Mason and "P. A England; Algonquin, V N Ford, M B Weaver. On motion of Sup. Beck the super­ visors and clerk were allowed their per diem and mileage for May ana June meetings, 189!), and board adjourned. VV. A. ORISTY, Chairman. G. F» RUSHTON, Clerk. Would Not suffer So Ag«ln for Fifty Times Its Price. I awoke last night with severe pain in my stomach. I uever felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morniug 1 felt so weak I could hard­ ly work I went to Miller & McCurdy's flrug store and they recommended Cham­ berlain's Colic Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right It certainly is the finest thing I ev »r used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times it* price.--G H, WILSON, Liveryman, Burgettstowu, Washington Co , Pa. This remedy is for sale by J. A. Story, Druggist. Exceptionally L»w Kates to Denver and Salt Lake Olty, Via the North-Western Line Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates fiorn all stations, until July 11, i elusive, limited to October 31, 1899, inclusive. Variable Routes, delightful seebery Apply to agents Chicag" A North Western Railway. 52 2 Preserves •fruits, jellies, pickles or catsup are £ u;-re easily, more quickly.. >pore «a Ithfully sealed with Benned •*-- atllne Wax tlian by any other bod. Dozens of other uses will be """Refined araffine Wax in every household. It Is clean, tasteless and odorless--air, water and acid proof. Get a pound cake of It with a list of Its many uses from your druggist or grocer. Bold everywhere. Made by STA.N OAKD OIL CO. AV^have them in great variety and at prices to suit a]l horse owners. Now is the time to buy them while there is a largo assortment to select from. A Complete Stock of summer goods for the Horse. WM. MERZ, McHenry, III. v I* 1 i' K 'it US will soon be taking the attention of all the people in this commun­ ity, and it is perfectly right that it should, but in the meantime there are other things to think of in the matter of wearing apparel, and notions that make up a holi­ day costume. ••• :;J. •3t$ • fk •1 *i !#s ' ̂ Vi ifiS n and we will give you a few point­ ers. We have the nicest, pret­ tiest and largest line of -ribbons in all colors and widths in Me- Henry. You can also ' find here an assortment of laces that can not be duplicated in this city. In fact our notion department is overflowing with pretty things. It will pay you to call and look ill them.. .. .7. /. 'Twill be Easy to Convince You if you will give us a call, that we ." have an unequalled display of ladies' shirt waists and cprah skirts, and what is nieer for wesr , on a hot July day?.. 'f - 4 . • West McHenry. SIMON xwMHHHMHMMweooeooooosooooooeooooooqooaeooooooeo mm i . i * ̂ i THE A J AX " ' vll '•• ,/• «.?J " i .OO BIOVOL.^, Call and see it. I_. McOMBER, - WEST McHENRY, ILL. iS Are You Cleaning House ? | is During house cleaning time yon alwajm wish for a few new pieces of furniture, or would like to replace an old piece with some­ thing new and up to date. W e have a fine stock of h'tte e i i-n eled, brass mounted Iron Beds, and can make prices to fiit any pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Din­ ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered. Furniture in grert variety. Carpets and Mattings 'til ̂ 'slsSt "J } • /* f/. h A » /? h < McHwiry, Illinois Are articles that come into prominence this time of the year. We carry a lin« that you should inspect before going ©lie* where, and anyone can make a selection from our line of samples. Place your ord­ er with us for carpets and mattings and we will guarantee that you will be pleased ia both price and JACOB UyiSTEIN L ^

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