FRIDAY, JULY 14, ««99- PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY IH NdBRY PUMMAUR (ONPAIIY. Ottc*ta the Jtuten Block, two doors Worth of Owen and Chapel! 's Store. TERMS or MMCHIFTIOH: ^"u^^^pthins WetVed for three at six months In the same proportion. THK largest flag in the world is to be exhibited tinder the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution. It was made during the Spanish-Amer ican war by Miss Josephine Mulford, of Madison, N. J. There are 825, (MX) stitch es in the flag, one for each soldier ancl sailor engaged in the recent war. The flag is 100 feet long and 65 feet wide, and the blue ground measures 40x25 feet The ptripes are 5 feet wide and each star is 2* feet in diameter. There is also a sentimental interest connected with sev eral of the stars of the flag, as they were made at places in the various states which are associated with the great events of America® history. It is said that the flag is to be presented to the nation on the first anniversary of the signing of the recent treaty of peace. Filigree's Plan. V-UGV. Pingree, of Michigan, made an • effort to carry through a scheme which would result in the municipal ownership of the street railway system of Detroit, but failed. The recent legislature act by the Michigan legislature, granting this privilege was declared unconstitu tional by the Michigan supreme court. By the provisions of the recent state law. which was declared unconstitutional, the city of Detroit could purchase the en tire street railway system of Detroit at an appraised value, the same to be ap pointed by the city council of Detroit. The street railways of the city were val ued at $16,800,000 and the city was to give 4 per cent bonds to secure the pur chase. But, however, before the deal could be brought to a close the supreme court of Michigan declared the state law : unconstitutional. The state constitution of Michigan provides that the state shall not be a party to or interested in the work of internal improvement or engage in the carrying on of any such work. They held that street railways were pub- • lie improvements and consequently the law unconstitutional. ©reaver, Dreyfus was of a nationality tn ill favor by a large part of the people. He was a Jew and could rally less sup port England has long ago done away with race hatred. In this country very little of it exista. But in France it is still strong, as with most Latin people, and is conclusive proof of serioua_slack in civilisation. > . feminine Pioneer* of LoaMr JtHb. A copy of a curious newspaper has i>een found in the French national ar chives, says Literature. It is dated January 4, 1808, and is called l'Athenee des Dames. The articles are evidently written by women and the object of the paper seems to have been an attempt to place women on an equal footing •with men. The feminine pioneers of 1S08 were evidontly nearly 100 years ahead of their times. La Fronde, the Parisian newspaper written, printed and published by women, is now in its third year and appears to be successful, while only one copy of l'Athenee des Dames is to be found. PROBATE COURT NEWS The Dreyfus Case. The return of Dreyfus from his prison on Devil's Island, near the French possessions of South America, south east of Cuba, for retrial a few weeks ago, will naturally arouse a new inter est in that famous case. In 1894, for alleged treasonable relations with a foreign power, being charged with re vealing important military secrets, Captain Dreyfus of the French army was sentenced by a court martial to incarceration under extremely severe regulations on this desolate island. The conditions the Knglish imposed on Napoleon the Great on St. Helena were paradise compared with the brutal treatment of Dreyfus, provided by the military of his own nation. The trial was shamefully wanting in justice, which, though it was private, was soon apparent to the outside. The haste with which it was railroaded through and the prisoner conveyed away out of reach or touch with Frrnce or means of redress, cast grave suspicion that it was foal play. The feeling was not quieted and a strong undercurrent, headed, it seems, by Zola, the novelist, probed at the proceedings of the court martial and developed finally the rotten inward ness; and armed with the evidence, he, over his own name, severely arraigned the military concerned, and challenged them to prosecute him for libel. In the bitter contest Zola lost the verdict and was sentenced. But his end was gained. The roasting of the court, and incident ally the French government, by Ameri cans and English especially, together with a large party at home, obliged an appeal for a new trial to be carried to the supreme court. Without much delay the court considered the testimony, made original research, and promptly ordered the return and retrial of Drey fus. Meanwhile, Col. Henry confessed to forging the memorandums and sui cided, while Esterhazy turned states' evidence, and ready to incriminate army officers far above h™, some of whom are under surveillance and practical arrest. Dreyfus was brought from Devil's Island and now stands ready to await a retrial. The harshness is largely with- drawn from his treatment, hut he shows sadly the effects of the four year's terrible ordeal. His faithful and able wife was the first admitted to his cell. His trial is set for July 81, if his condi tion will permit of it. It would seem that he should be at once acquitted, but of this there is no certainty. It is still to an extent the same parties deeply interested in his downfall for their own sake who are pitted against him. They ttuscroupulous and without a con science, and backed by a military pride averse to the army 's improved reputa tion. But Lobet, at the head of the govern- , Went, and supported by the most cap- Able ministry France has had in years, is in his favor. France is not alone in terested in the outcome, but the lovers of good government everywhere are interested in it. To free government the world over, the outrage re-enacted would be a set back, while to the repub lic of France it might be fatal. I To appearance, the matter is bnrried I up in the facts that -an official or offi cials, high in army stations, to suppli- ment an income inadequate to a fast life, had recourse to the crime in character that Dreyfus was accused of *nd to divert attention brought action v twfortmwte caption. People Wfco Say The French are very proud of having discovered the word "smart," which they apply in every sort of incongruous way, using it 20 titties per day. The word "smart" has even crossed the Pyrenees, only altering its complexion in transit. A tourist the other day saw a gaudy parasol in a shop window of the Eambla at Barcelona, and on it was a huge .ticket inscribed in flaring cap itals: "Smark!!!" This was a canine vaxiatiob. , IS IT KIGBT J For u Editor to Recommend Patent Medicine ? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to pnblicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. We have known and used this medicine in our family for twenty years and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in depend ing implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by J. A- Story, druggist, "We have SQM many differnt cough remedies, but none has given better, satisfaction than Chamberlain's" says Mr. Charles Holtzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarness. Sold by J. A. Story, Druggist. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Coco nut Grove, Fla., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever used. For sale by J. A. Story. Druggist. Bxeeption&iiy Low Bates to Biehxhond •a. * Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates from all stations, July 10,11 and 12 (but not for trains arriving Cbicasro before July 11 or latter than July 13), limited to Augnst 15,1899, inclusive, on account of National Convention B. Y. P. D. Apply to agents Chicago A North- Western Railway. 52 2 Xxe ptonally Low Sat s o Los Anffis Cal., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at greatly re duced rate* from all stations, June 25 to July 8, inclusive, limited to September 4, 1899. inclusive, on aceount of Annual, Meeting National Educational Associa tion. Variable routes, delightful scenery. Side trips at low rates to points of interest. Apply to agents Chicago A North-Western R'y. 50 3 O B«uitha Bignaton of ,» T o m. x ja.. • The Kind You Have Always Bought BUSINESS LOCALS. PROnATR NEWS. Estate of Gertrude Bell. Inventory. Estate of Franz Huesler. Applica tion for probate of will. Estate of Sullivan S Shepard. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will. Bond $1000. Estate of Louise Knack, insane. port MARRIAGE LICENSES. William M. Buell, Hebron, HI. Mrs. Clara May Ellis Hebron# 111. fcCAL. ESYATR TRANSFBR8. Trunsfrrs including July 10,1S99. A T Montgomery to L H S Barrows, It, 10 & 11. blk 11. Spring t'lty add to Woodstock .f 95 <>0 Edwin R Bird to Mrs Lenu Wolcott, It 8. blk 12, Hobart's add to Woodstock. John Mt'rtos & wf to Joseph Palms. It 14. JohnsburK pt 100 W0 <10 J t'hoati' to fioorjrle Montgomery, c% . It, 4, blk 1. Oakland Cemetery 151)0 A K Bunker & wf to AT Montgomery, • •, It 10, blk ft. Spring City. Woodstock...'.. ttW Charles W E Soliroeder to Harry Hoepe It 13 & new 12. Ma pie wood I'ark. sub divof seo 3T>. Me Henry 40000 Waelav ^tasting & wf et al to John 1'eeha, It 1. John Pectin's sub dlv 8 frl '4 of sw<* of ne>< and pt nw^ ly e of Fox river in set" 28, Algonquin WW00 John Hovorka & wf et al to Waclav StastinK, It :t. l.'echas sulxiiv of sfrl 4 swu of ne'4 and that part nw1* ly © of Fox river, see 2t>, Algonquin 100000 John 1'eclia & wf et al to John Hovorka •, It 2 of John Peehas subdiv of s frl % sw'» of ne't and that part' nwJi ly 6 of Fox river, sec 30, Algonquin....,.. 9H00O Edward P Hesslegrave to W H Davis, ItsO&T. Solon..... .... 85 00 Charles W Smith & wf et al to Louisa Taltor. Its 7, N, SI, 10,11,12 & 13. Sam'l Simmon's add to Kingwood 700C0 Clin pin H Sears to James Lake, l!a a in swM of nw't see 36. Chemung 1000 00 Lewis Hatch & wf to Wm Reed, It 17 & n pt of It. 19. Cotting & Purdy's add to Kielunond 1000 00 F K Granger & F K Granger Tstee to Alice Fegers. It 5, blk 23, McHenry, w side Fox river......... 300 00 Town of Me Henry to same, same 300 00 Thomas Holmes & wf to Betsey Jordan It 1. blk 30, original plat. Harvard 235 00 Wm H Sherman & wf to Joseph • J Mil ler. It 4, blk 5, Woodstock lift 00 Special fxcuraion Bate* to Portland, Or ..and Ovh«r North Pacific Ooaet Point«, Via tbe North-Western Line. Excureior ticket*: will be sold at greatly reduced rates from all stations, until Jnl.v 8. inclusive, limited to September 4. 1890. inclusive. Variable routes, delightfu' scenery. * f ply to agants Chicago & North-Western Railway. 52 2 Bxcflp iona"y Low Rates to Denver and Salt Lake Olty, Via the North-Western Line Excureior tickets will be sold at greatly, reduced rates from all stations, until July 11, inclusive, limited to October 31, 1899 inclusive. Variable Routes, delightfu scenery. Apply to agenta Chicago & North Weetern Railway. 52-2 Is Baby Thin this summer? Then add a little soorrs EMULSION to his. milk three times a day. it is astonishing how fast he will improve. If he nurses, let the mother take the Emulsion. soc. and $1.00; all druggists. J. H. MILLER, MANUFACTURER OF MaiMe and Granite Moments, AVefie table Preparation for As similating the Food and Regula ting the Stomachs andBowels of IM AMS CHILDREN Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. mm r̂nreUlltSWUELPtTCmtt Smd~ A,br. Serum * JiodUlUSJtt - jkiu. JW • jft/ptmunt - fKrmSttd • Aperfect Remedy far Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEK Tac Simile Signature of YORK. A t b m o n t h s o l d ; J3 Dosrs -JJ CE N T S EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. atirt/M CUSTOMS For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOMA THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOFIK CITY. » l | 111 Registered in Percheron Stud Book of America as No. 20043. The McHemy Percheron Horse Co. DESCRIPTION:--Color, black; we ght, 1800 lOundH; heiuht, 17% hanrip. PEPltiliKE;--Koa e'l Ma'ch 28, 1895; br«rt bv Patternon "«-o« . oi Ilumriok, ll 'inoi*1 Wot 'iv Pfulus 11220, 21('S3, h« bv Bruiiaot 1' I 111 16, i»l9, h« by Knneion i2K*2, 38, » e hy Brilliant :-^7l, 755, he by Brilliant 1899, 75', h« l>v Co< o II, 714, he by V pnx OJiae In 713, hn by Coco 712. by n 715, he by Joar.-lu-B ami 7^9. Ot-m, Eunice bv Brilliant 1271, 755, he iy Brill ant )«•», 7.Vi, he by Uor.o 11, 714, he bv Vienx Ohael'ii 7l3, he by r«?,n 712 he by Mig- non 71fi, he by Jea^-ie-jBtanc 739. Ntcond flam, Eloise 1216, 1427, by VMorq 483, 732, Coeo II, 714. he i>y Vieux Chaalin 713. he y noc > 712. he l>y Mignon 7|5, he by Jean lc- Blnnc 739. PRISOE NOIH wil' make »he season of 1899 n Wett tocHenry and neighboring towns. TKEMS:~Kor one ecrvKe, $10 cash, payable at th» time ofs-rvlce; tor tho »ea»on, $i2 uay- ib e on or before July I; to ioaur* mnr« to t'osl c«lt I hat will i'arcl up and suck, £15 Due •are will be taic*i> t<> pr«"«nt accidents, but Vill not be responsible ahou'd any occur, WcHenrj Perclm Horse Co. HARRY WIGHTMANi Managers All Kinds of Cemetery Work at the Lowest Prices Foreign & American Granite a Specialty. . McHEJWtY, ILLINOIS. mwsm Standard and Registered SMOKERS I When in Want of a Good Ciiar! CALL AT BARBI&N BROS THE OLD RELIABLE Ci&rar »nd 'Tobacco Dealer*. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The beet cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Ban I of ttirf, FERRY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Thin Bank receive** deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and-does a Greneral Banking Business We endeavor to do all bueinefiH en trusted to our care iu a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate and other first class security, Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First Class Companies at the Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, PERKY & OWEN. Notary Pub ic Call and see oar large stock of Glass ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAER. 11 you want to see tbe finest stock of Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BAER. All goods fresh and new and Prices the Lowest, at the Fanner's Kto'*. Call in and learn our prices. No trouble to show Goods.* A. P. BAER If yon are looking for bargains do not fail to call at the Farmer's Store before you buy. We know we can sorely save you money. A-P-BIBB 1 DeLand's "Gap Sheaf" Brand SedaJ Our prices in plain figures--same to everybody. M. J. Walsh. We have every fashionable shape of men's hats in ail the desirable shades. M. J. Walsh. No. 23895.-- ~ DESCRIPTIONBay 'horse, star, small •nip, right hind ankle white, Foaled April 25, 1P93; stands 17V hands high and weighs over 1400 pounds. He Is bred in direct line from Hambleton^an 10 on both sire and <Itim siilc*, miking him one of the best bred siviinna on tbe list. Parties desiring to breed forro&dsters and areneral purpose borsee will fled it to their Interest to <'.all and Investigate befor" placing their mares the coming season. Bis gets will show for tbemsnl ves. TERMS OF SERVICK -JlO 00 to 1n«n»e live colt; $8 00 for the season. Money to be ijtl'i at end of season. SENATOR HOPKINS will be at Hanl'y Bros*, stables, hi mile south of che Mellenry brick mills, the ccming season cf 1800. Escapes and accidents at owner's risEa Having had aeyeral yeers »xiner!en*« fell ing farm and other sales. 1 now eail attention to tbe faet that I feel like getting a CREAT "HUMP" On myself and sell ynr farm ralen In McHenry as well as Lake Oo with a great DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain pood results these clostf times, i am satisfied that it requires tbe same VIGOR AND PUSH B ANL1Y BEOS, West McHenry. Our shoes are up-to-date in style, exact in fit and economical to wear--a combi nation witbout a rival. M. J. Walsh Come in and leave your measure for a new suit, only first class goodis and a perfect fit guaranteed. M. J. Walsh. • O&rdof Thank*. 1 wish to»eay that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's 'Tough Remedy has done for our family We have used it in so many cases of cougbs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given tbe most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in debted to tbe manufacturers of this rem edy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks--Respectfully, MBB. 8. DOTY, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by J. "A. Story, Druggist. Largest stock of pore, fresh, groceries, tea's, coffee's canned goods, flour, etc., in town. Our prices are guaranteed the lowest. Goods delivered promptly, Agent Continental Fire Ins. Co. Citi zens Telephone, No. 20. Yours Truly, M. 3. Walsh, West McHenry, HL NATIONAL FLAGS. Set of thirty cardsshowlng the nation < j>al fla ;s of the principal nations of the^ > world. One of these cards Is packed >eaeh large package of CAP SHBAF SODA.<§> £If a complete '*et is desired, we will mail* [same on receipt of five one pound Cap t )Sh,'.af wrappers Give your name and< t office rrtainly written. I BELALTD & CO., Fi'.rpcrt, H. 7. UNITED STATES War Claim Agency -OF- W. H. COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Prosecution of all kinds and classes of Claims Against tbe United States for ex-S >ldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or heirs. A specialty made in the prosecution of old and rejected claims; also in all claims of soldiers in tbe Late War with Spain. All commnni cations promptly answered if postage stamps are enclosed for reply. WM. H. CowllBt Office at residence, Madison St., Wood* tcck, IU. . To se'l varm Sales *n<l he suoies«ful as it dees to ohop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kanBas. either of which I are witling to do wh«n called. MMt of you witi know that I have had spd »till hsv« m'-^h experience ceiling just such gr o<ls and stonk a; you will offer at public auct on ttii•» spiing, 1 here- fore I shoull bnow their value and h"w to get at selling the saire tor the most money, dropping theart'cli" with the one <h%t some ttniee pftys his ^ote, I am qui'e a food bid der and ' m nlwave looking for bargains. I -- ^»e4ieve l on <!o m^re for you than can tbe others for the raitf or less cost, Ifldi(ln<""tfeel suieofthe above and vn not in rtead ea-i.esi and willing to try o* ihort notice, 1 would not be so well equipped An alarm turned in by postal may reveal unexpected results. Try Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient aad unsystematic friend T. V. 8LOCUM, WauconHat Ml NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST Me HENRY, ILL « Keep* ?t.en for t he accommodation of tb Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant Where hi will at all times keep the bes brands of Wines, Liquors aLd Cigars to be found in the market PABST'8 Lsgtr Bur At Whotesai ard Retail. Beer in lnrge rr small Ksg* or Rot ties al- * a>® on hand, cheaper thai, any <nh*.r.Quality xtnsiatreU *H * Ordeis by mail promptly sttended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSEs w Oall and see ns. Robt. Schiessie. West McHenry, May 2, ma. Keeping House ."Is a oleasure fnr ' ' ?**** Is a pleasure for any woman when she , has the essentials at hand that tend to make her home ' attractive and comfortable ; " Have the Essentials In Furniture Celling them at prices that ^ven the de- tment stores of Chicago can not beat. and are partment TJjis may seem a broad assertion ^7^ but an inspection of the" goods and prices ***».£ will convince you of its'truthfulness "kiJ' - Undertaking a Specialty. JACOEf JUSTEN, McHenry, III. ----mm-->m wh----NiiHiiMnmim nn« ?V* "i It is Probably J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All Kinds of Sanitary FIuMi PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com plete stock of Plumbing Good*, Bath Tubs> Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and lot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized aod Black Pipe and Fittiugs on band. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon< drtfl Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL- n'i'% within the bounds of conservative statement to say that no other House in the county can furnish a bettor paint than In view of the great number of different brands of Mixed Paint now on the market this is a broad statement, yet abso lutely true. A coat or two of good paint, properly applied, will make any house appear as dean and fresh as though it were newly built. The greatest care, however, should be exercised in the choice of a paint, as a poor article is worse than valueless. The item of labor is by far the greatest part of the expense in painting a house, therefore, it is highly important to save the cost of labor by buying only paint which will prove the best and the most durable. In order to be sure that you get the best, see to it that every can you buy has on it, signed by the manufacturers, a guarantee that the paint is absolutely pure and free from every adulteration. Crown Cottage Colors are guar anteed to be composed of Strictly ^ure white lead, Oxide of Zinc Tinting colors, Pure Linseed Oil, and entirely free from adulteration. We further guarantee that Crown Cot tage Colors will go farther, wear longer and look better than any brand of mixed paint on the market. Furthermore, we will state that should you find that rown Cottage < olors, when properly applied, will not give entire satisfaction, we will supply you free of charge with sufficient material to do tie entire work over again. Yours Respectfully, West Side Hardware. F. L. McOMBER. JYRUGS Like all other goods must be fresh, and if you desire fresh goods in this line call on «. CVMYi* M c H E N R Y . I L L I N O I S . Ndw is the time of year that PAINTS, OILS COLORS are in demand. Remember we carry a brand of ready-mixeo paints that is equal to any and better than many so-called "best" brands A C0MPL1TB LINK OP Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Stationery Toilet articles and isfbtions. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED oooooooooooooou ATO"<*T of paint here and there about tho house brightens up the dingy spot*. Why not try the i ^ plan of paint renovation. You can do it with THESHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS T u r n S M E m w t N - W t L U t A M S Co., P A t N Y A N & COLO#? M A M M R S , 9S29 Stewart AVE..Chicago; ALSO Clewl*nd,N"ew Ytrk, E. B. PERKINS, Agent, Ask your dealer for our Family Paint, which is made ready for the brush, especially for the hundred and one odd jobs of painting about the house that a woman can do. It is an oil paint, with a glossy surface, put up in small convenient cans ready for instant use. For finer surfaces, fancy furniture and the like, use S-W. Enamel Paint. Write for "Paint Point*" our little book on painting. Fret. ilcHenry, III. -is,: » " ^r.i* *Ut.: