Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1899, p. 5

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§ DIRECTORY | M F PINVW«V9'9>I'99VVI IP M M MW' BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. GILLMORE. ATTORNEY. Probata work a specialty. •"• Office In Kendall Block. Woodstock, 111. J. F. CASEY. A TTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Office " In Joslyn's Block, Woodstock, IU. Spec­ ial attention given to trial case*. KNIGHT & BROWN. - ATTORNEY AT LAW. 100 Washington • street, Chicago, III. FRANK L. SHEPARD. pOUNSELORAT LAW, Suite M-tiC Clark V street, Chicago, III. C. P. BARNES. "A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor, Col- lections a specialty. Woodstock, III. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and A residence in 3 listen's Block, over the Plaindealer office, McHenry. Telephone No. 2. C. H. FEGERS, M. D. "PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, McHenry, -*• III. Office at Residence. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Nei^iborlng News Gathered by ou| Able Corp» of Representative®. DR. A. E. All RINGER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In the old Post Office bullditiK, one door east of J. Miller's store, West McHenry, 111. Resi­ dence, house formerly occupied by I)r. Os­ borne. All professional calls promptly at­ tended to. A. C SPURLING. M. D. V. VBTBRINANY SURaaON. Special attention given to Dentistry. Calls promptly attended. Ottee at Residence west of Purk Bote! West McHenry, Illinois. W. A. CRISTY, Justice of the React. WEST MCHEMIV, ILI„. Special Attention paid to Collections. Will be in my office, over Evanson's store, «very Saturday and Monday until further potlce. i H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. WKST MCHKNBY, - • III. Your Card Would Look Well Here. -- A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 136 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. fy A full assortment of goods in his line. Dr. Walter C. Besley, Office over Besley's DENTIST• Drug Store WEST MCHENRY. Woodstock office--Kendall Dental Parlors Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuestays. At Woodstix-k office Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. •X A Ml NATIONS FRBB C. F. BOLEY, of McHenry Brewery, MoHENRYj ILL. Always on Hand 'With the Best Bmr SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. , GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court. No. 187, W. C. O. F„ meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger. LORKTTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. AJ Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth W ednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, in Stoffel's Block. C. C. CoiiBY, Consul. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C.O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester Hall. ANTON WEBER, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. CHURCHES. UNI VERBALIST. T. J. Walsh President H. C. Mead '. Clerk James B. Herry Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, I). D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies' organiza­ tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen President Mrs. John I.Story Vice President Mrs. J. \ an Blyke Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-Scliool F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy fW The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 p. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODI8T EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:30 A. M. Sunday- School, 12 12 M. Dr. A. E. Auringer Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. l)r. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. fW~A Cordial invitation I s extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) ces will be held on Sunday as follows: ass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at' 3 o ciock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: Hign 61 ass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER MEHRINU, Pastor. C. * N. W. R. R. TIME TABLE. MSHSNFTY. ILL. GOING NOBTH. * Williams Bay Pass 10.00 A. M -G t •• " " 11:10 A. M.--G • " " Freight.... 1 1:30 A M -- o • •' " Pase 8:00 p m -W • Expres?.... 4:45 p M -W t Lain Geneva Pass 4:5« p. M --G * •* •• " 6:51 p. M--O OOINO SOUTH. X Lake Geneva PM 7:82 A M --G * William* Bay Express 8:83 A M.-W * " " Paw 3:18 p M --G • « •« «• 6:15 P: M.-W FT ** u ** 7:08 p M.-W F' «• » " 7:24 p M --G " •' Freight 3:18 P M -- A t Daily. 'Daily except Sunday. tSan- , day only, x This train will ran only 4 from Jose 25 to September 3, 1899 >1# GaJsaa DirWon. w Wis. Division, •FftlKQ OROVB. Dr. C H. Fegers was in town Satur­ day. John Crane and wife visited at W. "C. Moss's Sunday. A yonng man has arrived at John Wedennan's and will vote in 1920. Mrs. H. Faden and daughter spent Saturday and Snnday at Richmond. Mrs. Eva Turner was down from Hebron and spent Sunday with relatives here. Work is bang rushed at the Point on the railroad. They are now at work at the bridge. Mrs. Williams, of Antioch, is spend­ ing this week with her daughter Mm. Ben Williams. All are pleased and comment favor­ ably upon the new appearance of THE PLAINDEALER. John Bell and wife witnessed the play "Queen Esther" at Richmond last Saturday evening. Henry Jackson has tiOAde an addition to his house, he having rented the main part for the summer. There will be a lawn sociable at Jonn Crane's next Wednesday evening, July 19, for the benefit of Rev. Cross. Spring Grove boys played Channel Lake boys Sunday afternoon at Channel Lake and claim the victory to be theirs. John Hoffman, of Rosencrans, Mark Hoffman, of Basset's street, Chas. Haldeman, of Richmond, and their wives spent last Sunday at Andrew Neish's. Mrs. Emma Imerson accompanied her cousin, Frank Lawson, back to his home at Superior, Nebraska, where she will remain for some time if the climate is beneficial to her health. Her many friends here hope to hear of a speedy Tecovery. A very uncommon sight is witnessed daily in our neighl>orhood by the pres­ ence of Tony Gaid's father, who has reached the remarkable age of ninty-one years and appears no older than, many men of seventy years. He works daily with apparent ease, hoeing and doing other hard work. His family say that with his present health he has pros­ pects of living another half century. ~ WOODSTOCK MissTillie Severts, of Chicago, is visit­ ing relatives in town. 'Miss Nellie Todd, of Elgin, is visiting at Dr. E. V. Anderson's. Miss Belle Hart has returned after a pleasant visit at Greenwood. Mrs. C. W. Allen is enjoying an outing with friends at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Stein, of Elgin, is _a guest of her sisters, Mesdames Renich and Dryer. Miss Emma Hanson, of Chicago, is visiting here among her many friends. Pete Lee went to Harvard Sunday evening, taking a trip to Chicago Mon­ day. Miss Lelali Shearer departed Tuesday for Fort Plain, N. Y., for an indefinate stay, Mrs. E. V. Anderson returned Tues­ day evening after an extended visit with relatives in Tennessee. Rev. E. S. Chappell, of the Chicago Children's Home and Aid Society, was in town the forepart of the week. The northwestern brigade of the Salvation Army has erected a tent, where they are conducting services in our city. Miss Lily Adams, who has served as teacher at the Industrial Home in our city recently, returned to her home at Lincoln, Neb. . Rev. N. A. Sunderlin thought best to bold a patriotic service Sunday evening. His own remarks, Miss Lena McCon- nelTs original poem, and the address by Attorney V. S. Lumley were all both appropriate and interesting. The choir rendered selections that were enjoyed. The W. R. C. were present in a body. OA0TO B«arathe Signature of The Kind You Have Always KIDOKFIBLD. A. P. Peck was in Chicago Fridifv Geo. Baker was in Dundee Sunday. • Mr. Ormsby was in Woodstock Thurs­ day. Chas. Keeler was in Woodstock Wed­ nesday. Mre. Lucy Doyle was in Nuqda Wed­ nesday. Chas. Kilt*, of Carey, here Sunday. Mrs. Wakefield was in Nunda Wednesday. Mrs. Anna ^as in Nunda Wednesday. Will Barden, of Woodstock, was here Sunday. . » Guy Martin. xrf Woodstock, was here Thursday. Gus. and Chas. Antonsseai were in Nunda Sunday. Mr. Eberspecker, of Chicago, is visit­ ing friends here. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wagner visited in Woodstoek Sunday. Miss Lola Lynch visited friends near Woodstock Friday. Miss Myrtle Robinson was in Nunda! Friday and Saturday. Earl S. Pinner, of Greenwood, visited R. L. Duffield Sunday. Mrs. Hennings and son, Dewitt, were in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, of Nunda, visited at J. Still's Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Duffield, of Woodstock, visited relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henning and son, Dewitt, were in Nunda Monday. Bertha Hennings and Kittie O'Flah­ erty were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Lola Lynch and brother, Ray, are visiting relatives at Ripan, Wis. Dewitt Ryan, of Chicago, visitsd at R. L. Duffield's the first of the week. Miss Fdith Jenks, of Elgin, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Wakefielf. A. Dennen, of Chicago, visited at J. E. Robinson's Sunday and Monday. • Mrs. Stella Miller, of Woodstock, visited with her sister, Mre. May Reed, recently. Mrs. Geo. Doolittle and children, of Chicago, visited at Mrs. Lue Thayer 's Thursday. • '/ Fred Hill and wife, of Elgin, are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Hay Reed. Mrs. M. Orlady Wood and mother, Mrs. Orlady, are .visiting relatives in Wisconsin. Chas. Stanley, while sliding down the banister, fell and sprained his arm, but is much better now. Mr. and Mrs! Menne and daughter, of Belvidere, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Irish, last week. Mrs. Ryan and children, who have been visiting at Mr. Gallaher's, returned to their home in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cox, of Burton's Bridge, and Miss Cora Lincoln, of Oshkosh, visited at R. L. Duffield s Sunday. Frank Hill, of Elgin, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. May Reed, w*ent to Woods took Wednesday to visit relatives there. Ray Skinner had the misfortune to sprain his foot Monday while driving cattle at Fred Reed's and is at home now, unable to work. The Sunday School Rally of Don- township -will be held in Walkup's Grove, Saturday, July 22. The largest school represented will receive a banner. Exceptionally Low Rates to Indianapolis. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at greatly re­ duced rates from all stations, July 18, 19 and 20 (but not for trains arriving Chi­ cago before July 19 or later than July 21), limite 1 to August 20, 1899, inclusive on occount of National Convention Epworth League. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Railway. 1-2 B«ara the Signature of TORIA. i The Kind You Have Always All The New Wrinkles And Most Modern Ideas are embodied in the lines on our coutfters today. To convince you of the fact, we invite your attendance at our store at your early pleasure. To get your busi­ ness we'll name you figures that'll prove irresistable To Wear Well S To Sell Well Must Fit Well o Most Wear Well E Our s Do n. J, WALSH, - West McHenry, 111. CITIZENS' TELEPHONE NO. 20. mm W- B&B&BVT1XX. Edna Hunter is visiting friends and relatives in Elgin. . "f"" Rasmus Peterson Is entertaining company from Chicago. Mr. Stanson entertained Mttpany from the city last week. Walter Shepard was home from Gray Town, Ohio, the Fourth. Mrs. Affy Shepard and son, Walter, were in Woodstock Friday. Mrs. P. Morris, of Nunda, called on friends here Sunday evening. Arthur Granthun and Robbie Matthews spent the Fourth in Elgin. Miss Rose Parelev, of Burton's Bridge, called on Mrs. J. B&ird Sunday evening. Claund Colby and Earnest Colby, of Nunda, were seen on our streets Mon­ day. F. S. Shepard and family, of Chicago, spent Tuesday with Mrs. S. S. Shepard and family. A good many attended the dance at McHenry Tuesday evening, All report a good time. • \ Several from here witnessed the fire­ works at Nunda Saturday evening, which were fine. Earl Bryant, of Nunda, was at Mrs. S. S. Shepard's, visiting his friend, Miss Olive Shepard Sunday. Mrs. L. Blassdell, of Belvidere, and son, Loell, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. S. S. Shepard. L. Eastman atid wife, accompanied by Miss Baird, J. Parsley and E. Hill, drove to Marengo Saturday last. Mrs. W. Romsay and . family, accompanied by Mrs. Anderson, of Elgin, spent part of last week with Mis. C. Band and family. Watson Baird fell from a tree Friday last and received several serious injuries. Doctor Watson was called and the little fellow is said to be a little on the gain. WAUCONOA. Editor Carr was at McHenry Mon­ day. Preparations are being made for harvesting. Nearly everyone is effected with whooping cough. The entertainment in the M. W. Hall Saturday evening was well, attended and a general good time w as enjoyed by all. The M. E. church will give a sociable next Saturday evening on the school grounds. Ice cream and cake will be served. ANIMAL HEAD FORMS. They Are Made Im Great Variety ul Sold la Large Number* 1B Tfela Coaatry. There are made for furriers and for other uses great numbers of animal head forms, these being reproductions, in a composition used for the purpose or in papier-mache, of the heads of va­ rious animals, including squirrels, foxes, wolves, bears, tigers and almost, if not, indeed, every known kind of ani­ mal, large and small, says the New York Sun. Animal head forms are commonly made with the mouth open, showing the inside of the jaws and the tongue and the teeth. These parts, in heads of all sizes and whatever the animals may be, are finished and colored by the head- form manufacturer. The eyes are com­ monly put In by the furriers and others using the head forms when the forms are covered, though they are sometimes put in by the head-form manufacturer. There are made in artificial eyes re­ productions from nature of the eyes of practically all known animals and birds. Such eyes are sold and used in the aggregate in enormous numbers. The smaller animal head forms are sold by the gross; big ones, like bears and tigers, by the dozen. Taking them all together, large and small, the num­ ber of animal head forms used is very large, amounting in this country to mil­ lions annually. The smaller beads are prodtoeed at very small cost. Formerly the animal head forms used in this country were imported from Germany and England. Now they are made here, and some American head forms are ex­ ported. WHERE ICE IS WELCOME. Oca. Fnaiton Loagcd to Cat the lee of Sncceaa aad Has at Last Foaad It. In connection with the possibility of Gen. Funston having a political ambi­ tion. J. W. Gleed tells a Btory which gives much insight into the character of the man, says the Kansas City Jour­ nal. Gleed was In New York on the day Funston sailed away to join the insur­ gent forces in Cuba, and accompanied l>im to the steamer to say good-by. While the pair were talking at the steamer landing, Funston spoke of his probable future, and said: "Willis, I have no ambition to get rich. I wouldn't get into politics for any- thing. I am afraid I have no settled aim or clearly seen ambition. But, nev­ ertheless, 1 want to cut some ice in the world, and 1 intend to keep hustling un­ til my time comes." This yearning to cut ice has been manifest in all the movements of the restless, tireless, always moving young Kansas soldier. He has searched for his opportunity from the Arctic to the equator. Never staying anywhere long, he has dropped one thing after another in a fashion that made his friends fear he was a changeling and unstable. But now they begin to comprehend that it was the eagerness and fretful- ness of a mighty ambition, and that what they deplored in him was the very characteristic that was to lead him on toglory. Atlast, 1Q,000 miles away from home, he found a chance to cut the ice of his ambition, and in cutting he cut aplenty. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tli Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of TOIO. S. B. Russell, Jr., is visiting relatives •here. •' Miss Ben. Ooapman was a Yolo caller Thursday. Mary Raught came home from Wau- keg&n Tuesday. Avis Cook was a Volo visitor Satur­ day afternoon and Sunday. It is rumored that Ediia Convene will clerk in E. Richardson's store, A. L. Ford wife and son, John, off Chicago, are visitors at C. Dillon's. Mrs. Henry Do we, of Waukegan, fig visiting her son, John, at Lilly Lake. Katie Stilling and Peter Miller, of Johnsburg, were Volo callers Sunday. Elam Converse, of Chicago, Sun- dayed with his sister, Mrs. John Wal­ ton, Another daughter came to gladden the home of Mike Coyle and wife, Saturday, July 8. Frances Converse went back to' her home in Chicago Saturday after a two weeks visit with relatives here. Barney Martin and wife went to Chi­ cago Monday to attend the marriage of their daughter. Mand, to Harry P. Hoaglund. Misses Etta And Loura Kerns of Kenosha, returned to their home Satur­ day after a week's visit with relatives in this vicinity, ' Last week Friday night a dance was given in John Converse's barn at Fort Hill. There was another one there Tuesday night July 11. Mrs. Effinger and children, of Wau­ kegan, came out Sunday and will stay for some time with J. Stadfield and wife, who are Mrs. Effinger's parents. MICA 'AXLE 'UREASE helps the team. Saves wear and expense. Sold everywhere. MAPI BY STANDARD Oil. CO. Is there Anything More Attractive in the Home than a We Rather Think Not! fi Our Store is headquarters for musical instruments and we always have on hand a full stock of Pianos, Organs. Violins, Guitars, Mando­ lins, Banjos, Graphaphones, and if we r, have not what you want we can get it for you on short notice. Weat flcHenry, IH - MILO HOWE. We have them in great variety and at prices to suit all hbrse owners. Now is the time to buy them while there is a large assortment to select from. A Complete Stock of summer goods for the Horse. WM. MERZ, McHenry, III* Removal! It is witb pleasure that I announce to the public that my stock of Goods has been moved into more commodi­ ous quarters, in the Perkins bnildinp, three doors south of my former place of busi­ ness. I will now carry the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock in McHenry. Diamonds and Precious Stones. It will be to your interest to look at our stock before placing your order for any- thiug in this line. We have a large assort­ ment of Silver Novelties. Bgpair Work a Specialty JOSEPH XHItEIDOt, Ndfevy, HL | N. J, JUSTEN, v*' **>* - " ' All Kinds 1 "Furniture | Undertaking a Specialty. 2 Also Licensed Embalmer. I 3 m m s s * m • * - i * carry as large a stock of all kinds of goods in our line, if not larger than any house in the county at prices to suit all. So when in need of anything in the furniture line call and get our prii before buying elsewhere. It, J. JUSTEN, ft o < > <> o < > * < > o o < > <• < > This is tlie Season for it! The FARMERS' STORE will hereafter handle a full line of fruits of all kinds. Send in your orders for anything in season and if the fruit you wish is in the market the order will he filled to your satisfaction. BERRIES; Blackberries, Black Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Gooseberries. CALIFORNIA FRUIT: Apricots, - Plums, - Peaches, * Cherries. Fancy Bananas, Watermelons, Lemons. Bermuda Onions and New Potatoes on hand. C A. P. BAER, Tel flu ne No. Xt« McHcnry, III. There is The Quality of Purchased Here. . Our business methods have been ^ ^ weighed in the balance and are never found wanting, hence the liberal pat­ ronage that has been bestowed upon us. Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing was never more complete than at present, and we have some excep­ tionally good bargains to show you A Glance into our -Grocery Department- will convince you that we handle , nothing but the best. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, III teeeeoossoooosssdoesi SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE XIIMX BEGINS MONDAY On all Summer Merchandise, to close them out quickly;. Lawns, Percales, Wash Goods, Underwear, Etc. Ladies' Brown Oxford Shoes, per pair, 75^ " Black " 4* U It will pay you to calf. 4 A Car load "BEST ON RECORD" Flour just in _ ,11 All For Cash. West McHenry, QL WALTER C. EVANSON '*§ * : West rIcnMry, IB. § ,, ;*(* 39 . • Fruit! Frilitf Fruit.1 <> i'? o < > o < > o < > < > < > < > < > < > < > o < > o < > i t 'A' * ' 'I ®t • • > •iil < t -"J i 4 J-?'. ; f w * 4 % - r % ' r , i

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