ra~#a •InunIHI N R - ^ Int. (Charles Randall of Chl- '•jgtteste of Adam Wolf and JB. StMflton hssretaraed to CM- |l «BBn«r (pit with Mrs. N. H Mm S. J. Vinnedge and sister, Miss Cunningham, have returned to Chicago. |, and Mrs. X W, Hunter of • J HiWpti I • rmm I|||[ • ; • i"* I I." mWMti'Wfli m , f *'V 4' J, The following are registered at the Mineral Springs Hotel: Edw. J. Bar ton, Fr||il£|$f Ryan, Dr. C. H. Broad way, Ulai, Mary Newett, Maine Y. Gthmmrn, Msrie T. Cassin, Elizabeth C. Barton, Bessie O'Connor, Anna L. f ys*™. A. M. Schillo and daughters'* Hirtry, Marjferet C. Harty, Geo, C. have returned from a trip to WJaeoasiii Walter, Chicago; G. M. Harty, Col- i^ sad Minnesota resorts. utnbia Fallw. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Okerbloom, Miss Jessie Ckerblootn, Chas. T. Okerbloom, BaGrange 111. C. Henry, J. Apgot, Elgin. Vox L«k«. : The last *wreek has been warm and and reporters are loath to leave, but 'many are compelled to do so by the close of vacation and approaching open ing of schools and colleges. MRS. George Lomax gave two enchre parties on Tuesday. One in the after noon for women and the prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Slack, Mrs. Clark Bennett, Miss Agnes Carr and Maypole, At the men's party in the evening Cap tain B. H. Morrison won the first prize. Mrs. Charles H. Slack and Mrs. Mayer of Chicago are the guests of Mrs. George Lomax. Mrs. Watte of Chicago was a guest of l|rs. S. G. Pitkin last week. .Mrs. Harvey Dwight and Miss Cora Clements, of Chicago, and Miss Inez Dwight, of Oak Park, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dright. Guests at the Antlers Hunting and who have been here for s«me fishing club include Mr. and Mrs. John <„mm» left for McHenry last Friday T. Woodcock, Henry Hirsch and bro- , where they will stay for a couple of ther- °- c- Myers family, Mr. and 'weeks Mrs. Thomas N. Gibbs, E. M. Stephen- ^ ; 1 Mrs. W. C. Harris, J. E. Friaby and «°n> Mrs. H. H. Wedeles and Mr. and >'J wife, Mrs. John Frisby, Mr. and Mm Mrs. Jack Miller, of Chicago. Jensen and Miss Celia Bobbie, of Chi- Miss M. Irene Marsh, H. S. Clark, ^ * f cago, spent Suadra a* ttoMineral and J. Schneider of Chicago were guests '̂ Springs HoteL * •*'% of Mr, and Mrs. Prentiss last week. writes John September Tfcei bokllODOBK H. L. MBB. " Kindness Chicago Inter Ocean. # r -«•: . srr.; - Additional F»i Lake New*. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Marshall and -f family, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Sweetland, v~ and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hay of Chicago < i were at Hotel Eastside last week. ^ " Miss Maude Johnson and Miss Flor- \v_' $ »nce Abridge, of Elgin, spent a week at - Fisk cottage. - Mrs. A. C. Southland of Chicago is the iguest of her sister. Mrs. W. G. Clark. 11 T Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Matthews, Mr. ?£-v'v^and Mrs. David Oliver, and A. K. Vick- »rs and family, of Chicago, were among the guests at the Lakeside Hotel last week. , t Mrs. R. A. Dandeliker and family, of ' Chicago, oocupy their new place on the Miss Effie Prentias gave an informal f lawn party at Clematis Cottage on Man- *** ' - fee, . An informal dance was given at the \ iV Mineola Hotel on Saturday evening at which Mrs. G. Bouscaren and Miss May 'p' Bouscaren, of Chicago, supplied vocal « and instrumental music. r 5 '* Among last week's Chicago guests at fV Mineola Hotel were Dr. and Mrs. W. 1 fcvl I _ *• Y s Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Cleary, H. E k , Waters, and Will Hotchkiss. Mrs. James ^endabarker, Miss M. f ^ Carr, Miss Maude Daniels, Charles Gould and J. R. Croak, of Chicago, are gnoate of Alderman Maypole's family. ; iS. L. Sullivan and family and P. J. Mahoney and family, of Chicago, are at ' the Howard Hausa. Friends of Captain R. H. Morrison on the Ingleaide shore have ordered the construction of a large and fast yacht as a present for him. On Monday Mrs. Henry Clone gave a steamer party to the women of the east shore, going up Fox River to Mc Henry, Mrs. a J. Weidner g»Te a children's party Tuesday for Master James L. Anderson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ryan and Miss Ryan, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. O. J. Weidner. Miss Anna Mulcahy of Chicago Is the : guest of Miss Mame Mullen at the ; Green cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sullivan gave a : coaching party Monday and a marsh- mallow roast Saturday night. They had as guests last week Miss A. A. Hopkins, Mrs. Louisa T. McGovern, i Mrs. James McAndrews, J. McLaughlin, > Mr. «id Mrs. B. M. MitchelL Mr. and . Mrs. E. Walter Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. ; M. Boyle and Miss Margaret Do vie, of ) Chicago, Mrs. B. H. Sullivan and B. ; Comerford, of South Dakota, sad Mi«a ; Kathryn Fanning of Joliet. Alex. C. Soper and Dan B. Southard i «f Chicago have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Deering. The Misses Mullen gave an lee cream : party Tuesday night. Heaton Owsley of Chicago tit a guest , of Captain R. H. Morrison, W. J. Calhoun of Danville has been a guest at Brightwood cottage, the home ? . of Commodore Lyford. Commodore Lyford has g"n» to Hew ' York for a week . The Jewish New Year and the first day of the year 5860, according to 'the Moaaic calendar, was Monday. Servi ces incident to the Jewish New Year be gin on the evening of the fourth and continue throughout the fifth and sixth by the orthodox Jews, and on the fifth alone by the reformed. According to the Talmud the two days are accounted only one long day and it is given up to repentance for sins committed during the past year and preparation for the coming year. an#i:««lit by the gallon, begins im; concoction. If there is a long v to the fa«tt^p|̂ i|M|e k At internals atf» | brown bread; pitc! milk, dishes of apple sauce, beets and jam., Platters of ci in pieces, diced ham and beef and mutton, and bowls of vegetables arc placed convenient for the themselves' as qpmlly-'as pMlliifc* Kit ten minutes the bread-plates •*» and are filled again with stetfMjktf bis cuits. Coffee, cups are replenl»l»d, and the meat-platters make several journey* to the kitchen. A dozen apple, costard and berry pies disappear like »n«w be fore the sun. Potatoes are captured on the points of forks, cut in half, sopped in gravy, and disappear as quickly as a coin is slipped from the palm of a wiz ard. Then is a squeaking of boots, the sliding of chairs, and the men go back to the yard. The horses are fed and the hay in the loft of the barn is shaken down and blankets thrown on it--a rude but wel come bed for the men tired out by the day's toil. It is a windless night, and the music of the katydids and crickets sounds sharp and clear. At nine o clock the men throw themselves on im proved beds, and soon are snoring lus tily. On the floor below the mosquitoes settle on them. The light in the kitchen is put out. The tired women are soon asleep. The haicirest moon rises like a ball of fire." the food What We Need. An electric light plant. A circulating or public library. A new depot. The one we are now tra- ing is a disgrace. Some factories to locate hen. Lote of water and cheap land. More houses. There is a demand for houses of modern structure. v. Some of our streets improved. Side walks are badly in need of repairs. Our merchants and business men to form an association for the promotion of the welfare of McHenry. Jiowdeff ate " of the present day. POWOCft 60.« WIW WMU TjptfR.SAMM -flinty? AppHf 1 of the Napierville Mirror is before us. The paper is an all home print full of good reading matter. The Editor L, Clifford Gale in the intro duction says: "In undertaking the pub lication of The Mirror we have but a, few Words of apology and no promises* to make. We expect to issue a local paper every line of which will be print ed at home, and make.it as interesting as possible for its readers, and at the very reasonable price ij>l per ye jr. We ask that you give us your individual TTMUt KALTC- A fa •*- five miles west Ore«nw<*Kl, Mood sWKsk tn ing Hrst class.- 10-4t €n« the same, ^ The danger to telephone users during a storm, says an English publication, is of the slightest. A storm discharge usually strikes not a single wire, but a cible, or whole "line" of wires at once, thence, if moderate in amount, is promptly diffused over the whole tel ephone system and rendered harmless at any individual point. It may per haps have force enough to produce a dozen vibrations of the striker of the call-bell, but usually only one or two. If one wire alonn should be struck, or the discharge be unusually violent, the current is so much in excess of the ca pacity of the wire that it will either overleap the small insulators and pass down a post into the ground or overflow onto the "ground wires," which pass from near the c^ble into the ground in readiness for such an emergency. In America this incident is extremely com mon, and one may wit in his office and hear the gentle tatfco upon his telephone a dozen times during a thunder storm. The shocks are occasionally severe enough to make one's head ring, and occasionally to stun for a few moments, but no serious or fatal results have, we believe, ever been recorded. mo EXOHANGE-Nearl toy for luLxuni foreash Be*r« tbo Bettstha mm ;s are Right. K'JP Wm m WW This Bank receives deports, buyB and sells Foreign ^nd Do mestic Exchange, and does a „ ! OBIOAl BANKinO ttSKSS*: We endeavor to do all busi ngs entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage........,..... Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at t e n d e d t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . > , > «. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. • ; m' m " ' : •' I.x.. . . . . i'./ '•h y ias set the standard of quality for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strong* can make 18 that his coffee Is "just as '»if Ifc THREE CONCLUSIONS best Coffee is Arbuckles'. The only Coffee to buy Ts fArbtlcklesf; The right thing is to insist on having Arbuckles'. No. 72 A School B«fi 14 inches wide, 10 inches deep, nude of handsome colored netting. Seat post-paid on receipt ef !S cent pottuu stamp and 10 sicaatares cut from wrappers of ArbockJes' BosatodCoflMu No. 73. Scholar*' Companion. h. most useful article for school children. Bt^djr Msbedwoodeo x with lock ksy, con- Maid pen- n holder, and rubber. post. a i d o n r e lit «f two hmw ami 15 tare, cut wrappers of Arbackles' Rested ODOM . No. 74. Noiseless Spring Tape Measure. Sixty Snchw long, nickel-plated^^" metal case, well- finished. It can be carried in the vest pocket, gent POM t*paid on receipt, of iic. postacte nramn nnil 10 staaatures cut from wrappers ofi Artocfcles' lUMieted Cof&e. No. 76 Lady's Bolt Buckle. Silver plated arti3tic design. Sent postpaid ou receipt of 3 cent postage stamp and 8 signa tures cut f rom,: wfapptfMH Arbuckles' Koaated CoQee. .;"i' 1 jitf. No. 81 Men's •uspendere. Elastic Web Snspenders, durable, neat, well mounted. Boat vast- >aM M re ceipt eftwo cent post- ace stamp and 10 lit- natures cut from wrap pers of Ar buckles'Roast SdCQflM. No. 75. AFirty Measuring Tape. A very useful article in the hotise- bohtand on the farm. Brass case, n'.ckt'i- plat ed linen -ope fifty feet Ictg, Sent post paid oa receipt of !i cent postnee stamp Mid IS sicnarnrcs cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roastea CoiTee. f No* 77. Telescope Drinking Cup. ^ This article is prevented frora fall* in*? j;part its'tttth|u^ con8trociioni»: ami fimxhett.; Kucio se<| In (.mhos** ed n ickel larger thail nary watch wjjf'n teie- sco pod when t e n d e d No. 78 An Albjjm of Illustrated Natural History. Fifty colored pictures of Animals selected for their beauty and rarity. Scbt post-paid oil receipt of 2 cent postage stamp and 10 sis- natures cuc from wrappers of Arbuckles' Koaaied Coffee. ers. W&~f9 • "V t ; \ New Stock f^all Hats, Caps, Ties, Sni- nders, etc. The "New Pasha" Hat, s he latest style in Men's FaU Hats, ia four colors--Black, Brown, Tan and Drab W70 ;v': re are leaders in Gents|. Furnishing > Goods, and can always give you the , t: latest novelties at the lowest prices; l,v •kvr<.'\l'i '/ ' ' '• My y»or% Kodak Supplies A^%s. \ i *•'* J1 > ii, "S' ^ V i- 1 gal. Glass Oil Cans J. , Lonsdale Bleached Muslin, per yd.;. .•*. 6Kc Louisiana wide Prints , worth 10c. v>. . . . .4 Good large Hdkfs.r30c doz, each. Made of (ierman Stiver without _ seam or joint except where tops holds as mii^h as a coffee rup. >*«-nt' screw on and off. _Sent post-paid posr-p-iiil cn rt'cetpt of ft cent postnev st;\mp :tn»f !:{ Hiana- turcs out from wrappers or Ar- bucklta' Ilousteil Coffee. «in receipt ef 2 cent postage Mtainp and 12 siicnatureH cat from wrappers of Arbuckles' Boasted Com*. Will weigh from one ounce to 20 pounds. Sent by express, chnrcea prepaid by us, on receipt of 2 cent postase sttmp and itOO ftina- l i i r t - a c u t f r o m wrappers of Ar buckles' Roasted Coflee. When or dering name your nearest Express Office as well ss your Post No. 82 Barber 8wing Strop. A double strop, one of leather and one of canvui, bound together. Length, 22 Indies, Width, two inches, trimmings nickel plated. Sent post-paid oa receipt of two cent paatase Maa» and lit •teaatares cut from wrappers of l Arbucltles Roast- lad OoOm. No. 83 A Table Covdr. Abj OR* Book of the following List will be sent post-paid on receipt • . Of a 2 cent postage stamp and 10 signatures out fron < - the wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. -* ~ No. 04 A ONE NIGHT MY8TERY, f (1 two other great Detectlre l.tOricS, Ijj No. C5 ADVENTUf1E3 OF A BASHFUL BACHELOR, by CLABA At'ucsT.%. A mirili provoking jtory. > No. C6 TEMPE3T AND SUNSHiNE. A JCovel.bv MRS. MARY J. 1IOLX^3. The njfist popular ! ::aule vr.-.ter of fiction of the age. No. G7 THE 6UNNY3IDE COOK BOOK, HY MRS. .IKNNIK llAr.x.AN. 'i i.is U oue of t)^; most comprehensive, common s<nse Cook Books ever publiihcd. Ho. C-3 OLD GEOR2T3 AND NEV/ DI300VER1E8. This book Likrs t he r-acier ( -..t of ilia beaten trsoks of knowledge, and Will - - ^ a . I '*e 'OU11^ tolh euiertaSatug und useiul. posttpnid on c cc'ii> 11 No- 00 ̂ THREE TNOUSANO THIWQ3 WORTH KNOWING, by No. 91 The Flret Prayer. v A beaotUU Imported Picture 15x20 Inches In size. Seat post-paid i receipt of 2 eeat Handsome cloth, varie gated figured pattern vU:h| fringe, of two ccnt • tamp nnd tarea cut from wrappers of I NQ I Arbuckles' lloasted Coflbs, posta, *25 is ai % MOOIIE, niichor of 'Moore's Rni' < rfasl Assistant." This book an encyclopedia of hiyuiy usefu i i nljwani ion 1 ti condensed form. THE OITY OF UrlEAOFUL NIOHT, and oUMr stories-- BCUYAUO KIPUMI. s'nmp and 10 sl«na« from -. "v*\ Mciieitrv QWEN &CHAPELL, pen of A rbucklet' IMmstsd CoAk Pz?¥". m. 03 Two Is Company. Sife f; fmtPrvtMUmm. Wells hands us the 'fc^owmg from "Medical Brief," and coin- mends it to the general public: Aclergy- man, wallfing on the outskirts of his parish one day found one of his pe^MMnpers whitewashing his cottage. PleMM^at tills novel manifestation of next to goodlineas, he ixmiplimented the man on his desire for neatness. With a mysterious air 111 I, ipi 11| l|||l ftpimid nil' fi-- in .the ladder, anA'ifepgW^Hi^jpM'lence, said: That'si not iliiM^iy why I'm a doin' of |; «fe |pyonr worship. The lastjf! tw9«oa|>leB ip lived 'ere 'ad twins, so Ii< lay dans: 111 take and white wash the pldce so as there mayn't be ua Infection. You see, ear, as how we've! got ten of 'em already." An exchange says there are three times In a man's career when he is con-i ddered all right. When he is born his pa «od ma think he is, when he is mar ried he and his wife think so, and when: he dies the minister says so; and tl*«fS undertaker knows it before he will, have anything to do with him. Im po rt ed 20 Inches In posit-paid on receipt 10 nicna- from wrap The original was painted by Percy Moraii. This reproduc tion In 14 printings is a genuine work of art. Size l«iiX 16% Inches. Seat post* paid on receipt of two cent ysitsie •taaip ami 1# Mens. tare* cut from wrappeta at AriMWklss' Jtaasted Co Use. • No. 04. A Basket of Beauties. A magnificent picrum of Rosea hy I'sui de T.ongpie. the gront painter of tinwers. We l-ielievs thia to be one of the iiand.sonueat Jo. 95. Three Beautiful Flower Pictures. Each measuring 9^x17 inches. The titles are " Summer Fragrance," " A Vase of Ltlies," and 44 rro6h and Sweet," These three pictures all | go tofiother, and will bo sent post-pnid on re- ccipt ot 3 cent post- flower pictures ever offered to the public. It I aKB lltnniP an<' 5sl»- ls 16}»x2S}J| inches Sn aixe. Sent post-paid j natsres cut from wrap- on receipt of !i c«rnt p<iala««> -lump an«i.i pcT3 o f Arbiicklea' 10 •ieantnre* cut from wrappen 5f ^ J. ^ buckles' Boasted Coffee. ; t.| Jtoast*® '•0m No. d6. Noah's Ark. Mo. 97. Eighty-one Cold Eyed Needle*. _ . : sorted sizes, and made by the best Kng- Ush manufac turers. Sent post-paid •a receipt •f 3 cen t rsitsi* ataasp aad SM sicaa. tarea cut from wrap pers of Ar buckles' Boasted Cof- .v£. menagerie, consisting of 12 pain of 4 ;• Animals--Elephants, Camels, Deer, HorSSS, Cattle, Donkeys, Goats, Lions, Bears. Tlgew, j Dogs and Cats. Ka*jb pair Is coupled aad ff-"- ^ stands alone. Tbejf are Ittbograpbed la ^ many colors on heavy cardboard, cot out 1/ 1 t;. and embossed. Every feature of the Animals is distinctly shown. The elephants are 7 inches high and 10 Inches long,sndttosother / Animals are proportionately large. SoiA post-paid on receipt of® coat poataao , '** stamp and 15 sianatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles'Hossted Cofl*S» » r Hair Pin Cabinet A metal box lithoarupliect lit colors, containing One Hundred Hair I'ins. as sorted aizfs ;i n il styles; straight, criropldl ami in 'Visible. The <llflerent styles arc- in .•< i.arn:'- corj- pwrimenu. 8eut pojt- »aM on receipt of U eeat puntaic «tnmi> aad 10 signatures cm worn wrappers of Ar bucktes' JhMStsd Cofles. No. OO A^ocket Mirror and Comb. Set In »«at. leather i-ouibination case, with v ii ite metal frame. Sent poot-paid on ruceift of 9 cent I'ottaco atauap and 7 signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Boosted Coffee. W- No. IOO Safety Pin Book Con ta i ns twenty-lour nickel - plated,.. • fa >et y-1' Ins ; ••, • three sizes • L 'J.. •• wbi.h cuter; - the sh i e Ids ' from either* ' side, requiting ^ no guiding when beingi 1 ,* -A* secured or re-,. " ^ •, leased. Sent post*paidoa receipt ot ® ., •"*' ocat M*»» Stamp and 8 stsnntnrea cut frorn."^ wrappers of Arbuckles' Boastsd Coflfee. . t\ n n n> n fr 1?; i ' , TWs Is a picture of tin Sif • nature on Arbuckles' RoutM Coflee Wrapper, which yoa an to cut out and send to us at a voucher. No otter part ot the Code* Wrapper will be accepted as a voucher, nor wilt ihls Picture be aacapted as such. ssiac •RW»«I«RAMB M PBIITPW KKP Thin irn* pair* ot a f.ist *bl<*h is fonnd in poinni package of Arbuckles" Hoasted Collee, and. with package in which the Liist iH found the purchaser Ims a definite part of some article to be selt'Cted by hi hi from the List, subject only to the condition that the on UHJ package is to be oiltout arid returned u» Arbu _.,.f as a votudter, in scoHd^ce with the directiona jftotdWrla? connection with each Item illustrated and de«cribedm«*lJM^ This will be kept aood only till May 31, 1SSS* Aaotbar? page of tills List will appear in this paper ahortly. { Mm* iH cMsasslMllMM to ARBUCKLE BROS.. NOTION DEPT., NKW YORK OITY. N.Y. Not after it la on your bouse, but before yoa • use it--look out for the paint. It's easier to right paint wronga before the paint is out of the can--it's cheaper to find oat if a paint 1* worthless, off the building than oa. Cheap paints, and so-called "patent" paints, war* never so numerous aa now. V igtlance in paint., buying is the price of paint satisfaction. Good paint is not cheap; honest paint is art, ••patent;" right paint i* not thrown togatbar to an old lashloned mixing barrel in tbe oM fashioned way. BE SURE THE PIUTE* BSES fHEBtmmiMSjiLmm ,} - That's the surect way to safety »o4 asttafcettoa -tw#aiat- ing. Good material/honesty, aetewe-aii baviahaodia the making ot tbeae celebmied Tb*y are Ui» MS . paints the world producas-the most economical, will oover most, look beat, wearloogest. Bead lor "Vmiat Polnta "-a book of valuable suggestions, free. The Co., Pmnttnd Co/or Makw flcHenryl Do yoii wiint a Watch Absolutely Fret ; 'I )N i ^ { *?* Write The Plaindealer, 4 * ;flcHeary, liUnols SECRETS OF SUCCESS. MOtAVflCEt. 4f tkt MMt THE WERNER COMPANY.