f» |'.'W i «| public miction the below, commencing •I npipiek:*, n. on Thursday October 111** h*A of livestock I 9 choice tnilk«im»0<Nning in soon- 1 three-year- oM^HItwo-yearKaa heifers, 8 eitfh- tnrtt iniUlrt dill tirifrrn 8 nine-months- old balls, 3 six-montha-old heifers, 8 good work mares, 3 brood sows, 9 Rprfc* pigs, 20 fall pigs, 1 Chester white bo»r, 135 chickens, 81 acre* good corn in shock, 4 stacks wild hay, lot of )Mjjt in the barn, stack of oats r, 400 bushels white oats, lOshorn 1 Deering Mower, nearly new, |ty Seeder, 1 new hay rake, 1 1 Hog Back, 1 4-shovel ring tooth attainment, |ble drag, 1 corn plant- new; truck wag- Lumber wagon, 6 milk cans, 20 grain able harness a few household goods, and other articles too imneroiis to mention. Terms of sale:--All stuns of $10 and under cash. Over that amount a credit of one year will be given on approved notes with interest at 6 per cent, per- aimnnv Two per cent, discount for ffliah on rasn3 entitled to credit. This is positively a closing out sale, and there will be no by-bidding. Good free lurch served at noon'. EUZABKTH STOFFEL. |*. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. on, two new grind ... -The undersigned having decided to ^Mt farming will sell at auction, on the Win. Lumley farm, 2 miles west of Bingwood, on Wednesday October 4, 18J9, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, all the following described prop erty, without reserve: Twenty-eight choice cows, new milchersand springers! 18 head yearlings and 3-year-olds; fulj blooded durham bull, 2 years old; year ling holstein bull; 6 calves; 14 ohoice sheep; 14 brood sows; 27 shotes; 50 pigs; 1 fall blood Poland china boar; bay gelding, 9 years old, 1400 pounds; bay gelding, 6 years old, 1500 pounds; gray mare, 6 years old, 1450 pounds; gray gelding, 5 years old, 1850 pounds; bay mare, 12 years old, 1800 pounds; chest nut mare, 11 years old, 1000 pounds; span bay ponies, 7 years old; yearling colt; 1 sucker. Five sets double harness, set single harness, saddle, set light driv ing harness, 70 tons tame hay, 700 bu. oats, 50 acres corn in shock, cut with 2 l«iast>g pl< disk pulveriser, star three-section lever drag, seeder, mower, hay rake, check* corn planter, spring *0° ̂ corn plow, Geneva Clipper six-shovel corn plow, Tiger six-shovel corn plow, new, hay tedder, nearly new; hay loader, grain binder, MoCormick corn binder, Keystone six-roller corn husker, 12- horse power and jack, feed cutter, feed grinder, corn sheller, sled corn cutter,/ 2 hay racks, 2 hog racks, 2 sets dump boards, fanning mill, tank heater, grinds stone, caldron, dinner bell, 60-gallon barrel churn, wheelbarrow, milk cans and pails, 2 heating stoves, twelve-foot extension table, and other household goods. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale:--All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount a Credit of one year will be given on bankable notes witty interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Two per cent, discount for cash on sums entitled to credit. This is positively a closing out sale, and there will be no by-bidding. Plenty to eat and drink at noon, W. J. Bom H. B. THROOP, Auctioneer. • ItA'w DM of Carpenterville are convscttig tfai old St Charles cream ery intoafee&Klil. Two threshers are at work in the neighborhood, one at Musgrove's and another at Thomas Thompson's. A party was given at the home of G. B. Fristyr las* Saturday evening in hon or of Miss Maud Brown. A boat forty were present and a very enjoyable time was had. Miss Brown will return to Chicago next Saturday. Benefit of the Band* October 14, a concert will be given for the benefit of the band, in Stoffel's hall. A number of our prominent mn- sicians have consented to help and some 'j ^ ̂^eTta very Til athis "homeland leading professionals will render their fche woret may ̂ expected. IPBISO GROVK. Thomas Olyrod is a Chicago visitor at present. Wm. Colby is doing jwy duty at Woodstock this wftek. ' Mollie Turner is home after several weeks stay in Chicago. Milo Howe of McHenry attended to business here Thursday last. John and Henry Eickson of Hebron visited friends here over Sunday. . Charles Andrew and W. C. Moss started their sorghum mills-Monday. Miss Lizzie Neish visited her parents at Genoa Junction, Wisconsin Tuesday. Augustine Hubbard and wife of El gin viaitel friends here the first part of the week. «» Wm. Motely, an old resident of Eng- O^Wberl^: ticulars. (only fori iber 80, ly to want q take by * Root tii assistance. The choral class will make its debut Let every body turn out and give the band a good substantial «tar£;W • • • A""* r .i*\.T 86efad DMM% Excellent arrangements have been made for the comfort and pleasure of the guests at the dancing .party to be given in Stoffel's hall on Friday(to morrow) evening. In addition to the floor managers mentioned last week E. C. Johonnott, of Richmond, will also act ' Very Lew Bat«i to Fall Festivities It Chi cago. Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold October 9, to 9, inclusive, limited to October 14. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Railway.... Willard Colby and wife, John Cole and Selim Pierce were among those that attended the Elkhorn Fair. George Thompson is suffering from a .stroke of paralysis and is in a critical condition, his recovery not being ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson have rented a hotel building at Capron and will entertain the traveling public, for the coming year. Lewis Sweet and sister, Miss Dollie, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. King and daughter, spent last week with friends here and also visited the lake* aa& at- tended the Elkhorn Fair. ' 5^ Basra the Bprtm af The Kind Yon Haw Always Baqgtt Chicken Thieve*. The robbing of chicken roosts is a , ^favorite pastime of certain individuals iat present. Many complaints have been made by the farmers and measures will be taken to punish the offenders if caught. It might be well to be on the lookout for these fellows. Is : • aboeptive r? thousands have it Mid E don't know it U you It you can make no mis- fir. Kilmer's Swamp- it kidney, remedy. At ty cents and dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mail fret', also pamph- let telling you how to find out if you have kidney trouble. Address pr. Kilmer&Ga. Bingham- ton. N. Y. Swath* ^ ir« wwnw Htwwwyt Bwgfrt Bifoitnra af KxcrtrMon Ticket* to Fall Feativltleii at Chicago. Via "the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates, October 2, to 12, inclusive, limited to October 14. Apply to agents 0hicago & North-Western Railway. ^ f A Prominent Virginia Editor had Almost Otven ttf», hut wan Brought Back to P«»r- iMt Health l»y Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy.--Bead hi* Editorial. (From the Tiitaes, Htllstllle, Va.) I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cur&a. I had spent much time and mosey and suffered so much misery that I had al most decided to give up all hopes of re covery and await the result, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera a*>d Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testimonials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought by this remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers, and fellow-suf fers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did in my life.--O. R. Moore. Sold by Julia A. Story. ' \KJ ANTED -SEVERAL BRIGHT AND HON- * * est persons to represent us as Managers Salary JHW la-nde. In this and close by counties. year and expenses, straight, bona-fide, no nu)re. no less salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Ref erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope, THB DOMIXIOX COMPANY. Dejpt. 3, For Infants and Children. Tlx m Yon Han AIWIJI Bwgkt Bean the Signature of .u » are as * in the,house as ar pure foods, and more so. We guar- tartar the best. We al way's cjarry a com* plete stock of Perfumes, Toilet ar- les, school Books, Supplies, etc.: ^ C " v C1EO. W. BESLEY, We»t fWHcnry. Hll S \ \ isf t r i* ff I* « . • ' J ' * " V'W 1 * Want Column. txrANTED--Reliable men who can put in all "* or part of their time to take orders for our lubricating oils aud greftB0s on comnits slon. Halary paid to successftkl men. Tlx Federal Oil Co. Cleveland, Ohio. QORGHUM FOR SALE -We have a ttne quality of pure sorghum for sale and are prepared to deliver. Send in your orders at once as last year our large stotk was exhaust ed soon after made and we were unable to till late orders. This year we have hundreds of gallons ordered from last season's patrons. Warren V. Moss, Spring Grove, Illinois, "C*OR SALE--Two houses and lots in West " MeHent'y, beiongingto Mrs. J. P. Going. Call on J. A. Going at Walter C. Evanson's store for price. *-tf OARBEK8 ATTENTION--The barber shop u formerly occupied by V. Kamholtz near the depot West McHenry. 111. lias been suddenly vacated. A good narber can locate cheap in the best location in the county. Uncle Ben Gilbert. CM)B SALE--A seven room house, known as the John Fare place. Good water. Applv to Wm. "halen, Hanley Bros. Mill. "C^OB SALE--House atfd lot. Terms easy r 9-tf F. G. Maye* I^O EXCHANGE--Nearly new piano box -1- toy buggy for hay ana oats or sell' cheap for cash. Address--J. B. R.. this office. XT^OR SALE--A farm consisting 135 *• five miles west of McHenry, two acres, east of Greenwood. Good stock farm. Build ing first class. 10-4t Chas. Krambeer. -CV3R SALE OB RENT--Farm of 168 acres, all x in good condition. Large barn, frood dwelling. Elegant stock farm. 1 mile from butter factory. For a good deal look this up. 12-tf Wm. Stoffel & Co., McHenry. e. A N. W. R. R. TIMB TABLe. McHBNRY, ILL. GOING SOBTH. •Williams Bay Passenger + 5# * . % , " freight...... * , « «». passengw,.. * " Express tLake Geneva Passenger No. 56 Six Handkerehlefb. Mo. SB Four Handkerchiefs. No.53. A Dress Pattern. No. 51 Mnlng Room Table Cloth. 12 varris Printed Or gandie, 26 inches Irte, 5 col ors to select from, Pink, Blue, Bluet, Peari and Nile Green. Sent eat MM. paidaB receipt of st cent postace •Uun» ana 1M ulcaa. lures cut • rom wrap- |«rt of Arbuckles' Koaated 2 ccnt •atare* oat from wrapper* of Arbsckl Roast Uofle*. when Ms Ladies' Pookat Hndkn chiefs, hemstitched, colored bord ers, size la M 13 inches. Sent pest- pa nl en receipt ef 8 eent postage itanp SO da aatarea cot from w«a|>pa-- of Afbncklee' Routed Gotta* aok>r denired Ko nuplM NOs54. A Pttif of Window Curtftin ̂NO. 52. Each CUFR tain a yard wide two and tbree-quarter yards long. Sent post* paid celpt ef 3 eent poet, tic atamp aad63*l|. natarea cut from wrap, pera of At> buckle* Roasted Cot Apron No. 58. A Pair of Sheared Of the best American make, 8 incites long. Seat pest-paM en receipt ef 9 cent peetase stamp and 10 aiaaataree cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Routed CollM. No. 59. Razor made by 4. R. Totrey. :$• r tVt'MS The J. R. Ttrrsjr Iwr^ known as the beat made in the United States. The printed guarantee of the manufac turer goes with each laaor. Sent post-paid M receipt of 4 cent pestaee stamp and 98 slaeatnres cut from wrappera of ArtmcklM No. dl. Man's Belt No. ao. Lady's Belt. Wf, 52. A Carving Knife and Fork.} ... II :30 A. M.-- G ... 3:00 P. M.--w .... 4:45 p. M.--w ... 4:95 P. M.--G ... •:51p.M.-- G GOING SOUTH*. ^Lake Geneva Passenger... 7:32 A. M.~ G •Williams Bay Express.. --8:33 A. M.--W *. " " Passenger 3:18 p. M.-- G * '• •' " 6:15 p. II.--w " 7:08 P. M.--^w " 7:84 P. M.-- G * " " Freight 3:18 p. M.-- G IDaily. * Daily except Sunday. tSunday only, x This train will run tftily from June <£> to September 3.1MW. G Galena Division, w Wisconsin Division. MoHENRY POST OFF ICS. ' Mallsarreiv and depart from McHeint?' as follows: KAILS DSPABT. ' ' ' Mail Ctose«. j . Ldave Wepot. South 7:00 A. M..K^.&V.^..V,FE........7:32 A. M. South 8:00 A.M.^ ..,.v..,,..i,8:33 A. M. South 2:80P. 3:18 P. M. North0:30P. M.............. ...........«:51 p. M. :00 A. M. &«£» P. M. MAILAS North .7:38 A- M South. North..,. ......3:18p. M South..,i; South 6:54 p. M I, JOBN8BUBG MAIUI Leaves McHenry! siiV^W:80 Arrives at Johnsburg.......11:30 A. M. Leaves Johnsburg .12:30 P. M. Arrives at McHenry 1:30 P.M. e ROl.UK Waitb, p. At. WSST KfeHSNRY POST OPPIOS. IWatt s close ten minutes before departure of rains, and arrive at the same time of the LIE Henry mails. SIMON STOFFEI.,P. M. Winter Jackets are here, Also ^ t , ^ : Cf f i'" f •' >"'f. A; r. ??. >• ^ , t. * *•. ' i' ••»!!» -"•o. 'I'V r^1. McHenry Markets. These markets are corrected weekly by our fading merchants: Jutter, creamery, per lb«. ..85c Butter, choice dairy, per lb........... 3Uc Eggs fresh, per doz 14c Cheese, per lb ; .lflc Potatoes, new,per buslid.........ni.v 35c Beans, per bushel.. Ducks, Live, per lb Hens, Live, per lb Spring Chickens, Live, per lb. Veal, Live, per lb 7c 1c Veal, Dressed, per lb ^8c Oats, per bushel ..21@24c Corn, per bushel .....#,..2iK"3;i34C Bye i. .. 5?#flle tieat, per bushel ..75-©i78c Barley, per bushel... ........ ..3l(&41c Timothy, per bushel.. $2.40 Clover, per pushel |8.00 Buckwheat, per bushel....... Hay, per ton ,...fB.50@f9.00 No. 57. A Pair Seissora. ||tade by tfae tMt manatee- leather tan color lii Grain leather, taa color, nickel-plated 1 plated buckle. Belts are | backie and rings. When ordering give whtnftStSw.fr^ Mrom ^ size of waiat in inches. Belta run from 34 A first-claas aet, mounted with genuine buck-born handles. Knife blade toss In.; from 31 to M in. Sent^post- i to 43 inches In length. Sent post-paid 8 inches long. Sent by express, char«ea prepaid, en receipt «T P*M en receipt ef a 9 ccat post- on receipt of 4 cent poataae stamp ;!) eent pestace stamp and 90 signatures cut from wrappers of | and 30 sis natures cut from wrappers j Arbuckles' Boasted CoOte. When ordering name your nearest of Arbuckles' Koasted Coffee. Office as well as your Post Ofllce. No. S3. A Butcher's Knife. Inch blade, hard wood handle, good materials and well finished. Sent ild en receipt ef 2 eent po»tnice stamp aud 40 sianatnree k wmppscs of Arbuckles' Roasted « ollep. lad, slice ham and saw the bone. Servtoeable, and should be In Sest psst-psid ss receipt of it rent pestace stamp and No. 54. A Kitchen Knife. •3* of Arbuckles' ttamo Coffee. s§ (Be. SS. A Gentleman's Pocket Knife. iTwo-bladed knife made of best •Baterials and finished In work manlike manner. Sent posjU paid en receipt ef 1 cent post ace stamp and 40 aisnatnres cut from wrapper* of Arbuckles Pnaatnd rnfflW : b a aktara ef the ai«- •a CSSSklm' leiwi yeu are Mt AND seed to MM a SOKE or OTM »ICKATITBJ8» ABE PKIHTEP OS BED BAOKGKOCHO. 's'h mss No. 56 .A Lady's Pen Knife. lias two finely finished blades. Handle beautifully variegated in imitation of onyx. Sent post-paid on receipt of it eent poatace stamp and 30 Signatures cat from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coflsa. HONEST VETERINARY MEDICINES. Benders of The Plalndealer may rely Im plicitly upon the efficacy of the following remedies: JUmblllcnre--Prevents joint and navel dis eases Coll^ Cure--For all colics of the horse. Fever Mixture--For horse distemper and fevers. . Tonic Worm Powders--A blood purifier Uid worm killer. Embrocation--A general liniment. . Scour Cure--Stops calf cholera,., white Hour, etc. Each ef the above. Price fl.OO No. 57.' Picture Frame. Cimuti nixe, brfMSk allverplated. Seat pest-paid en rk celpt of S neJr postace atamp and 14 ilcaa* tares cut from wrappers of A*> buck'.ee' Codfee. / No. 69. A Gentleman's Watch. ^>7 The " New Haven" is a watch of the ordinary aise. Btem wind and stem set, dust proof, nickel-plated case, solid back. Quick beat movement, highly polished steel pinions. Modeled after a standard watch, reliable time-keeper. The printed guar- t&e of tbe maker accompanies each watch. Sent post-paid, on receipt of 4 cent postace stamp and 90 sicnatnree cat from wrappers of Atbiirlr las' Boasted CoSee. •' n0 ^ | Clttameled Alarm Oib<^|g;' No. 70 A Porcelain Clock. Imported porcelain frame, beautifslly de corated. Movement made by New Haven Clock Co., guaranteed by them a good time keeper, t inches high, same width. Sent hy express, ebarces prepaid by as. en receipt of 'Z cent poatace stamp and 115 afcuKtires cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coflee. Wbsa ordering na^e your nearest Express Offlcs ss well a* your Post Office. SSfc&WS Highest standard of .viann-jClasfr :: Seamless fsame, omaiiienta^aiia^,* ^ French pattern and second hand. Will run thirty hours with one wind ing. Sent by express, char«ee prepaid, on receipt of >1 cent poatace stamp and SO siena* tare* cut from wrappers of Ar. buckles' Roasted Coffee, When of- I dering name your nearest Express I Office and your Post Office as wen. This represents one page of a List which is found lr each pound package of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee, and with each package in which the List is found the purchaser has bought a deflnite part of some article to be selected by him or her from the List, subject only the oonditlon that the signature on tbe package is to toe cut out and returned to Arbuckle Bros. » . m _ - - -* - -- --- -- • *ft* tka fllaa^f (nnn nailift leLtat. AnoOMV as a voucher, In aooordanoe with the directions prlnti connection with each Item illustrated and aeScribedin the This List will be kept gaaS ealTdil May 3I.I000. page of this List will appear in this paper shortly. iv^v.v.vSS 'Cow Cure--Prevents milk fever, garget, re- after birth, etc. Price 50 cents. Mined i rSGrABEO BY A. S. ALEXANDER, V. S. Circulars on application. EVAN8TON, ILL. Xilovei Aittens rr ^ • »'>• i H J * iHosiery X ^Shifts ^ t N V j . .. * I ../Wv s If f A* ' - f ' ,^1 ' * ̂ ;rV*; * * «*'* % s Vi 1 * * !' • ' A i i \ i > {r V; * H*," ^ * Blankets Robes jUridefwI^'l:•>,«* {Rubber jgood& Dress Goods Flannels, etc ^ X ^ if ' ^ \ / «y t \ i , *%A ,",v, /- W h S h SPECIAL FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT ^ 21 lbs. Granulated Sugai* S'l 2|S ozs. I. C. Bjakin^ Powder / l ib. Pepper , " - ̂ e piece of Tennis Flannel at 5 cents per All for OWEN & CHAPE!*(fc 1^v-,r ^McHenry, 111. TCflSS" Qfoce» j : 4 - * ? , v. Removal! It is with pleasure that I lODOUnce to the public that By stock of Goods has he«*n ^ ^oved into tnore commodi- 4M18 quarters, in the P* rkins b^iilding, three doors south Of my former place of busi- f .Dt'ss. I will now carry the | cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, % Silver and PUite4waie stock 'i in McHenry? »'V^'v • Diamonds and It will be to your int«'r<*i«t ,tf> l«>ok «t onr stock Ix fofe fjlai-ins? your order for auy- thioginthiH lin«s We have alarge assort- ment of Silver Novelties, Wffk i Specialty. Werner's Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms, Hytlology and Familiar Phases. A book thai should be i tithe veal oocket of every person, because It tells you the right word to uso. Wo Two Words in the English Language Have* Exactly tbe Same significance. To express the precise meaning thet otie in- tends to convey a dictionary <it Synonyms is needed to avoid rtMX> Ution. The ein iigett figure "f speech is antithesis. In this dio> tion&rv the api>eni!ed Anlouyn# will, therefore, be found extremely valuable. Contains many other fefttnres such us Mythology*^ Familiar Allusions and For eign Phrases. Prof. Loisstte's Memory System, 'The Art of Never Forgetting:," etc- etc. This wonderftii little bemk bound In a neat cloth bindiug and sent postpaid for $0.26. Full Leather. Kilt edi?e, $0 40, poptpnid. Order at once. Send for our large book catalogue, free. Address all orders to THE WERNER COMPANY. Mkllihen and MmuIactnreT*, AZTROX, OgZtk i ii Do you want to gives Jypiir Best Girl« Write The Plaindealer, McHenry' 'Hity 'will tell you how it is done wiUi-. out paying cash for it. ree If you need any "points" about painting, write for a copy of our booklet called ""'Paint Points." It is illustrated. Printed in colors. We send it free. Whether you want to paint a floor Or a buggy or have your house painted, it will give yon hints that will give you satisfaction aud save you money. A job of painting will not satisfy you unless it is done with the paint made especially for that kind of a job. One beauty of THE SHEBWIN.WILUAHS PAINTS is that there is a special paint for each purpose. "Paint Points** wftl tell you all about them. If you *re• Roing to paint your hops® send ua a photograph or sketch of It and our artists will prepare you a color plan fr**t civtnu von aaveral artUtie combinations from which to choose. Write to us U years is* at your service. The Sherwin-W illiams Co., Point ami Color jrsjw•, IS to ARBUOKLK BROS., NOTION DIPT* .NSW YORK CITY, N. V. • 'C m&m 8ffl»S^ar^v^Chieago; also Cleveland, New York and Montreal. , , ncHwwy, 1J|' > -i". !i±- ".',T ' jl . "'J', .1 1