Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1899, p. 9

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& * ;"-" *' ' " m Tl€ NcOevy PliMeiler '**-> ̂ • . (SUPPLEMENT) •//-• & Thursdsy, November a, 1899. i ?• r rr^m^ p.-* ... lit-' .. " '"V . •, <•'*', 4.4- > V f\ • . ^ r'-'yt^y ;&• • *€&' >- £« •HI- omno. <£; .$vab a cheery word or two As you mm along, $ueb an «jasy thing to do-- -Jrf •" Just asmiie of song: 5; ^: You may oomtort. soofehe ot {Mfc- Somtf poor, weary, aching breaafc; Though the world forget it, dear, "/•••'v.'j|le'U remember, never fear. ;• t;\s "Who gives not is not living. ?% r S; fbe more you give the more yon H"wf? '[(']George Thomas was a McHenry callor . JMonday. ' •' ? Edward French was a McHenry *|or Saturday. 4 **'• %, Miss Agnes Thomas Snndayed |wr mother here. ̂Mrs. Fred French was French's Monday. Miss Auu% Harrison spent the S%ath with her parents here. * 1?r iy Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Basset! 1|Voodsto3k visitors Monday. . r"f\ Rev. W. L. Whipple of McHenry was visitor at Henry Hobart'a. Artie Whiting visited with his father find nncle, Freeman Whiting, Sunday. 1 lbs. Geo. Thomas and daughter, Cal- 3|e, were Woolstock visitors recently. Misses Carrie Toles and Mamie Maap- "Iteld were brief caUers here Sunday. $, % * \ Eddie Martin attended the Woodman "Meeting at Ring wood Saturday evening. I.! ̂ f Be sure anl attend theCbb-web social ̂ S. E. Clark's, Friday evening, Nov. 8. %!•/" j n Mrs. Henry Hobart and sister and Miss ? * \ . Jlnnie Fttmciso were McHenry visitors ,?%- -.*>•, V>. Monday. • r ̂ 11 Mr. Warren Thomas and Wife were \ ̂ Visiting at the home of Geo. Thomaa " £• *V ̂ '. Sunday. _ ? ; " Mrs. Frank Abbott and daughter •'.̂ Usthel, were Woodstock visitors Mcfcfi- .̂ V^y morning. ~u Miss Eva Thompson ot Woodstock Ultras a Snnday sojourner at the home Of * SOelbert Abbott. " ̂ A few of tiie portables in this vicinHg ̂ -•'-•ijrere bath "im" and "ex"-ported Tuj*- :V " " MUHT. Xr. and Mrs. Evanson of McHsory were the guests of M*. Snttcm Sunday. Mrs. Christian returned from a visit with her daughter at Elgin last Friday. Mrs. Frank Johonnctte and Alice Beading went to Chicago to visit friends Friday. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Sutton attended quarterly meeting at Richmond Sunday morning. A large number of Solon people # tended Mr. Collison's funeral at Rich­ mond Tuesday afternoon. Marie GkjOdhand went to Chicago Saturday to see her sister, Mrs. Beck who is there for medical treatment. The song servioe Snnday was well at­ tended and very pleasing. It would be a good thing to have such a service every Snnday when there is no preaching. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was a Halloween party at Walter Reading's. Some of the boys feasted cm the pies all by themselves but there were enough left to ga all around. Part of the evening was spent in cha&ing a young man who was blooad- ing the road with machinery, farm tools and'etc. and putting chickens under buggy seats. He was run over a baberd wire fence and that was the last seen of him and his girl had to g out his company. gpUHS eiOtTK Jtohn Baker is visiting friends at Gal- W. C. Moss wflimfrre backintbe vil- age this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Savage visited at Ben Williams several days lately. Thomas Turner has returned to Day­ ton. QUO, where he will spend the win- ~ tor.1 ' . ̂ The English Prairie school taught by Raymond Thompson has been closed for ffc* paet two weeks. Jake Adams has rented a farm at Ring- wood of Jo "m Carey, it being the old Grlmolby farm. He will move in the Win. Hoffman's sale, held last Thnrs-̂ day, was attended by a luge crowd that- braved the bad weather. Bidding was brisk and a good price was realiaeed on articles sold. Married Oct. 85th, Eugene Savage and Miss Nellie Alymer, both of Antioch. They have many friende in this section that extend congratulations and hearti- ; est good wishes for future happiness. , School NotM. cThe seoond intermediate room has a '/-J, MB •M2 r%ay night. (Halloween) >-v ̂ There fcra? a very good attendance it VjBunday School Sunday, we noticed sev- ^ •' %ral new faces, come again, -i' v Mrs. C. J. Mansfield of Greenwood > '̂,1#ra9 a caller at the home of her parents; • V V- ,$ad at Eber Bassett's Monday. ̂ : ' J* ̂ Arthur Whiting is building an ̂ ŝ ^fcion on his barn and repairing the ten- "*'* -yf. '-;~#nt house on his farm here. ft Quite a number from here attended " - the Ladiei' Baptist Aid Society at Mza. ,r;/^ -i %. 3. Mansfield's Wednesday. ' • ̂ V I ; Walker, So Thompson "have recently ?;.v. -.a-.r | t4r*f~r ">:?• '• V- -V I f f - - . 'Wt ' if-"*" ~ »*> ^purchased a new gasoline engine and <>ther fixtures necessary to do their own •^grinding etc. -« A few of the Ostend boys assisted the }|$fcHenryitesin "worsting" the Hebron's Saturday, at McHenry, in a game of football. ^ Mrs. Lucy Thomas, who has been fipeniing a few days with her son, Mer- j^3^^;,»if"̂ ^itt, at-Carpentervflle ̂ returned i§C evening. . . S V* » * Frank Kimball was unfortunate and '• ^?^t'F;i4^>roke down again at Mr. Nelson's Mon- ;•'̂ Aay. Mr. Kimball is having a great Zl " Ai~ "'V v%'. Ileal of bad luck recently. I" ̂* , Do not fail to attend the combination t % *5 ̂ supper and Cob-web social, given | t h e b e n e f i t o f o u r p a s t o r , R e v . J o n e s . fine program has been prepared by a yj~' '• ? - " / H?!>mmittee appointed especially for that ' JP arpose. Come and enjoy yourselves. ' Friday evening, Nov. 8, at the iunneof /.? 7" -Mr. S. E. Clark. V-v" . ' Seriously Injured. v "Last Monday as John H. SdbaeiMi- v , v who lives two miles northwest oi this 4$^ ̂Village, was returning from a trip to •'Sso-Asi, WAVCONDA. P. Pratt Snndayed with his patents here.' ' . Mrs. Lang returned to Chicago Sat­ urday. Fred Wynkoop spent Sundaj with his parents. Mrs Kirwin is very ill at her home in this village. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hill spent ̂ Sunday in Wauconda. Fred Bloom spent a few days in this vilh^e last week. ; ̂ Harry Forrest his returned to fclir home in Nebraska. C. W. Sowles, of Chiosgo, spent Sun­ day with his parents. Mrs. Robt. Harrison returned from a week's visit in Chicago. Edgar Mills iB employed in Fuller & Wenthworth's store. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rowe of Nunda were Wauconda callers Sunday. ̂ Mrs. Ruggles is visiting her daughter; Mrs. Johns, in S. Dakota. ; *There is strong talk, at present, about lighting the streets with gas. Harry Graham of Chiosgo Snndayed with his parents in this village. Mrs. Frank Bangs visited relatives usiyi friends in Wauconda the first of the week. Mr. and Mis. B> itoei* Jwthrned Tuesday of last week from a visit in Chicago. Earle Harrison ot Chicago Snndayed with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Mrs. Wynkoop returned from Wood­ stock Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Cowlin and children of that place. Mm. Arthur Cooke and Mrs. Henry Golding have returned from a visit to friends in Chicago and Evansion ̂ . A reception will be tendered Sar- garent J. C. Price by theU. -R. C.4 G. A. R. Saturday evening, in the M. E. church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark have returned from a southern trip. They spent a month with their son, Charles and his wife, at Chadbura, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer, who have been visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Green, returned Friday to their home in Re ton Neb. Ortan Hubbard, Misses Stella Grace, TiilHun Tidmacsh, Jennie Green, Mary Freund and May-Bell Mullen attended a teachers'meeting at DeKalb Friday. organ. The new books have all been num­ bered and our library now presents a: fine appearance. Books can be obtained every Friday evening. E. J. Hazel has increased our supply of reading matter by presenting the school with a yearly subscription to the Daily Inter Ocean, This is indeed; ; appreciated by the pupils as well as the teachers.. Miss Mamie Besley and Miss Danes' field were visitors at our school on Tues­ day. Miss Julia Story visited the primary rooms on Tuesday. Rev. Whipple has contributed "Cum­ nock's Choice Selections" to our libra­ ry. This is a fine addition, for which we feel very grateful. Celia.Kane and Kate Knox were cal­ lers at the high school on Wednesday. Rev. Whipple called on high school Wednesday afternoon. < The foot ball team elected officers as follows: Emery Kimball, manager; El­ bert Thomas, captain; Prof. Angevine, surer. PihomI u< L*c«l. i Mrs. Simon Stoffel is in Chicago todays 'Mrs.R. A. Howard of Elgin is visit-) friends hers. J- Walsl1 to pnxchtsing winter pods in Chicago today. B. J. Pratt was floor manager at a * danoein Wanoonda Wednesday evening. ; F. L. McOmber and son, Gilbert , spent Spe first of the week with Mr. and Mrst j'lbrle Mead, Oak Park I Miss Bernice Perry will lead the Y. Fp 0. U. devotional meeting at the TTnivets salist church, Sunday evening, Novem* her 5th. Subject: Modern Apostles. At the McHenry M E. Church next fthnday, Rev. W. L. Whipple will preach ; irt 10:30 a. m. on "The Urgency of thlr Gospel." Sunday School at 11:45 a. n« Mrs. W. J. Temple of Omaha, Neb.,\ Who has been visiting at the residenc# , Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kinx- ball, for the past four weeks, returned "~j» her home last Monday. ̂ At the Ringwood M. E. Church nesj| Sunday, the pastor, Rev. W. L. Whip«. fie, wUl preach at 2:00 p. m. Sunday School will be held at 1:00 p. m. and at TK)0p. m. Epworth League. Subject: "A New Name." ~~7 C. A Clinton, who represents C. FT Blanke Tea and Coffee Q>., wss in our Village Monday. Mr. Clinton is one of Jfce best salesman that comes to Mo- Henry and we are always pleased to have a call from him when he comes . JMs way. 3 ̂ A WatefiiKfc The Hebron Foot Ball Team was ~ quished upon the gridiron Saturday By the McHenrvites with the decisiva •core of 42-0. The locals were strengths •tied by the addition of much new ma­ terial and put up a clean, snappy gamit At no time during the game was the rfr» Stilt in doubt SUmpinandKreuse kept the other fellows looking on most of the time while they ran with the ball. Pope and Nordqnist, as ends, permittM no One to get past them. Meaa has improv­ ed remarkably since trafctichmond garner . Webber and Gilbert, both of whom are ' Sew men at the business, showed : Strongly. Botts played his usual strong game at the center. The Hebronites were assisted by Clancy, of Harvard, •nd Randall, of Richmond. Dr. Wells of McHenry was referee and Mr. Aid- rich of Richmond was umpire. KtelreM X«Omb«r Batmrtetna. Miss Irene McOmber gave her little friends a pleasant Halloween party Tues­ day evening. A peanut hunt was tfee feature of the evening and the prise, i. pretty silver friendship heart, was won Jby Mamie Granger. A fortune teller made her appearance during the evening |)rerared to reveal the future but some ' the timid Misses decided to dispense '.trith this knowledge. Refreshments * ^ere served and a pleasant time enjoyed ^Jby all. Those present were: Clara Stof- I fel, Hattie Lamphere, Liliisn Wheeler,, \ Florence Granger, Zue Gallahef \i|lamie Granger. B^Im at Uu Mill. T. J. Walsh was put in a thirty horsa- |»wer gasoline engine at the grist miE. This was quite a necessity as the repu­ tation that Mr. Reynolds has made for the superior quality of mill-stuff out requires power the entire yiptv Foot Ball Gam*. • i ̂ The second foot ball game of the sea­ son will take place at the driving park, McHenry next Saturday. Our team will play the Richmond team. Every body should turn out and give the boys en- ooruagement. Admission 35 cents, ladies free. ~~ It will not be a surprise to any who ^ture at all familiar with the good qual­ ities of Chamberlains "s Cough Remedy, to known that (teople everywhere take •pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and In telling of the benefit they have re­ ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured, _.„\.£>f threatened attacks of pneumonia it _ Jhas averted and of the children it has v 1 «aved from attacks of croup and whoop­ ing cough. It is a grand, good medicim For sale by Julia A. Story. V The many friends of Jay T. Pratt wftl be sorry to learn of an accident, which occured to that gentleman, while en­ gaged in his work at Carpenterville. He is employed in the Iron and Bolt Works and, by accident, got a small piece of iron into one of his eyes. He immediate­ ly went to Dr. Schneider at Elgin, who gave him no encouragement in saving the eye. Coming home Thursday even­ ing, he returned to Elgin with his father Friday morning and we have not betel informed as to the result of the further examination. We understand, however, that it is very doubtful whether the eye can be saved.--McHenry County Demo­ crat. * ' \ ** • *<< J *• 'fiv EXTREME EFFORTS FOR CASH TRADE Will be the Store's Policy from now on. < ? " > V ̂ V ' "-i < ̂ The cash trade is respectfully invited to investigate our OffSrings and depend on it you can save from 15 to 25 percent on nearly every purchase made here, as we mean business. O ̂ Kr*. Schiesael EntertalaadU jfrs. Robert Schiessle, on Tuesday Wauconda he fell from his wagon and --nf thin w«wk wtitertained anum- „ - ijej-of her lady friends. The especial occasion being in honor of Mrs. R. A. r i i isustained such severe injuries that a ;; -stroke of paralysis was the result. Mr. <:̂ i;'/»Schaefer was taken to the home of his . * ' brother-in-law, Jacob, Justen but was _ • ' -4later removed to his home. At this wtlt̂ ^ing he is slightly improved. Carrent Eveat Clab. w,. Adeep interest was taken in> tiie dis- ;^i .̂f;cu8sion of current events at the last ̂ meeting of the club. The work is pro- '̂ gi-essing nicely and it is hoped that all r interested in literary advancement will .C : attend. The club will meet with Miss 2 , Howard, of Elgin, who was spending a few days here. There were in attendance Mrs. R. A Howard, Mrs. B. Gilbert, Mrs. G. Schreiner, Mrs. H. A Smith, Mrs. S. Reynolds and daughter, Rosina, Mrs. N. J. Justen and Mrs. F. K. Gran­ ger. Refreshments were served & good time enjoyed by alL OASTORIA itk* ># The Kind Yaa Han Always 8--jrt "•:v W "9+n -V • --..w-sf i'ti-- •• • TBesf on Record FEour" $1.00 per sa.ok; per bbj> *.....$3.$® _ • 4 j; -y ' ' i • '• " t 19 |>ounds best Granulated Sugar--***•*>*. • . . » >V\- 3 pounds good Japan Tea, $1.00; StM f̂ea^W* Soc , V % 3 Extra Roasted Coffees, per lb i - * |OC to 25c Special Tea on laips lpts. • - -A-.'f %. %• 10bars Kirk's Soapf̂ v-#-%iiV .̂...........i,...... 25c Yard wide Sheeting, per yard • 5C 31-inch Shirtijag, per yard-. 8^c 37 înch fine ticking, per yard •.•••• . . . . . . . . . S ^ c Tennis Flannel, per yard . 5C : & Special bargains in Fteiinelettes for Ladies' house dresses 9 ̂ • iigi' 1 1 • '• • m j ) We have shown you the most complete Line of Under­ wear, for all ages; Shoes, Men's Shirts, Neckwear and Blank­ ets ever placed before the buying public in this town, at low­ est living prices, and most respectfully solicit your patronage WALTER C. EVANSON, West McHenry, 111. 'M: > - '£ - * . : v; s'**. J* 4* '̂, M .•f: . fx. 1 sf- v ^ ^ ^ • •' * itite, %-A*. 'J . -; . 1,. r • X V i , ¥ v -£\ s; , i,. • JjZi *- ' *-V ^ ^ '* - & ̂ - X

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