Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1899, p. 4

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Thursday, December 14 >%r,v.*, yL'?.;'. ' .... . *', FSF PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY %HE n&mtt PLAINDCALCR COMPANY. FT, &. CMUAAIB) W. A. CRISTY, J. B. PBRRT, ttss. 8EC. Tress. E. J. HASKL, Hauler. ? : Office In Justen Block, two doon north of -Owen & Chapelt's store. TnucptfiMnBi: No. MB; - Otttaeoft', No. 1 i TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION ! "^lu^w^fjtlons received for three yjnoiiths in the same proportion. or six VALUE--competition is tho oompeti- ^ fckm we like to be measured by. • IT is just possible that Mr. Roberta, of Utah, may be a trifle weary if he con­ tinues to stand until permitted to take Ids seat in congress. A BRONZE statue of Oliver Cromwell J * v V jf has just been unveiled in Westminster 1 garden. It was in a room in Westminster I; f'Hall that Cromwell and his followers -v condemned Charles 1st to death. ,;-^v THE Iowa State Horticultural Society „ - *"* !*- is in session at Des Moines this week. fThis is the twenty-fourth annual ses- gl'̂ |sion. The order of business will be the ^official interests of the society and its iffuture ><•*>: '1 , jVk, §f THE Italians have added to their sys- iem of coast defense batteries of motars -/. similar to those used in Sandy Hook. Four motars are placed in a pit The ".-^indirect plunging fire of the motars is considered to be of great value in the defense of fixed points against attacks by sea. THE melancholy days have oome hen the young man living on a small %alary is worrying over the thought Ithat he needs a new overcoat and his pbest girl is expecting something hand- ifsome as a Christmas gift It must not pbe imagined that bankers and capital- f; ists are the only people who are bothered by financial problems. * THE Illinois Central railroad company last week paid into the state treasury ^^$365,949.27, seven per cent of $5.2*27,- 1 . .846.72, the gross earnings of the road for * "the six months ending October 81, 1899. 1 This is the largest payment ever made into the treasury by the Central, except ^ for the six months ending -October 81, la u i 1898, the year of the world's fair when the state received $450,176.34. CHICAGO public schools will̂ take up a new departnre from the general routine of educational matters. Classes with able instructors have been formed at the Jones school and clay modeling, draw­ ing, painting and other kindred subjects This will give the boys and girls, who are compelled to work in department 0orm and at various other occupations, a chance to study these branches. * c. * will be taught. i<% v\ ^.. V<1 f* ^ ^ PROBATE COURT NEWS f PROBATE NEWS. Estate of John W. Green. Final re­ port approved. Estate of Sullivan S. Shepard. Re­ port of sale of real estate approved. Estate of Fred Schniteke. Report of .sale of personal property approved. Estate of George H. Dacy, Minor. Re­ port of sale of real estate filed and ap­ proved. Estate of William Motley. Proof of death, John Motley appointed adminis- trator, bond $2400.00, appraisers ap­ pointed. v Estate of Israel G St. Clair. Inven tory filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES AdolphS. Olsen Carpentersvillr Coral Fuller.... Cap Arthur R. Burns........ i*Sharon, Wis. Nellie May Wessell....... Sharon, Wis. Leslie E. Williams.... J4nesville, Wis. Grace E. Dike Janesville, Wis. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Gust ,iv Engelbractat per admr to Her­ man Kelt* Lots 1 ana 8 blk 33, Har- m ___ vard .....ItBOOU James Kee & w to Mary E. Ke© A Charlotte L. Kee swH of seM Sec- 33 _ Algonquin , 1®. «c GT*<>RIIT' 11. Dacy per guardian to Allc* B. r>acy lots 3. 4 ana 5 In blk 3 Wood- Stock. also pt nwit of swl-4 Sec. W . Grwuwood, also WV4 of nel-4 Sec. 11, also pt sH of nwM t?^c. 11 north of Highway, also pt ne!^ of M Sec. II north of sd highy, also pt of • pt rsd higny, also pt eH of nek Stnr. 11 Dorr. .. w H , o f Dacy 1849 « Luciisrfa Dacy et al to Albert E. . Same 1 00 Albert E. Dacy to Lucinda Dacy et *1 lots 9. 10 & 11 blk 2 Woodstock pt ItS 6 & 7 blk 1 Woodstock. Its 1 to 2k> both i n c l u s i v e b l k l a n d I t s 1 , 2 , 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 , . 7 (Si 8 blk 2 Dacy's addn Woodstock, so ©H of *nw}t of nwM Sec-. 11 . ' Dorr, also wH of ne'* of nej* Sec. W iKirr, also pt eH of of neM SeO. 10 l>orr. alst» eV4 of nwH of se'4 Sec.S Dorr, pt sw.H of nc'i Sec. 3 eVs of seX & $e*4 of neH Sec. 3, also nw!i of nefi * tO. Also wU of scU SeC.2H and w}§ of iwH sec. 38 Dorr. nwH of ne!* SeO. 83. Dorr. The nwH of Sec 4. Giaftott. EVs of ne}< andse^ of sel-4 and nel*| of sel-4 Jec. 32, Dorr. N lA of swl-4 Of sel-4 of Sec. 33, Greenwood. Undivi­ ded J® of 122 acres iu sec. 33, Greeo- wooa. The wH of iiwl-4 of Sec. tt Dunham and pc in nel-4 Sec. IB JSimda 1W Patrick Judge & w to Elinor J. Ballard of swl-4 Sec. 4 Grafton I 00 Elinor J. Ballard to Mary E. Judge Same 1 00 John J. Murphy & w to Edwin H. Thompson pr its 2S7 & 888 assrs plat,, Sec. 6 Dorr... 45000 Lyman B. Ayers & w to Maria Olbrioh _ ng Edward D. Shurtleff to John Burke V i acres of nwl-4 of se5<Sec. 9Chemung 126 00 acres off south side of sel-4 of swl-4 Sec. 35 Dunham -- John Burke to Charles Johns s 25 acres nel-4 of swl-4 Sec. 35 Dunham 800 00 An tone Cass&lettl to Alfaretta Cassa- letti, Und H interest in lot 16 Joslyua addn to Woodstock Lester Barber & w to Chas. D. Carpen­ ter pt blk 10 Spencers 2nd addn Ma­ rengo Maude Jones & h to Peter Neater, pt It 173 assrs plat Sec. 8 Dorr 1800 00 Mathias J. FItzen to Swen J. Melltn piece in Sec. 17 McHenry 600 00 Mathias J. Pitzen et al to Swen J. Mellin piece in Sec. 17 1200 00 New York Condensed Milk Co. to Bor­ den's Condensed Milk Co. piece in nel-4 of Sec. 33 and po in nwl-4 Sec. H 1 00 WOO 146000 & Sec. 2* Aljronquin. chueldewi Kunke H interest in its 3,4, ft, 8, 7, 9 and 10 bik # Union « 100 500 00 J' " Sti'- lit: • • 4/ * v ? ~ 3? ,* , f; • ' «r;4 s I ' . A SUBSCRIPTION paper has bee J start­ ed in New Y«rk to raise funds to take care of tlJt sick and wounded soldiers in Africa. This is on a par with the for­ eign mission schemes which send vast Jfsums abroad, to convert the heathen and let the poor pilgrim next door starve to death. Why not lavish our long range charily, if it must be long range, on the American soldiers in the Philippines. Are they not as good as the Boers? SEVERAL, of the largest abandoned copper mines in eastern Maine will again be operated. The Maine copper mines were in successful operation in 1879 and showed good profits while cop­ per was quoted at 14 cents. The mines could also be operated on a paying basis with copper at 12 cents, but the crash came when the Wisconsin mines put down the price of copper to 8 cents. Now that copper is so high, it will be very profitable to mine it. All our farmer readerrfpionld take advantage of the unprecedented clubbing offer we this jfcar make^lptch includes with this paper. The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Institute editions, The Poultry Farmer and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal ^hese four publications are the best of their class and should be in every farm home. To them we add for local*, county and gen­ eral news our own paper and make the irice for the five for one year $2.00. ever before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. The four papers named which we club with our own are well known throughout the West and commend themselves to the reader's favorable attention upon mere mention, The Homestead is the great agriculural and live stock paper of the West; The Poultry Farmer is the most practical poultry paper for the farmer published in the country; The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal is the special advo­ cate of farmers' co-operative associa­ tions, and the Special Farmers' Insti­ tute editions are the most practical pub­ lications for the promotion of good farm­ ing ever published. Take advantage of this great offer. tf. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago persuaded him to take some of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one similarly afflicted may read it and be benefitted.-- Thomas C. Bower, Glencoe, O. For sale by Julia A. Story. OUR exchanges regardless of politics are proposing candidates for state offi­ cers for the next election. The Henry Republican has this to say. "James •. Rose, secretary of state, seems to be getting an almost unanimous endorse­ ment from the Republican papers. If there is any opposition to his renomina- tion it is kept very quiet There is reason why any opposition to him should develop. He has made a popular and capable secretary of state and will make a strong candidate if renominated. His name will add strength to the ticket, he is one of the most energetic and suc­ cessful campaigners the state has pro­ duced in recent years." - - • Oar Army Mid Navy. until the close of the American war, which proved such a brilliant success for our Army and Na­ vy, did foreign powers appreciate the strength and stability of our engines of war. Not only did foreign countries watch the movements of our troops and ships with amusement, but our own people, right here at home, were sur­ prised to find that the United States possessed an army and navy of such strength and proportions. In one of the latest books to appear, entitled "The United States Army and Navy, 1776-1899," a grapic description of the operations of both branches of the service, from their inception to the close of the late war, is to be found. , It is a beautiful art edition, and no book so complete, both from a literary and ar tistic point of view, has ever been pub­ lished. The text is by eminent authorities in both branches, and was compiled after a careful research of all government re­ cords. The illustrations and there are 48 of them, full-page size, are the finest specimens of art ever placed in a book. The volume is published by the Wer­ ner Company, of Akron, Ohio, who are making a special offer to introduce it to the reading public. In another part of this issue will be found a more detailed description of the book and how it can be secured. tf. "Secrets of Success; or, Our Business Boys" by the Rev. Francis E. Clark founder of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor is a book of good and wholesome advice for boys. See the advertisement in another col­ umn. The Werner Company, publish a special J TELEPHONE \;V Boil TVIppboiH). Thir ftMWwftijr are the names rail nvmtien of the pat rons of the McHenry and West McHenry exchanges of the Chic&jro Telephone Co. Residences only arv specified. A11 others are business houses. SIMON STOFFEL, Manager. . 283 Atirlnjrer Dr. A. E. 1-224 McHenry Journal 2 3 3 I S l e s e n M M } <13 Owen L H r /' STL Owen O W r 314 Owen & Chapell *2 O'Neill Rev. PM t 232 Harbian Bros 253 Harbinu N £ r 2 Roley G F 301 Hoswell H C 291 Brand John F • 212 Huch J J 201 Hurke Thos 1 Chi Tel Co 322 i .'ermont Mrs 8 281 Kngt-in Anton 283 K age In M l&i Kngeln M r 333 l 'ogers Dr C 11 2tM i reVt Bros & Witt 303 Gilbert Bros 3 Gilbert Bros 2»3 Hazel E. J. r 343 Haaly Goo A r :$53 Hertz II Lr 203 Holtz & Stilling , 302 Howard 11 R 304 llowe ALr >52 Howell M A r ,r:. / 313 Justen Jacob r ' : : 1-3 Johnsburgh 233 l.amphere C. Kir •112 Lamphere Kay r 151 Lorimer Wm r 94! I'aRo.C L 863 Plain dealer 4-2 i'isiakee B lioscdale «ifcKoss Dr F C 04 Kapp A O r > 4 Stl Sparling- Ur A • •t 4-4 Solon . 4-5 Spring OroviS A 842 Stoffel 8 r 304 stoiTel S postoffioe %\ Story J I r 882 Story Julia A r 83 Stafford It W 881 Village of McHenry pumping station 861 Village of McHenry president's res 884 Village of McHenry ' public school 311 Wells Dr D G 7 Western U Tel Co 811 Wightman Harry $44'McHenry Creamery814 Wlglitraau Harry Company. _____ Cftisens' Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West Mc­ Henry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others are business houses. F. E. BELL, Manager. 13 Aurlnger Dr A E ltf McOniber F Ii * 13 Aurluger Dr. A E r 21 Meyer Geo r • 33 Adams. C M. Johns-23 Mertes Joseph, Pl*- bui g. toll station takee Bay 100 Bell F E, Cental 83 Mineral Spring, Pis- 30 Bucli J J 2# Bacon vVmr 30 Boley G F 43 Barhian Bros 4 Cristy W A r 32 Cristy W A 15 Chapell 8 S r 56 demons II C 55 demons J C. 49 City School takee Bay S McHenry Laundry Magueson OL Rose- dale 10 Miller John M Nell George, Johns- burg 81 Owen & Chapell Perry & Owen 87 Pumping Station^ 36 Dermont Mrs Sarah38 l'ostofflce. McHenry 40 Depot C N W Ry Co36 Park Hotel, W Me- Hei.ty i Pldlndealer 41 Summer George 50 Spur ling Dr AO 88 Sunes Henry 47 Schiessle Rout, • 14 Story Miss Julia A 34 Smith H C 87 Schneider Joe 88 Slmes, Dlghton Sta­ tion 23 H eman Joe, Johns- 8 Wells Dr D G burg 8 Wells Dr D'6f 19 Hazel E J 7 Wilbur Lumber Co 48 Hetzel J 9 Wightman Harry 35 Justen Nick 30 Wiflsh M J 44 Justen Jake, 17 Wattles Frank , 43 Jensen H N 23 Dightoa Station 8 F-vanson W C 8 Evanson John r 11 Fegers Dr C H U Fegers Dr C H r 18 Friedly A C 33 Granger F K r 12 Granger Chas 22 Heimer Joe 31 Heimer John 3 Holtz & Stilling TOXIXA. The Kind You Haw Aiwa Signature A SURE CURE FOR CROUPl, twenty-five Tears' Constant Uae Wlthont a Failure. The first indication of cronp is hoarse­ ned, and in a child subject to that disease itj may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Fol­ lowing this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain-'s Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be­ comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proven effectual. No other preparation can show such a rec- or--twenty-five years' constant use without a failure. For sale by Julia A. Story. O Bttntfai Offnatu* of STORZA. rThe Kind You Hate Always Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and the bpst renovator ot old leather. It oils, softens, black­ ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harness, your old har­ ness, and your carriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Soid everywhere in cans--all •lzea from half pints to five gallons. Made bj BTASDAKD OIL CO. BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigars, "Our Monogram lO cent Cigar Leads Them All. Our Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barblan Bros. Best" "Sliver" - "Bee Hive" . "Empire Cuban" 99 another LANKtS t benertban any kind we have ever used GILBERT BROS., Fancy Grocers, Mcnenry. ' • For Infants and Childitii* iNfegefaMe Preparation!*As­ similating tteToodandBetfute- ttag tteStaattte aodBowusof I N 1 \ \ 1 \ J( II11 1)1U .\ PrtmwtesIKg0sHon,Cheerful- aessandHesLCootaliis ndttar Opttim.Morphine norlfinaal. NOT NARCOTIC. . ôumtsaaajnam jUptw Smd" The Kmd You Have Always Bought Bears the Apcrfecf Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulstoas .Feverish- wrfLoss or SlEKR It Simile Signature of:. " / ' NEW YORK. " At b 111 o 111 lv *» «»1 il JJT3 O S I s - r>( iSis * ' • 'y<- - vi/ -'^v' » 5?' ,Jr . EXACT COPY or WRAma. Over Years CAST0RIA THI eKNTAUM eOMNN*. HI* TORN OITY. _ f 9 ; V f • "4 st P s StMMUbvdl Faahioa Sheet« i" f«dy yon _ Fariiiona of counMi) Wben you call in W '̂Won may incidentally took ov- er the CloakB for the BaJby al- ,;A?; so. We fnrnish them to yon 4 in plain Scarlet, White, Blue, Pink and mixed colors in Red and Black, all trimmed with Saghion 'a latest. Price, $1.65 Jv There was a time when shawls were considered quite fash- : y ioaable for Xmas presents for v the good housewife. There is quite a good sprinkling of TOrret Shawls here, around the $3.00 mark and some run up to $7.00 and $8.00. Then you know about those Fasci­ nators, they are always staple and useful. Nearly all col- : org may be found here and at prices from .....35c to 50c. There lure some extra bargains to be had herei|f ack Clay Worsted Suits $6.00 ta $10.00. •W"- ' y ,-it • '"Mi v", - •; t 'I Black Overcoats, Cursey or Beaver, Silk or 14"*" lining at $12.00. (4 . oui see the cost maAe vp and ready for fom. '7 ' West McHenry, I1L WALTER C. EVANSON. "-i i • -'t i ' lo ill that is Good lowi AMs the Best) i Royal Union Mutual Life 9 Insurance Company, | ^of De Moines, la. J 'h • A 9 Net values of all Policies deposited In E Approved Securities with the State of jr l^wa, who acts as your Trustee. y 9 ^ 0»od Local Agents wanted. W. A. (RISTY, District A^nt, West NcHeny, HI. | 'M&i ^ , 't ^ Mr .it ;?jl . « --SE. *'\3 • -i i, * •, '* JULIA A. STORY McHenry,jtt. i NEW DRESS HOODS make elegant presents for Xmas. We have a fine stock to select from--Black and Colored, at very tempting prices. Double width, large and small checked, all col­ ors--just the thing for fan­ cy skirts and children's warm school dresses, at 15c 18c, 24c, 39c and up. A fine lot of new Dress Patterns, just enough of each for a dress--all colors, at prices from 19c to 85c per yd. <M Holy MOaiis decrees that everybody should have Underwear It is only a question where to get the best at the lowest prices. Don't fail to call on the "Big Cash Store" for Holiday Suggestions and Price Compari­ sons. To avoid being too late for a fine selection, call early and get first choice -- • . -- \ - -- -- -- -- For Ladies, Gentlemen jind Children. Gent's fine all wool, suit.. ,| " Sanitary all wool...$i.OO " Silk Fleeced, suit 90c " Foreign Wool, each.. .60c Ladies' fine Sanitary, all wool 85c " White Merino 50c " Silk Fleeced, per suit. .90c " Bibbed Union suits 49c Children's all wool, each 60c " Camels' hair 15c to 35c " Heavy Silk Fleeced, all sizes, each JOC to 40c Perfect fitting Corsets Special Reduction for Xmas. Royal Worcester Corsets, made of fine quality sateen, full gored hip and bust, handsomely trim­ med, all sizes, black, white or drab at. 7. .9^ December i6f Only* (all and Examine our Udies' Jackets! DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA Through first-class and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in California and Oregon every day in the year Shoes. We lead them all in Shoes. A trial will convince you that Pingree & Smith's or Henderson's Shoes are hard to beat." See our winter line. Box calf, Winter Tan, Kid with or without calf linings. Henderson Red School House Shoes for the little ones Rubber Boots, , --Overs and Feltft4 We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for the celebrated Snag Proof Rubber Goods, They will outwear from two to three pairs of any other kind on the market. If you don't be­ lieve us, ask your neighbor (this is the third season h£ has had his.) We also carry the Whales, Goodyear, Golden Rule, Conn and the Jersey Co. rubber goods. Anything in Felts or Knit Boots we can fit you with. We sell combinations--Felts and Ov­ ers from $3.35 to $3.35 for Knit and S n a g s . " -- • . ' -- . -- -- -- - -- Spear Head Tobacco, per lb. ..4°^ Old Kentucky Smoking, per 11>. rs. v. 20C F r i e n d ' s O a t s , 2 l b p k g . , > . • • 7 C Extra large 3 lb can Corn<i . » vV*«.. IOC Warbler Bird Seed,, pkg 5® Fine Oil Sardines. 4 C Kick's Zoo Toilet Soap.. 3 C "Northern Pacific" fancy flour, sk 90c Starch, per lb.'/...." ..35^c Ladies' and Gents' Hdkfs, each ... 2^aC Toweling, regular 10c kind, ®..... . 6c Fine Battenberg Patterns, ea 5, 8 & IOC All Ladies Wrappers at IO per Cent. discount. All Children's Cloaks at 25 per cent discount., Hats and Caps We have the very latest in Bladk and Brown Derby Hats, also Fedoras, Crushers, etc. And when it comes to winter caps, we can top thfem all in style quality and price. 35c to $1.00. Bed Blankets Horse and Stable Blankets piled from floor to ceiling. Bed Blanket from 48c to $4.75 per pr. Horse and stable Blankets 75c to $3.00 each. 45x36 regular size, fine hemstitched Pillow Cases, worth 18c, for 13c. Full double bed size extra heavy linen finished Sheets, dry ironed and torn, very nicely made, at 49c Full size fancy colored white cotton filled Comforters at 90c Table Linen, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Fascinators, Neckties Mufflers--the very finest assortment we ever had. It will do you good to see the values we are offering fn these useful as well as ornamental Xmas Gifts. •if" % Our elegant assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Umbrel­ las, a fine Xmas gift, each .00 Qloves and Mittens FREE TO ALL I Vocal and Instrumental Music all Day and Evening. MCSONAILY (ONDUCTED EXCURSIONS-- Every Thursday LOWEST RATES SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD FINEST SCENERY •• •4A . V . ..Vifc Don't miss the - Saturday Sale! by the gross, for men, women and children, in all styles imaginable, and we assure you that our prices are the lowest -- -- -- -- --. -- , Only route by which you can leave home any day in the week and travel in tourist cars on fast trains all the way. For descriptive pamphlets and full in­ formation inquire of nearest agent. ? ' & We Can Do You Good! £si: %•&

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