Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1899, p. 8

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*HT PfiHMeifer ursday, December ai, 1899* , PUBLISHED EVERY THUKSDAY BY ' NcHCNRY PLAINDEALfR COMPAIfT. F\ K. GRANGER, W. A. CRTSTT. J. B. PERHY, ... ,..£<«». Sec, Treas, . E. J. HAZBU Manajror. ^ OjUceln Josten Block, two doors aorth <ai ' '•i Oven & OhapeU's store. .&«' TKI.FPH(M0b8: Long Distance, No. 202; - OltlMOl'. Nfl!, I TERMS or suascitiFTioit ~ irriomi ":m « Sunsertptlons received for three or six months in the same proportion. Nearly all the big mills in the East have given notice of a 10 per <*mt in­ crease in the wages of their employes. This will aid in making a merry Christ- k«* * ii'^ • - CHICAGO lost the Republican EON' vention mainlj&because it had no suitable convention hall, and Philadel­ phia won because she has a good hall and because her citizens wanted the convention, and worked together to secure it. The first Republican nation­ al convention, which nominated Fre­ mont, was held jba Philadelphia Jane 17. 18 and 19, 1856. The second, which nominated Lincoln, was held in Chicago, 111 1860. Lincoln was renominated at Baltimore in 1864. Grant was nomi­ nated at Chicago in 1868, and renomi­ nated at Philadelphia in 1872. The con­ vention of 1876 was held at Cincinnatti. Those of 1880, 1984 and 1888 were held to Chicago. The convention of 1892 was held in Minneapolis, and that of 1886 in St. Louis. : . FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. most of onr readers are aware, ),000 is appropriated annually for free seed distribution, and this has oc- . casioned much adverse criticism. Secre­ tary Wilson is now preparing the part of his report which treats of free seed distribution. As far as possible, he wishes to avoid the hostility of the seedsmen by distributing entirely new varieties, which was originally contem­ plated in the appropriation, and distri­ bute the varieties of seed which the commercial seedsmen are not handling aad experimental seeds which have not gained a foothold. The Department's agents are engaged in a search for such varieties all over the world, and after carefully testing the seeds they will be jltributed in the appropriate sections the country. After the species has led a foothold, the seedsmen may be trusted to take care of the ourrent de­ mand. Secretary Wilson is of the opinion that there is ample work for the Department without distributing time- tried seeds, and that there is enough room in improved grasses alone to ab­ sorb to advantage the entire appropri­ ation that the government allows for the seeds. The introduction of one new variety of rice in the South which is now growing successfully is said to have a commercial value of $1,000,000 a year to the America growers: it cost the government only about $5,000. In con­ nection with the rice cultivation it is interesting to note that investigations are being carried on relative to culti­ vating rice in an artificial swamp, which may be drained off when harvest­ ing time arrives, so as to permit the use of labor-saving machinery. This will #Bable vast prairies to be utilized. L H Jones, same. John J on os. same Jas Burke, same . L H Jones, same vs B 'Gainer.... . t.. i.» Win K Thompson, wit pet Jury vs Fay Mrs Emma M Anthony, same Ray E Anthony, same C ll Nichols, same J H Nickerson, Wm Heche, same........ B Miller, same G Stall, same i.. Catherine llurd. same Eujrene Harrington, same Daniel Phelps, same A II Bailey, same Lyman Sheldon, same Mrs. Harriet: Beebo, same Amelia Vincent, same Mrs HarrinKtori, Mrs Wm Thompson, same... Lyman Sheldon, same-- Eugene Harrington, same.......... VVmBeebe. same Catherine Hurd, same ChM Vincent, same H Scliagrin. same -- .ik.. Jared N Crissey, same............. Pr S O Wernham, same.. B Miller, same Will John, same K A Toles. same vs Q&tsor., t...... G E Parker, same........... J N Barber, tsjimtv............. v.... A P Watt, same Wm Farrell. same....,..»i...v..«^. Harry Homes, same F N Blakcr. same ?.. ........ J N Barber, same ....JJ. Geo A H11 nt. same....... Jas MclKinald. same... . (} E Adams, same Same, same May term.. Perry W Murphy, same. •C B Murphy, same........ G Wesson, same. »i.....v..... Louise Parker, same......... A W Lascelle, same.. ....... Dr O E Cook. same. Same, same X. Mary V Parker, same ' L li Jones, justice's and constables fees People vs Gainor M N Gardner, same vs Chas Meyer...... Jas Thompson, same vs Jas Bowea Same, same vs Chas Anderson G Ktull, same vs Fay and Beebe Woodstock Sentinel Co, printing brief railroad tax case..: Geo McConuell, People vs Geo Walter. Jas Thompson, same vs Frank Smith.. Same, same vs John Smith Same, same vs A Helderman. v.. V S L u m l e y , b o a r d i n g w i t n e s s . . . . . 8ame, costs case People vs O'Connor.. Same, attorney fees railroad tax case.. 110 110 *ao 810 8 30 850 8 50 880 880 8 50 830 880 880 830 830 880 880 8 50 340 880 850 800 100 100 100 3 40 380 3 50 880 100 340 870 830 870 370 380 110 110 870 300 1 70 870 8 70 810 810 880 3 HO 480 400 83t> 810 54 45 10 55 18 50 11 50 8015 48 00 6 85 7 00 7(58 900 100 80 80 322 50 Total....... ; ..91844 33 All of which Is respectfully submitted. R. J. BECK, Ohm, E. D. SHURTIJOTT. W. D. Consult, F. E. STEVENS. The committee on poor farm made the following report, which was adopt­ ed, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Genttemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee on poor house and poor farm beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at poor farm, Friday. Dec. 1, 1899. for the purpose of taking the annual Inventory and for the tran­ saction of such other business sis should prop­ erly come i>efore them. Members of commit­ tee present: Supervisors Beck, Desmond Stevens, Menteh and Hoy. The committee, by a unanimous vote, de­ cided to recommend to your honorable body the acceptance of the proposilon submitted by Dr. E. V. Anderson, to continue the treat­ ment of the sick at the poor house on the same terms as heretofore, viz: Two and .50 dollars ($2.50) per visit, he to furnish his own medi­ cines. Your committee would also recommend that T. H. Brown be retained as superinten­ dent of the poor house and farm for the com­ ing year, at a salary of one thousand dollars (11,000). he to employ all necessary help. It was moved and carried that the superin­ tendent be empowered to finish and furnish a room on the third floor of building for the use of inmates who need to be insolated from the balance of the inmates, and also procure heavy wire screens for several of the windows of the building. It havi ng come to the knowledge of the com­ mittee that William Class, of Nunda, was abundantly able to provide for his mother, Mrs. Class, now an inmate of the poor house, Mr. Mentch was directed to at once remove said Mrs. Class from the poor house. The following list comprises a full inven­ tory of farm products, stock, fuel and grocer­ ies, farm implements and household furni­ ture and supplies: FARM PRODUCT8. 37 tons hay 1859 00 14 bus onions 1000 bus oats 880 00:2stacks corn fod- 30 bus tim'v seed 45 eoj der 632bus corn 1W)601 stack straw, 600 bu potatoes.. 186 no 6 bus turnips 1 ̂ o 6 bus carrots-- 3 <H) 4 bus beets 1 60 6 bus parsnips.. 3 00 400 head cabbage 10 bus beans 6 bus popcorn,.. Total.. 10 50 5000 30 00 2000 15 00 600 TARM STOCK. .$1040 50 90 00 30 00 500 150 1 gray mare f 50 oo|6 yearling calves 1 black mare 60 oollfio chickens..... 1 span mules.... 1K0 00^16 ducks 33 spring pigs... 115 ">o|6 guinea hens... 17 fat nogs 210 00 -- 13 cows 585 00 Total 1130766 1 steer 40 00| QBOCKHIK8 AMD ITJKU 13 sacks floor f 13 00|2 gals kerosene.. I'M BOARD OF SUPERVISORS'. (Continued from first page) clerk hire for the county treasurer's of- be |ixed for the ensuing year at the sum E sc veil hundred and fifty dollars (1750). All of which Is respectfully submitted. WM. DESMOND, Chm, 8. E. CLARK, K. J. BECK J. H.GRACY. J JOHN WELTZIEN, The committee on claims made the IHIlowing report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board -Of Supervisors: Your committee on claims wonla beg leave to report that they have ex­ amined all claims presented to them, and rec­ ommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: . CLAIMS PAID. Northern Hospital Insane, Myron L Clothier clothing $ 910 Same. John Simmons same 18"^ game, Tony Lukes same 96 City of Woodstock, elec light crt house 31 79 Louis Vogot, bailiff 47 50 J G Fay, same 12 50 8BOakley, same.. 80 00 II W Lake, same. 88 50 Hotel Woodstock, dieting Jury 18 20 JF Huiitzlnger. same ' 1475 A Dwight Osborn, supplies 1300 . P F Pettibone & Co, supplies co offices. 75 8 City of Woodstock, light and water 10 80 Harvard Herald Co. env and letter hds 10 7." Wm Sharnow, hauling coal 28 00 Geo Huntziuger, upholstering 1 chair.. 825 E L lle'istrum & Co, 75 19-80 tons coal.. 00127 Baker St Smith Co, repairs boiler 910 Charles Wandrack, bailiff 1000 PL Kenich. notices 8 50 Hotel Woodstock, meals Jury. .*. 68 25 Baker & Smith Co, repairing boiler.... 81 92 •Bfflt; Mc Dowel I, work board review 3850 Woodptcx;!: Sentinel "<>. court docket.. 80 00 O BrowTii, I cord wood 4 C S llobb, 62 days board review 848 00 W A Cristy, same 848 00 die Oleson, sawing wood 100 2H doz yeast 120 lbs sugar.... 20 lbs prunes 100 lbs coffee 56 lbs tea 5 lbs pepper 15lbs crackers.. 27 lbs soap 6lbs soda...,,... 3 lbs raisins 1 lb cinnamon... 1 box Gold Dust 30 lbs corn meal. 5 lbs oat meal... 1 sack salt 80 lbs white fish. 160 lbs lard 1 00 642 1 00 .22 00 29 SO 61 1 12 101 36 30 50 80 45 15 15 600 1180 80 2 gals gasoline. 30 4 gals crude car­ bolic acid 800 > 1 box matches. » 56 lbs butter 15 52 ! 20 doz eggs 4 50 112 gals pickles... 840 45 gals syrup 18 00 i 45 gals vinegar... 4 95 107 nts fruit 2140 > 420 lbs salt pork.. 37 80 • lbbl apples 8 75 > 1 pile wood 50 00 i 75 tons coal. 495 00 Total -175000 45 0016 corn knife.... TABM IKPIJKMnrrS. 1 road wagon f 25 00!1 stone boat 1 platform wag.n 8000 1 wheelbarrow.. 1 lumber wagon. 1 truck wagon... 1 hog rack. 2 set double bar. 1 robe 1 pr horse blank 1 mower 1 potato digfcer.. 1 corn marker... 1 set bob sleighs 2 crow bars 2 spades 2 shovels......... 1 gravel shovel.. >Vels.. 15 00 3 00 25 00 400 2 00 30 00 600 1 00 10 00 1 50 1 50 100 75 312 700 » \ ;Total.. $154184 # 1 C L A I M S H O T P A I D . :'a;' li«ylum Feeble Minded, Albert Hill clothing ™--1345 H D Barnes, searching records... C S Bobb, livery and norse feed bd rev. E L Shippee, labor board review 54 days P G Arnold, 15 days board review Board of Keview, per diem and mileage witnesses County Treasurer, stamps board rev Carrie B Bayrd, 13 days board review.. Henry Keyes, bailiff probate and co c'rt Same, expenses insane Tlieo liamer. exp and wo'k board rev.. Henry Keyes, janitor and jailor 6 mos. f io B Richards, taking oaths.. L Conover, burying old soldier V E Jones, livery board review Callahan & Co. Vol 82 App flame. Vol 83 App • A 8 Wright, medicine and drugs Maude E Donovan, board review ZJ E Mentch, com work. Jas Burke, grand jury fees vs J Smith. Chime, same vs F Smith Sjnel same vs A lleidman icltael Donovan, same vs Bowen Jas Burke, same... L Benthuscn. same vs Smith John May, same vs May ! !onv May. same Schumacher, same !heo Hamer, same ias Burke, same vs C lAndersoo. fliame. same vs D O'Connor F N Biakeslee. same vs A Ilance Ben Brown, same vs Faber f N Driver, same vs Gray--s ester Grey, same-- •Chas Gilkersou, same vs Burke. fStull, same li H Curtiss, same f® F McKenney, same t iChas Class, same j-Thiso Uamer, same vs Ben 8tllling " " N Bkikeslee, same - t#an Hlchards, same M J Maloney, same vs O'Connor 300 125 106 00 30 00 324 05 19 00 86 00 TO 00 58 00 3170 810 00 1875 35 00 15 00 8 75 875 4185 3600 4«i0 820 820 820 800 880 190 850 8 50 850 1 JO 820 820 110 110 880 880 880 880 880 880 190 5 scoop shove 1 Tiger c'rn plow 3 hogscr'p'rs and hooks 1 50 6 forks 1 50 1 barn broom 85 2 sts cur'y combs and brushes... 1 wire tooth hay rake 1 sin shovel plow 1 double do 1 wire stretcher. 10 barrels 390 gals earthern jars 1 swill cart 1 ladder 1 roller 1 buck saw 2 axes 1 grub hoe 1 water tank.... 1 hand rake 1 seeder 1 pr ice tongs 1 hammer 75 ft rubber hose 50 ft old do 1 Deering binder 45 grain bags 1 riding plow hill cutter and power 1 nay carrier, fork and rope 175 12 00 200 100 *40 500 30 00 500 400 20 00 25 150 75 500 25 1 post auger 1 work bench and vice 1 stencil plate... 1 disc pulverizer 1 corn planter... 2 plows 1 drag 1 screw driver... 1 tape line 1 broad ax 1 pr pliers 1 cold chisel 1 alligator wrnch 1 window pump. 2 sprinklers 1 lli-ft cable chn. 1 2-in auger l t r y s q u a r e 1 pr compasses.. 8 pr pipe tongs.. 1 grindstone 1 trowel 1 hogritiger 2 funnels 1 oilstone 2 scythes and snaths 1 bushscythe and snath 1 Ice saw 5 hoes 2 potato forks.-.. 1 pick 1 garden rake... 1 set scales 1 level 300 100 100 50 TELEPHONE EXCHANGES, Bell Telephone. The following are the names ̂ and uimbera of the patrons of the McHent-y ami \Ve»t Mcllenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Co. Kesldonces only are specified. All others are business houses. S I M O N S T O F F E L , M a n a g e r . 203 Aurlnger Dr. A. K. r224 Me Henry Journal 232 Barblan Bros 253 liurhian N E r 2 lioley G F 301 Bos we 11 H O 25)1 Brand JohBp 212 Buch J J 201 Burke Thde 1 Chi Tel Co 2 Decmout: MnB 281 Engeln Anton 283 Kngein M 125 Engeln M r &"W Fegers Dr C H 264 Frett Bros A Witt 303 Gilbert Bros 3 Gilbert Bros 293 Hazel E. J. r 243 Hanly Geo A r 353 Hertz li L r 203 lloltz & Stilling 302 Howard K R 2t>4 Howe A L r 352 Howell M A r 313 Justen Jacob r 4-3 Johnsburgh 223 LamphereO. E. r 312 Lamphcre Kay r 351 LorlmerWm r 233 Niesen 213 Owen L H r 221 Owen O W r " 314 Owen A Chapell 252 O'Neill Rev. t» M r 841 Page C L r 863 Plaindenfer . 4-8 Pistakeo Hay 862 Kosedalo - • 884 Ross Dr V C - T 854 liupp A O r 381 Spurting Dr A O t 4-4 Solon 4-5 Spring Grove 242 Stoffel S r 904 StotTel S postoffice 2il Story J I r 8s2 Story .Julia A r 323 Stafford K W 831 Village of Mcllenry pumping station 261 Village of Aicllenry president's re.s 8M Village of Mcllenry public school 311 Wells Dr D G 7 Western L' Tel Co 811 Wightman Harry 844 Mcllenry Creamery214 Wightman Harry r Company. Citizens' Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the Mcllenry and West Mc- Henrv exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others arts business houses. F. E. BELL, Manager. ' • 13 Aurlnger Dr A E 16 McOmber F L 13 Auringer Dr. A E r 21 Meyer Gtso r 23 Adalns, C M, .lohns-23 Merles Joseph, Pis- burg. toll station takee Bay 100 Bell F E, Central 23 Mineral Spring, Pls- 30 Buch J J 29 Bacon Wm r 39 Boley G F 45 Barbian Bros 4 Cristy W Ar 32 Cristy W A , 15 Chapell St}* 55 ("lemons II O 55 C lemons J O 49 City School r ^ 38 Dermont Mrs Sarah38 Post office. Mc Henry 40 Depot C N W Ry Co36 Park Hotel, W Me- takee Bay 42 McKeiu y Laundry 43 Magueson G L Kose- dale 10 Miller John 23 Nell George, Johns- burg 24 Owen & Chapell 24 Perry & Owen 3 7 P u m p i n g o t a t i o n 23 Dighton Station 6 Evansoss W C 8 Evanson John r 11 Fegers -Dr C If* 11 Fegers DrCHr 18 Frledly A C 33 Granger F K r 12 Granger Chas 22 Heimer Joe 31 Heimer John 3 Holt/. & Stilling 23 iieman Joe, Johns burg 19 Hazel E J 48 Hetzel J 35 Justen Nick 44 Justen Jake 43 Jensen H N Henry i PEsindeaier 41 Summer George 50 SpurliiiK Dr AC 28 Sunes Henry 47 Schiessle Robt 14 Story Miss Julia A 34 Smith H C 27 Schneider Joe 23 Simes, Dighton sta­ tion - 8 Wells Dr I) G 8 Wells Dr I) G r 7 Wilbur Lumber Co » Wightman Harry 30 Walsh M J 17 Wattles Frank f % PROBATE COURT NEWS f PROBATE NEWS. Estates of Wm. A. Beading, Dan R. Prary, Alonzo Frary, Michael Clark, Final report filed. Estate of Simon Schaefer et al, Min­ ors. Report filed. Estate of Matthew Conerty. Proof of death, Pettition for letters of adminis­ tration, bond $100.00, filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES Emil Krnger McHenry Bertha Schnltz. McHenry REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tamzen M. Hager to John A. Park- hurst part seM Sec. 7 a pt netf Sec. 18 Coral Gertrude S. Dor man et al to Elizabeth A. Smith It 50 and 10 feet Off south side of It 7 assrs plat Sec. 35 Maren 1 00 Stl go 111 1 (0 100 00 050 00 William E. Wire & w to Nellie A eV4 of seH Sec. 9 Hebron 6160 00 George Mitchel & w to August Piskey all of eH of eH Sec. 33 Dorr lying south of Highway 3450 00 Wilhelm Klitzgen to Barney Meyring. It ll blk 4 Park addn Marengo Edward Thomas & w to It. M. Bean nH of w% of wH of sw* Sec. 20 Seneca... 000 00 Will K. Bean et al to Rockwell M. Bean sH of wH of wH of swj* Sec. 80 F. A. Waiters & w to Wright Carr 30 feet off south side It 8 blk 1 Ilobarts addn Woodstock 800 00 Rhoda Adams et al to Jeremiah W. Crowley It 18 blk 8 E. E. Ayers addn Harvard 500 0(> Henry Keyes Sheriff to Elijah A. Bower part sw^ Sec. 9 Richmond 585 0( Trustees M. E. church Harvard to James Collins It 8blk7 Harvard 8000 Of' Herbert C. Stearns to Hiram J. Stearns sMI of nH of swM Sec. 31 Dunham ' l 00 Josef Beran & w to Jan Cihak It 5, 4 and 8 in blk 13 Algonquin 3000 Of1 Aury W. McColluni & w to William Class Its 3 & 4 blk 1 McCollums addn to Nunda Wm. Class to Katy Bohl, same Same to t same. Its 3 & 17 blk 9 Nunda Elisha S. Merriman per admr to Maria L. Seward It 6 of swj< Sec. 6 Coral 151 00 Edwin B. Bird et al to Burton Wright 3000 00 350 0G 48 00 100 00 gt 11.16 blk 1 E. W. & F. W. Smith's ad Woodstock Colic and Diarrhoea. Cured and corrected by the rise of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This remedy restores the natural action of the stomach and bowels, and is better than a remedy that checks but does not correct the conditions. Sold and recommended by Julia A. Story. 83 00 6 hand saws filptato toller... T-#3ed' 75 50 6 00 2 nn 50 00 5 70 25 00 300 55 00 1 square 1 bevel square... 2 monky wrnchs t 1 fjlock plane 1 brace and U bts 1 hay knife 1 mawl 1 stepladder 1 draw shave 8 chissels 800 150 800 185 100 75 85 800 75 350 75 80 160 75 85 150 150 50 175 75 186 (Continued,on last page.) Advance a Step. If yon have been in the habit of taking pills for your constipation and with poor results, just try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and you will be surprised at the results. Very pleasant totake. 10c, 50c and $1.00. For sale by Julia A. Story. Candles Rothing else adds BO much 1 to the charm of the drawing room or boudoir as the Boftly radi­ ant light from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing will contribute more to tho artistic success of the luncheon, tea or dinner. The bent decorative candles for the simplest or the most elaborate function--for cot­ tage or mansion. Made in all colon and the moat delicate t ints by STANDARD OH. 00. •nd sold ereiry-wliesa, BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigars, "Our Monogram 10 cent Cigar Leads THem All. Our Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barbian Bros. Best" "SUver" - "Bee Hive" "Empire Cuban" F i n e C a n d i e s iiiKii m CASTORIA Xhe Kind Tea Have Always Bought* and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the signatnre ot and has been made tinder his peo» sonal supervision since its infi&ncyv Allow no one to deceive you in thlfl» All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of linfiuits and Children--Experience against Experiment ̂ What is CASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare* foric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm# •nd allays Feverishness. It -cures Diarrhoesa and Wind Colic* It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tb# Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* , QKNUINK CASTORIA «•*»*» Boars tlte Signature of The Kind You Bare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH« enmuN OOMPMT, TT MWIINAY •mcrr, new «om CITY. n e w B O O K S ! Books always make an excellent gift and we have acted accordingly. Books of fiction, history, travels, poems, etc., by the best authors, cari be found here at reasonable prices. You are cordially in­ vited to call and look these over. We feel sure than you can make a selection. JULIA A. STORY, McHenry, Illinois e Standard Fashion Sbeeta ready for yon (January Faahkms of coarse) aud when? > you call in for one of then|; you may incidentally look off; m the Cloaks for the Baby al- So. "We furnish them to yrrn P in plain Scarlet, White, Bins, Piiitf and mixed colors in Red * * and Black, all trimmed with -*? Fashion's latent. Price, $1.65.* There was a time when shawls S - were considered quite faatf ion able for Xma« pi esente for the good housewife. There is quite a good sprinkling of Velvet Shawls here, around the $3.00 mark and some run i up to $7.00 and $8.00. Then, , *, you know about thoffe Faacf* ; "!'-1 , natons. they are always staple SBd useful. Nearly all col­ ors may be found here and at ^-.prices . Ira* ,. * to SPC.; ' There are some extra bargains to be had here in,. / i Black Clay Worsted Suits • I.OO Cfarsey ^Beaver, Silk 6t linen lining at $12.00. • Ton osii Ode the coat made up and ready for yon, '; i • '.% West McHenry, JH, WALTER C. EVANSOiN. MHMWAOOOOAOOOOTMKHISOMH) f \ -- -- r •- (•nA.' %l '• ' s 3> - * i i i m $ $ i i People «• must now give attention to the approachii% holiday^ season and com- 5 * f mence the difficult task of <. selecting gifts. Before starting on your shop>^soing expedition l e t u s s a y a > ^ ^ ^ i s v f e w w o r d s t o > -you: There^!^is nothing as, acceptableas^^ nice piece of furniture>^v e feel con-- -«• fidentthatour^^^ ^^^stock is-more* elaborate than^^^ever before, ft* will surely be to your advantage to call and investigate. Ev­ erything in the furniture line can be found in our show rooms at lowest prices. N. J. JUSTEN, No. as West McHenry, III. h-y. • Mai GILBERT BROS. McHeory, 111. l Peter Marx, sa,rn«.. Thompson, same,. trs Smitbaon, iame.̂ , ) Brickley, oaine mm. v." ti*.. *fevyj , : Have you purchased your candies for the holidays? We have a stock of delicious can­ dies and you will do well to dome and see them. We also have a fine line of fruits and fancy groceries for the Christmas dinner. NEW MittS GOODS make elegant presents for Xmas. We have a fine stock to select from--Black and Colored, at very tempting prices. Double width, large and small checked, all col­ ors--just the thing for fan­ cy skirts and children's warm school dresses, at 15c 18c, 24c, 39c and up. A fine lot of new Dress Patterns, just enough of each for a dress--all colors, at prices from 19c to 85c per yd. decrees that everybody should have Xmas Ms Suestion where to get the best at the >< - It is only a lowest prices. Don't fail to call on the "Big Cash Store" for Holiday Suggestions and Price Compari­ sons. To avoid being too late for a fine selection, call early and get first choice --• • -- -- -- -- -- -- Perfect Fitting Corsets Special Reduction for Xmas. Royal Worcester Corsets, made of fine quality sateen, full gored hip and bust, handsomely trim- med, all sizes, black, white or drab at... 90c Shoes. We lead them all in Shoes. A trial •tfill convince you that Pingree & Smith's or Henderson's Shoes are hard to beat. See our winter line. Box calf, Winter Tan, Kid with or without calf linings. Henderson Red School House Shoes for the little ones Rubber Boots, Overs and Felts. We have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for the celebrated Snag Proof Rubber Goods, They will outwear from two t6 three pairs of any other kind on the market. If you don't be­ lieve us, ask your neighbor (this is the third season he has had his.) We also carry the Whales, Goodyear, Golden Rule, Conn and the Jersey Co. rubber goods. Anything in Felts or Knit Boots we can fit you with. We sell combinations--Felts and Ov­ ers from $3.35 to $3.35 for Knit and Snags. -- _ -- -- _ _ OWEN & (MIL (ireat Biir^io Sale! Friday and Saturday, - December 22 and 23, only. Washburn Crosbys, Gold Medal Flour, sk.. Fine Mixed Nuts, per lb Fine Mixed Candy, in lb. trunks, each Fine Cream Mixed Candy, per lb French Mixed, extra fine, per lb. Hand Made Chocolate Cream, per lb...,.. Extra Large New Brazil Nuts, per lb..... Best Granulated Sugar, 30 lbs, for Friends Oats, 2 lb. pkg., each Cream of Wheat, 2 lb. pkg., each. Pillsburys Vitos, 2 lb. pkg., each Washburn Crosbys Yuco, 2 lb. pkg,, each.. Sally Gibson's Pincake Flour, per pkg.... Grape Nuts, per pkg Fine Jelly, in 15 lb. pails, Lion Coffee, 21b. pkg., each... Canned Corn, 8 lb. cans, each. Canned Raspberries, per can.. Christmas Candles, 4 sizes, per box Kirks Zoo Toilet Soap, per bar.. .777777777 Washburn Crosbys Northern Pacific Flour. Canned Peaches, 8 lb. Cans Best English Tennis Flannel, per yd. Best English Flannelette, per yd Amoskeag Ginghainn, per yd Your choice of 50 Ladies' or Gents Umbrel- las 26 or 28 inches, ma de up of best Gloria Silk and latestdesigns in Hand­ les, sale price for Xmas . ..05c ..10c ..tOc ..10c ..18c . .15o ..08c $1.00 ..06c ..He ..11c . 11c ..07c ..11c , Jl5c ..00c ..10c .'.08c ..15c 7.08c .90c. ..15c ..06c ..06c .06fc ..08c FREE TO ALL! Vocal and Instrumental Music all Day and Evening. Underwear For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Gent's fine .all wool. suit.;*.$1.3$ " Sanitary all wool.. .$1.00 " Silk Fleeced, suit.....90c " Foreign'Wool, each. .'.60c Ladies' fine Sanitary, all wool 85c " White Merino.... .7.. .50c . '• Silk Fleeced, per suit. .0oc -"-l~ Ribbed Union suits....49c Children's all wool, each . .. . .60C " Camels' hair.... 19c to 3JC " Heavy Silk Fleeced, all sizes, each .. 20c to 40k; Hats and Caps We have the very latest in Blacjk: and Brown Derby Hats, also Fedoras, Crushers, etc. And when it corner to winter caps, we can top them all in style quality and price. 25c to $1.00. Bed Blankets Horse and Stable Blankets piled from floor to ceiling. Bed Blanket from 48c to $4.75 per pr. Horse and stable. Blankets 75c to $3.00 each. 45x36 regular size, fine hemstitched Pillow Cases, worth 18c, for 12c. Full double bed size extra heavy linen finished Sheets, dry ironed and torn, very nicely made, at 49c . Full size fancy colored white cotton filled Comforters at 90c Table Linen, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Fascinators, Neckties Mufflers--me very finest assortment we ever had. It will do you good to see the values we are offering in these useful as well M" ornamental Xmas Gifts. * • Gloves and Mittens by the gross, for men, women and children, in all styles imaginable, and we assure you that our prices aire the lowest -- -- --- -- -- -- -- Don't miss the Big Saturday Sale! We Can Do You Good! OWfN & (HAPfll Mdlcnry, liL I f * 5 •<«>/"*: Tk: :A

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