Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1900, p. 5

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Clothing • ' • - V • / Like all energetic merchants, we are very- anxious to get rid of our large line of winter wearables, to make room for a well-selected spring line of merchandise which will soon arrive. Our heavy winter goods will be sold at prices to suit you, and you may depend on securing honest goods. The stock consists of men's and boys' clothing, underwear, caps, gloves, mittens, hosiery, etc. / Qothing It will pay you to investigate this matter at once! McHenry, 111. E. LAWLUS FIcHenry, 111. ^$ $ $ $ $ $ $ IFR $ I$I $ FT $ 'T' IT' 'I' *$ $ 3' ̂ ̂$• 'I' $ (!>&&&&'$$* $ $ 4"!1 r and spent Sunday with his parents, gj and Mrs. Goodman. PERSONAL HAPPENINGS*. . time past, has returned to his home in / George Wegener, who has been in the J employ of Owen & Chapell for some Alvin Sorpmers is on the sick list. George Meyers spent Saturday in El­ gin. Joseph Draper is numbered with the sick. James B. Perry spent Friday in Chi­ cago. A. L. Howe was in Spring Grove Sat­ urday. 1 Miss Lena Smith is suffering with La- Grippe. Mrs. G. H Fegers has been quite ill recently. A. Whiting, of Ostend, was a recent visitor here. Frank Kimball was a Woodstock visit­ or Thursday. Will Rosing is enjoying a home in Volo. Hon. F. K. Granger was a Chicago visitor Friday. .Mark Hutson called on Ringwood friends Sunday. Fre t Brand is at home after -a short stay in Chicago. Frank Carr, of Ringwood, was a call­ er here Saturday. Ray Thomas, of Ostend. spent Sun­ day in McHenry. - -- Mrs. Lewis H. Owen was quite ill sev­ eral days last week. Jesse R King returned to his work in Ringwood Monday. Ed Martir, of Ostend, called on friends liere Friday evening. Dr. F. N. Armstrong was here from Richmond Saturday. Mrs. J. Fitzsimmons, of Chicago, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Simon Stoffel was in Chicago to spend the day Friday. Geo. Parks, of Nunda, was a Mc­ Henry visitor Monday. George Hanly was a visitor in Chica­ go the first of the week. Mrs. G. S. Magnuson is visiting friends in Woodstock. Eric Stone, of Woodstock, called on friends-* here this week. Henry Miller spent last week visiting with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Roy Wilsoii, of Greenwood, called oi friends here this week. bron to spend Sunday with home folks, Miss Cassie Eldredge has been quite sick for the past two weeks. Miss Altia Kimball was the guest of Solon friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: A. Guerin spent Sunday with friends in Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Murray were here from Volo and spent Sunday. Dr. C. H. Fegers is in Keokuk, la., to attend the funeral of his niece. F. Hutson and wife, of Ringwood, spent Sunday at Wm. Hutson's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornish and daugh­ ters, of Solon, were here Saturday. Charles Going was here from Chicago and spent Sunday with his mother. visit at his f Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallaher are the (.parents of a baby boy born Sunday. D. Wheadon, of Elgin, was a guest at the home of R. Sherburne last week. W. D. Monea- and W. H. Davis, of Solon, were here on business Saturday Miss Meribah Willis, of Elgin, w; the guest of Miss Rosina Reynolds Mon­ day. J. C. Clemons has left for the Black Hills where he will spend the next te: days. • ^olo. XT. L. Kimball has returned from Sol­ on where he had charge of the cream­ ery during the absence of F. L. Vos- ^>urgh. Mrs. John Carey and Miss Katie Fris- by, of Ringwood, attended the euche party given at the residence of John Phalin. 2"' Messrs. and Mesdames C. Dillon and James McCabe were here from Volo, Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Welch. Mr. and Mrs S.- Cofell spent the latter part of last we§k with their daughter, Miss Jennie, who is attending school in Evanston. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown were the guests of their children in Chicago^, re­ cently. i James Reed and family, of Barreville, have moved into Fred Schnoor's house Main St. Quite a number of McHenry peo­ ple attended the social given at the re­ sidence of Mr. JeckU\>f Ostend, last Friday evening. ' Miss Mayme Besley spent Sunday in Richmond the guest of her sister, Miss Dora. Mrs. Mary Caffery was the guest of friends in Woodstock several days lastf week. ' Chas. Stephenson and E. Ingalls, of Ringwood, transacted business here Tuesday. Thomas Burke, who has recently dis­ posed of his meat market, is moving to his farm. Mrs. F. Carr has been very ill duringI the past week but is improving nicelyj at present. \ Miss Altia Kimball attended the funeral of Mrs. John Craine, of Spring Grove, Sunday. Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Joseph Freund spent Friday with Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Volo. Patrick Welch was here from St. Paul to attend the funeral of his moth­ er, Mrs. John Welch. Mrs* F. L. Vosburg, of Solon, was the G. Howe, of Woodsto k, has moved guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. number of our young people wfre i in Ringwood to attend the party given' in honor of Miss Winnifred Grimoldby last Friday evening. ™ --~ * . Henry Demear was so unfortunate as to upset his load of household goods when moving from G. Howe's tenant house last Wednesday. James B. Perry and daughter, Miss Berneice, left?Tuesday morning for an ^extended visit in the south, During his visit MrTPerTy will'sertd us an occassion­ al letter which will be of much interest to our readers. / Mrs. F. K'; (Granger treated a number 'of her lady friends to a sleigh ride last Friday afternoon. The mode of con­ veyance was a bob sled and the ruins of St. John's church, Johnsburgh, was in­ cluded in the trip. ^TEe"senior class of 1900 has presented back" to his old farm again. Will Schreiner oame over from He- W. Kimball Saturday. Fred <Good man, of Chicago, was here Weekly School Note*. The second term examination is being held this week. Lulu Byrd, who has beeji sick has re­ turned to school. Michael Engeln of the first intermed­ iate room is absent. Miss Meribah Willis made the high school a pleasant visit on Monday. Clara Auringer was a visitor in the first intermediate room on Tuesday. Willie Thomas, formerly of Ostend, has been enrolled in the grammar room. Charlie Phalin has recovered from his sickness and is again at his school work in the second primary. The senior class of 1900 has started its work for graduation exercises under the supervision of Mrs. Angevine. A class will be formedv in the first primary on Mouday next for the benefit of those who wish to enter school. Several fine pictures have been pre­ sented to the high school; one a picture of Columbus at the court of Ferdinand is very ornamental. Peter Justen, Ray Dodge and Cassie Eldredge, who have been ill, have re­ turned to their work in the second in­ termediate room. Mr. J. V. Bnckland, the popular nur­ seryman of Ringwood has contributed to our Botany cabinet a number of fine specimens of various trees, grown at his nursery. Mr. R. Sherburne has contributed to the school library, a year's numbers of both McClure's and the Cosmopolitan magazines. These are fine additions for which we feel thankful. It is said that the concentrative abil­ ity of the freshmen extends about five minutes, of the juniors about twenty minutes, while the seniors can study a whole hour without thep attention being distracted. to the school a steel finish engraving picture of our presidents. Under each president is printed the date and place \>f his birth, inauguration and death and the background is made up of famous scenes in United States history. The high school drove to Ringwood on Friday evening and carried out a neatly planned surprise on Winnie Grimoldby, in honor of her fifteenth birthday. Refreshments were served and frames indulged in until a late hour, when all departed wishing Miss Winnie many more happy birthdays. A pleasant time is reported by all who at­ tended. Our efficient janitor, John Brents en­ tertained our corps of lady teachers on Friday evening with a delightful sleigh ride. Mr. Brents has grown very popu­ lar among the ladies and is so bent upon their comfort that even the capture of the gopher has been forgotten. Everybody come to the city hall next Tuesday evening, March 13. Something new at the.^ sociable to­ night. Save your appetite^ Remember the sociable tonight (Fri­ day) at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. jLawis H. Owen. Miss H. Fay Fox, one of readers in the city of Chicago the city hall Mafcch 13. ROVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar* Safeguards the food against alum. Alton baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKIIM POWtXR CO., NtW VOMC. Independent!)' Work Appreciated. The wonderful growth in this state of the Independent companies is of itself proof of the obnoxious methods practiced by the Bell company. Without just cause the Independent companies could never have sprung up as they have all over the state, and could never have gained so large a share as they have of the telephone busixiess. The methods practiced by the Bell company, when it had a monopoly of the business, are familiar to all who were in business at that time. The rates were excessive and the service inferior. The efforts to secure reasonable rates and improved service were met with refusal so blunt and inconsiderate as to verge on inso­ lence. Failing to get the concessions sought, a movement was started here to put in an Independent telephone system, to be owned and controlled by Muske- gan people in the interests of Muskegan. The success of this movement has far surpassed what was at first expected by even the most confident. What took place here is a sample of what has taken pla^ in many cities of Michigan. Now the Bell people, operating as the Michigan company or the Erie company, are engaged in a comprehensive effort to absorb or crush the Independent companies by the methods familiar to large corporations and monopolies in their schemes to throttle competition. With immense resorces at their com­ mand, they can and doubtless will tem­ porarily reduce rates beyond the profit line and pursue other deceptive tactics in a desperate endeavor to regain the monopoly they--t)nce\enjoyed. If op­ position cairbe bought out or crushed out, the Michigan company would have the field all to itself. What, then, would be its policy in the matter oi rates and service? The public has no better way of judging the futurfc than the past. We know what was thrift record when the Bell people had a mon­ opoly here, and Muskegan does not want- to degenerate into that regime again.! --(From the Muskegan (Mich.) Chronic cle.) ; " A Card. I, the undersigned, do hereby agred to refund the money on a 60 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to proVe satisfactory or money refunded, tf Julia A. Story. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbi Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of • k- Want Column. XTH)It SALE--56 ft. store counter and about 100 feet patent bracket, shelving, scale* and coffee mill, all in first-class shape. WM. STOFFEL & Co. "DH)U SALE--The house on the corner next to T. J. Walsh's warehouse--and occupied by by E. W. Howe. I offer for sale- a bargain for some one--first come! first served. For further particulars call on T. J. Walsh. "p*UR SALE -One share ^ Creamery Company. Mead. West McHenry, 111. in the McHenry inquire of H. 0. "EHHi SALE. 50 Barred Plymouth Rock cock$>: -1- erels, fine birds, weighing form 7 to 10 lb*-1" each. Price 75 cents each if taken by Feb- uriiry 1 1900. After this date price will be $1.00 each. J. V. BUCKL,AND, Ringwood, 111. "EU>K RENT--7% acres land in West McHenry x near stand pipe, suitable for growing; cucumbers. Inquire of O. N. Owen at Banft of McHenry. 30-46 WANTED-SEVF.RAL PERSONS FOR DIS- ** trict Office Managers in this state to represent me in t heir own and surroundings counties. Willing to pay yearly $000. payable weekly. Desirable employment with un­ usual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. & A. Park, ICS) Caxton Building. Chicago. 83-lp*:^:;'#1 A Bid BARGAIN! Cut this out and return with £1.00 fmoney - order or currency) and we will order the fol­ lowing "Family Combination" sent prepaid. N. V. WKKK1.V TKIHI'SK 1 YK. THK (iKMLKtt'OM AN 1 YK. NATIONAL ILLl ST'D MAGAZINE 1 YR AMERICAN I'Ol LTKY ADVOCATE I YK HAPPY HOI KS FAMILY MAOAZ'K I YH VFRMONT FARM JOURNAL 1 YK. Our Price $i, Regular Cost $4 This combination fills a family need. W® v will substitute the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean. Kansas City Weekly Star. Denvefraj Weekly TimeV, Montreal Weekly Gaaeetteek > Toledo Weekly Blade. Twice-a-week Louisi > ville Courier-Journal, or San Francisco Week* > ;• Post in place of N. V. Weekly Tribuue if: desired, but no other changes are allowed, ' Clubbing list for a stamp. i O. H. JONES. Room 3M* Cir. Manager Vermont Farm Journal/ Wilmington, VTWIO«|» ^ - . ' ' •

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