Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1900, p. 8

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ANNUAL REPORT^ t by Highwuy Fiscal Year Ending Marrh S7, . „ JtATE OF ILLINOIS, ^ r-feotlinPT OP Mc H KNRY. ( T()WS Of 1 ' Till' following Is a- st atement, by .las. lireon, 4 the Town ot McHonry. in the County and , :^Btnte aforesaid, of t he amount of public funds •. < tlM-eived and expended by him during the fis­ cal year just closed, ending on t he day of SlaiVh. l'JOO, showing the amount of public V 'funds on hand at t he commencement, of said ; Bscal year, tin; amount of public funds re- . V ceiv^l and from what sources received, the : •>., mniouut of public funds expended and for what • '*" ifurpose expended.duriiig said fiscal year,end- f Big as aforesaid. James Green, being dnlv <jot h depose and say, that the fol said , Jttent by him subscrilied is "«ieiit of the amount of following state- . eorrcH't state- public funds on hand '" It the commencement of the fiscal year above ; Stated, the amount of public funds received "s ,ind the sources from which received, and the «4moiintexpended. and purchases for which ex­ pended, as set forth in said statement. : . JAMES GREEN. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th .flay of March. 1900. . 11. C. MEAD, Just ice of the Peace. DATB FUNDS RECEIVED AND FROM . *';• WHAT SOURCES m ssm ' fir JFune Amount of public fund op hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commencing the 18th day of April 1899..... a' Received from Lumfey estate " F F Axtell, T T and II R tax Received from F F Axtell,de- ' llnquent tax. i j . •• -. ?. Received for polltax. . v ; . . i f . . •" " bridge plank 1900 : • * 1; . Jan. 30 Recelved from Peter Rother- ::S mel, taxes -- <5 Received from Peter Rother- mel, taxes 16 Received from Peter mel. taxes Received for tile •^eb. 24 25 oo 312 03 132 113 348 00 a; 70 400 00 2073 75 15 00 m DATE Total' FUNDS EXPENDED AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE ] . ..#7173 50 AMOUNT Aprli 80 Samuel Sherman, graveling and taking care of water . Webster Bros., sewer pipe and road tools..- : 11 Zimmerman, graveling and *1 extra work sllay ST Tlios Boone, graveling 11 Zimmerman, graveling "I Matt N Freund, bridge work. John H Frejind. spiles. Charles Harmseu, postage and envelopes ie H Matt Blake, road work Geo Fahrenstein, gravel .... Stephen H Smith, work on road Joseph Blake, graveling.*.... Thos. Boone, graveling:., .... WJ Boyd, gravel •iow Bnx.. bridge work' J Freund. grading att. N Freund, road work... vrtjo.' Meyers, grading John Merles bridge work...... O I) Hall, spiles and road work Bert. Bell, graveling Jos. F Smith, blacksmithing and nails ..... . Chas. krambler, gravel......'.. Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. 11 O Allen, gravel Kd. Sutton, grayeling ,.... July 29 Ed. Sut ton, graveling • ' 11 Smit mil It, grading... 11 off. grading Ibur Lumber Co., lumber. Jos. Blake, graveling Mrs. Jacob Fre Jacob V reund, gra S3:::: eling--....... raveling , graveriH*: . . . . Midi Tony II Zini OCt. 28 Nick Weber, work on Earl Barnard,gravel. Bert Bell, gravelii Thos. Boone, gnu nk Wagner, gi inimermau, graveling... Meyers, grading and George jsfeyers. grading and and graveling Lichael Wagner, gravel.; May. repairing immerman, repairing and graveling S H Smith, grading and put-. ting in t ile T J Boone, graveling.. John Stelling, gravel-- Wilbur Luniber Co., lumber., i Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. H Zimmerman, graveling..... Wm, Uavis. gravel Joseph Blake, graveling--.. Jake Maurer, work on road and bridge Ben Tonyon, gravel --.. Homer Watt les, gravel,....... George Meyers, bridge work.. .Phil Sutton, work on road.... Bert Bell, graveling H C Allen, gravel George Meyers, S H Smith, and road work S Sherman, gravel rs, graveling..... hauling lumber >s,grai Bell, graveling..... Zimmerman, graveling... work. ly Schaffer, bridge Tony Tiielen. bridge work. Jos. lluemann. hardware and repairing bridge John 11 1< reund, bridge ' M J Freund. road work.. Wilbur Luml>er Co., lumber for Johnsburgh bridge John lloff. hauling lumber and bridge work 150 24 Nov. 25 Nickolas Weber, hauling gravel Matt Blake, gravel and hauling , M J Freund. gravel and haul- 12 00 20 00 30 00 18 20 18 00 16 00 yr-:" 1 6 50 » 50 7 20 47 00 in$ ' lg. Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. Wgzi, immerman, graveling Dec. S Sherman, gravel Bert Bell, graveling Henry Tonyon. graveling..... 30 Anton Meyers, gravel Geo. Meyers, graveling and m 10 56 8#'J 9U, W 85 194 SB 11 25 71 49 8 75 13 83 QW BS #8 91 17'4tf 25 00 20 03 10 30 8 90 14 57 72 06 24 50 1 50 6 18 42 00 54 HO 13 00 10 00 87 56 83 25 300 10 35 55 80 »87 40 45 13 27 31 11 39 38 » 60 11 50 26.40 13 00 17 35 3-00 3 00 9B 84 25-00 119 :JO "18 00 5 50 4 80 88 60 49 SO 55 12 88 31 18 «3 59 50 too 3»5<i 88 22 28 25 9 80 ® 50 e oo 16 42 19 30 1900 iridtfe work i J Sherman, gravel. i Benty Stelling, gravel S Zimmerman, graveling.. C Alien, gravel Jl H Smith, graveling... TNick Weber, gravellni ®oad work M .1 Freund. graveling i... fin. <>etiling, graveling.../r,. Jos liuemaiin, repairs '*,i , j S Freu nd, graveling JH>;id work J. . ten Stelling, grading.. lorner Wattles, gravel....i... J, J Freund, graveling ^v.? 'Jolni .1 Freund. graveling..*.,' Wilbur Ijunil>t*r Co., lumtil^' And hardware „ (13 04 :S3 81 Jan. 27 II Zimmerman, graveling.... Ben Stelling. grading tOtd hauling gravel.. ......... Jacob St<K'k. gravel |ir : F Wagner, graveling 31 GwrgeMeyers. Kraveling.,.*., Stephen Freund, graveltng ... Webst er Bros., car of tile..... S 11 Smith, road work Mar. 27 Plaindealer Co., printmg Feb. s*eas. report, •'fpftr unes Green, com. on money's M j^aid out oo 9 00 10 15 A,loo 00 .51 00 •.164 00 ' 13 24 10 00 88 40 momm API TIT B ATI OH. : AmottBt on> hand at beginning of fiscal year.. ....^... ̂....13328 24 Amount of funds received duririg fiscal year 3845 26 Total, amount 17173 50 during the fiscal 4508 55 Amount expended year ... Balance on hand 75 A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Col­ lier, of Cherokee, la., that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kidneys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No rem­ edy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effected such a wonderful change that he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. Great opportunity offered to gopd reliable men. Salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with rig to in­ troduce our Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. 82-ly iSeed Oat# ... • Kv».,fl Ul : 4^U1V e Shonen OatsL; Thd kernels are of pretty, white color, plump and heavy and do not run out to a long point. During the later years they have come to the front as a big yielder. Prof. W. A. Henry, of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, says of it in Bulletin 10: "For productiveness and stiffness of straw find thinness of hull the White Shonen stands at the head of the list." We have raised these elegant oats for three years. Last year we threshed 1528 sacks -of oats averag­ ing 85 lbs. to the sack from fifty-five acres, or an average of 73 bu. per acre. It surely pays to discard your old run out and mixed oats and get an oat with new vigor and productiveness. We pay the greatest attention to our seed oats and know what we offer is the pure and" genuine White Shonen. These oats are grown on our farm and are free from foul weed seed. We offer these oats at 35 cents in 1 to 30 bushel lots and cents in larger lots. Oats delivered at C. N. W By. at Ring wood, free of charge.. Extra charge of twenty cents will b# made for bags when we furish them. SMITH BROS., Eingwood, 111. Telephone Citizens' ^ « Banker Routs A Robber! <' J. R. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of Thornville, Ohio, had been robbed of his health by serious lung trouble until he tried Dr.King's New Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a se­ vere cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with Coughs, Colds, or any Throat, Chest or Lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. LION CQ ;1?T Used in Millions of Homes! Accept no substitute! Insist on LION COFFEE, in 1 lb. pkgs. These articles mailed FREE in exchange for lion heads cut from front of i lb. LION COFFEE pkgs. Silk Umbrella (either Lady's or Gents). Sent by expreM (charges pre­ paid J , lor 170 a 2-cent stamp. A very fine umbrella, made of union sllk-taffetft; 36-inch frame with seven ribs; steel rod and silver Congo handle. Would cost 12.00 at the store. Coffee w the Mob Try LION COFFEE and you will never i any other. It is absolutely pure) Coffee and nothing but Coffee. ^ STRENGTH, PURITY AND Fancy Gold Ring. Par 18 heads and a 2-cent •tamp. Genuine Ruby Setting Gold Ring. For 28 lion heads and a 2-cent •tamp. These rings are genuine rolled-gold plate, having the ex appearance aud qualities of solid gold, and guaranteed the makers to lost two years with ordinary usage.' N years patterns and very popular. (exact by New ci to t. is « To Determine the Size. Dress-Pin Set. ** Knickerbocker " Watch. nailed free for IS lion heads and a 2- cent stamp. Three pins in the set (larger than shown), com­ posed of fine rolled- gold, with handsome ruby-colored set­ tings. Suitable for waist-pins, cufl-pins, neck-pins or as a child's set. Sash-Belt and Buckle. Mention your waist-measure when sending. Mailed free for 1 s lion heads cut from ^ "'rappers snd s 2~csnt stdiiip. Latest style of imported black Swiss gros- grain ribbon belting: stvlish imitation oxidized silver buckle; neat, strong and fashionable. Silver Napkin-Ring. For 15 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Neat and substantial. Made of dur­ able metal, heavily silver- pi a t e d. Two different patterns. Coin-Purse. For IS lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Color, dark brown. Made of titie kid leather: cham­ o i s l i n i n g : n i c k e l e d frame, with strong snap- fastening. Ladies* Pen-Knife. . .For'5 ,ion heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2c ^ Large size: good ma­ terial ; handles nicely decorated and assorted colors. Given for 175 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Neat appear­ ing and an excellent t i m e - k e e p e r . S o l i d nickel-silver case, with ornamental back. Nickel movements, escapement fully jeweled. The famous " K n i c k e r b o c k e r " watch. Ladies' Watch Chain. A double strand of best silk cord, united at intervals with colored beads ; neat and substantial. For 15 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Gent*s Watch. riaiied free for 90 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. The celebrated •• Inger- soll" watch ; stem- wound and stem- set ; durable nickel- plated case; each vatch accompan­ ied by guarantee erf the maker. Are- liable time-keeper. Ladies' Pocket-Book. Large size and latest shape. Black seal-grain leather, with five separate di visions, includ ing a tuck-pocket with flap to hold visiting cards secure. Given for 25 lion heads from Lion Coffee wrappers •nd a 2c. stamp. Table Cover. Durable, dark- colored material that will stand wishing. 32 inches square, including fancy fringed border. Mailed free for 25 lion heads and a 2c. stamp. Cut a strip of thick paper so that the ends will exactly meet when drawn tightly around second joint of the finger. Lay one end on this diagram at the 0, and order the number tiie other end indicates. Pair of Lace Handkerchiefs. Two extra fine cambric hand­ kerchiefs, wit|| beautiful i me* ported lace mi» dailion inser­ tions in the cor­ ners. Half-inch hem, machine hemstitched; stylish and dur* able. A pair el these handker­ chiefs given for 18 Hon heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2c. stamp. Children's Picture Boirik# Given for 10 lion heads and a 2-cent s t a m p . S i x t e e n large pages of Mo­ ther Goose Melodies illustrated and with nice!" lithographed c o v e r . W e h a v e different books, so you con get an as­ sortment. Art Picture, •• Easter Greeting" Given for 8 lion heads cut from Lion Cof­ fee wrappers and a 2-cent stamp. A highly artistic picture, that will grace the finest draw­ ing-room. The background of royal dark-blue furnishes a u appropriate contrast to the little girl and her white East­ er lilies. Size, 14x28 inches. For 10 lion heads antl 2 c«uts we will send It tinned rea«ly for hanging. riower Picture. Century Cook-Book. 368 pages of valu- able cooking re­ ceipts, also treatise on the labor of the k i t c h e n , d i n i n g - room,laundry, sick­ room. and remedies for the more com­ mon diseases. Given for 15 lion heads and a 2-Ccni stamp. Sill For 8 lion heads and a 2c. stamp. American Beauty Roses and Lihes-of- the-Valley. Size, 11x24 inches. Bright and artistic coloring. "The Dancing Lesson." W ' Steam Fittittd* and ;-v-V OHnd mill* - Steel and Wood Canki and ^Farm machinery ll line ja every dej^tmiiltl 4 ^ V , * •' " to do t» a call ;4 *- * Conway & Rainey \ Ring wood, III. J CUCUMBER PICKLES ̂ lie want to contract * II-' :;:.± .5 * ^mited number of acres tS of Cucumber Pickles at £ : JOHN NIESEN , Meal Horsesiioer McHenry, 111. All Intricate cases carefully attended to CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tte Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of 40° PER BUSHEL, CASH; Stafford & Goldsmith Company.! W. Stafford. • j| ^ ' Robert F. Goldsmith. <5' (Established in 1860) "f.'W General office; 698-700 Austin Ave., Cbioam." ?*• Factories at Chicago, Marengo, IKeReagyt ^ and Libertyville. '•••'"uS your contracts get your seeds at: Simon Stoffel, M.J. Walsh, John J. Miller t>r M Waiter O. Evanson, West MclHenry. Gilbert ?! Bros, or Owen & Chapell, McIIenrjf. John P. £% Lay or O. M. Adams, Johnsbargh. J. E.iCristy, •:% Ring wood. Jly 4 Winter Underwear 38C& -V JS, ' 'V i'v® Felt Boots, Rubbers and Overs In great | abandance. The assortment is, very fiipr f Rod< JBottpm Pricey ' r- i£ #•• HERMAN STOp3E% Terra THAT PROTECTS! In all that is Coot Iowa v | Alio#5 ik Best! Qood Local Agents wanted. f Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of DeMolnes, 14?'^ 9'4 fn • ^ . 4 &. - > /.h- wih of all Polt^ie* depos^&d Jn Approved Securities with the State of V Iowa,.who act# as your Tru&t««. # f % - • ' • V f t N£t values wjtiwsTr, Mil Wall should " fie Spring offering is the perfect and beautiful assortment ^1 «ever differed the public, yet CHEAPEST IN price&I From 3 cts. a roll upwards. Largest and chcncest variety and finest sales rooms in the West , 4 /•' Afk our agent to show you our line of sample^.- ^ ^ GROTH & KLAPPERICH, " " 8o-8a Randolph Street, - Chicago. ^ M1 mm '.Ms; m m. For To^ • For Assessor,\ ' f \ SAMUEL W- •& U :K" \fY Boys* Pocket-Knife^ i f1 ¥'•> ; .'V u St : For Collector, ^ 5, PETER ROTHERMEL T h e " ^ Opener": * strojifr. sharp blade: red-wood handle. For Highway Commis^«^ie|^ ,||r 12 Hon heads aad a 2c. staaip. The Krceii grass and trees, the little brown kitten and the girl's snow-white dress form a pleasing combination of col­ ors. Size. 15x21 inches, flailed free tor 8 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. JOHN H. FREUND.:'^1 THE ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE LION COFFEE PREMIUMS. Another list will shortly appear in this paper! Don't miss It I The grandest list of premium* ever offered! Vou always know LION COFFEE by the wrapper. It is a sealed pack­ age, with the lion's head in front. It is absolutely pure if the package is unbroken. LION COFFEE i« roasted the day it leaves the factory. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Whea writing tor premiums send your letter in the same envelope or package with the lion heads. If more than 15 lion heads are sent, you can Cava postage by trimming down the margin. Ask your grocer for large illustrated premium list. Address all letters to the WOOLSOM SPICE GO., Toledo, Ohio. ® hereby certi% that the above m et trtie specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annual town election^ in the town of McHenry, McHenry Coun%, ;|lJinoi% Tuesday, the 3rd day of April, 1900. . ^ J ;»K"; " ! ,CHAS. B. HARMSEN; Town ClerK - ̂

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