Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1900, p. 8

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mam. ^ { .'A'. ;?v:' *r*-^7^%., -* ' w j » r ""j'Vf J\- *", ' ,* .! > . J « . , * »*• ' . - -i -.' • ' 46 - ".A' -. <•'-• V'V' ." -' " i:--"" V-.; prohibition Convention. *h« Prohibitionists of McHenry 6o%niy will meet in mas» convention in the court house in Woodstock, Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 1900, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the offices of clerk of the circuit court, states attorney, coroner and surveyor, and the transaction of other business 7he convention will be called to order at 10 o'clock a.m., sharp and the busi­ ness done at the morning session. All members of the county committee are requested to attend and plan for the work in the campaign. Hon. Frank S. Regan, of Rockford, will be present. The afternoon session will be in the park and will be addressed with chalk pictures, Mr. Regan, a member of the state legislature and candidate for at­ torney general of the state. Others will address the meeting. Everybody in­ vited. J5. B. SMITH, ( County Chairman. Ridgefield, HL, Sept. 10, 1900. H« Owi His Life to the Forethought of a Companion. While on a camping trip in Webster bounty, Mr S. I. Stump, of Norman- town, W. Va., had a severe attack of bloody flux. He says, ' 'I firmly believe that I owe my life to the forethought of on one of the company who had taken along a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Moral.--Procure a bottle of this remedy before leaving home. It cannot be ob­ tained when on a hunting, fishing or prospective trip. Neither can it be ob­ tained while on board the cars or steam­ ship, and at such times and places it is most likely to be needed. The safe way is to have it with you. Thousands of travelers never leave home on a journey without it. For sale by Julia A. Story. Fed by Ante. It is oertain that ants intentionally sanction the residence of certain insects in their nests. This is the case, for in­ stance, with the curious blind beetle, claviger, which is absolutely dependent upon ants, as Mulley first pom ted oat. It seems to have even lost the power of feeding itself, at any rate it is habitually fed by the ants, who supply it with nourishment as they do one another. Two Dangers Unknown. ' Sunstroke in the arid region is prac­ tically unknown. The rainless air that sweeps over it is necessarily dry and neither breeds disease nor carries their germs. Further than this, the lack of moisture, combined with the configura­ tion, forbids the presence of tornadoes, and it is claimed that the weather bu­ reau has absolutely no record of a cyclone or tornado west of the ninety- seventh meridian. Ckamberlain's Cough Remedy a Oreat Favorite. The soothing and healing properties ol this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a great fayorite with people every­ where. It is especially prized by mothers of small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it al­ ways affords quick relief, and as it con­ tains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an* adult. Story. For sale by Julia A. Endured Death's AgonlM. ^ Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked with Asthma, from which he suffered for years. He writes his misery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the Only known cure for Asthma as well as Con­ sumption, Coughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. • . V The Pope's Pen. The pope does his private writing with a gold pen, but his pontifical signa­ ture is always given with a white- feathered quill, which is believed to oome from the wing of a dove, although persons who have seen it say it must have come from a large bird. The same quill has been in use more than forty years. <It only serves for important signatures and is kept in an ivory case. Vast Commerce of the Thames. five hundred trading vessels leave the Thames daily for all parts of the world. Power of an Alligator's Tall. The alligator and crocodile possess great strength in the tail. One blow from either of these animals is powerful enough to break the leg of a strong man. You can spell it cough, coff, caugh, kauf, kaff, kough, or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Core. Julia A. Story. Big Cotton Plants for Texas. The largest cotton ginning plant in the world is now under construction at Corsica, Tex., and the next largest is being constructed at Bryan, Tea. A thiid is being put in at Mexia, Te*. Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca (Ills.,) News, was afflicted for years with Piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes, two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for Piles Cure guaranteed. Only 35c. Sold by Julia A. Story druggist. Mixed His Bible Stories. A schoolboy at a prize examination furnished the following biography of the patriarch Abraham: "He was the father of Lot and had two wives. One was called Ishmael and the other Hagar. He kept one at home and he turned the other into the desert, where she became a pillar of salt in the daytime and a pil­ lar of fire by night." * Stop a Minute, And consider if the pills (no matter what kind) you have taken for your consti­ pation have really done you no good. Are you not more and more liable to this trouble? Try Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin if you want sure relief, 10 doses 10 cents, also in 50c and $1.00 sizes. Julia A. Story. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush­ rooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. De Witt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story. The most dainty and effective pills made are De Witt's Little Early Risers. They are unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. Julia A. Story. ̂ © . A N . W . R . f t . T I M E T A B L E . MoHBNPIY. ILL. • GOING KOBTH. E Passenger £2 " -< ....««.. 8 8 S SO E " E '* E Freight M O Passenger.. D " .. E E E S . s E Freight Delhi's Celebrated Antiseptic and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the desired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use -it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market Address, MME. DEAL, 880 Jackson Boul., Chicago, HI. 51-ly ILLINOIS COUNTY FAIBS. Olark Martinsville Sept. 25-89 Coles Charleston Sept. 18-22 Cdgjir... Paris .Oct. 2-f! , asper. Newton Sept. 18r£l JoDaviess Galena Sept. 25-28 Macoupin C'arlinvllle Oct. 2-5 M arshall Wenona Sept. 12-14 Mercer Aledo Sept. 18-22 Williamson...Marion. .....Sept. 18-21 Woodford El Paso..... ' Sept. 10-14 OTHER FAIRS. Illinois State Fair. Springfield, Sept. 24-89. St. Louis Fair Ass'n, Oct. 1-6, Robt. Aulls, Sec. Hillsdale Fair, Mich., Oct. 1-5, O. W. Ter- williger, Sec. Walwoi^Falr, Wis., Sept. 18-21, G. L. Har- E--Except Sundays, ys only. 8--Surma] ly. W I)--Wii days onl only na Division. ....... 10:08A.M--W. D. U :84 A . M .-- G. D. .......TJ:37 A. M.--W. D. ».... 41:06 A. M.--G. D. ....... 6:00p. M.-- G. D. ..... 8:00p. M.--W. D. 4:45p. m.--W. D. jfU.w.6:51 p. m.- G. D. .*10:55 A. M. -- G. D. GOING SOUTH. ........ 7:12 A. M.--W. D. 7:32 A. M.-- G. I). .8:33 A. M.--W. D. .8:18 P. M.-- G. D. ........6:15P. M.--W. D. .........7:08p. M.--W. D. 7:24 p. M -- G. D. 3:18 p. M.-- G. D. D--Dai ly. S O--Satur '. D--Daily. SO--Satur- >ys ouly. M O--Mondays in Division. G D--Gale- B. BUSS. Agent. Tor Summer % we have a complete stock of wearables which you should see. It consists of the very best in UNDERWEAR HATS, FINE SHOES DRESS GOODS CLOTHING, ETC Groceries and Hardware If our goods please you tell your friends. If there is any dissatisfaction tell us. Our aim is to please our customers. HERMAN STOPLE, Terra Cotta, TO. AMERICAS MOST POPULAR RAILROAD * % % rlngton, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, Ills Kind Ym Han Aiways Bought Bears the Signature of CHICAGO KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO • ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO - PEORIA. ST. LOUIS • KANSAS CITY. Through Pullman service between Chicago and HOT SPRINGS. A^ , . DENVER.O TEXAS. F LOR I DA . UTAH. CAL IFORNIA OREGON. Paints : -.'Oils Pure; Drugs and £o!ors~ ^ Brushes Toilet articles f'- ' ' I »- Notion Etc. JULÎ I. STORY. j McHenry, Illinois. ------ WifWlf - i -1 * ; I ' : *?• . t f : <k Armour's Washing Powder ; 5c| Grandma's Washing Powder 18cf Fairbanks Gold Dust .... .V . T ...... i. U . .20cf- i: Maple City Soaps, Santa Claus, Lenox, Armours, Elgin I American Family Braggs and m reasonably iair Assortment of I Toilet Soaps.. If you are contemplating whlc " trip, any portion _ can be made over the Chicago A Alton, It will Qf pay you to write to the undersigned for maps, pampb. lets, rates, time tables, etc. JAMES CHARLTON, CMunl Pawengcr and Ticket A rut, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. T I N W A R E ! In the Tinware Department you will find Prices reduced as we 1 In? mean to close it out quick, owing to prospective Alterations. £ Silk Remnants Cheap. New School Shoes for the boy, and girl. * We await your quick coming, West McHenry, WALTER C. EVANSON -jt.'• BROTHERS A A A A aTa I •Tt §Tt A *T* »Ti >T> iT> •T> %Fi|r *lfJ ̂ PTTrTir FOR ONE WEEK. Recently buying a quantity of first-class staple Groceries at away below their market value have divided them in lots as per below and offer to our trade @ $2.50 for the entire lot 1 week only. 21 pounds best Granulated Sugar. • -- $1.00 12 bars Johnsons' Chick Soap - -- ... 25c 7 bars Old Black Joe Soap (this is a tar soap, each bar is a cartoon) • • 2£>c 4 cans Merry War Lye (as good a lye or potash as any on the market and always sold at 10c per can) ...26c 1 good Broom 25o 6 pounds small Lump Starch 25c 2 pounds McLaughlins Coffee or 2 pounds Blake Special Coffee25c Total $2.50 The above Goods are, a No. 1 stock and guaranteed by us to be so, if not satisfactory in every shape may be returned and money will be refunded. FOR McHenry, Hi. BLENDS/̂ % ARE PURE WHOLE SOME ujuumJi GILBERT BROS *<'<1 ' ;iV- '• f*v W i ' k * f V v- .-m;-

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