Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1900, p. 7

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au* MOk Iii every town and village may be had, the Mica Aide Grease that makes your horses glad. Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ABSTRACT WOODSTOCK, ILL. (F. F. Axtell. Harvard. R. M. Patrick, Marengo. Johu J. Murphy, Woodstock, W. C. Eicbelberger, Woodstock Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Real Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance ami <oani Abstract* of Title and Conveyancing. H. fl.t Jensen . • - ^FCORIST t Cut Flowers in all, Varieties. fanem! Designs on short notice and at reasonable prices. Potted Pits Potted Plants of all kinds constantly n hand. We would be greatly pleased o have the public give us a call McHENRY, ILLINOIS. '. WATTLES (Successor to Bi B. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and (alt Meats always on hand , • Vegetables and Canned Goods. bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest marke^Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, [ides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and ! Fruits received fresh daily. >rders from Pistakse Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me will do the right thing with you. F. WATTLES, West McHenry, 111. ong distance telephone, Mt itlicns' telephone 17 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. \ ̂ We endeavor to do all busi- 11* ness entrusted to our care in a 11 manner and upon terms entire- J | ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage , Honey to Loan I.llC&HW ' on real estate and other first class se- • curity. Spec­ ial attention iven to collections, and promptly at- ended to INSURANCE n First Class Companies, at the Low* t rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, iotary Public. Banker*. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE INAIVKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably oatentaMe. Communis- tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents tent free. Oldest agency.for »ecurtngj>atenta. Patwti taken through Mann A Co. leeslte rpecUU notice,' without charge, in the Scientific KtnttKan. A handsomely {Unstinted weekly. lauwest elr- dilation of any scientific Journal. Terms, J|3 a * *•-- •* lold" «iiinnnnmmiim A Clean Vsnpalgn this Tear. In one respect our national politics are distinctly superior to those of any other nation. They are freer from personal abiiae. This Was not always the case, for in other years our elections ran the whole gamut of - vituperation and scandal, but since the Cleveland-Blaine campaign, when the climax of intem­ perance in speech and accusation was reached, there has been a distinct and rapid improvement. No reason exists this year why there should be the Slightest mud-slinging. On all the tickets the candidates are men of conspicuous cleanliness in their personal and domestic lives, and the is­ sues are sufficiently large to provide the campaign orators with material without obliging them to go into personal mat­ ters.--From the Saturday evening Post The Lane That had no Turning. Since adventuring into Egypt in quest of the raw material of which fiction is made, Mr. Gilbert Parker's Canadian fields have been lying fallow. He re­ turns to them, however, in new vigor, and even fuller power; and the serial which he has just completed finds him at the highest dramatic level to which he has yet attained. The Lane That Had No Turning is re­ markable for its honest strength, thorough originality, and absorbing in­ terest. The scene of the story is Pontiac (whither Valmond cane), and the period the middle fifties. The leading charac­ ters are Madelinette, a famous singer, and her husband, Seignior, of Pontiac, for whom she dares all and risks all. The 8toty gains interest as it progresses and concludes with a striking and wholly unexpected finale. The Lane that Had No Turning will begin in The Saturday Evening Post for September 20, and run through five numbers. Col. McClnre's Lonesome Five Minutes. Colonel A. K. McClure has stood on many platforms, has addressed as­ semblies large and small, political, social and religious. He is noted for his self-command under any circumstances, but on one occasion he was distinctly embarrassed and ill at ease. On this occasion Colonel McClure was the chief speaker at a large assembly-- the audience being made up mainly of farmers, or other persons who had driven to the place of meeting. In the midst of an eloquent speech it began to rain. One after another of his hearers jumped up and hurried out, until the speaker was left with an array of empty benches before him Colonel McClure's face flushed crim­ son. He had said not a word that could give offense, and he naturally failed to understand the sudden leave-taking; but his embanunment was quickly changed to amusement when the chair­ man arose and said: "It's all right, Colonel; they're only going out to look after the horses; they'll be back pretty soon." The orator sat down until the farmers returned, and then resumed his speech. --From the Saturday Evening post fonr months, |L Sold by year; fonr montl all newsdealers. 'New Toil ihtagtoo, D. C, Are Yon Constipated? Do you have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billions and out of sorts generally ? Do you have siek head­ ache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? To be healthy, the sewer of the body, the bowels, must be kept in an active, healthy condition, and nothing does it so well as BAILEY'S LAXATIVE TABLETS. They bring a clear rosy complexion and a clear head. A tablet or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 ct. packages contain 30 tablets, and 25c pack, contain 60 tablets. Choclate coated. W. J. Bailey, is written on each package. Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago, Prop. Sample free. Remem­ ber they cure constipation. Sold by Julia A. Story. Feb. 15, 00. ly. Oldest Mason In the United States. Another claimant to the title of the oldest Mason in the United States is Adna A. Treat, of Denver, Colo., and the facts in his case are sufficiently re­ markable at least to deserve consider j ation. He has been a Mason seventy-! seven years. Mr. Treat was born in Hartford, Conn., in April, 1797, and became a. Mason twenty-six years later at Troy, N. Y. The year after his initation into the Masonic lodge Mr. Treat was a member of a committee of Masons ap­ pointed to receive and entertain the Marquis de Lafayette when he visited Troy during bis tour of the United States in 1824. * Mr. Treat is still in good health, and at the great age of 108 years is remark­ ably well preserved. He has neyer used alcoholic liquors, though for mo£e than eighty years he has been a moderate smoker. One-half the News Comes from our neighbors. A neigh­ bor of Joe Crook's, of Bridgton, Ind, told him of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep­ sin. He is cured of a case of Indigos tion that kept him down 12 years. Mr, Crook wishes us to refer anyone to hiiu who doubts the wonderful cure he found in Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which has gained an honorable foothold as a true remedy for Constipation, In­ digestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble, Julia A Story. aa^aa----a Christian Workers' Convention. The Christian Workers' Conference at Northfield this year was by far the most successful ever held. The attend­ ance was larger, more ministers were present, and the preaching was of a higher order than ever. Dr. Meyer was at his best. Dr. Morgan surpassed even himself, and opened up such fresh vistas of thought as to send hundreds of ministers back to their closets, and to their Bibles marveling at the beauty and power of the Grand Old Book. The whole tone of the Conference was one of triumph, notwithstanding the absence of the great leader. As orte ex­ pressed it "We miss Mr. Moody of course, but there is no conspicious gap. Everything moves along with the old time vigor and smoothness." The object of the National Conven­ tion which convenes Siptember 19-26, is to do for the West what the North fiele Conference has done for the EaBt and South. The average church is well equipped with machinery, and the ministers are earnest and able men. There is an immense amount of preaching and teaching done, but the results are piti­ fully small Power, power, is the one thing lacking. The main object of this gathering is to bring together a large body of spiritual men and women to wait on God for power, to search their hearts for hidden sin, and the Word of God for its hidden strength. The first hour of each day will be de­ voted to united prayer for God's bless­ ing on all Churches and Christian Work­ ers, Requests for prayer are invited from all pastors, teachers or Christians of any name who are burdened for their churches or friends. These re­ quests will be read and remembered before God. It is hoped also that those who send requests will unite with us in prayer from nine to ten o'clock each day. Leading Bible expositors like Dir. Gray, Torrey, Newell and Patterson will open the Word and show how to promote an interest in Bible study in any church or community. This Convention will also be a clear­ ing house for the exchange of ideas and methods in Christian Work. Men and women who have been signally success­ ful in different lines of soul winning work will tell how they do it, and answer questions as to their methods and results. Names of speakers who have already accepted their appointments are W. Phillips Hall; S. H. Hadley; C. N. Crit- tenton and Mrs. E. M. Whittemore, of New York City. Marion Lawrence, of Toledo; Rev. Charles Stelzle, of St. Louis; J. O. Buswell, of Mellen. Wis.; Maj. Cole, of Adrian, Mich.; W. R. Moody, of Northfield, and many others. The music will be under the direction of Prof. D. B. Tower, the well known Gospel Hymn writer, assisted by many other leading singers. It is believed that thousands of Christ­ ians are hungering for just such a gathering as this, where hearts shall flow together and differences be forgot­ ten, where the gates of heaven shall be beseiged, and a revival fire be kindled which shall sweep over our land from shore to shore as we enter upon the new century. Christian friends, will you o >aae and share in this Pentecostal sea' son? The meeting will be held in the Moody Bible Institute and the Chicago Avenue Church. The usual rate of one and one-third fare for round trip cm certifi­ cate plan has been granted by the Western, Central and Southwestern Passenger Associations. For further particulars as to railroad rates and board, application should be made to - REV. H. W. POPE, Secretary, 80 Institute Place,'Chicago. 111. McVlcker'a Theatre. The genuine triumph achieved by "Way Down .Last" at McVicker'sThea­ tre, Chicago, is attested by the fact that the play has now been running for three weeks in the hottest part of the year and the house has been so crowd­ ed at every performance hundreds of people have been turned away. There is a line of people in front of the box office from early morning until after the play is over at night and the play is the "talk of the town". The won­ derfully realistic snow storm in the third act and the beauty of the pastoral landscape in the first act are themes of conversation everywhere. It is general­ ly said that nothing more lovely than the setting for the first act has ever been seen in Chicago. This is a great deal when it is taken into consideration how many fine productions Jacob Litt has made at McVicker's during the three seasons he has had that play house. But quaint and original acting vies with the scenic gorgeousness of the pro­ duction and gives life and varity to the types of character one meets every day in New England. When the constable sings "All Bound Round With a Woolen String" and does the dance which ac­ companies the song the audiences roar with delight, and the double quartet has to answer so many recalls every night some of the singers speatc about organizing a strike for fewer minutes of work. As now constituted the quar­ tette sings such delicious favorites a& "Annie Laurie," "Ma Tiger Lily," "Wait for the Wagon," "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming" and other equally popular numbers. > When the quartette dressed as berry-pickers come home from the fields singing their songs of joy for a day's work done the lights on the stage gradually change from the bright white of the full-orb of day to the brilliant yellows, oranges and final­ ly reds of the setting sun and the effect is exquisitely beautiful Just as the curtain falls on the end of the act the shepherd and the milk-maid come up from the pasture bringing the cows and sheep home for the night The effect is wonderful. Am Editor Of Clarence, Iowa, Mr. Clark Smith, writes, "Since the agency of Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin was established here I have been a user of what I call 'that excellent remedy'. For a year or more I have been troubled with con­ stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, etc., and find that this remedy is just what I have needed." Julia A Story. Advertise in the Plaindealer. School Book School Supplies IC &C;SE S G-i5-G 3 SM» Writing Tablets Writing flaterial 3. s. BROOM * son *" DRUOOISTS Rlngwood, • Illinois Prescriptions carefully compounded by H. C. Russell, registered pharmacist > Patent Medicines Drugs Books and Stationery -*• •. > ,-^j . L "-rjitv.-* in Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which M for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of and has been made under peri; sonal supervision since its infencyk Allow no one to deceive yon In thlsi? All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o£ -Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment# What is CASTORIA " Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is, if contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti# substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms, and allays Feverlsliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Windjr; Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tW.: Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep*- The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of . ' I f ' : *8 In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OtWTWB OOWWIf, TT MUHMV STREET, NEW VOMH CITY. t ' • ^ X „»v \ -* yj J "J J +41 A WV1 L_D LAX A T I V E . . _ . , bov/ best to P«i When in Doubt NCRVElUS Â<fe yUl fK * special utility in Poverty of Verve Force, HiTJ A Nerve-Tire, Worry, Exhaustion, Headache, Depression, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Liver Torpor, Insomnia, K2 "O Palpitation of the Heart and all Nerve Disorders IAVATIVF ffitMOOCRMRencwCd. ,NM|SMX25* w Iu-lf10l»- I . ' '*< i it • 1 O 80X.VB the question of Shoe Economy for Children, if Hen­ derson's tittle Bed School House SHOES are always purchased. They wear the longest , lit more com­ fortably, and look better than any other make. HENDERSON'S SHOES are the Substantial Kind. Henderson's "American Beauty" and "Empress'* for women and their •'Quorum" and "Director" for men give the greatest satisfaction in wearing qualities, comfort and style. Always Ask Your Dealer for HENDERSON'S SHOE*. CM., clip out this advertisement and present it to your shoe dealer and he will frfat 1 IXC! yOU absolutely FRBB Henderson's Red School House Pnssle. Interfering and amiuitsg for the children. C. M. HENDERSON & CO., CHICAGO. (AltOSST SHOE MANUFACTURERS IN THE WEST. . - V' 'ttfi summer « (foods * « IHust Go I Not at one-half their cost, but at a reduction that will make the price attractive and sell the goods at once. S c h o o l D a y s will soon be' here, and all those barefoot boys and girls must be properly shod. We guaran­ tee our line of school shoes to be the best on the market* You will also find a line of gbods especially adapted for school dresses for the little girls. That boy may need a new pair of pants or a whole suit, and if he does we can clad him for less money than you will pay else­ where. If you desire that your children make a neat appearance on the first day of school, it will behoove you to bring them to this store. Simon StoffeU West lUcfienry U ' - •htCfy as- f ^ V

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