Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1900, p. 8

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saiiee ni J r> VV«B * *191 * a9j fi- - A KV "3 W' m a".% t', *.l Mtilni 4>ptaiM» cSbiO«ee. Its a#ei» ttSj It relieves T IPIttCnlenoy. It i. It It destroys Worms Mill Diarrhoea and Wind cum Constipation % Food, regulates tbe natmil sloop* s Friend* v ' v , v* Use For Over 30 Years. m* A M I L D DONT FORGET ATNJGffT _1 IGffT _ 1 i t WJ3L3V '%Sty fl roc Ntcve ViTAurr. MENTAL T CwJif«5&"» PEACEFUL SLUMBER. Tfiue DREAM OF HEALTH BECOMES A REALITY I TRE MODERN REMEDY CO. I K&ANCC ILLINOIS. 5ou>ANo6uABANTeeoBr L.IA A. STORV, Druggist its in the market you { 1 4P % ' H > * f »can find it her? 1 • <Ay;?. vC;yr.>» ' * - i \ ' /- ' ,-f rZ* i - » -/"J-** ^u. #«* 1 # • Everything in the line of fresh Vegetables 2nd Fruit. Qttr stock of Staple aitd Fancy Grocery • ; ies is always complete and fresh. .: >'• • v $ *' ' * ^ We Sell Slrictty for Cash *&• ; ti<m « miles east of |||||HPdge I| nail®, sonth of the Wwn."**! n Lake Defiance ̂ UK the MaflMfey and Voio road oil fie«i»y Oe« $8, Com­ mencing at ten iMftk a. mlfoe follow* ing described property. Eleven cows some coming in soon, 6 heifers two years old. 11 yearling heifors and steers, 1 ball coining 3 years old, 1 gelding 5 year.-* old,* 1 black mare 10 years old, 1 morgan mar« 5 yean old, 15 $ood shoats, 1 cheater white boar, 100 -hickeus, 1 McCormicfe Under, 1 set bob Weighs, 1 corn planter, ~ i* Solid Comfort plow, 2 walking plows, 1 potato plow, 1 thiee beam drag, 1 foftriifcovel standard cultivator, 1 hand cultivator, 1 pnlvert- or, 1 corn market, 1 Walter A. Wood tnower, 1 hay rake, 1 hay rac», 1 corn sled, 1 broad cast seeder. 1 platform spring wagon, 1 two seated baggy with shafts, 1 truck wagon, 1 road cart, 1 buggy pole, 1 single harness, 1 set double harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 dog power, 1 double harpoon fork, 2 set dump boards, i water tank, t barrel cider vinegar, 1 l'J-gal. barrel churn, r> milk cans, about 4 bu. clover need, a quanity of red cob insilge seed corn, also some early white flint seed corn, 400 bu. oats, 500 bu. corn in crib, 16 tons hay, 1 stack of oat straw, a quantity of corn stocks in stacks, 1 stack millet, 1 grind stone, 1 heating stove, 1 bed stead. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and ander cash over that amount a credit of one years time will be given on good bankable notes drawing six per cent in­ terest* On all time purchases a die »unt of two per cent will be given for cash. Free lunch at noon. , f " JOHN B. SMITH. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. '* isJ. P. GRANGER. Clerk. : I ' , West McHenry Long distance telephone 303 Citizens' telephone 32 Illinois uv the if fr: * . 4? m •A\& • f'.Ki ."V ^As-'4 wmf" ' Vr- . <§lblhM|p Winter Dress Goods Underwear Gents' Furnishings v Caps, Gloves •- •• ' * / . Hi J" ">•' T,< f*~ 1 • Jii\ ! v } < * " j U - . , 1 1 ^ s "Svf "7f • *. ' .. . \ ,fc.„ ^|ipes for everybody* ; < " Groceries and Flour, Etc. "•el | j» ' • ; i ; » vs.; * ••.-v; i I w \ •i-r I " 4 8 V: i " v"? i ̂* "rS i * \ Hi iflSOfl,' tlie of their daugt^r^<|lara J«Mt4, to Williaiu Thomas t^taferles. Miss Beeaie Murphey, twin sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Claude E. Lines as beet man. The house wa« beautifully decorated with emi lax and white flowew. ̂A* d^0 the bridal party entered the rooin preceded by Aliases Sylva Casey and Holla Andrews, flower girls, to the strains of Medde'ssohn's wedding march played by Miss Alice and H. T. Bennett, and took their placet? under an arch of smilax ..and asters. The bride was attired in a becoming gown of white organdie, while the groom wore the conventional suit of black, and the bridesmaid was attired in blue silk. Rev. Roy B. Guild, of Chica­ go performed the cereftiony. Supper was served, after which nearly the entire company walked to the station to nee the* bride and groom off on the 9:27 train, bat the bride and groom failed to appear, and it was a cause of much speculation as to . . their where­ abouts. Many beautiful and valuable presents were received by bride and groom, among which were a dining-room set, music cabinet, but glass water set, silverware, etc. Those present from out of town were: Miss Gertrude Short, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murphy and Miss Mabel Wilkins, Chicago; Misses Hester, Alice and Grace Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ben netfc, DesPlaines; Miss Maggie Edwards, Elgin, Mrs. Sarah Rogers. Marengo; Mrs. J. M. Charles, Lake Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Charles, Greenwood.- Woodstock Sentinel. ship during the interest in the was all delegates present, A.T. A&roMawit to aeslst the oonventioa, by thetiafei association, pwtf good ealbteotian. The real merit in Mary T. Brynart work is that her suggestions are practi­ cal. Primary and intermediate teachers were really helped aiul will be able lo do better work in their respeeti** 4*» partments the coming year. Reports showed the work as follows : Twenty-one township conventions hare been held during the-past year. There are fifty-eight schools in the county, twenty of which have home depart­ ments. There are nine normal training classes and about thirty schools use written reviews. Total receipts for the year,|388.75. Total expenditure,$188.01, Balance in county treasury, $48.74. The Sunday school is a great department of the church, destined to wield a mighty influence toward the evangelization of the world. Pastors realizing this have co-operated and rendered valuable as­ sistance to the work. Among those who attended from here were ̂Ed. Say lor and daughter, May belle Mrs. Will Saylor, Misses Jennie Smith, Annie Sherburne and Cora Wilson. Came Near I>yln£. "For three days and nights I suffered igony untold from an attack of cholera •norbus brought on by eating cucum- >ers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the listrict court, Centerville, Iowa '*1 hought I should surely die, and,tried a lozen different medicines but all to no purpose.. I sent tor a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me en- irely. I went to sleep and did not twake for eight hours. On awakening i few hours ago I felt so gratified that ohe first work I do on going to the office iB to write to the manufacturers of this remedy and offer them my grateful thanks and say, "God bless you and the splendid medicine you make.," this remedy is for sale by Julia A. Story. If MeKlnley la Elected. While in conversation with Mr. R. Stafford the other day he told the editor his business had nearly doubled in Mc­ Henry this year. "Why," said he, "1 lever did more business than during the past three years. Four years ago I could not give pickles away and we had nearly thirty thousand bushels that we had to throw out. There was no mar­ ket for them at any price. Today we can hardly supply the demand." Mr. Stafford believes that the good times »ye"are having will continue if McKinley is elected, "for" said he, "I will pay fifty 3ents per bushel, cash, for cucum­ bers, if McKinley is returned to power bat if Bryan should be elected I would make no promises for I might uot>be able to use them at any price. Does Sour StoniMh Dlatrut Vo«f *' Do you have pain in thn side, nausea sometimes vomiting, distress after eat­ ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe­ tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of; these symptoms, you have dyspepsia or stom­ ach disorder. The new discovery, Bail­ ey's Dyspepsia Tablets, brings quick relief, followed by a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 25 cents, post­ paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold bv Miw. J. A. Story. 1 y-» eu. 15-'00 Do not get scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest It is the only preparation known that com­ pletely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indi­ gestion and stomach trouble after every­ thing else has failed. It may be in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. Julia A. Story. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va., writes, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my practice among severe cases of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy." Many hundreds of physicians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you need, providing yon do not overload your stomach.. € instant relief and a permanent cure. Julia A. Story. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want these qualities and the suc­ cess they bring use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only $35 .cents at Julia A. Story's drug store. It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will cure ecze­ ma and skin disease and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles Counterfeits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. JuUa A. Story. CASTOR IA jghfttteirtflWIIrM. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's New. Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She Says: "After all other remedies and doc­ tors failed it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praise ̂ throughout the Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lutigs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Julia A. Story's drug store. Good Advice. When that distressing pain seems to grab you by the back of the head and neck and your eyes seem fixed on a given point straight ahead, do not make your­ self sick by taking Drastic Cathartics, but take a small dose of Ik*. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It relieves the pressure on the nerve centers of the brain and aids digestion by curing constipation permanently. In 10c 50c and $1 size at Julia A. Story's. Pearls Fpund in Vertunt. Everyone is talking abouW the ALSH. WM*i Mountain Pearls." Diraou that they cure liver troublok constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold jvhich acted so quickly and gently, they don't gripe one bit. iUmk1 we ask--we know whayffie *&• be.. JULIA A. STORY. "e tiaye toll you before about having placed * * , * „ ; " Fall and Wi J " price. Tl Itm oan best tell fto«# :^ |g a look at the stock5 "V' now 1 l!Ib)d in every depart ' Boys' and Children's « * r1 • well we whi ment. When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that yon need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by Julia A. Story. Notice. Ijfaaire all indebted to ttie to call and settle at an early date as I have dis­ posed of my business to Gus Carlson. WM. MERZ. Feelings of safety pervade the house­ hold that uses One minate Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consump­ tion. Julia A. Story. « \ Loit - Lost near one of the RtngWOiyA Cem­ eteries, Electric Seal Cape. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at The Plaindealer office. 4 - We earnestly 3&lictt your inspection and com* < -.v ̂ ^parison in price on our $10.00 Top Overcoat We have arranged our old price schedule on our entire line of Wool Underwear. It will pay you to see the stock before buying. Bnck Coats of every description, cotton lined, wool lined and lamb­ skin lined Wool Shirts, W ool Jackets and Overalls . .̂ aitse Blankets; Fur, Plush and Wool Robes..... .We'Mill keep up the jrapn- tation of carrying the largest stock of Gloves an^Mittens -call arid be suited...... Wool Hosiery, Fall Caps Stove and „ Floor Oil Cloth.... ..Trunks and Traveling Bags..... .Pure Btock of Groceries. jig Jersey Lily Flour, Fresh Graham and Corn Meal. £\ - 'P* ~ £1 v . . . . * . 1 » for fall trade, • ' '< ® iOHN J. MILLER 1 for fall trade, 4 '̂West McHenry, Illinois. Stoves! % . v/y-i- New Stoves: 1 Old Stoves Cheap Stoves High Priced Stoves S t o v e s f o r a l l k i n d s o f - ® Stoves for all kinds of Pedple Stoves for Cash and Stoves on Tiine " I, 1 V Vv X s'~ ' * " tv ̂ ,fcr • -V .if-'A •" V H,hJ /J * j* .V*\ j?" ̂ IN }:**• \{ v' rî -»r ̂; We take old Stoves for part payment and your ^promise to pay (or cash) .for Ithe balance^ -r '..... " Stops the Cough r?;,. »- and works off the Cold. Laxative Bronio-Quinine TaUets core a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. TO CVftE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 85c. WM. BELL, Builder of First-class Concrete, \ Composition or Asphalt AND FELT GRAVEL ROOFS Guaranteed for five years. Require no painting. . Repairs done in first-class shape. A newly-prepared top dressing used that makes old walks as good as new. Prices always reasonable. Beet of references. Sixteen yean ex­ perience. Factory and residence No. tm Hill Avenue, Office, room 2 Me Bride Block, Douglas Ave. ELGIN, ILLINOIS I PAUL MUELLER] ItlcDctiry, Illinois Titic •• Bakery floods and gonfec- >,j. tionery -C I i €ake Oibite and Rye Bread J Test W Bread; fr«sl> €v«rv Bay f Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Julia A. Story. TO THE DBAF.--A rich lady, cured of her deafness and noises in the head by Dr. Nicholson's artificial ear drums, gave $10,000 to his institute, so that deaf people, unable to procure the ear drums, may have them free. Address No. 18,838. The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue. New York. tf. Pumps and Wind i-vT Steel and Wood tanks Farm machinery f ftOjLline In every ;' We are prepared to do ffftiw** »i aa tup* , Give w a can er on sftort no- line of general in all kinds 'S;: West SMe Hardware We can clean, repair and set up ja ff, ,-^tice. In addition to Stoves wi ^ Hardware, and do jobbing and ^ of sheet metals. BERi aaaaa«aa»------aaaaaaaaaaaaainaaamaiaaai •i ̂ • m -l • vt*"4* • -tg ' ^ :r • m i,,/4T>« Paints Oils . . i i 1.1*' ' 'V ' , •' .. y*x •> }> . -.4 ; - ̂ 6 ̂ * jf f \ "jfhX •$£i ;*Hl, +4 \ • f V , && * , % Brushes " foilet articles Notions, Etc. * T vf• • J-- -1 '*'~9 J- JULIA A. STORY. McMsnty Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. BARB1AN BROS. 14 Fine Clears, Ouir Monogram lO cent Cigar | Leads Them AIL Our Leading sc Braadat Olivette" "BarWaa Broa. Beet" saver" - Hive" py a o. Phone No. 8. Long Dtst. Phone No. r , OEO. SOrtMERS - msemm Plumbing ? ' , Gas Fitting Also Agent for Eagle Acetylene Oas flachlne Gaa Fittings, Gas Fixtures and Carbide .cw,... for sale'-- AU'kliids Brara ValvManA Iron <Ptpe always tm hand. WEST M'HENRY, ILLINOIS r ,.'i/i •aiiaaaaaanfniiaammai------------9mmmm«i ftssssssssosssssssssspsssssssassss<essesssssasais»si 5 School Books • . . . Writing Tablets School Supplies " ̂ 1 Writing ilateftel t' * ' ̂ J, f. PROHin « aojB - ;V>f 'it Xv„ 1 r „ . ; •»,. ..V- y ' ' DRUGGISTS * " '-vv* W«tw«o|j ftwai Ipllwu caifiwlli tiiymilii byltC. , - •? - ' .. •,/ l-J JS, <»• tj' " " Patent Medicines 0 \ * 'V , r'" " 1 ;' -" ; ̂ ̂ Books and Stationery BSOBesegeeessBBaasaasaaesBseaiasseasseesseaiSBBSSiil 4 ̂ _ V . ... --J # , "•t]* • Extra Choicest Put up|̂ |p$uii(i packages. GILBERT

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