Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1900, p. 4

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doors Ottteeas', )«semrrioN: MM ived fear thre® oaf ,*ix proportion. ly, October s 190®. NOTICE. . jree-OB the label afwwyournametell >|g« |g|ich your subscription Is the label on your paper reads earns your subscription Is paid .1, '"Hi. If you do not underst and that ireron your paper represent the d&te you think you are paid, notify us, ilkte and amount of your lust payment, »#11 trf and adjust the same. iwn tt ie thirl MrtiowiflttOt rnominations or votes. a IfcrtlKtn, Attention! iiIT their adsohaiiffw) must have office not later than Monday night ttlvtfy cannot make changes after REPUBLICAN TICKET. •* to be Held on Tuesday, fte- vember 6th, 1900. ' National. ...... WILLIAMMcKINLKY lent.... THEODORE KOOSEVKLT State. RICHARD YATES f Governor W. A. NORTHCOTT »t».. J AMES A. ROSE .... ..JAMES S. M'CiLLOPGH .v..... O. WILLIAMSON .'0.-.; H. J. HAMLIN k.NDER, 8. A. BULLAjBD, sloaal. ...A.J. HOPKINS 1 Board of Equalization ......T. 8. ROGERS Legislative. DUFAY A. FULLER irtatlves S j E. D. 8HURTLEFP, 1H vote# ^ < GEO. R. LYON, 1% votes County. ..........GEO. B. RICHARDS iriiviL. D. LOWELL, J®. .............DR. J. S. MAXQN .OH AS. H. TfcYON &0N, SALL ON, COLUMBIA! Colombia, " i&trlSiid free, , the go|ft shipitiM »Of destiny, t jgltds the swelling sails, white-capped tra>fwn r t smite bright as loire, r braves. >•-, too. CMttmtoia, iilljjr vtedom laid. ' fitfce. O mpat StoteHi 1 shrink dismayed; ipum. when duty 1 1 aMall, THK NATION* WEALTH. United State* Treaanrsr Ellis H. Rob­ erto delivered an address recently be­ fore the American Bankers' association at Richmond, Va,, 011 "The treasury and themoney market." Not the least in­ teresting of hie remarks were those re- liittorto tire ^tremely low rates now demanded for money in the United State®. ^ ' 'Y "."V In thi# connection he n£i: * V ? "Except for the flurries In November wad December, 1899, which were entire­ ly apart from treasury operations, quo­ tations for Gall money have not been •above five to seven per cent, and then only for a short period,'while the ruling rate, although touching two and one- half, has ranged from one and one- quarter to two and one-qnarterper cent. Prime commercial paper has found sale from three and one-half to four, and seldom has the quotation been above four and one-half, though occasionally touching five per cent." These rates can not be duplicated any Where outside of the United States, and the temptation they offered could not be resisted by foreign nations. Great Brit­ ain saw her opportunity and borrowed $35,000,000 of American gold; Germany carried off $00,000,000 of it, Mid Rufsia, Sweden and Japan begged to be acoom modated with part of onr yellow metal. But the disappearance of these vast sums across the ocean has not weakened the condition of our money market. The gold in circulation, including certi ficates, amounts to the enormous sum of $831,084,025, which, if divided equally among the residents of the United States, would allow $10.68 to every indi­ vidual of our population. This sum, which is greater than all our currency prior to 1880, in suplemented by $437,- 291,101 in gross gold now in the treasury. Add to these glowing facts a ffw others--that the balance of trade in our favor for three years averages $569,946.- 896, that since 1896 the average annual increase to our stockv of gold has been $100,000,000--and you will have some idea of our standing among the wealthy nations of the globe. The United States has made rapid strides in commerce and manufactures within recent years. She has won a prominence in foreign markets that makes her envied among the nationc. Her wealth has increased to marvelous proportions and is growing to still greater magnitude. She has, in short, become the creditor nation, and by pur­ suing the wise policy of sound currency she may easily retain the eminence she now enjoy*. We live by our blood, and oil it We thrive or starve, *! our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re­ freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con­ tinual flow of rich iibod.pfM This is health. When weak, in low Spirits no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; the*£ is little nutri­ ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again--man woman and child. If you have not tried it, send for free sampler its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $i.oov ,all drupfrist=. • . J ® o t h e r s lubes* West sm SIMON 8TOFFEL, Manager. ? 3?J-j r Br. A. K.rStt Mes<-n MM(' * 383 Owen L H r , m Owen O W 1 981 Owen O N r Bros N E r U 11c ohn F J _ Jt hos «r. G. W. -ill 8 8 r, t Mrs 9 n Antoft M n M r Dr OH ft Witt ros Stilling ocob r auowen & cimpgJl " O'Neill Rev. ir M r l«C L r mmzn Jaleter „JStoMl)rFC V- T MS Ross Dr F O fc. §Rupp A O r v 80 miners U**»r gpurllng Dr J»'C r aOiStofel H poafcofflRO 5 Stoffel Simon toll 8ta87§ Story .1 Ir A r Lr 818 Justen M4 Justen N J an Utmphere OrE. r :)12 Lamphere Bay r 151 TxirimerWm r SB Stafford R ZSl Village of McHenry patnplng station Ml Village of McHenry president's res g&t Village of Mc Hen ry r > - public school m Wattles F H Ml Wells Dr DO 7 Western U Tel On' j PROBA TE NE WS | REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER8. J E Carlier & w to Daniel O McDougall, ' lot 9, assrs plat of nwi< sec 1, Riley...f flOOOO F B Fay & w to Naomi Jenkins, pt lot 38 assrs plat sec 35, Marengo 80000 Louis J Kammtn & w to Mary Kammi% ' pt lot 5 & lot 52, assrs plat sees 5,6, 7 and 8. Algonquin 100 Leopold F Bourquln & w to Leslie W Thompson, of sw5i sec 10, Seneca.. 70000 Henly Halow & w to John W Chewntag, piece in Algonquin 75 00 George L Miner & w to Delos A Miner, lot 9, blk 11, Hart's 1st addn to Har­ vard 100000 John McGraw to Lizzie & John Dunn, wH of eH of swX of nwj<sec 8, Algon­ quin 1 flOftc Fred C Smith & w to Augusta T Russell lot 6. blk 14, Bralnards addn Harvard 160000 James Byrnes et al per master to John T Ivelley, wH of ne'4 sec 22, Grafton.. 2400 00 Henry C A nderson to Lala N Delfosse, 2.H acres in Coon Island 100060 2M McHenry Ore^m'ry 371 Wightman Harry Company. 214 Wlghtman Hjupy -r 824 McHenpyJournal 202 Wheeler E 8 » McOmber F L m Whiting W E r ; SOU. STATIONS. V . T„I 4 t rSnjfs. Pistakee Bay, Ben Stilling j 4 3 rings, Johnsburg, John F Lay - v; 4 4 rings, Solon, W H Davis, 10c toll ,e A 8 Spring Grove. A Ncish, 10c tc|f , J Citta«n»' felephond), { _ The following are the names and nunitiiers of the patrons of the McHenry and West Mc­ Henry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others are business houses. GEORGE F. BLETHEN. Manager, ; 18 Aurlnger Dr A E 24 Justen Jake . 13 Aurlnger Dr. A E r 43 Jensen H N • w S 30 Buch J J 16 McOmber F L . 20 Bacon Wm r > 21 Meyer Geo r , • 48 BucklandJ V.Rlng-23 Merles Joseph,, Wa* 'Sf*' -' , salL i OeAiunbia; f v >• iiWeloome Ito all the world E'J^berty. | I <X nations hold® (MRU prevail; i Bgbt whteh guides thee right, , Sail.--Wm. E. Anderson, recently written a num- [ others, "Chicago's Call to DAVID B. HILL'S campaign speeches are ̂ iftaa apologetic vein. • ̂ ̂only possilde chance of sqc- on the effectiveness of Tam- tnrn-flcrew and the Southern u/i(Mi|i!i'i|iliil.iiii i . DenMMte ttif that our loaning By to oiliMr atftiokts is proof that fmte not prosperous. They prefer |P|H,TVW tuniyload. '4M shows a deetnise of other evidence l&tt tibis is not » Demo­ cratic admintefamtioa. Tm^km^Bourke CodS is out oc- topustonrting in a -./When lie caches it he will probably cIMu it to death with tetxaptifc ' TAN has an aaaoited ortleotton but it should not be fovgotfcen llihil .all are silver-plated. Overling goods are not to be fouad in his shop$ MR. BRYAN is now diaoovering raya- ftes of the trusts in every town in which he talks. His scoops on the natives are in some instances of the moet atartling nature. ' MR. BRYAN 'S determination not to be • candidate for a second term is by no ssesas mi+»mamS£e, However, it will not preclude his rnnbing again in 1904 for a first term. THE Democratic committee at Zanee- ville, Ohio, cancelled the engagement of Mr, Altgeld to speak in that city. The Ohio Democrats have no votes to waste OB. Altgeld speeches -'iiii'ji i MR. HAKUA is accused of oonspiring •to in^uae Mr. Bryan by trying to bring abo||: fbe-aetiSement of the coal miners' etriltt. Ctaatentment on the part of . "lalor Bryanism. A Tss^ASi Dsoiocratic "payer says: "Who can wonder that the people of the South refuse to listen to the discordant and unJd^pbr howls of the calamity- Jtesf' Xs tfwl the reason why Mr. uhes in the South? THE party *£io& U standing, on the nsas City tftUotW would apply the or meter to ^ prospective voter be- ! deciding i lfcOljifii he is to be allowed part or lot to the principles an- L in the Declaration of Independ- It Happened in a Drug Store. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock," says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the pop­ ular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. ' 'She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation 1 could recommend I said to her that I could freely rec­ ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of tht remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and 1 would re­ fund the price paid.! In the course of a day or two the lady came back in com pany With a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bot­ tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, consider that a very good recommenda­ tion for the remedy." The remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal rec­ ommendations of people who have been cured by its use. It is for sale by Julia A Story. Accredited School Report*. Regular report blanks have been mailed to %11 accredited high schools. In some cases these have not reached the superintendent or principal. If any school is accredited and has not yet .re­ ceived a blank, please write for one to Prof. Stratton D. Brooks at the Univer- «ty of Illinois. Report blanks should be filled and mailed as soon as possible. Job Couldn't Have Stood it U he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve Will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c. m bos. Cur© guaranteed. Sold fey Julia A. Story, druggist. John H McKlnlay to Dorr W Tty>mak et al, lot 15 in re-subdivision of lots 9, 3, 4, 5 & 8, blk 3, blks 11 A 18, Algoftv quln. 5800 PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Albert W. Young. Inven­ tory And appraisement bill filed. Estate of Sanford F. Bennett. Widow's relinquishment and selection filed. Estate of Andrew J. Lawton. Proof of death. Petition for letters of adminis­ tration filed. Bond $200 fimL Estate of William Henry Lambieoht. Inventory filed. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Harrison C. Smith. Peti­ tion for probate of will filed. Hearing set tor Kovember 19, 1900. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Abram C. Levey. .Ridgefie'd Nettie B. Irish Ridgefleld William Thomas Charles.... Woodstock Clara Jessie Murphy.,.*....Woodstock August Mackaben. ... .Harmony Bertha Hacker .t?,4 ... .Harmony George H. Ostrnm. . v. Sharon, Wis. Ida M. Chapon i Harvard & CharleB Ellithropa. Batavia Lena Wander Union Edgar Llewellyn Shippee.Kenosha, Wis. A d d i e C . C r u m b . . . . , . . . . . H a r v a r d Barnum B. Jorden..; Kockford Myrtle L. Pox » * Rockford William J. Befh..... .Ringwood Clara L. Kelly.. .. ...Ringwood James K i n g . . . . . . . Dunham Martha Jane Kerr. .Chemung Deal's Celebrated Antiseptic and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the desired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson Boul., Chicago, 111. 51-ly 560.00 per Month and Expenses can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnect-ssary. Write at once for particulars. CLARK & Co., 234 South. 4th St., Philadelphia. Pa. takee Bay SB Mineral bpring, Pis­ takee Bay 48 McHenry Laundry 48 Magueson G L Rose- dale 10 Miller John r 28 Neil Ueorge, Johns^ burg 23 Nye Dr 24 Owen & Chapell : 40 Depot, C N W Ry Co28 Perry & Owen 23 Dlghton Station 37 Pumping Station 23 Erlckson H 88 PostofHee. McHenry 6 Evan son W C I Plalndealer <? 8 Evansou John r 48 Smith Will r 23 Freund Frank 48 Smith E. A. r Johnsburgh 9 Sumnjer George. • 14 Freund Peter B 50 Spurling Dr A 0 23 Fox Lake stock farm28 Slmes llenry wood 30 Boley G F 15 Barbian Bros 4 Orlsty W A r 15 Chapell S Sr 36 Clemens H E 36 Clemens JC 40 City School 48 Conway & Rainey 36 Crlsty W A Ringwood 11 Fegers Dr C H 11 Fegers Dr C H r 18 Frledly A. C 33 Granger F K r 32 Granger Chas 22 Heimer*Joe 31 Heimer. John 3 Holtz&i Stilling 47 Schiessle Kotat 14 Story Miss Julia A 84 Snyder Bros 87 Schneider Joe 23 Simes, Dighton Sta­ tion '&.u4 48 Smith J. D. 32 Tweed R G 23 Heman Joe, Johns- . *>*'ells Dr D burg 'J Wells Dr D r 23 Howard Ed C, Fox 7 Wilbur Lumber Co. Lake 30 Walsh M J 19 Hazel E J 17 Wattles Frank 35 Justen Nl$k 5 Wlghtman Harry MB la we Give aw • cstf nlinois F. WATTLES (Successor to R. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand / Vegetables and ' i' Canned Goods. -Geo. Meyers- ^{GENERAL "TEAMING lot all kinds. Excavating and Grading ^ a' iW-' ... McHehry • Illinois Goods a specially All Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. ; Call on me • I will do the right thing with you. F. WATTLES, West MeHenry, HI. Lone distance telephone, Ml Clttsena' telephone 17 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificial ly d igests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest dlscovered digestr ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- Sick Headache,G&stralgia,Cramps and all other resultiof imperfect digestion Price 50c. and tl. Large die contains SH times small size. Book all aboatdyspepela mailed free Prepared by C. C. OeWITT A CO. Chicago. JULIA A. STORY. Camps • »^.'v \ 'tv DON ' T B e F o o l e d i Take t§»« g«Mia*, erlgtaal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA J^»aiyjyWadto«g.j>todj. rrlCfi CMRv* llVvVs aCWS tn boiic. Accapi: m MtMNMTKtMi tute. Ask y«w draggUti u u n i i @ >' -h/' T . , , - j u * I have the finest line of l«amps ever shown in McHenry. Those beautiful lamps that add to the attractiveness of any home. It would be impossible to tell all about them in this space- call and see them. •if' Jardineres ftv- .< [a' 4 f ' Vv h S i ' ft? SI ^ ^ v, > V/• k > I t - f - * * i ̂ i " ' ' #n elegant line to select from. It will do your eyes good to see them whether you wish to buy or not. Order one now for Xmas while the ;fir «ock is complete. ^ - .« f * pfj|| perfume J: Best stock we ever had. Come and see them. Prices are always right. i ' r " y-C^rl- > •K'V -* W^tilcHemy.ta^QEO. W. BESLEY ^ * '•fV*- o o o o o # o o \ y r V - a " ' • : V -f1 We have decided to quit handleing Cloaks and Jackets^ * <a ?? a ^ t 'for various reasons, and yvill dispose of the stock now ofl *-.*« -Y ' ^ ' "hand at a great reduction in price. Some of these cloak# f ^^ . and jackets will be sold at cost and others below «osL < ~ • u 1 ; T" Cloaks and Jackets at Cost IAT all the i policy of ion is dealing question is [which rules in ; and the respect iOTHniona. perplex- of the te De broad ip torn no Mfai- ^ Pettigrew and Tillman, yf r- %i -V *.i ; v l?' ' *< •\w: • 'hT, . - . , . \ \ trwv 5"' It is customary for some merchants to make a statement ' ^ ̂ - - - like the above without really meaning it. 4<If you see it . , 4; r ;T - , ' , j, *» v , «, V I -s 16 . , ' •<. .... ^'in oar ad, it's so,M and if you will call and investigate, th^ prices will cocvmce you that we mean just what we say^ wmn 1 i X f /|" f k • cHenry o f&A, -fell-.;, mv O 0 < > it < • i > i > < > 1 } O ^ ^ y J* ' t * • ^ * ' - . ^ ^ j i \ £ 4 ; / * ^ ft'* ' P * *. P • » * 2 * r w * v ^ u " ' to get first choice of all the | . I, new fall and winter goods £ • 1 v 2:1 > ^ ^ t > t t ' i ' Fancy French flannels fo several colors and patterns--just the thing for winter Ihirt wafers and dressing sacques. Cettnis flannels in all the light and dark patterns from 5c td 10c per yard. All the Fancy colors in best English Flannelettes for fall and winter wrappers. • i • .»'< tHindsor Calicoes A neW stock of Windsor Calicoes in a^l cotort-- \ can't help but find what you want. ' v ' , Qr.'Z* k :•* • >~ I -r > > i t Another big stock of the Morlock English Flan- * " " * ' 5 * * • ' " » ' » * i s , " v ' " * / f ^ i Get "fitted out with a couple of suits of; . the "Staley" Underwear and you \ ' ! v will not have to buy again for sev- , ^IS|f|4ral seasons. " Let us show you all - • . ' v i |he new goods, and we will try and ;,. wnd yon all away happy. v •Owen $ Cbapell* ; «ItlcBenry «Illinois « ^p^ cat^rtplaeeiloflSiilllborttSTjMiy retarsente a considerable outlay of money, consequently people hesitate before buying. Before you make any de­ cision come and look over our samples which consist of about 100 different patterns. These carpets will be sold at a BIG DISCOUNT and guaranteed to be just as we represent them. Call now and get pric " * W ' I > , : f < ^ t JACOB JUSTEN^r McHenry, Hi. ^r f ' >>; > v f "• 9 •< < r •*% $ * * - f ^ > "'t "^5»» ; ^ E V A N S 0 N r The, Longworths ' " ' • • ' "Matchless" ' ~ : r ) - Shirt Waists and Gowns ' *k. ...Itfe Just Im* This is the exclusive agency for these famous fitting I garments and should command your confidence andl approval. You will find the name stamped on each] garment. $t»ring thi* week we are. adding a gfeat variety of r v . , Jv -S'J> Sample Carpets! You can make a selection from a stock represent $5 ,000 in Carpets. All of newest patterns. 50 Jackets are here for your Inspectioi .West McHenry, Hi t W. C. Evansoi Tailor The Crown Tailors of Chicago have appointed EL Lawlus, tailor, as their agent to take orders for their fine Sam­ ple Suitings, as he is Ko. 1 at measuring and fitting all forms of men.' Opposite Riverside. E . " L A W L U S mmmnnmmwwnmmwmmmnmI SK'M R '< V'/V. -F m •wj V*; :

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