Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1900, p. 5

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> • r T* ,x - -••V"- -.;:?v ; • A ... ' :; ; .. ••' • •"- • •• ••-"'• * Everything in Iftuslc if^".: <m- • . " • • , - Wh? will ytitt pay -lut ei&tfta&£'^cev sewing' machine that you know nothing about when we offer to put the best make into your house on thirty days' trial, free of charge? Then if the machine does not prove satisfac- tory we will take it away, but if should you , wish to keep it, the price will be satisfactory^ " • V - • • • ' . , v v , . • ; . ?=s ' ,< 'v Is." pj . i'i • Wheeler Domes Singer New Ho Househ Climax Royal Si. Ii; '" >,ii! !"]""] • •'i.y -. I, ir, (i, iininin ; ̂ ' -* \ \ •;--; *•"'-- . ' • . • *T - '* n f i ' i'~ •• -i'i ' T i n f" . S <• 1 you want an have the agency the best he world and would be pleased to ha ou call and get prices. Do not e mistake of paying some out of to a large price for a cheap We sell ^ without hesitation claim to have •nost elegant line in town. We have heap goods in any department and ys guarantee goods as represen .^•v,y *1 \ '-V . , •S-fPR mm Ceads tbem all *. « Cameras and all that pertains to Photography can be found here « N. A. HUEflANN ILLINOIS ..1; "s' . We positively tew the fill- est line of Jewelry evef* seen in McHenry. Perhaps not the largest stock, but a good assortment of the best goods at prices that are t, Call and see > V Watches and £, Clocks ififtMi' VI, -j'T, •UiM i fit i f * 1 mm? MM NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS JOHNSBUBGH. . John P. Lay made a busineee trip to Chicago on Tuesday. Mrs. John Nett is visiting friends wild relatives in Chicago this week. Henry Althoff, of Elgin, visited with friends and relatives over Snnday. Miss Barbara Schmitt, of Antora, visited with her mother oyer Sunday. Adam Schillo, of Chicago, attended the funeral of Mrs. Diedrich on Friday. Mrs. Maggie Freund, of Chicago, spent a few days with Peter Rothermel and family. . • . Mr. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Frank Hetter­ man and Otillie Hetterman, all of Bur­ lington attended the funeral of Frank Hetterman on Snnday. , Died at her home near Johnsburgh, Mrs. Jacob Diedrich at the age of 26 years. The funeral was held from St. John's church, Johnsburgh, Kev. Father Mehring officiating. The bereaved hus­ band and parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. On Friday evening, Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hetterman passed away at the age of sixteen years, having been sick for a few weeks with typhoid fever. Among those that mourn his early loss are his parents, three brothers, two sisters and a large number of friends. RICHMOND. Halloween! William McConneU spent one day of last week at Nunda. Mrs. A. P. Wares is visiting her mother at Garden Prairie. Mr. H. Bice, of Wilmont, spent Sun­ day with his brother, L. B. Bice. Mrs. Downing, of Seattle, Wash., to visiting her mother, Mrs. Denison. Mr. and Mrs. Ercanbrac, of Eiburn, ha ve been visiting Relatives in this vil- lage. L. Flanders, of Great Bend, Kansas, spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Mary Mason. Mrs. Stewart, of Missouri, has been visiting relatives and friends in this vi­ cinity for several days. Mrs. Ed. Richards ; tad daughters have returned from their visit with rela­ tives at Garden Prairie. Miss Ruth Bogart, of this village, took up her duties as school teacher near Woodstock, Monday. Mrs. Mathews and son, Lyle, and Miss Fannie Haskins spent the latter part of last week with friends at Salem, Wis. The republican rally on Friday even­ ing of last week^ v^as well attended. Judge Fuller, of Belvidere, was the speaker. To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ ion; First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing .blood and apply Chamberlain's Pun Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor­ ously for five minutes at each applica­ tion. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprain*, bruises, h.meness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Julia A. Story. WAUCONDA. Bets on election appear to be theorder of the day. Mrs. T. Oaks is recovering from a pro­ longed illness. Alfred North was the guest of his parents Sunday. Geo. Leonard, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day at Wauconda. Charles Cary returned from a short visit to Chicago Monday. A. J. Raymond is fast disposing of his horses. He has only a few left. Mra Dutton and sister, Miss Burg, drove to Lake Zurich Friday. Win. Tidmarsh and Mrs. Cole re­ turned from Waukegan Monday. Frank Harrison, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his mother at Wauconda. Wm. Stone was taken seriously ill while working at the parsonage Monday. Merritt Clark has taken charge of the livery business recently purchased from James Gainer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodwin and son, Scott, of Nunda, spent Snnday with N. B. Duers and family. Fred Underwood,,who has spent some weeks in Wauconda, will return to his home in Chicago soon. Miss Lydia Carey, of Waukegan, will spend the winter in Wauconda with her sister, Mrs. C. B." Wells. Mrs. Searles, who has been the guest of Mrs. Reynolds for some days, re­ turned to her home in Chicago Friday. Miss Florence Grace, who .lias been very sick several weeks, is at present improving under the care of Dr. Fegerp, of MeHenry. Miss Belle Tapgart, who spent the past week as the guest of Mrs. Fred Taggart in Waukegan, returned to her home in Wauconda Friday. Every one is cordially invited to at­ tend the Experience social to be held in the M. E. church parlors, Nov. 1, 1900. Light refreshments will be served. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In Chicago. Hisgen Bros., the popular South Side druggists, corner 89th street and Went- worth avenue, says: "We sell a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and find that it gives the most satisfac­ tory results, especially arnoujf children for severe colds and croup." For sale by Julia A. Story. BABR£VIIXK. Joe Cleffner is in Chicago this week. Claude Colby, of Nunda, enjoyed hunting here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill passed through this place Sunday enroute to Wauconda. Mra. Fred Colby, of Nunda, spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. Rose Robinson, here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilmington and children spent part of last week in Carpenters ville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthews and children spent Sunday at Burton Bridge visiting relatives. The teacher and pupils of the Parre- ville school will give a basket social Friday evening 9 at the school house. invited to attend and girls to bring a basket. « <* 4 - 5- mfrnzKattssm- •, R1NGWOOD. Eli Chase was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Geo. Coates, of Solon, was seen on our streets recently. August Walters, of Keystone was calling on Ringwood friends Sunday. Mr. Langham, of Woodstock, was visiting friends here part of last week. Geo. A. Lumly, of Greenwood, was attending to business affairs here Thurs­ day. Mrs. Bert Whiting and Miss Anna Waterman Were Spring Grove visitors Sunday. The W. W. will serve a chicken pie supper this (Thursday) evening in M. W. A. hall. Mrs. Ed. Robins and son, Charles, of Richmond, were Ringwood visitors last Saturday. John Cary and daughters, Misses Agnes, Flossie and Anna were Wilmot visitor's Sunday. Mrs. Florence Lowell is preparing her pupils for an entertainment to be given in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Vacy Stevenson, of Greenwood, were visiting their many friends here Snnday. Prof. Frank Cole, principal of Ring- wood school, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home at Harvard. Mrs. Jay Bennett and children left Monday morning for Chicago and other places for a few week's visit. L. A. Waterman and A. L. Francisco returned home from Minnesota last Thursday after a three weeks' stay there. The Young People's Christian union will be led next Sunday evening by Mr. A. L. Francisco. Subject:- "The Final Harmony of all Souls with God." Geo. Coates, Jr., has recently pur­ chased a small farm erf Gilbert Howe consisting of fifty-two acres. Mr. Coates will move there the 1st of March. RIDOEFIEUI. Mr. Ward was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. Munroe was in Chicago Friday on business. Mrs. B. R. Morse was a Chicago oaller Wednesday. Mrs. N. J. Garrison visited at Green­ wood Sunday. Miss Lolo Lynch is at Harvard this week on business. Henry Ormsby and Richard Reed were in Palatine Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Reed were in Nunda on business Saturday. Prof. F. E. Thayer, of Greenwood, were here on a hunt Saturday. Sherman Irish, of CarpentersviDe, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Richardson, of Ark, Missouri, is visiting Mr. Walkup and family. Mrs. M. Ward and Mrs. Blanche Lynch were in Woodstock the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant visited with relatives near Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. N. Randel and children, of Elgin, visited at Scott Thayer's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, son and Mrs. E. W. Merchant visited the family of F. M. Martin at Hartland Friday. This picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S EMULSION, and is on every bottle of SCOTT'S EMUL­ SION in the World, which now amounts to many millions yearly. This great business has grown to such vast proportions, F/rsl,'-Because the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod Liver OilA and the purest Hypophosphites. Secoiwfc-Because th^ ha# «6 skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. rA/rrir-Becanse it has made so many sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, giv^n hcslth and rosy cheeks to so many pale,/ anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you have not tried it, «end for free sample, itt Agreeable taste will surprise vou. SCOTT & BOWSE, chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street. New York. 50c. and $i.oc; all druggists. Want Column. f°r <*• rw SALE-- Lar?»e Jeweler's Safe. Good as new. 13 Jos. SCHN'EII>KK. MeHenry. IH. T3VJR BENT--A well-improved 2D0 acre farm adjoining Huntley, III., belonging to es­ tate of D. H. Haeger. For information ad dress D. C. HAKOKB, Dundee, 111. lfl-tf l^ARM FOR SALE OR RENT--The subscri- ber offers his farm, consisting of 135acres Of land, with good buildings, situated 2 mile* east of Greenwood, for sale or rent. Posses­ sion given immediately or not till spring. For terms apply on premises. 16-4T CHARLES KKAMBEEB. •RV)B SALE--Full-blood Chester white boars " for sale. v. W. HARRISON, Ringwood. 111. lft-tf rfefe aignature is on every box of the gaaulna JLa^ve Hayes. Will be sold eheap if taken Address, P. O. MAYES, 111S Irving pi; 15-it RTTI in the village of residence of F. G. taken at once, lace, cine. Wis, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. !t< IW Ya U« imp toll) PAUL MUELLER IttcHcttrv, Illinois ' & 5 STOP THAI PAIN! Bakery „ j Goods and ) Confec* j tioners? ] Bake Evoy Day j gake i mm and | • Rye Bread j Test Our M | fresh every Day i WM. BELL, Builder of First-class Concrete, .rip Composition cSjUl Asphalt ROOFS AND FELT GRAVEL Guaranteed for five years. Require 110 painting. Repairs done in first-class :shape. A newly-prepared top dressing used that makes old walks as food as new. Prices always reasonable. Best of references. Sixteen years ex peri e nee. Factory and residence No. 500 HJll Avenue, Oftce. room 2 McBfide Stock, Douglas Ave. ELGIN, ILLINOIS Because it wears on the nervous system like friction on machin­ ery. The whole human organiz­ ation is deranged by pain. Rest from pain does not cure but gives nature a chance to recuperate. That is the way Or. TALLER- DAY'S PAIH TABLETS do the work. Irritate a nerve and you have pain. Stop the irritation and pain stops. Continue the irritation and, following it, there is con­ gestion. Then follows inflam­ mation and supperation or death of the part. The cureful physician asks WHERE is THE PAIN? He knows it must be stopped. But rarely with opium or morphine--for in most cases the cure is worse than the disease. Dr. laMy's P«ia iiMets are Safe but Certain. Success in controlling pain with specific harmless remedies has only been obtained by constant and careful investigation with the newer remedies and it is of recent oc curence. If you have contract ed a COLD there is tention on nerve filaments, DR. TALLER- DAY'S PAIN TABLETS always re lieve the tention. Kkaufactnred by THE TATLXHDAF MKDICINK CO., Belvidere, 111. JCUA A. STORY, MeHenry OEO.W1BK8LET, - Weat McHenry BARB1AN BROS. Makers of , Fine Cigars,' ^ "Our Monogram" IO cent Cigar Leads Them AIL Ottr Leading 5c Brands; "Olivette" "Barbian Bros. Best" n.* "Silver" - "Bee Hive" I "Umpire Cuban" • (HAS. L. PffTIS A (0. C A S H Produce Buyers Dreesed Poultry, dame, Furs, Eggs and Butter. 2M>4 DUANE STREET, v',V" NEW VOR4-' Write hv freest pying prices S T O V E Bead what People say Friedley's Stoves. The stove I bought of you works t In every Way. I am well pleased wit ANTO* The No, 15 Empire Acorn I bougto| gives good satisfaction. Ifr<5an't be l w*. The stove I bought of you lent satisfaction. I am well satisfied with t8#t| bought of you. Last year I bought a No. IS ] you and must say it has gtvenjj ton. 1 would heartily recomru*] for good heating and economi I." O A 0 V O R I A SbantlM The Kind Yoe Haw Always! ttf »t»W . If ^Ttie Kind Y« Hw Always I Vs' WBSTMHKNET, -.i. •••a-.-; The Acorn coolc stove 1 boa No. 1. The two stores 1 boojtbtjflf? and the other a heater) faction for doing good fuel they are uits Three years ago'vjjotufbt you and: iutve fomatf lio fault jPor baking it and heatfUK Remember we kav* will paMUh diurtay the tifeiak mfkumr Stmvm. A.C. Long Dist. Phone No. 342. OJJKOI a Phone GEO. SOHMERS Plumbingr C^s Fitting® anl Also Agent lor Eagte Acetylene Oas riachiM fittings, Gtas Fixture® and Carbide for a&L iron Pipe always t»

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