Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1900, p. 8

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'm Hsv* over S'rfe-'i'V ImttaktiMks and t triflewith and « folknfai and M' • - Ui>- What la CASTORIA M r *6 $ OMtorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pttffe- gortc, Drop* and Soothin* Syrnps. It Is Pleasant. It eeateiiui neither Opnn, Morphine nor other Norootil stdtf^Aee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind CtoBc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation •y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the fbe Chlldren's Panacea--The Mother's Friend* CASTORIA ALWAYS BOMS the Signature of Use For Over 30 Years. new vom cmr. ' P * .is&ssfe ln«s...ii 80 SIM Y TRAIK8. ..Via Elirin DAT .Via Elgirt. lu 1 Plulw Leave 1 ?.32 a ia,, £.43 H i0».i,is.U.. Via 1 <e» l^lalne#;. *81P ..... Via %in... ,. . ; 8ITSBAV TRAIWS. r.82 vi* rwih. ...... ' !• I'm Via Biffin. 'J * Afriw . Ohicajfo. ....10.10 a m ... .UOim ..... ,!iM p m --10.30 a m 8.40 p m pages, each Yon can't allowing N>f a single leaf. to risk i or a colc our life by to develop Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. AH trains from Union Ptisscngor HtHtlon. .< 'hi(*w w Arrive hieapo, Nlppt rsink ;\S:30'A M 10:00 AM +t:iW I' M 3:00 p M 3:10 H M 5:15pm P J» «:80 I> N , Leave Nlppersink. •7:15 A M •7:20 A M tl:00 p M *?:,30 p M *8:30 P M Arrive Chicago, 8:35 A M 0:40 am 2:45 pm 0:00 PM 10:00 P M daily, + dally except Sunday, t Sunday only Abstracts of Title. EMcttenry County WOODSTOCK* ILIifi 'Ml F. F. Axu-11. Harvard. R. M. Patrick, Marengo. Dirwetorti { John J. Murphy, Woodstock. W. < EichtUberger, Woodstook Gio. J*. Murphy, Woodstock Reel Estate Bought an! Sold. Insurance and Lo*as Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing;. i 111 .%*•&" and everything in the line of r '-K'S-: The Cyclone has just put in the necessary fix­ tures and will hereafter sell meats of all kinds. Nothing but the BEST will be sent out, and your telephone orders will receive just as care­ ful attention as it would if you came to the store. Give us a trial order. We have se­ cured the services of J. T. Pratt, of Wood­ stock, an experienced meat cutter. a ' *'"* h' V rf5 • f ̂ I the CYC West McHenry E GROCERY nee telephone 909 telephone 32 Illinois .! Over Coats and Suite >~* -r ' of every description at prices to defy all compe­ tition. About 1,000 samples to select from. A perfect fit guarantee#.. s- Mefwear in all sizes, in Men's, BoyaVkadies*, Misses' and „ , Children's, at extremely low prices, in light, med- X ' "ium and heavy weights. v Vv Cotton and wool bed blankets Flannelette and Percale Wrappers ' ' ' - ' "" fl """ "• •:II|"JiIT0"iVi.I^ 'v-' *•-"" Duck Coats, 90c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Floor Oil Cloth and Patterns Gloves and Mittens, endless variety, 15c to $1.50 Flour and other groceries at lowest prices ̂ A few Snaps in Groceries! 12 bars good Soap.^^.. ,980 17 lbs Granulated Sugar. .$1.00 fSifl: XX XX Coffee, per pkg 12c gd ban Lenox Soap ,25c Jt;#* extra fine Cranberries 25c p0oodltice, per lb 4c *"t good Japan Tea........1^.00 IS lb pail Jelley. Telepbonc No. aw. ....88c 1 doz Lemons/? 15c Cral pail fancy ^able Syrup.35c 1 lb good smoking Tobacco. 19c 19 lbs best Brown Sugar. .$1.00 Xours truly, M. J. WAUSH. I if Follow Your Fads in California Qolf, tennis, polo, bicycling, fishing, shooting, photo- : graphing, sailing, muuntain climbing, sea bathing. | Outdoor sports in this I J'Ptivating climate are unin- t <•, wrrupted by winter weather. ? ' The California Limited, San- ia Fe Route, beginning Nov. 8, to-weekly, Chicago to Los Angelas. Beginning early in December, daily, Chicago to Loe Angeles and San P*an- dsco. * Ask for illustrated pamphlets Gtuc-i-al I'attgenger Office | AtchlAon, Topeka 4k, Santa Pa R'y oncAOO --wmiiiiumi team Fittinas and •% JIX Wind mills Steel and Wood €a«fcf and ... - Farm machinery A ipll Une In erearf depai-tawnt. •J. We are prepared to do Ulork of all Give us a call Conway & Rainey lUngwood, lit D O N ' T Be Fo o l e d i Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA © Made only by Madison Medi­cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold _ In bulk. Accept no substl- neonwMTitiMi tute. Ask your druggist. Consumption can be cured Night Sweats, Coughs and Diar­ rhea Stopped in One Week's Treatment. Fever is Controlled and Temper­ ature Made Normal in Above Stated Time. Direct application of our remedy to AJfected Lung Tissue. Ours the Only Rational and Ef­ fective Method. Marvelous Results Obtained by the Use of Newly Discovered Germicidal Remedies. For many years these remedies have been used and tested upon domestic animals infect- fd by diseases peculiar to the species. On the ling, in liojt cholera, on neat cattle, in pleuro­ pneumonia. etc. From the wonderful results achieved ou these animals, the remedies have for some years been used in diseases of the human family, and have shown their efficacy hi other diseases. In fact, all diseases that have their origin or causation from germs, whether microbe or fungoid, have been readi­ ly and rapidly cured by the application of tills new germicide. Its use in tne treatment of Lung Complaints, also Catarrh, Hay Fever and Asthma, which often, and. in fact, almost always, are at the botton of the causes of Lung diseases, especially Consumption, has been productive of such wonderful, posi­ tive and lasting results that it can truthfully be claimed that this heretofore dreaded scourge of humanity, Consumption, has been conquered, and is now no longer hopeless and unsatisfactory from the physician's standpoint. CONSUMPTION CAN BE C IT It LI), as is evidenced every day in OUR TREATMENT OF THIS DISEASE. Re­ markable progress is made by our patients in such a short space of time that ft is no longer a question. One week's treatment brings about a cessation of all of the symp­ toms t hat are so aggravating and distressing. Night sweats cease. Cough diminishes and ioses its irritating characteristics, Expec­ toration becomes free. Increase of st rength is noticeable. Fever Is lessened or disappears entirely. The temper­ ature is lowered and soon becomes normal. The bowels become regular in their action and all diarrheal disturbances cease. Sleep is refreshing and natural. Tin; general tone of the system Is raised, and the patient eager­ ly awaits the time of treatment. A natural color soon appears, and the patient shows that nature once again is at work and the re­ cuperative processes are in full activity. The various centers of infection In the lung tissue are proken up, and the parts become recep­ tive to the direct application of the remedy. We claim that our method is the only natural and sensible one, and we have proved beyond the preadventure of a doubt that, where heretofore those afflicted by this disease have hopelessly perished in due course of time, such as suffer from this scourge, if they come to us for treatment, need not fear that they will not be cured. WE CURE THEM, and in a very short space of time. There is absolutely no question but that we can do as we claim. To prove this we make the fol­ lowing proposition: "We will treat any one suffering from Con­ sumption & or one week without pay, and if after such trial of our remedies and methods they find our claims substantiated they may then begin a regular course of treatment." We positively assure all afflicted with CON­ SUMPTION that In one short week all of the disturbing and distressing symptoms will have been ameliorated ana the patient en­ tered on recovery. No case is too severe for us to cure. Pa­ tients in all stages of the disease are benedt* ed in a short time. Call and be convinced See and converse with patients now under treatment, and with those we have treated. Charges reasonable and within the reach of all. :-Wiie Bannerman Institute, i * 732 Madison St. ' v Voice from the Grave. Prof. Bannerman, Chicago.--Dear Sir: Un- sohcittxl from you 1 beg to give you the foi- " • " ,d * ' ' • * lowing testimonial, and I think t?iat it would be doing myself an injury and to humanity at large if I did not make public the great benefit that you have done for me. You brought me out of the GRA VE and made me a good, healthy woman, after three long years of suffering with this dreadful disease, Con­ sumption. Given up by some of the test " bi " Kicians, I lay upon my t»ed without any ftope but "death to relieve me. From a woman of ltt!> pounds I wasted down to 80 pounds. " A kind friend mentioned your name, but, like myself, my friend had lost all hope, not only to save me. but to ever obtain relief; for in her mind, no scientist, no medical skill, could skve me from "death." You came to me like an angel from heaven, and you said: "I will do my best to save you." Under the first and Kecond treatment result was not apparent, but after the first week hope came to me and my friends. I could sit up, eat, and walk af­ ter three or four months. I was a new woman. It is but 18 months, and 1 do my housework. My weight is 154 pounds, and I feel that no words of mine are adequate to express my great gratitude. Make this pdbiic, so that some poor Consumptive may learn to know that you hare solved this great problem of A Sure Cur© Apr Consumption. Any letter to tny present address for inquiry willra> prompt- ^answered. MRS. J. BOYD, «® Jackson Come to our office and see fur­ ther testimonials. The Bannerman Institute, j. M® ôn ̂ .. Chic^. mto pneuw<)ai& or consumption. One Minute Congfc Glire will cure throat and lung tr;mble» quicker than any °ther prepazilgtw known. Many doe- tors use it as frUpecific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Child­ ren like it and mothers endorse it Julia A. Story. Skim milk is heavier than whole milk and cream is lighter than either, while pure milk is 3 per cent, heavier than water. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets cure No Cur&^o Pay. a cold in one day. Price 35 cents. A novel and simple cure for the head­ ache is announced. It is for the sufferer to walk backward for about ten minutes. fcmtha tignatnra of The Kind You Boyglt Fall and Winter ve a complete stock of wearables UNDERWEAR MATS, FINE SHOES PRESS GOODS tLOTHir^JEfC ' ' * ft' Groceries and Hardware ¥••• il?ur K?*18 P'ease you tell your friends. * JLthefe'? ®ny dissatisfaction tell us. utir aim is to please our customers. HERMAN STOPLE, Terra Cotta, Dl lue are even m tilf^|§!Ose of the Uni father seldom #Mpi his so®, and children have much more liberty •south of the equator tliau aortii of The Sunday school Is almost unknown, and Ideas of morality are bo looao thai children are up In a ii»^ fce*- niclo ife way. As to lying, this is com mon among men, women and children. The poiile lie ia met with evorj where, aud a father will sometimes say e.bout his little girl or boy in admiring tone*; "Why. hear thai child lie,*' or "How well it does lie;" "Why, I could'hot lio better than that myself." They do not thluk it disgraceful to lie, and have the Spanish Idea of honor. You might, for instance, call an Argentine a liar, and he would think nothing of It He might think It a compliment more than anything else. But if you should call him a coward he coifld not consistently rest until he had knocked you down or «tabbed you in the back. The young Argentine learns wicked­ ness at a much earlier age than do our boys. Many of thein have repraved minds at 14, and already pose as men. Boys begin to talk polities before they are out of knee pants. 'Nearly every college has its political factions. The boys organize revolutions against the professors, thus training themselves to get up revolutions against the govern­ ment when they grow older. The well- to-do young Argentine is not brought up to aiiy business. He has a preju­ dice against trade and work,"though he will study for a profession. It is the fashionable thing to study law, and thus get the title of doctor to the name though the young man may never e» pect to practice. The children, as a rule, learn the lan­ guages easily, and many young men speak English and French. Girls art «lso good linguists, but outside of th* languages they know but little. ; •mim We ha ve the dry, wa£M|: and rubber The sho& line in our m When Clothing wants are felt, you should remei ber that we carry the " Advertise in the Plaindealer. Advertise in the Plaindealer. Y o u W a\k e d a 1 -2 fli l e pt sent a cerk an d WAITED for your answer A Telephone would hare put you into instant communication with the party wanted, saved the walk, saved the time. It will do it not only once but many times during-the hour or day. You would conveniences and profit of a Telephone in your office, store or residence. Let us ex­ plain in person, t A postal card request wfll b r i n g p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n . . V . . . % . . . , . : U ; ; . . v . U ; # , > <• * " " ' - < ,,; -1" r-x' . *-~f « Chicago Telephone Company « ;;. Simon Stoffel, Manager, McHenry, Illinois ' WOULD YOU APPRECIATE GOOD HEALTH? ^WiLL. THEN, WHY HESITATE TO COME TO OUR STORE AND TRY in McHenry. The price fa* Always in with the goods chosen. It will only be §§! yourself to give us a look. Overalls, Shirts, Duck Coats, Duck Rubber lined Coats! * %fi P™3* Sheep lined Coats, Maefciiiaw Coats, rW ber Coat®, Qil c^th Coats, Btfe. Ptare Orocerl««, Jorsey Lily Plonk- hma no ' Vonrs for fall trade^^ JOHN J, MILIEU New Stoves Old Stoves Cheap Stoves - ' 'f t • f i 4 f j 11 '1 v , »* A" Stoves for all kinds o" 1 i," ^ V-; '»"4> 1 veft' ."', .. ...> * a ,' . < *K .4k' IfVe take old Stov© Stoves for all kinds of People - ^ ^ : V Stoves fcr Cash and Stoves on Timet • : • . v • «•« ' »"*. ' . p \ ' t'l . ' , ~ 1*" for part payment and v'v; ' r ' ; ' ; • promise to pay (peouhl *6 / , i ** ' ' . ' iltA kafati^ - -^ 1 / i* \ x /v * We can clean, repair and set tip your header on short no tice. In addition to Stoves we carry a line of genera rtarilwnro •»«A /Ia j • • • • . . n i Hardware, and do '$$ sheet metals.PI West Side Hardwari and repairing: in -XT ' ' ' , fE- ̂ i F. L. flcOMBEl BLOOD PUBIflER when the cost to you is NOTHING if results are not satis­ factory. So few are the failures of this Wonderful Vegetable and Germicidal Remedy that we are authorized by the manu­ facturers to issue a POSITIVE WRITTEN GUARANTEE on it. We have implicit* confidence in Micro-Germi as a Blood Purifier. A positive specific in all cases of Catarrh, Stomach and Kidney trouble. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JULIA A. STORY; * t*', - '•K • ^ • tT Vv 't 1 p r ̂ * DRUGS r i E D I C I N E S PAINTS, OILS, COLORS TOtt*? ARTICLES, frtOriONS t' "/ ninfrjiint, ( LJ. ; f* j (ii' "fill n' iiiitmX' I'S'tJ t r"' Blanke's Exposition Coffees are superior to all others. They have a smooth, rich flavor and are now being used by the leading hotels and by the large railroads.' If you are looking for a good cup of coffee, give them a trial. Send me (another pound can of- IMMS Mum/Qfrtii We like H bettor than/ any kind wehave* ever useid The C. P. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co. has secured the followii| ' who will handle their celebrated teas coffee*; GILBERT BROS., McHenry C. W. <'AHL. Rockefeller. C. G . WE8TEUMAN. Greenwood, GOLD1NO B1U)S., Wauconda^^ *?r,rh» w,s- WILLI A MH gRoSk, Antioch Lakes FOO' JOHN P. LAY. JolmsbuiK EOWE BItOS, Hebron WElUNBlnBOi*.. Buffalo Grove JOHN ROSTNG, Volo M C. H. mSoKEE, Wotxlstock R. 1'ANTALL. Miihurn f MPSON. Wilmont. Wis.RAY it. DIXON, Ouniee "ittt#. Harvard A. NKISH, Boring CJrove TSu^ell, III. JOHN MBlKtE,fvunhoe alf Day W . H. S< H W ARTZ, Oarpentersvllle • - - i; Oi ,11 •. & rrtifi.W j, JULIA A. STORY M c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S ' SL' . -• Sx Vs H Ptf :j?< * ' • 11 ill Vs..' iS«t>l»>SSSSSSSSSSSSS»SSSS>SSS»S<S>OSSSSSS'mSSSOSS School Books 1 $L?y .. - \ S >s > i* m4 Writing Tablets ] t , Writings n*tcr4«! t * '•% Hfi • u1-. '.tZ 3. s. BRomn $ $on • * v" -It} vf. DRUGGISTS ^ , - .>r--crlpttmcarBtaMy man-lil by H.C. RwmB, r*»l«t»wd ' - - {i ̂ : %1 : ft'4 •. Patent Medicines DruW 'V " Books and Stationery tttflifTsssttf nn»sminsnsnsosMswnnfl«iiim«i>iisBsnsoosiBa Extra Choicest Japan Cea Put up in 1-4 pound packages. QILBERT BROS

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