Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1900, p. 4

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J.B.I anger. two of &srr: TtftM* or •uMCRirriwi:, Jons received for thw# or ts the same proportion. November i§» 1900 r 1, I ' NOTICE. on tt><; label *ft^r ycmr name tell the date to whlrh your snliscrlption is paid. For lnstancfl, if the label cm your paper reads Sept. I. "89. it means your subscription Is paid to Sept- 1. 'W. If you do not underst and that the ftffurrs on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify us, giving date And amount of your last payment, mod we will try and adjust the same. $?• &• AdvfrHn«rSt Attention I iK 'Those desiring their ads changed must have "Copy this office uot later thau Monday night M we positively cannot make changes after that ttiiv.>. Two snakes have been discovered in Trekbud and there is now a chance to revjtoa that famous chapter on snakes in >s-iA.ND now the sting of a bee is recom- intonded m a cure for rheumatism. An Industrious bee, intent on business, has been known to infuse new energy into a Hjtole crowd of people. VDR." BOWIE'S imported English laoemakers have been refused admission this country on the ground that ttwyare contractlaborers. When "Dr." Dcrwfegoeaup against Uncle Sam he will da4 <l|̂ ttti>niaii he cannot browbeat. & t>n an to every while the It -t must. who * , . .. W«te "JSbirt's editing and managing in vtriom capacities myMl of themmt sucoMstal magazines of HM day. Now they are to see if they xnake as good a magazine for as thcqr have helj>ed in the past to make for other people. "The -World's Work" is a first-hand maguane of human progress, dealing with the vital questions of contemporan­ eous interest in a thoughtful yet frank and incisive way. It considers condi­ tions not theories, facts not fancies, be­ lieving that our own time and country are good to live in, and that "the best is yet to be." It is a necessary magazine for tile men who do things. It is illustrated by pictures larger than those usually published in our ma gazines. There will lie clear-headed ar tides on topics of vital interest, by men who know what they write about. The editor is Mr. Walter H. Page, assisted by trained writers; no attempt will be made to obtain a famous list of contri­ butors--the idea of the Magazine well carried out is expected to win respect and interest. Besides many special ar­ ticles there will be each month a history and explanation of significant happen­ ings; and further, a department under the head of "Among the World's Work­ ers, " which will tell the busy man in concise fashion the new advances and tendencies in the various branches of business and professional endeavor. The magazine will retail for twenty- five cents. The publishers first planned to sell it at ten cents a copy, but they abandoned the idea because they could not publish the kind of magazine they wanted at that price without making the advertiser pay most of the bills and all the profit. It will be sewed like a book, so that it will open flat in the hand. The size of the page and of the type will be considerably larger than in most of the monthlies. ' tilSllItOM j ffcey -lfeM rich and brtl- No odor. IN1 style*. Sold WMywhei*. *111 PROBATE NEWS *£/ ACCORDING to the census returns the ion of the United States •*900, and experts say there ay or nearly as many the continent mow as there it was discovered. As the i glowly increasing in numbers • to Prof. Starr, the rest of becoming Indians, the next ad who discovers America will l ied tnen very numerous. •:£3T Is now cUwmed, as a result of ex in London hospitals, that and electric light cure , when all other remedies sunshine, it is said, will IIMESCm prodigioiJUB, the strong Ipfajohes, in one hour and a naif. it seems, knew what was s asked Alexander »B the only favor he desired to stand out of his sun i STATE LEGISLATURE. gubernatorial contest po- in this state centers in the rifci jWfroi of the General As- neeta this winter and ;• United States senator lltr. Cullom. known to those who aue at liliar with the workings of uns scheme pt "minority " upon the unjust 0k prvewt genatorial ap- which we elect afr­ it is possible for the re- by 75,000 to* ̂ Legislature. " political by the re- W i ' The head ticket has a 0,000 votes in this Ofthia overwhelm JftBepublican senti- M the pedis, the in- it to every narrow Repub- in the General Assembly Brave Explorers like Stanley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electric Bitters is a wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and head, and tiled, worn- out feeling, a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null, of Webb, 111., writes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them." Only 60 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. A writer says that a man at sixty can wear a smaller hat than he could at twenty. Of course he can; with bald­ ness the youthful swelling of the head goes down. To remove a troublesome corn or bun­ ion; First soak the corn or bunion in wartti water to soften it, thsfn pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor­ ously for five minutes at each applica­ tion. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, *** LICENSES, bruises, lameness and rheumati«nrfr John Meyer Pain Balm is unequaled For sa|^rSy Anna Miller.... Julia A. Story. Leon L. McNett.......» 1. . Anna M REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Florence Manchester to Ira R Curtiss, lot 5 of assrs plat sees ft & 7, Coral....# 200 Ellen Pierce to H E Douglass, piece In se?< of sej» sec H, Hebron SW 00 George Gocklard & w to Lorlnda Ha#- v thorne, lot 12. € L Mead's. E O Leech's & others addn to Hebron 1400 0© Cyrus L Mead & w to George Goddard, same . 18000 John Cleary to Patrick Scanlan-seX of nei* of sec 3 & nH of nex oCfceJtf see 3-Nunda 3000 00 Otto Hasse & w to William Lichty part of lot 5 Spring Grove i®>00 Orin Burton & w to Theodor Walter, pt se>4 see 7 & part of swM of sec 8 & pt nwit of nw'4 sec 17, also a , right of way & n % of ne!4 sec 18,TChe- mung 13i25 00 Jacob Hetzel & w to John Regner, lots 2 & 3, blk 14, McHenry, west skle river : 88ft 00 1800 00 Sarah Hodge & w to G L Htedman. nH of lot 2, H VV Mead's addn to Hebron Joint W C'hewnlng et al to John Jung- ; house, piece in wH frl sec 34, Algon­ quin Kate Corlett Da vies & h to D T Smi­ ley, lots 1, 2 & Is, blk 1, Strodes addn Woodstock Charles Hawthorne et al to Lorlnda Hawthorne, seM sec 14, also south % of wH of seM sec 14, Hebron Lorlnda Hawthorne et al to Charles Hawthorne, e^ of neM sec 22, also wV4 of sw?4 sec 14. Hebron. Same to Frank & Earl Hawthorne, eV4 of wiii sec 23, Hebron... Same to Alfred Hawthorne, nwXofsw U sec 13. Hebrtm Same to Edward ilawthorne, v/M of % H sec 23, Hebron Maud R Gates & h to W 8 Stewart, pt lot l.t'L Mead's 2nd addn to Hebron 1) E Harrington & w to Walter 8 Stew­ art. pt lot 1, C L Mead's 2nd addn to Hebron Lamont C Lumbard w to William Bai­ ley Jaycox, lot 86 of assrs plat sec 8« Mareogo :... C W Prescott to William Baiiey Jay­ cox, pt lot 87 of assrs plat seg SB, Marengo ....... PROBATE NEWS, „ Estate of Gottlieb F. Boley. Ap­ praisers appointed. Estate of Andrew Heider. Inventory and appraisement bill filed. Estate of Piere Quemener. Proof of death. Petition for letters of adminis­ tration filed. Estate of Neil Burns. Inventory and appraisement bill filed and approved. Leave given to sell personal property and apply proceeds as per petition. 260 00 250 00 350009 6400 00 4000 00 1500 00 4500 00 185 00 1800 00 2600 00 140 In childhood we ara îSCught a great many things that w.%4re compelled to unlearn after reaching maturity. ̂ Deal'* pfVebrated Antiseptic 'and Preventive. 'diseases. One of the greatest discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the aesired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson Boul.. Chicago, 111. " 51-ly A red sunset foretells dry weather, be­ cause it indicates that the air toward the west, from which rains may generally be expected, contains little moisture. O A 8 T O H Z A , Bean the /f The Kind You Haw Always Bought Signature of Anna M. Messenger . . *.Ringwood ,Johnsburgh ,. ... .Chicago ... .Cary Station jTollowU ; patr Oo/*^ aire bnsiaewi] jtea and sHenry and numbers md Weat Sariiian IN- Boley G F 3(0 Brand JohfiF #1* Buch J J 811 Chapelt S 6 r 1 6 1 C h a p e l l G C r 1 Chicago TBI Co PFEL, Manager, 221 Owen 0 W r 314 Owen & Chapell 252 O'Neill Rev.P M r 241 Page (' L r . 212 PteiMUaSer Co. ' m Bosedale Club 5(4 Robs Dr F V 108 Boss DrFCr 342 Sooimers Geo r 321 Spurling Dr A C r Shi 2tH Sherman Mr. r DermontMrsS hote1 372 Stoffel S r 304 Stoffel S postofHce 5 Stofl'el Simon store 273 Story .1 I r 401 Story Julia A r 371 Stafford R W 341 Snyder Hros 303Tweed KG *" 231 Village of McHenry pumping station 382 Village of McHenry public school JB3Villageof McHenry Marshall's res 392 VanSlyke J 302 Wattles F H 381 Engeln Anton 883 Engein M 333 Fegt-rs Dr O H 254 Frett Clnis G W1 Msher A Cornish ^Hanlv^eo 203 H&sel B J r 353 Herts 1 Lr ®4 Helmer Jos Holtz & Stilling 204 Howe A L r 352Hd»ell M Ar 283 Jensen H M 313 Justen Jacob r M4Justea N J 823 Lamphero 0. E. r 384 Walsh Jack r 351 Lorimer Wm r 222 Wheeler E 8 r 244 McHenry Cre'm'ry 242 Whiting W E r Company. 311 Wells Dr D G 381 McOmber F L 7 Western U Tel Co 374 Mead HCr 373 Wlghtman HMTy 383 Owen LKr VOLIA STATIONS. "* German Village........ P. Jaeger, 10c. Johnsburg. John I' Lay, 10c. McHenry Gilbert Brothers Mineral Springs ..H. Eri csson, 10c. Plstakee Bay.,..,. Ben Stilling. 10c. Solon Mills.' M;/ Spring Grove..:;., I uaMI 1M Market • '.^?r Por W / Beef VtB®1 ' 'Y*: * TJ* n«»tto». ;Kof« 'F '• S,.P and Powltty Olve m * f ' tg.iUc ..W H Davis, JBc; ..>....A Neish, 20c," Citleens* Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West Mc­ Henry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others ate business houses. GEORGE F. BLETHEN. Manager. 13 Auringer Dr A E 35 Justen Nick 13 Auringer Dr. A E r 44 Justen .Take 30 Buch J J 43 Jensen H N 23 Bropliy Dr, Fox Lkel# McOmber F L 20 Bacon Wm j 21 Meyer Geo r 48 Buckland J V, Ring-Si Mertes Joseph, Pls- lgr wood 39 Boley G F 45 Barbian Bras 40 Blethen G E, M| 4 Cristy W A r 15 Chapell S Sr 36 Clemens II B 36 Clemens J Q, 49 City School- 48 Conway & Rainey 26 Cristy W A Ringwood takee Bay 23 Mineral Spring, Pls­ takee Bay 43 Magueson G L Bose­ dale 10 Miller John r 23 Nell George, Johns- burg 23 Nye Dr 24 Owen & Chapel! 23 Oak Park Hotel ' 24 Owen Lewis, oilloe 40 Depot C N W By Co24 Perry & Owen 23 Dlghton Station 37 Pumping Statioil 23 Erickson H 38 Post office. McHenry 0 Evanson W C I Plain dealer 8 Evanson John r 34 Park Hotel 23 Freund Frank 48 Smith Will r ^ Johnsburgh48 Smith E. A. r i'. 14 Frejind Peter B !) Summer George 23 Fox Lake stock farmSO Spurling Dr A IV 11 Fegers Dr C H 28 Sfmes Henry 11 Fegers DrOHr 47 Scftlessle Robt 18 Friedly AO 14 Story 33 Granger F ft t 34 Snyder Bros 12 Granger Chafe r 27 Schneider .Toe 7 Granger Chas ofBce23 Simes, Dlghton stu- 22 Helmer Joe tion 31 Helmer Jolin 48 Smith J. D. r 3 Holts & Stilling 32 Tweed R G 23 Ileinan Jo6, Johns- 2 Wells Dr D burg 2 Wells Dr D r 23 Howard EdC, Fox 7 Wilbur Lumber CoJ Lake 30 Walsh M J 19 Hazel E J 17 Wattles Frank 1 Hazel E J office 5 Wlghtman Harry •Geo. Meyers- GENERAL TEAMING of all kinds. Excavating "S^irV M Wholesale and retail dealer In : McHenry • - Illinois F. WATTLES (Successor to R. R. .Howard) All kinds of Fresh andf?, salt Meats always on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Pish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh dally. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive . srompt Mid careful attorn**. Call on me ~ I wiH do the right thing with yon F. WATTLES, West McHenry, 111. Long distance telephone, *)* Citizens' telephone 17 Mfde Young Again. "One of Dr. Kings New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my "teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown,' Pa. They're the best in tne world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never fripe. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's rug store. Important Notice. Il3 WI f from the latest reports the re- îvSll have about 110 members next General Assembly on joint As 108 votes are necessary to l&atted States senator it will i»e ItM state retains its republi- in the upper house by a ̂ The legislature is com- paî af llity-one senators and 158 mem­ bers Of the house, making 204 in all. In the forty-first assembly there will probably be thirty-one Republican and *mty Democrat senators, and eeventy- î ne Republican and seventy-four Dem­ ocratic representatives, assuring a re- A;.publican organization of the senate and l̂ epablican speaker of the house, as well ys flft re-election of United States Sena- torOnllom. The narraw republican margin in the legislature under a republican plurality of 100,000 in the state is an unanswer- able indictment of our unfair senatorial f • 4H?poriiionaient and of our unjust " mi- a " representation--Chi- EXECJUTOR'S NOTICE, of Gottlieb F. Boley, deceaenil, Igned having been appolatod the last Will and Testament F. Boley, deceased, late of the of UcHeury and State of Illinois, jives notice that that uhe will upjiear ne Ccmnty Court of McHenry County, COurt House in Woodstock, at the ' Term, on the first Monday in January which time all persons having claim* "ild estate are notified and requested for the purpose of having the same All persons indebted to said estate uested to make immediate payment to ierslgned. " this 5th day of November, A. D., 1000. JOSEPHINE BOLBT. Executrix. At the approach of winter a black down grows under the feather of many birds because down is the best non-con­ ductor and black the warmest color. Pearls Found in Vei Evemnfe is talking " Grami Mountain Pearls." ]prtw that th«gr cure liver troubl constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and they don't gripe one bit. -we know what, is akwe ask suit will be. JULIAA. STORY We have just closed a contract for one year with the Mercan­ tile Advertising Co. of Chicago to give all ourjjugtomers Absolutely Free the finest quality of Cut Glass, China, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Furniture, Etc. We are doing this to increase our tr$de and give all who trade with i|S Beautiful and Useful Presents You will always fm$ * ijjp ;the cheapest places in town to trade Our goods are always fresh and of the best quality, also our Premiums. SIMON i^OFFEL, 9 General Merehudlite JULIA A. STORY, I>riiK», Mcdicines, Palnto A OIIk GILBERT BROS., Groceries tad Provision* CHAS, G. FRKTT, • Fresh and Salt Meats MORAL I Trade On lywlu'iv you can get Mercan­ tile cheeks. They are-red. Take no other McHenry, Illinois Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Jiature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache.Gastralgia,Cramps and fell other resul ts of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and ft. Large size contains Shi times small size. Book all aboutdyspepslamailed free Prepared by E. C. OsWITT A CO. Chicago. JULIA A. STORY. Camps A 4 ^ ' $ 1 si. * ¥ • ;» •jl'" L _ > "L : • • J/.I, ,/£I have the finest line of Lamps ever • ^ shown in McHenry. Those beautiful lamps that add to the attractiveness if- / f of any home. It would be impossible to tell all about them^ space--^ c a l l a n d s e e t h e m . . . . *')4sW \• -J -1' !M *' . * * i.: , , , « • • • • • ' ! ' > ' ' V • ; • ;..A Fine Perfumes •* < ?' c •/' An elegant line to. select from. It will do your eyes good to see them whether you wish to buy or not. Order one now |pr s t o c k i s . c o m p l e t ^ * \ t V * , , t • ' ' a • « (j v l i t * " * >, . ' K ̂ ̂ v*1"' ̂ t ' * '* ' l> T * I : ̂ ; Best stock we ever had. Come and Prices are always right. GEO. W. BESLEY est McHenry, 111. U-|v Six Frightful Failures. ible failures of si* different ly sent Wm. H. Mullen of O., to an early grave All a fatal lung trouble and that idle. But he was urged to New Discovery for Con- After taUug five iKjttles he cured. It is positively cure all diseases of and Lungs, including Jua Grippe, Pneumonia, ' a, Hay Fever, Croup, aujl $1.00. Trial A. StMy's drug IF <:* < > IF o I> I> I> I'F O o < > o . _ We have decided to quit handleing Cloaks and Jackets. J for various reasons, and will dispose of the stock now on ^" hand at a great reduction in price. Some of these cloaks 5 ^ ^ iand jackets will be sold at cost and others below cost. l* /* ^ Cloaks and Jackets at Cost B >1, , - 'y}, It is customary for some merchants to make a abatement -4^ like the above without really meaning it. "If you see it SM in our ad, it's so," and if you will call and investigate, the T ' • p-ices will cocvince you that we mean just what we say- ' 1- 4 * ' : SlflON STOFFEL. ' ,y% '• West McHenry lor Udmk*. The weather profit says it is here to stay. We ®re here also with tiste £Qos| ooi3a|>iete line of %vy good, warm goods of as at the cheap' prices we are offering them. - y In Underwear w# bundle the celebrated Stale* Woo! Every factory man an®-: fngm^Md^rfipieir good Mug qalities. ^:We haVe them fr<«n $i.oo to $2.s^^e| gara «In Ladies' and Children's we have f'leecid, Jersey Ribbed and the all wonl po^ fl»f Ladies' Heavy ji^bbed at k worth 45c to Dotf i miss f to us aod we them with a Pingree or ^enderson shoe that will please you. Ladies' hoos from $I.OO to $3.25 per pair, but the v_ Shoe that takes the cake for fine wear is the Pin- . gree "Composite" at $3.00. Nothing like it for : , less than ^.50 elsewhere. |n Men's wear we have some extra good things--a : |neBox Calf with extra heavy sole, leather lined, , ft $3.25 is a bargain. Henderson's Army Shoe for Youths at boys at $2.00 and men's at $2.50 is one of the best wearing shoes we ever saw .^Henderson's Little Red School House Shoes for „ Misses and Children excell all other makes for ;ivear. We also have a complete line of Rubber j?oods, Pelts and Socks. Don't forget the "Snag xl '̂oof" goods when you are ready to buy. $10.00 Jacket for $6.98 Ladies' Jackets We are closing out our celebrated $10 00 Jackets at a price less than cost. These Jackets are made of the best Kersey, lined with Satin, and all that have examined them know they are bargains at $10, but m order to close them out they will go at $6.98. They come in several colors, and in order to get the size you want you had bet­ ter come earlv. •Owen $ Cbapell* «lticfienry «Illinois * WMW j " * £* t Y y i - wh '> • x) * * ' ** f- J' Ty '̂ • A good earpet placed on the floor usually represents a considerable outlay of money, consequently people hesitate before buying. Before you make any de­ cision come and look over our samples which consist of about 100 different patterns. These carpets will be sold at a BIO DISCOUNT and guaranteed to be just as we represent them. Call now and get pri c ' \ " >'Y\\ ; 7-- ^ JACOB JUSTEN, McHenry, III. .j;v • iVS*' >•. on o ^ ^ "'"/'i* • *V|' > "» , ^ _ ; 11 £ • . •» \ t,% -TV V^V'v i, * • 4 , ' •* <• 'vf >4, A""l, ̂ ' Jackets tinderwear v' 1 '%A ' "J "" . ^ . jrubber goods y * "/ 'f-tfoya' overcoats and suits our jacket® were all bought during October, hence we have tto ol|t :iticker^ But they must be #old at once as w«, have, too awny - - > / / : R^YZ* .i t , . , Iieavy double gray blanket ^ ; •*; ; *v< . » •v1'" Iwith fancy border rl-'- • .11"'Ifor $i.oo, .which is cheap at $i.^ \ P»t better look lor yourself West McHenry, HI , > HI . W. C. EVANSON v. The Crown Tailors of Chicago have appointed IB. . Lawlus, tailor, as their agent to take orders for their fine Sam­ ple Suitings, as he is No. 1 at measuring and fitting all forms ! of men* Opposite Riverside. E . L A W L U S Tailor

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