, ife-' .> 'i&-r 67/ :-.J£ U ' 'T' l~'! • , r : * . # - £ ' * * > . • - WHEELER & WILSON N»fth ' : r 'w a./ : t < - \ v . d K f c f , • y* ' : «. '.M * • » , < v ^ ; 5"'.* *•*)& * _.. EARING SEWING MACHINE "' ! Midlines- '.U We are. ktill. J^?&. k * ^selling sewing ina* t ? yt chines and continue to ' **<*$;$ \ , gtve. satisfaction, for th#^.;Ai / 1 ' \T tv" * pimple reason that everything is just as we represent it to be. A $S machine is guaranteed to give $?5 worth S fof satisfaction; and the* same guarantee i| ^ given on all machines. You may have any iia- T. chine on 30 days' trial. Isn't that a fair proposition? »u can accept tir reject it at the end of that time, and : will cost nothing for the trial. Pull instructions giv- en in using the attachments. Call at the stent. p* • iC*' • in. all Fnml Designs on short notiee Mwtat reasonable plim III n Potted Plants erf all kinds constantly on hand. We woul4 be greatly pjpaŝ l ohavfe the pubEc give^aosS} V|| MCHENRY, muastoM. y/- " Vm - th *uS - , _i>v ^ r; •<„* yj, h'., '(/„ , , *% Vs >;'k ' '* H- fry';? s v ., * •. •. f y*--' I" ' *'<0 EASY RUNNING,QUIET RAPID AND DURABLE. It will pay yoa to see I WHEELER & WILSON-Mara |Nlq. MdOints to mt, NicUne Repairs m tie very best Mdcline Oils oo l«| * * , ' 't .r hiv - -i* « PLEST BEST EVER Vv* j' * ' - ^ .. f ^ '* j i"} > 'v « ,*v,T^5 #]V ' *V» % r 'b ' „****'? !- '**'>'• 'r t - -*» ' ^ Vr-Wk. - r. " N , ' «• -i •, * Vt^ / P. &&&&, 5W " Thi»; <1epo«itei ImyB and t sells F*W(%u and Do- j ineHtie Exchange, and does a t unerai Bxrnm easwss We eadetww to do all nees entrusted to our care in * manner and npon terms entire-. ly satisfactory to our custom ers and rmgrntouy solicit the public patronage. >&W \|| on real estate and other first cla«H tie- , curity. Bpec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly ; tended to INSURANCE floney tob in First Cliuw Compares, at the ^ est rates. Yours Respectfally ^ PERRY & OWEN, ^ Notary Public. Bankers. 'EIGHtfOR/NG NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY 'UR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS lllll>MllliimiMIMIIII>ll>ll)IM ^RICHMOND. ^y Alexander has been spending a iya in Chicago. ies Aldrich, of Chicago, spent Sun- 1th his parenta Seyton, of Beloit,spent Thanks- with his mother. J. V. Aldrich spent Saturday . friends at'Woodstock. i Ida Ransch, of ^Milwaukee, is the jn>f her sister, Mrs. Rudolph. Elizabeth Ward returned to her t)l duties at Rockford Tuesday. :. and Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle, of Chi- |>, are spending a few days with rela- i in this village. Mabel Anderson and Ruth Bo- !»f Woodstock, spent the latter part week in this village. >rge H. Shibley, of New York city, |been spending a few days with rela- »and friends in this village. |r. and Mrs. W. L. Seaver have been rtaining their sister, Miss Lucy Sea- of Darien, Wis., several days. r. and Mrs. Robert Hunter spent the Br part of last week with their daugh- (Mrs. Jennings, at Lake Geneva, rs. E. A. Flanders returned to her ke at Terra Cotta, Friday, after spend- Iseveral days with her daughter, Mrs. Mason. s. W. H. Stewart, who has been iding several weeks with relatives iiS imond and vicinity, returned to her ae at Neosho,. Mo., the first of last in. Nyquist» wife, daughter, Leone, sister, Miss Sarah Unwin, spent tnksgiving with relatives at South cago. Mr. Nyquiafc returned Friday ring the remainder of the family to irn this week. The Best Plaster. piece of flannel dampened with" ttnberlain's Pain Balm and bound to affected parts is superior to any iter. Whe^j troubled with lame k or pains in the side or chest, give it ial and you are certain to be more a pleased with the prompt relief jch it affords. Pain Balm also cures nmatism. One application »e- For sale ty Julia A. Story. . ^ SPRING GKOVK. (Too late for last lssutv) Than. Andrews is doing as well as sible. * »eter Wagner has his building noarLy ipleted. , w. Howe and men, of McHenry, building Wm. Watts' house. fr. and Mrs. James Madden have «r house on English Prairie ready for npancy. lev. Anderson held special Gospel etings four evenings of last week, ough the weather wal very bad there s a fair attendance each night. Vord received from Wm. Bruce, of Iwaukee, at one time a blacksmith at on, states his family haye recently Bed through * siege of scarlet fever diphtheria. _ hereafter regular services will be held the M. E. church every Sunday at 0, Rev. Anderson pastor. Sunday tool will be held immeadiately after RIDGEFIELD. Mrs. Kalel was in Nunda Friday. Mrs. Hobart was in Nunda Saturday. A. Briggs visited at Algonquin Sun- day. Mrs. A. P. Back was in N\mda Satur day. Chas. Ambler, of Woodstock, spent Sunday here. V • * Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dufield were in Nunda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer visited at Elgin Saturday. Frank Reed, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents here. , Miss Nell Gibson is visiting relatives and friends in Chicago^ Mr. and Mrs. James Westerman vis- ited in Elgin Sunday. Lewis Gibson and ' John Jorgenson spent Thanksgiving at Waukegan. Mrs. Cece Jaynes, of Algonquin, spent Thanksgiving here with* her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and children, of Chicago, visited at O. Hall's Thursday. Sherman and Herman Irish, of Car penters ville, spent Thanksgiving at home. Misses Bessie Reed and Johnson visited the formers parents here Thursday and Friday. * M. W. Ward and family spent Thanksgiving with his brother near Greenwood. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield returned Satur day from a week's visit with her daugh ter at Elgin. Miss Addie Day returned home to Chemung Monday a&er 9 week's visit at J. B. Lynch's. Miss Sara Gaffney, of Hartland, was the guest of Miss Blanche Lynch Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Eva Lynch and daughter, Made- lena, returned Friday from a week's- visit at Columbus. Mrs. Nora Kirkland and sdn, Hugh, of Woodstock, visited at J. Merchant's Friday and Saturday.' When you need a s6othit§' flU'A heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a scar. Beware of oounter- feite. Julia A. Story. BA.KRKYILLE. Hill called on I* Eastman Sunday. Ross Robinson transacted business in Chicago the first oi the week. Mrs. E. Willmington called on relati ves at Burton's Bridge Thursday. Several from here attended the foot ball game at Woodstock Thursday. Charley Willard, of Elgin, spent a few days visiting relatives here last week. Several from here attended the dance at McHenry Thursday evening and all report a good time. Master Dana Shepard. of Chicago, speat Saturday and Sunday with his friend, Colin Baird, he*e. T O H I A . The Kind You Hava Aiway^J vow. C. Dillon was'* Chicago visitor this week. -- Peter Frost, of Chicago, visited his parents here Sunday. Otis Murray, of Johnsburgh, was a .Volo caller Sunday evening. Will Dillon, of Chicago, spent Thanks giving with his parents here. The Fremont Center sisteiff visited the Yolo sisters Thanksgiving. Lorenzo Wait, of Wisconsin, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. George Wait. Theodore Worts, 'has taken the mail route from here to Gray's Lake. Mrs. George Scheid and children are visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Miss Edythe Bauer, of Waukegan, visited her parents at Fort Hill last week. , •' Miss Jennie Walttm, visited Miss Edna Converse at Fort Hill Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Montgomery and son, Roy, of Chicago, ar^visiting Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Worts this week. Mrs. Albert Raught and Mrs. Hannah Kines visited friends at Monavillle several days of last week. The Worts family had a reunion, Sunday. L. E. Bennett, of McHenry, was here to take their picture. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and son and Mrs. Herbert Davis and son, Earl, of Hainesville. visited E. Richard son and wife Sunday. The Presiding Elder, Dr. Hardin, trill preach at the M. E. church next Sun day afternoon, Dec. 9. He will also ad minister the Lord's supper. Miss Edna Convene, of Evans ton, vis ited her parents at Fort Hill over Thanksgiving. She was accompanied by Mr. and" Mrs. Frost, of Evanston. The cemetery meeting and the W. C. T. U. meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. W. Fox last Friday was well at tended. -Miss Cora Dabdel and Mrs. Lobdell joined the W. C. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. George Wait went to Chicago last week to attend the funeral of their nephew, Henry Graham, father of Harry Graham, who has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Wait for some time. , . Married--At the Volo Catholic church, Wednesday'morning at 9 a. m., Nov. 88, 1900, by the Rev. Father Rhode, Miss Mary Dowe and Mr. Henry Kinsala. Messrs. Peter Kinsala anid John Dowe were groomsmen and Misses Nina Kin sala and* Ida Dowe were bridesmaids The bride's gown was of gray trimmed with white. The bride is the daughter; of Benj. Dowe of this place and the groom is the son of Patrick Kinsala, of Wauconda. The couple went to Wis consin on a wedding tour. The happy pair have the best wishes of their many friends. The Lake, county W. CL T. U. will hold Jheir conference at the Yolo M. E. church, Friday Dec 7. A number of the county officers will be present; also delegates from each union in the county. Ladies will bring their lunch. The Shepard union will serve tea and coffee. All who wish to stay for the evening will be entertained at their homes. A fine program has been arranged for all day and evening. Mrs. Shepard will give a gold medal contest with a class of girls from Gurnee in the evening. Rev. and Mrs. Stevens, of Gray's Lake, will lead the singing. All are invited to to come in the morning and stay all day Remember the date, Dec- WAVCONDA. Market day on Wednesday. Arthur Graham was on the sick list the first of the week. Mrs. M. S. Ford is recovering from an attack of malaria fever. Miss Bessie Tidy spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Waukegan. Mrs. and Mrs. R. Hill were Wauke gan visitors the first of the week. Monroe Cooke entertained his brother- in-law from Milwaukee last week. Master Elmer and Miss Ethel Doers spent Sunday with relatives at Nunda; Mrs. Harry Grantham is entertaining her brothers, tne Messrs Van Etta, this week. Miss Florence Grace is spending the week with Miss Mary Glynch at Wan- conda. -- Mrs. Woodhouse and daughter, Helen, spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Chicago. Miss. Sadie Wells and brother, of Ar lington Heights, Sundayed with rela tives at Wauconda. Misses Lucy and May Spencer, of Chi cago, spent the latter part of the week with their parents here. Mrs. T. Oaks who was recovering from a recent illness, has had a relapse and is again under the doctor's oare. Chester Sowles, Elmer Golding, Orton Hubbar l and Harry Graham, all of Chi cago, ate Thanksgiving turkey with their parents in this village. Next Sunday is quarterly conference of the M. E. church. The presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Hardin will preach Sunday morning. All are invited to at tend. The ladies Aid society will hold a ba zaar at the M. E. church parlors, Dec. 13 and 14. Many articles, useful and fancy will be offered for sale and it is hoped the ladies will be well patronized. and Beau Want Column. CTRAYED-- Black heifer two white feet. A ^ suitable reward tor its return to J. P. C'leary. 20-tf WOR REfNT OR SALE--Farm of about 140 A arrw for cash rent cheap, for sale at a bargain, 5 miles northeast of McHenry on the banks of Pistakee Lake. For information apply to Wm. J. Myers, 212 Franklin street, Elgin, 111. 22-3in. un RENT--A completely furnished 5 room •"cottage together with barn and chicken -- ivpivfiici wmu UOIU auu vuiv nvu houses located on the i'ixtakee Bay road until May 1st 1901 for 15.00 per month. Apply to M A. Howell. TTH>H SALE -Two bulls--One thoroughbred r Holstein and Durham or Deven. Apply to Henry Degen. 23-lt* and evening. ember 7. ,* ?. • ¥-. m TTVOli SALE--Fifty fall pigs. Two to three J months old. WM.HOHSL.ETT, 22-St*^ West McHenry. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I BADE nl*mi DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone pending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly contSdeutlal. Handbook on Patenta . Bent free. Oldest agency for aeeurinff patents. ^ Patents taken through Munn ft Go. receipt tp?cial notice, without charms, la the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lareest elp. --•-•ton of any scientific journal. Terms, 92 a : lour months, Sold by all newsdealenk Jjjl-r' \ :vf) ... : year: four months, 91. 3eiBro«hWT. New York BU WMbiscton.nC> TKe most beautiful thing ir the world is the baby, all dimples arid joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain: And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ ence. ' ^ , DIMPLES AND'JOY HAW* JGBNE, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. ; The little one gets iu> fat from her food. There is some thing wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone." She is starving for fat: it is death, be quick Scott's Emulsion Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine has this picture 01. intake no other. If you have not tried It, sent*, for f ree sample, its agreeakU taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y, 50c. and 91.OO all ctrujjsists. s* Now is the time when croup and lnny tioubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces imp mediate results is One Minute (Dough 'Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly enrfe coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Julia A? Story. (has. i. Kms & («. C A S H Produce Bayers Dressed Poultry, dame, Fun, Eggs and Butter. 304 DUANE NEW YORK. M, Write for prtsat M prices. If you wish to cure ; a headache U do it with ir.Tallerddy's^ainldtilets Testimonial from Gen, A, C. Haiflqy Washington, IX Gi D& O. C. TALLERDAY, " Belvidere, H1.Q DEAR SIR:--Your Pain Tablets and Hot Drops were used in treatment at "The Soldiers' Rest," and both medi cines in every instsnce where used 5«m proved satisfactory, doing everything claimed for them. It is with much pleasure an opportunity is offered me ol recommending both the Pain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who may use them. R$spectfully, K A. C. HAWLEY. headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four, bottles oi Dr. Tallerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev er have headache any more. I always „„ keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel axth a headache roaring on, one tablet is al^Qts that is reauired for almost instant relie<u) MRS. JAS. FOWLER, 1122 Cherry St. Burlington, ^is. I have have had sick headaches for over thirty years and have used all kinds of headache wafers, but it was a happy time when I got a bottle of Dr. Taller- day's Pain Tablets. I insist on them and take no other. They have no equal MRS. A. JBL VAUGHN. * Denver, Colo. • , * can M>t #et along without Dr. Tallerday 's Pain Tablets. 1 never saw their equal for sick headache, MKS. A. S. CARTER, Highlands, Denver, Colo. Maaaftectured by THE TALLSBDAX MBOICINS CO., Belvidere, 111. For sale by JULIA A. STORY, . McHenry OBftW, BK8LOT, - West'McHenry »>D9>9SOMMDSiMMaoMM} , Lidies' Belt Buckles J^atch Chains llnd Bracelet# . it Prici SOCIETY P I N 5 Woodmen Masosic Macca '-'iyi - ^ Fo^estera Beauty Pins Firet-class work only in watch and clodc repair ing. All work guaran teed for one year. Sew ing machine repairs of all makes JOS. SOIHHDBL 11^1 Mo. Phone No. 9. Long Dist. Phone No. 348. the raect JflpR^oi^ed, which owlftfged as vmn ibutiona toward case of the govern g the last four years 4' position! as chairman oil Jlgn relations committee of. nate, and later; as one of the commissioners, have kept him inently before the public of tions. He was re-elected with position in 1899 for his third Senator Davis has been twice His first wife was Miss man, and after she had secw vorce from him he married. Miss Anna Malcolm Agnew. Davis' last conscious utterance expression of a wish to Ifre; the sake of life ijself, but ^lievedgftls country needed i|§fc "nirds were: "Oh, that I for my country*#' OE6. i50nMER5 Plumbing' ' • «#Gas Fitting 4 I »'i Sewerage Also Agent for Eagle Acetylene GAS flachine €h ̂fittings, Oas Fixtures and Carbide • for sale---- V.. AH'kinds Br.ira Valves and lK>n -Pipe always on hand. #Y • rs more Thest< ~ In every ^ Herrln^oo »yta» 3 eph P. Herrington, state raBroedj The No. jPfiloner-elect, Is d^ng afr #t^ gives good from Bright s disease s were administered at The stove t Oesence of the dying JWMtfil lent satisfaction.^ were here from . Iam well satisfied11 > who waa ,^e^l4 bought of yoa. "*• ^ ticket, has heen tll. W|i Last year I bought a 74n8 the <?am|M^l|ta you and must say it has only receatly m- Ion. I would heartily recouii for good heutimj and economics; Aim... injured The two shoves t bought of you (one and the other a heater)are giving perfect! faction for doing good work and lot fuel they are unsurpassed. E. B. POUUM. Three years ago I bought a cook sfecvie you and hare found no fault with H j For baking tt cant be beat. NICHOLAS WI I am mere than pleased with the stove £\ bought of you. Fur economical use of taeti itnd heating purposes It cuu't be beat. f ° f ' . '.i. • JACOB li«mu%. ANTO^" The Acorn^fook stove I bought 01 No. 1. J ACOB B OH WEST M'HENRY, ILLINOIS BARB1AN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigars, "Our Monogram 10 cent Cigar - Leads Them All. v Oar Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barbiaa Bre*. Beat" •silver" - -Bfee mveM Cuten" '1 .'"I,* P. »dxj'K.sJi .' :. .•» h.«*. . .. 'li- VV.A-!.; wm paMlsh during tbe MUM WI M thlak of owr Stoves. A. C. FR Dealer in Hardware, Ttsware, Steves, Etc.