W. A. CBMWT, 8©C. E. J. HASWU Manager Jnaten Block 's store. -So. JB08; cmun. J.^PSMT, two4aom Berth of ClUaea»\ No, 1 or SUBSCHIPTION: or six _ . received for three titotbMnthe same proportion. ̂ fe-s. December 13,1900 NOTICE. $he agurte on the label after your name tell tlMt date to which your subscription is paid. Fde*|*Mice, if the label on your paper reads 80^%^ it means your subscription is paid to Sept. 1, *». If you do not understand that tlMlfateson your paper represent the date tOtrtOch you think you are paid, notify us, dMe and amount of your last payment, %||Lw» will try and adjust the same. ' y Advertise**, Altmrtkm I - frtaose desiring their ads changed must have 0«py In this office not later than Monday night ' '«£'we positive manot atak& chaagB» alter tfcstttme. ̂ 1 "* " , * About the end of this mon th the old CnpitroverHy about thf end of the century the beginning of the new century may be expected to break forth with re- fSfWed vigor. '̂ T is claimed that the Cripple Creek gtfd rninfta will produce $4,000,000 more than they did last. Increased production is likely to be the story from aft the gold fields. TE NEWS M Glass *BC J» II Of wH <>f eH of W&s nwu sec 38, REAL ESTATE Arthur T Glass A w sK of sew sec 20, aw;. H of t H of sel4 of towi WH of swH of «H>!< Hor a M Glass to A swig Memvfc. _ H wj* wHswK »ec Same to fhoon A Hebron Frelon K Miller & vet«i UP Arthur F Miller. 3 acres in ne cor of eH ofwaM sec 8, Dorr ft* Johnson"Brothers Co to FranV Brown, nex neX sec 1, Don-, nH nw* sec 6 A " nH of sol-4 nwl-4 sec 6, nH w'4 swl-4 nel-4 sec «, Nunda 880000 Orvllle Z Barber & w to Georjre W Lem- mers, lot 80 ft pt It 1#, blk 1, George H Grifflnjra addn to Woodstock 790 00 I Ml shipment of 100,000 young tpeee has just started for South Africa from Atlanta, G*. The trees are bound for Cape Colony and Natal, and were bought by the British government. Eng land is a good customer of puraforfliore than army mules. THE president has reco: doction of taxes to the extent of $80,000,- 000. The ways and means committee make it |4o,000,000. A difference of a paltry $10,000,000 in tJncle Sam's yearly ' income will not disturb the old gentle man in the least, or cause hiaa to change of his habits. HE WILL BE GOVERNOR Amelia 8 Turner to Fannie K Overtoil sH nwl-4 sec 8 & 20 acres off n end of wV4 of sw frl 1-4 sec 5. Burton i Joseph Hank to Katie Surges und H lots 3& 4 & eH 8, blk 27, McHenry on west aide Fox river & pt se frl 1-4 sec K. McHenry 900 « Albert L Howe & w to Lizzie A Boss, lots 55 & 57, Orchard Beach in sH sec 34 & nwl-4 sec 25, McHenry £10CD Miii-tiri A Stafford & w to Frank Rich- awl son. lot 8, blk 12, E G Avers* addn to Harvard 80000 Frank Richardson to Ettie J Stafford, same ; 60000 Jerome Chtlson & w to Henry O La- Brec, sel-4 nel-4 & swl-4 nel-4 ex w 10 acres sec 7, Alden .. 886000 Same to Blanche LaBrec, pt wH sel-4 • n sec 7, Alden MOOflQ Etta J Stafford & h to Charles R Brown pt lot 6, blk 12, E G Ayer's addn Har vard . L-M Fuller to John Nihan, lot 3, blk 6, Improvement Syndicate addn Maren go , 69 00 Edward Readel & w to Francis P Brady pt wfc swl-4 sec 10, Greenwood 3500 Price L Grey to G H Adams, pt nel-4 sec 26, Kiley 1300 00 George D Bacon & w to Francis M Bacon, lots 1,2 & pt lot 3, blk 1, Spen cer's 2nd addn to Marengo MW000 Herbert E Piper & w to George E Wells pt swl-4 sec 34, Riley 850 00 J S Rogers to James H Nickerson wH., ^ w*4 sel-4 & e 10 rods of gH swl-4 sec 7, - . Coral 9*0 Milo L Warner et al to J H Nickerson, e 10 rds of eJ4 eH swl-4 sec 7 & wH wH sel-4 sec 7, Coral 800 00 James H Nickerson & w to Fred Piske, same • -- 3250 00 Frank S Rogers & w to Flora A Smith, lot 1, blk 1, Saffords place addn to Ma rengo - 1850 00 Martha Harris to E H Wollenberg, pt swl-4 sel-4 sec 30, & nH nwl-4 nel-4 sec 31, Nunda George Harris per admr to same, nc in sees 30 & 31N unda & sees 25 & 36, Dorrl2#73 60 Luzerne E Warner & w to Fred Kam- pert, lot 8, blk 11, Gates plat Nunda.. 90000 g§!-f.L, 'V I5 It Sa apparent from the statement lamed by Governor-elect Yates concern ing the pottay he will pursue relative to tltt oon tests over the senatorship and the organisation of the legislature that tie intends to be the governor fif Illinois daring the term for which the voters of tha state have placed him in that re sponsible position. In this statement he proclaims Ids high purpose of using the great influence and power of his office to carry into effect, so far as lies within his opportunities, the will of the people of the state and of the party which has been given control of its affairs. While declaring himself absolutely independ ent and under no personal obligations to any faction within the party, and while expressing his intention to abstain from any interference in the pending contests over the senatorship and the organiza tion at the two houses of the legislature, he serves notice very plainly upon all Concerned that he will not hesitate to intervene at any time and to take part In those contests, if he deems such action , aooosMi) in the interest of the party of the people. f These declarations show that Judge _ Yates has a mind of his own and intends to mark out a line of action which will prove satisfactory to the people of Illi nois. They show that it is his purpose to act upon his own judgment as to what is for the advantage of the people "tripod of his party, and that he does not : intend to submit to the dictation of any element or faction in the performance of ^jhis official duties. All this is as, it should be. He was y ipected governor, and the overwhelming majority of the voters of the state who ~Tig3aoed him in that office did so because they had confidence in his ability and Judgment and expected to secure the benefit of both in the discharge of the duties of that position. He cannot please those voters better than by being governor in fact as well as in aame, and tlioy «u e gratified at his public decl&ra of his purpose to meet their expec- itions in that regard, thus far in ad- ance of his inauguration.--The Journal, Springfield. T H Brown to Rosa A Brown, sH lot 7 • & pt lot 8, blk 3, Fuller & Wheat's addn to Woodstock -- .160&C George W Lemmers & w to Esther B Conant, lot 20 & pt lot 19, blk 1, Geo H Grifflngs addn to Woodstock Do are bualnewst 834 Au Besiey WBBesi .hotel not oi horse •rhib ww btttw. bttl jBakMs the - leather aoft ami plkbta, pat* ttin cam-. •it. mi , dttipnm U«t-f4wtea m kg* 1 Mtt omioArttj' would. 5tANDAto »1 Bmnd. S12 Buch J Slicfaapcai 881 CtMkpeU 1 Chicago OIL CO. a ton Give Your Horses. Chancet m m „ OH 254 Frett Chas G 301 Fisher &. Cornish a43Hatihr Geo 2«Ha*elBJr MBHertrHLr • Helmer Jos Stephen Neis to Christina Kattner, nw 1-4sec 38, Richmond '...... 147000 Mary A Goodrich to village of Union, pc in Union 100 E L Adams & w to IN Muuy, lot 1, blk lfl, Union.... 300000 Nettie Bronson to A J Kelley, pt eH nel-4 sec 35, or lot 9ft, assrs plat sec 35 Marengo 300 00 Harvard Cem asscn to Milo Munger, lots 24, 25, sO & 32 in blk 1, 1st addn to Mount Cemetery, Harvard... 100 00 P8QB4TE NEWS Estate of John FitzsimnKMW., Final report approved. Estate settled and executor discharged. Estate of Martin Boyle. Beport ap proved. • Estate of <p. Pl*ir, same. Estate of James Williamg. same. Estate of John L-* Strain. Report ap proved. Estate of Wm. Henry lambncii Widow's selection approved. Estate of Henry E. Sylveataw. port approved. Estate of Gottlieb F. Boley. Inven tory and appraisement bill approved. Estate oi Irma A Sylvester, minor. Report Sled. Estate of Andrew Boarm. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary. Hearing set for January ?, 1001. Estate of Frank Mrazek. sattie. ^ 4 MARRIAGE LICENSES, James H. Taylor.... . »•'>... Woodstock A n n i e C . V e d d l e a n . . • . B i d g e f i e l d Ulysses G- Whapples..........,Harvard Frances M. Northrup Hiiryard Frank G. Cornue Walworth, Wis. Mamie li. DuYal .Big Foot VAVCONDA. ' Mrs. Katie McDonald returned to Chi cago Tuesday. Mrs. John Sennett returnedfrom Chi cago Saturday. v Arthur Cooke w«Bt to Waukegan on business Monday.s Mr. and Mrs. Gainer, of Lake Zurich, were pleasant callers Saturday. Frank Harrison, of Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives in this village. David MeClean and Mrs. John Gold- ing are visiting Lee McClean in Iowa. Wm. Shaw, of Prairie Du Lac, Wis; is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W.ill Gil bert. Mark Fullers' little daughter is the guest of her aoufllns, Mary and Harry Fuller. A Cottage prayer meeting was held at Brand's Tuesday evening. The attend ance was good. The Presi- ling Elder, Dr. Hardin, con ducted services in the M. E. church, Sunday morning. ^ Wednesday evening <• basket social was held at the Woodman hall for the benefit of the cemetery association. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ford and daughter. Lida, will go to the city this week, where Mrs. Ford will be placed under care of a physician. Some of Wauconda's young people are preparing for a play called "Tatlers" to be given in this and adjoining towns during the holidays. Friday eveniiig the I. O. O. ,F., of Wauconda, will entertain the lodges from the adjoining towns at the Oak land hall. Great preparations are being made and a right royal time is antici pated. j The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Ful ler was the scene of a very pleasant gathering last Saturday evening, the oc casion being the 12th anniversary of their wedding day. Various Social games were indulged in after which the guests were invited to the dining room where they did axpple justice to a njost sumptuous repast. About the midnight hour the guests went home leaving be hind them several very hand&qiqe re- min4e?s or the occasion.' Pea)'* Qelebriftert Antii#ptjp , t'rfventjye, of all diseajies. 0m of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the desired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use it. The only geuwpe antiseptic on the market. Address, Mme. Peal, 380 Jacksop Boul., Chicago, 111. Pl-ly 904 Howe A i r B3® Howell M Ar Jensen H M 818 Justen Jacob r S44 Justen N J m Lanptaere C. E. r 351 Lorimer Wm r 844 McHenry Cre'm'ry 242 Whiting W E r Company. 311 Wells ]Ti ̂icOmber ̂ L 874 Mead H Cr 383 Owen LiSr TOItl, STA'X IONS. German VUlaae P. Jaeger, lfld. ; Johnsbui^r ... John P Lay, 10c. McHenry Gilbert Brothers iHiher&l Springs H. Ericsson, 10c. 'Pistakee Bay Ben Stilling, 10c. Solon Mills. W H ltavis. aoc. A Nelsh, UNf}->?.•; When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, nse the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve, a well known enre for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a scar. Beware a£ feits. Jvtia A Story. . '> •m « » i -7 i Are Ton Constipated f Do you have that tired feeling? Do | f;<< Ton feel sluggish, billions and out of .sorts generally* Do you have sick head- Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? To be healthy, the sewer of the body, the bowels, must be kept in as active, healthy condition, sand nothing does it so well as BAILEY'S JLAXATIVE TABLETS. They bring clear rosy complexion and a clear head A tablet or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning io ct. packages contain 20 tablets, and 25c pack, contain 80 tablets. Choclate coated. W. J. Bailey, is written on each package. Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago, Prop. Sample free. Remem ber they cure constipation. Sold by JaliaA» Story. Feb. 15, 00. ly. ̂ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 6 °| Harrison C. Smith, deceased. The unOCTStgned having been appointed J111 and Testament of tb' dw"eased, late of the gonaty at McHenry and State of Illinois, Mialifr glWB not icii that isiie will appear be- ( McHenry County, at »" Court in Woodstock, at the Feb- Mo"diiy in February : * • . •?c ail persons liaving claims JUtmit said estate are notified and requested J. a'm * l)UfPt*>e of Imving the same f'] persons indebted to said estate ufested to make immediate payment ^Jje» undei-signed. -- i W l i d a y o f N o v e m b e r , A - D . 1 9 0 0 . •' ALSKKA SMITH, Kjmewtrix. * ̂ „ Stops the Cough - fxi "v:«M works off the Cold." Brojuo-Quinine Tablets cure 5^; one day. Cnre, no Pay Clearing sale--Owen & Chapelt Pearls Fpund in Ve Evenmto is talking abouW the "GmifiMountain Pearls." Dî pa Iprijw that they cure liver troubli constipation, bad digestion* nausea, dull headache* dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and ah)d they don't gripe one bit. is we ask--we know what, suit wttl be. J U L I A A . S T O R Y . This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange and does a mtm BAJIKJM BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all bust" ness entrusted to our care in ft manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage, Honey to Loan J on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections; and promptly at tended to. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully • PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. (tanker*. «L, Manager. • r 221 Owen O W r 252 O'Neill Rev. 841 PaaeO L r 312 PUIndwiicr Co. 262 Rosedale Club 284 Koss I>r F C 202 Ross I)r F C r 342 Hummers Geo r 321 Spurling Dr A C r •rman Mr. r rsShotel 372 Stoffel S r < • - . specifl dealer In 314 Owen & Chattel! .1* M r law latfefr lurlm /Inttoi 304 SI oiTei S postolBne 5 Stoffel Simon store 27S Story J I r 401 Story Julia A r 371 Stafford E W , 341 Snyder Bros 303 Tweed R G 281 Village of McHenry . pumping station : Village of McHenry public school I Villageof McHenry Marshall's res 392 VattSlyke J 302 Wattles P H 384 Walsh Jack r 222 Wheeler E 8 r _ .. rD 7 Western U Tel Co 373 Wightman Harry ClttMins' Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West Mc- Henry?exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others arertroslness houses. GEORGE F. BLETHEN, Manager.1 t3 Auringer Dr A E 35 Justen Nick 13 Aaringer Dr. A E r 44 Just en Jake 30 Buch J J 43 Jensen H N 23 Brophy Dr, Fox Lkel6 MeOmber F L *• 1; 29 Bacon Wmr 21 Meyer Geo r 48 Buck land J Y,Ring-23 Mertes Joseph, Pis- wood takee Bay 3D Boley GF ' 23 Mineral Spring, Pis- 4f» Barbian Bros takee Bay 46 Blethen G F, Mgr 43 Magueson G L Rose- 4 l.'risty W A r dale 15 Chapell S S r 36 Clemens H E 31} Clemens J C 48 City School 46 Conway & Ralney 26 Oristy W A Rtogwood 10 Miller John r 23 Nell George, Johns- burg 23 Nye Dr 24 Owen & Chapell 5 23 Oak Park Hotel ~ 24 Owen Lewis, office 40 Depot C N W Ry Co24 Perry & Owen 23 Dighton Station 37 Pumping Station "8 Brlckson H • 38 PostofHee. McHenry 6 Evanson W C i Plaindealer 8 Evanson John r 34 Park Hotel 23 Freund Frank 48 Smith Will r Johnsburgh48 Smith E. A. r 14 Freund Peter B 9 Summer George 23 Fox Lake stock farm50 Spur ling Dr A C 11 Fegers I)r C H 28 Simes Henry 11 Fegers DrCHr 47 Schiessle Robt 18 Fried 14 Story Miss Julia 34 Snyder Bros Schneider Joe lly AO 33 Granger F K r 12 Granger Chas r 7 Granger Chas ofl8ce23 Simes, Dighton sta- 22 Helmer Joe tion 31 Helmer John 48 Smith J. D. r 3 Holts & Stilling 32 Tweed R G 23 Heman Joe, Johns- 2 Wells Dr D' burg n 2 Weils DrDr 23 Howard EiO, Fox 7 Wilbur Lumber Co. Lake J; 30 Walsh M J 1» Hazel E J •<- 17 Wattles Frank 1 Haael E J office 5 Wightman Harry -Geo. Meyers- $" "ofeNERA^ ! . • : f • V|T' jV: THAMiNd all kinds. Excavating and iOrading.̂ , t 'i-n ft'*} '• McHenry, ^*7 ^Illinois • -I Olve m • can : • Think yon will be pleased qnr Holiday Assortment, and vl coi'dially invite your ins] reduction sale which is being vigorously prosecuted ̂ iabound to^eyon money. Smoked Meats, Sius^e McHenry - Illinois F, WATTLES :;- j (Successor to R. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on toad •. . Vegetables and . ^ Canned Goods. ' Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of 5alt Fish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Sides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me I will do the right thing witli you. Fi WATTLES, * West McHenry, HI. hV&Htahoe felephone^ JH atizens' telephone 17 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 5 Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Hature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest djspovere^ digest- our Stoinach, nausea, . lok H§adache,6tietraigia, Qrampi ana aU otqer results of imperfect digestion. PMporsd by E. c. DeWITT A CO. Chlcaao. JULIA A. STORY. J*', • \S'" ' ' •g\; <?>• --f; t % ¥•< i v ! , ' * I lift ve-the finest Htie of Xantpa ^ver J shown in McHenry. Those beautiful V lamps that a4d %o the attractiveness ,'Mof any home. It would be impossible ; |l|td tell all about them in this ! call and. s$e them^|Si;asS® Jardinms ^ An elegant line to^«elect ^ will do your eyes good to see them whether you wish to buy or not. Order one now for Xmas While the -ii&i stock is comt Fine Perfumes Best stock see them. Prices are always right. I*:, West McHenry, Ill. ' l 3EO. W. BESLEY just b. , ^®00<, article at $1.00 per sicki; West McHenry, 111 l*, ̂'1* C. EVANS# ; N " When a physician prescriKes beer for a patient, it is 'Schlitz beer, - A physician knows the value of purity. - Ask him how germs affect beer and he will tell you that few stomachs can digest them. He will say that im pure be<k. is unhealthfiil. You will̂ niow then why we brew Schlitz beer under such rigid precautions--why we even filter the air that touches it; why we filter the beer, and sterilize every bottle If you knew what we knQW and what your physician knows about beer, you, too, would insist on Schlitz. Supplied in the Wood or in bottles by - AH TOM ENGELN v McHenry, I Hingis ^ - " i f ) WW i • •»' * «%• j_j'h - 7- |s there anything nicer for.m^^hristmas Preseait V J ' ; * ? : ' . 1 ? Our line is better and larger Look it over. than ever. • £2f#S ft GOODS . . -- Agent for the McHenry Brandl 'd-i r". . {*r i ^ • - •« ,A( ^ .... 1 of tha !i '• 'W11 f'ii« Gottfried Brewing Cc Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' ^HANDKERCHIEFS- ' • -m 100 doaen just received. Prices 2C up to 50c . each Bargains in rut (oats •We have about 20 l e f t wh ich mus t be so ld STAMP® HNS Doiles, Tidies and Pillows Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' ^HANDKERCHIEFS- ' • -m 100 doaen just received. Prices 2C up to 50c . each Bargains in rut (oats •We have about 20 l e f t wh ich mus t be so ld Several new ideas in children's HATSffldCAPS Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' ^HANDKERCHIEFS- ' • -m 100 doaen just received. Prices 2C up to 50c . each We have a superb line of Gloves and Mittens in Mocha, Kid and Yarn. They are always very acceptable Xmas presents Several new ideas in children's HATSffldCAPS BOX PAPER in tints and in many new and fashionable ideas. Nice for gift. YOU MUST USE FLOUR. Try "Pillsbury's Best" or "Sleepy Eye" Sold under positive guarantee. (iodies and Nixed Nuts, a nice assortment to fill up the little stockings with. Jx>w prices of Chicago % SinON West McHenry < ^ ' k r'<\:r i.r* ,A* •»!-v T -»• - T* " . '•* t ^ • ̂ \ , fThis we will guarantee to be the finest beer -jj - • sold in McHenry, and a trial •will convince' ̂ ? ou of the fact. It will be handled in barrels, / ̂ a lves , quar ter s and e igh ths . . . . . . . . . . . Si« Bear in mind that every keg of this beer is ̂ Warranted. Try it the -next time you buy. * t .LA-.A* ot. ,f'i . *€.J ^ f i f * ^ " % r ? 7 ^ 1 r * few*' ,« v •'V Alt nil